6 Winter 2014 Applegater Notes from a Rogue entomologist : Phobias, hoaxes and hobos by RICHARD J. HILTON Why are so many people terrified of toxin can cause a reaction in humans, but occasionally see them bouncing spiders and snakes? The obvious explanation not nearly as severe as its relative’s. or vibrating in their web as a is that a phobia directed towards Spiders, along with snakes, do seem defensive tactic). that have fangs and poison venom would to have a special place in our collective The case of the hobo increase one’s chances of survival in the unconscious, and that makes good fodder is an interesting wild. Natural selection would therefore for various hoaxes. For example, a few years one. This spider is another favor a healthy fear of spiders. back a neighbor forwarded my wife an European immigrant and has But in North America there are email warning of poisonous spiders getting taken up residence in the Pacific very few species of spiders that into toilets—I believe airplane lavatories Northwest. It is in the same family are poisonous to humans. The bite were specifically mentioned—and biting as the funnel web spiders, the ones from a can cause a people as they used the facilities. The that make the webs that you often serious injury, but they are native to the message urged everyone to inspect toilets see on the ground when the dew central and southern Midwest and have very closely before using. Bathroom humor is hanging on them. The hobo not become established here in the Pacific never seems to get old, but this Internet spider, agrestis, was at Northwest. We are all familiar with the hoax did achieve some notoriety for the one time called the “aggressive black widow, whose neurotoxic venom can rapidity with which it spread. house spider,” although the cause very painful reactions, but fatalities Urban legends concerning agrestis in the scientific name is Female hobo spider, Tegenaria agrestis. are extremely rare. A relative of the black spiders also abound. A common Latin for field, where it usually http://www.burkemuseum.org/spidermyth/images/ widow, and superficially similar, is the false one is that daddy longlegs have the most resides, and the spider’s behavior agrestis.gif drawing by Margaret Davidson. black widow spider ( grossa). It is poisonous venom, but their fangs are too is not unduly aggressive. It has originally from Europe, but can be found weak to inject it through the skin. Actually, been claimed that the bite of the locally. The false widow, or cupboard daddy longlegs, also known as harvestmen hobo spider produces a reaction similar to not healing, then a spider might serve as a spider, is more brownish and has no red or phalangids, are not even spiders, do not that of a brown recluse, whose necrotizing good scapegoat. spot on the underbelly. The false widow’s have either venom or fangs, and are utterly toxin can cause severe wounds that do not Case in point: My wife stabbed harmless. heal readily. However, the evidence for her finger on a wire from an old screen and Female cupboard or false black widow spider, Steatoda grossa. The long- this claim is minimal, consisting primarily soon her finger was swelling and getting http://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/spiders/Steatoda%20female1.jpg legged spiders of one study where rabbits were injected red, so there was some sort of infection that you with hobo spider venom, and the results at work. While she is usually a stoic, I did sometimes find from that study have never been repeated. prevail upon her to go the ER where they hanging in the Darwin Vest, the researcher who did the asked multiple times if she had been bitten corner of your original work, was an independent and by a spider. When she answered “no,” the living room self-taught toxicologist. Adding to the response was “Are you sure you weren’t or bedroom, mystery is the fact that he disappeared bitten by a spider?” in the family without a trace in 1999. He was last seen Feel free to give spiders a wide berth, , are leaving a bar after a late night out with but remember that the facts belie the fear. sometimes friends in his hometown of Idaho Falls. In southern Oregon, with rare exceptions called daddy It is presumed that he fell into the Snake (I’m looking at you, black widow), spiders longlegs, but River that runs through the town. are simply not very dangerous. there is no So how is it that the hobo spider is Richard J. Hilton evidence that being blamed for causing serious wounds 541-772-5165 their venom if that is not actually the case? I think the Senior Research Assistant/Entomologist is particularly answer lies in the human need to find an Oregon State University Research and toxic (although explanation for pretty much everything, Extension Center you can and if you are looking at a wound that is [email protected]

We exist to serve the Join the Applegate Grange! community. And the benefits by paul tipton and janis mohr-tipton of connecting with more of the community and working The mission of the Applegate meetings and basic activities necessary to together with common Valley Community Grange (Grange) keep the Grange open. purpose may surprise you. is “to educate, serve, and support the Feedback from our events (like the Are you willing community.” We strive to achieve this goal recent well-attended Harvest Faire and to help us define our by having our members invested in local earthquake preparedness meeting) and community in positive school and community projects, making other activities gives us the strong feeling ways? We meet the second the building available free of charge that the local community wants and needs Sunday of the month for for informative community events (fire to have the Grange available for a wide a potluck at 5 pm and the status meetings, earthquake preparedness variety of uses and that the kinds of things meeting at 6 pm. Come meetings, open political forums), and happening at the Grange are appreciated. check us out. Or contact renting the space for weddings, birthdays, It all comes down to this us to get the details about private parties, political gatherings, literary shameless plea: If you want this becoming a member by readings and other uses. organization and facility in the Applegate calling 541-846-7501 or A group of over 50 people Valley, we need your support. Financial emailing applegategrange@ came together more than two years support is greatly appreciated and necessary, gmail.com. Our mailing ago to reopen the Grange, which had been but what we need most are more bodies and address is AVCG, PO Box closed due to the long-standing group’s minds to help with the daily business of the 3367, Applegate, OR 97530. decline in energy to keep it going as they Grange, like behind-the-scene committee Paul Tipton, President reached their later years. members who help coordinate events and Janis Mohr-Tipton, Recently we have experienced a people who can take even a small part in all Secretary similar decline in active members who are the work it takes to keep the organization 541-846-7501 The Applegate Grange entry in willing or able to participate in monthly running and the building functioning. [email protected] Ruch School’s scarecrow contest.