Tau Kappa - Chapter

Bylaws and Traditions


We, the Tau-Phi chapter of TKE, strive to retain an efficiently organized brotherhood, focused on the development, stability, and accountability of our fraters, now and for life. Mission

Our mission is to provide the best fraternal experience possible at The University of Pittsburgh.


We believe that we gather together to shape men through their college experiences with regards to scholarship, leadership, service, character, teamwork, and brotherhood.

Ratified: November 8th, 2015 Last Amended: November 8th, 2015

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ARTICLE I: ORGANIZATION 4 1. Organization 2. Hierarchy of Laws 3. Application of Bylaws ARTICLE II: VOTING 5 1. Voting Bodies 2. Chapter Vote 3. Council Vote 4. Other Voting Policies ARITCLE III: ELECTION OF OFFICERS 6 1. Eligibility 2. Nominations 3. Other Election Policies ARTICLE IV: IMPEACHMENT OF OFFICERS 7 1. How Called 2. Debate of Accusers/Accused 3. Voting 4. Rights of the Accused 5. Fraudulent Charges ARTICLE V: BOARD OF JUDICIAL REVIEW 8 1. Purpose 2. Powers 3. Who Comprises 4. Other Policies ARTICLE VI: THE JUDICIAL BOARD 9 1. Purpose 2. Powers 3. Appeal of the Convicted 4. Membership and Procedure ARTICLE VII: AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS 10 1. How Proposed 2. Voting 3. Duty of the Epiprytanis to Enter ARTICLE VIII: SUSPENSION OF BYLAWS 11 1. When Suspended 2. How Proposed, Discussed, and Voted ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS 11 1. Quorum 2. Attendance 3. Penalty for Unexcused Absences 4. Types of Meetings 5. Crash Courses 6. Special Meetings, How Called 7. Order of Chair Reports 8. Privileges of Alumni Members 9. Conduct during Chapter Meetings 10. Removal from Chapter Meetings 11. Special Order of Business

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ARTI CLE X: EXECUTIVE SUCCESSION 14 1. Order of Succession 2. Succession/Abuse ARTICLE : POWERS OF OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN 14 1. Prytanis 2. Epiprytanis 3. Hypophetes 4. Crysophylos 5. Hegemon 6. Grammateus 7. Histor 8. Pylortes 9. Rush Chair 10. Scholarship Chair 11. IFC Chair 12. House Chair 13. Social Chair 14. Philanthropy Chair 15. Public Relations Chair 16. Athletics Chair 17. Homecoming/Greek Week Chair ARTICLE XII: MEMBERSHIP 20 1. Rush 2. Voting on Candidates for Membership 3. Probation 4. Membership Quality Board 5. Membership Standards: Good Standing and Probation ARTICLE XIII: CONTRACTS 22 1. Divisions 2. Board of Advisors Approved Contracts 3. General Chapter Contracts 4. Other Contract Policies ARTICLE XIV: FINANCES 23 1. Initiation Fees 2. Annual Membership Fees 3. Dues and Fees 4. Special Assessments 5. Rendering Bills 6. Payment for Bills and Delinquencies 7. Suspension for Non-payment 8. Expenditures 9. Bills, Payments, Disputes 10. Early Bird Discount ARTICLE XV: PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE 25 1. Robert’s Rules of Order ARTICLE XVI: RATIFICATION 25 1. Permanence of Bylaws 2. Ratification Vote 3. Updating of Bylaws APPENDIX A: DEFINITONS 26 APPENDIX B: HEGEMON PLAN OF ACTION 27 APPENDIX C: ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER 31

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SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION The Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon (also referred to as TKE) International Fraternity located at The University of Pittsburgh, being fully chartered as a regular Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity, specifically adopts, accepts and acknowledges the International Constitution and International Bylaws and Traditions of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity. The following Bylaws are for the Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon located at The University of Pittsburgh.

SECTION 2. HIERARCHY OF LAWS 1) The International Constitution and International Bylaws of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity are to be the supreme laws governing the operation of this chapter. No laws contained in this text may replace or supersede any of the adopted procedures, laws, or traditions of the International Fraternity. 2) The duly ratified Bylaws of the Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon are to be the supreme laws governing the day to day operations of this Chapter, yielding only to the International Constitution and Bylaws of our Fraternity. They repeal and supersede all existing Bylaws heretofore enacted. No Acts, Laws, Rules, or Directives issued by the Prytanis, the Judicial Board, the Board of Judicial Review, or the Chapter may be in conflict with any of these Bylaws. Any such order/directive shall be null and void, bearing no weight on any issue. No authorities are given to any Office, Committee, Board, or Council to suspend, change, or rewrite any of the laws herein contained, except when proper procedure is followed for Amending or Suspending the Bylaws. (Refer to Articles VII and VIII)

SECTION 3. APPLICATION OF BYLAWS These Bylaws shall apply in each case: 1) Any duly initiated and active member of the Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon is subject to the terms and laws of this document. 2) Any Initiated member of a foreign Chapter who is enrolled at The University of Pittsburgh and who seeks to join or regularly engage in the operations, functions, and social privileges of our Chapter is included and subject to these laws. 3) Any Initiated member of a foreign Chapter who is enrolled at The University of Pittsburgh and holds an inactive status or does not seek association with our membership is excluded. 4) Any Potential New Member is hereby exempt and excluded from these Bylaws, with the exception of those standards imposed by the Hegemon when approved by Chapter Vote or Council Vote.

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SECTION 1. VOTING BODIES The Voting rights and privileges of the Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon are hereby divided into three separate and distinct voting bodies.

SECTION 2. CHAPTER VOTE 1) The Chapter Vote shall be the usual voting body of the chapter. Any standard vote taken during a meeting (Formal or Informal) usually consisting of motions, rules for the chapter, candidates for membership, or any vote not specifically given to another body in this document, are reserved for the Chapter Vote. 2) A quorum of an absolute majority of those eligible to vote in a Chapter Vote is required to be present for any vote to take place. 3) Any active member in good standing is eligible to vote in a Chapter Vote, excluding the Prytanis. 4) The Chapter Vote shall be decided by a simple majority of the present chapter, and have no person to act as a tie breaking vote. 5) A preliminary discussion shall be held (when warranted) prior to the initial vote of the Chapter. No time limit shall be imposed on the total length of discussion; however no individual should speak for a time greater than five (5) minutes, except to answer questions, or clarify statements. The Prytanis shall have the authority to grant extensions of time. 6) In the event of a tie, the vote will be paused and discussion and reconsideration shall be held on THAT issue in the chapter, No more than two (2) discussion/reconsideration cycles shall be held (not including the initial discussion), and each discussion shall be no greater than ten (10) minutes in length. If a tie remains after the third (3rd) vote, the vote shall automatically and immediately be sent to the Council Vote. 7) The Chapter may Veto any Council Vote in the manner prescribed later.

SECTION 3. COUNCIL VOTE 1) The Executive Council, whose membership shall include each of the eight (8) Officers of the Chapter, will vote on all matters of immediate importance to the chapter, when the full chapter cannot be assembled on smaller matters of less importance during the week, and as the tie breaking vote in Chapter Votes. 2) In the event of a third (3rd) tie in the Chapter Vote, the Council shall immediately recess to a closed location, and return with a verdict in not more than fifteen (15) minutes. 3) The Prytanis shall head the Council, and shall refrain from voting unless his vote shall sway the verdict. The Prytanis commands the “tie-breaking vote”. (4 votes to 4 votes, goes to the side of the Prytanis)

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4) All decisions rendered by the Council shall include input (and vote) from all Officers when possible and not less than five (5) including the Prytanis. If five officers cannot be gathered, the highest ranking Officer present shall make a temporary decision, to be reviewed at the soonest possible time by the full Council. 5) The Council shall be required to submit to the Chapter a full record and account of all activities and decisions reached during the course of time between Chapter Meetings. The Chapter shall then vote through Chapter Vote to Uphold, Veto, or Discuss the ruling of the Council. If after two (2) votes and no more than two (2) discussions a simple majority cannot be reached, the decision of the Council shall stand. 6) The rights of the Officers to vote in Chapter Votes shall not be infringed. 7) VETO: A qualified majority must be in place to overturn a Council Vote reached due to a tie in a previous Chapter Vote.

SECTION 4. OTHER VOTING POLICIES 1) A Quorum must have been established for a Chapter Vote to take place. 2) The Chapter Vote shall be open except in specified votes. Secret ballot shall be allowed for Election of Officers, Brother of the Year or other such awards, or upon the request of not less than three (3) fraters. 3) Absentee votes shall be hand written, signed and submitted to the Epiprytanis no later than one (1) day before a vote. Absentee votes are only allowed for the Election of Officers, or when approved by a Chapter Vote. 4) Proxy voting is not allowed. 5) The Prytanis may rule Abstentions “Out of Order”


SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY 1) Any Active Member or Potential New Member of the Tau-Phi Chapter who is in good standing with the chapter is eligible for election to office. 2) Eligibility for the Offices of Prytanis, Epiprytanis, Hypophetes, Crysophylos, and Hegemon are further limited to persons who have previously held one officer position or two chair positions. 3) A qualified majority Chapter Vote is required overturn Article III Section I Bylaw 2.

SECTION 2. NOMINATIONS 1) Any Active Member or Potential New Member may nominate any other active member in good standing with the Fraternity. Nominations require no discussion other than Eligibility, and all other discussions are out of order. 2) A member need not be present to be nominated. The Chapter shall “assume” an acceptance of the nomination until it can be confirmed or declined by the Nominee. 3) Any member of the Chapter may “self-nominate” himself. 4) Nominations shall occur at the meeting immediately prior to the election meeting.

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SECTION 3. OTHER ELECTION POLICIES 1) Elections shall be held at the second to last regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester, under New Business. 2) Prior to the election, each candidate for office, or his designee, shall be allotted a time not to exceed five (5) minutes to present a statement as to his qualifications and his plans to carry out the office. 3) Voting for each office shall be by Chapter Vote and by secret ballot (closed vote). Should no candidate receive a simple majority on the first vote, the bottom candidate will be removed and another vote taken. This shall proceed until one candidate receives a simple majority. Council Vote may not be used to break a tie in an election. 4) Special elections to fill unexpired office terms shall proceed in the same manner as regular elections, except that the election shall directly follow the nominations in the same meeting. 5) Chapter Advisors and Faculty Advisors are to be nominated and elected with the same procedures as Officer Elections.


SECTION 1. HOW CALLED 1) As a matter of Special Business brought forward by no less than three (3) active members in good standing [two (2) if total membership is less than ten (10), and five (5) if greater than forty (40)] in the form of a written complaint, signed by all accusers, and submitted to the Epiprytanis no less than two (2) days prior to the next meeting. 2) In the event that the Epiprytanis is the accused, the complaint shall be submitted to the Prytanis. Whereas the Prytanis is the accused, he shall immediately relinquish authority to the Epiprytanis, until such time as the impeachment is defeated, at which time he shall immediately resume his role as executive, with no penalty.

SECTION 2. DEBATE OF ACCUSERS/ACCUSED 1) The charges shall be read under Special Business. 2) The Accusers shall pick one (1) person to serve as spokesman.  The spokesman shall take no more than five (5) minuets to present his case for Impeachment. 3) The Accused shall have the option of choosing a frater to represent him, and speak on his behalf.  The Accused (or spokesman) shall take no more than seven (7) minutes for rebuttal.

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SECTION 3. VOTING 1) The Chapter shall immediately consider the matter in the form of a vote. Acting Prytanis may choose to open the floor to debate prior to the vote, but that debate should not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. 2) The Vote shall be a qualified majority to remove the accused from office. 3) The rights of the Accused or the Accusers to vote shall not be infringed.

SECTION 4. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED No Officer shall be impeached on the same set of charges twice. That is, if any Officer defeats his impeachment (is not removed) the exact same set of charges may not be brought against him again. Similar charges are allowed. No previous removal from office shall inhibit a member from being elected to another (or the same) office on a future date.

SECTION 5. FRAUDULENT CHARGES Knowingly bringing fraudulent charges (impeachment or other charges) against another member of the Fraternity is grounds for immediate recommendation to the Board of Judicial Review.


SECTION 1. PURPOSE The Board of Judicial Review shall meet whenever necessary to discuss any new laws or rules enacted by the Chair or the Chapter, and their relationship with this document, and/or the International Bylaws of the Fraternity. The Board of Judicial Review shall also meet as required in these bylaws to serve as a “pseudo- grand jury” for cases that may be brought to the Judicial Board.

SECTION 2. POWERS The Board shall have the power to declare any directives, laws, rules, votes, acts of the Prytanis, the Chapter, or any other body as “not in compliance” with these Bylaws, the International Bylaws, or the Constitution of this Fraternity, and to rule any such acts null and void. The Board shall not have the power to review any law herein contained, but only to present it to the Chapter for Amendment.

SECTION 3. WHO COMPRISES 1) The Board shall consist of four (4) members and one (1) alternate. 2) The Epiprytanis shall sit as head of the Board of Judicial Review. 3) The remaining three members, and alternate shall consist of any other three (3) fraters at large, at least two (2) of which cannot be officers, and all elected by simple majority through Chapter Vote at the first chapter meeting of the year. 4) The Prytanis and Hypophetes are excluded from membership.

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5) No member of the JUDICIAL BOARD shall be part of the BOARD OF JUDICIAL REVIEW. 6) EXCEPTION: Article V Section 3 Bylaw 5 may be waived if the chapter contains less than ten (10) active members.

SECTION 4. OTHER POLICIES 1) The Epiprytanis commands the “tie-breaking vote”. (2 votes to 2 votes go to the side of the Epiprytanis.) 2) The Board shall report any and all rulings to the Chapter under Special Business. 3) The Board shall convene at the request of the Prytanis or at the request of not less than three (3) fraters. 4) The rulings of the Board are final, and not susceptible to veto or review by any other entity. 5) Use of the powers provided for in this Article for personal motives, political gain, fraud, or any use without just cause is strictly forbidden, and punishable under these by-laws.


SECTION 1. PURPOSE 1) The Judicial Board shall meet to hear all cases involving misconduct of members, violations of Chapter Bylaws, the Chapter Risk Management Policy, the Housing Policy, the Constitution, Bylaws, Traditions, Usages, Obligations, and Ritualistic Ceremonies of the International Fraternity. 2) To be the court of original jurisdiction (that is to sit in place of the Chapter Court) with the option of a Special Court as outlined in Chapters XXV and XXVI of the International Bylaws and Traditions, for the trial of any member, with the exception of the Prytanis, who must always be tried in a Special Court. 3) All cases are viewed under the presumption that membership in Tau Kappa Epsilon is a privilege, not a right.

SECTION 2. POWERS The Board shall have the power to levy all appropriate sanctions upon the conviction of any charge brought before the court and as outlined in Chapter XXVI Section 9-12 of the International Bylaws.

SECTION 3. APPEAL OF THE CONVICTED 1) HOW APPEALED: The sanctions imposed by the Judicial Board may be appealed to the Chapter as a whole, by submitting to the Prytanis a written appeal, prior to the start of any meeting, which states the sanctions brought against the convicted and a brief argument for their unjustness.

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2) VOTE: The Chapter shall vote with a qualified majority required to overturn the sanctions (as a whole) levied by the Judicial Board. If struck down, the Judicial Board shall reconvene to draft new sanctions that more accurately reflect the wishes of the Chapter, and submit the new proposed sanctions for approval in the same manner. 3) PARDONS: The Chapter, when warranted, may vote to pardon any member convicted by a trial court. A super majority vote shall remove any and all convictions and sanctions so voted on.

SECTION 4. MEMBERSHIP AND PROCEDURE 1) The Judicial Board shall consist of three (3) members and one (1) alternate. The Hypophetes shall sit as Chairman of the Board with the two remaining seats and alternate being elected from among the Chapter at large, by Chapter Vote at the first meeting of the school year. 2) The Prytanis and Epiprytanis are excluded from membership. 3) Trial procedure is outlined in The International Bylaws and Constitution. 4) In all proceedings, the Pylortes shall act as bailiff and the Grammateus shall act as reporter unless necessity shall require the use of an alternate. In any case where the Epiprytanis shall not act as the Chair, the Crysophylos shall fill his seat.


SECTION 1. HOW PROPOSED 1) As a matter of Special Business brought forward by no less than three (3) active members in good standing, the Board of Judicial Review, or the Council of Officers, in the form of a signed written proposal, and submitted to the Epiprytanis at any time prior to a meeting. 2) The written proposal should first state its general purpose (i.e. to remove, change, expand, or create any law herein contained) and to what section (if any) it applies. 3) The written proposal shall always contain a brief argument explaining the reason for the proposal. 4) The proposal shall optionally contain a completed new law, as it would appear in the revised Bylaws if approved.

SECTION 2. VOTING 1) Immediately following any such proposal as described above, the Chapter shall open a discussion on point. NO time limit shall be placed on any such discussion. 2) The vote shall require a super majority Chapter Vote of approval to pass. 3) The vote shall be open unless otherwise designated by the Chair. 4) The Prytanis shall have the power to appoint a special committee to draft a completed version of any new legislation, and have that draft submitted to vote in the manner prescribed.

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SECTION 3. DUTY OF THE EPIPRYTANIS TO ENTER It shall be the duty of the Epiprytanis to immediately enter into all copies of the Bylaws all amendments thereto.


SECTION 1. WHEN SUSPENDED When special circumstances arise that would make a standing Bylaw unjust, unreasonable, or not executable, any particular Bylaw may be temporarily suspended for one person or any group as a whole.

SECTION 2. HOW PROPOSED, DISCUSSED, AND VOTED 1) At any time during a special, formal, or informal meeting, any single active member may motion to suspend a particular Bylaw – No written statement or prior notice is required. The motion must be specific in its request. 2) Discussion may be held at the discretion of the Prytanis, and he may impose a time limit as necessary. 3) A qualified majority is required to suspend any Bylaw, and each Bylaw requires its own separate vote to be suspended. 4) Each suspension must span a defined length of time. Indefinite suspensions are not allowed, and no single suspension may last for a period longer than the end of the current academic semester.


SECTION 1. QUORUM A simple majority of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting of the Chapter.

SECTION 2. ATTENDANCE Every member shall be present at every meeting unless excused by the Prytanis or highest ranking Officer present. All requests to be excused must be heard by the Prytanis and Grammateus at least twelve (12) hours prior to the start of any meeting. The Prytanis may excuse any absence for work, illness, or family emergency. Members are limited to two (2) excused absences in a calendar month. Any absence exceeding the excused absence limit will be marked unexcused.

SECTION 3. PENALTY FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES The following are penalties for unexcused absences to all meetings occurring in the same semester of an academic year. These penalties are taken in a step system; however, the step sequence is separated into Chapter Meetings (Formal and Informal) and Events. (i.e. one absence is penalty one, two absences are penalties one and two, etc.) Three unexcused tardies will result in one unexcused absence.

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1) Warning from the Grammateus 2) Ban from the next social event 3) Additional 15 service hours and member is stripped of voting rights 4) $10 fine and sent to Judicial Board

SECTION 4. TYPES OF MEETINGS 1) FORMAL: Formal Chapter Meetings shall occur a minimum of one (1) time per month. These meetings shall be held in the Chapter Room (or other designated location) at a regular time and day. Dress Code should be adhered to. All Formal Meetings will begin with a Crash Course for the Potential New Members. Formal Chapter Meetings will also include closed ritual. 2) INFORMAL: Informal Chapter Meetings shall occur three (3) times per month. These meetings shall be held in the Chapter Room (or other designated location) at a regular time and day. Dress Code should be adhered to. 3) EVENT: Events, such as swaps, mixers, Hypo Nights, etc., where chapter funds are used, will constitute as Chapter Meetings where the Prytanis, or highest ranking officer present, declares attendance mandatory. At least forty- eight (48) hours’ notice to the general chapter is required for the mandatory attendance to stand.

SECTION 5. CRASH COURSES Crash Courses are designed so that all Potential New Members can obtain information provided by officers and chair positions that is deemed relevant to them. These should run like an abridged Informal Chapter Meeting that should not exceed thirty (30) minutes. Following the Crash Course, the Potential New Members will be asked to leave the room in order to proceed with Formal Chapter Meetings.

SECTION 6. SPECIAL MEETINGS, HOW CALLED Special meetings may be called at any time by the Prytanis, or shall be called by him upon the signed written request of not less than three (3) members of the active undergraduate Chapter. Notice of any such meeting shall be posted on the official Chapter information system at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time fixed for the meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be clearly stated in any such request, and in the call to order of such meeting. Special Meetings do not necessarily have to follow the Order of Business as described below.

SECTION 7. ORDER OF CHAIR REPORTS 1) Recruitment Chair 2) Philanthropy and Service Chair 3) Scholarship Chair 4) Social Chair 5) Public Relations Chair 6) Athletics Chair 7) House Chair 8) Design Chair 9) Construction Chair

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SECTION 8. PRIVILEGES OF ALUMNI MEMBERS Any Alumnus or Honorary Member may attend any meeting of the Chapter and may, with permission of the Prytanis, join in discussion and debate the same as any Active Member, but may not make or second motions or vote.

SECTION 9. CONDUCT DURING CHAPTER MEETINGS All members shall conduct themselves as gentleman at all times, and shall abide by proper procedure and the rulings of the Prytanis. The following shall be unacceptable behavior during all forms of meetings:  Eating  Drinking  Use of tobacco  Inappropriate language  Talking out of order  Failing to abide by the Dress Code set by the Prytanis  Wearing Sunglasses  Wearing Hats

SECTION 10. REMOVAL FROM CHAPTER MEETINGS A member failing to comply with Article IX Section 9 of these Bylaws shall immediately be removed from the meeting by the Pylortes. Any member removed from a meeting shall automatically counted as an unexcused absence from a Chapter Meeting.

SECTION 11. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS The following shall be a special order of business on the occasions specified to wit: 1) At the first regular meeting after any Conclave, the report by the Chapter delegate regarding all legislative issues, the results of the Grand Council elections, and any other Conclave matter, shall be given as Special Business. 2) Following official visits by a Grand Officer, Regional President, District Officer, or other International Representatives, the report of his inspection shall be give as Special Business. 3) At meetings called by, or because of, a Court of Inquiry, the business of the Court or its recommendations shall be taken up as Special Business 4) Charges against members shall be heard under Special Business. The method, time, and procedure of trial should be determined immediately thereafter. The members of a Special Court should be selected if trial is to be by that method. 5) At the next meeting after a vacancy occurs in an office, the nomination, election, and installation to fill said vacancy shall be taken up as Special Business. This meeting shall be a Formal Ritual Meeting. 6) At the last meeting of the school year, the Chapter shall conduct the Fraternity for Life ritual, assisted by representatives from the Board of Advisors and/or the Alumni Association in order to induct the graduating seniors.

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SECTION 1. ORDER OF SUCCESSION 1) Prytanis 2) Epiprytanis 3) Hypophetes 4) Hegemon 5) Crysophylos 6) Grammateus 7) Histor 8) Pylortes

SECTION 2. SUCCESSION/ABUSE 1) No temporary succession shall exceed four (4) weeks in length. After such time the Chapter must elect a new permanent officer, and any subsequent vacant offices, in the same manner described in Article II and Article III of this document. 2) ABUSE: Temporary succession may not be used for personal purposes in the Fraternity. Policy differences, personal problems/agendas, or unethical conduct are not grounds for a temporary succession to take place , and be considered a violation of these Bylaws to attempt to abuse or misuse the intent Article X. Article IV shall be recourse for these and other concerns.


SECTION 1. PRYTANIS The powers of the Prytanis of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) The ability and obligation to appoint chairmen by the beginning of each semester in conjunction with the Epiprytanis, excluding Recruitment Chair. The positions of Scholarship Chair and Philanthropy Chair must be appointed.  Chairmen must be active members and in good standing.  Any number of chair positions may be created, but must be voted on by the chapter with a qualified majority.  Chairmen must accept the position to be officially appointed as the respective chair. In the event that there are no willing members to take the chair position, the Epiprytanis will administer the duties of that position.  The Epiprytanis will have control and be responsible for the chairmen’s execution of duties. 2) The right to hold the position of Chief Executive Officer and become a member of the Board of Advisors as soon as he is inducted into office. The Prytanis will have all rights and duties pertaining to these positions as stated in the International Bylaws and Constitution. 3) The right to serve as a member of the Membership Quality Board. 4) The right to collaborate with the Crysophylos in the approval of expenditures.

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5) The right to put any officer under the review of the Board of Judicial Review in the event that said officer is not fulfilling his duties, abusing his officer rights, or not operating within the extent of his office’s rights. 6) In emergency situations with regards to risk management, the Prytanis has the right to suspend members, in collaboration with the Pylortes, if they are legitimately suspect of, or proven guilty to, a violation of any state or federal law, International Bylaw and Constitution, or this chapter’s Bylaws. If the Pylortes is the member in question, the Prytanis will collaborate with the Board of Advisors to suspend the Pylortes. If the Crysophylos is the member in question, the Prytanis will collaborate with the Board of Advisors to suspend the Crysophylos. 7) The Prytanis has the right to take control of finances from the Crysophylos with the approval of the Board of Advisors. 8) The Prytanis shall delegate the completion of individual sections of the Cathedral Standards of Excellence to the officers and chairs whose duties align most closely.

SECTION 2. EPIPRYTANIS The powers of the Epiprytanis of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) The Epiprytanis has the right to enforce all duties and tasks given to him by the International Bylaws and Constitution. 2) To create job description, set expectations, and establish chairmen goals. These goals must be broken down into weekly goals, monthly goals, and semester goals. The Epiprytanis is required to hold evaluations of the chairmen that are not delegated to other officers as listed in this document. 3) To call a Board of Chairmen at the discretion of the Epiprytanis. 4) To serve as the chairmen on the Membership Quality Board. 5) To serve as a member and lead the Board of Judicial Review. 6) To assume the rights, powers, and duties of the Prytanis when the Prytanis is not present or undergoing the procedures of Impeachment.

SECTION 3. HYPOPHETES The powers of the Hypophetes of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) The chair position of Scholarship Chair is delegated to this officer. The Hypophetes is responsible for creating job description, setting expectations, and establishing the chairman’s goals. These goals must be broken down into weekly goals, monthly goals, and semester goals. The Hypophetes is required to hold evaluations of the Scholarship Chair and report all results to the Epiprytanis. 2) To serve as the chairmen on the Judicial Board. 3) To serve as a member on the Membership Quality Board. 4) To be in complete control of all matters pertaining to ritual procedures, except the ritual equipment. 5) To be in complete control of all matters pertaining to ritual procedures, except the ritual equipment. 6) To schedule and coordinate a maximum of two (2) required brotherhood nights per month excluding the months of January, May, June, July, August, and December. Failure to attend will result in an unexcused absence referenced in Article IX Section 3.

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SECTION 4. CRYSOPHYLOS The powers of the Crysophylos of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To have access to the Chapter’s confidential financial information, monitor it, and make the Chapter’s financial plan under Article XIV Section 3.  Any changes to the Chapter Financial Plan shall require a qualified majority Chapter Vote. 2) To use Chapter funds for business expenses.  Business expenses will be confined only to that which is recorded within the approved budget. Failure to communicate additional expenses through financial statements or in the Crysophylos report will result in payment for said expenditures by the Crysophylos.  Financial statements should be presented monthly showing all expenditures and income, including their dates, methods of payment, and effect on the chapter’s total funds. 3) To charge members for monies owed to the chapter for the following:  Dues owed.  Fines accumulated; coordinating with respective officer/chair. 4) The Crysophylos has the right to be a member of the Board of Advisors.

SECTION 5. HEGEMON The powers of the Hegemon of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To draft a policy detailing the de-pledging process. 2) To design and plan educational events corresponding to the six pillars of Tau Kappa Epsilon as defined by the Blueprint and approved by the executive council. 3) To hold weekly meetings with candidates in order to brief them on upcoming educational events and go over the lessons in the Blueprint and Teke Guide. 4) To immediately drop candidates from the candidate education process in emergency situations (e.g. fights among candidates or drug possession charges) after consulting with the Prytanis and Pylortes. 5) To enforce the Hegemon Plan of Action as found in Appendix B. 6) The right to serve as a member of the Membership Quality Board. 7) The chair position of Recruitment Chair is delegated to this officer. The Hegemon is responsible for creating job description, setting expectations, and establishing the chairman’s goals. These goals must be broken down into weekly goals, monthly goals, and semester goals. The Hegemon is required to hold evaluations of the Recruitment Chair and report all results to the Epiprytanis. 8) To create a committee to assist with planning new member education events and the entire de-pledging process as a whole.

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SECTION 6. GRAMMATEUS The powers of the Grammateus of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) Collect personal information of active members and candidates in order to complete duties. 2) Release or publish information compiled on members or candidates to better other members, the Student Government Association (SGA), Inter-Fraternal Council (IFC), and authorities of law. 3) To obtain all paperwork on the chapter. 4) To obtain information deemed necessary to be known by the entire chapter.

SECTION 7. HISTOR The powers of the Histor of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) Deny access to the scrolls of Tau-Phi to any person; active, candidate, alumnus, etc.  This can be overturned by the Prytanis. 2) Keep record of officers, chair positions, committee members, Order of The Founders initiates, Knights of Classic Lore initiates, Fraternity For Life initiates, and major historical events. 3) Collect personal information, photos, and videos of active members and candidates that could be used for newsletters, articles, or history. 4) Release or publish information compiled on members or candidates to better the vision, mission, and goals of the chapter through articles, newsletters, composites, annuals, etc. on behalf of the chapter. 5) Create a committee to coordinate alumni affairs. 6) Operate websites and social media outlets that this chapter may employ. 7) The chair position of Public Relations Chair is delegated to this officer. The Histor is responsible for creating job description, setting expectations, and establishing the chairman’s goals. These goals must be broken down into weekly goals, monthly goals, and semester goals. The Histor is required to hold evaluations of the Public Relations Chair and report all results to the Epiprytanis.

SECTION 8. PYLORTES The powers of the Pylortes of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To ensure safety and order at all gatherings, closed or public, and may warn and/or remove those representing Tau Kappa Epsilon who have demonstrated repeated instances of disorderly conduct and disruptive behavior. 2) To discriminate between safe and unsafe, as well as in taste and distasteful practices at all gatherings. 3) To prohibit or allow the consumption of alcohol. 4) To protect the secrets of ritual, this includes allowing or denying people into meetings, under the discretion of the Prytanis. 5) To monitor social media for leaks of restricted information and deliver an order to cease and remove information. This includes information restricted to Potential New Members prior to initiation.

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6) To enforce Article IX Section 9. Failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal. 7) The chair position of House Chair is delegated to this officer. The Pylortes is responsible for creating job description, setting expectations, and establishing the chairman’s goals. These goals must be broken down into weekly goals, monthly goals, and semester goals. The Pylortes is required to hold evaluations of the House Chair and report all results to the Epiprytanis. 8) To delegate responsibilities pertaining to maintenance and transportation of ritual equipment to the House Chair or any other member. The Pylortes still retains responsibility of the ritual equipment.

SECTION 9. RECRUITMENT CHAIR The powers of the Recruitment Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To update Brag Boards. 2) To form committees for both Recruiting Interest Sessions and Rush events.

SECTION 10. SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR The powers of the Scholarship Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) Create an atmosphere of academic achievement and development. 2) Establish GPA goals for the chapter and individual members. 3) Develop and implement, with consent of the Hypophetes, a chapter academic program. 4) Coordinate with the Hegemon to develop the best academic plan for candidates. 5) Call meeting with individuals in the fraternity to discuss their academics. 6) Establish required study hours and how those may be accomplished. 7) Establish a time and location to hold study hall with the approval of the Hypophetes. 8) Report/Refer any academic information to the Hypophetes and Membership Quality Board. 9) Obtain academic information from the SGA, IFC, or The University of Pittsburgh. 10) Temporarily waive any part of the academic plan for the better interest of the fraternity, including providing incentives in lieu of study hours. 11) Impose social penalties for not completing study hours or attending study hall. 12) The right to serve as a member of the Membership Quality Board.

SECTION 11. IFC CHAIR The powers of the IFC Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To make a decision on behalf of the chapter when given short notice in IFC Meetings.

SECTION 12. HOUSE CHAIR The powers of the House Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) Discard any personal belongings that are left where the chapter gathers. 2) To form a committee to delegate duties.

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SECTION 13. SOCIAL CHAIR The powers of the Social Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To work with Hegemon in delegating tasks to candidates, which do not qualify as hazing. 2) To coordinate events with Philanthropy Chair. 3) To coordinate swaps, mixers, and inter-Greek interactions.

SECTION 14. PHILANTROPHY CHAIR The powers of the Philanthropy Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To coordinate philanthropy events. 2) To produce a Risk Management Policy for philanthropy events in conjunction with the Pylortes. 3) To form a committee to delegate duties. 4) This chairman is required to form a Service Committee and delegate a Service Committee Coordinator. This committee is responsible for community service.

SECTION 15. PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIR The powers of the PR Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To operate social media in conjunction with the Histor. 2) To notify members of inappropriate posts on social media. 3) To work with the Philanthropy and Social Chairs with planning events. 4) Release or publish information compiled on members or candidates to better the vision, mission, and goals of the chapter through articles, newsletters, etc. on behalf of the chapter. 5) To update Brag Bulletin Boards.

SECTION 16. ATHLETICS CHAIR The powers of the Athletics Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To set team rosters and removing inactive team members from the roster 2) To call team meetings and practices. 3) To assess fines as a result of forfeiture of intermural events.

SECTION 17. HOMECOMING/ GREEK WEEK CHAIR The powers of the HC/GW Chair of the Tau-Phi chapter are as follows: 1) To set standards and consequences in regards to involvement during Homecoming Week/Greek Week. 2) To form committees to delegate tasks of Homecoming/Greek Week. 3) To coordinate Homecoming Alumni events with the Histor.

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SECTION 1. RUSH At the next to last regular meeting of each school semester, the Recruitment Chair shall present his plans, programs and budget requirements to the Chapter for approval. Once approved, the Recruitment Chair is empowered to conduct Rush activities, to invite new members to join (Article XII Section 2), and to arrange all matters to bring men into the Fraternity as candidates.

SECTION 2. VOTING ON CANDIDATES FOR MEMBERSHIP 1) The Recruitment Chair must refer a Potential New Member to the Membership Quality Board for a screening interview. 2) After a member of the Membership Quality Board interviews a Potential New Member, and after obtaining a general consensus from the chapter, it shall determine by a simple majority vote if the Potential New Member is to be invited to join Tau Kappa Epsilon. The Membership Quality Board shall inform the Potential New Member of its decision within the next seventy-two (72) hours. 3) If a Potential New Member is approved for membership, he shall be presented with an invitation, or bid, to join Tau Kappa Epsilon. 4) After accepting the bid, the candidate shall participate in an induction ceremony, and sign a Covenant. 5) The Chapter will vote to initiate a Candidate Member by a simple majority of the brothers who attended at least two (2) rush events.

SECTION 3. PROBATION Any member of the Chapter may be placed on a probationary status with a qualified majority Chapter Vote for failing to meet the Member Standards established by the Chapter or failing to meet his financial obligations. While on probation, members may lose privileges including: voting rights, running for an officer position, the right to participate in social programs, the right to participate in athletic programs, the right to serve as a Big Brother, the right to select new members, and the right to live in the Chapter House.

SECTION 4. MEMBERSHIP QUALITY BOARD 1) All members are required to be accessed by the Membership Quality Board two times a semester. 2) The Membership Quality Board may call a Special Session with individual members to better access his standing in Tau Kappa Epsilon. 3) All meetings scheduled with the Membership Quality Board are mandatory and failure to attend a scheduled Membership Quality Board meeting is grounds for referral to the Judicial Board for further disciplinary action. 4) The Membership Quality Board is responsible for selecting Potential New Members, extending bids to Potential New Members, reviewing the Blue Print for Potential New Member initiation, Order of the Founders initiation,

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Knights of Classic Lore initiation, and evaluating members on the six pillars of Tau Kappa Epsilon. 5) The following are required to be members of the Membership Quality Board:  Prytanis  Epiprytanis  Hypophetes  Hegemon  Scholarship Chair  Knights of Classic Lore Member At-Large

SECTION 5. MEMBERSHIPS STANDARDS: GOOD STANDING AND PROBATION 1) All members must adhere to standards set by the chapter, the University, and Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity to retain what is called “good standing” in the fraternity. 2) Loss of good standing will place the member on probation. The extremity to which this probation is assessed will be determined by the Membership Quality Board. 3) Any member placed on probation for two semesters in a row, will be subject to membership review and trial at the discretion of the Judicial Board. 4) Each member’s good standing is subject to review by the Membership Quality Board at any time. 5) All candidate members begin with good standing upon accepting a bid. 6) At any time, any member that has his good standing revoked can formally appeal to the executive council. The executive council can then hear the plea of the defendant and determine, by simple majority vote, if the appeal should be presented to the entire chapter for a vote. Should the appeal reach the chapter, a qualified majority Chapter Vote is required to reinstate the member’s good standing. 7) Good standing in Tau Kappa Epsilon shall be defined by the following sub- sections of requirements, all of which must be met each semester, in order for good standing to be retained:  Academics Members and Potential New Members must adhere to GPA standards set by The University of Pittsburgh, the Inter-Fraternal Council, and Tau Kappa Epsilon. The Hypophetes will be responsible for reviewing the Academic policies of these esteemed organizations and updating the chapter’s scholarship policy and bylaws.

The standards of the chapter are as follows:  A cumulative GPA of 2.5 will be required for a member to maintain good standing.  However, in the case that a member has attained a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher the preceding semester to going below the Chapter standards, the member will be granted “probationary good standing” and must continue to make above a 2.5 GPA each semester to keep this status.  Involvement Each Potential New Member will be required to be involved in at least one

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organization outside of Tau Kappa Epsilon during their pledge semester. If they do not show the initiative to involve themselves on campus, they are in violation of their candidate bond and will be referred to the Membership Quality Board for evaluation. Each member will be required to maintain active membership in a minimum of one organization outside of Tau Kappa Epsilon.  Finances In order to maintain good standing, no Frater may allow debts to the Fraternity to be accrued. Should he fail to pay his dues promptly and fully, he will immediately lose his good standing and he will be brought before the Judicial Board at the discretion of the Crysophylos. However, if the Frater works in accordance with the Crysophylos and establishes verifiable reasoning for his debt and signs a payment plan, which he then adheres to until such a time that all of his debts are paid in full, he will be allowed to maintain good standing.  Community Service All Fraters and Potential New Members must participate fully in any chapter service projects and philanthropies totaling no less than 40 hours of community service. They must complete additional hours on their own, which will be a minimum 20 hours of documented community service every academic year.


SECTION 1. DIVISIONS All contracts entered into by the Tau-Phi Chapter are hereby divided into two separate and distinct categories.

SECTION 2. BOARD OF ADVISORS APPROVED CONTRACTS The following contract types require approval and signature by the Board of Advisors of the Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon: 1) Contracts for the purchase or sale of any item exceeding the value of five-hundred dollars ($500.00). 2) Multiyear contracts or contracts that span a period greater than the current academic school year. 3) All contracts to hire employees other than temporary personnel such as security or cooks for a specified fraternal function.

SECTION 3. GENERAL CHAPTER CONTRACTS All other contracts may be entered into by the general Chapter when approved by a Chapter Vote and signed by the Prytanis, Crysophylos, and Epiprytanis.

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SECTION 4. OTHER CONTRACT POLICIES 1) The Board of Advisors must hold and be accountable for all contracts of the Chapter, excluding contracts that must be held by the Chapter Corporation as outlined in Article XIV Section 1. of the International Constitution. 2) The Board of Advisors must be notified of all contracts within ten (10) days of their signing. 3) The Board of Advisors reserves the right to cap the total cumulative dollar value of all contracts. 4) The Board of Advisors reserves the right to review and void (at the soonest possible date) any and all contracts of the Chapter.


SECTION 1. INITIATION FEES Each person initiated shall pay in full, prior to his initiation, the appropriate initiation fee as outlined in the International Bylaws and Constitution to the Offices of the Grand Chapter and any other expenses involved. NO extension of time may be granted nor shall the initiation of any member commence until all fees are paid in full.

SECTION 2. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Each member is responsible for paying his Annual Membership Fee as outlined in the International Bylaws and Constitution and/or any fees assessed by the International Fraternity.

SECTION 3. DUES AND FEES 1) Budgets will be presented by the Crysophylos at the end of each semester and must be voted in with a qualified majority Chapter Vote. 2) If the budget fails to pass in the first vote, the Crysophylos is required to bring an altered budget to be presented to the chapter for a revote. 3) If the budget fails to pass in the second vote, the Executive Council will recess to vote on the proposed budget. 4) If the budget fails to pass the Executive Council Vote, the Executive Council is to meet at a separate time and location to create a final budget. 5) The Crysophylos is responsible for communicating any additional expenditures not stated in the budget to the chapter by any means necessary. 6) Failure to pay dues set forth in the approved budget or set up a payment plan by 11:59PM (23:59) on the assigned due date will result in a late fee.  $10 initial fee; $10 fee will be charged for each consecutive week that the member fails to pay monies owed or set up a payment plan in addition to one social penalty.  A maximum of $50 per member may be accumulated in late fees.  Excessive lateness will result in revocation of voting rights.

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7) Any change in dues or fees must be approved by a qualified majority Chapter Vote of all members in good standing to pass at a given meeting where a Quorum has been established. 8) Failure to pay dues may subject any member to the Board of Judicial Review. 9) Members whose debt to the fraternity exceeds $50 more than the semester’s dues (e.g. dues are $450, then debt may not exceed $500) is an immediately referred to the Board of Judicial Review in order to establish a payment plan to reduce debt by at least $250 in a forty-five (45) day period. 10) Failure to meet the payment plan set forth in Article XIV Section 3 Bylaw 9 by the Board of Judicial Review is grounds for meeting by the Judicial Board.

SECTION 4. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Special assessments may only be levied by a qualified majority vote, and only once in any college term and then only with the approval of the Board of Advisors.

SECTION 5. RENDERING BILLS The Crysophylos shall, prior to the first meeting of every month, give each member a statement of account.

SECTION 6. PAYMENT FOR BILLS AND DELINQUENCIES No member shall be permitted to be in arrears to the International Fraternity or his chapter, Board of Advisors or Chapter Corporation for dues, membership fees, assessments, board, room and rent, or for any other obligation whatsoever. In case of an emergency, and then only with written consent of the Chairman or President of the chapter corporation and the Board of Advisors and the chapter advisors, or, in the case of obligations to the international fraternity, with the consent of the Executive Vice President. (Those in Arrears are considered delinquent).

SECTION 7. SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT Any member who shall, under Article XIV Section 6, be delinquent shall automatically be suspended from all fraternity activities and shall have no privileges all debts have been paid. In case the suspended individual is an officer, the Prytanis shall appoint a frater to fill the office until the suspended officer is either reinstated or removed. Should the Chapter be unsuccessful in securing settlement of the debt, the Chairman of the Board of Advisors shall commence action under the International Bylaws to remove the individual’s membership and turn the indebtedness over to a collection agency.

SECTION 8. EXPENDITURES No expenditure shall be made, indebtedness incurred, by any person not expressly authorized to do so within these Bylaws. No person authorized to spend or incur indebtedness shall exceed his authorized budget.

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SECTION 9. BILLS, PAYMENTS, DISPUTES No bills shall be paid without the presentation of receipts. The Crysophylos shall keep copies of all receipts in a currently maintained folder for each and every frater, until such time as he is no longer active, or is graduated. All checks shall require the signature of the Prytanis and Crysophylos. All disputes over accounts shall be referred to the Judicial Board, and if unsettled, the Board of Advisors.

SECTION 10. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Members who complete payment of their entire semester balance by the end of the first month of each semester will receive a 10% discount off of that total balance.


SECTION 1. ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER The Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon should use Robert’s Rules of Order in all meeting and proceedings. This is in compliance with the International Bylaws and Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. A copy of Robert’s Rules of Order can be found in Appendix C.


SECTION 1. PERMANENCE OF BYLAWS These Bylaws shall become permanent upon ratification by the chapter, and shall prevail as described in Article I Section 2 of this document.

SECTION 2. RATIFCATION VOTE Ratification shall be by qualified majority Chapter Vote of the total active membership, to become binding law.

SECTION 3. UPDATING OF BYLAWS At the end of every semester, the Executive Council is required to meet to check, adjust, and amend these Bylaws of the Tau-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

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Absolute Majority: more than fifty percent plus one vote (50% +1)

Amendment: An addition to the Bylaws to change or propose a law.

Board of Judicial Review: A review board determining legality of actions in regards to Chapter Bylaws and/or whether actions warrant a referral to the Judicial Board.

Business Expenses: Expenses affiliated with the chapter that has been approved by the chapter.

Impeachment: Formal procedure for removal of officer from his office. Judicial

Board: Reviews member’s actions and standing in the fraternity. MQB:

Membership Quality Board.

Probation: Temporary stripped of certain rights and privileges as a “good standing” member of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

Probationary Good Standing: A status for member who would are on the verge of becoming a member on Probation, but retains all the rights and privileges as a “good standing” member.

Qualified Majority: more than two-thirds (>2/3)

Quorum: Simple majority of the active chapter to hold any Chapter Meeting; an Absolute majority of the active chapter to hold a Chapter Vote.

Ratification: Formally voting, accepting, and empowering on rules and regulations set forth in a document. Ratification of a document is enacting the document to being the ruling standards of an organization or group of people.

Robert’s Rules of Order: A form of procedure to keep order and equality in a meeting.

Simple Majority: more than fifty percent (>50%)

Super Majority: more than seventy-five percent (>75%)

Suspension: Temporarily stripped of all rights and privileges as a “good standing” member of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

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*To ensure strict adherence to education plan and that no candidate is put under unnecessary physical or mental pressure/harm, the Hegemon is not allowed to change or alter any part of this process without the consent and majority vote of the executive council. This will remain so from now until the end of Tau-Phi and, if disregarded, will result in the Hegemon’s forfeiture of duties and position.*

To ensure the Blueprint takes precedence along with our chapter traditions, making

Alumni, Brothers, and Potential New Members happy…

. The traditional events reflect one of each six pillars in the blueprint, giving the process an interactive and fluid feel. . After each event conduct a private reflection and discussion session on the lessons learned and how they correlate to the Blueprint and our principles. . Give abbreviated lectures on the literature (Teke Guide) to be studied much like you experience in most day-to-day classrooms. . ALL MEETINGS WILL BE CLOSED TO THE BROTHERS.

A formalized schedule detailing each event conducted is due PRIOR to the beginning of pledgeship to the Brothers, cutting down on MISCOMMUNICATION, and serve as a template to future new member educators.

. Cuts down on the “what do the new members know and what do they not know?” thoughts. . The Hegemon should explicitly report on all that he tells the new members and allow the brothers to ask questions and address concerns during brotherhood meetings. . Each event will be conducted, regardless of the adeptness of the pledge class in a manner that ensures safety and welfare of all.

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 THE RING-IN: Conducted the week of inductions (preferably the night before). Each new member will be brought one at a time to the circle by a designated member so each experience is unique and memorable.  INDUCTION: Conducted the day after ring-ins, the week of open recruitment (time negotiable). Open to family, friends, and alumni.

 INTIGRATION WEEK: Week after inductions, candidates will receive pledge materials and hold a lesson on “What a pledge class is,” “What is expected of you and what you should expect,” and the most important thing a Teke should know: “How to effectively recruit.” The candidates will also be immersed in brotherhood activities and events during this week.

 PLEDGE EDUCATION (6 weeks): . TWELVE LABORS (Teamwork) . THE CIRCLE & OPEN FORUM (Leadership) . COURT OF APOLLO (Character) . HYPO NIGHT (Brotherhood) . Homecoming/Greek Week (Scholarship) . Philanthropy Week (Service) o ORDER OF THESE EVENTS IS NOT SET

 FINILIZATION WEEK: Candidates will finalize all loose ends of pledgeship. This week may serve as a follow-up week or catch-up week. The ORACLE OF DELPHI is held during this week.  SECRET WORKS: o Secret Works is on the Sunday night following Finalization Week.

 FINAL PLEDGE EVENT: o The Final Pledge Event will take place the Friday following Secret Works.

 INITIATION: o Initiation of candidates is on the Sunday after The Final Pledge Event.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: The semester prior to elections, those of the brothers that seriously wish to run for educator will become my assistant/shadow to learn the ropes and see how things are conducted. Only they will be allowed at meetings with me and the new members.

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Event Date & Time Location

Ring-Ins 9/4 (Thursday) 9pm

Inductions 9/5 (Friday) 7pm

Twelve Labors 9/17 (Wednesday) 9pm

Circle/Open Forum 9/24 (Wednesday) 9pm

Court of Apollo 10/2 (Thursday) 9pm

Oracle of Delphi 10/15 (Thursday) 9pm

Secret Works 10/26 (Sunday) 7 pm

The Trials 10/31 (Friday) 7pm

House Tour 11/2 (Sunday)

Formal Initiation 11/2 (Sunday) 7 pm

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Three Strikes Process

The following document details the “Three Strike” procedure of the candidate education process. Should a candidate commit any of the infractions listed below, a strike will be put on the record kept by the Hegemon. The Pylortes has the right to distribute strikes as well. Once a candidate has accumulated three strikes the record will be shown to both the Prytanis and Grammateus for their approval before the candidate is formally dropped from the candidate class. Infractions:  Absences – An unexcused absence from any chapter meeting, candidate meeting, Blueprint event, or any event declared to be mandatory by the Hegemon (e.g. Homecoming events or tailgates) will result in one strike being added to the candidate’s record o In order to make an absence excused, the candidate must bring a valid excuse to the Hegemon prior to the absence. Valid excuses include but are not limited to mandatory events hosted by other organizations, sporting events (for athletes or SOTS members), academic obligations, other TKE obligations, or family emergencies  Tardiness – Coming late to any chapter meeting, candidate meeting, Blueprint event, or any event declared mandatory by the Hegemon (e.g. Homecoming events or tailgates) will result in half of a strike (two of which result in a full strike) being added to the candidate’s record. o In order to make a tardy excused, the candidate must bring a valid excuse to the Hegemon prior to the event. Valid excuses include but are not limited to mandatory events hosted by other organization, sporting events (for athletes or SOTS members), academic obligations, other TKE obligations, or family emergencies.  Study Hours – Failing to achieve the eight study hours required by any candidate during a given week will result in half a strike (two of which equal a full strike) being added to the candidate’s record after consulting with the Scholarship Chair. o In order to excuse missed study hours, the candidate must bring a valid excuse to the Scholarship Chair. The Scholarship Chair will then judge whether or not the excuse is valid and inform the Hegemon whether half a strike should be added.

Strikes may be removed from a candidate’s record should that candidate go above and beyond his Blueprint obligations in order to help the fraternity. What qualifies as enough extra help or the number of strikes removed is decided upon by the executive council. If a candidate is formally dropped from the candidate education program, that candidate will not have his eligibility to rush TKE during another semester removed as a result.

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Robert's Rules of Order is the standard for facilitating discussions and group decision- making. Copies of the rules are available at most bookstores. Although they may seem long and involved, having an agreed upon set of rules makes meetings run easier. Robert's Rules will help your group have better meetings, not make them more difficult. Your group is free to modify them or find another suitable process that encourages fairness and participation, unless your bylaws state otherwise.

Here are the basic elements of Robert's Rules, used by most organizations:

1. Motion: To introduce a new piece of business or propose a decision or action, a motion must be made by a group member ("I move that...... ") A second motion must then also be made (raise your hand and say, "I second it.") After limited discussion the group then votes on the motion. A majority vote is required for the motion to pass (or quorum as specified in your bylaws.) 2. Postpone Indefinitely: This tactic is used to kill a motion. When passed, the motion cannot be reintroduced at that meeting. It may be brought up again at a later date. This is made as a motion ("I move to postpone indefinitely..."). A second is required. A majority vote is required to postpone the motion under consideration. 3. Amend: This is the process used to change a motion under consideration. Perhaps you like the idea proposed but not exactly as offered. Raise your hand and make the following motion: "I move to amend the motion on the floor." This also requires a second. After the motion to amend is seconded, a majority vote is needed to decide whether the amendment is accepted. Then a vote is taken on the amended motion. In some organizations, a "friendly amendment" is made. If the person who made the original motion agrees with the suggested changes, the amended motion may be voted on without a separate vote to approve the amendment. 4. Commit: This is used to place a motion in committee. It requires a second. A majority vote must rule to carry it. At the next meeting the committee is required to prepare a report on the motion committed. If an appropriate committee exists, the motion goes to that committee. If not, a new committee is established. 5. Question: To end a debate immediately, the question is called (say "I call the question") and needs a second. A vote is held immediately (no further discussion is allowed). A two-thirds vote is required for passage. If it is passed, the motion on the floor is voted on immediately. 6. Table: To table a discussion is to lay aside the business at hand in such a manner that it will be considered later in the meeting or at another time ("I make a motion to table this discussion until the next meeting. In the meantime, we will get more information so we can better discuss the issue.") A second is needed and a majority vote required to table the item being discussed. 7. Adjourn: A motion is made to end the meeting. A second motion is required. A majority vote is then required for the meeting to be adjourned (ended).

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In a smaller meeting, like a committee or board meeting, often only four motions are used: • To introduce (motion.) • To change a motion (amend.) • To adopt (accept a report without discussion.) • To adjourn (end the meeting.)

Remember, these processes are designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate and to share ideas in an orderly manner. Parliamentary procedure should not be used to prevent discussion of important issues.

The following summary will help you determine when to use the actions described in Robert's Rules of Order:

• A main motion must be moved, seconded, and stated by the chair before it can be discussed. • If you want to move, second, or speak to a motion, stand and address the chair. • If you approve the motion as is, vote for it. • If you disapprove the motion, vote against it. • If you approve the idea of the motion but want to change it, amend it or submit a substitute for it. • If you want advice or information to help you make your decision, move to refer the motion to an appropriate quorum or committee with instructions to report back. • If you feel they can handle it better than the assembly, move to refer the motion to a quorum or committee with power to act. • If you feel that there the pending question(s) should be delayed so more urgent business can be considered, move to lay the motion on the table. • If you want time to think the motion over, move that consideration be deferred to a certain time. • If you think that further discussion is unnecessary, move the previous question. • If you think that the assembly should give further consideration to a motion referred to a quorum or committee, move the motion be recalled. • If you think that the assembly should give further consideration to a matter already voted upon, move that it be reconsidered. • If you do not agree with a decision rendered by the chair, appeal the decision to the assembly. • If you think that a matter introduced is not germane to the matter at hand, a point of order may be raised. • If you think that too much time is being consumed by speakers, you can move a time limit on such speeches. • If a motion has several parts, and you wish to vote differently on these parts, move to divide the motion.

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1) Stand when no one else has the floor. 2) Address the Chair by proper name. 3) Wait until the chair recognizes you.

• Now that you have the floor and can proceed with your motion say "I move that...," state your motion clearly and sit down. • Another member may second your motion. A second merely implies that the seconder agrees that the motion should come before the assembly and not that he/she is in favor of the motion. • If there is no second, the Chair says, "The motion is not before you at this time." The motion is not lost, as there has been no vote taken. • If there is a second, the Chair states the question by saying "It has been moved and seconded that ... (state the motion). . ., is there any discussion?"

DEBATE OR DISCUSSING THE MOTION: • The member who made the motion is entitled to speak first. • Every member has the right to speak in debate. • The Chair should alternate between those "for" the motion and those "against" the motion. • The discussion should be related to the pending motion. • Avoid using a person's name in debate. • All questions should be directed to the Chair. • Unless there is a special rule providing otherwise, a member is limited to speak once to a motion. • Asking a question or a brief suggestion is not counted in debate. • A person may speak a second time in debate with the assembly's permission.

VOTING ON A MOTION: • Before a vote is taken, the Chair puts the question by saying "Those in favor of the motion that ... (repeat the motion)... say "Aye." Those opposed say "No." Wait, then say "The motion is carried," or "The motion is lost." • Some motions require a qualified majority. A qualified majority vote is obtained by standing. • If a member is in doubt about the vote, he may call out "division." A division is a demand for a standing vote. • A simple majority vote is more than half of the votes cast by persons legally entitled to vote. • A qualified majority means at least 2/3 of the votes cast by persons legally entitled to vote. • A tie vote is a lost vote, since it is not a majority.

Tau-Phi Bylaws: - 36