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Subject: FW: MDC's consultative and feed-back rallies - FOR SITE

MDC’s consultative and feed-back rallies gather momentum

The MDC’s nationwide consultative rallies went a gear up as thousands turned up at the 57 rallies in the various districts and wards across the country over the weekend.

The party’s national leadership and provincial teams addressed well-attended rallies as the MDC true to its tradition of holding consultative and feed-back rallies across the country.

Addressing over 6 000 people at Nyika growth point in Bikita West in Masvingo on Saturday, the MDC Secretary-General and Finance Minister Hon said Zanu PF is a party that is stil shock following its historic defeat in the elections o 29 March 2009.

MDC supporters gathered at a feed-back rally in Buhera Central

He accused Zanu PF of reneging on the full implementation of the Global Political Agreement (G

Hon. Biti said Zanu PF was dragging its feet and this was affecting the work of the inclusive government formed over eight months ago.

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“Zanu PF is still in shock and it is finding it hard to believe that the people come first and that the people indeed are the custodians of this rich and prosperous nation,” Hon. Biti said.

“We have come back to you the people in keeping with our tradition that the people are our compass who must guide our actions. We in the MDC know that the people are our oxygen and without we cannot breathe.”

He said the inclusive government was operating like an ox harnessed to a donkey.

“The MDC is the ox is harnessed to a donkey, which is a lazy and stubborn animal compared to the energetic ox, which when given work to do executes whereas the donkey stands still and stares into space.

“Zanu PF is not delivering and we are forced to drag both the plough and the donkey.”

Addressing over 4 000 at Nyika growth in Bikita the MDC Women’s Assembly chairperson Hon said the inclusive government should carry out a retraining exercise for the police an army officers in line with the new political dispensation.

“Police should know that they are there to protect the citizens of whether they are Zanu PF MDC or from Mavambo and not to prosecute and persecute by virtue of one’s political affiliation”, said Makone, who is also the Minister of Public Works.

Zanu PF and other residual elements in government have of late been abusing the Zimbabwe Nationa Army personnel and its resources to further personal agendas, and unleash violence and intimidation against MDC supporters.

Some members of the police and the Attorney-General’s Office have also been used to arrest, prosecu and persecute MDC supporters on trumped up charges.

“Because of the new order in the inclusive government the police and army should be reminded of th roles in society and as a result there is need to for reorientation,” said Hon. Makone.

Addressing another rally at Buhera Central, Manicaland province, Hon. encouraged people to take the opportunity of drafting a people-driven Constitution seriously.

“You must make sure that you fully engage yourselves and contribute meaningfully to the Constitution-making process when you are consulted by different representatives of the Parliament thematic committees,” said Hon. Matinenga, who is also the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs.

Hon. Matinenga warned people to be careful of any Constitution draft that may be imposed on them, saying the people should reject it and demand a new Constitution that will capture their views and aspirations.

He also told the people on why the MDC had entered the inclusive government and said the party had not given up on its fight to bring real change to the people of Zimbabwe. He said the MDC had joined the inclusive government in order to stabilise the economy, to democratise State institutions and to

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ensure that the country has a new, people-driven Constitution

Hon. Eric Matinenga addressing a rally in Buhera Central

It was a hive of activity in Gutu in Masvingo, where over 4 000 people gathered at Zvavahera Busine Centre and the home area of the late Vice President Simon Muzenda for a victory celebration rally fo Gutu North

Hundreds of villagers gathered at Zavahera business centre on Friday, to witness the victory celebration rally for Gutu North member of the house of assembly, Edmore Maramwidze Hamandish

Speaking at the event, Senators Misheck Marava (Zaka) and Empire Kufachikati Makamure (Gutu) said Hon Hamandishe`s victory was clear evidence that the people had boarded the train of change.

Senator Makamure said :”It is pleasing to note we can now gather at this place freely we all know tha Muzenda was from this area and it was considered a no go area for the MDC. However we have managed to scale new heights.”

Part of the crowd that attended the Buhera Central rally

Senator Marava also said the celebration rally was meant to celebrate the people `s freedom from

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oppression by ZANU PF .He said:

“We know that you have been longing for these celebrations. Nobody has been forced to attend this event and it reflects that we are different from ZANU PF,” said Hon Marava.

-- For more information please call MDC (Zimbabwe) Hon. Mr. 0912940489 National Spokesperson or Mr. Luke Tamborinyoka 0912104416 or [email protected] or Nqobizitha Mlilo (Zimbabwe) 00263913294724 or (South Africa) 0835274650 or 0731539555 or [email protected] or [email protected]

"At each point in our proud history we have looked forward not backwards, we have stood for hope not fear, we have believed in love not hate, and we have never lost touch with our democratic values or sight of our democratic goals." ~ His Execellency, Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Mr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

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