Trilobites from the Çal Tepe Formation (Cambrian), Near Seydiflehir

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Trilobites from the Çal Tepe Formation (Cambrian), Near Seydiflehir TurkishJournalofEarthSciences (TurkishJ.EarthSci.),Vol.14, 2005,pp.1-71. Copyright©TÜB‹TAK TrilobitesfromtheÇalTepeFormation(Cambrian), NearSeydiflehir,CentralTaurides,SouthwesternTurkey WILLIAMT.DEAN DepartmentofGeology,NationalMuseumofWales,CardiffCF103NP-U.K.;and DepartmentofEarthSciences,UniversityofWalesCardiff,Box.914,Cardiff-U.K (e-mail:[email protected]) Abstract: ThetypesectionoftheÇalTepeFormation,nearSeydiflehir,isreviewed.Thebasaldolomitemember isunfossiliferous,butthesucceedingblacklimestonemember(24m),light-greylimestonemember(10.15m), andrednodularlimestonemember(46.7m)aresubdividedintothirty-sevennumbered,oftenfossiliferousbeds. Trilobitesfromtheblacklimestonemember,lateEarlyCambrian,exhibitaffinitieswithMorocco,Spainand northwesternEurope;theyincludeonenewgenusandspecies( Pamphyliaspisnigra)andthreeothernewspecies (Condylopygematutina , Aluevavenulosa , Antatlasiascabra ).Thelowerlight-greylimestonemembercontains Acadoparadoxides(Acadoparadoxides)mureroensis ,basalMiddleCambrianindexspeciesinSpain,with Hamatolenus(Hamatolenus)altifronsns sp.nov.,andthecorynexochid Clavigellusvenustus,firstdescribedfrom southwestofAfyon,westernTurkey.Trilobitesfromthehighestbedofthememberinclude Acadolenus?, Agraulos,Dorypygefimbriata sp.nov., Granularia,Parasolenopleura? andSdzuyella;Corynexochus occursonly rarely.Therednodularlimestonememberreflectsdeepeningmarineconditions,andthefaunaincludesAsturiaspis oezgueli sp.nov., Conocoryphe(Conocoryphe) , Dorypyge, Eccaparadoxidesmarginatus sp.nov., Hartella, Peronopsis,Proampyx andthebiozonalindexPardailhaniahispida.NearHadim,70kmsoutheastofÇalTepe,the faunaoftherednodularlimestonememberissimilartothatnearSeydiflehir.AtÇalTepe,succeedingyellowshales (nowinterpretedasbasalSeydiflehirFormation)yieldedonlyundeterminedparadoxididfragments,butanalogous stratanearHadimcontainscarce Pardailhaniahispida.YoungestUpperCambrianrocksmayoccurtothewestof ÇalTepe,buttheinferredCambrian–Ordoviciancontactthereisunexposed.CorrelationwithCambriansuccessions elsewhereinsouthernTurkeyandtheMediterraneanregionisreviewed. KeyWords: trilobites,biostratigraphy,Cambrian,Taurides,Turkey SeydiflehirYak›nCivar›ndaYüzeyleyenÇalTepeFormasyonu’ndaki(Kambriyen) Trilobitler,OrtaToroslar,Güneybat›Türkiye Özet: Seydiflehiryak›nlar›ndayüzeyleyenÇalTepeFormasyonu’nuntipkesitiyenidenincelendi.Tabandakidolomit üyesifosilsizolup,hemenüzerindekisiyahkireçtafl›(24m),aç›k-grikireçtafl›(10.15m),vek›rm›z›nodüllü kireçtafl›(46.7m)üyelerindenoluflanistifço¤unluklafosilli37tabakayaayr›lm›flt›r.Siyahkireçtafl›üyesindeki trilobitler(geçErkenKambriyen)Fas,‹spanyavekuzeybat›Avrupadakilerebenzerliksunarkenyenibircinsivetürü (Pamphyliaspisnigra)ileüçyenitürden(Condylopygematutina,Aluevavenulosa,Antatlasiascabra)oluflmaktad›r. Altaç›k-grikireçtafl›üyesiAcadoparadoxides(Acadoparadoxides)mureroensis (‹spanya’daenaltOrtaKambriyenin indekstürüolarakbilinir)ile Hamatolenus(Hamatolenus)altifrons nssp.nov.,veilkbat›Anadolu’daAfyon güneybat›s›ndatan›mlanancorynexochidClavigellusvenustus gibitürleriiçermektedir.Buüyeninenüstkesimlerini oluflturantabakalardakitrilobitlerise Acadolenus?, Agraulos, Dorypygefimbriata sp.nov., Granularia, Parasolenopleura? ve Sdzuyella içerirken Corynexochus nadirolarakgözlemlenmifltir.K›rm›z›nodülerkireçtafl› üyesiderinleflendenizkoflullar›naiflaretederken Asturiaspisoezgueli sp.nov., Conocoryphe(Conocoryphe) , Dorypyge,Eccaparadoxidesmarginatus sp.nov.,Hartella,Peronopsis,Proampyx vebiyozonalindeksPardailhania hispida gibitürleriniçermektedir.Hadimyak›nlar›nda,ÇalTepe’nin70kmgüneybat›s›,k›rm›z›nodülerkireçtafl› üyesindekifosiliçeri¤iSeydiflehiryak›ncivar›ylaayn›d›r.ÇalTepe’de,üzerleyensar›fleyiller(buradaSeydiflehir Formasyonu’nuntemeliolaraktan›mlanm›flt›r)tan›mlanamayanparadoxididparçalar›içerirken,Hadimcivar›ndan eflde¤erstratadaPardailhaniahispida nadirolarakbulunmaktad›r.EngençÜstKambriyenkayaçlar›ÇalTepe’nin bat›s›ndayüzeyliyorolabilir,ancakKambriyen–Ordovisyendokuna¤›buradayüzeylememektedir.Güneybat›Türkiye ileAkdenizbölgesinindi¤erkesimlerindekiKambriyenistifleriileolankorelasyontekrargözdengeçirilmifltir. AnahtarSözcükler:trilobitler,biyostratigrafi,Kambriyen,Toroslar,Türkiye 1 CAMBRIANTRILOBITESFROMTHECENTRALTAURIDES Introduction nodularlimestonememberhavebeendividedinto ThehillknownastheÇal(sometimesIdrisçalorBüyük individualbedswhicharegiventheRomannumerals I to Çal)Tepeliesabout6kmnorthwestofSeydiflehir,onthe XXXVII inascendingstratigraphicorder(Figures4–6). northsideoftheTaurusMountainsandabout75km Levelsoftrilobite-bearingrockwithineachnumberedbed southwestofKonya(Figure1).Theareafallswithinthe areindicatedbylowercaseletters a to c;fossiliferous westernTaurides,oneofthestructuralsubdivisionsof levelsoutsidethemeasuredsectionhavelocalitynumbers TurkeyemployedbyKetin(1966),Gutnic etal. (1979) withprefix C-.SectionsintheÇalTepeFormationat andÖzgül(1984).TheÇalTepeformspartofthelargest nearbyGüvercinTepeandattheunnamed,smallhill ofseveralinliersofCambrianandOrdovicianrocks,with immediatelyadjacenttothesoutheast(Figure2)are strikeNW–SE(Figure2),thatformfeaturesprojecting muchlesscompletethanthoseattheÇalTepebut fromtheadjacentplain,whichisunderlainbyless provideduseful,supplementarymaterialfromthehighest resistantMesozoicandQuaternarytoRecentstrata.The partoftherednodularlimestonemember. presenceofLowerPalaeozoicrocksintheareawasfirst OutcropsoftheÇalTepeFormationatandnear demonstratedbyMonod(1967),andthe Ba¤bafl›village,northofHadim,asmalltowninthe Cambrian–Ordoviciansuccession,whichisinvertedatthe centralTaurusMountains65kmsoutheastofSeydiflehir ÇalTepe(Figure3),wasdescribedbyDean&Monod (Figure1),werefirstrecognisedandmappedbyNecdet (1970).Lithostratigraphicunitsthenrecognised,with Özgül( in Özgül&Gedik1973).OnlymiddleMiddle minormodificationsofterminologybyDean(1975,p. Cambriantrilobiteshavebeenfoundthere,anda 356)andincorporatinglaterworkbyMonod(1977)and preliminarylistofgeneraandspecieswiththeir byDean&Monod(unpublisheddata),formthebasisof stratigraphicrangesatBa¤bafl›wasgivenbyDean& thefollowingsuccession:ÇalTepeFormation(Lowerto Özgül(1981);thismaterial,supplementedbylater MiddleCambriancarbonates);SeydiflehirFormation collecting,isconsideredhereingreaterdetail. (MiddleCambriantoArenigclastics);andSobova Theextensionofrockssubsequentlyassignedtothe Formation(upperArenigcarbonates)(Table1). ÇalTepeFormationintotheSultanDa¤area,about100 Rocksofthedolomitemembercomprisethickly kmnorthwestofSeydiflehir(Figure1),wasrecognisedin bedded,brown-weathering,black,unfossiliferous, unpublishedthesesbyHaude(1968)andKelter(1968), crystallinedolomitesinterpreted(Dean&Monod1997) anddescribedinpartbyHaude(1972).Theirtrilobite astransgressive,supratidaltointertidaldeposits.Their collections,describedbyShergold&Sdzuy(1984), invertedoutcropformsthenortheastflankoftheÇal includesomeelementsfoundalsointheSeydiflehirand Tepe,wheretheoldeststrataexposeddiptothe Hadimareas,andthesearediscussedlater.Afurther northeastandareoverlainbyQuaternarytoRecent inlieratHüdai,170kmnorthwestoftheÇalTepe,was deposits.Atthemeasuredreferencesectionnearthe mappedbyNecdetÖzgülanddescribedbyDean&Özgül southeasternendoftheÇalTepe(Figure2),theblack (1994). limestonemember,light-greylimestonememberandred Table1. LithostratigraphicunitsintheÇalTepearea. Formation Member Thickness(m) SobovaFormation 30 SeydiflehirFormation >1000 basaltransitionalunitofyellowshales 50 rednodularlimestone 46.7 ÇalTepeFormation light-greylimestone 10.15 (baseofformationnotexposed) blacklimestone 24 dolomite >50 2 W.T. DEAN 30˚ 35˚ 40˚ 45˚ BLACK BLACK SEA SEA U.I.S. Istanbul PONTIDES NAF 40˚ Ankara WESTERN SALT EASTERN TAURIDES LAKE C LAKE VAN IRAN Kayseri L Van Izmir C C EAFL L Sultan TAURIDES Hüdai Dag Konya L Hakkâri LAKE Kahraman C BORDER FOLDS C CAL TEPE Tut- L BEYSEHIR C Maras C Penbegli Derik Mardin Seydisehir C C C Antalya Hadim Adana Amanos C C Kemer Dag Zap N Silifke SYRIA Antakya IRAQ River Ovacik River River MEDITERRANEAN Euphrates 35˚ SEA 35˚ ARABIAN PLATE Tigris 0100 200 km Figure1. OutlinemapofTurkey,showinglocationofprincipalplace-namescitedinthetext.RegionaltectonicunitsafterKetin(1966) andGutnic etal. (1979);blackareasdenotePalaeozoic(undivided)outcrops(afterDean1975,andGutnicetal. 1979),compiledandmodifiedfrom mapsoftheGeneralDirectorateofMineralResearchandExplorationofTurkey(=MTA).ThosewhichincludeCambrianrocksaremarked bytheletter∈.EAF=EastAnatolianFault,NAF=NorthAnatolianFault. ÇalTepeFormationintheÇalTepeArea whichrunsroughlyparalleltothecontoursandfollowsa ThefourcarbonatemembersoftheÇalTepeFormation narrowgapintheotherwisecontinuousridgeformedby atitstypesectionformthebasisformostofthepresent thicklybeddedlimestonesoftheblacklimestonemember. discussion.Thesameunitscropoutalsointheareanorth AlinerunningapproximatelySW–NEacrossthispartof ofHadim(Figures1&7),butthedolomitemember theÇalTepemarksthepositionofthemeasuredstandard thereisunderlainbymorethan150mofdarkshale sectionnotedbelow.TheentireCambriansequence (Özgülin Özgül&Gedik1973).Thelatterunityielded formingthehillisinverted,sothatsuccessivelyolder neithermacrofossilsnormicrofossilsandisunrecorded strataareencounterednortheastwards.Nomacrofossils fromtheSeydiflehirarea,butitsstratigraphicposition werefoundinthedolomitemember,heremorethan50 correspondsapparentlytothatof100mofdark,pelitic mthick,andforcollectingpurposestheremainderofthe shaleintheSultanDa¤area,describedbyHaude(1972, formation'scarbonatesweredividedintonumberedbeds, p.413)astheArd›çl›Tepe-Schichtenandconsideredasa asbelow.Individualfossiliferouslevelswithinany formationof(?)EarlyCambrianagebyWolfart(1983, particularbedareindicatedbylowercaselettersa,bor
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