Gutturu Pala (Iglesiente, Sluf Sardinia, Itdy) Cambrian

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Gutturu Pala (Iglesiente, Sluf Sardinia, Itdy) Cambrian Bollenino delk Societh Pahontohgica Italiana 43(3),2004 rssN0375-7633 383-40r 3 pls. Modena, Dicembre 2004 Cambrian microfauna and palaeoecologyof the Campo Pisano Formation at Gutturu Pala (Iglesiente, SlUf Sardinia, Itdy) Olaf EI-Icru Gian Luigi Ptllom TU BereakademieFreibere Universit)r deeli studi di Casliari Geologiscf,esInstitut, Freibirg Diparti-ento"Scienze della Terra I(EY lrfORDS - Microfossils,Palaeoecologl, Campo Pisano Formation, Cambrian, Sardir ABSTMCT - The microfossilcontent of nodukr limestonesof the late Early to Middle Gutturu Pala sectionofsouth*ritrrn Sardinia is describedand discusid with ,ttpttito pakeoeco tigations, the uerticaliuccasion of the sedimentaryeuolution andfossil distibuiion is intqrpretet to at hast deep-subt;dil con, tfaot conditionsa! tle bgginyini of yhe Campo.ri:f"y Formatioln tics, an interim shalhwing during that processu likely. A dramatic facies,toTntt*eit wit6 the onsetof tbe Cam\o PisanoFormation indicat€slt strt by tectonicinstahitity oftht pktfor*, modeiaterektiue sea-leuelrise and pakeol frott of the time, thi pirsistintiof onb onepaktott6hgical assembkgeindicates a more5r hssii for' mo,stof the,CarnpoPisano time. Aming the taxa representedin the highly fossiliferoussediments, trilobites, echinoderms,b elementsarZ chancelhrilids,hyolithids, ptk7leltih, hiolithelminthids, and bradoriid arthropods. is pubtished herefor the fii, tirye. The foaqwing bradoriid and trih_Qitesryciel are newly t Condylopyge aniiqua n.-sp.,and - dzscribedin optn nomenclature- Clavigellusi n.sP. RASSUNTO - [Microfauna cambrianae paleoecologiadella Formazionedi Campo P serrenrrionale,Sardeena)l - I mimofossili,ontiruti nei ilcari nodukri d,el Cambriaio ini CampoPisano drlk sizio'ie di Gumriu Pala, Sardegnasud-occidentale, sono desritti e discussiT base-didenasliate analisi di facia, dell'eaoluzione-sedimentariae delh distibuzione dei resti I in termini fr uariazioni ambientali che indicano condizioni sub-tidali pocoprofonde alk baie dizioni sub-tidali profonde(probabilmente anche mobo profonde)alk immith"delk stessaforn no inoltre k presenzid; un'episodiointermedio conekbili con un sensibilzabbassamento dzl h La dmiica sostituzione'difacia, che segnal'inizio delh Formazione di Campo Pisano ambienti. Cib b spiegabileinnanLitt tto con lTinstabilitt tettonicafulk7iattaforrna, ilk quale . liaelh marino e'uaiiazioni climatiche indotte dall'assenopaleogeografco +i p_ersistenzn,dura associazionepaleoycghgicg, indica chek deposiT|gnedelk mag'ior Parte delk Formazione di C, no aperto,' sib-tidale profondo,ph o menostabile. FrA i gruppi di org;nismi ,apprtttntati nei sedimentiriccarnente fossihferi predominano tr, inolne prtTt"ii ,o*poirnti minoii qu.ali chancelloridi, hyolithidi, pikg;til;dl,'hy.olithelmintid Formaiione di Cnkpo Pisano e piOOt;cataper k primla uolta ii quZstoarticih. Sono state Hipponicarion ichdusum n. tp.'t Condyloiyg. airdqua n. sp., appartenentirispeniuamente mentreunt nuoaAspecie di n;hbiti coryiexichTdi,ott ibuita i Ctiiigellusi ,. tp., i stata laci INTRODUCTTON tic shelf environment (Nebida Group) to an isolated carbonate platform (Gonnesa Group) followed by In southwesternSardinia (Texr-fig. 1) autochtho- the drownitg and cover of the platform by siliciclas- nous Cambro-Ordoviciansediments crop out in the tic sediments (IglesiasGroup; Texvfig. 2). Iglesienteand Sulcis area (summary monograph: The Nebida Group (Early Cambrian) consists of Bechstadt& Boni, 1994).The Cambriansuccessiop a basal siliciclastic portion with local calcimicrobial- within this suiteis under investigationsince the l9m archaeoryathan buildups (Matoppa Formation) and century.Vhereas the earlywork was mainly focused an upper alternation of shallow marine siliciclastic on palaeontologicaltopics (e.g. Bornemann, 1886, deposits and carbonates(Punta Manna Formation). 1891; Meneghini, 1888), researchchanged later to The overlyi.g Gonnesa Group (Early Cambrian) is sedimentological,facies and other interests. completely composed of carbonates: whereas the The entire Cambrian successionhas a thicknessof lower part (Santa Barbara Formation) is mainly rep- about2000 m and indicatesan evolutionfrom a clas- resented by dolostones, the higher part consists of 384 O. ELICI(I, G.L, PILLOIA detailed study. Investigationson this unit were focusedin rather subordinateaspects of work on the whole Cambrian successionor on specid palaeonto- logical remains.Followitg that work, the lower unit (Campo Pisano Formadon) representsa condensed carbonatesuccession consisting of more or lessnodu- lar silry limestones(Loi et al., 1995). The origin of the nodularity wasinterpreted by Gandin (1979) and Cocozza&, Gandin (1990) asdue to compactionand early dissoludonprocesses on a tectonic instableand -l+Ft'\fY rr + morphological differentiated shelf, These authors l/e€:+,*,*_t compare this nodular facies to the GibagrabenNiri.**** "Ammonitico Jurassic Rosso".In contrast,Elicki (2001) Pre- sentedarguments for a depositionin a morphologi- cally rather low diversified subtidal shelf environ- ment. After that author, the nodular texture of the Campo PisanoFormation is a result of complex late diageneticprocesses. Palaeontologicdly, the Campo Pisano Formation was never subjectedto intensive investigationuntil recentyears. Sporadic works came from Cherchi 6( Schroeder(1984, foraminiferaand problematica),from Mostler (1985, poriferidt) and t] cenozoic O Gutturu Pala hom Pillola (1991, trilobites).Since the middle of H #l Mesozoic @ Fluminimaggiore the 90's, the microfauna of the Campo Pisano is investigation by the Freiberg f allochthonousPalaeozoic O Iglesias Formation under University working group. Hitherto, some work on E granites "small m early Ordovician to Devonian Variscan the so-cdled shellyfossils" is alreadypublished : IglesiasGroup 13] ?Precambrian (2002), Elicki et al. (2003) and Elicki 6c 'Wotteby Elicki I GonnesaGroup \l thrusts (2003). A number of further publications %' from there are in progress. Nebida Group faults N Regarditg the higher part of the IglesiasGroup rex'-ngI - 'ffif (CabitzaFormation), some newer work is on the bios- ff:J'E::*#ff,::',::iffi ilti:'i,S"iiii: tratigraphy and sedimentolog;r of this siliciclasdc workingsection at GutturuPala locdiry. unit. Loi et Al. (1995) wereable to subdividethis por- tion by trilobites and graptolitesinto six different biostratigraphiclevels reaching from the early Mid- (Caesaraugustian limestones (San Giovanni Formation). The youngest Cambrian to the Early Ordovician unit of the Sardinian Cambrian is the Iglesias Group to Themadocian).The'depositional envirot -Jttt fol- (uppermost Early Cambrian to Early Ordovician), lowing the Campo Pisanocarbonates is interpretedby rt bi"i"g a carbbnate basal part (Campo Pisano different authors as e deeperbasin setting basedon (Gandin Formati-ot ) and a siliciclastic- upper part (Cabitza sedimentologicaland taphonomiccharacters Formation) that continues into the Early Ordovician et al., 1987; Cocozza6c Gandin, 1990; Loi et dl., Mid-Cambrian to the (T.{-fig.z).. 1995). For the late During the last decades,there was an intensive Themadocianhigher CabitzaFormation, in contrast,a sedimerrtiogical and palaeontologicalwork focused relativelyshallow environment was interpretedby Loi on the Early Cambrian units, e.g. the archaeoryaths et al. (1995) becauseof rypicd sedimentaryfeatures. were investigatedby Debrenne, Perej6n, Moreno- The aim of this paper is to presentfor the first Eiris and .Jl."g,r.r, the trilobites by Rasetti and time the microfauna of an entire section of the Pillola, and thi sedimentary facies mainly by Campo Pisano Formation, which was attained by Cocozze, Gandin, and by the working group of chemicalpreparation and by thin sections,and to dis- Bechstiidtand Boni. A summaryof the palaeontolog cusstheir palaeoecologicalrelevance. icd, sedimentary and facies investigationson the The palaeontologicalspecimens described and fig- Sardinian Cambrian, as well as an extensivelist of ured heiein are housedat the GeologicalInstitute of publications was published by Pillola (1991) and FreibergUniversiry (archive number 536),despite the Bechstldt& Boni (1994). trilobitE material, which is at Dipartimento di The uppermost Early Cambrian to Earty Scienze della Terra (Cagliari University; acronym Ordovician IglesiasGroup has receivedonly little DSTCP 23). UMBRUN MICROFAUNAAND PAAEOECOLOGYOF THE CAAIPOPISANO.,. 385 carbonate facies types: m - mudstone, GI Tw - wackestone, f - floatstone q o Ft m T r-.'r' Esc) o tr -=r- €t Fl ka Er -{---f- I clt !iE +, (); ----r=-r _q cl N ..*l - II F u, La o ! (t)c) a Hq tlt U E F-{ F. cl !€ ?a o0 w gs (D (D a iOI DlrDl(D l( o (D (D (D (DlO q) C.P. (DI(D ID .D (-l(D O I-I-I- Fl (D I(D:(Di(D (D (D .D .D olrLe lsirl (D ID (D (D a) l(D I (D -T-^I ft-rur- (D .Dl(t ala It .D (D (D (D .D ol- rD (D (D (D (D )l(Dl(D (D E ID (D (D .D (D .D tr E l- d tr tr GI I A (D (Dl(D (D (D o (D (D (D (D (D o # w l(D m f-. E (, rt-l-T- (D (DI(D (D (D 5 =\J iv O5 a \-=l=r--r--f-- --2'-1-J*,-< -r'--L--/ SF +i:l# qT -<' * \>,-/-\ oo tttl T F. rn = c.t (D .D .D (D iloToJ5 o tr -7' t=z__j_____/ .D ;f-l--t- f. zrt T& (D (D v ol-lolo ct (D I 1l ,l-T-lo_L G' rDl(D - ID ? IO I-IO ! w rl (D h ct tr o GI tr a 'tr d -o tr rt cl rt E (D (D rD crl li E rtl-T't'r'i- OIO Fossil content: cl fr{ (D (Dl{D (D .D U C(t tr (D (D (D (D -b tr m D - - hvolithids li G' (D (D (D O (l lo H .D OIO (D (D (D chancelloriids GI (D (Dl(D (D (D ffi tr Ltallrltal .D l.D oirDlrD .D (D (D brachioPods trr -]1- _l_ -l_ w (D rD Ioiolo tt (D F!i!i!i!il (D I.D (D .D ID
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