1 David J. Bodney (006065) Email:
[email protected] 2 Christopher Moeser (022604) Email:
[email protected] 3 BALLARD SPAHR LLP 1 East Washington Street, Suite 2300 4 Phoenix, AZ 85004-2555 Telephone: 602.798.5400 5 Facsimile: 602.798.5595 6 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 7 Of Counsel: David A. Schulz* 8 Jonathan Manes Emily J. Barnet (law student intern) 9 Benjamin W. Graham (law student intern) Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic 10 Yale Law School P.O. Box 208215 11 New Haven, CT 06520 Telephone: (203) 432-9387 12 Facsimile: (203) 432-3034 2555 - Email:
[email protected] 13 * Pro Hac Vice motion pending 14 Ballard Spahr LLP Spahr Ballard UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Phoenix, 85004 AZ 15 Telephone: 602.798.5400 DISTRICT OF ARIZONA 1 East Washington Street, Suite2300 16 ) 17 Guardian News & Media LLC; The Associated Press; The Arizona Republic, a ) NO. ) 18 division of Phoenix Newspapers, Inc.; KPNX- ) COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATIONS TV Channel 12, a division of Multimedia ) OF 42 U.S.C. § 1983 AND 19 Holdings Corporation; KPHO Broadcasting ) EQUITABLE, INJUNCTIVE, AND ) DECLARATORY RELIEF Corporation; and Star Publishing Company 20 ) d/b/a Arizona Daily Star, ) 21 ) ) 22 Plaintiffs, ) ) 23 vs. ) ) 24 Charles L. Ryan, Director of the Arizona ) Department of Corrections; and Thomas C. ) 25 ) Horne, Arizona Attorney General, ) 26 ) ) 27 Defendants. ) 28 1 To determine whether lethal injection executions are fairly and humanely administered, or whether they ever can be, citizens must 2 have reliable information about the . [‘]procedures,’ which are invasive, possibly painful and may give rise to serious complications. 3 This information is best gathered first-hand or from the media, which serves as the public’s surrogate.