I Record Beach Cridders Post V,:.^.V..I^;M||Li"Ti'i'v*I.,'-I.-' ^
^m~mm*m^i mmmmmmmmmm H"iP'jp,IL "i i" ''" ^^^mmmmmmm mmmmmmamm WW QUOTE WEATHER <it <, 'He who is of a calm and happy MIn, Mux Preclj. nature will hardly feel the pressure Thursday. Nov. 9 40 GO 0,00 . of age, but to him who is of an op- Friday, Nov, 10 ..,.,...,.39 60 0.00 Saturday, Nov, 11 40 57 0.00 , ppsite disposition, youth and'age Sunday, Nov. 12 ..37 48 0.00 are equally a burden." Monday, NoV. 13 37 feO 0.10 Tuesday, Nov. 14 .,.,-10 55 0.00 -Plato. Wednesday, Nov. 15 .,.,.,35 41 Trace fie Wbd imttetrd Plus 0N3 HUNDRED-NINTp YEAH—No. 23 14 Pages This Week 2 .Supplements CHELSEA, MJCHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1978 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 PER YEAR Five Bulldogs Earn -TsJlX1™ v-^.vf'JU-Xv^X v>XX*LyVy X XvXI.JIvFX Alan Augustine, the 6'2", 198- senior; and John LaBarbara, jun pouhd Chelsea varsity football ior. gridder was selected for the South Knickerbocker, a 510", 155- eastern All-Conference First Team pound end, caught 74 passes for revue on both offense and defense, ac 258 yards and collected three cording, to Coacb Phij Bareis. touchdowns. His' record as a kic As tri-captain of the jBulldogs, ker was outstanding with 17 out the senior Augustine carried the of 18 attempts successful. ball J62 times for a total ,of. 727 Tri-captain Tom Bareis, 6'3", yards; His average was 4-5 yards 235-pound tackle, and Scott Price, a carry. He caught U passes for a 6'1", 185-pound center were sel 178 yards and scored '10 touch ected for their "depth of center downs during the season.
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