Appendix B: Maps and Tabulated Results of the Pre- CES and Post

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Appendix B: Maps and Tabulated Results of the Pre- CES and Post Appendix B : Maps and tabulated results of the pre- CES and post-CES severity classifications and the change in severity classifications B1 B1 Maps of 100 year and 25 year return period pre-CES and post-CES severity classification and change in severity classification results. Figure 1 – Severity of liquefaction vulnerability 100 year event pre CES Figure 2 – Severity of liquefaction vulnerability 100 year event post CES Figure 3 – Severity of liquefaction vulnerability 25 year event pre CES Figure 4 – Severity of liquefaction vulnerability 25 year event post CES Figure 5 – Change in liquefaction vulnerability 100 year event delta CES Figure 6 – Change in liquefaction vulnerability 25 year event delta CES Harewood Ouruhia Pines Ouruhia Beach Belfast North Burwood Kaiapoi Kairaki South Beach Kaiapoi Styx Harewood Redwood Parklands Glasnevin Redwood Marshland Park Casebrook Waimairi Brooklands Northcote Beach Queenspark Travis Bishopdale North New Brighton Papanui Mairehau Westhaven Bridgend Burnside Spencerville Bryndwr Shirley Avonhead New Brighton Avondale Belfast Hyde St Albans Park Chaneys Dallington Richmond Wainoni Ouruhia Burwood Merivale Bexley Ilam Fendalton Aranui Kaiapoi & Northern Suburbs Marshland Marshland Avonside North Central Linwood Upper Riccarton City Riccarton South New Bromley Brighton Phillipstown Linwood LEGEND Middleton Addington Waltham Residential Red Zone Liquefaction Vulnerablility Sockburn Sydenham Woolston Not Vulnerable Hornby Spreydon McCormacks Opawa Southshore Hillmorton St Martins Ferrymead Bay St Andrews Medium Somerfield Not Vulnerable or Medium Hoon Hay Hill Beckenham Balmoral Hill Oaklands Clifton Medium or High Mt Pleasant Moncks Moncks High Hillsborough Westlake Huntsbury Spur Bay Clifton Halswell Hoon Hay Heathcote Richmond Redcliffs Valley High or High Very Cashmere Hill Scarborough Wentworth Sumner Very High Park Halswell Westmorland Notes: DRAWN LNL Mar.16 NZ Mainland Road Centres, NZ Coastlines and Island Polygons sourced CHECKED EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION from Land Information New Zealand under BY-CC Insert APPROVED CHRISTCHURCH CITY & KAIAPOI ARCFILE Map 52010-140-LVD019.mxd Severity of Liquefaction Vulnerability A3 SCALE 1:60,000 SCALE (AT A3 SIZE) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 (km) 1:60,000 100 Year Event Pre CES Prepared By Tonkin & Taylor Ltd. FIGURE No. Rev. Location Plan Ref. 52010-140 Figure 1. 0 Path: Path: C:\Scratch\52010-140-LVD019.mxdDate: 4:41:1923/03/2016 Time: p.m. ! Harewood Ouruhia Pines Ouruhia Beach Belfast North Burwood Kaiapoi Kairaki South Beach Kaiapoi Styx Harewood Redwood Parklands Glasnevin Redwood Marshland Park Casebrook Waimairi Brooklands Northcote Beach Queenspark Travis Bishopdale North New Brighton Papanui Mairehau Westhaven Bridgend Burnside Spencerville Bryndwr Shirley Avonhead New Brighton Avondale Belfast Hyde St Albans Park Chaneys Dallington Richmond Wainoni Ouruhia Burwood Merivale Bexley Ilam Fendalton Aranui Kaiapoi & Northern Suburbs Marshland Marshland Avonside North Central Linwood Upper Riccarton City Riccarton South New Bromley Brighton Phillipstown Linwood LEGEND Middleton Addington Waltham Residential Red Zone Liquefaction Vulnerablility Sockburn Sydenham Woolston Not Vulnerable Hornby Spreydon McCormacks Opawa Southshore Hillmorton St Martins Ferrymead Bay St Andrews Medium Somerfield Not Vulnerable or Medium Hoon Hay Hill Beckenham Balmoral Hill Oaklands Clifton Medium or High Mt Pleasant Moncks Moncks High Hillsborough Westlake Huntsbury Spur Bay Clifton Halswell Hoon Hay Heathcote Richmond Redcliffs Valley High or High Very Cashmere Hill Scarborough Wentworth Sumner Very High Park Halswell Westmorland Notes: DRAWN LNL Mar.16 NZ Mainland Road Centres, NZ Coastlines and Island Polygons sourced CHECKED EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION from Land Information New Zealand under BY-CC Insert APPROVED CHRISTCHURCH CITY & KAIAPOI ARCFILE Map 52010-140-LVD018.mxd Severity of Liquefaction Vulnerability A3 SCALE 1:60,000 SCALE (AT A3 SIZE) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 (km) 1:60,000 100 Year Event Post CES Prepared By Tonkin & Taylor Ltd. FIGURE No. Rev. Location Plan Ref. 52010-140 Figure 2. 0 Path: Path: C:\Scratch\52010-140-LVD018.mxdDate: 4:41:0923/03/2016 Time: p.m. ! Harewood Ouruhia Pines Ouruhia Beach Belfast North Burwood Kaiapoi Kairaki South Beach Kaiapoi Styx Harewood Redwood Parklands Glasnevin Redwood Marshland Park Casebrook Waimairi Brooklands Northcote Beach Queenspark Travis Bishopdale North New Brighton Papanui Mairehau Westhaven Bridgend Burnside Spencerville Bryndwr Shirley Avonhead New Brighton Avondale Belfast Hyde St Albans Park Chaneys Dallington Richmond Wainoni Ouruhia Burwood Merivale Bexley Ilam Fendalton Aranui Kaiapoi & Northern Suburbs Marshland Marshland Avonside North Central Linwood Upper Riccarton City Riccarton South New Bromley Brighton Phillipstown Linwood LEGEND Middleton Addington Waltham Residential Red Zone Liquefaction Vulnerablility Sockburn Sydenham Woolston Not Vulnerable Hornby Spreydon McCormacks Opawa Southshore Hillmorton St Martins Ferrymead Bay St Andrews Medium Somerfield Not Vulnerable or Medium Hoon Hay Hill Beckenham Balmoral Hill Oaklands Clifton Medium or High Mt Pleasant Moncks Moncks High Hillsborough Westlake Huntsbury Spur Bay Clifton Halswell Hoon Hay Heathcote Richmond Redcliffs Valley High or High Very Cashmere Hill Scarborough Wentworth Sumner Very High Park Halswell Westmorland Notes: DRAWN LNL Mar.16 NZ Mainland Road Centres, NZ Coastlines and Island Polygons sourced CHECKED EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION from Land Information New Zealand under BY-CC Insert APPROVED CHRISTCHURCH CITY & KAIAPOI ARCFILE Map 52010-140-LVD016.mxd Severity of Liquefaction Vulnerability A3 SCALE 1:60,000 SCALE (AT A3 SIZE) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 (km) 1:60,000 25 Year Event Pre CES Prepared By Tonkin & Taylor Ltd. FIGURE No. Rev. Location Plan Ref. 52010-140 Figure 3. 0 Path: T:\ChristchurchEQC\Cad\52000\WorkingMaterials\GIS\MapDocuments\Liquefaction Path: Vulnerability DOV\52010-140-LVD016.mxd Date: 4:39:4223/03/2016 Time: p.m. ! Harewood Ouruhia Pines Ouruhia Beach Belfast North Burwood Kaiapoi Kairaki South Beach Kaiapoi Styx Harewood Redwood Parklands Glasnevin Redwood Marshland Park Casebrook Waimairi Brooklands Northcote Beach Queenspark Travis Bishopdale North New Brighton Papanui Mairehau Westhaven Bridgend Burnside Spencerville Bryndwr Shirley Avonhead New Brighton Avondale Belfast Hyde St Albans Park Chaneys Dallington Richmond Wainoni Ouruhia Burwood Merivale Bexley Ilam Fendalton Aranui Kaiapoi & Northern Suburbs Marshland Marshland Avonside North Central Linwood Upper Riccarton City Riccarton South New Bromley Brighton Phillipstown Linwood LEGEND Middleton Addington Waltham Residential Red Zone Liquefaction Vulnerablility Sockburn Sydenham Woolston Not Vulnerable Hornby Spreydon McCormacks Opawa Southshore Hillmorton St Martins Ferrymead Bay St Andrews Medium Somerfield Not Vulnerable or Medium Hoon Hay Hill Beckenham Balmoral Hill Oaklands Clifton Medium or High Mt Pleasant Moncks Moncks High Hillsborough Westlake Huntsbury Spur Bay Clifton Halswell Hoon Hay Heathcote Richmond Redcliffs Valley High or High Very Cashmere Hill Scarborough Wentworth Sumner Very High Park Halswell Westmorland Notes: DRAWN LNL Mar.16 NZ Mainland Road Centres, NZ Coastlines and Island Polygons sourced CHECKED EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION from Land Information New Zealand under BY-CC Insert APPROVED CHRISTCHURCH CITY & KAIAPOI ARCFILE Map 52010-140-LVD015.mxd Severity of Liquefaction Vulnerability A3 SCALE 1:60,000 SCALE (AT A3 SIZE) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 (km) 1:60,000 25 Year Event Post CES Prepared By Tonkin & Taylor Ltd. FIGURE No. Rev. Location Plan Ref. 52010-140 Figure 4. 0 Path: T:\ChristchurchEQC\Cad\52000\WorkingMaterials\GIS\MapDocuments\Liquefaction Path: Vulnerability DOV\52010-140-LVD015.mxd Date: 4:39:4223/03/2016 Time: p.m. ! Harewood Ouruhia Pines Ouruhia Beach Belfast North Burwood Kaiapoi Kairaki South Beach Kaiapoi Styx Harewood Redwood Parklands Glasnevin Redwood Marshland Park Casebrook Waimairi Brooklands Northcote Beach Queenspark Travis Bishopdale North New Brighton Papanui Mairehau Westhaven Bridgend Burnside Spencerville Bryndwr Shirley Avonhead New Brighton Avondale Belfast Hyde St Albans Park Chaneys Dallington Richmond Wainoni Ouruhia Burwood Merivale Bexley Ilam Fendalton Aranui Kaiapoi & Northern Suburbs Marshland Marshland Avonside North Central Linwood Upper Riccarton City Riccarton South New Bromley Brighton Phillipstown Linwood Middleton Addington Waltham LEGEND Residential Red Zone Sockburn Sydenham Woolston Change in Liquefaction Hornby Spreydon Vulnerablility McCormacks Opawa Southshore Hillmorton St Martins Ferrymead Bay Somerfield St Andrews No Change Hoon Hay Hill Beckenham Balmoral Hill Clifton Oaklands NoChange or Minor Mt Pleasant Moncks Moncks Minor Hillsborough Westlake Huntsbury Spur Bay Clifton Halswell Hoon Hay Heathcote Richmond Redcliffs Valley Minor or Major Cashmere Hill Scarborough Wentworth Sumner Major Park Halswell Westmorland Notes: DRAWN LNL Mar.16 NZ Mainland Road Centres, NZ Coastlines and Island Polygons sourced CHECKED EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION from Land Information New Zealand under BY-CC Insert APPROVED CHRISTCHURCH CITY & KAIAPOI ARCFILE Map 52010-140-LVD020.mxd Change in Liquefaction Vulnerability A3 SCALE 1:60,000 SCALE (AT A3 SIZE) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 (km) 1:60,000 100 Year Event Delta CES Prepared By Tonkin & Taylor Ltd. FIGURE No. Rev. Location Plan Ref. 52010-140 Figure 5. 0 Path: T:\ChristchurchEQC\Cad\52000\WorkingMaterials\GIS\MapDocuments\Liquefaction Path: Vulnerability DOV\52010-140-LVD020.mxd
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