The New Zealand Gazette. 1991
JONE 24.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1991 MILITARY AREA No. 10 (CHRISTCHURCH)---()on.tinued. MILI'l'ARY AREA No. 10 (CHRISTCHURCH)~oontinued. 444311 Staples, Albert Nevill, warehouse assistant, 132 Cobham St., 444952 Swan, Leonard Maurice, machinist, 76 Grey Rd., Timaru. Spreydon, Christchurch. 440508 Swaney, Alan Harding, student, 43 Palmer's Rd., North 440505 Staunton, Alan Lester, carpenter's· apprentice, 23 Alma St., Brighton, Christchurch. Christchurch. 096036 Swaney, Trevor James Stanley, junior railway porter, 46 441629 Steeds, Mark, chemist's apprentice, 16 Harakeke St., York St., Christchurch. Riccarton, Christchurch. 444186 Swanson, Kevin William, woodwork machinist, 36 Hendon 446288 Steele, Basil Victor, civil servant, 29 Sheldon St., Christ · St., Christchurch. church. 439045 Swanston, Arnold Andrew, poultry-farm assistant, 139 445406 Steele, Donald Lindsay, tool and die-maker, 60 Matheson'• Blenheim Rd., Christchurch. Rd., Christchurch. 442344 Swift, Cyril Norman, truck-driver, 89 Retreat Rd., Christ- 440066 Stephens, David Osborne, civil servant, 56 Clare Rd., church. Christchurch. 439454 Swift, Lance Henry, farm labourer, Barrys Bay. 448964 Stephenson, Thomas Alan, steward, 48 King St., Sydenham. 442209 Syme, Alexander Robertson, 132 Carlyle St., Christchurch. 43902_2 Stericker, John Harold, clerk, 5 Elizabeth St., Timaru. 449459 Symes, Wilfred James, farm hand, Lyndhurst. 446240 Stevens, Benjamin, bootmaker, 19 Clarendon Tee., Christ- 447391 Symons, Leslie Raymond, factory hand, 100 Byron St., church. Sydenham, Christchurch. 440788 Stevens, David Graham, student, College House, Christchurch. 447546 Taehen, Darcy Francis, welder, Fox St., Temuka. 438695 Stevens, Eric Francis, compositor, IOI Huxley St., Christ 440494 Taggart, Archibald, clerk, 38 Sylvester St., Woolston, church. Christchurch. 439361 Stevens, Eric Leslie, tractor-driver, care of Mr. J. Stevens, 444408 Tait, Graham Anderson, clerical cadet, 31 Huntsbury Hill, "Glencairn," Brookside Rural M1til Delivery.
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