California Coastal Commission Staff Report and Recommendation

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California Coastal Commission Staff Report and Recommendation University of California Santa Barbara 1990 Long Range Development Plan including revisions related to the 2006 LRDP Amendment for North & West Campus September 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ XII A. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY ................................................................................................................... xii B. NATURE OF THE 1990 LRDP................................................................................................................... xiii C. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.......................................................................................................................... xiii D. REGENTS’ APPROVAL................................................................................................................................ xv E. THE CAMPUS IN THE COMMUNITY................................................................................................... xvi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................................................. XIX CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE....................................................... xix ADVISORS ....................................................................................................................................................... xix CONSULTANTS............................................................................................................................................. xix I. PLANNING CONTEXT..............................................................................................1 A. ACADEMIC PLANNING STATEMENT................................................................................................... 1 Research and Academic Program Development ............................................................................................ 3 Graduate Enrollment .......................................................................................................................................... 3 B. ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS.................................................................................................................. 4 C. EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................................... 5 Main Campus........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Storke Campus ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 West Campus........................................................................................................................................................ 9 North Campus...................................................................................................................................................... 9 D. THE NATURAL SETTING ............................................................................................................................ 9 E. HISTORY OF CAMPUS PLANNING ....................................................................................................... 10 Earlier Plan Concepts Retained in the 1990-2005 Plan............................................................................... 10 Acquisition of North Parcel and the Ellwood-Devereux Coast Joint Proposal......................................................... 11 F. SUMMARY OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 1980 PLAN AND THE 1990 PLAN AS AMENDED................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Main Campus...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Storke Campus ................................................................................................................................................... 14 West Campus...................................................................................................................................................... 22 North Campus....................................................................................................................................................... 22 II. CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT PLAN.......................................................................... 23 A. SPACE NEEDS ................................................................................................................................................ 23 Instruction and Research.................................................................................................................................. 25 Organized Research and Activities ................................................................................................................. 25 Library.................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Academic Support ............................................................................................................................................. 26 Student Services ................................................................................................................................................. 26 Administrative Services..................................................................................................................................... 26 Public Services Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 26 Housing ............................................................................................................................................................... 26 B. LAND USE ELEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 27 Academic Uses ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Administrative and Student Support .............................................................................................................. 29 Parking................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Housing ............................................................................................................................................................... 29 Recreation ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHA)....................................................................................... 33 Natural Reserve ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 Open Space......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Interim and Secondary Uses ............................................................................................................................ 34 Specific Permitted Uses .................................................................................................................................... 34 C. CIRCULATION AND PARKING ELEMENT........................................................................................ 34 Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................. 34 Transit Access..................................................................................................................................................... 35 Bicycle Path Network........................................................................................................................................ 36 Pedestrian Circulation ....................................................................................................................................... 36 D. UTILITIES INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT ......................................................................................... 37 III. DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ............................................................................ 39 A. MAIN CAMPUS .................................................................................................................................................... 39 Potential Building Locations............................................................................................................................ 39 Criteria for Site Selection.................................................................................................................................. 39 Housing ............................................................................................................................................................... 52 Open Space........................................................................................................................................................
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