y .WW; : -- . v . VJlV BY: TELEGRAPH.-3- ?r -

V . Ikrar $565a5i66; but little f DEB03Y& ' . a..MivhMa Mara I ;arw THE-SOUTH- . WEST. JAIWJAR1T 5, tfie6fiee. yesterday; 'Oar nffchbor TSj&ss poik $19; ipnme lb; t RESOURCES OF JOHK JL JLOILI3G; EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MOKNIJfG, auu. gjj UmbadlM,I)MHtimnuact3i3and merchandise whi' elector in tte late canvass: and bemt? nerally,wpv&psomptaiid undiTfed attention to aU W. T. BERRit&COt have jnst received, p c&i'Ued, CrNCTNNATi, Jan. 3. The river has fallen four feet hiacare.- - - -- TUT? I tnvu Tin Am 3 . fabri aood lawyer, his opinion is to Weight. lr Duiiraea entrusted to plete in 8 volumes The Lidnstrial Resources, et iipw rrr - - I since Saturday; flour 50. IJto.sales in other ar-- And. J. DnxcAN has in store a large stock ofnbboi? bouna with hla " "4 dMack-ina- w States. w contains liberal extracts party - Bed Btankete: Birth and Cradle Blankets;heaAAvhif the Southern and Western llybo, as gantly on my breast, The Banner, of yesterday, ueies. Felting M TnE Pkesidenct. A new 'and' singular Blankets, BlanketGoating, Beaver,. Pilot and Embracing a yiew of their Commerce, Agriculture, Tram infant sportthou sink'st to rest, -- in the Huiled "States Senate Tick from a recent debate IiOUisviLLB, Jan: j3. River falling fast It has Cloths, Georgia Kerseys und Xiuseys, Cloths, Cassnnana nlactdres, Internal Improvements, Slave and Free Lai And on my hand I feel thee put, question has been mooted by the politicians. rt'is ' ' Flannelsj Sec in reference to Cuban matters. Our attention is in'case of been snowing since morning. anc! Sattinetts, Slavery Institutions, Products, etc, of the South ; tcgetl In playful dreams thy little foot, this who. would tfe Vice President, the Fashionable Angola and Kossnth &c, particularly invited to the following extractfrom -- death; B, Tvhose'health seems1 to Jan. 3. 10 feet 4 inches Brown with Historical and Statistical Sketches of tho ditTcn The thrilling touch, sots every string of Hon. W. King, Pittsburg, River in the &c Also, A large lot of Oznabupgs, Drilling, be no,w extremely precarious, previous to the an- channel and falling. Weather damp. ' 3Inslihs, and a general stock of goods, Avhich I will sell very States and Cities of tho Union Statistics of the Unit Of my full heart a quivering, low to close consignments. - nouncement of the electoral vote by the President States Commerce and Manufactures, from the earliest $ t For ah ! I think what chart can show- j I Mr. Mason said : Later from the Bio Grande. j,in5 Am J. DUNCAN. ..- of the Senate? occurs to us that this question with other leading powers the resultsf ' The ways through which ,tlus foot ?may go- It , Bee, 31. We " have dates, from riods, compared It has been the established policy .of this country, is rather sinrular..tlian difficult The Constitution 1 8 5 3. the returns of the different Census Returns since 1790, ai childhood's Lours..,, in and undis- - election and Vice Brownsville to the 18th. Civil war was raging in ! lfs print will be, in made known the most open, frank, provides for the of President IflAVIES Daily Hegisters and Pocket Remembrancers, returns of the Census of1S50, on Population, Agriculture aij ' round the . the State of . Governor Cardinal was Traced in the garden flowers; guised manner, to all the powers of Europe, thai yrcsiuent ana ine ume oi max. cnoico. jluul elec- for 1853 Also; The German, United States, Crockett's and with an Appendix. By J. B. D. 1 made-prison- er with nine General Industry, etc, will bid it leap the while the Island Cuba remained a province; a de place. electoral col by the insurgents, together 1 . Dut youth rills' of tion has already taken The Comic Almanacs for 1853. For sale by Professor of Political Economy in the University members of the. Legislature. - His adherents have Bow, in the dews distant hills pendency of Spam, we should never interfere with leges have long since declared, in the Constitution- ' " v" .: Bathe tf jilSr JOUNiYORK & CO. etc. 1 to Tampico. The whole . Louisiana, " erlhcliilIs, and venture out, it; but that, if ever any ambitious or grasping po- al way, the votes of their respective States. These been carried prisoners RtMii State declared acquiescence in new professional gov- The volume embraces the following general subjects, al riper years would pause and doubt; tentate should attempt, either by rapine or by trea- ballots have been transmitted to Washington, and IjEDGERS, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Invoice When ranged alphabetically, with copious indexes : t ty, to take the Island of Cuba from the possession are-no- probably in the keeping of the govern- ernment Bocks, Record Books, full sets, of every style of ruling and . Nor hrare tlio pass, nor try the brink, Population, Geography, Statistics of the Sow of Spain, it would become this country, cost what ment Nothing now remains to be done, but the The steamer "State of " which secretly binding, some handsomely paged and warranted of the best History, "Where youth's unguarded foot may sink. left-Brazo- the and a National war schooner, b6th and West; Agricultural Products of Cotton, Sugar, TohaJ it might,to interpose and to preyent it announcement of this vote by the President of Linen paper. Forsaleby co, Hemp, Grains, Naval Stores, etc, etc Manufactures But what, when manhood tints thy check, Senate. States all they had the joined the insurgents at Tampico, which act is con- ' The Banner asks what wc think of the declara The have doae j:ai5 JOHN YORK & CO. detailed accounts, statistics and history of all branches. ! "Will be the ways thy foot may seek ? power to do. They have made the election. The sidered as a death blow to the maratime ibrce of the tcrnollniprovemenis; complete statistics of Rail Roads tion dependency of Spain we should government on the Gulf of The "WRITING . expenses, costs, advantages, miles in Is it to lightly pace the deck? - that "while a simple declaration of their- - choice by the President Mexico. city of rtnc suits, prohts, pi Fluid, superior construction, completed, etc, Plank Roads, To Hie ? never with it (Cuba)?" We do not as the election. Mataraoras still holds out, theCommandmentthere ARNOLD'S Writing a article ; ilaynard tion. helpless slip from off week interfere of the Senate cannot alter or control Navigation, Statistics of Health and Diseases. i- was fortifying, barricading, and making every prep- &.Noyes Ink ; Carmime Ink ; for sale by etc $ Or wander o'er a foreign shore, here laid in its broad- Wm. R. King has been constitutionally elected. Relative Condition, Whites and BW-ASySla- - sent to the proposition down, aration for insur- and Progress; Though he should die immediately, this fact could a determined resistance to the jan'o - JOHN YORK & CO. Laws Statistics, Management and Amelioratlln ot staTU" 1 Returning to thy home no more, est sense. Occasions may arise which would make - - ana gents.' .- Until the bosom now thy pillow, not alter the official announcement oi the. vote. GOLD PENS. ry, Origin, History and Defence of Slavery and Saarelnsti interference, on our part, in the affairs ofCuba both SteamboatHuntsville' arrived. tutions; the valuable treatises of Harper, Hammond, Drew Tn the .discharge of his duty, the President. of the. & Union street, has just received Is low and cold beneath Hhe willow! J JOHN YORK CO., a on Slavery, etc; Commerce nftheSowth and West in all t example, the authorities, sil-v- necessary and just If, for Senate will have no official knowledge of the death t variety of superior Gold Pens, large and small, in er its minute particulars, etc, together with an Historical am Or is it for the battle plain ? . dis- THE LATE J. B. BOOTH. ? of that island were' to loose the slave population, of the Vice President elect as that fact is not and gold.holders, or single. Ecerypen wirranted. Statistical Sketch of each of the States and Cities the Dc ' Beside the slayer and theslain, to closed by the hallots and certificates themselves. mestic and Foreign Trade, Resources, Manufactures, etc, o r. ' J and thus create a servile Avar, in order put down The Eastern papers, in noticing the deathjof the PAPER. the United ' Till there its final step be taken ? ' - And, though he did know this fact officially, yet it WRITING States the Census Returns from 17U0, with th. of the whites, we think this tal- Foolscap, Notaand Bill Paper for r.ccounts. statistics of the census of 1S50- - ' Tiicre sleep thine eyes, no more to waken ? a rebellion on the part occurs to us, that he would be compelled to an- great tragedian, Bodth, generally speak of his LETTER, Commercial-Not- e letter. - should interfere. Humanity as well Paper, Yellow and White - Is it to glory or to shame, . , - government nounce that Wm. K King had received a majority ents, character and history. He was believed by "W. & Co. Lave received,- - Avith to match. T.B. also just self-intere- con- Envelopes, Note Envelopes, Paper To sully or to gild thy name, as st would justify such interference. We of the votes of the electoral colleges, and was many to be equal to the elder Kean, while others The American Almanac for 1353 ' devolve Forsaleby jau5 ' JOHN YORK & GO. Is it to happiness or to wo. 'could never stand idle spectators of a scene in which stitutionally elected. It would then upon thought him only second to that eminent perform Cersin's History of Modem Philosophy Ids in the usual A-fu- Tins little foot is made to go ? the Senate to. elect successor, way. TExVMBOAT BOOKS ll stock, forsale by SirWilliam Hamilton's Discussions on Philosophy anc - sixty thousand slaves were turned loose, in all their er. His readings and conception were , good; his . - We do do not presume to expound the Constitu- jau5 JOHN .YORK & CO. T 1 TT IT 1 TT . . - s Liiieraiure, riaucauon anu university Keiorm. . jan3. .Butwheresoe'er its lines may fall, - . ferocity, to " natural butcher their masters. The ef tion upon "all occasions, but it seems to us that this enunciation clear, and even audible, even to the Whether in a cottage or a hall; ' RENT. A Brick House on Church street, next LARGE SALE OF fect of such an occurrence on the southern States of is.the only construction, that can be given to those lowest tones of his voice, and his gesture, besides FOR to Francis B. Fogg. FIRST DRY GOODS, &c. - Oh ! may it crcr shun the ground - .! A. i this Union would be such as we care not to contem portions of it, that seem to have excited the inge- being natural and graceful, was such as might be Also Five Rooms over W. Freeman's Furniture store, BY J. DITXCAX "Where'er His foot hath not been found, nuity and doubt of not a few political editors. opposite Sewanee House. Tuesday and Wednesday, January ISlh, and 19$, 1S53. ' "Who on his patli below bath shed plate, even in imagination. To prevent it, at all expected from a man who frequently forgot his Also A Brick House on Front street, above Droad street. Tuesday and Wednesday, 18th and 19th January, A two story Log House Edgefield, ON will sell without reserve very large stock A living light, that all may tread hazards, would be a duty which this government ' own personal identity, and yielded himself up to Also in oppose Capt I a of entire- .4K i Deeds of Violence, in Mississippi. The DeKalb Miller, with three ncres of ground attached. ly New and Desirable Goods, embracing a great variety ' of his early step, and none - ' without self-destructi- tho passionate portrayal of the character he K" '"' could not disregard inviting (Miss.) Gazette of the 11th inst, contains a sad repre Also A Frame House in Edgefield, near Captain Miller's English Goods (of this Fall's Importation) and of American fi E'rdash the foot against the stone. right to interfere in the affairs sented. The New York Evening Post, good garden, &c Goods, all of the-lates- t and handsomest styles. Anion"-the- If it had a differing Wool-dye- chronicle of crime in that vicinity: A large Frame House in Edgefield, Galla- will be found d Black and other Cloths, Cassmic? I Also near the .. Yet if thy way is mark'd by Cite, ofHayti, on the plea of humanity and we think it somewhat m its estimate, gives the following out tin Turnpike, with seventeen acres of hind attached. Erminetts, Imperial Cloths,Beavertecus, heavy, black, v-- J The first records is ofa serious affray between ble As guilty, dark and desolate ' his life jan5 WILLIAMS & GLOVER, Agents. and Oxford mixed, brown and Cadett Satinetts SteubeuTiHc had without combining with other powers it brothers-in-law-nam- line of and of his qualities as an actor ed r Wright and on -- two Turner, fc r i r .. and Eastern Jeans, Cashmere and Satin Vestings; French If thou must float by viceand crim , would have a double right, backed by the cause of j3ouinii lt. was uorn in jxmuoni 1 account of a difficulty in the division ofsome family ir. in the year ODD FELLOWS' HALlT Shapes of new and beautiful styles, fancy Prints, black and A wreck upon the stream of time, fifty-six- humanity and the law of to inter- property. The parties were separated and bound 1796, and was consequently in the th year second Mourning Prints, rubrand orange Prints, Cashmeres . Oh ! rather than behold that day, TT 1 T 1 ,iL . . 1 . and Mouslin de Laines, black Silks, superior Silk over to the next term of the Circuit oi ins age. jie uegan ms ineairicai career at JJept-for- d, MRS. EMMA G. New Handker fere in the affairs of Cuba, in the case supposed. Court Bryant BOSTWICK, of York, chiefs, Patent Thread, Silk and Twist, black and I'd know this foot in lightsome play, Nash-4Bji- adored i . severely cut, was re- near London, under the management of Pen- - RESPECTFULLY iuforms the citizens w was but it thought he would vjf, of Lamb's-woo- l, Merino, and Cashmere Hgs and Half Hose, "Would bound with guiltless gleo Mr. Mason simply means (as is most prob- to A'ille, andher friends she will first r Butif cover. ley and J ones; then went Brussels, where he that give her Kid, Silk and Woolen Gloves, Irish Linens, (of direct impor- Upon the clod that shelters me. able) by his declaration that ourgovernment should The Gazette then describes a murder committed performed with considerable success, and afterwards Sp GRulND CONCERT, tations) of superior quality, Lamh's-wo- ol and Merino Shirts and Drawers; large stock of Wrappings, general Trim- not, under ordinary circumstances, interfere to wrest on Tuesday evening previous, by John Edwards, a appeared at Jovent tiarden m" opposition to Kean. On Monday EA'cning, January 10, 1853. and Fatiesisg Siieds. in Richard the Third, with which that distinguished mings; Spool Threads, Buttons, Needle, Pins, ic; colored Cattle in Stalls and An' Cuba from the dominion of Spain, we subscribe, youth about eighteen years of age. The name of Assisted by the following eminent artists: Cambrics, Paddings, scarlet, white aud orange Flanuels, experiment ha3 been made in Scotland to try the the victim was Samuel Aiken. The circumstances artist was dazzling and storming the town. But Tire Distinguished Vioixlist, MR. HENRY APPY, Solo to his position. The policy of English and French Merino, bleached and brown without reluctance, 3-- 7-- 8, 4-- 5-- comparatire value of these two modes of fattening are thus detailed: the opposition to his appearance in the character Violinist to the Kingof Holland. Drill, 4 and bleached and brown Domestic, MR. JULIUS SIEDE, 4-- 4, 7-- cattle. Ten animals having been chosen di- our government should be, and has been, to pre- passed through town (DeKalb) on rose to such a height that one of the most excitinsr The Celebrated Solo Flctist, 3 4, S wide, of Southern and Western manufactures, were "Edwards First Flute Professor of tho Royal Conscrratorie, Leipsiq vided as equally as possible; five were in Tuesday, with a load of Cotton for Gainsville. theatrical riots on record grew out of the affair. Ac, &c, put a serve Cuba from the grasp of any one of the great He MISS ANNE OLL1VER, La Petite Filla du Itegiment, ALSO. 50 Cases Boots, Shcea and Brogans, now in sheltered with plenty Mr. Booth was not allowed to appear again in Con- court, of shed room, and the European powers. In the hands of a great power met Aiken at the residence of Mr. Broadway, some that only nine years ofage, the wonderful performer on the store, comprising Men's Kip, Calf and Seal Boots, thick others into boxes. At the beginning of October it four miles from this place, high words passed be city, lie came to this country, and made his first certina, daughter of the Band Master of her Majesty's Regi- Booti, Kip and thick Brogans; Ladies', Misses' and Boys' could means great injury to us. was soon found that those in the court ate one hun- it be made the of tween them, of what nature we have not been appearance at Petersburg, Virginia, in the year 1821, ment at Montreal; Shoes. HURR TIIILLOW, Solo Pianist to his Royal Highness, WITH ILVTS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, dred and thirty-fo-ur pounds per day, while those in In the hands of a weak power like Spain, however, able to learn; they parted, however, without an under the name of James H. Caldwell. His kindly Ac, &c The the Duke of Coburg Gotlia. stock is large, comprising the greatest variety, and well the boxes ate only one hundred and twelve pounds, it can never become a source of much mischief encounter, and Edwards drove on: after driving reception determined him to pursue his proles jgrTickets 1 each to all parts of the Hall. To be had worth the attention of country and city buyers, twenty-tw- o sion. at or pound less, thus proving that a cer- Next to its being independent,,we think the posses- some distance lie remarked to one who accom at the principal Music Stores and Hotels; aud the door on SSTTertna will be made accommodating. tain degree of warmth is equivalent to food. After panied him, that he intended "to go back and kill "The next year he performed at the Evening of the Concert AND! J. DUNCAN sion of the island by Spain the most advantageous the Park Thea (ggrDoors open at 6 o'clock Concert to commence at several months, toward the end of April, they were the d d scoundrel." He did return, and to use the tre, in this city, the "character of Richard III, in o'clock. us. With the sentiments here expressed we have 74 FUTURE SALES.-18- 53. all slaughtered, and the following results were to language of an eye witness, "deliberately proceeded which he was vociferously applauded, and by many iggReserved seats .can be secured, without extra charge, found: Feb'y 15 and 16, Mar 17. IS and 19. never taken any position in conuicc. in tneir to cut him to pieces. Jid wards continued his of the critics compared with Kean. This was a jan t td F. THIES. Agent March 15, 16 and 17, June 14, 15 and 1G. Cattle fed in boxes: beef, 3,2G2 pounds; tallow, Spanish tyrants, the journey to Gainsville, without molestation. Aiken judgment so directly in the face of the April 12, 13 and 14. July 12, 13 and 14. struggles against their natives London de liave associated in the G,G78 pounds. Cattle fed in courts: beef, 3,416 was not dead at the time of writing this article, HS. FORD & McCOMBS janl A. J. D- - cision that Booth was encourgeS to make a tour of i of Cuba have had our warmest Sympathy, and we l ? . practice of Medicine. jan-- lm pounds; tallow, 6,054 pounds. dug..lmere is no lnope oinlms recovery. the Union, the course of which he visited D have fervently hoped to see them an indepedent in nearly FIRST SALE OF DRY GOODS, &c, BY J.F. DTJNTON. These results show the superiority of feeding in The ink was scarcely dry with which the fore all the largest cities and towns. He made money CINCINNATI, LOmSYlLLEand NASHVILLE PACKET. TUESDAY and THURSDAY, 11th and 13th Janua- boxes. It is thought that in a less mild winter and self-governi- people. We have thought, too going was penned when the editor was called upon byhis'various.performances, and unsurpassed fast running passenger jw ONry, 1853, 1 will sell a large and desirable stock of i purchased a house THE ENVOY, Tuos. Mas- - pv Dry they would have been more striking. the course to describe another dreadful deed of blood. He Roucers, ? Goods, entirely new styles, both French, English and Do- In 'that it was scarcely reasonable to expect the people and farm near Baltimore, where, with the excep ter, has taken the place of the steainerHMS&Kv,i;gr of the experiment the thermometer rose to fifty says: mestic conbisting in part of Black, Blue, Green and Blown of the United States to look upon these struggles tion oi occasional proiessional absences, he has since Mattiu Wayne and will make regular trips in the above CLOTHS; Casimeres, Jeanes and Fancy Pant Goode, Satin, degrees, and the cattle under cover seemed to sutler "The particulars of one bloody crime are hard trade during the season. witli indifference, and have cherished a large share of resided Cassimeres and Woolen Vestings; Cashmeres, De Laines, from being too warm. It was found a trifling ex- ly narrated ere our heart is sickened by the details "Booth was an actor of extraordinary power and Leaving Cincinnati every other Wednesday, at 4 o'clock, French Ginghams, Alpaccas, plamBIack and BrocadeSilks; im- M. Nashville every other Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. pense to comb them regularly, which speedily pro- charity for those gallant spirits who, under the of a most cowardly assassination, scarcely paralleled extraordinary - figure, P. a very fine assortment of TalliUi and Konnet Ribbons; a large defects. His voice,- and gait Tht: above boat is entirely new and for speed and accom- duced a very marked jmprovement pulses of the rushed to the rescue of the by the most horrible exploits of the desperadoes of all, assortment ofBlack and Fancv Silk Cravats; Silk Handker moment, were against him; and yet the intensity and ve- modation is unsurpassed. I will be thankful for all orders, ("leaks, Such suggestive facts as the above bo Col. chiefs, Silk Mantillas, Opera &c; a fine assortment should duly the feouthwest The victim was das. H. Sims. hemence of his impersonations overcame unfa and respectfully solicit for her a share of public patronage. all-wo- oppressed against the oppressor. But farther than the of ol Tweeds, Cassmetts and Cassimeres, Blankets and considered by all graziers. Wool Grower. and the bloodthirsty fiend Avho perpetrated the fonl vorable impression which these created, and JAMES CLAIUOUNE, Beaver Cloths and Petersham, this wc have not went, nor do we intend to go. " ren Scarlet, White and Orange deed, was John J. Edwards, the notorious desper dered him popular with even refined audiences. jan l a ex Agent, Front St Flannels, Black and Brown Do mestics, Bleached aud Blown We have not maintained that our government some Drills, Bleached full-wid- th Shcetiugof superior quality; best DniLLiNO Wheat. Edward Stabler, in his ad- ado who lied iroin Alabama years ago for the His Pescarf, his bir Giles Overreach, and his Rich $200 REWARD. should interfere in a revolutionary struggle in Cu- commission of a similar crime. seems thatDevil article of Tickings; French, English and American Fancy mirable essay on the advantages of drill seeding, It ard were, at times, most vigorous performances; but "WILL pay the above reward for the arrest and delivery fine assortment Jack the sobriquet given the assassin years Prints; a very and large of Suspenders, fine states that after examining its results on some eight ba, while conducted according to the rules of civil- ago Jiir. isooth was so eccentric in his habits that he I to me ot a yellow girl name NELLY, who runaway in Shirting Checks, worsted and silk Surges, Scarlet and White hundred or a thousand besides for his deeds of blood started from home on Wed- never could be depended on, so that at other times June last, and is supposed, from information recently re- - Merino Drawers and Under-shirt- s, Silk, Cassimerc, Merino acres, a large expe- ized warfare and in a manner so as not to affect us. 1 1 HT 1 Til- - " ? ?i 1 . - to 10 oe or meil anu unuer mo pro- rience on his own land, he finds there is not a sin- nesday morning accompany and place John Ed- they were the most wretched. ceiveu, in ruasuviiio vicinny Hose, Merino and Lambs Wool Hose, Sewing Silk, Patent We have not maintained that it should shield those tection of a white man. The girl is about twenty-on-e years wards, his nephew, who on the evening previous "The theatres filled ir- Thread and Spool Cotton; Kid, Cashmere and Heavy Gloves; gle instance where it has not proved the most prof- are with anecdotes of the old, .small and delicately formed, dresses neatly, speaks of its citizens whose sympathies led them to Cuba had murdered Mr. Aiken, out of the reach of the life this a large and desirable lot of Pearl and Agate Shirt Buttons, itable first, in the saving of seed, and, secondly, regular of actor, which will no doubt some sprightly and steps accurately, she has bushy hair, white Pant, Vest and Coat Buttons, Needles. Pins, Hooks law. passing through CoL and in the increased product of the grain, amounting during the last rebellion in that island. We have In DeKalb he induced day be collected into a biography." tectti ana very imnasome leatures lor a negro, ane was Eyes, a very fine assortment of Pocket Knives and Tahle Sims to accompany him for the of counsel formerly owned by Chas. A. Turley, Esq. Cutler-- , Ac. to from one to six or seven bushels per acre. Ho thought, from, the first, that these men toolc all the puipose The New York Tribune, in speaking of his pro- jan3. thinks five pecks of seed drilled are ling John m regard to the allair. janl Gt WESLEY WHELESS. FUTURE. SALES equal to two hazards, andcould rightfully askfor no thing but that fessional ability and personal qualities, remarks: bushels sown broadcast. He .has known the in- They wero riding along together in the Scoober AUCTION SALE OF GROCERIES, &C. February, 8 & 10 22 & 24 May, 8 & 521 & 23 23 & 30 our treaty stipulations and the rules of civilized 'Small in stature, not well formed, and March, 8, 9 & & 24 June,7 & & 23 23 & 30 crease, in one case, by careful comparison the Swamp, about 11 miles from this place, having caught - . with bad BYliEK Jf. NOEL & BRO. 1022 921 of i April 5 & 20 & 21 July, 5 Sc & 21 2G & 27 g m raanne h.e a( disad- - 719, 719 two mode3, to amount to nine bushels per acre in warfare should be observed towards them. We up with the wagons, and wero-conversin- amicably Points f113 manypersonal MONDAY MORNING, January 10th, 1853, we vantages to contend with in his profession, Mr. Charles B. Bryan lias this day these-me- n but such ONwill offer for Sale at Auction, a very large assortment favor of drilling. He relates an interesting inci- have opposed the monstrous doctrine that together, when Edwards drew his pistol, and with NOTICE. in was the electric quality of his mind, that he over- of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &c Ao, viz: our business, which will be con- dent: A vender oflcred a drill for the increase in a out a word of warning, shot Sims through the head rts. Til V r 4 I I ducted as heretofore. were pirates, and therefore out of tho pale of came them all., He lost himself in tluo nuns .new cugar; ivu urnsIll Aurora wnisKy; crop of fifty acres of wheat to be determined by from behind. The particulars are from one who the part he was jan 1,853 W. H. GORDON, & CO. our treaty stipulations. We opposed it at the time performing to such a degree that it became for 300 Ilbls Molasses; 100 Wclshires do: sowing a few strips broadcast for comparison. But witnessed the dastardly act Sims lived until the 150 Sacks Rio CotTee; 30 Manongahala do; RENT. A good lodging room, furnished, in a time-bein- g a Avhich before harvest the farmer preferred paying the hun- of its annunciation, because it was then frought Thursday morning and died in tho presence of his sort of insanity, Avas sometimes 50 Dags Java & Laguyra, do; 30 D. Distilled do; FOIC part of the city. Apply at this office, dangerous to his in dred dollars, the price of the drill, with interest with the greatest danger to the rights of alt our cit- wife and father. antagonists the play. Thus his 1000 Bags Salt; 100 American Brandy; janl lw. On carefully "Two beautiful children are made acting had a stamp of enthusiastic reality which re 100 Kegs Nails, assorted; 50 Vinegar; ascertaining the increase,(he found it to izens traveling upon the high seas. It gave to the fatherless, a 250 Boxes Glassware, ass'td; 50 Malaga Wine; TTrssnusE for sale. fifty-tre- mained even after misfortune and irregularities of be one hundred and e bushels. wife is bereaved of an affectionate husband, and a 200 Dbls St. Louis Mills Flour 20 be sold, on .Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock unscrupulous authorities of Cuba a dangerous and life had broken him doAvn.. Port Wine; father of a beloved son, by this murderous deed. The victim of circum- 50 " Ohio Flour; 20 New England Rum; WILL my Household and Kitchen Furniture. The stances a false Covering fearful power. Under it, as practically exemplified and of social state, there Aas ever in 50 Rags Pepper & Spice; 50 waiKers Ale; sale will take "place at my residence on Cedar, between Wheat with Straw. The Prarie him a manly and respectable element; and 800 Reams Wrapping Paper; 5 Pipes French Brandv: Cherry and Summer streets. MRS. LAWRENCE, Ikrmer details an experiment with by Mr. Fillmore, these authorities had but to arrest none covering wheat Read TnE Advertisements The New York Day-- Avho knewhim ashewas and ashe might have been 100 Boxes Star Candles; 100 Bxs Tobacco, ass. brands; janl td to the high seas declare pi- & with straw, prevent winter killing. The straw our citizens on and them will refuse" a tear ofpity for his 500 Cans Kegs Oysters; 50 Bales Cotton Yarns; Book has an excellent article in a recent issue, en memory." 200 x. bxs Raisins; 50 Bxs Tallow Candles; YCAMORE COTTON YARNS A full supply is spread about the thickness of flax, when subject to rates, in order to debar them ?heir stipulated rights Dxs,f X of Sycamore Yarns, kept constantly Fac- 100 Dozen Buckets; 50 Bhls Crackers, s on hand at - JTrottlng. This was to preserve the titled the "Mistakes of Advertising." It points out nrictrs for Cash. RAMAGE & moisture of the of civilized par- "Julius, what's der Malstrom?" 50 Poxes E. 150 ton fiHTIUnJI and the humanities warfare. The Dairy Cheese; Bxs W. R. Cheese; januarj-1- , soil and. protect the crop from the dry freezing the erroneous views which exist in the public mind, Together with indigo, 1853 ticular instance in which this doctrine was acted up- "Der Malstreim, Mr. SnoAv, is der circular motion Madder, Pepper, Spies, Ginger, weather toward the close of winter, so destructive m regard to the time policy of advertising, and con what gives rotundity of do arf." Salenitus, Brooms, Pint & Quart Flasks, Plough Lines, TIME SALE OF GROCERIES. on the Spanish authorities only partially exem- Buckets, &c., to wheat. The straw quickly settles close to by bill-posti- - &c the demns the ng and "What's der rotundity- of do WEDNESDAY the 12th January, 1353, we will offer ground, and the placarding system, and arf?" jan 4 BEN M. NOEL, & BRO. wheat springs up through .it. A plified its monstrous character. Fifty Americans "Why thecarcumsphcricaltAvist, on which they ON liberal terms at Public Sale : ridge of land on which the uni- closes with the following sensible remarks, which 150 Hogsheads Prime New Sugar; wheat had been were arrested on the high seaSj in an effort to re- Avind up de equnoxcital line Noav don't bodder dis NEW, ARRIVALS OF SEASONABLE BOOTS AND formly killed was treated in this way, and excellent we commend to the attention of our readers : 200 Barrels do do Molasses; turn to their own country, and without trial were child Avith anv more of vnnr d d fnnlilinfaa " SHOES. 50 Packages Loafand Crushed Sugar; crop3 of wheat the invariable result The Avhole cause of the false notions in regard to Kegs cold-bloo- Welt Boots, Walking Shoes and Excelsiors, 500 bhoenberger's Nails, all sizes; shot down in d and afterwards treated in A- "Crying LADLES' advertising is fundamental ; it arises, on the part Evil." The Albany Register men-o- f French Moroc. Boots, thick and thin soled, 500 Boxes Glassware, assorted; A good story is told of an eecentric old gentle--. the most revolting manner. Thus were our trea- advertisers, in a total misconception of the value tin3 with the utmost complacency the fact that a Kid Pans Ties " soled, 100 Boxes Wooster's Axes; -- 100. Dozen Weeding Hoes; - man, who, although occasionally addicted to the ty stipulation violated as well as the rules of civil- of even a single line. That line may go into everV kdy of that city, recently presented her "lieire French Lasting Gaiters, thick soled, Italian Cloth Pump soled Gaiters, 500 Boxes 3lanufactured Tobacco, all "Tades" - habit of swearing, was still punctilious in regard to section of the ad- 'ord" with ized warfare. But the Spanish authorities might country, and bring custom to the - three fine, healthy children at a birth. English Kid " " da. 100,000 Regalia and Principee Cigars So- - ' saying grace at his table, and this duty he never vertiser, long after he has forgotten it Every re-- Ane Begister man appears to be mightily tickled at Tapestry, Velvet and Prunella Slippers. 50,000 Melee do . ' omited on occasion. have went farther, and exhibited to Mr. Fillmore his any mane produces an impression ot some kind; and in lue occurrence, out we n bet five yards of light col-- " French Mora., Kid, Buckskins and Excelsiors 100 Bales Cotton Yarns, all Nos; The story runs that on a certain occasion the old criminal folly in a more startling light They might a noAvspaper it meets the eyes of hundreds Avho ored flannel that if he was the unlucky father Misses' " " " WeltBoots, 100 bbls Rectified Whisky; of the Kid 50 Packages Wines gentleman invited a sea captain, a jolly old weather-beate- n American vessel on take the papers for business as well musical trio, he'd "laugh Child's bk Boots, 4c, Ac and Brandies; havo captured any the high as instruction. out of the other side of Gents' Super. Calf Pump soled Dressr Boots, 200 Boxes Star Candles; tar of his acquaintance, to dine with him. The day of old is his mouth." there is, Water-proo- seas, and, assuming, as they did in the case of these fogyism past; posting bills Avould If in this tolerable Avorld. " '.' ' Dress f Booti, 100 do Tallow do They sat down to dinner, and the old gentleman, do very Avell in the country, Avhere passers so sel- anything Ave cordially detest, it is this making " " " Pump soled peg'd do. 100- - do Palm Soap With various men, that the persons on such vessel were concerned fun other articles. according to custom, commenced saying grace ; but dom see anything neAV that they AA'ill stop to read of other people's misfortunes. Buffalo Rounh. " Goat Slippers, large sizes, Tho goods will be put up in our usual quantities, and wo " water-proo- would invite the attention the captain, whose attention had been diverted for in the revolutionary movement in Cuba, might have them ; but in the city, Avhere the eye is Avearied Notes. Calf dress f Shoes, of tha trade generally. Just "opened by Jan4 RAMAGE & CHURCH. Terms of Sale. All sums under 200 Cash. AH sums , the moment, hearing the old gentleman speak, executed them without the slightest 'form of trial .Avith an endless succession of them, there is just as If too" ever feel like committinsr suicide, iust over$200, four months for. approved endorsed notes paya- 'thought. he was addressing him, and turned to him much probability of a business man stopping in the SOLES. Just ble in one of the city Banks. In order to guard against such an occurrence as this, take a razor aud shave yonrself. Do Ihis, and two SHOES AND CORK Nvith street to read them as there is of him .stopping to OVER another sunnlv ofLadies' Gum Sandals. Slin-- jan3 W. H. GORDON & CO. we maintained that it was the duty of Mr. Fill- to one you postpone the job. What people imagine Gum "What did you say, 'squire ?" Avhittle. Newspapers are the great ifeatures of the pers and Buskins; Ladies' Boots, lined; Gents.' Gum have appointed Mr. A. V. S. LINDSLEY dispair is very-ofte- lack Sandals Overshoes; Boys' and Misses' Overshoes, fine ' "Why, d n it, man, saying I" more to inquire into the massacre of Crittenden's Avho nothing but of cleanliness. and a NOTICEI fact, with full powprsto make Deeds, Tm grace day; the man neglects them or undervalues supply just opened by jan4 RAMAGE & CHURCH. and promptly to demand redress for the viola- them has not one spark tho 19th sell property, make collections, and attend to any and all bu- men, of century in him. Shaking siness I have in Davidson county. He is Hands. An exchange says ,that , , authorized. to He is a mistake from beginning at a TO STOCKHOLDERS. A - i. I, T . r , I don't say Mr. Judge, that the defendant was tion, in their persons, of our treaty stipulations. We to end; he should recent duel near Vicksburg, tho represent me as iuny as i couiu ao were 1 present to act for have been born, have lived, and gone tho parties discharged PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNESSEE has this myself. drunk. No, not by no means; but this I will say maintained he owed this, not so much to the Avay of all THE, declared a dividend of Four that tneir pistois Avitnout euect, whereupon, one of the Dollars per share on N. B. All persons holding Title Bonds from me when I last seen him he was washing his face in the earth, years and years ago. the capital stock of said Bank out of the profits of the lost for prop- men themselves, as to our national honor and the seconds interferred, and proposed that the combat- six erty purchased in Edgefield are earnestly requested to come . a mud puddle, anddryingit on a.door mat Wheth- months, to be paid to stockholders on demand. . forward and complete ants should shake hands. To this the other se- . their property, and receive Titles or er a sober man would do this, in course can't security of our peaceably disposed citizens on tho January 1, 1853 lw U. 1SW1NG,-Cashier- debts will be sued ' I say." The Lopez Affair in Cuba. Mr. Sullivan, an cond objected as unnecessary, for, said he. their their at once. The Court thought he wouldn't The consequence high seas. W. n.CORDOK, janl lm M. W. WETMORE. Jiinglishman, wc author ot a recent book, of traA'els hands have been shaking this half hour. a B. BRTAX. was, the "defendant" went up for sixty days. vieAVs W. H. GORDON & CO., UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRTfTFS Such have been our in this matter. Wc in America, mentions the following as one of the o we are to go failure, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. preparing East, for our Spring supply, A Statist, in speaking of the females who pass look upon them noAV Avith pride, and could not be causes of the of the Lopez expedition ; A Printer's Wrr. The New York Star, emits A1 we will sell the remainder of our stock of TTniWrom. "When Lopez's expedition Avas first mooted, and For the sale of Merchandise, generally, at greatly reduced prices. It consists of through Catham street, says the majority of them induced to recant them though every democratic the folloAvinfr beam : cm , r - . Creole population affected to jan 1 XASUVILLE, TENX. ouaser jvniiTr?i anirisana Drawers, are sewing girls, "while a few of them earn a living the sympathize the "A correspondent Senator in Congress should express opposite ones. Avhole-o- f entered an office and accused Shaker Flannel do " do, straw-plattin- g, Governor General gave the the population by or something else: In Broad-'wa- y, the compositor of not having punctuated com 150 hhds. prime new Sugar for sale by Cashmere do " do, But Ave have not yet seen anything from a demo- Avithin ten miles of , three days' holiday, his SUGAR. W. GORDON it is just the other way a few work, while munication, when the typo earnestly replied: if &CO. Marino do " do. source in conflict them. We Ave that the whites might be able to form some idea of 'Tm Silk do " ike majority do "something else." cratic with trust a pointer, 200 bbl3 prime new Molasses, for sale by do, their numbers, strength and ferocity, and take a not I'm a setter." OL ASSES. Shaker Socks, never may. The sentiments expressed by Messrs. M' jana y. tu (juuuuj & uu. To be agreeable in society, a wholesome warning against favoring any agitation Lambs' Wool Socks Cashmere Socks, man should not be Cass in the cer- With a good assortment of and Mason, debate alluded to, are Avhich might bring about the slave ris- Harding and R. N. Williams 2000 Kegs Shoenberger's Nails, all sizes, for Underwear for Ladies all of so learned as entertaining. The person who horrors of a J"Gen. will speak dec-3- talks NAILS. jan3 W. H. GORDON & CO. which we will sell low. 1 MYERS fc McGLLL tainly not But if they AA'ere, these gentlemen ing. the Court-Hous-e, glibly about ephemeral nothings, will be popular at on Thursday night, upon the AND the taciturn would only be taking grounds against the entire "It is said that the sight of these fifty or sixty ACCO. 150 Boxes Keen & Co., Stony Mill's BUGGY CARRLiGE BLANKETS. V .even with while the Naturalist who proposition to take stock in the various railroads. a few superior Blankets left, which we AA'arriors SAvaggering TOB will goes his length on the social habits of the Mdsta-do- n, democratic press and party of the country. In that thousand African through the sell very low. decSl MYERS Jt McGLLL. streets, and the knowledge that the same struggle 50 Boxes Keen & Co., buncured Tobacco; i will be voted a bore even by the scientific. event their opinions would be more a matter of con- 150 do Stubblefield do; I GLOVES I ! Also an assortment of which liberated them from the Spanish rule, might COMMERCIAL. 150 do Boaz GLOVESGloves, at very low prices. to them than to us. do; J The Captain of the Horse Marine was presented cern also liberate the blaoks from their3, did more to 150 do Godwin's do: dec31 MYERS k McGILL. on Tuesday, with, a satin beaver curry comb. Tho quench the rising feeling in favor of 'Libertad' " Nashville, Jan. 4. Forsaleby jan3 W. H. GORDON !fc CO. SCARPS AND Democrat. OUTSIDE and Gentlemen, ..gffair came off at the "Pewter Mug." Central We have received the first among the Creoles, than any dread of the soldiers of Very doing to-da- 5 Cases consisting of Chanile . Cocton. little Sales of small lots IGARS LasTre3Mareas Rcralia Curars: Tin T, Cashmere, Zephyr woosted. & ' oia opam. ao was a uckusn on 5--, cases La National do do and MYERS McGILL. number of a neAV democratic paper bearing the above proceeding the at7,7 497 50. Nothing new in Groceries. 4 O part of the Governor General, and Avould 5 do Jenny Lind do do Ladier and Gentlemen's Jeurmshing Store, College St, "Does the Court understand you to say, Mr. have been River falling. door-fro- Square. title. It is neatly gotten up, and from the first num- do Wandering Jew do do one the dec31 ones, that you saw the editor of the Augur of Free- scarcely Avarranted, but for the presence of twenty ber bids fair to be a valuable auxiliary in the dis- thousand men under arms the Avhole do Spotted Cathedral do do SALE. A Negro Girl, well qualified for pastry dom intoxicated ?" 'CtTot at all, sir, I merely said time, and the STEAMBOAT do La Fiel do REGISTER. do FOR washer and first-ra- te semination of democratic principles. We congra- possibility of the slaves procuring arms being strict- ironer, and warranted to be a that I have seen him frequently so flurried in his do Monte Crista do do seamstress Also; two likely Negro Boys nine years mind that Jie would undertake to cut out copy with tulate our friends in Benton and Carroll in having ly guarded against" Inquirer. Aebivals. 3, Odd Fellow; Padncah. 50,000 Davs Melee do do old. Apply to JOSEPH W. DABBS, Forsaleby jan3 W. H. GORDON & CO. dec30 the snuffers--that- 's alL" the services of two sue? men as Messrs. Doherty & Departures. 3, Embassy, Memphis; Senator, "Waitsboro: Cedar street. There lives near the mouth 200 Boxes P?nt O. MACQRECOR, Jf. E. Greer to prosecute this enterprise, and we hope of the Great Miami, 4 Huron, Pittsburg; Envoy, Cincinnati; Odd Fellow, Pa- Flasks; alloway; j. baxxhead. A. friend informs us that split gold dollar pieces a colored man named Prank Mabon, aLJiSSWARE. do; MACGSEGOR, ALLOWAY & CO., to the a .who has dncah. are rapidly .circulating, and cautions us to be on the they will extend paper liberal support It walked from New Orleans to Cincinnati seventeen 5)0 do Tumblers, assorted for sale br jan3 W. H. GORDON & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lookout for them, but we prefer "to bo on the look is published at Camden, Tenn., at 2 per annum. times! Before the application of steam to purposes T?OR MEMPHIS U.S. MAIL PACK 55 St. CiunLEs Street, (third Store above St. Charles Hotel,) out" for those which are-no- t split of navigation he folloAved the nilntinir nf fWhnofa J? ET, SLIGONo. 2. will leave Nnshvill LOUGHS. 100 Hall's Peacock Ploughs, for sale-by-jao- New Orleans. keels doAvn the river, invariably f?1!1??!3.?11 Thursday, at 6 o'clock, P. W. H. GORDON & CO. Abuse U. States. A letter and and walked 3 N. E. ALLOWAY & An Irishman was once, brought before a magis- Allison's of the Miin Umce. 100 Dozen Weeding and Hoes, CO., Nashville, Tenm, are a t all the mis- back. On one occasion when returning he carried OliS. Grubbing for all times prepared to make cash trate charged with marrying 8ix wiy.es. The mag- from Washington, says: Of abuse and DAVIS. sale by jan3 w. IL UUKDON & CO. liberal advances on ship representation ever recorded by English prejudice with him a skfllet, handsaw and an axe the whole H ments to us. seplC istrate asked him how he could be so hardened a distance. Two Small AFJ2TY FDZE.- - --100,000 feet Safety Fuze, for sale United States, that which is embodied He was one of the first settlers on the TTOR SALE. Frame Tcnemens, with throe 30 villian. against the room3 street, by jan3 W. H. GORDON & CO. RANBERRIES. bbls Cranberries; 15 bbls to his continuation of the tract of land known as Symmes' purchase, and wit-- each',?? 9wfid between High and Vine s do 15 yi bbls do. Just received "Plaze your worship," said Paddy, was trying in Allison's introduction 1000 Bbls No. 1 Kanawha Salt for sale by br "I nessedthe erection of the first building on the site n dec 23 R. & J. NIXON. to get a good ?un." history of modern Europe, is decidedly the worst .ifSSSS Terms liberaL M SALT. W. H. GORDON & CO. - which Cincinnati now occupies. No man, perhaps, jan5 WILLIAMS & SPLENDID FLOOR OH. CLOTHS, JUST RECEIVED. The moral,- social and political, condition of what GLOVER, Agents. A likely Negro man, 25 years old; 2 ever enuureu ' SALE. Oueen Victoria calls the "great republican," is rep greater hardships and lived to.reca FOR, 19'years old; a" woman and two children, trend of which are the same kind that took the first Horace Mann says he has only one objection to T ARD !. LARD ! 1200 barrels Lard wanted for SOME at tho his age. Another year and ho will have seen his cook, and washer.- - .Low for cash .or good baDW-- . World's Fair, which will be sold very low religion, and that they can resented by the popular and elegant historian m i Li wnicn tnc highest market pneo will bo paid, either in ironer at to fit women preaching, is, . .J .1 TIT 1 T 1 J TT i? '1 hundreth. short date; Apply to JOS.W.DABBS, cut tv ass urucenea ur wisn. uec isa ojuvArxua. SMITH Jc CO. : darker colors than Mr. aisn pamiau jiayu. - dcc20 W. GREENFIELD & CO. make' more by practicing, . Wbero's aster.Smith? dec22'' n Cedar Etreot, Nashville. 4 t: H. 4,1 ;s; til ai Mirt.nt-- J
