Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 1859.pdf Design of a Thermal Anemometer for a Titan Lander Colin F. Wilson1 Ralph D. Lorenz2, 1 Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (
[email protected]) 2 Space Exploration Sector, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 20723, USA. (
[email protected]) Introduction: Weather on Titan is of great inter- ExoMars EDM in 2016, with the same geometry and est: Titan has an active hydrological cycle just like only minor changes to film resistances to optimize Earth's (but different!) and its geomorphology reflects power efficiency [6]. modification not only in the wind-mediated distribution of liquid methane on the surface, but also by the vast dunefields that girdle Titan's equator. Any landed mis- sion to Titan (e.g. [1]) is certain to demand wind meas- urement capability. Almost all planetary anemometers to date are those deployed on Mars, and most of these have been ther- mal anemometers due to their simplicity of construc- tion and lack of moving parts. Calibration of thermal wind sensors on Mars is notoriously tricky: neither Pathfinder [2] and MSL [3] anemometers have met their performance goals, with much of their data still uncalibrated. However, the thermophysical characteris- tics of Titan’s atmosphere [4] make it much better suit- Fig. 1 – Beagle 2 Wind Sensor (B2WS). Central cylin- ed for thermal anemometry than that of Mars, in sever- der is 10 mm in diameter x 18 mm high [5]. al ways: (1) its higher density leads to higher convec- tive heat transfer