Crime and Punishment Affray
(crime) CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Affr ay Armed – riding and going Arson and maiming Barretr y (causing unnecessary legal actions) Burglary Forcible Detainer Felonies: buggery, abduction, tongue or eyes, stealing records, multiplication of gold or silver, unlawful hunting, bigamy Forcible entry Larceny Murder and homicide Offences by officer s Rape and attempted rape Riot Robbery Suicide Theft Treason Witchcraf t AFFRAY Hale gave the following definition of affray: 'if weapons drawn, or stroke given or offered, but words no affray: menace to kill or beat, no affr ay, but yet for safeguard of peace, constable may bring them before Justice'. It would thus appear that in order to commit an affray a weapon must be drawn, or a stroke given or offered. In the event of an affray, if it wer e considerable, a private person might stop the affray and deliver them to the constable. If a person hurt another dangerously, a private person might arrest the offender , and bring him to gaol or to the next Justice. A constable or Jus tice must suppress all affrays . Affr ays were misdemeanours, not punishable by death. Where were they pros ecuted and how punished? KING S BENCH AND ASS IZES A first glance through the KB and ASS I material(to be checked with the machine) does not reveal any cases of simple affr ay being prosecuted. This would not be surprising, since the offence was not of a suf ficiently serious nature in itself to come to these courts. The one exception I have found occurred in the Assizes for 1603 when three EC yeomen were indicted for assaulting a man at Bures.
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