The Elements of Criminal Law and Procedure, with a Chapter On
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE ELEMENTS OF CEIMINAL LAW AND PEOCEDUEE WITH A CHAPTER ON SUMMAEY CONVICTIONS ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS BY A. M. WILSHERE, MA., LL.B. OP gray's inn and the western circuit, barrister-at-law ; FORKBRLY EXHIBITIONER IN ROMAN LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, HOLDER OF FIRST CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR OP THE COUNCIL OP LEGAL EDUCATION ; SPECIAL LECTURER IN LAW TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. SECOND EDITION. LONDON SWEET AND MAXWELL, LIMITED 3, CHANCERY LANE 1911 T A COMPANION BOOK BY THE SAME AUTHOR— LEADING CASES IN THE CRIMINAL LAW FOR THE USE OP STUDENTS -8 NI I PKEFACE This book, though nominally a Second Edition, has been entirely re-written, and considerably enlarged. It still, how- ever, remains only an analysis of the Elements of Criminal Law and Procedure, and must be supplemented by reference to " Archbold's Criminal Practice," and to the cases cited. It is still necessary to emphasize to students that these cases, which are but a small fraction of the very large number of reported cases, are cited that they may be read, and not merely for the purpose of enabling an examination paper to be ornamented with their names. In order to render the book of more utility for the examina- tions of the Law Society the chapter on Courts of Summary Jurisdiction has been amplified. As I pointed out in the First Edition, it is not easy to attain accuracy in an analysis of this description.
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