a JUSTICE report SECRET EVIDENCE Advancing access to justice, human rights and the rule of law Secret Evidence June 2009 For further information contact Eric Metcalfe, Director of Human Rights Policy email:
[email protected] direct line: 020 7762 6415 JUSTICE, 59 Carter Lane, London EC4V 5AQ tel: 020 7329 5100 fax: 020 7329 5055 email:
[email protected] website: www.justice.org.uk Contents Executive summary 5 Acknowledgements 6 Introduction 7 Key terms 9 - closed evidence and secret evidence 9 - closed hearings 9 - ex parte hearings 9 - hearings in camera 10 - undisclosed material 11 - departures from open evidence: anonymity, redactions and gisting 12 Part 1: The right to a fair hearing 14 The right to be heard 15 The right to confront one’s accuser 18 The right to an adversarial trial and equality of arms 23 The right to be informed of the accusation 27 The presumption of innocence 28 The right to counsel 30 Article 6 ECHR 31 - article 6(1) 31 - article 6(2) 33 - article 6(3) 33 Article 5(4) ECHR 34 Part 2: Secret evidence in civil cases 36 The Special Immigration Appeals Commission 37 - Chahal v United Kingdom 38 - The 1997 Act 40 - Proceedings pre-9/11 42 - Proceedings post-9/11 48 - Torture evidence 56 - Proceedings post-7/7 59 - MK v Secretary of State 69 - A and others v United Kingdom 73 Control order hearings 76 - Secretary of State v MB 78 - AE, AF and AN v Secretary of State 84 Parole board hearings 91 - Roberts v Parole Board 92 Other civil proceedings 101 - Administrative tribunals 102 - ASBO hearings 104 - Asset