No. 76 1901

THE GAZETTE Published by Authority


ERRATUM SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT IN an OTider in Council pUlh'l'iiShed in the Gazette, 21 November ALL those pieces of land situated in Block V, Te Kawau 1963, No. 75, page 1863, consenting to raising of IO'ans by Survey District, Wellington R.D., described as foHows: oertain loca[ au1Jhorities, for the words "The Right Hon. Kellith A. R. P. Being Holytoake, C.H., Presiding in Council" read "His Excelilency 104 3 36 Lots 1 to 7, Lots 12 to 43, Lots 46 to 63, Lots 65 tihe GOiVerni<}r-Genefla'l in Council". to 69, Lots 7i1 to 75, Lots 78 to 108, Lots NO to 113, and Lots 1'15 to 128, D.P. 93, being part Section 129, Town of Carnarvon. All certifioates CoRRIGENDUM of title, Volume 25, folios 283 to 285, 287 to 293, 296 to 300; Volume 26, folios 1 to 4, 6 to IN a notice dated 30 October 1963 and published ,in Gazette, 11, 26 and 29'; and Volume 311, folios 188 and 7 November 1963, No. 73, page 1798, declaring Crown Land 200, Wellington Land Registry. or Staite Housing Land Set Apart 1)or ~he 'Purposes of the o 2 0 Lots 9 and 10, D.P. 106, being paflt Section 570, Maori Housing Act 1935, in the !Second Schedule for "D.P. Town of Carnarvon. All certifi'cate of title, 24168" read ">D.P. 21468". Volume 65, folio 266, Wellington Land Registry. Dated a't Wellington this 20th day .of November 1963. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ C. M. HBNNETT, General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Ass~stant Secretary for Maori Affairs. this 19th day of November 1963. (M.A. 30/14/7) [LoS.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. GOD SAVE mE QUEEN! Declaring Land to be Crown Land (P.W. 41/1133; D.O. 14/158) BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION Land Taken for the Proper Development or Use of the Said PURSUANT to section 265 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, I, Land for Commercial Purposes, in Accordance With the Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor­ Whangarei Borough Council's 0 perative District Scheme General of New Zealand, hereby declare the land described Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1953, in the in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land and to be subject to Borough of Whangarei the Land Act 1948. SCHEDULE BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT A PROOLAMATION Block and Area PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir Land Survey District A. R. P. Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Tawata 1A (C.T. 1546/60) VII, Punakitere 57 0 0 Zealand, hereby proolaim and declare that the land described Tawata 2A (C.T. 1546/61) VII, Punakitere 15 0 0 in the Schedu~e hereto is hereby taken fOT the proper Tawata 2B (C.T. 1392/80) VI and VII, Punakitere 136 2 0 development or use of the said land fQif commercial purposes, Wharepoke No. 1 Residue in accordanee with the Whangarei Horougih Council's Operative (C.T.1392/82) VI and vn, Punakitere 33 0 32 District Scheme under the Town and Country Planning Act . Maungakawakawa 9c 1A VII, Punakitere 4 3 0 19'53, and shall ves,t in the Mayor, CounciHors, land atizens Maungakawakawa 9c 1B of the BOTough of Whangarei as from the date herei,ll'after (iP.R. 21'2/113>9) ...... VII, Punakitere 13 3 30 mentioned; and I also declare that this Proclamation shan take Part Maungakawakawa effect on and aTter the 2nd day of De'cember 1963. No. 9 (C.T. 1392/81) VII, Punakitere 3 2 12 Given under the hand of His Excellency the GovernoT­ SCHEDULE General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, NORm AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT this 19th day of November 1963. ALL those pieces of land situated in Block IX, Whangarei [LoS.] J. R. HANAN, Minister of Maori Affairs. Survey District, Borough of Whangarei, Auckland R.D., GOD SAVE mE QUEEN! described as follows: (M.A. 15/1/1037) A. R. P. Being o 0 24'4 Part Lots 1 and 4, D.P. 33126; coloured yeUow .on plan. Land Taken for Better Utilisation (Subdivision, Development, o 0 22' 8 Part Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, D.P. 3,31126; coloured and Regrouping) (Tangimoan'a Farm Settlement) in Block se~a on plan. V, Te Kawau Survey District As the same rare more piaT'ticularly delineated 'On the plan marked M.O.W. 8899 (S.O. 42497) deposited in the office 'Of BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General the Minis,ter of Works at Welling1fon, and thereon coloured as A PROOLAMATION above menbioned. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir Given under the hand 'Of His Excellency the Govemor­ Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New General, and issued under the Seai of New Zeal'and, Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described .this 27th day of November 1963. in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for better utilisation [LoS.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Work~, (subdivision, development, and regrouping) (Tangimoana farm settlement); and I ,also declare that this Ptodamation shall GOD SAVE mE QUEEN! take effect on and' aft~r the 2nd day of December 19'63. (P.W. 53/393/1; D,O. 50/15/15/0) 1902 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 16,

Land Taken for Road in Block X, Otama Survey District, SCHEDULE Coromandel County SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL those pieces of land described as follows: BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General A. R. P. Being A PROOLAMATION o 2 6' 21 Parts Allotment 342, Pukete Parish, coloured PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 19'28, I, Brigadier Sir o 3 2' 8 r yellow on plan. Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New o 1 30' 5J Zealand, hereby proda'im and declare that the land described o 0 8' 0 Part Ohote Stream bed, coloured yellow, edged in the Schedule heret'o is hereby taken for road; and I also yellow, on plan. declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after o 1 18' 2 Part Allotment 342, Pukete Parish, coloured the 2nd day of December 1963. yellow, edged yellow, on plan. 0' 0 26 } Parts Allotment 216A, Pukete Parish, coloured o 0 l' 4 blue on plan. SCHEDULE o 0 8'0 Part Ohote Stream bed, coloured blue, edged SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT blue, on plan. ALL that piece of land containing 2 acres 2 roods 39' 4 As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan perches situated in Block X, Otama Survey District, Coro­ marked M.O.W. 8637 (S.'O. 41,280) and deposlited in the office mandel County being part Lot 19, D.P. 203, part Lots of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured 1, 14, 23 and Lo,ts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, as above mentioned. 25, 26, 27, 28, D.P. 379, and part Wihakau Block. Given under the hand, of His Excellency the Govemor­ As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, marked M.O.W. 18012 CS.O. 42271) and deposited in the this 19th day of November 1963. office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. coloured yellow. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ (P.W. 34/4015; D.O. 20/7) General, and issued under >the Seal of New Zealand, this 27th day of November 1963. [LS.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Land Taken for Road in Block XV, Waikohu Survey District, and Block Ill, Patutahi Survey District, Cook County (p.W.34/2994; D.O. 49/0/20)

BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governot~General A PROCLAMATION Land Taken for Road in Block XV, Newcastle Survey District, Waipa County PURSUANT to the Public Works Act. 1928, I, Brigadiex Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor--General of N~w Zealand, hereby prodaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and I also BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after A PROCLAMATION the 2nd day of December 1963. PURSUANT to the' Public Works Act, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand, SlCHEDULE hereby· proclaim and· declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and I also declare GISBORNE LAND DISTRICT that th'is Proc1amati'on shall take effect on and after the ALL those pieces of land situated in the Gisborne Registration 2nd day of December 1963. District, de'scrihed as follows: Situated in Block XV, Waikohu Survey District, Cook SCHEDULE County: SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT A. R. P. Being o 0 0'02 Part Lot 2, D.P. 2498, being part Section 4; ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XV, Newcastle coloured orange on plan. Survey District, Waipa County, described as follows: o 1 23' 8( Parts Lot 3, D.P. 249'8, being part Section 4; A. R. P. Being o 0 3D f colioured .orange· on plan. O. 3 37' 0 Part Allotments 31 and 69A, Horotiu Parish, o 0 13' 3 Part Section 42; coloured sepia on plan. coh:>med blue' on plan. Situated in Block IIJI, Patutahi. Survey District, Cook County: o 0 3 . 0 Plart Al1:oitment 218, 'PuketePari'Sh; coloured'. yell'Ow A. R. P. Being on plaI1~ o 0 12~'2 Part Allotment 220, Pukete Parish, colouredsepiia o I 38'1 Part Lot 13, D.P~ 2114, being part Section 86, on plan. ' Patutahi rural; do,loured orange on plan. o 0 20' 5 Part Allotment 3:1, HOTotiu Parish, coloured blue, o 0 4' 31 Parts Mangat'Oetoe Stream bed; coloured· sepia edged blue, on plan. o 0' 4' 3f on plan. o 0 0'08 Part Lot 21 D.P. 2'114, heing part Section 86, As the same are more particularly- delineated on the plan Patutahi rur·a1;co,loured blue on plan. marked M.O.W. 8637 (S.O. 41280) and deposited in the o 1 23' 3 Part Lot 1, D.P. 2114, being part Seetion 86, office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon Patutahi rural; coloured hlue on plan. coloured as aboye mentioned. o 0 0"9 P'art Lot 1, D.P. 1776, being part Secti'on 86, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Patutahi rural; coloured blue on· plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, As the same are more particularly delineated. on the plan this 19th day of November 1963. marked M.'O.W. 18008 (S.'O. 5346) deposited _in the office [L.s.1 W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works; of the Minister of W oI'ks at Wellington, and thereon coloured GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! as above mentioned. (P.W.34/4015; D.O. 20/7) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governo~~ General, and issued under ,the Seal of New Zealand, this 27th day of November 1963. [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Leasehold Estates in- Land Taken for the Purposes of a Road GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! " in Block XV, Newcastle Survey District, Waipa Oounty (P.W.36/256; D.O. 16/80/1)

BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General' Land Taken for Street and for Public Pound In the Borough A PROOLAMATION of Te Puke PURSUANT to the- Public Works Act 19'28, I, Brigadier Sir B~rnard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New BERNARD FERGUSSON, GovernoE~General Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the leasehold estates in the l'and described·· in the Schedule hereto, held by A PROOLAMA'I1ION Laurance Walter Wright as to the land firstly, se'condly, thirdly, PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Blligadier Sir fourthly, and fi.:flthly described, by virtue of lease No. S.F.'S; Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New 43, issu~d under se'ction 5 of the Small Farms Amendment Act Zealand, hereby proolaim and declare that the land described ~939 .and . seotion 29 of. the Statutes Amendment Act 1943, in the First Sohedule hereto is hereby taken fOlf s'h:eet; and and by William Henry Osmond Power and Joan Teresa Power the land descrihed in the Second Schedule is hereby taken flO'1"' as to the land sixthly, seventhly, and eighthly described, by public pound; and both shaH vest 'in the Mayo't, Councillors. vittue. of . lease in' perpetuity under Part HI of the Land Act and Citizens of the Borough of Te Puke as- from: the date 1892, No. 21, are hereby taken for the purp'oses. of a road; hereinafter mentioned; and I also, declare that this Proclama­ and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect tion . s.haH· take effect on aI1d after the 2nd day o

FIRST SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DIS'IRICT o 0 0'9 Part Lot 3, Bl0'ck n, D.P. 659, being part Seotion 2; coloured blue on plan. Land Taken for Street o 0 1'6 Part Lot 3, Bl0'ck II, D.P. 659, being .part Section ALL that piece of land containing 08' 9 perches situated in 2; c0'loured sepia on plan. the Borough of Te Puke, be,ing part Secti0'n 1, Block IX, o 0 2' 5 Part Lot 4, Block n, D.P. 659, being part Section Village of Atuaroa, Block II, Maketu Survey District; as the 2; coloured sepia on plan. same is more particularly delineated on the' pian marked o 0 2' 5 Part Lo,t 5, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Seotion M.O.W. 8892 (S.O. 42082) and deposited in the office of the 2; coloured 0'range 0'n plan. Minister of Works at WelLingt0'n, and thereon col0'ured blue. o 0 2' 5 Part Lot 6, Block n, D.P. 659, being part Section 37; coloured blue on plan. o 0 2' 5 Part Mary Street, Bl0'ck II, D.P. 659, being part SECOND SCHEDULE Se'ction 37; coloured sepia on plan. SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DIS'IRICT o 0 2' 5 Part Lot 7, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Section Land Taken for Public Pound 37; coroured orange on plan. o 0 2' 5 Part Lot 8, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Selction ALL that piece 0'f land containing 26' 5 perches situated in the 37; coloured blue on plan. B0'rough !Of Te Puke, being Part Secti0'n 1, Bl0'ck IX, Vollage o 0 2' 5 Part Lor 9, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Section of Atuaroa, Block n, Maketu Survey District; as the same is 37; coloured sepia on plan. more particulaf'ly delineated !On the plan marked M.O.W. o 0 2' 5 Part Lot 10, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Section 8892 (S.O. 420.82) and deposited in the office of the Minister 39; coloured orange on plan. of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. o 0 2' 5 Part L0't 11, Bl0'ck II, D.P. 659, being part Section Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ 39; coloured orange on plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, o 0 7' 6 Part Lot 1, D.P. 6462, being part Section 39; this 19th day of N0'vember 1963. c0'loured blue on plan. o 0 2'5 Part Section 41 (D:P. 2001); coloured sepia 0'n [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. plan. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! o 0 3' 6 Part Section 41 (D;P. 20011); coloured orange on (P.W. 51/4537; D.O. 43/38/0) plan. o 0 2'3 Part Section 41 (D.P. 6419); coloured blue on plan. o 0 1'7 Part Section 41 (D.P. 6696); coloured sepia on Land Taken for Street in the Borough of Ngaruawahia plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8954 (S.O. 13>339) deposited in the o·ffice of BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured A PROCLAMATIo.N as abDve mentioned. PURSUANT to the Public W0'rks Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Zealand, hereby proclalim and declare that the land described this 27'th day of November 1963. in the Schedule hereto is hen~by t!aken for street and shaH [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough of Ngaruawahia as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! I also declare that this Proclamation shaH take effect on and (P.W. 51/4548; D.O. 18/300/41) after the 2nd day of December 1963.

SCHEDULE Land Proc.laimed as Road in Block V, Whangarei Survey District, Whangarei County SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DIS'IRICT ALL that piece of l!and containing l' 11 perohes situated in BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General the Borough of Ngaruawahia, being Part Lot 4, D.P. S. 6552, A PROCLAMATION Hl0'ck VII, Newcastle Survey District. As the slame is more . particularly delineated on the pl'an PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment ma,rked M.O.W. 8965 (S.O. 42155), and deposit'ed lin the Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the 0'ffice of the Minis,ter of Works at Wellington, and thereon Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as road coloured yellow. the land de'Scribed in the Schedule hereto. Given unde,r the hand of His Excellency the Govern0'r- SCHEDULE . General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 19th day of November 1963. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT [L.S.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. ALL that piece of land containing 38 perches situated In Block V, Whangarei Survey District, Auckland R.D., and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! being part Lot 7, D.P. 7188; as the same is m0're particularly (P.W. 51/3952; D.O. 43/17/0) delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8592 (S.o.. 441"83) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Land Taken for Street in the Borough of Port Chalmers General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 27ith day of N0'vember 1963. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General [L.S.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. A PROCLAMATION GOD SAVE WE QUEEN! PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir (P.W. 33/2054; D.O. 50/15 jil5/0) Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto ·is hereby taken for street and shall Land Proclaimed as Road in Block XIII, Mangakahia Survey vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough District, Hobson County of P'ort Oh3ilmers as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I alsO' declare thaJt this Pr0'clamati0'n shall ltake effect on BERNARD FERGUSSON,Governor~General and after the 2nd day of De'cember 19'63. A PROOLAMATION . PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment SCHEDULE Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the OTAGO LAND DISTRICT Governor~General ·of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as r0'ad the land described in the Schedule hereto. ALL those pieces of land situated in Sawyer's Bay Survey District, Otago R.D., described as foHows: SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT o 0 3' 2 Part Lot 1, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section ALL that piece of land containing 22 perches situated in Block 5; c0'loured blue on plan. XTII,Mangakahia Survey District, Auckland R.D., and being o 0 2' 8 Plart Lot 2, Bl0'ck I, D.P. 659, being part Section part· TeKaraka Block; as the same is more particularly 5; coloured sepia on plan. delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8977 (S.O. 44052) o 0 2'1 Part Lo't 3, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section dep0'sited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, 5; co~oured orange on plan. and thereon coloured blue. o 0 l' 3 Part L0't 4, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section 5; coloured blue on plan. Given under the hand 0'f His Excellency the Governor­ o 0 0'6 Part Lot 5, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, 5; coloured sep'ia on plan. this 27-th day of November 1963. o 0 4' 8 Part Lot 1, D.P. 9965, being part Section 2; [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. coloured orange on plan. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! o 0 0'2 Part Lot 2, Block n, D.P. 659, being part Section 2; coloured blue on plan. (P.W.33/735; D.O. 50/15/2/0) 1904 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

Land Proclaimed as Road and Land Taken in Block XVI, Land Proclaimed as Road in Block 11, Arowhenua Survey Mahurangi Survey District, Rodney County District, Geraldine County BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General A PROCLAMA11ION BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment A PROCLAMATION Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Ferguss.on, the PURSUANT to section 29 of the Puhlic Works Amendment Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as. mad Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the the land desrcribed in the First Schedule hereto; and also Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as' road hereby take the land descrirbed in the Second Schedule hereto the land described in the Schedule hereto. for the pUI1poses of subsection (6) of the said section 29. SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT NORnI AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL those pieces of land s1tuated in Block 1'1, Arowhenua ALL those pireces of land situ3Jted in Block XVI, Mahurangi Survey District, Canterbury RD., described as foHows: Suryey District, Auckland RD., described as follolws: A. R. P. Being A. R. P. Being o 0 O· 7 ;Part Reserve 4507; coloured blue on plan. 2 1 32' 51' Parts land on D.P. 8i169; co~oured yeHow on o 3 8'4 Part Lots 3 an1d 4, D.P. 1682, being part Rural 3 3 21' 5 ' plan. Se'Ction 3699'; coloured orange on plan. o 0 25'8 Parts Opahi No. 1 Block; coloured blue on As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan 0136'4' plan. marked M.O.W. 8981 ('S.0.10027) deposited in the office of 2 3 30' 3 Part Tungu:tu Block; coloured sepia on plan. the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan a'S above mentioned. marked M.O.W. 8946 (is.O. 44116) deposited in the office Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand as above mentioned. this 271th day of November 1963. ' SEOOND SCHEDULE [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN,Minister of Works. NORnI AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT GOD SA VB THE QUEEN! ALL that piece of land containing 19' 9 perches situated in (P.W.45/559; D.O. 36/21) Block XVI, 'Mahurangi Survey District, Auckland RD., and being part Opahi No. 1 mock; as the same is more parti'ou­ larly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 89'4'6 (lS.O. Land Proclaimed as Road and Road Closed in Block V, 4!4-1.16) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wairoa Survey District, Manukau County Wellington, and thereon coloured b,lue, edged blue. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, A PROOLAlMATIOiN this 19th day of November 1963. PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Wmks Amendment [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Act 1948, I, Brigadi'er Sir Bernard Edward Pergusson, the GOD SAVE nIE QUEEN! Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby pr'OClaim as road the land described in the Firslt Schedule hereto and: 'hereby (P.W.34/1935; D.O. 15/'11/0) proclaim as dosed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto. Land ProClaimed as Road in Block V, Pakiri Survey District, FIRST ISOHElDUL'E Rodney County NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General ALL those pieces of l'and situa'ted in Block V, Wairoa Survey ...A PlROOLAMA'TIfON D~strict, Aucklrand RD., described as rfoHows: PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment A. R. P. Being Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Hernard Edward Fergusson, the o 0 0'1} Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proc1'aim as road o 0 10'8 Prarts 1.:o:t 1, D.P. 28'405; coloured yellow on plan. the land de'Scribed in the Schedule hereto. o 0 8'9 o 0 8'6} SOHEDlJ1.iE o 0 10 'Parts Lot 2, D.P. 28405; coloured blue on plan. NORnI AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT o '1 0'2 o 0 26'4} ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre 1 rood 29' 8 perches o 0 26' 9 Parts land on D.P. 16450; co,loured sepia on plan. situated in Btock V, P:akiri Survey 'District, Auckland Rn., o 2 3'9 and being part AllOttment 39, Arai Parish; as the same is more particularly delineated 'On the plan marked M.O.W. SECOND SOHEiDULE 89'47 (IS.O. 439811) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. NORnI AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govemor­ ALL those pieces ad' road situ:ated in Block V, Wairoa Survey . General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Disririct, Auc1dand RD., described as f01rlows: this 19th day of N'Ovember 1963. A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through [i.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. g gU:~} Lot 1, D.'P, 28405;co~oured green on plan. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! o 1 8' 6 Lot 2, D.P. 28405 ; coloured green on plan. (P.W.34/4353; D.O. 15/lil/O) o 0 10'6 ISection 4, Block V, Wairoa Survey District, and part land on D.P. 16450; coloured green on pl'an. Land Proclaimed as Road, in Block XI, Rotoiti Survey As the same are more particularly deH.neated ,on the plan DistriClt, Rotorua County marked M.O.W. 89'76 (\S.iQ. 441121) de'posirted in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General as above mentioned. A PR.OCLAMATION Given under the hand of His Exoellency the Governor­ PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment General. and issued under the Seal 01£ New Zealand, Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the this 27ith day of N'Ovember 1963. Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as road [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. the land described in t1he Schedule hereto. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! SCHEDULE (P.W.34/289; 'D.O. 15/6/0) SoUnI AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piec'e of land containing 1 acre 1 ro'Od 4' 4 perches situated in Block XI, Rotoiti Survey Distrrct, being part Land Proclaimed as Road and Road Closed in BlQck XIV, Whakapoungrakau ,3B 3BBtock, as the same is more particularly Rangiriri Survey District, and Block II, Newcastle Survey delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8904 (S.rQ. 42376) District, Raglan County deposited in the office of the Minister 'Of Works at Wel'l'ington, and thereon coloured yellow. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ A PROCLAMATION General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment this 19th day of N'Ovember 1963. Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Govemor~General of New Zealand, hereby prodaim as road the land described in the First Schedule hereto; and also. GOD SAVE nIB QUEEN! herehy proclaim as clorsed the road described in the, Second (P.W.36/723; D.O. 2~/0/37) Schedule hereto. 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALANO GAZEttE 1905

FJiRST SCHBDlJ[;E SCHEDULE SOU1H AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT SoU1H AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Land Proclaimed as Road ALL that pie'ce of land containing 3 acres and 312·3 perches ALL that piece of land containing 2 acres 1 rood 16' 3 perches situated in Block Xl'[, Hamilton Survey District, adjoining Lot situated in Block XIV, Rangiriri Survey Distriot, and Blo'ck n, 2, D.P. 17914, as the same is more particularly delineated on Newoastle Survey District, being part Allotment 263, Pepepe the plan marked M.O.W. 8970 (S.O. 42383) deposited tin tJhe Parish; as the same is more particularly delineated on the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon plan marked M.O.W. 8902 (S.O. 42178) deposited in the ooloured green. office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ coloured yellow. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 19ith day of November 1963. SECOND !SCHEDULE [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISlRICT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Road Closed (P.W. 70/2/18/0; D.O. 2/18/0/10) ALL that piece of road containing 2 acres 2 roods 7' 7 perches situated in Block H, Newcastle Survey District, and Block XIV, Rangiriri Survey Distriot, adjoining or passing Lands Set Apart as Provisional State Forest Declared to be through Lot 1, D.P. 23555, and Allotment 263, Pepepe Parish, Subject to the Land Act 1948 as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8902 (S.O. 42178) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General green. A PR'OCLAMAHON Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ PURSUANT to subsection (2) of section 19 of the Forests Act General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, 1949, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the this 19th day of November 1963. Governor-General of New Zea:land, acting on the joint re­ [L.s.] W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. commendation of the Minister of Lands and of the Minister GOD SAVE 1HE QUEEN! of Forests, hereby proclaim and declare that the lands described in the Schedule hereto, being parts of provisional (P.W.34/3644; D.O. 18/7/35) State forest reserves Nos. 1657 and 1690 set apart by Proclamations dated the 11th day of Octo'ber 1920., and published in Gazette, 14 Octoiber 1920, VOllume IIf, page Land Proclaimed as Road, Road Closed, and Land Taken in 2846, and the 29th day of April 1919, and published in Block V, Pohangina Survey District, Pohangina County Gazette, 8 May 19119, Volume II, page 1284, are required for settlement purposes; and in accordance with the provisions of the said Act such lands shaH, from and aLter the day of BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisiona:l State forest A PROOLAMATION lands and shall 'become Crown lands available for sale, lease, reservation, or other disposition under the provisions of the PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Land Act 1948. Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as road SCHEDULE the land described in the First Schedule hereto; and aiso hereby proclaim as dosed the road described in the Second WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT Schedule hereto; and I also hereby take !the land described PART Reserve 1657: Area, 5 acres 2 roods 37·9 perches, in the Third Schedule hereto f'o1" the purposes od' subsection more or less; part Reserve 1657: Area, 3 roods 28·6 perches, (6) of the said section 29. more or less. Both being situated in Block XVI, Hapuka Survey District. FIRST SCHEDULE Part Reserve 1690: Area, 15 acres 3 roods 36·7 perches, more or less; part Reserve 1690: Area, 10 acres and 12·1 WELLINGTON LAND DISlRICT perches, more or less. Land Proclaimed as Road Both being situated in Hlock XIII, Okura Survey District. ALL those pieces of land situated in Block V, Pohangina As shown on the plan marked L. and S. 10/98/1068 Survey District, Wellington R.D., described as follows: deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and A. R. P. Being Survey at Wellington, and thereon edged red (S.O. Plan 5147). o 'I 35 Plart Section 12; coloured blue on plan. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ o 0 1 ·'8 Part Section 13; coloured sepia on plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 191th day of November 1963. SECOND SCHEDULE [L.s.] R. G. GERARD, Minister of Lands. WELLING'TON LAND DISlRICT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Road Closed (L. and S. H.O. 10/98/106; D.O. 15/17E) ALL those pieces of road situated in Block V, Pohangina Survey District, Wellington R.D., described as follows: Declaring Lands in South Auckland, Otago, and Southland A. R. P. Adjoining Land Districts Vested in the Auckland, Otago, and South­ o 0 4·9 Part Section 12; cdloured green on plan. land Education Boards as Sites for Public Schools to o 2 14·6 Part Section 13; 'coloured green on plan. be Vested in Her Majesty the Queen BERNA]tD FERGUSSON, Governor-General THIRD SIOHEDULE A PROOLkMATrON WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT PURSUANT tio subseation (6) 'Of se'ction 5 of IVhe EduC'a1:Jion Land Taken Lands Act 1949, I, Brligadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, ALL thrut piece of land containing 6·5 perches situated in the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim Block V, Pohangina Survey District, Wellington R.D., and and declare that the land described in the First Sohedule being part Section 12; coloured blue, edged blue, on plan. hereto, ibeing an area ves!ted in the Auckl'and Education As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Board, the land described in :the Second Schedule hereto, marked M.O.W. 8937 (S.O. 25359) deposited in the office heing an arela veslted ,in the Otago EducaiDion Board, and the of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured land desoliiibed in the l1hird Sohedule herelt'o, bering an area as above mentioned. vested in I!he Soutbhlrand Education Board, a's sites for pubHlc soholo1s,

BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General !SBCOND SOHEDULE A PROOLAMATION OTAGO LAND DISlRICT PURSUANT to secti'on 29 of the Public Works Amendment LoT 2, D.!P. 4415, being part Sedbion 2, ;Block IX, Lee Stream Act 1948, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Survey Disltriot: Area, 2 acres 2 rloods 20 perches, more or Governor~General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as closed less (balance certificate 01£ ltittle, Vio-lume 265, folio 129). the road described in the Schedule hereto .. (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1'165; D.O. 8/4/54) THE' NEW ,ZEAlLAND'GAZETTE

THER[[) SidHElDULE A. R. P. Being SoUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT o 0 2' 5 Part Lot 9, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Section 37; coloured sepia on plan. LoTS 80, 81, 'and pia:rt Lot 79, DJP. 2656, and part Lot 1, o 0 2'5 Part LOot 10, Block n, D.P. 659; being part Section D.IP. 2657, all/being pa:rlt Sootion 94, B:lock TIl, Waido Survey 39; coloured orange on plan. Di:sitrlicit: Area, 4 acres and 35 per:ches, m'Qore'of' iess. Paflt o 0 2' 5 Pa:r:t Lot 11, Block II, D.P. 659, being part Section certiificaite of Iti:tle, VQolume 155, rf'Olli-Qo 102. As shown ()n plan 39; coloured orange on plan. 'marked L. and S. 6/6/1043 deposited in the Head Office, o 0 7'6 Part Lot 1, D.P. 6462, being part Section 39; Department of Lands and Survey at WeHiington, and ltiler:eon coloured blue on plan. coloured1orange (18.0. IPlan 7181). o a 2' 5 Part Section 41 (D.P. 2001); coloured sepia on (L. and S. R.!Q. 6/6/'1043; D.O. 8/54) plan. o 0 3'6 Part Section 41 (D.P. 2001); coloured orange on Given under the h'and of Hts Excellenoy the GovernO'f­ plan. Ge'Iieral, ,and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, o 0 2'3 Part Section 41 (D.P. 6419); coloured blue on this 19th day of NQovember 1963. plan. [L.s.] R. O. GERARD, Minister, of Lands. o 0 1'7 Part Section 41 (D.P. 6696); coloured sepia on GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8954 (S.O. B339) deposited in the officeQof the Minister of Works at WeUington, and thereon coloured Crown Land Set Apart as Permanent State Forest Land as above mentioned. T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General (P.W. 5,1/4548; D.O. 18/300/41) A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to section 18 Qof the Forests Act 1949,1, Brigadier Consenting to Land Being Taken for the Proper Devefapment Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of or Use of the Said Land for Commercial Purposes, in New Zealand, hereby set apart the Crown land described in Accordance With the Whtmgare'i Borough Council's Opera­ the Schedule as permanent State forest land. tive District Scheme Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1953, in the Borough of Whangarei SCHEDULE NELSON LAND DISTRICT~NELSON CoNSERVANCY BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General SECTION 1, Block XI, Wakapuaka Survey District, Waimea ORDER IN COUNCIL County. Area: 53 acres and 30 perches, more or less. As shQown At the GovernmerttBu11dings at' WeUington this· 25th day of on plan NQo. 103/45 deposited in the Head Office of the NQovember 1963 New Zealand Forest Service at Wellington, and thereon bor­ dered red. (S.O. Plan 9011.) Present: Given under the hand of Ris Excellency the Governor­ THE RIGHT HON. KEITH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN COUNCIL General, and issued under the Seal Qof New Zealand, PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, His Excellency the this 19th day of NQovemher 19'63. Governor-General, acting by and with the advioe and consent of ,the Execu!tive Council, herebycQonsents to the land des­ [L.s.] R. G. GERARD, Minister of Forests. cribed in the Sclledule hereto being taken for the proper GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! development or use of the said landfor commercial (ES.6/4/11) purposes, in accordance with the Whangarei Borough Council's OperatiVe Distfliot Scheme ,under the Town and Country Planning Act 1953, in the Borough of Whangarei.

Consenting to Land Being Taken for Street in the Borough SCHEDULE 01 Port Chalmers NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL those pie'oes of land s~tuated ,in ,Block IX, Whangarei BERNARD FERGUSSON, GovernO'r-General Survey District, Borough 'Of Whangarei, Auckland R.D., ORDER IN COUNCIL described as folrlows: At the Government Buildings atWeHington this 25;th day of A. R. P. Being NQovembeT 1963, o 0 24'4 Pli:u:t Lots 1 and 4, D.P. 33'126; cOJIQoured yellow Present: on pllan. THE RIGHT HON. KEITH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL o 0 22;8 Part Dorts 1, 2, 3, and 4, D.P. 33i126; colomed sepia on plan. PUR~UANT tOo the ,Public Works 'Act 1928, His Excellency the GQovernor-General, acting by and with the advice and As the same are more particularly deLineated on the plan consent of the Executive Oouncil, hereby consents to' the land marked M.O.W. 8899 (S.O. 42497) ,deposited in the office described in the Schedule hereto being t;aken for' street. of the Minister of Works 'a:t WellingtQon, and thereon coloured as above mentiQoned. SCHEDULE T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. OTAGO LAND DISTRICT (P.W. 53/393/1; D.O. 50/15/15/0) ALL those pieces of ,land situa,ted in Sawyer's Bay' Survey District, Otago R.D., described as follows: . Being Consenting to Land Being Taken for Road in Block X, Otama A. R. P. Survey District, Coromandel County o 0 3'2 Part Lot 1, BlQock I, D"P .659, being part Secti'On 5; oo,loured blue 'On plan. o 0 2'8 Part Lot 2, BlQock I, D.P. 659, being part Section BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General 5; cQo1oured sepia on plan. ORDER 'IN OOUNCIL o 0 2'1 Part LOit 3, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section 5; coloured orange on plan. A,t the Government Buildings· at Wellington this 25th day,bf o 0 1'3 'Pa:r:t Lot 4, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section NQovember 1963 5; coloured blue on plan. Present: o 0 0'6 Part Lot 5, Block I, D.P. 659, being part Section THE RIGHT HON. KEITH HOLYOAKE, C.H., :PRESII)INOIN COUNCIL 5; coloured sepia on plan. PURSUANT to the' Public Works Act 1928, His Excdlency the o 0 4'8 P'artLot 1, D.P. 9965"being part Section 2; coloured Qorange on plan. Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent o a 0'2 Part Lot 2, Block n, D.P. 659, being part Section 'Of the Executive CO'unci1~ herebYcons'ents to the land described 2; coloured blue on plan. :in the Schedule hereto being taken for, road. o 0 0'9 Part Lot 3, Block II, D.P: 659, being part' Section 2; coloured blue on plan. SCHEDULE o 0 1'6 Part Lot 3, BlQock n,' D.P. 659; being part Section 2; coloured sepia on plan. Soum AUCKLAND LAND' DISTRICT o 0 2'5 Part Lot 4, BlQock III, D.P. 659, being part Section ALL that piece of land con:ta,ining 2 acres 2 tnods' '39'4 2; coloured sepia on plan. perches situated in BlQock X, Otama, Survey District, ,Coro­ o 0 2'5 Part LOlt 5,' Block 1:1, D.P. 659, being part Section mandel Counlty, being part Lot 19, D.}>. 203, part Lots 1, 14, 2; coloured orange on plan. 23 and Lots2, 3, 4, 5; 6, 7,8,9,10,11, 12,13,24, 25, 26, o 0 2'5 Part Lot 6, BlQock n, D.P. 659, being par:t Section 27,28; D.P. 379, and part Whakau BlQock. 37; coloured blue on plan. As the same is more particularly delineated 'on the plan o 0 2'5 Part Mary Street, BIO'ok n, D.P. 659', being part marked M.O.W. 18012 (18.0. 42271) depiosit'ed in the office of SectiQon37; ooloured sepia on plan. the Minister of Works at We1l'lington," and thereon oQoloured o 0 2'5 Part Lot 7, Block n, D.P. 659,being part Section yellow. " 37; coloured orange on p~'an. o 0 2'5 P'art LOot 8,' Block n, D.P. 659, 'being part; Section , T. J. SHERRARD. Clerk of the' ExecUtive' Council. 37; c'Oloured blue on. plan. (P.W.34/2994; D.O. 49/0/20) \"" 28 NOVEMBER THE __ .NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1907

Consen1ting to Stopping Road in Block XV, Newcastle Sur­ A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through vey District, Waipa County o 1 34 Allotment 67A and part Allotment 45, Arapohue Parish; coloured green, edged green, on plan. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General o 8'8 Part Allotment 45, Arapohue Parish; coloured ORDER IN OOUNOIL green, edged .green, on plan. At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 25th day of ° 2 35 Allotment 133, ArapohueP'arish; coloured green November 1963, on plan. Present: As the same are more particularly delinea1ed on the plan THE RIGHT HON. KEITH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL marked M.O.W. 8945 (S.O. 42517) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon colQuroo PURSUANT to section 149 of the PubHc Works Act 1928, His as above mentioned. Excellency the Governor-Generalj acting by and with the advice and consent of the Exeootive Oouncil, hereby consents T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Ex.ecutive CouIiciL to the Wa[pa County Council stopping the road described in (P.W.33/1342j D.O.50jl15/2/0) the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE Revoking an Order in Council Declaring Por'tlhn O'f Road in Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISlRICT the Whangarei County to be County ROlad ALL those pieces of road situated in Block XV, Newcastle Survey Disltrict, Waipa Oounty, described as follows: BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through ORDER IN COUNCIL o 0 24'1 Allotment 691\., Homtiu Parish. .At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 2S,th day of 1 0 19' 6 Allotment 342, Plikete Parish, and part Allotment November 1963 31, Horoti u Parish. Present: o 3}Ol' 3 Allotment 30j Horotiu parish, and Allotment 342, Pukete Parish. THE RIGHT HON. KEIm HOLYOAKE, C.H., pRESIDING IN COUNCIL As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, His Excellency marked M.O.W. 8637 (is.O. 411280) deposited in the office of the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and the Minister of Works at Wellingt'on, and thereon coloured consent of the Executive Council, hereby revokes the Order green. in Council, dated the 2nd day of October 1963 and published in Gaze.tte, 10 October 1963, page 15'60, dedaring portion of T. 1. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. road in t.he Whangarei Oounty to be County road. (P.W.34/40115; D.O. 20/7) T. 1. SHERR.ARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. ('P.W.33/2054; D.O. 50/15/15/0) Consenting to Stopping Road in Block XIII, Ohinemuri Survey District, Ohinemuri County Consenting to Raising of Loans by Cettain Local Authorities BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 25th day of By Deputy November 1963- H. E. BARROWCLOUGH Present: ORDER IN COUNCIL THE RIGHT HON. KEIlH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL At the Government Buildings at WeUington this 11th day of PURSUANT to section 149 of the Public Works Act 1928, His November 1963, Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the Present: advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby consents THE R1GHT HON. KEIrn HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN COUNCIL to the Ohinemuri County stopping the road described in the PuRSUANT 10 the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, His Schedule hereto. Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the

advice and consent of the Executive Councilj hereby consents SCHEDULE to the· borrowing by the local authorities mentioned in the Souill AUCKLAND LAND DISlRICT Schedule heretO' by way of loan of the whole or any part of ALL those pieces of road situated in Block xm, Ohinemuri the respective amounts specified in that Schedule. Survey Dis,triot, described as foHows: A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through SCHEDULE o 0 28'6 Lot 1, D.P. S. 4283, and part D.P. 23952, Amount 1 0 O' 5 Lot 1, D.P. S. 4283, part Hararahi I Block, part Local Authority and Name of Loan Consented to D.P. 23952, and part Se'ction 58, Bl'Ock XIII, £ Ohinemuri Survey District. Bay of Islands Electric Power Board: Renewal As the same are more particularly delineated on the Loan No.4, 1963 ...... 48,000 plan marked M.O.W. 89011 (S.O. 42054) deposited in the Invercargill City Oouncil: Development and Ex­ office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon pansion Loan 1963 500,000 coloured green. Invercargill City Council: Waikiwi Loan No.2, 19'63 200,000 T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. Ohinemuri Oounty Council: Housing Loan 1963 14,000 (P.W. 34/3711; D.O. 51/2) Otahuhu Borough Council: Parking Loan 1963 80,000 Russell Town Oouncil: Roads and Footpath Improvement Loan 1963 6,000 SoU'thland Hospital Board : Western Extensions Consentin.g to Stopping Road in Block II, Tokatoka Survey Redemption Loan 1963 ...... 15,000 District, Hobson County Tauranga Electric Power Board: Renewal Loan No.2; 1963 ..... _ ...... 30,000 BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General Tawa B-orough Oouncil: Community Centre Exten- ORDER IN COUNCIL sion Loan 1962 ...... 5,500 Thames Valley Blectric Power B'oard: Reticulation At the Government Buildings at WeHington this 25th day of Loan 1961, £3'10,000 ...... 60,000 November 1963 W'aikato Oounty Council: RO'ading iI.;oan 1960, Present: £135,000 37,500 THE RIGHT HON. KEITH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL T. J. SIIERRARD, Clerk of the Executive CoUnGil. PURSUANT to seotion 149 of the Public W'orks Act 1928, (T.40/416/6) His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby consents to the Hobson County Council stoppring the portions of road described in the Schedule hereto. The Hawke's Bay Savings Ban.k Order 1962, Amendment No.1 ISCHEDULE BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General NORTH AUCKLAND LAND. DISlRICT ORDER IN COUNCIL ALL those pieces of road situated in Block II, Tokatoka Survey District, Auckland R.H., described as follows: At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 25th day of November 1963 A. R. P. Adjoining or pas-sing through 1 1 39 Allotment N.W. 67 and part Allotments 56, 58, Present: and S.E. 66, Arapohue Parish; coloured green, THE RIGHT HON. KEITH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN COUNCIL edged green, on plan. PURSUANT to the Trustee Savings Banks Act 1948, His 4 0 O' 8 Allotments N.W. 67 and S.B. 67 and part Allot­ Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the menrs 53 and 56, Arapohue Parish; coloured advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes green on plan. the following order. 1908 THE. NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE .. No. 76

ORDER 4. This 'Order shall cDntinue in f:Drce until the 3'lst day Df 1. This Drder may be cited as the Hawke's Bay Savings March 1969'. Bank Order 1962, Amendment NO'. 1, and shall 'be read 5. The Order in CDuncil made Dn the 3rd day of OctDber tO'gether with and deemed part Df the Hawke's Bay Savings 1962 fixing' the amDunts to' be paid by the uniting IDcal Bank Order 1962* (hereinafter referred to' as the principia I authDrilties to' the Fire BDard Df Palmer-stDn North United Drder) . Urban Fire District and published in Gazette, 4 OcoDber 1962, 2. The principal order is her~by amended by revDking No. 611, page 1614, is hereby revDked'. clause 11, and substituting the follDwing clause: T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk Df the Executive CDuncii. "11.Investments-NDtwithstanding anything in sectiDn 24 (lA.176/311) Df the Act, but subject to' subsectiDn (4A) thereof, the Bank may invest any mDney depDsit~d in Dr belDnging to' the Bank in the following manner Dnly: Revoking Licence Authorising Cowes Development Ltd. to "(a) Where the tDtal amDunt Df such mDney (exoluding Use and Occupy- a Pant of the Foreshore and Land Below mDney deposited in investment accDunts) dDes nDt Low-water Mark in Cowes BCl/y as a Site for a Wharf exceed £1,000,000, nDt less than 90 per cent thereDf shall be invested in New Zealand' GDvernment BERNARD FERGUSSON, GDvernDr .. General securities: ORDER IN COUNCIL " (b) Where the tDtal amDunt Df such laslt-described mDney At the GDvernment HDuse at WellingtDn Dn this 18th day Df exceeds £1,000,000, 'not less than £900,000 ther~Df iN Dvember :1963 tDgether with nDt less than 50 per cent Df SO' much thereDf as exceeds £1,000,000 shall be inves,ted in Present: New Zealand GDvernment securities: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GDVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL "(c) Any amDunt nDt SO' invested in New Zealand GO'vern­ PURSUANT to' the HarbDurs Act 1950. and to' regulatiDn 13 ment seourities (eXCluding the amO'unt required by Df the FDreshDre Licence RegulatiDns 1960. (Serial NO'. sectiDn 24 (3) 'Of the Act to be kept immediately 1960. /'32), His ExceUency the GDvernDr-General, acting by available) may be invested in any Df the ways and with the advice and CDnsent Df the Executive CDuncil, specified in sectiDn 24 (1) Df the Act." hereby revDkes the licence granted, Dn the 41th day Df August T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk Df the Executive CDuncil. 1954,* to' CDwes DevelDpment Ltd. (usuaUy known as CDwes Bay Deve'lDpment Ltd.) to' use and DCCUPY a part Df the *Gazette, 27 September 1962, p. 1580 fDreshDre and land belDw IDw-water mark in CDwes Bay, Waiheke Island, as shown Dn plan marked M.n. 2198 and deposited in the Dffice Df the Marine D~partment at Wdling­ Consenting to the Assignment to Edward Lyndon Peter, of ton, fDr the purpDse Df maintaining a wharf thereDn as shDwn Kaikoura, and John Lyndon Peter, 01 Blenheim, both Dn the said plan. Farmers, by Ian Hugh Cameron, 01 Grey town, Wairarapa, T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive CDuncil. of his Rights, Powers, and Privileges Under an Order in Council Authorising him to Use Water for the Purpose 01 *Gazette, 12 August 1954, page 1296 Generating Electricity eM. 4/1986)

BERNARD FERGUSSON, GDvernDr-General Authorising the Nelson Harbour Board to Reclaim Land ORDER IN OOUNCIL fr:om the Sea in Nelson Harbour at Mapua At the GDvernment HDuse at Wellington this 18ith day Df BERNARrD FERGUSSON, GDvernDr-General NDvembe'r 1963 .oRDER IN COUNCIL 'P'resent: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL At theGDvernment HDuse at WellingtDn Dn this 18th day Df , N D'vember '1963 PURSUANT to' the Public WDrks Act 1928, His Excellency the GDvernor-General, acting by and with the advice and CDn1sent Present: of the Executive CDuncil, hereby consents to' the assignment HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL to' Edward Lyndon Peter, Df KaikDura, and John LyndDn PURSUANT to' sectiDn 175 of the Hal'bDUrS Act 1950, His Peter, Df Blenheim, both farmers, by Ian Hugh CamerDn, Df Excellency the GDvernDr-General, acting by' and with the GreytDwn, Wairara'pa, Df his rights, pDwers, and privileges advice and CDnsent Df the Executive CDuncil, hereby authDrises under an Order in CDuncil dated the 15th dray Df May 1951 the NelsDn HarbDur BDard -VD reclaim frDm the sea in NelsDn and pubHshed in the Gazette 'On the 171th day Df the same HarhDur at Mapua, 38 perches .of land, mDre Dr less, as mDnth at page 672 and amended by an Order in ODuncil shDwn edged in pink Dn plan marked M.D. 1,1611 and dep.osi­ dated the 29th day Df Augusit 1956 and published in the ted in the Dffice Df the Marine Department at WellingtDn. Gazette Dn the 30th day Df the same mDnth at page 1183. T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk Df the Exe'cutive CDuncil. T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk Df the Executive CDuncii. (M. 4/539'6) (N.Z.E.D. JI1 /20/11'663) Authorising the Auckland Harbour Board to Reclaim Land from the Sea in Whakatakataka Bay, Auckland Harbour Fixing Amounts to be Paid by Uniting Local Authorities to the Fire Board of Palmerston North Un!tted Urban Fire BERNARD FERGUSSON, GDvernor-General District 'OR:DER IN COUNCIL At the Government HDuse at WellingtDn this 18th day Df BERNARD FERGUSSON, GDvernDr-General November 1963 'ORnER IN COUNCIL Present: Alt the Government Buildings a:t WellingtDn ,this 25th day Df HIS EXCELLENCY TIlE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL NDvember '1963 PURSUANT to' sectiDn 175 Df the HarbDurs Act 1950, His Present: Excellency the GDvernDr-General, acting by and with the THE RIGHT HON. KEIlH HOLYOAKE, C.H., PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL advice and CDnsent Df the Executive CDuncil, hereby authDrises PURSUANT to' the Fire Services Act 1949, His Excellency the the Auckland HarbDur Board to' reclaim frDm the sea in GDvernor-General, acting by and with the advi'ce and CDnsent Whakatakataka Bay, Auckland HarbDur, 1 rDod 24 perches of the Exe'cutive CDuncil, hereby makes the fDlliDwing 'Order. Df land, mDre Dr less, as shDwn sbaded red Dn plan marked M.D. H643 and dep.osited in the Dffice O'f the Marine Depart­ ment at W:ellingtDn. ORDER T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk Df the Executive CDuncii. 1. The amDunts to' be paid by the uniting IDCal authDrities to' (M.4/480.8) the Fire BDard 'Of the P'almerstDn NDrth United Urban Fire District, pursuant to' se'CtiDn 53 Df the Fire Services Act 1949, shall be in the fDl1Dwing prDpDrtiDns : Granlting Control 01 Part of the Foreshore at Whangarei to PalmerstDn NDI1th City CDuncil ...... 92 per cent the Whangarei Harbour Board Kairanga ODunty CDuncil ...... 5 per cent Oroua CDunty ODuncii ...... 3 per cent BERNARD FERGUSSON, ODvernDr-Oenera:1 2. Subjeot to' clause 3 Df this Drder the annual cDntributiDn ORDER ]N COUNC1!L Df the Kairranga CDunty CDuncil shaH be 'limited to' £800 and At the GDvernment HDuse at WellingtDn this 18th day Df the annual contributiDn 'Of the OrDua ODunty ODuncil shaH November 1963 be limited to' £480: PrDvided that .the maximum annual cDntributiDns Df hDth the said Kairanga CDunty CDuncil and Present: the OrDua Oounty CDuncil as fixed by this clause may respec­ HIS EXCELLENCY WE GOVlRNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL tively ·be increased by amDunts not exceeding 10. per cent PURSUANT to' sectiDn 1:65 Df the HarhDurs Act 1950., His thereDf. Excellency :the GDvernDr-General, lacting by and with :the 3. Notwithstanding anything cDntained in clause 2 Df this advice and C'Dnsent 'Of the Executive CDuncil, hereby grants order, any sum required to' meet increases in the annual to' the Whangarei HarbDur Board (hereinafter called the expenditure on salaries and wages shall be paid by the BDard)cDn:trol Df part Df the foreshore 'as described in the afDresaid three lDcal authDrities in the respe'ctive percentages First Scheduile heretO', subject to' the terms and 'cDnditions set fixed by clause 1. forth in the SecDnd Schedule heretO'. 28 N-oVEMBER THE NEW ZEA.LAND GAZETTE 1909

PIRST SCHEDULE Appointments, Promoti'ons, Extensions of Commissions, and Retirements o{ Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force DESCRIPTION OF AREA ALL that area ,of the foreshore within the Whangarei Harbour PURSUANT to section 15 of the Royal New Zealand Air Force oommencing at dIe southern end of the western boundary of Aot 1950, His Excellency the Governor-General has been Seotion 8, Btock XI'H, Whangarei Survey iDistrict, and pro­ pleased to approve the following appointments, promotions, ceeding sout'herly, north-easterly, and north-westerly generally extensions of commissjlons, and retirements of officers of the to the south-eastern boundary of Seotion 2, Block XIV, Royal New Zealand Air Force. Whangarei Survey District. Also all that area of the foreshore within Whangarei Harbour including Parua, Munro, and McLeod Bays, com­ REGULAR AIR FORCE mencing at the southern boundary of Section 1, Block XIV, GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH Whangarei Survey District, and proceeding south-easterly generally to the production wes'terly of the northern boundary Extension of Commission of Lot 1, Deeds Plan 863, in Block IV, Ruaktaka Survey Flight Lieutenant Gerrard Clive Brown (74683) is granted District. an extension of his commission until 3:1 January 1972. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.D. 11607 and deposited in the Marine Department ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPLY BRANCH at Wellington, and thereon s'haded blue. Promotions Secretarial Division Flight Lieutenant James William Crook, A.R.A.N.Z., A.C.I.S. SECOND SCHEDULE (74996) to be Squadron Leader, with effect from 9 December CONDITIONS 1963. Squadron Leader (temp.) WilHam Francis Reece Jackson, 1. In these conditions the term: M.B.E., p.s.c. C:13I21312), to be Squadron Leader, with effect from 9 December 1963. "Foreshore" means such parts of the bed, shore, or banks of a tidal water as are covered and uncovered by the flow and ebb of the tide at ordinary spring Equipment Division tides; Squadron Leader Gordon Ernest Erridge (70'148) to be "Minister" means the Minister of Marine, as defined by Wing Commander, with effect from 12 December 1963. the !Shipping and Seamen Act 1952, and includes any officer, person, or authority aoting by or under the Flight Lieutenant Arthur Gilbert Tringham (71200) to be direction of such Minister. Squadron Leader, with effect from 2 December 1963. 2. The concessions and privileges conferred by this Order in Council shall extend and apply only to those parts of the foreshore as described in the First Schedule hereto. RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS 3. Her Majesty or the Governor-General and all officers in the Government service acting in the execution of their duty Appointments shall at all times have free ingress, passage, and egress into, The under-mentioned FlyinK Officers to be temporary over, and out of the said f.oreshore without payment. Flight Lieutenants, with effect from the date shown: 4. Nothing herein contained shall authorise the Board to James Murray King (923343),22 August 1960. do or cause to be done any:thing repugnant to or inconsis­ Warwick Anthony Batten (920725), 2 May 1962. tent with any law relating to the Customs, or with any regula­ Arthur Basil Cooper (7il3869), 28 August 1962. tion of the Minister of Customs, or with any provision of Roger Andrew Gray (9~1110), 18 December 1962. the Harbours Act 1950 or its amendments, or any regula­ tiom made thereunder that are or may hereafter be in force. 5. The rights, powers, and privileges conferred by this Order Extensions of Commissions in Council shall not apply to those portions of the foreshore The under-mentioned officers are granted extensions· of their required for securing the shore 'ends of any telegraph cables commissions untn the date shown: t:hat are at present or may be at any time laid down within the said area of foreshore. Squadron Leader Allan George, D.F.C., D.F.M. p~s.c. (70064), 6. The Board may, subject to the provisions of sections 7 April 1973. 176 to 182 of the Harbours Act 1950: (a) Erect or license or permit the erection or continuance Flight Lieutenants: on fhe foreshore, descrihed in the First Schedule Bryan Hubert Thomas, D.F.C. (133539), 25 September 1973. hereto, or on the bed of the harbour or of the George Currie Couper, M.A. (1301133), 22 September 1977. sea immediately contiguous to that foreshore, of Richard Lonsdale Broderick (458558), 31 July 1988. baths, bathhouses, boatsheds, boatbuilding sheds, jetties, slipways, or, with the approval of the Minister, any structures relating to the convenience Retirements of shipping or of the public or to any local enter­ The under-mentioned officers are retired, with effect from prise or object; (he date shnwn: (b) Us'e or license or permit the use of the foreshore, described in the First Schedule hereto, or the bed Wing Commander WiUiam Angus Cameron (131358), 19 of the harbour or of the sea immediately contiguous October 1963. to that foreshore, for Hny purpose approved by the Minister relating to the convenience of shipping or of t'he public or to any local enterprise or object; Squadron Leaders: (c) Make bylaws regulating the use of any things erected Charles Wynn Squire Jerram, M.B., CH.B., U.N.Z., A.D.M.R. or continued pursuant to clause (a) of this condition (LOND.) (1311408), 27 November 1963. and the use, for any purpose approved pursuant to Matthew Garry Barnett, D.F.C. (130101), 1 December 1963. clause (b) of this condition, and fixing charges for those uses. Flight Lieutenants: 7. The Board may enclose any part or parts of the fore­ John Norman Kirk (132093), 3 September 1963. shore described in the First Schedule hereto for the purpose Ernest Laurie Page (13t17 40), 9 September 1963. of holding athletic sports or games and may, by bylaw, fix Frederick Patrick Ladd, M.B.E. (133312), 28 October 1963. a charge for admission to such enclosed part or parts: Pro­ Flying Officer Eric Gordon McGee (130093), 11 September vided that the total number of days on which such enclosures 1963. are made shall not exceed six in anyone year. 8. Nothing herein contained shall authorise the Board to Dated at Wellington this 17th day of November 1963. remove or cause to be removed any stone, sand, shingle, or DEAN J. EYRE, Minister of Defence. shells without the consent of the Minister being first obtained. (Air 12/11/9) 9. Bylaws made by the Board under the authority of this Order in Council shaH not come into force until they have been approved by the Minister, by notice in the Gazette. 10. The rights, powers, and privileges conferred by or under this Order in Council shall be in force for 21 years from the Member of Thomas Cawthron Trust Board Appointed day following the date of its notification in the Gazette unless in the meantime such rights, powers, and privileges shall he altered, modified, or revoked by competent authority. PURSUANT to section 34 (1) of -the Statutes Amendment 11. The said rights, powers, and privileges may be at any A'ct 1942, the Acting Minister in Charge of the Department time resumed by the Governor-General, without payment of of Scientific and Industrial Research hereby reappoints any compensation whatever, on giving to the Board six John Francis Filmer calendar months' notice in writing. Any such notice shall be to be a member of the Thomas Oawthron Trust Board for sufficient if given by the Minister and delivered at or posted a term of three years from the 21 st day of November 1963. to the last known address of the Board in New Zealand. Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of October 1963. T. J. SHERRARD, Olerk of the Executive Council. T. P. 'SHAND, (1M. 4/5382) Acting for the Minister of Scientific and Industrial Research. B No. 76 1910 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

Member of the Pouto Rabbit Board Appointed (Notice No. Member of the National Hydatids Council Appointed Ag. 7890) (Notice No. Ag. 7892)

PURSUANT to section 40 O'f the Rahbits Act 1955, His PURSUANT tlO secti'on 4 of the Hydatids Act 1959, His ExceHency the Governor-General has been pleased to aJppoint Excellency the Go,vernor-General has been pleased to appoint Malcolm Dunnet 'Sinclair Leonard Allen Alexander (on the nomination of the New Zealand Count

Member of Rabbit Boards Appointed (Notice No. Ag. 7893) Members of the Natiornal Hydatids Council Appointed (Notice NO'. Ag. 7894) PURSUANT to section 24 of the RaJbb~ts Act 1955, the Minister 'Of ,Agriculture hereby apPo'ints PURSUANT to section 4 of the Hydatids Act 1959, His Gordon Roy 'Joseph Hurdle, ExceUencythe GlOIvernor-Geneml has he'en pleased to appoint being an inspector aJPPOIinted underP'art III of the sa,id Act, Thomas MdCristell and John Anthony Roy Walker (on the to be a member IQf the Ahuriri, Benrnore, Buscot, Haka­ nomination of the Minister of Agriculture) taramea VaHey, Omarama, Otekaike, and Waitaki RaJbhit Hoards, vice Mr A. R. Dia:ck. to be members of the National Hydatids Council for a term of three years commenoing IOn the 10th day of De1cemlber 1963. Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. Dated 'at Wellrington i1Jhis 19th day of November 1963. B. E. 'I1AUBOYS, Minister of Agriculture. B. E. 1WUBOYlS, IMinister of Agriculture. (Ag. 20890) CAg .. 2tr151)

Member of the Cambridge Rabbit Board Appointed (Notice No. Ag. 7895) Inspector of Stock Appointed (Notice No. Ag. 7878)

PURSUANT to section 24 of the Rabbits Act 1955, the Minister PURSUANT tlO section 7 of the Stock Act 1908, His Excellency of AgricuMure herelby appoints the GoverJllnr-General has been pleased to appoint Gra'eme Warm'an Oarter, Raymond Joseph Clarke being an inspector aJppointed under Part ill O[ :the said Act, to be an Inspector of Stock on and from 1 Ootober 1963. to be a member of the Oambridge Rabbit Hoard, vice G. R. Dated at Wellington 1Jhihs 1srt day of November 1963, Mackffitosh. B. E. TALBOYS, Minister of AgfllcuHure. Dated at WeHingtion this 20th day of Novem1ber 1963. B. E. l1A1JBOYlS, 'Minister of Agricuilture. (~g. 20890) Inspector of Dangerous Drugs Appointed

Member of the Kiwitahi Rabbit B.oard Appointed (Notice PURSUANT to ,the Dange:rous Drugs Act 1927 the Mlinister No. Ag. 7896) ill HeaJlth hereby authorises Donald Henry Thlberner to enter the premises of any person carrying on the business of a PURSUANT to section 24 OIf the Rabbits Act 1955, the Minister ,producer, manufacturer, seller, or dis,tributor of any dangerous of. AgI1icuLture herelby appoints drugs, and tlo demand t~e pmdUCIJ~on (~f and 'tlO inspect any 'books or. dl()cuments .relatmg to deahngs many sU'ch drugs and Lionel 'Philip Wells, and to Inspect, WeIgh, measure, and record the stooks of being an il1Sipector appointed underPart HI of ,the said any such drugs. Act, to be a member of the Kiwitahi Rabbit Board, vice Dated at We!llington this 18'th day of NIQvem!ber 1963. G. R. Mackintosh. D. N. McKiAY, 'Minister of HeaUh. Dated at Wellington this 20th day I()f November 1963. B. E. l1AlJBOYiS, Minis,ter of Agriculture. (Ag. 20890) Oommissioner of Supreme Court Appointed

Member of the Dairy Factory Manager's Registration Board PURSUANT to section 47 of the Judicature Act 190'8 the Right Appointed (Notice No. Ag. 7889) Hon;ourahle Sir. Harold Eric. Barrowc1ough, K.C.M.G., Chief JustIce of New Zea'land, has thIS day appointed PURSUANT to regulation 3 iof the Dairy Fa'ctory Manager's Bruce Percy Hocking, of Sydney New South Wales a Re.gulavions 1941, ;the 'Minister O[ AgriCULture hereby appoints Solicitor of the Supreme Court ~f New South Wale~, Ronald William Greenough Con the recommenda,tion of the ~o be a Commissioner of the Supreme Court I()f Ne'w Zealand New ZeaLand Dairy !Prod'uction and Marketing Board) m;New South Wales, for the pmpose of adminis:tering and takings of oaths, affidavits, and affirmations as in the said to be a member IOf the Dairy Factory Manager's Registration section mentioned. Boa,rd, vice Donald Alexander Finlayson, res1igned, for a term expiring on the 26~h day of November 1964. Dated at Wellington this 21st day of November 1963. Da:ted :at Wellington this 1i9!th day I()f November 1963. G. R. HOWER, Registrar, Supreme Court, Wellington. B. E. l1.A1lJBOYS, 'Minister of Agriculture. (Ag.. 50194)

Commissioner of Supreme Court Appointed Member of the South East Waikato Milk Board Appointed (Notice No. Ag. 7891) PURSUANT to ~eotion 47 of t!J.e Judicature Act 1908, the Right Honourable SIr Harold ErIC Barrowc!lOugh, K.C.M.G., Chief PURSUANT to section 2 'of the Milk Amendment Act 1947 Justice of New Zealand, has this day appointed His !3xceHency the Governor-General has been pleased t~ Maxwell SU'therland Edwards, of Sydney, New South Wales appomt a Solicitor of the Supreme Oourt of New South Wales: Francis Quinton Burwell to be a Commissioner of the Supreme Oomt of New Zealand to be a member of the South Bast Waikato Milk Board in New South Wales, for' the purpl()se of administering and for a term eX'prir'ing on the l'3th day of June 1966, vice taking of oaths, affidavits, and affirmations as in the said Leonard James Davey. secti'on mentioned. Dated at WeHington itrus 19vh day of November 1963. Dated at Wellington this 21st day of November 1963. B. E. TAUBOYS, 'Minister of AgricU!lture. G. R. HOIJDER, (Ag. 50694) Regis,trar, Sup1'eme Court, Wellington. 28 NOVEMBER 'THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1911

Offidating Ministers for 1963-Notice No. 41 Exemption Order Under the Motor Drivers Regulations 1940

PURSUANT to the Motor Drivers Regulations 1940,* the PURSUANT to the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of Minister of Transport hereby orders and declares that the 'Officiating ministers within the meaning of the said Act are provisions of clause (1) of regulation 7 of the said regula­ published for general information: tions so far as they relate to the driving O'f heavy trade The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly motors shall not apply to the persons hereinafter mentioned, called the Church of but in lieu thereof the follO'wing provisions shall apply: The Reverend Ross Beresford AUen, B.SC. A motor driver's licence issued under the Motor Drivers The Reverend David Ian Bailey Balfour Ba'lrour Regulations 1940* to the persons described in column 1 of the The Reverend John Llewellyn Barker Schedule hereunder may authorise them to drive a heavy The Reverend Leicester Hugo Kyle trade motor in the course of their employment for the The Reverend Peter Alan Stuart, M.A. employers described in column 2 of the said Schedule, but shall not authorise them, while they are under the age of 18 The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand years, to drive a heavy trade motor for any other purpose. The Reverend Peter Cartwright Carter SCHEDULE Missionary Revival Centre Column 1 (DI'iver) Column 2 (Employer) Pastor Donald Murray Albert McMillan Kenneth John Eade, care of Father. Daoted at W'elling:ton this 25th day of November 1963. A. J. Eade, Owaka J. G. A'COURT, Registrar-General. Royce Edwin Ferguson Mc- Pike and Waters N.P. Dtd., Vicar, 78 Cook Street, New Buller Street, New P1y- Plymouth mouth. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of November 1963. JOHN McALPiNE, Minister of Transport. Officiating Min1ilSters for 1963-Notice No. 42 *S.R. 1940/7'3 (Reprinted with Amendments Nos. 1 to 1° : S.R. 1956/95) Amendment NO'. 11: S.R. 1956/125 IT is hereby notified that the following correction has been Amendment No. 12: S.R. 1957/139 made to the List of Offioi3Jting Ministers for 1963: Amendment No. 13: S.R.1958/74 Amendment No. 14: S.R.1959/156 The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly Amendment No. 15: S.R. 1962/159 called the Church of England Amendment No. 16: S.R. 1963/81 The Reverend John Westwood Latham (TT. 5/3/1) should read The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly called the Church of England Roads Excluded from Speed Limitation and Limited Speed The Reverend John Montgomery Latham Zone Declared Dated at Wellington this 25th day of November 1963. J. G. A'COURT, Registrar-General. PURSUANT to the Transport Aat 1962, the Mlifllister of Trans­ port hereby glives notice as foHolws: 1. That the Warrant under seotion 36 of the Transport Act 1949 and regulaJiion 27 of the Traffi'c Regulations 1956,* dated the 8i1:h day of February 1960,t which relates to Huntly Mobile Television Stations-Vehicles Exempted from Annual Borough is hereby revoked. Licence Fees 2. The roads spe:dified in the Firrst Sahedrtrle hereto are hereby excluded from the lim1tat&on as to speed imposed by secnion 52 of the Transport Aot 1962. 3. The road specified in the Second Schedule hereto is PURSUANT to paragraph (38) of the First Schedule to the hereby deolared tQ be a limited speed zone fO'r the purposes Motor Vehicles (Licensing Fees Exemption) Regulations of the Traffic Regulations 1956.* 1961,* any motor vehide' owned by the New Zealand Broad­ casting Corporation and which is designed and used on the FIRST SCHEDULE road exclusively for carrying a television station shall be exempt from the payment of annual licence fees under Part SITUATED wi.thin Huntly B01"ough: II of the Transport Act 1962. No.1 State Highway (AwllJnui-,Bluff) (from Hiakanoa Street Dated at W'ellington this 25th day of November 1963. toO the northern bounda1ry of Huntly Borough; and from the southern boundary of Huntly Borough to a point 11 chains JOHN McALPINE, Minister of Transport. measured S'outheflly generally llJlong the said Stare higlhway from High Street). *S.R. 196>1/15 Russells Road (frO'm Ralphs RoOad to' the norrt:hern boundary Amendment No.1: S.R. 1961/73 of Huntly Bo]}ough). SECOND SOHEDULE SITUATED W'iithtin Huntly Borough: No. 1 State Highway (Awanui-Bluff) (frO'm Hakanoa ApprO'val O'f Testing Officers Under the Motor Drivers Street to a point 22 chains measured northerly generaLly along Regulations 1940 the said highway from the sa~d street). Darted at Wellring:tron this 25th day of November 1963. JOHN MoALPINE, MiJllister of Tmnsport. PURSUANT to regulation 5 of the Motor Drivers Regulations 1940, * ,the Minister of Transport hereby approves of the *S.R. 1956/217 (Reprinted with AmenrlmeI1lts Nos. 1 to' 8: persons named in column 2 of the Schedule hereunder being S.R. 1963/157) testing officers under the said regulations for the authority tGazette, NO'. 9, dated 18 February 1960, ¥ot I, p. 199. specified in co;lumn 1 of the said Schedule. (TT. 9/1/82)

SCHEDULE Roads Excluded from Speed Limitation and Limited Speed Column 1 Column 2 Zone Declared rStuart McKay Kelly. JRaymond Frank Neame. PURSUANT to the Transport Act 1962, the Minister of Trans­ T rans-port Department ...... 1Richard John Tapper. port hereby gives notice as follows: LAlan Norman Warren. That the roads specified in the Schedule hereto are hereby excluded from the limitation as to speed imposed by section Dated a:t Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. 52 of the Transport Act 1962 and are hereby declared to be JOHN McALPiNE, Minister .of Transport. a limited speed zone for the purposes of the Traffic *S.R. 1940/73 (Reprinted with Amendments Nos. 1 to 10: Regulations 1956. * S.R. 1956/95) Amendment No.11 S.R. 1956/125 SCHEDULE Amendment No. 12 S.R.1957/139 SITUATED within Hamilton City: Amendment No. 13 S.R.1958/74 No. 3 State Highway (Hamilton-Woodville via New Ply­ Amendment No. 14 S.R. 1959/156 mouth) (from a point 3 chains measured southerly generally Amendment No.15 S.R. 1962/159 along the said State highway from Anglesea Street to a point Amendment No. 16 S.R. 1963/81 3 chains measured northerly generally a:long the said State (IT. 2/7/3) highway from Lorne Street). 1912 'llliIENEW.ZEALAND;GAZEITE 'No. 76

Arterial R:oute -,Cohham Drive (from NO'. 3 State Hi&h­ SEOOND SCHBDUlJE way (Hamilton-WoodviHe via New PlymO'uth) to a pomt WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT 3 chains measured westerly generaHy along the said route from Grey Street). Land Held for Better UtiNsation Dated at WeHington this 18th day of November 1963. ALL that piece of land containing 2 acres 1 rood 0'4 perches situated in the City of Wanganui, Wellington R.D., heing part JOHN McAlLPifNE, Minister of Transport. Lot 23, D.P. 22380, being part Section 227, right bank, *S.R. 1956/217 (Reprinted with Amendments NO's. 1 to 8: ; as the same is more particularly delineated S.R. 1963/'157) O'n the plan marked M.O.W. 6808 (S.O. 25372) deposited in the office of the M1inister of Works at Wellington, and CIT. 9/1/64) thereon cO'IO'ured orange. Part Declaration NO'. 549830, WeHington Land Registry. Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. Crown Land Set Apart for Road in Block XV, Newcastle W. S. G'OOSMAN, Minister of Works. Survey District, Waipa County (,P.W. 31/2279/0; D.O. 52/7/22/1)

PURSUANT to section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto t'O be set apart for road after the 2nd day O'f December 1963. Land Held fO'r State Housing Purposes and fO'r Better Utilisa­ tion Set Apart for a Secondary School in the Gilty of Wanganui SCHEDULE Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT PURSUANT to' section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the ALL those pieces of land described as follows: Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the A. R. P. Being First and Second Schedules hereto to be set apart foor a seoondary SChODI from and after the 2nd day of December 8 ~ f ~} Parts Allotment 342, Pukete Parish, coloureu 1963. o 1 30' 5 yellow on plan. o 0 8'0 'P~l.1"tt OhO'te Stream bed, coloured yellow, edged FiIRST ISCHEDULE yelloow, 'On plan. o 1 18' 2 Part Allotment 342, PukeJte Parish, coloured WELLINGrONLAND DISTRICT yel1ow, edged yellow, on plan. Land Held for State Housing Purposes o 0 26 I !Parts AllO'tment 216A, Pukete Parish, coloured ALL that piece of land con~aining 1 rDod 16' 02 perches o 0 1 '4S blue' on plan. situated in the City of Wanganui, WellingtDn R.D., and o 0 8'0 Part Ohote Stream bed, coloured -blue, edged being Lot '70, D.rP. 23690, being part Section 227, right bank, blue, on plan. Wanganui River. Plart certificate of title, Volume 900, folio 90, As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Wellington Land Registry. marked M.O.W. 8637 (S.'O. 41.280) and deposited in the 6ffice 6f the Minister of Works at 'WellingtO'n, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. SEOOND SICHEDULE Dated at WellinWfon this 19th day of NO'vember 1963. WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Land Held for Better Utilisation (P.W.34/4015; D.O. 20/7) ALL that pie'ce of land containing 16 acres 3 rODds 30' 68 p'erches situated in the City of Wanganui, Wellington R.iD., being part Section 227, right bank, Wanganui River; as the same is more particularly delinea!ted on the plan marked M.O.W. 61808 (IS.O. 25372) deposited in the office of the Crown Land Set Apart for Road in Block IV, Mimi Survey Minister of Works. at WeHing:ton, and thereon coloured blue. District Part DeclaratiO'n No. 549830, Wellington L:and Regi'stry. Dated at WeUinWf'On this 19th day of November 1963. PURSUANT to' section 25 of the Public Works Aot 1928, the W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Minister of Works hereby de.clares the land described ;in the Schedule heretO' to be set apa,flt for mad from and after Ibhe (P.,W. 3:1/2279/0; D.O. 52/7 /22/1) 2nd day of De'cemiber 1963.

SCHEDULE TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT Declaring Land Held for a Government Work and Not Required for That Purpose to be CrO'wn Land ALL that piece of~and containing 1 .acre 3 roods 7' 1 perches situated in Block IV, M;imi Survey District,TaranakiR.D., heing part Section 5; as thes'ame is more particularly PURSUANT to section 35 of the 'Public WO'rks Act 1928, the delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 8298 (S.O. 9488) Minister of 'Works hereby .declares ,the land described in the dep'Osited in the 'Office of the Minister of Works at Welling~on, Sohedule hereto to be Crown land subje'ct to ,the Land Aot and thereon coloured -blue. 1948 as from the 2nd day of December 1963. Dated at Wellinglton this 19th ,day of November 1963. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. SCHEDULE ('P.W. 72/3/7 /0; D.O. 7/3/0/6) Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that pi'ece of land oontaining 21 acres 3 >fO'Ods 18 perches situated in Block J, Takapau Survey District, being part Tahora-Kuri No. 9 Block; as the same is more pafliicu­ l'arly-delinea'ted on the pl'an marked P.W.D. 36340 (S.O. Land Held fO'r State HO'usi·ng Purposes and fO'r Better Utilisa­ 16475) 'dep'osited in the office O'f the MiIllisterof Works at tion Set Apart for a Public SchO'ol in the Chy Qf Wanganui Wellington, 'and thereon eqged red. Dated at WellinWfon this 19th day of November 1963.

PURSUANT to secti'On 25 of the Public -Works Act 19128, the Minister O'f Works herebydec1ares the land described W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. in the First and Second Schedules hereto to be set apart for (P.W.54/73; [D.O. 72/5/3/05) a public scho'oJ from and after the 2nd day of December 1963.

P1JRST ISCHEDUIJE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Declaring Land Taken, Subject as to' ,Part to a Right of Way, for SO'il Conservation and River ContrO'I Purposes in Block Land Held for State Housing Purposes IV, Mount Robinson Survey District, Kairanga County ALL those pieces of land situated in the City of Wanganui, Wellington R.ID., described as foHows: PURSUANT to seotion 32 of the Public WO'rks Act 1928, the A. R. P. Being Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement o 11 28'98 Lot 53, D.P. 23690, being part Se'otion 227, to that effect having been entered into, the land described in right hank, Wanganui River. Piart certifica:te ,the First SChedule hereto is hereby taken for sovl conservation of title, Volume 900, folio '90, Wellington and river cDntrol purposes, that :the 'land described in the Land Registry. Second Scheduile hereto is hereby taken, .subject to' the right 5 2 22' 7 1.;ot 24, D.IP. 223'80,be,ing part Section 227, of way created by Order 'Of Court No. 2437, for soH cons1erva- right bank, Wanganui River. All certificate of 60n and river contf'Ol purposes, and that the S'aidparcels of title, Volume 952, folio 8, Wellington Land land shaH vest in the Manawaltu Catchment ,Board from and Registry. arfter the 2nd day of December 19613. 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1913

FIRST ISCHEDULE Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land ALL those pieces of land situa,ted in Block IV, Mount Robinson Survey District, Wellington R.D., described as foHows: PURSUANT to' section 35 of the Public Wmks Act 1928, the A. R. P. Be-ing Minister of Wmks hereby declares the land desoribed in the Schedule heretO' to be Crown land subject to' the Land Act 148 1 26·5 Part Lots 1,3, and 4, D.P. 5704, being part Low~r Aorangi 3F, and part river bed; coloured sepfl'a 1948 as from the 2nd day of December 1963. on plan. 13 2 24 Part Lots 1 and 3, D.P. 5704, being part Lower SCHEDULE A'O'rangi 3G 2A; coloured orange on plan. GISBORNE LAND DISTRICT SECOND SCHEDULE ALL that piece of land containing 2 roods 18 perches situated WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT in Block I, Turanganui Survey District, Gisborne RD., and being part Ahipakura EB Btock; as the same is more par­ ALL that piece of land containing 29 acres 3 roods 16 perches ticularly delineated on the plun marked P.W.D. 146404 (S.O. situated ,in Block IV, Mount Robinson Survey District, Wel­ 4860) depostited in the office of the Minister of Works at Hngton RD., being part Lots 2 and 4, D.P. 5704, being part Wellington, and thereon oolour:ed blue. Dower Aorangi 3G 2A and part river bed, coloured blue 'On pLan. Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. marked M.O.W. 8934 (8.0. 25454) deposited in the office of (P.W. 70/4/2)/0; D.O. 72/36/4/4/1) ,the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Notice of Intention to Take Land for State HOllsing Purposes (P.W. 96/325000/0; D.O. 74/0/1/5) in the Borough of Porirua

Declaring Land Taken for the Development of Water Power NOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions (Lake Taupo and the Power Scheme) in the of the Public Works Act 19128, to take the land described in Borough of Mount Wellington the Schedul~ hereto fOT State housing purposes; and notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land so required PURSUANT to s,ection 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the to be taken is deposited in the post office at Forima and is Minister of W Qirks hereby dedares that, a sufficient agreement ther.e open for inspection, and that every person affected by to that effect having been entered intO', the land descr~bed the taking oif the land should set forth in writing any objec­ in ,the Schedule hereto is hereby taken fQir the development tion he may wish to' make to the execution of such works of water power (rl)ake Taupo and the Waikaro River p'ower or to the taking of the land, not being an objection to' the scheme) from and after the 2nd day of December 1963. amount of compensation, and send the written objection, within 40 days from the first publication of this notice, to' the SCHEDULE Minister of Works at Wellington. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL tbnt piece of land oontaining 32·5 perohes situated in SCHEDULE Blo:ck II Otahuhu Survey District, Borough of Mount Weil1ing,to~, Auckland RD., and being Lot 1, D.P. 517'81. WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Prart certificate of title, numlber 2A/30, North Auckland Land ALL the piece of land oontaining 7 perches, situated in the R:egistry. Horough of Forirua, Wellington RD., being part Kenepuru Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. Block; as the same is more particularly delineated Dn the plan marked M.O.W. 87411 (is.O. 25468) deposited in the W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Dffice of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon (P.W. 92/16/47/6; D.O. 92/16/47/6) coloured sepia. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of November 1963. Declaring Land Taken for Road in Block IX, Ngaere Survey W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. District, Eltham County (H.C. 4/244/42; D.O. 22/0/5/0') PURSUANT to sectiO'n 32 'of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares !hat, a sufficient agr~eme~t to that effect having been entered mtO', the land descnbed m the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road from and after the 2nd day of December 1963. Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve [SCHEDULE PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT of Lands hereby revokes the reservation as a reserve for ALL that piece of land containing 2 roods 7 perches situated gravel purposes over the land described in the Schedule in Block IX, Ngaere Survey Distri'ct, Taranaki Rn., being hereto. part Section 1; as the same is more purticularly del~neat~d 'On the plan marked M.O.W. 8943 (S.O. 9524) depOSIted m SCHEDULE the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and there'on co10ured orange. NELSON LAND DISTRICT SECTION 29, Block VIr, Mawheraiti Survey District: Area, 2 Dated at Welling1ton this 19th day of November 1963. acres, more or less (S.O. Plan 2418). W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. (P.W.38/706; D.O. 20/12/0) R G. GERARD, Minister of Lands. (L. and S. H.O. 47031; D.O. 8/5/28) Declaring a Leasehold Estate in Land Taken for the Purposes 01 a Road in Block IV, Mimi Survey District PURSUANT to section 32 O'f the Public WO'rks Act 1928, the M:inis.ter of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the leasehold estate Land Acquired as a Public Reserve in the land des'cribed in the Schedule hereto, heM from Her Majesty the Queen by Stratton and Stratton .Ltd., under an~ PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, notice is by virtue O'f Crown lease, Volume 42, folI'O 77, Taranaki hereby given 1lh'aJt the land described in the Sohedule hereto Land Registry, is hereby taken for the purposes of a roud has been acqui!Ted under the s


Decisions 0/ the Minister of Customs Under the Customs Tariff(Subject to Amendment or Cancellation by Notification in the Gazette)

PART I-APPROVALS I Rates of Duty Concession Part Effective Tariff Goods II List Item No. Ref. No. B.P. AuI. Can. , MFN., Gen. From To I I I

332.610.0 Petroleum jelly when declared by a manufacturer for use by him only in the manufacture of: Printing inks .. . , .. .. Free ...... 25% 10.8 75 1/11/63 31/12/6 541. 700.9 Nefuran intramammary ...... Free .. . . 20% 25% 23.1 75 1/11/63 31/12/6 541. 700.9 Sulphathiazole ...... Free . . . . 20% 25% 23.1 75 1/11/63 31/12/6 541. 700.9 Verocid .. .. ., .. .. Free . . .. 20%S 25% 10.2 75 1/11/63 31/12/6 554.200.0 Products as may be approved, when imported in bulk and not being soaps or containing soaps- Approved- Lipocol ...... Free ...... 10% 10.8 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 581.105.2 Sellotape Nos. 1601, 1607 .. .. Free .. .. 20%S 25% . . 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 581.205.2 Henley polythene tape . , .. .. Free .. . . 20%S 25% . . 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 581.205.2 SeIlotapeNos. 1401,1409,1503, 1504, 1505,1506 Free .. .. 20%S 25% . . 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 581.205.3 Sellotapereinforced banding tape No. 3105 .. Free .. .. 20%S 25% 10.2 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 581.326.1 Sellotape No. 1314 ., .. .. Free . . .. 20%S 25% . . 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 599.999.9 Propylan 1 .. . , .. .. Free ...... 20% 10.8 75 1/7/63 30/6/6 611.300.2 Calf skins, dressed, of a thickness not less than Free ...... 20% 10.8 75 1/8/63 31/3/6 1·1 mm, when declared by a manufacturer for use by him only in the manufacture of men's shoes 621.040.5 Tesamoll 771, being an adhesive backed foam Free .. .. 20%S 25% 10.2 75 1/11/63 31/12/6 rubber material, when imported in strips or rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm 621.040.6 Sheets, pimpled, when declared by a manu- Free ...... 20% 10.8 75 1/9/63 30/6/6 facturer for use by him only in the manu- facture of table tennis bats 655.830.9 Printers' blankets, made up, cut to size, with or Free .. .. 20%S 25% 10.2 75 1/7/62 31/12/6 without tails attached 663.630.9 Moulding sand, resin coated .. .. Free ...... Free 10.8 75 1/11/63 31/12/6 719.920.9 Valves, Claudo, for use with compressed air, Free .. .. 20%S 25% 10.2 75 1/8/63 31/7/6 gases, and liquids 891.110.9 Graetz model DG5/II wu-A transcribing Free .. .. 20%S 25% 10.2 75 1/6/63 31/3/6 machines 897.110.9 (1) Badges and medals imported by the under- mentioned organisations for distribution to members only of such organisations, and not for sale to the public-

Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Free ...... Free 16.0 75 1/11/63 " Lazarus of Jerusalem

899.430.3 Clamps of aluminium for attaching umbrellas to Free " .. .. 25% 10.8 75 1/10/63 31/12/6 deck chairs, balustrading, and the like

PART III-MISCELLANEOUS Approval Cancelled The following approval made under the Customs Tariff of New Zealand in force prior to 1 July 1962 and extended by section 4 (2) of the Custom Acts Amendment Act 1961 : Vehicles- I 448 (3) Component parts, as may be approved, of 3% ...... 10% .. . . ., .. fork-lift trucks, ... transmissions.)

. Dated at Wellington this 28th day of November 1963. J. F. CUMMINGS, Comptroller of Customs (Tariff Decision List No. 75)

New Zealand Government Railways-Schedule 0/ Civil Engineering and Building Contracts 0/ £]0,000 or More in Value

Amount of Name of Work Successful Tenderer Tender Accepted , £ s. d. Erection of diesel servicing depot, Milson J. L. McMillan and Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 32, Palmerston 13,193 14 10 North G. W. BROWN, Acting General Manager. 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1915


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON WEDNESDAY, 20 NOVEMBER 1963 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. 8. Reserve- £ s. d. 2. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 ° ° (a) Gold ...... 243,609 8 4 3. Bank notes ...... 88,332,542 0 ° (b) Sterling exchange 22,545,9:20 16 2 4. Demand liabilities­ ( c) Gold exchange (a) State- ( d) Other exchange 5H,044 10 8 (i) Government mar k e t i ng 9. Subsidiary coin 330,756 15 accounts 1,280,150 12 10 10. Discounts- (li) Other 12,199,258 2 1 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills ° (b) Banks 60,670,465 10 3 (b) Treasury and local body bills ...... (c) Other- 11. Advances- (i) Marketing organisations ...... 202,007 2 6 (a) To the State or State under­ (ii) Other demand liabilities ...... 2,261 ,982 3 7 takings- 5. Time deposits ...... ~ (i) Government mar k e tin g 6. Liabilities in currencies other than New accounts ...... Zealand currency 152,660 1 5 (ii) For other purposes 21,290,849 5 10 7. Other liabilities 7,834,811 6 3 (b) To other public authorities (c) Other- (i) Marketing organisations 3'1,444,254 4 10 (ii) Other advances 175,000 0 0 12. Investments- (a) Sterling 25,726,143 19 ,10 (b) Other 70,657,891 13 10 13. Bank buildings 14. Other assets 1,508,406 4 5 £174,433,876 18 11 fJl74,433,876 18' H

R. M. SMITH, Chief Accountant.

New Zealand Post Office-Schedule of Building Contracts of £10,000 or More in Value

Amount of Name of Work Successful Tenderer Tender Accepted £ Beckenham: New post office Messrs Atkinson and Forbes Ltd. 25,465 ° ° J. B. DARNELL, Director-General. (G.P.O. 3/611)

New Zealand Post Office-Schedule of Building Contracts of £10,000 or More in Value

Amount of Name of Work Successful Tenderer Tender Accepted £ Hamilton Chief Post Office: alterations to ground floor Pratt and Holman Ltd. 12,087 ° ° J. B. DARNELL, Director-General. (G.P.O. 3/92)

Notice Under the Regulations Act 1936

PURSUANT to the Regulations Act 1936, notice is hereby given of the making of regulations as under: Date Price Authority for Enactment Short Title or Subject-matter Serial of (Postage Number Enactment Free) Fisheries Act 1908 Commercial Fishing Regulations 1963 1963/196 18/11/63 9d. Fisheries Act 1908 Fisheries (General) Regulations 1950, Amendment 1963/197 18/11/63 6d. No.6 Fisheries Act 1908 Fisheries (General) Regulations 1950, Amendment 1963/198 18/11/63 6d. No.7 Transport Act 1962 Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1955, Amendment 1963/199 25/11/63 6d. No.6 Sections 27 and 31 of Sale of Liquor Act 1962 Manawatu and Wairarapa Licensing Districts Order 1963/200 25/11/63 6d. 1963 State Services Act 1962 Public Service (Salary Scale) Order 1963 .. 1963/201 25/11/63 6d. Education Act 1914 .. Teachers Training College Regulations 1959, Amend- 1963/202 25/11/63 6d. ment No.3 Copies can be purchased from the Government Publications Bookshops-corner of Rutland and Lome Streets (P.O. Box 5344), Auckland; 20 Molesworth Street (private Bag), Wellington; 112 Gloucester Street (P.O. Box 1721), Christchurch; corner of Water and Bond Streets (P.O. Box 1104), Dunedin. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. R. E. OWEN, Government Printer. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No'. 76

Declaring Land to be Subject to the Provisions of Part X}(;J.V o/the Maori Affairs Act 1953 (Hokianga Development Lands)

PURSUANT to section 330 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby declares that on and from the date of the pu~licati~n of this notice in the Gazette the land described in the Schedule hereto shall be subject to the provisions of Part XXIV of the MaorI AffaIrs Act 1953.

SCHEDULE NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Land Block and Survey District Area File Ref. A. R. P. Kohatutaka 1 (c. T. 658/58) .. ., V, Punakitere 75 0 0 19/D/16 Pakinga B IB (part C.T. 602/181) .. ., )cI, VVhangape 46 0 22 19/s1/446 Utakura 2D 8A 5 (C.T. 280/140) .. .. )cII, Mangamuka 14 1 31 19/c/17 Utak~1fa 2D 8B 1 (balance) (C.T. 399/168) · . )cII, Mangamuka 19 0 19 19/c/23 Utakura 2D 8B 2 (P.R. 421/197) · . )cII, Mangamuka . . . . 17 2 24 19/c/23 Wairau North 4c (P.R. 168/15) .. .. VIII, Hokianga, and )cIII, Waoku 54 1 0 19/F/6 Whirinaki 4A (balance) (C.T. 878/274) · . I and V, Waoku 20 0 10 19/E/17 Kohatutaka 3F 1 ...... · . I)c, Punakitere 215 0 30 19/D/11 Kohatutaka 3G ., V and 1)(, Punakitere 51 1 15 19/D/11 Kohatutaka 6D 6c 2 · . V and VI, Punakitere .. 154 2 5 19/D/21 Kohatutaka 6E .. V and VI, Punakitere .. 235 1 35·2 19/D/19 Kohatutaka 6F lA .. V, VI, and )C, Punakitere .. 113 0 15 Kohatutaka 6F 2A .. .. )C, Punakitere . . . . 83 1 17 19/D/10 Mangamuka East E 2B .. )cIV and )(V, Maungataniwha 21 3 10 19/L/5 Mangamuka West 3D D 2 .. )cUI and )cIV, Maungataniwha .. 214 1 29 19/L/3 Mangamuka West 3D D 3 .. )cIII and )cIV, Maungataniwha .. 256 0 35 19/L/2 Mangamuka West 3L 2B 2 · . )cIV, Malmgataniwha 30 3 26'1 19/L/8 Mangamuka West 3w · . )cIV, Maungataniwha 36 3 23 19/L/l Manuoha 2 ., I)c, Mangamuka .. 281 1 23 19/H/12 Matihetihe IF 2 .. I, Hokianga .. 153 1 26 19/JJ/3 Matihetihe IG 1 .. · . I, Hokianga .. 123 0 8 19/JJ/38 Motukaraka West A 3B · . I)c, Mangamuka 59 0 0 19/H/9 Motukaraka West A 3c 1 .. I)c, Mangamuka 32 3 19 19/H/5 Motukaraka West A 3c 2 · . 1)(, Mangamuka 35 3 7 19/H/5 Motukiore J 2B .. )(V, Mangamuka .. 118 0 33 19/c/15 Omanaia 2 " II, Waoku 32 2 20 19/B/20 Omanaia 3 .. .. II, Waoku 92 2 27 19/B/27 Omanaia 9 .. · . II and III, Waoku .. 77 0 21 19/B/6 Omanaia 14A .. II and III, Waoku .. 69 2 14 19/B/28 19/B/5 Omanaia 15B .. II and III, Waoku .. 98 3 24 19/B/28 Omanaia24 ., VI and VII, Waoku .. 69 3 24 19/B/19 Otarihau 2B 1C .. VII and )cI, Mangamuka 94 3 10 19/H/17 Paihia ID IB .. )cII, VVhangape 21 2 0 19/K/2 Paihia ID IF .. )cII, VVhangape .. 108 2 13 19/K/50 Paihia ID 1K · . )cII, VVhangape 63 2 38 19/K/1 Paihia 1D 1L .. )cII, VVhangape 110 3 0 19/K/52 Paihia 1D 1M .. )cII, VVhangape 27 1 20 19/K/34 Paihia 1D 4B · . )cII, VVhangape 31 3 38 19/K/15 Paihia 1D 5 .. )cII, VVhangape 56 1 35 19/K/6 Paihia 1D 6A 2B .. )cII, VVhangape 5 0 12 19/K/6 Paihia 1D 9A .. )cII, VVhangape 14 1 0 19/K/17 Paihia 1D 11 C )cII, VVhangape 23 0 0 19/K/17 Paihia 1D lID .. )cII, Whangape 30 0 26 19/K/17 Paihia 1D 12 ., )cII, VVhangape .. 105 1 10 19/K/21 Paihia 1G 2A .. )cII, VVhangape 23 2 35 19/K/8 Paihia 1G 2B 2B · . )cII, Wbangape .. 11 1 19 19/K/8 Paihia 1G 2D 2B 2 .. )cI and )cII, Whangape 94 0 11 19/K/14 Paihia 1H .. · . )cI, Whangape 12 0 0 19/K/47 Paihia lL 2 · . )cI, Whangape 10 3 33 19/K/47 PaihialM 3A .. )cI, VVhangape 63 0 5 19/K/47 Paihia 1M 3B )cI, Whangape 121 1 2 19/K/47 Pakanae 4A 2B .. VI, Hokianga .. 45 2 20 19/EE/3 Panguru A18 V and )(V, Whangape 54 0 0 19jJj- Panguru A. 25 V and VI, VVhangape 73 1 24 19/J/I0 PanguruA 27 V and VI, VVhangape 39 0 31 19/J/12 Panguru A 31 V, VVhangape 92 0 38 19/J/14 Panguru A 32 V, VVhangape 60 1 5 19/J/44 Panguru A 33 V, VVhangape 22 0 31 19/J/44 PanguruA 36 V, VVhangape .. 93 3 38 19/J/91 Panguru A 37 .. V and VI, Whangape 67 1 28 19/J/45 Panguru A 38 A 1 VI, VVhangape 1 1 0 19/J/93 Panguru A 38 A 2 .. VI, VVhangape 12 1 0 19/J/92 Panguru A 38B VI, VVhangape 67 1 0 19/J/92 Panguru A 39A VI, VVhangape .. 76 3 0 19/J/93 Panguru A 40 V and VI, Whangape 53 2 0 19/J/14 Panguru A 41 V and VI, Whangape 101 2 0 19/J/13 Panguru A 42 VI, Whangape 30 1 17 19/J/85 Panguru A 43 VI, Whangape 77 0 0 19/J/30 PanguruA 44 VI, VVhangape 63 0 0 19/J/93 Panguru, A 45 .. VL Whangape 57 0 0 19/J/30 Panguru A 46A VI, VVhangape 130 19/J/85 Panguru,A 46B VI, VVhangape 25 1 0 19/J/10 Panguru,A 47B .. VI, VVhangape 77 2 0 19/J/61' PangutuA 50 .. VI, Whangape .. 194 3 32 19/J/103 Pangutu A 53 VI, Whangape 31 1 24 19/J/105 Panguru A 54 .. VI, Whangape .. " 100 0 0 19/J/105 Panguru A 56 .. VI and )(VI, Whangape 74 2 36 19/J/58 Panguru A 69B .. )(VI, VVhangape 40 2 9 19/J/98 Panguru A 69c .. )(VI, Whangape 15 3 20 19/J/98 PanguruA 72B 1 .. )cVI, Whangape 36 0 0 19/J/98 Panguru A 73 .. )cVI, Whangape 65 2 12 19/J/98 PanguruB lc .. )cVI, VVhangape 84 2 0 19/J/98 Pangui:u B 3 .. )(VI, VVhangape 38 0 0 19/J/107 Panguru B 4B )(VI, Whangape 54 2 0 19/J/107 Panguru B 14 .. )(VI, Whangape 83 1 25 19/J/87 Panguru B 17B ., )cVI, Whangape .. 67 1 24 19/J/100 Panguru' B 18 VI and )(VI, Whangape 77 1 14 19/J/100 Panguru B 22 VI~ Whangape ., 32 3 3 19/J/12 Panguru B 23 ., VI and )cVI, Whangape .. 141 0 0 19/J/87 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1917

Land Block and Survey District Area File Ref. A. R. P. Panguru B 24 .. VI and XVI, Whangape 116 0 0 19/J/89 Panguru B 25A .. VI and XVI, Whangape 60 0 0 19/J/15 Panguru B 25B XVI, Whangape .. 103 1 0 19/J/15 Panguru B 26 and 27 A " XVI, Whangape . . . . 67 2 0 19/J/89 Panguru C 1 .. XVI, Whangape, and III, Hokianga 99 1 30 19/J/83 Panguru C3 XVI, Whangape . . . . 32 0 14 19/J/40 Panguru C 5 .. XV and XVI, Whangape 40 3 26 19/J/96 Panguru C 10 .. XV, Whangape 68 2 23 19/J/19 Panguru C 12A XV, Whangape 500 19/J/69 Panguru C 12B XV, Whangape 40 0 0 19/J/69 Panguru C 12e .. XV, Whangape 41 0 0 19/J/69 Panguru C 14A XV, Whangape 900 19/J/19 Panguru C 15A .. XV, Whangape 42 0 0 19/J/19 Panguru C17 " XV, Whangape .. 182 3 0 19/J/40 Panguru C 25B " XV, Whangape 600 19/J/101 Panguru C 26A .. XV, Whangape 39 1 23 19/J/4 Panguru C 26B XV, Whangape o 2 21 19/J/4 Panguru C 27B .. XV, Whangape 5 0 15 19/J/69 Panguru C 28 " XV, Whangape 24 2 1 19/J/96 Panguru C 29 .. XV, Whangape 35 3 26 19/J/96 Panguru C 30e .. XV, Whangape 1 3 12 19/J/96 Panguru C 31 .. XV, Whangape 65 3 12 19/J/9 Panguru C 32 .. XV, Whangape 85 0 0 19/J/9 Panguru C 35 .. XVI, Whangape 500 19/J/7 Panguru C 37B .. XV, Whangape 331 19/J/9 Panguru C 38 .. XV, Whangape 723 19/J/9 Panguru C 39 XV and XVI, Whangape 27 0 11 19/J/7 Panguru C 43 " XV, Whangape .. .. 218 3 39 19/J/79 Rotokakahi A 3A 3B .. VIII and XII, Whangape .. 49 3 6 19/K/27 Rotokakahi A 3B IB IB " VIII, XI, and XII, Whangape .. 57 3 36 19/K/3 Rotokakahi A 3B IB 2 " XII, Whangape .. 16 2 13 19/K/2 Rotokakahi A 3B IB lA .. VIII and XII, Whangape 33 0 14 19/K/49 Rotokakahi A 3B IB 4B .. VIII and X, Whangape 91 0 0 19/K/34 Rotokakahi A 3e 2e 3 .. VIII and XII, Whangape 77 3 8 19/K/28 Rotokakahi A 3e 2E 2A " XII, Whangape .. 137 3 0 19/K/27 Rotokakahi A 3e 2E 2B .. XII, Whangape .. 221 1 0 19/K/34 Rotokakahi Y " XII, Whangape 45 3 0 19/K/l Taiwhatiwhati 1M 9 .. .. VII, Hokianga 48 2 26 19/EE/7 Tauteihiihi IB Section 2 " X, Mangamuka 13 3 11 19/H/2 Tauteihiihi 2B 4A and 2B 4e .. " X, Mangamuka 20 2 0 19/H/2 Tauteihiihi 2B, Section 5A " X, Mangamuka 22 0 20 19/H/2 Tauteihiihi 2B 5E " X, Mangamuka 22 1 20 19/H/2 Utakura IB 2B 1 .. XII, Mangamuka 310 19/e/7 Utakura 2B Ie 8 " XII, Mangamuka 402 19/e/8 Utakura 2B Ie 12 .. XII, Mangamuka 33 3 18 19/e/8 Utakura 2B Ie 13B 1 XII, Mangamuka 010 19/e/9 Utakura 2B Ie 13B 2 .. XII, Mangamuka 60 2 0 19/e/9 Utakura 2B ID 1 XII, Mangamuka 43 0 15 19/e/7 Utakura 2D 8A 3B 2 " XII, Mangamuka 26 2 31 19/e/17 Utakura 2D 8B 3B 2A XII, Mangamuka 5 1 0 19/e/23 Utakura 2D 9A 4 " XII, Mangamuka 20 3 0 19/e/17 Utakura 2D 9A 5 .. XII, Mangamuka 36 1 10 19/e/17 Utakura 2D lOB, Section 7 .. XII, Mangamuka 47 3 38 19/e/7 Utakura 2D lOB 8B 3 .. XII, Mangamuka 50 0 0 19/e/7 WaimaB 15 III and VII, Waoku .. .. 138 3 33 19/A/60 Waima B 16B " III and VII, Waoku .. 72 0 20 19/A/60 Waima B 17 " III, Waoku 69 3 32 19/A/60 WaimaB 35 .. III, IV, and VII, Waoku .. 148 2 33 19/A/44 Waima C2 .. IV, Waoku 98 0 23 19/A/19 Waima C 12 " VII and VIII, Waoku 47 1 30 19/A/47 Waima C 15 VII and VIII, Waoku 27 3 0 19/A/12 Waima C 17 .. VII and VIII, Waoku 42 1 39 19/A/70 19/A/11 Waima C 25 .. VIII, Waoku 75 2 5 19/A/I0 Waima C 36A .. VIII, Waoku 86 2 16 19/A/12 Waima C 37A VIII, Waoku 23 0 0 19/A/12 Waima C47 IV, Waoku 49 0 14 19/9 WaimaD 3 .. .. VII, Waoku 66 2 8 19/A/55 WaimaD 4 .. .. VII, Waoku 15 1 12 19/A/l WaimaD 9 .. .. VII, Waoku 20 3 0 19/A/l WaimaD 14 .. VII, Waoku 8 0 34 19/A/l ' WaimaD 18 .. VII, Waoku 1 3 25 19/A/55 WaimaD 56A .. VII, Waoku 2 1 24 19/A/l WaimaD 60 .. VII, Waoku 73 0 11·7 19/A/55 Waima E 4B 2 .. VIII, Waoku 76 0 9 19/A/15 WaimaE 8 " VIII, Waoku 17 2 35 19/A/28 WaimaE 10 " VIII, Waoku 78 3 10 19/A/I0 Waima Ell .. VIII, Waoku .. 173 0 26 19/A/62 WaimaE 12 " .. VIII, Waoku .. 225 2 3 19/A/28 Waimamaku B 2e SA .. VIII, Hokianga 60 0 0 19/F/8 Waimamaku B 2e 5B VIII, Hokianga 67 0 0 19/F/8 Wairoa B 3B I, Hokianga 12 2 0 19/JJ/3 Waiwhatawhata B VII and VIII, Hokianga " 164 1 2 19/F/24 Waiwhatawhata C 1 .. VII and VIII, Hokianga 52 2 26 19/F/24 Waiwhatawhata C 2 VII and VIII, Hokianga 94 0 0 19/F/24 Whakanekeneke B .. V,Omapere 31 1 35 15/12/321 Whakanekeneke D IB ...... I and V, Omapere .. 96 1 9 19/G/6 Whakanekeneke DIe and Whakanekeneke D 2A I and V, Omapere 81 3 16 19/G/5 Whakaterewhenua B .. I and II, Hokianga .. 38 2 0 19/JJ/3 Wharepoke 2H 1 VI, Punakitere .. 120 3 34 19/D/16 Whirinaki 3A, Section 3A I, Waoku .. 29 0 2 19/E/1 Whirinaki 3B 2 I, Waoku .. 12 3 26 19/E/l Whirinaki 3B 15 .. I, Waoku .. 11 0 0 19/E/1 Whirinaki 3B 16 .. I, Waoku 6 1 10 19/E/l Whirinaki 4E 2B 2 .. V, Waoku " 4 3 20 19/E/l Whirinaki 4E 2e .. V, Waoku .. 6 1 26 19/E/1 Whirinaki 4E 2E 1 .. I and V, Waoku 4 0 15 19/B Whirinaki 4E 2F I, Waoku 2 0 22 19/B Whirinaki 5F 4B .. V, Waoku 3 3 14 19/E/12 Whirinaki 5L 2A V, Waoku .. 7 3 15 19/E/l'4 C THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

Lah:d Block and Survey Distriot Area File Ref. A. R. P. Whir.inalG 5L 2B 2. V, Waoku 85 1 5 19/E/12 WhirinalG 5M 2 V, Waoku 40 0 6 19{E/I0 Whirinaki 50 1 V, Waoku 16 0 0 19/E/l Whirinaki 6c 3 V, Waoku 19 3 6 19/E/12 Whirinaki 6c 4B V, Waoku 42 3 5 19/E/12 Whirinaki 6c 5 V, Waoku 26 1 18 19/E/12 Bated at Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs: B. E. SOUTER, Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. (M.A. 61/3, 61/3A)

Declaring Land i'O be Subject to the Provisions of Petrt XXIV Releasing Land from the Provisions 01 Part XXIV of the of the Maori AffairsAct 1953 i(Karaka Development Scheme) Maori AfJairs Act 1953 (Hauraki Development Scheme) PURSUANT to section 3,32 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the PURSUANT to section 331 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maof'i Affairs hereby declares that on the date of Board of Maori Affairs, with the consent of the Minister of the publication of this notice in the Gazette the land described Lands, hereby declares that on and from the date of the in the Schedule hereto shall cease to be subject to the provi­ publication of this notice in the Gazette the <:;:rown land sions of Part XXIV of ,the Maori Affair:s Act 19'53; the said described in the Schedule hereto shall be subject to the land being so subject by virtue of a notice dated 9 August provisions of Part XXIV of Ithe Maori Affairs Act 1953. 1939, published in the Gazette, 10 August 1939, VoIUm~ II, page 2144, and regislt'ered as No. K. 24558. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE NORlH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT NORlH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Block and Area Land Survey District A. R. P. BIO'ck and Area Land Survey District A. R. P. Panguru C 2 (formerly Waihou Lower A 3) ...... XVI, Whangape 37 1 31 Mataitai lA 2B 5A 1 IV, V, VITI, IX, Wairoa 107 1 32 (part) (part P.R. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. 178/56 now part For and on behalf of the Board of Mami Affairs: C.T. lc/1244) B. E. SOUTER, Dated at Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. Deputy Secretary for Ma:ori Affairs. For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs: (M.A.15/1/1197; '0.0.19'/18, 19/J/109) B. E. SOUTER, Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. (M.A. 32/4/60, 62/22, 62/22A; D.IO.27/6/33)

Releasing Land from the Provisions of Part- XXIV of the Maori AfJairs Act 1953 (Tokaanu Development Scheme) Declaring Land to be Subject to the Provisions of Part XXIV of the- Maori AfJairs Act 1953 (Oparau Station) PURSUANT to section 3,32 of the Maori Affairs Act 195'3, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby declares that on the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette the land descrihed PURSUANT to section 330 of the Maori Affairs Aot 1953, the in the Schedule hereto shall cease to be subject to the provi­ Board of Maori Affairs hereby declares that on and from sions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1'953, the said the: dare' of the publication of this notice in the Gaz~tte land being so subject by virtue of a notice dated 12 Fehruary the land des,ctibed in the Schedule hereto shall be subject 1940, published in the Gazette, 15 February 19140, Volume I, to the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 19'53. page 247, and registered as No. K. 23034.

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE SoUlH· AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Block and Area Block and Area Land Survey District A. R. P. Land Survey Distriot A. R. P. Lots 1 and 2, D.P. 33.t 74, VII, Kawhia North 31 2 21 Waipapa 2A 2c 1 (Deeds Index part Pirongia West, No. 37/29) ...... X, Puketi 700 r, Section 2E No. 4 (C.T. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. 1003f7~) For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Afi':airs: Dated, at W'ellington this 20th day of November 1963; B. E. SOUTER, For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs: Deputy Secretary for M'a:ori Affiairs. B. E. SOUTER, (M.A.15/5/82, 63/32; D.O. 6/223) Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. (M.A. 62/4'6, 612/46j1l; D.O. 25/23) Land Surveyors' Examination, February 1964-A,ustralia and New Zealand

IT is hereby nO'tified for general information that the Survey Board, in conjunction with the Austflruian Surveyors' HOtards, Declaring Land to be Subject to the ProviSions 01 Part XXIV win conduct an examination of candidates for registmtion as of the Maori Affairs Act 1953 (Hokianga Development surveyors, commencing at 9 a.m. on Monday, 3 February 1'964. Lands) Candidates are notified that their applications, on the proper form, must reach the Secretary of the Board not later than Friday, 3 January 1964, and that 'the examination fee must be PURSUANT to section 330 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the paid at the 'same time to the Secretary, {fOm whom application HoaI1d of Maori Affairs hereby declares that on and from forms and 'Other particulars may be obtained. the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette the Candidates presenting themselves for examina;tion in any land- described in the Schedule hereto shaH be subject to the written subject O'r subjects may present themselves for exam­ provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 19'53. ination at any Chief Surveyor's Office, or at :the office of the Distriot Surveyor at RO'torua or Whangarei. SCHEDULE Oandidates for the oral and practical p'Ortion ,of the exam­ ination must sit in Wellington. Pllans for this pO!l'tion of the NORlH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT eX'amination, the certirficate, and other evidence, required: by Block and Area regulation No. 24 of the Survey Examination Regui'ations l;and Survey District A. R. P. 1962, must be forwarded not later than 9 Mat'ch 1964. Waima C 8 ...... IV, Waoku ...... 77 3 30 The fees for examination are as follows: Dated at W~llinglton this 20th day of November 1963. £ s. d. Part examination ...... 400 F0'r and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs: For each written paper in addition 100 B. E. SOUTER, Dated this 14th day of November 1963. Deputy Secretary f.or Maori Affairs. F. H. JENNINGS, Se1cr:etary, Survey Board. tM.A. 15/II/iN 76, 61/3, 61/'3A; D.O. '19/Al70) Government Buildings, WelHngton. 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1919

The Standards Act 1941-Draft New Zealand Standard Sped­ generally along the western boundaries of the said Lot7-A ;fication No. D 7611: Cotton Bed Sheeting, Bed Sheets, and and Lot 5, D.P. 22736, the northern boundaries of Lots 5 Pillow Cases and 4, D.P. 22736 to and along the western boundaries of Lots 7 and 5A, D.P. 2139, LOot 2, D.P. 22756, Lot 2, D;·P. PURSUANT to subsection (3) of section 8 of the Standards Act 20062, Lots 5A and 5, D.P. 2139, alon,g a right line to the 1941, nOotice is hereby given that the above-mentioned draft south-wesltern comer of Lot 3, D.P. 2139, along the western New Zealand standard specification is being circulated. boundary of that lot and a ,right line to the south-western A'll persons who may be affeoted by this specifioati1on and corner of Lot 7, D.P. 2006, and along the western boundary who desire to oomment thereon may, on application, obtain of that lot to the south-western side of Fox ·ROoad; thence copies on loan from the New Zealand Standards Institute, south-easterly along that side to a point in line with the Bowen State Building, Bowen Sitreet, or Private Bag, Welling­ middle line of Oxford Road; thence north-easterly to and Done. 1. along the middle of OxfOord Road to the middle of Lincoln Road; thence north-westerly along the middle of Lincoln The clos;ing date for the receipt of comment is 20 December Road to a point in line with the middle line Oof Chester 1963. Road; thence north-easterly generally to and along the middle Dated at Wellington this 25th day of November 1963. of Chester Road tOo and along the middle of Surrey Road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Lot 35, A. C. DAVYS, Block III, D.P. 4484, to and along that boundary to the Acting Executive Officer, Standards Council. northernmost corner of that lot; thencesouth-eas,terly generally (S.I. H4j'2-63095) along the north-eastern boundaries of LOots 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, and 28, Block III, D.P. 4484, the south-eastern boundary of Lot 9, Block IV, D.P. 4484, and its production to and along the middle of Devon Road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of LOit 10, D.P. 5965; thence north-easterly to and along that boundary to a poinlt in line with the south-western boundary of Lot 5, D.P. 3554, Boundaries of City of Wanganu'i, County of Wanganui, and and south-easterly to and alon,g that boundary to .apoint :on Kaitoke Riding of County of Wanganui Defined the produCition of the nmth-western boundary of Lot 15, D.P. 5965; thence north-easterly generally along the p.roduc­ PURSUANT to section 26 of the Municipal COorporatiOons Aot tion of that boundary to the south-western side of Jones 1954, the Secretary for Internal Affairs hereby defines, as set Avenue, along a right line to and along the south-eastern Oout in the Schedule hereto, the boundaries of the City of and north-eastern boundaries of paiit LO't 1, Deeds Plan Wanganui, 'the County of Wanganui, and the Kaitoke Riding 440, comprised in e.T. 390/294 to a point in line with the of the County of Wang anui , the previOous boundaries having north-western boundary of part Lot 2, Deeds. Plan 440, been altered by 'Orders in Council made on 13 February 1961 comprised in e.T. 515/195,tO' and along that houndary and and 17 May 1961 and published in Gazette, 23 February 1961, the north-eastern boundary of that part Lot 2 for 21·95 No. 14, page 324, and Gazette, 18 May 1961, No. 33, page links, along a right line to a po,int on the north-eastern 704, respectively. boundary of Lot 3, Deeds Plan 440, 264 links from the north-wesltern side of Parsons Street, along the said niOflth~ eastern boundary to a po,int in line with the south~easrtern boundary Oof Lot 6, Deeds Plan 440, to and al,ong that SCHEDULE boundary and a right line across Springvale Road to and BOUNDARIES OF CITY OF W ANGANUI along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 6, D.P. 6429, along a ri,ght line to and along the n01'th-western boundaries of FIRSTLY, all that area in the Wellington Land District bounded Lot." 12, 13, and 14, D.P. 6429, and their production to and by ,a line commencing at a point on the sea coast in line along the north-western boundaries Oof Lots 15, 16, 17, and with the nor'th-westJern boundary Oof Lot 4, D.P. 21618 in 18, D.P. 6429, and their production to and along the Block IV, Westmere Survey District, and proceeding easterly south-western boundaries of Lots 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, generally to and along that boundary, the north-western and D.P. 12936, the north-western boundaries of Lot 1, D.P. north-eastern boundaries of Lot 3, D.P. 21618, the north­ 12936, Lots 7 and 3, D.P. 3489, to and along the south­ eastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 1, D.P. 21618, the north­ western boundaries of Lots 3, 2, and 1, D.P. 16342, LOots western end of Karaka Street, the south-western, north-western, 3, 2, and 1, D.P. 7194, the north-western boundaries of LOot and the north-eastern boundaries of Lot 519, D.P. 4912, the 1, D.P. 7194, Lots 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1, D.P. 2000, to the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 518, 517, 516, 515, 514, northern corner of the last-mentioned lot on the south­ 513, and 512, D.P. 4912, and their production to and along western side of Peakes Road, along the production of the north-eastern of Lots 511, 510, 509, 50'8, 507, that side for 432·3 links along a line bearing 63 0 11' distance 506, 505, 504, 503, 502, 50'1, 500, and 499, D.P. 4912, to and 46·3 links to and along the north-eastern boundaries of along the northern boundaries of Lolts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, LOlts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, D.P. 8809, to the nOorthernmOost 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, D.P. 4913, the northern and corner of the said Lot 5; thence north-easterly generally north-eastern boundaries of Lot 16, D.P. 4912, the northern along the north-western boundaries of LOot 7, D.P. 3399, and side of Waitote Street, the south-western and nOorth-western Lot 6, D.P. 3388, crossing the NOo. 3 National State Highway, boundaries of Lot 48, D.P. 4913, to the northern corner of along a right line to and along the south-eastern ,boundaries that lot; thence south-easterly generally along the north­ of Lot 3, D.P. 798, and Lolt 17, D.P. 543, and a ri,ght line eastern boundaries of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, and 53, D.P. to the :southernmost corner of Lot 18, D.P. 543, along the 4913, and their production across Awatea Street to and along western boundaries of that lot and LOots 19 and 20, D.P. 543, the north-easltern boundaries of Lots 56, 57, 58, and 59, and part Lot 21, D.P. 259, to and along the south-eastern D.P. 4913, to .and along the northern boundary of Lot 1, side of Virginia Road and its prOduCitiOon to a point in line D.P. 22971, and its production to and along the middle of with the north-western boundary of LOit 1, D.P. 16422, to Waitai St.reet to a point in line with the northern boundary and along that boundary and the north-western boundary of Lot 1, D.P. 3232, to and along that boundary and the of Lot 24, D.P. 258, to the north-western corner of the eastern boundary of the said Lot 1 and its production to sa:1d Lot 24; thence easterly along the no'rthern boundaries and along the middle of Kamahi Street to a point in line of that 100t and Lots 25 and 42, D.P. 258, Lots 1 and 2, with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 464, D.P. 3060, to D.P. 13202, and Lot 1, D.P. 14224, to the south~western and along that boundary and the north-eastern boundaries boundary of Section 19, Right Bank, Wanganui River; thence of Lots 405, 404, 403, 402, 401, 400, ~99. and 398. D.P. north-westerly along that boundary and nOorth-easterly along 30'60, .Lots 336, 335, 334, 333, 332, and 331, D.P. 30'29, the the north-western boundaries of the said Section 19 and nOorth-western boundaries of Lots 1, 2, and 3, D.P: 4166, the Sections 20 and 21, Right Bartk, WanganuiRiver, crossing north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 4, D.P. Kaikokopu Road to and along the south-eastern boundary 4166, the north-eastern end of Karewa Street and the north­ of Lot 5, D.P. 22590, along a ri,ght line across 'Bradleys Line easltern boundary of Lot 7, D.P. 4166, to its intersection with to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 6, D.P. 22590, a line parallel to and distant approximately 250 links north­ along a right line across the Foxton - New Plymouth Railway wards from a line bearing 288 0 31', distance 6257·4 links to and along the north-western boundary of Lot 1, D:P. as shown on D.P. B /166; thence easterly generally along 744, along a right line across Brunswick Road to and along that line to a point in line with the north-western boundary the north-western boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 744, to ,the of Lot 1, D.P. 4242, to and along that boundary and the northernmost corner of Section 23, Right Bank, Wanganui north-western boundaries of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, D.P. 4242, River; thence easterly generally along the north-eastern and Lot 6, D.P. 22996, the western boundaries of Lots 4, boundary of that section to and down the middle O'f the 3, 2, and 1, D.P. 22996, the northern boundary of the said Tutahiheka Stream to and along the north-eastern boundary Lot 1 and its produotion to and along the middle of Manuka of Lot 2, D.P. 744, to and along the north-westernboundaf.Y Street to a po,int· in line with the. no'rthern boundary of Lot of LOot 1, D.P. 4876, to and along the soutb-westernboundaries 7, D.P. 22996, to and along that boundary and the eastern or LOlts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Deeds ·Plan 302, the south­ boundaries of Lots 7,8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, D.P. 22996, western and north-western boundaries of Lot 10, Deeds Plan the .north-eastern boundaries of Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, D.P. 302, and the pmduction of the last-mentioned .boundary to 22996, Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36, D.P. 4242, Lots and along the ,north-eastern side of Roberts Avenue, to 63, 64, 65, 66, and 67, D.P. 3943, along the northern side and along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Bamber Street and the nOIth-eastern side of Sommerville of L,ot 13, Deeds Plan 302, and the north-eastern boundaries Street to.and along the southern and eastern boundaries of of Lots 14 and 15, Deeds Plan 302, to a point in line with ~the LotI,DIP. 10'330, the nOorthern boundaries of part Lot 2, north-western boundary of Lot 26, Deeds Plan 302, to and D.P. 10330, Lots 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, D.P. along that boundary and its production inc1udingthe north­ 22309, Lots 9, 7, and 8, D.P. 21348, and the production of the western boundaries of Lots 28,29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, '38, last-mentioned boundary to and along the south-eastern side 40, 41, and 42, Deeds Plan 302, Lot 3,D.P. 22817, and Lot of the Heads.; Road tOo and along the western 45, Deeds Plan 302, to the western boundary of AramohoNo. and southern boundaries of Lot 1, D.P. 7675, to the south­ 8cl, along aright line to the north-westerncornr;n- of wesltern corner of Lot 7A, D.P. 2139; thence north-easterly Aramoho No.3, a'long the ncrthern 'boundaries ,of Aramoh,o 1920 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

No.3 and NO'. 5Band a right line to the south-western oo'rner westernmost corneT; thence northerly along a right line to 'Of Lot 4, D.P. 2223, aiong the southern boundary of that lot and alon,g the wester~l boundary of the land cOnJtaining 10 and along a right line across Delhi Avenue t.o and alo~g the acres 3 roods 13 ·2 perches, more or less,. as. shown on southern boundary of Lot 8, D.P. 2223, and Jlts productIOn to S.O. 21940 to the left bank of the WanganUl. RIveT;. thence and along the western boundaries of LOIts 1 and 2, D.P. easterly generally along that bank t'O the pomt of 16816, and their produdtion to and along the western commenoemen!t. boundari,eg O"f Part Lot 3, D.P. 16816, and the water-pO'wer depot as shown on S.O. 2459'4, aLong a right Nne across BCUNDARIES OF CoUNTY OF W ANGANUI River Bank RO'ad tOl the north-wesltern corner of Lot 2, D.P. ALL that arela in the WeJIington Land Distridt bounded b~ 3855· thence easterly, southerly~ and westedy alO'ng the a line commenoing at a poj,n[ in the middle of the W~ganU'l northern eastern, and southern boundaries of the said Lot River in line with the wes!tern boundary of Ohourtahl No. 2 and so'utherly along the product~on of its western boundary 1A in Block XIV, Rarete Survey Dist1'idt, and proceedlj.l~g to the right bank of the Wanganui River; thence south­ nOlrtherly generally to and along that boundary and Its westerly generally along that bank to and nOI~th-westerly along production across the Wanganui-P'ipiriki ROiad to and n~if~­ the sea coast to the point of commenceme~t. . . easterly generally along the generally norih-weste'rn bounoo,nes Seoondly, all that area. in the Wellington Land DIStriOt of OhoUitahi No. 1Aand Otaranoho Block to" the nO'rth­ bounded by a line commenoing at a point on the lett bank eas:tern corner ,of Section :11, Block XI, RJarete Survey of the WangMllIi River in line wilth the middle line of Pa:uls District; thence southerly ,generally along the ea~te.ifn Road in Block I Ikitara Survey Distriot, and proceedmg boundary of tha"t section, the northern and eastern bou1}dames south-easterly acro~s No.4, NatiOlnal Sta~e ~igh~ay, ~o and of Section 17 Block XI, aiO"reslaid, and the productIOn of along the middle of Pauls Road to a pomt III line WIth the the last-men1li~[1ed boundary tQ the middle of ~he M1angoihe north-western boundary of LOIt 7, D.P. 9876; thence southerly Stream; Ithence easterly generally up the. mld:dle . of t~t generally to and along that boundary and the western boundary stream and the Matihope Stream to a pomt In hne WIth of Lot 7 D.P. 9876 to and along the north-western boundary the north-western boundary O"f Section 21, Block XV, Rarete of Lot '8, D.P. 9876, to a point lIt chains distant and SU!fVey District; thence sQuth-westerly to and along t~a,t notflth-easterly f110m the north-eastern side of Easltown Road boundary and the northern land Inorth-western boundaf'les and along a right line to a pow on the south-eastern boundary of Mairehu NO'. 2c to" the northern boundary of ·Ranana of the said LDt 8, 8 chains distant and nOlrth-easterly from the No,. 8; thence easterly along tha"t bOU!Ildary and easterly, north-eastern side of Eastown Road; thence easterly generally southerly, and w~terly along the northern, eastern, and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 8 to and southern bounaanes of Ngarakauwhakaflafa N~. 12 ,tOl a along the north-easitern boundary of Lort 5, D.P. 1102, the point !in line with the western boundary OIf SectIon 3, Block eastern end of Benefield S'treet, the wes,tern boundaifY of Lot VIII, Tauakira Survey District; t~enoe southerly .to and along 1, D.P. 853, the nO'lithe~rn boundary of LOIt 1, D.P. A/661, that boundary and lits production to the mIddle. of the a right line to andafong the northern boundary of, Lot 1, Matahiwi-Ohotu Road; thence easterly generally along the D.P. A/I074, the northern boundary of Lot 1, D.P. 7771, middle O"f that road Ito a point in line with the sO'uthern the western and northern boundaries of Lot 1, D.P. 21297, boundary of Section 2, Block VIII,a:5oresaid; thence south­ to the nOirth-eastern corner of thait lolt; thence southerly easterly generally to and along that boundary and the generally alOlng the easterp. boundaries of ~o!ts 1 and 2, generally western boundaries of Sections 4 and 3, Block D.P. 21297, and the productIOn of the last-mentIoned bO'llD;dary V, N gama'tea Survey District, :the western land so~h,:rn Ito the middle O"f No.3 Une; thence westerly along the mIddle boundaries of Section 1, Block fIX, Ngamatea S~rvey DiStr~ot, O'f No. 3 line to a point due nO'rth of the easternmost and the southern boundary of Ohotu No. 9' and Its productlon corner of Lot 4, D.P. 2564; thence due south tOI thalt corner; to the middle 'Of the Man,gawhero Rliver; thence norrthe:rly thence westerly generally along the southern boundaries generally up :the middle of !that river ,to its confluence mth O"f Lots 4 and 3, D.P. 2564, to and a'long a righ!t line across the Auraki Stream· thence north-easterly generally up the the Poxton - New Plymouth Railway to the easternmost middle of that str~am to a point in line with the solllth­ to' corner of Lolt 34, D.P. 734, along a night line the south­ western houndary of Lot 1, D.P. 4978, t'O and alon~ iJ:ha.t eastern comer of Lot 1, D.P. 1320, along the south-wesltern boundary ,and the generally north-western boundanes; of bounci'a;ries of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, D.P. 1320, to' the that loil:, the north-western and north-easitern boundaries of southern corner of Lot 1, D.P. 22098; thence southerly Lot 2, D.P. 4978, the north-western boundary Qf Ohot~ No. generally along a right line to and along the solllt.h-eas~ern 6B the western nOlrthern and north-eastern boundarIes of boundaries of Lots 1, 2, and 3, D.P. 22575, along r~ght hnes Ohotu NO'. 6A iB and ith~ prOiductiO'n of the last-mentioned pa[lallel to and 250 links disitant and south-e;a;sterly from the boundary tQ and down the middle of the. Waokaramu Stream south-eastern side of Ikitara Road to and along to its confluence with :the Whangaehu RIver; thence easterly the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and nO"rtherly generally up the middle of thait rive~ to' a 8, 9, and 10, D.P. 17997, to and along a line parallel to PQlint in Hne with the northern boundary of SedtIOn 1, and 250 links disltant and north-easterly from the, norlth -easltern Block IV, Ngam'atea Survey District; thence e~siter1y to' .and side of TUfOia Road to' the northern blOundary of Lot 1, D.P. aLong that boundruy and the northern boundanes of Secbons 13295; thence westedy along that boundary :to' the north­ 8, 6, 'and 7, Block IV, aforesaid, to ithe easternmost corner eastern side of Turo'a ROiad; thence sQuth-easterlygenerally of the said Sedtion 7; !thence slOUItherly along the eastern along that side to and al'Ong the northern and gene:rally boundary of tha"t section and the eastern boun~ar~es of south-western boundaries of LOIt 12A, D.P. 1872, to the Sections 6 and 9' Block VIII, N gamatea Survey DIstrICt, :to western boundary of pant Lot 1, D.P'. 1954; thence soUltherly the north-eastern 'boundary of SectiO'n 10, mock VIII, afore­ generally along that boundary, the western boundaries of said· thence easterly generally along thJat boundary and the Lot 1, D.P. 22593, and part Lot 1, D.P. 1954, to and a,long geI1i~rally nOTthern boundary of Seotion 11, BIO'ck VIllI, a line parallel to and 749·2 links distant and northerly afor:esaliJd and its produotion to" the middle of the Koukoupo from the northern side of Portal Street to and along the Road; thence south-westerly generally along the middle of western boundaries of Lots 1 and 4, D.P. 14239, along a that road toa point in line with :the north-east~. boundary right line to and alon,g the western and northern sides of of Section 69, Block XVI, Ngamatea Survey D!,stndt; the~ce Burts Lane to the eastern boundary of Te IWlroa Block; south-eas!tedy ito and along that boundary and ltS product'l:O'n thence northerly along that boundary and westerly generally to the middle of Hales &O'ad; theince sDutherly generally down along the generally north-western boundaries of the ,said the midd[e of that road to a point in line with the north­ blO'ck the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 1 and 5, D.P. eastern bQundary of Seotion 77, Block XVI, 'afO'reslaid, .to 22955' the south-western boundaries of Lots 5, 4, 3, and 2, and alO"ng that boundJary, the northern 'and eastern boundaf!es D.P. 22955, the north-western boundaries of Te Iwiroa Block of part Seotion 60, Block XVI, aforesaid, !the eastem boundanes to' arid along the southern boundary cf Lot 82, D.P. 5465 and of Section 59, Block XVI, aforesaid, to and along .the the generally southern boundaries of Manawakoara No.3, the summit of the eastelrn watershed of the Whangaehu Rlve:r southern boundaries of K.:aiate NOI. 2B, Lot 2, D.P. 5682, to the north-eastern corner of part Section 1, Block IV, and Lot 2 D.P. 13500, and the production of the laslt­ Mangawhero Survey Distridt, along. the generally, nO'rth­ mentiioned b'Oundary across NO'. 3 National State Hiighway wes'tern bO'undary of that part section to' and along the to the lel1t bank of the Wanganllli River; thence no~therly eastern boundar1ies of part Section 1, Block IV, and part generally up that bank t?' the point of. commencemenlt: Section 1 BlO'ck VIII, a:ljoresaid, as shown on S.O. 13"494 including the wharf and bndge, as defined I~ the WanganUl to Trig. Station I, (Mangamahl9, and along a right line .t~ Bridge and Wharf Act 1872, and also the bnd,ge, as defined the north-eastern cOlmer of SectIon 11, Block VIII, iaforeslaId, in the Wanganui River Bridge No.2 Act 1911. along the generally south-eastern boundariesi of Sectjons 11, Thirdly, all that a,rea in the WeLlington Land District 2 3 7 and 8 Block VIII, aforesaid, ,and Section 6, Block bounded by a line commencing at a po[nt on the lef.t hank XII,' aforesaid: along a right line acroSlS: the Mangamahu­ of the Wanganui River in'line with the eastern boundary Turakina Cross Road to and along the eastea::n of Section 454, Left Bank, Wanganui River, in BIO'ck V, bOUindiaries of Sections 4 'and 3, Block XII, aforesmd, to TrIg Ikitara Survey District, and proceeding southerly to' and Station "A" as shown on S.O. 13213, and along the said alO'ng that boundary and ilts p;foduotion to the south-eastern summit Qf the eas!tern watershed of the Whangaehu Rive'r corner of the s'aid Section 454; thence westerly along the to the no~thern boundary of part Lot 1, D.P. 527; thence southern boundary of that secition to the eastern side of weslterly generally alO'ng that boundary to' and along t;he Airport Road; thence south-easterly generally along tllil;:t side said summit to and along the geneJ:1aUy southern boundanes to and along the north-eastern and eastern boundanes of of Sedti'On 3, Block XII, arO'res'aid, ,to and along the SiruP. the' land oontaining 4 acres, 2 ['oods 16·7 perches, more lOr summit passing through Trig. Station "e", to and along the less, :as shown on S.O. 24694, to and along the n'Orth­ northern boundary O"f Lot 1, D.P. 3465, to peg XIX, D.P. eastern side of' Airport Road for 41·5 links; thence south­ 33,10; ,thence south-westerly generally al'Ong a right line Ito westerly along a Hne bearing 21r 50', dvs'tance 100 links, peg IIA, D.P. 3310, and aLong the generally north-western to and along the south-eastern boundaries 'Of the land b'Oundaries O"f Lots 2 and 1, D.,P. 8830, the e1aster'n and south­ oDntaining 162 aCJ:1es and 25 perches, more or less, as eastern boundaries of part Lots 1 and 2, D.P. 5368, and shown on S.O. 24694, and south-easterly along the north­ the southern boundary of the said part Lot 2 to' the nO'Iithern­ eastern 'boundaries of thrut land to" its eas,ternmolSt COirner; most corner of Maingaitipona West NO'. D 2; thence north­ thence I1iorth-westerly genef'ally along the south-eastern and westerly along a right line to peg A as shown. on s.o. 126?0, generlally south-western boundaries of the s!aid land to its at the intersection of Hales Road and a pubhc road passmg 28 NOVEMBER tHE NEW ZEALANn GAZETtE 1921 th110ugh Loft 1, D.P. 5368, and the production of that right SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-cominued Line to' the middle of the Whangaehu River; thence south­ Name Situation and Remarks weslterly generaUy down the middle Df thrut river Ito the sea coasrt;thence nDrth-westerly along the sea coast to' Waotu Locality in Block XIII, Patetere North the middle of the mouth of the Wanganui River; thence Survey District. Approximately 7 northerly generally up the middle of that river !to' the miles south-west of the Borough of point of oommencement, excluding therefrom those areas Putaruru. Instead of Te Waotu. of the City of Wanganui, secondly and thirdly, hereinbefore described. MARLBORO'UGH LAND DISTRICT Burnt Stream Block VIII, Whernside Survey District. BOUNDARIES OF KAITOKE RIDING South-eastern branch of Wharf ALL that area in the County of vVanganui bounded by a ljne Stream, draining from Burnt Spur. commencing alt a point in the middle of the Wanganui River Map reference: N.Z.M.S. 1, in line with the southern boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 13500 S35 : 197458-180464. in Block V, lkitara Survey District, and proceeding easterly Butt Stream Block IX, Cape Campbell Survey generaHy t'O and a,long the boundM'Y of that portion of District. Rises west of Weld Cone the City of Wanganui secondly hereinbefore described, to and flows northerly into a tri­ the soU!th-western CDrner of Lot 1, D.P. 12932; thence butary of the Flaxhourne River. southerly along the western end of Burts Lane to and Map reference: N.Z.M.S. 1, generally easterly along the western and southern boundari,es S36 : 412577-406600. of uot 2, D.P. 12932, the south-eastern and south-western Iwitahi Ridge .. Block VIII, Whernside Survey District. boundaries Df Manawakoara No. lA 2B 2B, the generally Leading from Whernside Trig. wesltern boundary of ManawakDara No. 10, the south-western Station in a north-easterly direction boundary of Parirutumanga NO'. lA, alon.g a right Line across to a saddle 2,680 ft in height Waitahanui Road to and along the south-western and south­ Map reference: N.Z.M.S. 1, eastern boundaries of Pariatumanga. No. IB ,to' the no'rth­ S35 : 197475-230497. western boundary of part Lot 1, D.P. 5898; thence south­ Paton Stream .. Block VIII, Whernside Survey Dis­ westel1ly, easteidy, and norltherly along the nOlth-western, trict. Most southerly headwater southern, and eastern boundaries, of the said part Lot 1, D.P. tributary of Kekerengu River. 5898, to the north-western corner of Lot 2, D.P. B/119; Map reference: N.Z.M.S. 1, thence easterly along the noflthern boundar~es of that loit, S35 : 200466-224459. Lots 1 and 2, D.P. 17679, LOlt 1, D.P. A/951, LDt 1, D.P. Pikes Creek Blocks VII and VIII, Whernside 5694, and Lot 1, D.P. A/2489, to the north-eastern corner Survey District. South branch of of the last-mentioned lot; thence southerly along the eastern Wharf Stream. Map reference: boundary of that 10't and along a right line to the nOI'th­ N.Z.M.S. 1, S35 : 173437-168463. western CDrner of Section 138, Left Bank, Wanganui River; Titi Island Block XXIII, Gore Survey District. thence easterly along the northern boundary Df that section North-west of Alligator Head. The to the western side of Union Line; thence southerly along present official name Motungarara that side to a poinrt in line wirth the southern boundary of is to be cancelled in order to avoid LDt 4, D.P. 2713; thence easterly across Union Line to and confusion with similarly named along th'at boundary 'and easterly and northerly along the island in Block XIX, Gore Survey southern and eastern boundaries of Lot 5, D.P. 2713, to District. the nOflth-easrtern comer of that 1Dt; thence south-easterly along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1, D.P. 2729, and NELSON LAND DISTRICT its productiO'n to the western boundary of LDt 1, D.P. Christabel Creek Block VI, Kahurangi Survey District. 10515; thence south-easterly generally along the generally Flows into Tasman Sea south of western and southern boundaries Df that lot and the produc­ Otukoroiti Point. tion of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of De Filippi Creek Blocks III and VI, Inangahua Survey Warr:engate Line; thence south-westerly along the middle District. Rises west of Boundary of that line to a point in line w]th the northern boundary Peak and flows westerly and north­ of part Lot 2, D.P. 2835; thence easterly to and along that westerly into Buller River. At boundary and south-easterly along the north-eastern boundaries present known as Flaxbush Creek. of the said part Lot 2, part Section 248, Left Bank, Wanganui Flaxbush Creek River, as shown on S.O. 21913, part LDts 2 and 1, D.P. 2835, Blocks III and VI, Inangahua Survey to the western boundary of the Foxton - New Plymouth District. Rises west of Trig. Hand Railway, along a right line to and along the north-eastern flows westerly into Buller River. boundary of paIt LDt 1, D.P. 2835, and its production to At present known as Little Flax­ bush Creek. rthe middle Df the Whangaehu; thence south-westerly, north-westerly, and easterly generally along the boundary of the Oounty of Wanganui hereinbefore described to the WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT point of commencement, excluding therefrom that portion Adams Col Block III, Tyndall Survey District, of the City of Wanganui thirdly hereinbefore described. East of Guardian Peak. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of November 1963. Antony Creek Block VI, Whitcombe Pass Survey District. Tributary of Waitaha River E. PERYMAN, east of Mark Creek. Acting Secretary for Internal Affairs. Caesar Creek Block V, Whitcombe Pass Survey (LA. 103/5/197) District. Flows southerly from Ragged Peak into Waitaha River. Chainman Creek Block VI, Whitcombe Survey District. Notice of Final Decision of New Zealand Geographic Board re Flows south-east from Mount Assigning of Place Names Hitchin into Waitaha River. Farrar Glacier. . Blocks II and III, Tyndall Survey District. Flows westerly from WHEREAS, pursuant to section 12 of the New Zealand Geographic Mount Farrar. Board Act 1946, notice was given on the 15th day of August 1963 Lake Greaney Block XI, Arawata Survey District. of the intention of the New Zealand Geographic Board to assign Half mile south-west of Minim the names set out in the Schedule attached to the said notice: Mere. and whereas, pursuant to section 13 of the said Act, no objections Havelock Col Block VIII, Tyndall Survey District. have been received to such of the proposed names as are set out On Main Divide west of Outram in the Schedule hereto: Peak. At headwaters of Havelock Now, therefore, pursuant to sections 14 and 15 of the said Act, River. notice is hereby given that the names set out in the Schedule Mark Creek Block V, Whitcombe Pass Survey hereto are final decisions of the Board and that such decisions District. Tributary of Wait aha River will take effect on the 17th day of February 1964. east of Pompey Creek. McKenzie Col . . Block XII, Whitcombe Pass Survey District. Between County and SCHEDULE McKenzie Glaciers on Lange Range. SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT McKenzie Glacier Block XII, Whitcombe Pass Survey List No. 26 District. Flowing from McKenzie Col and draining into Seddon Name Situation and Remarks Creek. Acacia Bay In Tapuaeharuru Bay, Lake Taupo, Menace Gap Block XV, Whitcombe Pass Survey about 2t miles south-west of the District. On Main Divide north­ Borough of Taupo. This name east of Mount Roberts. applies to the bay extending from North Barlow River Block I, Tyndall Survey District. Te Kopua Point to Otuparae Point. Flows from Escape Glacier into Port Ohope Locality in Blocks III and VII, Barlow River. Whakatane Survey District, being Peter Creek Block XVI, Mount Bonar Survey the area comprising the peninsula District. Flows south-westerly from extending from the western Mirage Knob into Wanganui River. boundary of part subdivision B 2 Pompey Creek Block V, Whitcombe Pass Survey of Section 246, Waimana Parish, to District. Tributary of Waitaha the entrance to Ohiwa Harbour. River east of Caesar Creek. i922 TItE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. '76

WESTLAND ;LAND DISTRICT-continued CANTERBURy,LAND DISTRICT-continued Name Situation and Remarks IName Situation and Remarks Pot Luck Creek Block IX, Butler Survey District. Kirk Stream Block VII, Ramsay Survey District. Tributary of Wanganui River west Tributary of the Rakaia River, of Devastation Creek. draining from Kirk Glacier. Red Lion Col .. Block XI, Whitcombe Pass Survey Leamington Stream .Blocks VIII andXI,Lowry Peaks District. On Smyth Range east of Survey District. Instead 'of Gower Red Lion Peak, between County River. Glacier and Evans Glacier. Mount Lilian Block II, Davie Survey District. At Red Hills Range Gorge Survey District. "Vest of the end of a ridge running south Cascade River. At present known from Mount Giles. as Red Hill Range. Long Spur Block V, Owen Survey District. At Red Mountain Block XVI, Survey the eastern end of a ridge, north District. Between Red pyke River of Jerusalem Creek. and Cascade River. Shown as Red Menace ,Gap Block I, Ramsay Surv~y ,IJistrict. Hill on map of Humboldtside On the Main Divide north-east of Survey District, Otago Land Mount Roherts. District 6,600 ft. Monarch Hill Block III, Owen Survey District. On Reid Creek Blocks VII and XI, Whitcombe Pass Agassiz Range south of Canyon Survey District. Flows northerly Creek. from Bloomfield Range into North Peak Block IX, Whitcombe Survey District. Waitaha River. At the eastern .end of Jollie Range Seddon Col Block VIII, Whitcombe Pass Survey 8,658 ft. District. On Lange Range north of NymPeak Block X, Ramsay Survey District. Park Dome. On Armoury Range north of Seddon Creek Blocks VIII and XII, Whitcombe Pass Warrior Peak. Survey District. Flows from Seddon Pamperos Cairn Block II,"Davie Survey District. About Col into Wilkinson River. 120 chains north-east of the Shelf Glacier Block XII, Whitcombe Pass Survey junction of Cronin Stream with District. Under east face of Mount Wilberforce River. Evans. Perth Col Block I, Tyndall Survey District. Schrund Peak Block VIII, Tyndall Survey District. At head .of Perth Glacier. Present On Main Divide south-west of official name is Lucknow Saddle. Quoin Peak. Mount Renegade Block .XI, Rams~y Survey District., Qn Mount Shyness Block X, Tyndall Survey District. On JollIe Range, north-east of Outlaw Main Divide 1 mile north-east of Peak. Mount Petermann. Rocky Spur·Creek Block VIJI, Whitcombe Survey District. Tributary of Rakaia River east ,of Jellicoe Creek. CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT Schrund Peak .. Block II, Tyndall Survey District. Battleaxe Col Block X, Ramsay Survey District. On South-west of- Quoin Peak on Main Armoury Range between Amazon Divide. and Nym Peaks. Mount Shyness Block IV, Torlesse Survey District. Big Fan Creek Block 'VIII, Whitcombe Survey On Main Divide 1 mile north-east District. Tributary of Rakaia River of Mount Petermann. east of Broad Creek. TauroaCreek Block IX, Ramsay Survey District. Big Paddock •Creek Block VIII, Whitcombe Survey Flows from Tauroa Peak into District. Tributary of Mathias . River rising near Manuka Peak. Toledo'Col Block X, Ramsay Survey :District, Black Bluff Block VI, Clyde Survey District. On east of Spearpoint Peak. Clyde River, 2 miles south of Twin Creek Block VII, Whitcombe 'Survey Sinclair River. District. Tributary of Rakaia River, Blacksmith Point .Block V, Owen Survey District. At east of Rocky Spur Creek . junction of West Mathias River Wee McGregor Glacier .. Blocks I and 'Y, Ramsay Survey with Mathias River. District. Present .official name Boundary Creek Blocks V and VI, Mathias Survey "Mary Glacier". District. Tributary of Mathias Mount Williams ,Block IV, Mathias Survey District. River flowing from Rolleston On ~Rolleston Range 2t miles Range. south of Unknown Col. Broad Creek Block VII, Whitcombe Survey Dis­ trict. Tributary of Rakaia River east·of Twin Creek. OTAGO LAND DISTRICT Colin Campbell GlaCier .. Blocks I and V, Ramsay Survey Wilmot River .. Humboldtside Survey District. Rises ,District. Flows south-easterly from on the highest part of Skippers Mount Tyndall and drains into Range and flows northetly along Frances River. Present official name its western flank into the northern is Helen Glacier. end of Lake Wilmot. It has an Dummy Col Block IV, Torlesse Survey District. overflow channel to tF,yke River. At head of Eric Stream, a tributary of Havelock River. Duncan Creek .. Blocks I and V, Whitcombe Survey SOUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT District. Tributary of Rakaia River, east of Louper Stream. Cook Channel .. In Dusky Sound, FiordlantlNational Emily Cre.ek Block IX, Ramsay Survey District. Park. .Extending from ;Piokersgil1 Tributary of Frances River flowing Harbour to Supper Cove ;and from Trireme Peak. bounded on the north by :Long Mount Findlay ;Block I, Wilberforce Survey District. Island and Cooper Island. At .the northern end of Cascade Cook Stream Dusky Sound, Fiordland National Range. Park. Flows north-easterly ,into Five Jagged Peaks Block II, Davie Survey District. On 'Pickersgill Harbour. ridge running south from Mount Lake Forster Dusky Sound, Fiordland National Giles. Park. South-west of Pickersgill Flintoft Trig. Station ,Block III, Culverden Survey District. Harbour. Drains into Cook Instead of Flinthoff. Stream. Frances River ,Block IX, Ramsay Survey District. Luncheon Cove Dusky Sound, Fiordland National Flows from Colin Campbell·.Glacier Park. ,On the south.,.eastern coast of into Clyde River. Anchor Island. This name originally Gladiator Col Block VI, Ramsay Survey District. On given by Captain Cook is to be Arnloury Range between Goethe reinstated on maps. and Pistol Peaks. Plato Creek Fiordland National Park. Tributaryof Griffiths Saddle Block I, Davie Survey District at the Eglinton River. One mile south of head of Griffiths Glacier. Cascade Creek. Havelock Col Block II, Tyndall Survey District. On Main Divide west of Outram Peak. NOTE-All names of alpine features are assigned subject to At headwaters of Havelock River. fixation, of the relative features on maps. Hikuraki Bay Block V, Akaroa Survey District. Instead of Hikurangi. Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of November 1963. Jims Knob Block IV, Ramsay Survey District. At R.P.-GOUGH, Surveyor-General, the southern end of Butler Range, ,Chairman, New Zealand Geographic Board. across Rakaia River from Meins Knob. (L. and.S. H.O. ,22f2605/~) 1'8 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1923

Supplementary Teachers' Register 1963 d .~ Name Certificate THE following lists, issued under the authority of the Minister of :~ Education in accordance with the requirements of the Education o Amendment Act 1924, contain the names of: 204099 Bayliss, Janice Margaret TTC A A 1. Probationary assistants and third year specialists who will 204101 Beale, Jennifer Kay TTC A A qualify for Teachers' Certificates on 1 February 1964 and are 204103 Beath, Kathleen Margaret TTC A o eligible to apply, on and from 1 November 1963 for positions 204104 Beatty, Dorothy Lynette TTC A o becoming vacant from 1 February 1964. 204105 Beaumont, Margaret Anne TTC A C 2. Probationary assistants who have not been certificated for 204106 Beaven, Valerie Monica TTC A C various reasons. 204111 Belcher, Helen Margaret TTC A o 3. Homecraft, commercial, mathematics/science probationary 204113 Bell, Brian William TTC A We assistants and third year specialists physical education who will be 204116 Bell, Pamela Veronica TTC A C certificated on 1 February 1964. 204117 Bell, Susanne TTC A We 4. Homecraft, commercial, and mathematics/science probation:.. 201144 Benefield, Catherine Mary Dip.Tchg. A We ary assistants who have not been certificated for various reasons. 230130 Bennett, Eileen Mata (Mrs) TTC A M 204120 Bennett, Elaine Marguerite TTC A HB 204121 Bennett, Lyndon Doris TTC A HB LIST 1 204122 Bennett, Roger Hampton TTC A C 201178 Bent, Stephen Hansard TTC A SA d .9 .~ 204123 Bentley, Diana Margaret TTC A A Name Certificate .:;.~ b 204124 Berghan, Kathleen Mavis TTC A M o a 204126 Berwick, Patricia Elizabeth TIC A C 204129 Bice, William Forsythe TTC A A 230003 Adams, John David TTC A A 200156 Bidois, Mark .. TTC A M 204000 Adamson, Elizabeth TTG A C 204130 Biddulph, Frederick Gibbs 204002 Agnew, Jean Margaret TTC A SA Martyn TTC A N 204005 Alborn, Judith Helen TTC A C 204131 Bint, Bethne Ann .. TTC A T 204006 Alder, Judith TIC A A 204132 Bird, Aileen Margaret TTC A SA 204007 Aldridge, Elizabeth Ann TIC A SA 204133 Bishell, Janet Isobel TTC A We 201022 Aldridge, Ralph Edward' TIC A A 204155 Bissett, Margaret Isabel TTC A A 204008 Alexander, Bruce David TTC A We 204136 Black, Ian Roderick TIC A C 204009 Alexander, Leonard Scott 204139 Blackmore, Diane Frances TTC A C Oswald .. TTC A A 204141 Blaikie, Enid Catherine TTC A S 204010 Mlan, April Ann TTC A We 204142 Blain, Lesley Elizabeth TTC A C 204011 Allan, Elizabeth Marie TIC A C 205893 Blair, Carolyn Margaret Gaye TTC A C 205846 Allard, Judith Iris .. TTC A We 204143 Blair, Rosemary Patricia TTC A C 204012 Allen, Maureen Robin TTC A SA 204145 Blake, Barbara Leah TTC A C 20401.4 Allhusen, Mary Jane TTC A HB 204146 Blake, George TTC A A 204017 Alsweiler, Janice·Margaret TTC A T 204147 Blake, Tracey Ann TTC A SA 202829 Amer, Kay (Mrs) .. TTC A SA 204150 Blondel, Laraine Jane TTC A A 204018 Amundsen; Marjorie Joy TTC A A 204151 Blows, Patricia Anne TTC A A 204019 Andersen, Carolyn Anne TTC A SA 204152 Blue, Helen Claire .. TTC A o 204020 Anderson, Adrianne Bunting.. TTC A Wa 204153 Boardman, Betty Patricia TIC A SA 204021 Anderson, James Duncan' TTC A o 205155 Bolton, Rosemary .. TTC A A 204022 Anderson, Jane Elspeth TTC A N 204156 Boniface, Donald Fernly TTC A Wa 204028 Anderson, John Mostyn TTC A We 204160 Borror, Sally TTC A A 204024 Anderson, Mary TTC A HB 204161 Bott, Janice Louise .. TTC A A 204026 Anderson, Patricia Rae . . TTC A Wa 230188 Bovaird, Margaret Eva (Mrs) TTC A A 20'4027 Anderson, Valerie· Winifred TIC A C 204162 Bow, John Alexander TTC A A 204030 Andrew, Michael John TTC A C 204165 Bowman, Glenys AIda TTC A A 204031 Andrew, Shirley Margaret TTC A SA 204163 Bowater, Judith Kay TTC A We 206537 Andrews, Betty-May Beryl TTC A Wa 204168 Boyd, Sharon . . TTC A A 204032 Andrews, Joan Mary TTC A A 204169 Boyden, Peggy Gwendoline TTC A HB 208028 Andrews, Laura Carolyn (Mrs) TIC A A 204170 Boynton, Janice Margaret TTC A SA 204036 Anticich, Madeleine Theresa.. TTC A C 204171 Boys, Glenys Eleanor TTC A A 204035 Anicich, Monica Beth .. TIC A N 204172 Bradley, Sally Anne TTC A SA 204042 Archer, Helen Annette Lehina TTC A A 204174 Braggins, Patricia Elizabeth TTC A SA 2040ll-3 Archer, Richard Joseph TTC A We 204176 Bramble, Kenneth Harold TTC A A 205851 Archer, Vivien Mary ., TTC A We 204178 Branigan, Wilma Lesley TTC A C 204044 Armstrong; Margaret Ann TTC A SA 204179 Bray, John Eric .. TTC A o 204045 Armstrong, Robin Eric TTC A SA 2041180 Breach, Margaret Joy .. TTC A A 208018 A:rnestedt, Margit Valberg 204182 Bridgman, Shirley Alice TTC A SA Elisabet Dip.Tchg. A C 204185 Bright, Rodney James TIC A SA 204047 Arnold, Joan Margaret TTC A We 204186 Brill, Sheila Roslyn TIC A Wa 204048 Arnott, Elizabeth Kay TTC A A 204187 Broadhead, Leatham Robert TTC A Wa 204049 Monsen, Gretchen Maree TIC A SA 204188 Brocklebank, William Nola TIC A SA 204051 Arscott, Dianna Marie .. TIC A SA 204189 Brooker, Pieta Christine TTC A Wa 208026 Ashby, Jocelyn Mary (Mrs) .. TTC A A 204192 Brough, Daine Meryl TIC A SA 204055 Ashley, Judith Therese TTC A o 204193 Brown, Averille Dawn TTC A C 204057 Astridge, Susan Frances TTC A We 204195 Brown, Elaine Rose .. TIC A 'Va 201076 Atger, Brian Eugene TTC A A 204547 Brown, Elizabeth Susan (Mrs) TTC A A 204058 Atkins, Elizabeth Jean TTC A Wa 232149 Brown, Georgina Maud (Mrs) TTC A We 204060 Atkinson, Russell Geoffrey TTC A o 204197 Brown, Kevin Gordon TTC A HB 204061 Auld, Beverley June TIC A SA 204198 Brown, Margaret Joan TTC A We 205766 Austen, Jaren Ann (Mrs) TTC A A 205920 Brown, Mark Mannix TIC A SA 204265 Baay, Francisca Mary 'FTC A A 232148 Brown, Raymond Frederick .. TTC A We 204067 Bagnall, Alan Frank Dip;Tchg. A We 204199 Brown, Reweti Whakaware .. TTC A M 204068 Baigent, Heather Grace TTC A N 204200 Brown, Ringi TTC A A 204069 Baigent, Janice Merilyn TTC A N 201282 Brown, Trevor TTC A SA 204072 Bailey, Sally Sherman TTC A A 204201 Brown, William Thomas George TTC A SA 204075 Baines, John Vernon TTC A A 204202 Brownlee, Kay Lynette TTC A A 204076 Baird, Isobel Anderson TTC A S 204203 Brownson,Brenda Ruth Nejmai TTC A T 204077 Baird, Patricia Mae TTC A We 204205 Brunton, Margaret Jean TTC A HB 204078 Baker, Bronwen Nesta " TTC A Wa 204206 Bryan, Anthony .. TTC A HB 204080 Ballantyne, Robin " .. TTC A A 205923 Bryan, Mavis Rosina TTC A A 191000 Barker, William Perceval .. TTC A C 205924 Bryan, Terence Alan TTC A We 204083 Barlow, Dian.e Ruth TTC A We 204210 Buckingham, Alfrieda Kathleen TTC A A 204084 Barnes, Patricia May .. TTC A S 204212 Buckley, Kay Alison TTC A Wa 204085 Barnett, Judith Garvin " TTC A. o 204214 Bull, Francis Arthur Lovelace TTC A A 204088 Barrett, Rosemary Ann .. TTC A SA 204216 Bulmer, Kathleen Mary TTC A T 204089 Barrie, James .. TTC A C 204217 Bu.nting, Robyn Gay TTC A A 2040'90 Barry, Christina Mary TTC A We 208010 Burbridge, Anne .. TTC A We 204092 Barton, Marian Elizabeth TTC A T 204218 Burch, Raewyn Joy TTC A A 204093 Basham, Brears Neville TTC A A 204219 Burdekin, Anne Yvonne TTC A A 204094 Baskill, Judith Ann TTC A C 204222 Burgess, Lyndsay Joy TTC A A 204896 Bates, Janette Iris (Mrs) TTC A A 204221 Burgess, Lynette Denise TTC A A 204095 Bates, Richard Jeremy TTC A We 204224 Burnett, Janet Rosina .. TIC A Wa 20H34 Batty, Michael Robert TTC A A 201311 Burrows, Ronald Edward TTC A A 204097 Baveystock, Carole Diane TTC A SA 204227 Burwell, R.obin Wilson Elizabeth TFC A T 204098 Baxter, Lor..r.aine Jean 'ITC A. T 204228 Buttimore, Nola Myrtle .. TTC A A 1924 THE NEW ZEALAND QAZETTE No. 76

d d .9 t) Name Certificate B Name Certificate :~ :~ .~ :~ 0 is 0 0 204229 Cadogan, Ruth Patricia TTC A T 204346 Cushen, Cecily Alice TTC A S 208013 Calver, Geraldine Kennetta 204347 Cuthbert, Diane Frances TIC A HB Helen TTC A Wa 204351 Daniell, Suzanne Ester TIC A HB 204230 Campbell, Briar Margaret TTC A A 208042 Darling, Hilary Joan TTC A S 204231 Campbell, Charmaine Jane TTC A SA 204352 Darrow, Maxine Elizabeth TTC A A 204232 Campbell, Diane Daphne TTC A C 204353 Dasler, Lyndsay May TTC A C 230266 Cameron, Penelope (Mrs) TTC A A 204354 Dassler, Marilyn Elizabeth TTC A We 204237 Campion, Margaret Louisa TTC A C 204355 Davie-Martin, Daphne Fay TTC A A 204239 Cantlon, Elizabeth Marjorie .. TIC A HB 204356 Davies, Robin Neal TTC A A 204240 Carde, Josephine Mary TTC A C 204357 Davies, Shirley Joan TTC A A 204241 Carman, Elaine Edith TTC A We 204358 Davis, Elaine Julie Ann TTC A A 208011 Carpenter, Garth TTC A We 204362 Davis, Raymond George TTC A A 204242 Carpinter, Jillian Anne TTC A C 200989 Davison, Evelyn Ruth TTC A Wa 204245 Carson, Judith Irene TTC A N 204363 Dawson, Christine Isobel TIC A C 204246 Carter, Diane Lorraine TTC A A 204364 Dawson, Jennifer Anne TTC A SA 204248 Carter, Mary Lynette TTC A SA 204365 Dawson, Lynette Joy TIC A HB 204249 Carvell, Kenneth Richard TTC A Wa 204368 Dawson, Valerie June TTC A SA 204250 Cass, Sara Helen TTC A We 204370 Day, Roger William TTC A A 204251 Cassidy, Janice Mary Elizabeth TIC A C 204371 Day, Trevor Fredrick TTC A We 204252 Cave, Elaine Beatrice TIC A M 204372 De Bres, Tjitske Lydia TTC A We 204253 Chadwick, Mary TTC A A 206012 Donaldson, Leone .. TTC A We 201377 Chambers, Graeme Kinton .. TTC A A 204401 Drury, Bernard Francis TIC A Wa 204255 Chambers, Roger Kenneth .. TTC A We 204405 Duffield, Margaret Lynne TTC A N 204256 Chambers, Verna Catherine .. TTC A We 204406 Duffy, David Francis TIC A C 204259 Chapman, Beatrice Ann TIC A 0 204407 Duffy, Joselyn Mary Manson TTC A 0 204260 Charles, Lynda Shirley TIC A We 230501 Duncan, Nola Constance (Mrs) TTC A Wa 208002 Cherrington, Tagaloa Dawn .. TIC A M 204411 Duncan, Shona Marjory TTC A We 204261 Chester, Evelyn Edith TTC A SA 204420 Dyer, Carol TTC A We 204262 Chignell, Sylvia Marion TIC A A 204423 Dyett, Esther Jean .. . . TTC A We 232302 Chisholm, Shirley Alexandra .. TTC A A 204374 Deadmarsh, Geoffrey Harold TTC A C Christensen, Mary Irene Eliza- 204375 Dean, Marjorie Gertrude TTC A HB beth (Mrs) TTC A Wa 204376 Dean, Rosalind Grace .. TIC A A 204263 Christensen, Michael Albert .. TIC A HB 204379 Dewar, Annette TTC A 0 204264 Christie, Janet Rae .. TTC A T 204380 Dewar, David Peter TTC A C 204265 Church, Richard John TTC A 0 204381 Dick, Jocelyn Elizabeth TIC A A 204266 Clague, Marcia Fay TIC A HB 204382 Dickie, Marilyn Mary TTC A Wa 205959 Clark, Catherine Michel TIC A A 189567 Dickson, Anne Beverley TTC A C 230307 Clark, Donald Howard TTC A S 204383 Diggle, Elaine Lois TTC A 0 204269 Clark, Margaret Miriam TTC A SA 204384 Dixon, Mary Diane TTC A SA 204272 Clearwater, Colin Frances Dip.Tchg. A 0 204385 Dobson, Kay Lynette .. TTC A SA 205712 Clemas, Marlene Maria (Mrs) TIC A We 230478 Dobson, Noelle Lenore (Mrs) TIC A A 204273 Clifton, Rosalie Joy .. TTC A We 204386 Dodd, Rosemary TTC A M 205965 Clingin, Hilary Sylvia TTC A We 201585 Dodge, Alice Barbara TTC A C 204274 Clooney, Donna Mary TTC A Wa 206008 Doig, Adria Linley .. TIC A C 204276 Clunie, Ailsa Marie .. TTC A A 204389 Donovan, Deidre Anne TIC A SA 204277 Cochrane, Herbert Graham TIC A C 204390 Donovan, Kathleen Alison TTC A Wa 204278 Coleman, Dorothy Jill TTC A SA 206538 Doody, Mary Charlotte TIC A T 204279 Coleman, Here Ross TTC A A 204391 Douglas, Meryl Grace TIC A HB 204280 Coles, Cherie Robin TTC A HB 204395 Downey, Diane Mary TTC A A 204262 Collard, Denise TIC A SA 204396 Drage, Marlene Patricia TTC A A 204285 Collinge, Judy Natalie TTC A We 208022 Drake, Rosalind Mary TIC A M 204266 Collings, Beverley June TTC A 0 204397 Dreaver, Peter Robert TTC A A 204288 Collins, Maurice Royden TTC A C 204398 Drinnan, Beverley Joyce TIC A SA 204290 Colson, Esther Denise TTC A A 204399 Dromgoole, Beverley Joy TIC A A 204292 Conway, Roger Lindsay TTC A HB 204403 Dudding, Iris Margaret TTC A A 208014 Coogan, Jennifer Robyn TTC A We 204404 Duff, Frances Anne TIC A SA 204293 Cook, Jennifer Mary TTC A 0 204408 Dumper, Doreen Gaye TTC A A 204294 Cook, Pracilla Joyce TTC A T 201363 Dungey, Patricia Annette TTC A SA 204296 Cookson, Corrina Ogilvy TIC A T 204415 Dunn, Alison Wilma TTC A 0 204297 Cooper, Glenys Dale TIC A A 204416 Dunn, Merrel Janet TTC A SA 201442 Cooper, Graham TIC A C 204419 Duxfield, Peter Owen TTC A A 204299 Cooper, Ross Neil .. TIC A C 204421 Dyer, Gerald Stanley TTC A S 204298 Cooper, Myrene Anne TTC A A 204422 Dyer, Virginia Faith TTC A C 204302 Copley, Robin Douglas TIC A A 204424 Earl, Margaret Mary TTC A C 204303 Corbett, Ann Lisette TIC A SA 204425 Eastwood, Margaret Mary TTC A We 204305 Corker, Noeline Mary TTC A A 204428 Edgar, Elsa Margaret .. TIC A 0 204307 Corlett, Monica May TIC A T 204430 Edmondson, Veronica Wendy TIC A C 204308 Cormack, Betty Anne TIC A We 230521 Edmundson, William Crawford TTC A C 204310 Cornes, Dorothy Helen TIC A SA 204434 Edwards, John Robert .. TIC A A 204309 Cornelius, Mary Ellen TIC A HB 205137 Edwards, Judith Anne (Mrs) TIC A A 204311 Cosgrave, Margaret Ann TIC A C 204431 Edwards, Sally Kathleen TTC A N 204312 Coulter, Leonie Miriam TIC A A 204435 Eggleton, Desmond Nelson TIC A A 205978 Coup, Frances Mary TIC A SA 204436 Elie, Glenys Lesley .. TTC A A 204314 Court, Bronwen TTC A A 204437 Elie, Laurence Robert TIC A A 204316 Cowell, Michael Mewburn TTC A SA 204438 Ellett, Lorna Hinemoa TIC A A 204317 Cowie, Elizabeth Catherine TTC A 0 204440 Elliot, Elsie Kathleen TTC A 0 204319 Cox, Felicity Hardy TTC A A 204441 Elliott, Keith Raymond TIC A A 204321 Cox, Vera Mary TTC A A 204443 Emett, Colleen Dilys TTC A T 204322 Crabb, Colin Walter TIC A SA 204447 Enright, Denis Frederick TIC A HB 204323 Craig, James Seymour TIC A A 201661 Evans, Carey Pearce TTC A A 204324 Craigie, Janet Constance TIC A We 204450 Evans, Donald Frederick TIC A HB 204325 Crampton, Janet Ann TIC A C 205742 Evans, Lynette Rose (Mrs) TIC A Wa 204328 Crawford, Evelyn Jane TTC A SA 204451 Evans, Winifred Anne TTC A 0 204327 Crawford, Glenys June TTC A A 204452 Evershed, Janice TIC A T 204330 Cresswell, Elizabeth May .. TTC A We 201669 Exeter, Kevin Clifford TTC A C 230386 Crichton, Robert James Colin TIC A C 204453 Fairley, Raewyn Ann TTC A SA 204331 Crisp, Susanne Patricia TIC A A 204454 Falconer, Ian James TTC A 0 204333 Crockett, Robert Clifford TTC A A 204455 Falkner, Elizabeth Ann TTC A We 204335 Cron, Gary David .. TTC A C 204456 Farquharson, Janet Murray TTC A S 204336 Crooks, Judith Audry TIC A 0 204457 Feehly, Gabriel Maree TTC A 0 204337 Crooks, Wendy Patricia TIC A C 204458 Fendall, Janice TTC A T 204339 Crowe, Kathleen .Margaret TTC A We 206036 Ferguson, Annette Marjorie .. TIC A C 204340 Crump, Janice Eileen TTC A C 204459 Ferguson, Donald McKenzie TIC A SA 204541 Cull, Valerie Theresa TTC A SA 204460 Ferguson, Jane Euphemia TTC A A 204343 Cullen, Deirdre Ann TIC A A 204463 Ferry, Lorraine Heather TTC A SA 204344 Cullen, Margaret Arawa TTC A 0 204464 Field, John Penrose TTC A Wa 230397 Cumming, George Gordon TIC A SA 204466 Findlay, Bernard Lewis 'TIC A··· Wa 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1925

!=: .9 .~ .§ Name Certificate :E Name Certificate .~ A is ~ ;5 204465 Findlay, Harold Aitken TIC A S 204584 Green, Graham Robert TTC A HB 204467 Finlayson, Winifred Lorraine TIC A S 204586 Green, Valma Merle TTC A A 204470 Fisher, Nigel Bradley TTC A C 204587 Greenland, Terence Paul TTC A SA 204471 Fisk, Christine Elizabeth TTC A A 201848 Gregory, Ross Stirling TTC A A 201708 Flaherty, Brian Patrick Joseph TIC A C 204590 Greig, Terence John TIC A We 204473 Fleming, Gail Frances TTC A A 204592 Grey, Norman Stanley TIC A S 208006 Fleming, Valerie Jean TIC A HB 201854 Grieve, Ian William TIC A C 204474 Fletcher, Burke Joseph TTC A Wa 204596 Griffith, Annette . . .. TTC A SA 204475 Flintoff, Brian Gordon TIC A S 204597 Griffiths, Christopher James.. TTC A A 204476 Flood, Leonie Mary TIC A Wa 230727 Griffiths, Gwynfa Gwladys (Mrs) TTC A Wa 204479 Flynn, Michael John Morris TTC A Wa 201863 Grimman, Elaine Patricia TIC A o 204481 Foggo, Ian Andrew. . TTC A SA 204598 Grindrod, Graeme Robert TIC A A 204482 Fong, Rose TTC A A 204603 Gundy, Peter Walby TTC A A 204483 Foote, Stanley Alan George .. TTC A Wa 204602 Gudsell, Geoffrey Gilbert TTC A C 204484 Forbes, David Ashley TTC A SA 204604 Gunn, Juliet Louise TIC A C 204487 Forrester, Priscilla Irene TTC A o 189459 Haberfield, John Francis .. TIC A C 204489 Foster, Diane TTC A C 230734 Habgood, Muriel Dawn (Mrs) TIC A A 204490 Foster, Lois Irene .. TIC A HB 204606 Haddock, Gregory William TTC A A 204491 Fouhy, Marie Ann .. TTC A We 208017 Hadley, Brett Anthony TTC A SA 204492 Fowke, Susan Dorothy TTC A We 204609 Hall, Gwenyth Isabel TTC A Wa 204493 Fowler, Jeannie Dorothea TTC A A 204611 Hall, Jill Mabel . . TIC A C 204454 Foy, Brian Warwick TTC A A 204610 Hall, Joseph Alan TTC A A 204496 Frankham, Wendy June . . TTC A A 204613 Hall, Peter Arthur Roger TIC A Wa 204497 Franklin, Robert Darrell Tudor TIC A A 204614 Hall, Rosalind Ann .. TTC A A 204498 Fraser, Glenda Margaret TTC A o 204615 Halliday, Beverley Margaret.. TIC A S 204501 Fraser, Sylvia Esther TTC A o 204616 Hallmond, Sherrill Anne TIC A A 230612 Fraundorfer, John Francis TIC A SA 204617 Hambleton, Barry Wayne .. TTC A o 230611 Fraundorfer, Kathleen Kilgour TTC A SA 204618 Hamilton, Gabrielle Roberta TIC A C 204504 Frith, David Charles TTC A A 204620 Hammonds, Douglas Russell TTC A Wa 204505 Fruean, Agnes Eti Tunupopo TTC A A 268053 Hammonds, June Aleyne TTC A SA 230620 Fry, Judith Margaret (Mrs) TTC A A 204621 Hammonds, Kay Alice TTC A SA 204506 Fuller, Noel Thomas TTC A A 204622 Hampton, Joan Evelyn TIC A S 204508 Fulton, William George TIC A HB 204625 Hancock, Margaret Ruth TTC A M 204509 Funnell, Carol Ann TTC A A 204626 Hand, Jennifer Ellen TTC A A 204511 Gadd, David George Richard TIC A We 190864 Handy, Elizabeth Annis TIC A A 204512 Gagen, Marlene Lorna TTC A A 204627 Hanlen, John Bertram TTC A SA 204513 Galloway, Jillian Joy TTC A HB 204628 Hannah, Janette Ailsa TIC A C 204514 Gamby, Maren Elisabeth TIC A A 208060 Hannah, Peter John TTC A HB 204515 Gardner, Jacqueline TTC A SA 204629 Hannam, Gaylene Sheryl TTC A A 204516 Gardyne, Geoffrey Ian TTC A o 204631 Hardaker, Ann Shirley TTC A SA 232816 Garland, Francis Le Manquais TTC A We 204632 Hardcastle, Jill . . TTC A A 204517 Garland, Melba (Mere Ara Pine) TTC A SA 204633 Hardy, Mary Joy .. TTC A A 204520 Garrick, William Warrenden.. TTC A A 204634 Harkness, Colleen Mary TTC A HB 204522 Garton, Christine Margaret TTC A A 191239 Harpur, Yvonne May TTC A SA 204524 Gatchell, Fay Helen TTC A We 204636 Harries, Erica Dawn TTC A SA 204525 Gear, Russell John.. TIC A SA 204637 Harris, David John TTC A We 204526 Geary, Judith Pauline TIC A Wa 204638 Harris, Glynne Frances TTC A HB 204527 Geddes, Esma Bernadette TTC A S 204640 Harris, Janice Kathleen TTC A We 204528 Gellert, Dorothy May TTC A SA 230783 Harris, Leone Adelle (Mrs) TTC A A 204529 Gerritsen, Jan TTC A N 204642 Harrison, Patrick Michael TTC A SA 204532 Gibbs, Geoffrey Frederick TTC A C 204645 Harvey, Margaret Elaine TTC A o 204531 Gibbs, Gillian Beverley TIC A N 204646 Harvey, Susanne Alys .. TTC A SA 204533 Gibson, Lesley Ann TTC A T 206116 Harward, John Carrick TTC A We 204534 Gibson, Margaret TTC A C 204647 Harwood, Franklyn Lloyd 204535 Gibson, Mavis Anna TTC A C Robert.. .. TTC A A 206069 Gibson, Phyllis Margaret TTC A S 204650 Hasloch, Anthony John TTC A Wa 206070 Giese, Phyllis Ruth TTC A A 230805 Hassall, William Donald TTC A A 204537 Gilbert, Anthony William TIC A o 204651 Haswell, Mary Elizabeth TTC A Wa 204539 Gilchrist, Brenda Amuri TTC A HB 204652 Hatch, Dorreen Margaret TTC A C 204540 Giles, Ailsa Mary TTC A C 204653 Hatcher, Judith Anne TTC A SA 208057 Gillanders, Janice Esme Dip.Tchg. A A 190617 Haulangi, Phallo . . TIC A M 204541 Gillies, Judith Mary Elizabeth TTC A A 201953 Hay, Robert Lindsay TTC A A 204543 Glasson, Glenys Jill TTC A C 204657 Haybittle, Judith Anne TTC A A 204544 Glover, Valerie Joan TTC A A 204659 Haywood, Kathleen Joy .. TTC A SA 204545 Glynn, Edward Lewis TTC A A 204660 Hazlett, Elizabeth Myra Helen TTC A S 206077 Godwin, Murray James TIC A A 204664 Heard, Ailsa Gladys TTC A SA 230673 Goldson, Mary Emily (Mrs) .. TIC A A 204665 Hebberd, Murray Stewart TTC A C 204549 Gonzales, Janice Elizabeth TTC A A 230838 Heesterman, Maarten TTC A HB 204550 Goodall, Raeowna Mae TTC A o 204666 Helson, Yvonne Margaret TTC A We 204551 Goodman, Ian James TIC A Wa 204667 Hely, Bette Ann TTC A SA 204552 Goodwin, Phyllis Mary TTC A HB 204648 Hemara, Lynn Rina TTe A M 204554 Gordon, Diane Mary TTC A HB 204671 Henderson, Lilian Esther TTC A S 204555 Gordon, Janet Marie TTC A A 204672 Henderson, Maureen Gladys TTC A C 204556 Gordon, Mary Rosaleen TTC A C 204673 Henderson, Ronald Thomas TTC A SA 204557 Gordon, Peter Hugh TTC A HB 204674 Hendren, Desmond Augustine TTC A SA 230682 Gorringe, Edith Irene TIC A A 204675 Hendry, Lois TTC A C 204559 Goss, Valerie Anne TTC A A 204676 Henry, Delia Mary TTC A C 204560 Gotlieb, Janice Lynette TIC A C 204677 Henton, Joy Kathleen TTC A Wa 204561 Goulter, Ruth Elizabeth TTC A A 204678 Heremaia, Patrick John TTC A M 204562 Grace, Kathleen Mary TIC A S 204680 Heron, Juliet TTC A We 204563 Grady, Michael TIC A C 204679 Herman, Murray Reginald .. TTC A C 204564 Graham, Gillian Emily TTC A A 204683 Hickling, Pamela Rosalind Ann TTe A HB 204565 Graham, Helen Barbara TIC A T 204684 Hickman, Mary-Clare TTC A We 204566 Graham, Jennifer Audrie TTC A SA 204689 Hill, Barry Lynton TTC A SA 204567 Graham, Joy Nanette TTC A SA 230854 Hill, Cynthia (Mrs) TTC A M 204568 Graham, Margaret Jean TIC A HB 204690 Hill, Dorothy Phyllis TTe A o 204570 Graney, Janet TTC A SA 204692 Hills, Beverly Anne TTC A SA 204572 Grant, Jocelyn Frances .. TIC A SA 204693 Hinds, Patricia Maree TTC A C 230700 Grant, Megan Myfanwy (Mrs) TTC A A 204697 Hoare, Winston Robert TTC A T 204573 Grant, Pamela Ann TIC A C 204698 Hoban, Janice Louise TTe A SA 204574 Grant, Ronald Neil TIC A C 204699 Hodge, Molly Delphine TTC A A 204575 Grave, Margaret Mary TTC A We 208015 Hodges, Maria Te Awhi TTC A M 204577 Gray, Michael Allan TIC A C 202025 Hodgson, Alison Rosemary TTC A We 204579 Gray, Peter John TIC A C 204700 Hoffman, Elsa Katrina TIC A o 204580 Grayson, Julianne Margaret 204701 Hogan, Jennifer Margaret TTC A We Payn TIC A A 204270 Holland, Yvonne Denise (Mrs) TTC A C 204581 Green, Carol Margaret TIC A A 204703 Holme, Heather Sarah Belle . . TTC A We 204582 Green, Caroline Edith TTC A SA 204704 Holmes, Maree Elaina TTC A A D 1926 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

.§ .~ .~ Name Certificate :~ Name Certificate A, a a 204705 Holst, Janet Karen .. TIC A C 204816 Keyte, Beverley Jean TIC A A 204706 Honey, Janice Mary TTC A C 204831 Kidd, Donald Ross TTC A Wa 204707 Hood, Lynette Hazel TTC A We 204817 Kilpatrick, Mary Dorothy TIC A SA 204708 Horbun, Swetlana .. TTC A Wa 204818 King, Beverley Muriel TTC A We 204709 Hom, Ann Patricia TTC A We 204819 King, Helen Barbara TTC A o 204710 Horton, Janis Eleanor TTC A A 202219 King, Pauline Sandra TTC A We 204711 Hosking, Merlyn May TTC A C 206182 Kingston, Coral Jean TTC A SA 204713 Hoskins, Kaye Annette TTC A T 204822 Kingston, Gay Joan .. TTC A A 204715 Howan, Lynette Jean TTC A SA 204823 Kinsella, Bronwen Dorothy May TTC A C 204716 Howard, Annette Mary TTC A HB 204826 Kirk, Allison Ainsworth .. TIC A SA 204719 Howell, John Hollis TTC A HB 204827 Kirk, James Alexander TTC A Wa 204720 Hudson, Diane Joy TIC A HB 206183 Kirk, Mary Jane .. TTC A M 204722 Hughes, David Christopher TTC A SA 204828 Kirker, Ceciley Mavis TTC A S 204724 Hughes, Janice Claire TTC A o 204830 Kitson, Glennis Anne TTC A A 204725 Hughes, Pamela Anne TIC A A 204833 Knapman, Beverley Anne .. TTC A T 204726 Hughes, Robert Joseph TIC A o 231031 Knott, Phyllis Christina (Mrs) TTC A A 208027 Hulford, Gayel Marise TTC A A 204834 Knowles, Carol Wendy .. TIC A SA 204729 Hunt, Evelyn Joy .. TTC A C 204835 Knowles, Ian Charles Hamilton Dip.Tchg. A WA 204730 Hunt, Gaynor Ann TTC A C 204836 Knox, Iris Ruby . . TTC A o 204731 Hunter, Judith Margaret TTC A C 204837 Koch, Marleen Johanna TIC A C 204734 Huston, Kathleen Agnes TTC A S 204838 Koroheke, Leslie Tiki TTC A M 204735 Hutchings, Philip Newman TTC A T 204839 Kubala, Anne Noeline TTC A S 204736 Hutton, Ronald Stewart TTC A o 204841 Ladley, Frances Jayne '1 TC A N 204737 Hyland, John Barry TTC A A 204842 Laidlaw, Kathleen May TTC A We 204799 Ingham, Sybil Adele TTC A A 204843 Laird, David John .. TTC A C 204740 Inglis, Margaret Sarah TTC A We 204844 Laird, Margaret Anne TTC A o 204742 Irvine, Glenys Ida .. TTC A SA 206189 Lake, Diana Rosemond TTC A C 204744 Irwin, Jill .. TTC A A 204845 Lake, William Patrick TTC A C 204747 Ivey, Brian Morgan TTC A A 204846 Lambert, Douglas Victor TTC A SA 204748 Jack, Brian Donald TTC A A 206190 Lamond, Alberta Kay TTC A S 204749 Jackson, Rosemary Dawn .. TTC A We 204847 Lamont, Lesley Anne TTC A o 204751 Jacobs, Jennifer Anne TIC A We 204851 Langford, Jean Elenor TTC A N 204753 Jaffray, Wilma Agnes .. TIC A o 204852 Langford, Patricia Josephine TTC A SA 204750 James, Raewyn Mona (Mrs) .. TTC A Wa 204853 Langley, Ruth Jennifer .. TTC A SA 204755 Jamieson, Elizabeth Margaret TTC A SA 204854 Langton, Anne Sydney Jean.. TTC A T 204756 Jamieson, Jennifer Ruth TTC A A 204855 Lark, Barbara May . . TTC A We 204757 Jamieson, Lesley Esther TTC A We 204858 Laskey, Lynette Margaret TTC A A 199802 Jamieson, Marjorie Dora TTC A o 204859 Laugesen, Carole Ann TTC A HB 204758 Jamieson, Rex Hector TTC A A 204860 Laurence, Jillian Mabel TTC A Wa 204759 Jamison, Frances Ann TTC A HB 204862 Laurence, Peter Clyde TTC A SA 204760 Jansen, Ingrid Beatrix TTC A C 204864 Law, Elizabeth Hope TTC A A 202124 Janes, Donald Keith TTC A SA 204867 Lawry, Beverley Claire TIC A A 204761 Jenkin, Eleanore Mary .. TTC A Wa 231067 Lawson, Agnes Calder (Mrs) TTC A A 202175 Jenkins, Kuni Elaine Hineatau- 208012 Lawson, Kevin James TTC A We ira (Mrs) TTC A We 204869 Lazarus, Mary Louise TTC A A 230358 Jeffrey, Jean (Mrs) TTC A C 204871 Leach, Lois Elizabeth TTC A We 230956 Jeffrey, John . . . . TTC A C 204875 Lee, Merilyn Joy .. TTC A A 230958 Jenkins, Marie Agnes Therese 204881 L'Estrange, Pamela Jane TTC A A (Mrs) ...... TTC A A 204882 Levy, Rachel Ruth . . TTC A We 204762 Jenkinson, Patricia Anne TTC A A 204883 Lewis, Marcella Grace TTC A A 204763 Jimmieson, Oona Ann TTC A T 204885 Lewis, Mary Eleanor TTC A SA 204764 Johns, Kay Elwyn .. TTC A T 204886 Lewis, Rodney Owen TTC A A 202137 Johns, Michael Arthur TTC A We 204887 Lewisham, Moina Kathleen Dip.Tchg. A A 204766 Johnson, Diana Grenville TTC A We 204890 Lindley, Charles Geoffrey TTC A o 204765 Johnson, Diana Lesley TTC A S 204891 Lines, Neil Ross . . TTC A S 204767 Johnson, William Fanie TTC A A 204892 Lisignoli, Maria Rosa . . TTC A SA 204768 Johnston, Bronwen Mary TTC A A 204893 Livingstone, Carla Margaret.. TTC A C 204769 Johnston, Claire Elspeth TIC A o 216079 Lloyd, Beatrice Ruth (Mrs) .. TTC A C 204770 Johnston, Robin Ellen .. TTC A Wa 204895 Logie, Paula Jane .. . . TTC A C 230975 Johnstone, Luise Ottilie (Mrs) TTC A SA 204897 Long, Margaret Rosetta May TTC A A 204771 Johnstone,. Patricia Graham 204898 Lorier, Karel Michel . . TTC A o Barbara TTC A SA 204899 Lornie, Cherie Jennifer TTC A A 204772 Jolly, Rosalind Eva TTC A We 204900 Lourie, Elizabeth Ann TTC A C 230979 Jones, Angus Dixon TTC A A 204902 Lovell, Fleta Ann Jeanette TTC A A 204774 Jones, Bernice May TTC A SA 204904 Lowe, Daphne TTC A We 204775 Jones, Dulcie Ellen TTC A C 204905 Lowen, Raymond Edward TTC A SA 204777 Jones, Heather Anne TTC A A 204906 Lunn, Christina Helen TTC A C 206165 Jones, Lynette Estelle TTC A We 204907 Lupton, Christine Ann TTC A Wa 204781 Jones, Margaret Rae TTC A A 204908 Lynch, Carol June .. TTC A A 204780 Jones, Mary Jessie TTC A A 231129 Lyons, Dawn Anne (Mrs) TTC A A 204779 Jones, Merelyn Ann TTC A C 204928 McAllister, Keren Jeannie TTC A A 204782 Jones, Olwen Lesley TIC A A 204911 MacArthur, Alison . . TTC A A 204784 Jordan, Christine Solveig TTC A N 204930 McCallum, Patricia Agnes TTC A A 204785 Jordan, David Richard TTC A Wa 204932 McCaskey, Heather TTC A We 230985 Jourdain, Harold Neville TTC A SA 204912 Macaulay, Kathleen Mary .. TTC A We 204786 Joyce, Eileen Muriel TTC A Wa 231154 McCarthy, Lois Dorothy (Mrs) TTC A A 204788 Joyce, Margaret .. TTC A We 204931 McCartney, Elaine Meryl TTC A o 204789 Judd, Annette Kerrian TIC A HB 204933 McConnel, Cheryl Margery TTC A SA 204790 Judd, Michael John TTC A A 231169 McCulloch, Beverley Anne TTC A C 204792 Jude, Patricia Gael .. TTC A HB 204937 McCulloch, Jean Fraser TIC A S 204791 Juddery, Elizabeth Anne TIC A A 204936 McCulloch, Jean Margaret TTC A C 202179 Kawe, Te Iria .. TIC A M 204913 MacCurdy, Susan Dorothy TTC A A 211794 Kay, Beatrice Mary (Mrs) TTC A SA 204938 McDonald, Helen Judith TTC A N 204799 Kean, Margaret Patricia .. TTC A o 206239 McDonald, Ian Donald TTC A We 204800 Kearney, Cynthia May Anne TTC A HB 204939 McDonald, Janice Vera TTC A SA 204802 Keenan, Josephine Mary .. TTC A SA 204940 McDougall, Anne TTC A A 204803 Keenan, Kathleen Marie TTC A SA 204941 McDougall, Helen Mary TTC A S 204804 Kelly, Elizabeth Claire TTC A A 204944 McGeorge, Colin Murray .. TTC A C 204805 Kelly, June Beverley TTC A A 204946 McGimpsey, Bertha Rubina.. TTC A C 204806 Kelly, Leigh Michele TTC A We 204947 McGinty, Beverley Hazel TTC A T 204807 Kelman, Lynette Shirley TTC A C 204948 McGrail, Julia May TTC A C 204810 Kennerley, Gay Maria TTC A HB 204953 McGuire, Diana Jean TTC A SA 204811 Kerr, Allan John TIC A S 206251 McGuire, James TTC A M 204812 Kerr, Ian David .. TTC A SA 204071 McGuire, Lorraine Beverley 204813 Kewish, Marilyn Ann TTC A SA (Mrs) TIC A M 204814 Key, John R\lssell .. TTC A A 204956 McIntyre, Barrie Laurene TIC A C 204815 Keys, Lesley Joan .. TTC A A 204958 McIntyre, Linaire Ruth TTC A HB 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1927

l::: :~ .~ Certificate Name Certificate .:::; Name :i A ~ A 204959 McKane, Judith Maree TTC A C 205081 Moore, Margaret Lesley TTC A A 204960 McKendry, Jill Elizabeth TTC A C 205083 Moran, Anne Margaret TTC A SA 204961 McKenzie, Gordon Robert TTC A A 205084 Morgan, Peggy Mary Rae TIC A T 204964 McKersey, Aileen Frances TTC A o 205085 Morgan, Steve Alan TTC A Wa 203441 McKinnon, Charles Kenneth TTC A C 205086 Morrin, Annette Glenis TIC A A 208007 McKinnon, Shona Margaret .. TTC A HB 205087 Morrin, Peter John TTC A A 204966 McKinstry, Robert George TIC A SA 189792 Morris, Jean TTC A N 204922 MacLaine, Betty Rozanne TTC A We 205089 Morris, Rosemary Joy TTC A SA 231209 McLaren, Ileene Mary TTC A SA 204244 Morris, Sandra Margaret (Mrs) TTC A SA 204968 McLauchlan, John Burgess TTC A We 205090 Morrison, Cathryn Gwen TIC A We 204969 McLay, Janice Elaine TTC A o 205092 Morrison, Robyn Rose TTC A A 206267 McLean, Alexander Gordon .. TTC A We 205094 Morrow, Grant Robert TTC A SA 204970 McLean, Alison Edna TTC A SA 205096 Morton, Pamela Alice TTC A Wa 204971 McLean, Diana Marion TTC A o 205095 Morton, Patricia Janet TTC A SA 204972 McLean, Helen Margaret TTC A We 205097 Mosen, Colleen Vera TTC A Wa 204924 Maclean, Jennifer Ann TTC A SA 205098 Mosley, Neil Montague TTC A SA 208016 McLean, Maureen Margaret .. TTC A We 205099 Moss, Graeme Leonard TTC A We 204975 McLeary, Mary Frances TTC A SA 205100 Mostert, Geert TTC A C 204976 McLellan, John Edward TIC A S 205102 Moulton, Stephen James TTC A C 204977 McLellan, Keith William TTC A o 205103 Moyle, George Raymond TTC A SA 204979 McLennan, Ross TIC A We 205104 Moynihan, Kathleen Mary TIC A We 204981 McLeod, Catherine Margaret TIC A SA 205105 Muir, Betty Frances TIC A A 204982 McLeod, Daphne Jean TTC A o 205106 Muir, Jeanette Mary TIC A A 204983 McLiver, Joy Elizabeth TTC A SA 205108 Muirhead, Margaret Anne TTC A C 204984 McLoughlin, Janet Louise TIC A SA 231357 Mulder, Cornelia Johaana 202456 McMahon, Terence John TTC A A Helena (Mrs) TIC A SA 204986 McMaster, Colleen Natalie TTC A C 205110 Mulholland, Margaret Anne TTC A SA 204987 McMillan, Edwin Donald TTC A C 205111 Muller, Margaret Catherine.. TTC A SA 204988 McMillan, Glenda Claire Anne TTC A A 205112 Mullins, Patrick Francis Lau- :l31221 McMillan, Margaret Joyce rence TTC A Wa (Mrs) .. TTC A C 205113 Mulqueen, Peter Anton TTC A A 204989 McMurray, Brian Clifford TTC A A 205115 Munday, Shirley Ann-Marie.. TTC A SA 204992 McNamara, Mary Louise TIC A A 205117 Murdock, Harnish Daniel Bryce TTC A SA 206539 McNaught, Pamela Ann TTC A Wa 205118 Murphy, Jillian Lorraine TTC A We 204994 McNeilly, Maureen Joan TIC A o 205119 Murphy, Mary Josephine TTC A HB 204995 McQueen, June TIC A S 205120 Murphy, Noel Gilbert TTC A S 208072 McRae, Pamela Lorna TTC A S 205122 Murphy, Patricia Sharon TTC A A 204996 McRae, Shona Mary TTC A S 205123 Murray, Lindsay Hugh TTC A N" 204920 Mack1ow, Pamela Anne TTC A SA 205124 Murton, Gretchen Anabel TTC A HB 205000 Maher, Elizabeth Ann TIC A We 205125 Murton, Thomas Murray TIC A HB 202482 Maika, Jill Morrison TTC A A 231375 Nairne, Anne Domett TTC A C 205001 Maitland, Neil Francis TIC A C 205355 Nathan, Paulina Luna (Mrs) TTC A M 205003 , Julie Lois TTC A SA 205128 Naylor, Judith Raye TTC A N 205004 Major, Lorna Agnes TTC A SA 205129 Neill, Heather June TTC A C 205005 Malco]m, Anne Elizabeth TTC A We 208047 Nepia, Billy Awaroa Dip.Tchg. A M 205007 Malcolm, Heather Rewa TTC A SA 204159 Newbegin, Eleanor (Mrs) TTC A A 231246 Malcolm, Oriel Ellen (Mrs) TTC A SA 205134 Newson, Rodney Hargood TTC A o 205008 Male, Kevyn George TTC A A 205136 Nicholls, Jillian Alexandra TTC A HB 231244 Mann, Audrey (Mrs) TTC A A 205139 Nicholls, John William TTC A SA 231252 Mansfield, Katherine June (Mrs) TIC A A 231398 Nicholls, June Margaret (Mrs) TTC A A 206540 Mantle, Dale Sonja TIC A T 205140 Nichols, Jill Ashley TTC A SA 205015 Marshall, Annie TIC A We 231404 Nicholson, Margaret McVean 231259 Marshall, Kathleen Mary TTC A SA (Mrs) TTC A C 205018 Martin, David Francis TTC A C 205141 Nicol, Raewyn Jean TTC A A 205019 Martin, Hilary Margaret TIC A SA 205144 Nisbet, Kay TTC A C 205020 Martin, Meryl Patricia .. TTC A A 205145 Nolan, Janice Lorraine TTC A o 204910 Martin-Levorsen, Mary Eliza- 205146 Nolan, Lynne Iris .. TTC A We beth TTC A A 231416 Nolan, Violet Joan (Mrs) TTC A C 205021 Marx, Colleen Evelyn TTC A SA 208051 Norman, Aquitania TTC A M 205022 Maslin, Alice Janice TTC A C 205148 Norton, June TIC A A 205023 Mason, Elizabeth Ann TTC A We 205151 Nuku, James Hiniona TTC A We 205025 Mason, Waihaere (Joseph) TTC A We 205152 Nummy, Catherine Mary TTC A We 206227 Matheson, Patricia Helen TTC A C 205133 O'Bren, Priscilla Jane TTC A A 205029 Mathieson, Lorraine Margaret TTC A A 206314 O'Brien, Alan John TTC A C 205031 Matthews, Diana Rosemary .. TTC A A 205154 O'Brien, Judith Anne TTC A T 205032 Matthews, Kathleen NgaireJean TTC A A 205155 O'Brien, Marie Therese TTC A C 205033 Matthews, Miha Maihi .. TTC A M 205156 O'Connor, Geraldine Margaret 205034 Matthews, William Douglas .. TTC A SA Helen .. TTC A A 205036 Maunder, Claire Gwendoline TTC A C 205157 O'Connor, Marie Therese TTC A We 205038 Meek, Bryan TTC A A 205158 O'Conner, Patricia Una Anne TTC A A 205040 Megson, Irene Patricia TTC A A 205162 Old, John Ernest TTC A A 205041 Meikle, Pauline Margaret TTC A N 205163 Oldham, Pamela Helen TTC A C' 205042 Meister, Johanna Christina TTC A SA 205166 Olsson, Suzann Clair TTC A A 206541 Menzies, Susan Jane TTC A HB 205167 O'Malley, Margaret Patricia.. TTC A o 205044 Mercer, Vida Joan TTC A T 202694 Ombler, Wayne Eric TTC A We 205045 Merrilees, Ailsa Mary TTC A o 205168 Ombler, Wendy Jane TTC A We 205046 Merryweather, James Allan TTC A A 205169 Omundsen, John Edward TTC A HB 205047 Metz, Johanna Titia TTC A HB 205171 Orme, Margaret Jean TTC A C 205051 Mickell, Gavin TTC A C 205173 O'Shaughnessy, Richard John TTC A SA 205052 Middlemass, Eon TTC A o 205175 Outram, Dennis Rushworth .. TTC A S 208004 Milbank, Mary Lillian .. TTC A A 202702 Owen, Bruce Bayford TTC A A 205054 Miller, Barbara Constance Anne TTC A C 205548 Owen, Rosemary Naomi TTC A We 205058 Miller, Shirley Elizabeth TTC A HB 205176 Owsley, Jeanette Ruth TTC A SA 231315 Milliken, Joan (Mrs) TTC A A 205178 Pallesen, Terence Shaw TTC A Wa 205059 Millist, Audrey Merle .. TTC A C 205179 Palmer, Dale Margaret TTC A C 205060 Mills, Pamela Ruth Elizabeth TTC A SA 231464 Palmer, Hazel Joan Una TTC A A 208008 Milner, Evelyn Moana TTC A M 206331 Palmer, Margaret Anne TTC A S 205063 Milnes, David Monckton TTC A A 205180 Pamment, Carol Janice TTC A C 205064 Ming, Angela .. TTC A C 205181 Park, Janice Margaret TTC A C 205065 Minnitt, Ronda Jacqueline TTC A SA 205182 Parke, Angela Claire TTC A We 205067 Mita, Rangikomotuhia Takuira TTC A M 205183 Parker, Helen Mary TTC A SA 205069 Mitchell, Judith Margaret TTC A A 205184 Parker, Robin Kay TTC A HB 205072 Molloy, Maureen Cecilia TTC A \Ve 205185 Parker, Vivien Anne TTC A We 205073 Molloy, Terence Harold TTC A A 205024 Parr, Susan Joan (Mrs) TTC A Wa 205075 Montgomery, Alison Barbara TIC A A 205188 Parrish, Sheila Cleugh TTC A We 205078 Moore, Faye Elizabeth TTC A A 205189 Parry, Margaret Beatrice TTC A A 205080 Moore, Kathleen Deidre TTC A S 205190 Parsons, Graham John TTC A WA 1~28 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

.§ oi=: Name Certificate :~ ·1 Name Certificate ·1 o is ~ is 205191 Parsons, Patrick Ivan TTC A HB 205306 Riches, Stephanie Camilla .. TIC A C 205194 Paterson, Janice Irene TTC A N 205307 Richmond, Florence Lorraine TTC A T 205195 Paterson, Kathleen Elaine TTC A o 205308 Richmond, Marilyn Joan TTC A C 205196 Paterson, Lesley Frances .. TTC A We 202905 Ridler, Kathryn . . . . TTC A Wa 205197 Paterson, Margaret Chri~tine ITC A S 231624 Riley, Ngaire Lorraine (Mrs) TIC A T 205198 Paterson, Mary Lynne . . ITC A A 205312 Rimmer, Richard John .. TTC A o 205200 Patrick, Kathleen Margaret .. TTC A We 205315 Ritchie, Janice Yvonne TTC A A 201232 Patterson-Kane, Lois Jacqueline TTC A A 202909 Ritchie, Stuart Whitehead .. TIC A SA 205202 Pawson, Cynthia Ann TTC A We 231628 Robb, Averill Norma (Mrs) .. TTC A A 205205 Payton, Patricia Ann ITC A o 205317 Robbins, Reade Lionel TTC A A 205206 Peachey, Wiremu Peihana TTC A M 231639 Roberts, Donald Gilbert TTC A C 205209 Pearce, Maida Helen TTC A C 205318 Roberts, Elwyn Mae TTC A C 205211 Pearson, Peter Russell ITC A A 205319 Roberts, Gillian .. TTC A SA 205212 Pease, Barbara Sybil TTC A SA 205321 Roberts, John Lister TTC A SA 205213 Pedlow, Judy Ann .. TTC A o 185882 Robertson, Barbara Jocelyn TTC A A 205214 Peek, Ivan Michael .. ITC A A 205326 Robertson, Heather Ann TTC A We 205215 Penhearow, Robin Armstrong TTC A HB 208001 Robertson, Mahuri .. TTC A M 205216 Pennington, Joyce .. .. TTC A T 205328 Robinson, Dorothy Margaret TTC A SA 205217 Pennington, Norma Daphne TTC A We 205329 Robinson, Elizabeth Kay TTC A SA 205220 Perano, Josephine Patricia TTC A We 231642 Robinson, Ian TTC A W·a 205221 Perrie, Margaret Anne TTC A SA 205331 Robinson, Janice Lillian TTC A C 205223 Perry, Brian Ernest TTC A SA 205334 Robinson, Lynley Margaret TTC A SA 205225 Peters, Diane Ellen . . TTC A HB 205336 Robottom, Gay .. TTC A HB 205227 Peters, Pamela Nancy TTC A SA 205337 Rockel, Jillian Hope TTC A A 205226 Peterson, Doreen Mary TTC A SA 205338 Rodger, Margot Bernice TTC A We 205229 Petrie, Fiona Marion TTC A C 205340 Rodley, Janice Coral TTC A N 205230 Pettigrew, Mary Anne TTC A C 205343 Rogers, Christine Anne TTC A C 205232 Philip, William James TTC A T 205344 Rollett, Diane Joy .. .. TTC A SA 205231 Phillip, Ruth Elizabeth TTC A A· 205348 Rooke, John William .. TTC A We 205233 Phillips, Beryl Anne TTC A C 205350 Rose, Gabrielle Johanna TTC A M 205234 Phillips, Robin Elizabeth TTC A We 205349 Rose, Gary TTC A HB 205235 Pickering, Robin Priscilla TIC A C 205352 Ross, Elizabeth Lois TTC A We 205236 Pierce, Frances Phillipa TTC A N 205354 Ross, Michael Houghton TTC A A: 205237 Pike, Christine Isabel .. TTC A o 205355 Ross, Valerie Jean .. TTC A SA 205238 Pineaha, Norman McCorkindale TTC A SA 205356 Rosser, Judith Catherine TTC A A 205239 Pirrit, Frances Mary TTC A WA 205357 Rossiter, Janice May TTC A SA 205242 Pleasants, Elisabeth TTC A A 205358 Rosvall, Janice Belle Helena TTC A A 205243 Pond, Pamela Marguerite TTC A SA 205362 Rowe, Mary Elizabeth TTC A C 205244 Poole, Margaret Tui TTC A A 205364 Rowling, Irene Joyce TTC A N 205247 Porter, Catheryn Margaret TTC A o 205366 Ruddick, Robin Olga TTC A SA 204392 Potter, Sonja Carole (Mrs) TTC A A 205367 Rudland, Jean Ann TTC A N 231550 Powell, Arnold Walter TTC A A 205368 Russell, Anthea Imelda TTC A HB 205248 Powell, John Graham TTC A Wa Russell, Diane Elizabeth TTC A A SA 205369 205249 Powell, Waveney Margaret TTC A 205371 Russell, Janice Rose TTC A HB 205250 Power, Allison Margaret TTC A C Rutherford, Jane Margaret TTC A T· A C 205374 205251 Power, Helen Marie .. TTC 205373 Rutherford, Judith Anne TTC A o 205781 Powley, Sharon Rebecca (Mrs) TTC A o TTC A SA A 205378 Ryan, Susan Roberta 231556 Pratt, Erna Lora (Mrs) TIC A Ryan, William Albert TTC A N 205252 Pratt, Kenneth William TIC A A 205379 204909 Sagar-Lyttle, Linda Elizabeth TTC A C 205253 Pratt, Marie Phyllis. . TTC A We TTC A SA 205255 Presland, Ian Val TIC A HB 205381 Salmons, Ronald John 202991 Samuels, Elizabeth Helen TTC A A 205256 Presswood, Janet Lorraine .. TTC A A TTC A A A 205383 Sanders, Daphne Judith o 205257 Preston, Glennys Lesley Maude TTC TTC A A N 205384 Sanders, Rosalie Ann SA 205259 Price, Betty Margaret TTC TTC T A 205388 Sarten, Kay Lynette A 205261 Price, Margaret Lesley TTC S TTC A A 205392 Scahill, Peter John We 205263 Price, Patricia Helen TTC A TTC A Wa 205260 Price, Penelope Eve. . TTC A We 205394 Schnell, Joan Margaret 203009 Schou, Lindsay Rae TTC A A 205264 Priest, Dianne Margaret TTC A SA TTC A A 205396 Schultz, Gwen Elizabeth A A 205265 Pringle, Robin Jane TTC TTC A Wa 205267 Pyle, Audrey Anne . . TTC A A 205397 Schwabe, John Leonard 205399 Scott, Carole Lesley TIC A HB 205268 Pyne, Arthur Geoffrey TTC A C TTC A A 231702 Scott, Doris Muriel (Mrs) A HB 205269 Quarterman, Glenys Jean TTC TTC C 205270 Quayle, Lorraine Philipa TTC A We 205398 Scott, Joanne Lester Stephanie A A SA 205402 Scott, Margaret Irene TTC A C 232800 Quinn, Yvonne (Mrs) TTC TTC A 205272 Radich, Linda Kathleen TTC A SA 205400 Scott-Davidson, Patricia Anne A A A 205405 Scrimgeour, Alan John Henry TTC A C 205273 Raine, Derek TTC TIC 205274 Raines, Denis James .. TTC A o 205409 Searle, Carmel Mary A C 205275 Rait, Beth Marilyn Constance TTC A A 205410 Seastrand, Warren William TTC A We 205276 Ramage, Catherine Nan TTC A C 205411 Sebelin, Gaynor Margaret TTC A C 205277 Ramsay, Alan Stewart TTC A Wa 205414 Selkirk, Robyn Valarie May TTC A We 205278 Ramsay, Cathreen Glenys TIC A S 205415 Sercombe, Jewel TTC A A 205280 Randle, William Stanley TTC A o 205416 Setters, Nancy Ruth TTC A A 205281 Ranford, Neil Colin .. TTC A T 205419 Sexton, Selwyn John TTC A Wa 205796 Rapson, Melva Denise (Mrs) TTC A o 205420 Shackel, Denis Sidney James TTC A C 205283 Rathbone, Margaret Lynne TTC A SA 205421 Shadbolt, John Albert TTC A C 205265 Rea, Marilyn Josephine TTC A N 205422 Shadbolt, Margaret Rebecca TTC A C 208037 Readman, Carol TTC A C 205424 Shanks, Bronwynne Maurice TTC A SA 202871 Ready, John David TTC A A 205425 Shannen, Lois Geraldine TIC A A 205236 Reay, Jocelyn Mary Ann TTC A We 205426 Shannon, Linden Russell TTC A C 205287 Reece, Kathryn May TTC A C 205427 Sharplin, Patricia Mary TTC A We 205288 Reed, Edna Diane .. TTC A C 205429 Shaw, Christine Winifred TTC A SA 205289 Reekie, Patricia Mavis TTC A A 205430 Shaw, Heather Margaret TTC A S 205290 Reeve, Rosemary Ann TTC A T 205431 Shaw, Janice TTC A We 205291 Rei, Tere Otene Ihaka TTC A M 203039 Shaw, Lindsay Jean TTC A A 205292 Reid, Elizabeth TTC A C 231729 Sheehan, Albert James TTC A A 205293 Reid, Isabel Jill TTC A S 205432 Shelling, William James TTC A N 205294 Reid, Margaret Elizabeth 205434 Shepherd, Colleen Barbara May Paterson TTC A A Ruth .. TTC A SA 205296 Reilly, Carolyn Jean TTC A SA 205435 Shepherd, Dianne Mary TTC A C 203431 Renau, Jean (Mrs) .. .. TTC A T 205437 Shepherd, Margaret Alexa TTC A HB 205298 Rennie, Robyn Margaret Mary TTC A SA 205438 Shepherd, Robyn Elaine TTC A SA 205299 Reynolds, Jean Winifred .. TTC A C 205439 Sheppard, Graeme Murray TTC A T 189506 Rich, Aileen Carmie (Mrs) .. TTC A N 205441 Sherriff, Patricia Gail TTC A Wa 205300 Richards, Barbara Jean Ruth TTC A A 205443 Shewan, Janice Ruth TTC A C 205302 Richards, Carol Jane TTC A A 205445 Shine, Gloria Ursula TTC A HB 205301 Richards, Colin John TTC A C 205446 Shoesmith, Trevor Rees TTC A Wa 205303 Richards, Lynley Ruth TTC A C 205447 Sibley, Janet Frances TTC A SA 205304 Richardson, Jane Stafford TTC A We 205448 Signal, Dawn Mary .. TTC A A 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1929

.§ Name Certificate :~ Name Certificate .~ A a 205449 Simcock, Adrian George TTC A A 205586 Tebbutt, Judith Mary TTC A SA 205450 Simm, Prudence Mary TTC A We 205587 Tegg, Paul Meredith TIC A HB 205452 Simons, Graham Denis TTC A A 205589 Temple, Lana TTC A 0 205458 Skelton, Marie Ellen TTC A C 205590 Templer, John Merson McCrae TIC A C 205460 Smailes, Jean Sandra TTC A Wa 205585 Te Whiu, Andrew James TTC A M 203084 Smeaton, Judith Hazel .. TTC A 0 205593 Thomas, Allan Murray TIC A 0 205461 Smith, Alison Mary TTC A A 205594 Thomas, Barbara Vera TTC A A 205462 Smith, Allister John TTC A Wa 205595 Thomas, Dorothy Nena TIC A Wa 205465 Smith, Barbara Janet TTC A C 205596 Thomas, Irene Burl TTC A A 205467 Smith, David TTC A A 205597 Thomas, John David TTC A A 205469 Smith, Gaelene TTC A T 205598 Thomas, Valerie Ray .. TIC A SA 205470 Smith, Grace Colleen TTC A SA 205601 Thompson, Dianne Evelyn TTC A C 205471 Smith, Janice Dale TTC A 0 205609 Thompson, Myra Rae TIC A SA 189229 Smith, John William Alexander TTC A A 205610 Thompson, Paul Anthony R. TTC A C 205472 Smith, Kevin Frank TTC A C 205611 Thompson, Ruth Myrtle TTC A 0 205478 Smith, Marian Kay TTD A We 205612 Thomson, Ainslie Dorothy TIC A 0 205482 Smith, Raewyn Ann TTC A T 205604 Thomson, Helen Margaret TTC A A 205480 Smith, Rewa Jillian TTC A A 205614 Thomson, Patricia Jean TTC A We 205483 Smith, Robert George TTC A SA 205615 Thorburn, Carole Dianne TTC A A 205481 Smith, Ruth Lynette TTC A SA 205618 Thornton, Carol Judith TTC A A 205484 Smith, Shirley .. TTC A HB 205584 Thornton, Emma (Mrs) TTC A M 205485 Smith, Susan Jane .. TTC A SA 205619 Thornton, Ronald George TIC A C 205487 Smith, Yvonne Pauline TTC A N 205620 TibbIe, Ani Patene Gazala TTC A HB 208062 Smythe, Anne Janette TTC A A 205621 TibbIe, Pamela Margaret TTC A A 205488 Smythe, Shirley Barbara TTC A C 205622 Tiffen, Angela Mary TTC A We 205489 Soeterik, Yvonne Geraldina 205623 Tillard, Eileen Charlotte TIC A S Frederika TTC A C 205624 Tinney, Theresa Anne TTC A We 231795 Soteros, John Peter TTC A C 205627 Todd, Ian Edmund TTC A We 205490 Souness, Gordon Keith TTC A S 205628 Tolley, Geoffrey Greayer TTC A A 205494 Spencer, Barry Warr TTC A A 205629 Tonkin, Helena Joy TTC A SA 205495 Spencer, Charmaine Olive 205632 Trail, Betty Ann TTC A SA Rosemary TTC A C 205635 Trainor, Kellwyn Ernest TTC A A 205497 Spoonley, John .. TTC A HB 205655 Trapski, Lois Mary TTC A C 205499 Spraggon, Ian Desmond .. TTC A SA 191469 Traylen, Patrick Antony TTC A A 205500 Spriggs, Jeanette May TTC A SA 205636 Trenn, Nancy Ella .. TTC A A 231807 Squires, Brian McLean TTC A A 205637 Tulloch, Peter John TIC A T 205502 Staal, Jantina Willemina TTC A HB 204173 Tunnic1iff, Patricia Jean (Mrs) TTC A A 205503 Stace, Junette Lilias TTC A SA 205638 Tunua, Huia TTC A N 205504 Stallworthy, Franisse Leeson .. TTC A A 205641 Turnbull, Marlene ~atilda TTC A HB 205505 Stamp, Malcolm Leslie TTC A A 205642 Turnbull, Noel Andrew TTC A We 205507 Stapleton, Errol John TTC A Wa 205643 Turner, David Allan .. TTC A C 210719 Steele, Jean Neta (Mrs) TTC A A 205644 Turner, Janice Marion TTC A HB 205508 Steere, Valerie Betty Louise TTC A A 205647 Urquhart, Sandra Rosemary TTC A C 205509 Steevens, Erin Phillomena TTC A SA 205649 Van Eysden, Elizabeth TIC A N 205510 Steven, Phillip a Janice TTC A Wa 205650 Van Wijk, Agathe Wilhelmina TTC A A 205511 Stevens, Keith Roy TTC A Wa 205654 Vazey, Mary Patricia TTC A A 205512 Stevens, Lesley Kay TTC A T 203319 Venz, Roger Emory TIC A C 205513 Stevenson, Ivan Thomas TTC A C 204184 Verlander, Shona Mavis (Mrs) TTC A C 205517 Stewart, Lionel David Dip.Tchg. A C 205553 Vincent, Yvonne Anne (Mrs) TTC A We 205519 Stewart, Patricia Anne TTC A We 205658 Vivian, Lynette Joy TTC A Wa 205521 Stinson, Kathleen Freeda TTC A T 205659 Vyver, Hobbe, Tiens TTC A T 205522 Stirling, Colin Robert TTC A C 203328 Waititi, Tukaki Hoani Kerei TTC A A 205524 Stockdill, Janice Barbara TTC A C 205660 Walch, Margaret Helen TTC A A 205526 Stocker, Mary Doree n .. TTC A C 204287 Walford, Diana Elizabeth (Mrs) TTC A A 205527 Stockman, Dorothy Raema TTC A SA 206482 Walford, Michael John TIC A A 205528 Stokes, Gary Eric .. TTC A C 205661 Walker, Andrea Sonia Maria TTC A M 205503 Stone, Judith Kay .. TTC A A 205663 Walker, Elizabeth Anne .. TTC A SA 205531 Stoops, Rosalind Sandra TTC A N 205664 Walker, Erina Ann TTC A A 205532 Storey, Jennifer Lynne TTC A Wa 205667 Walker, Kaye Lynette TTC A C 205533 Stow, Jacqueline Maree TTC A A 205668 Walker, Keith Douglas TTC A SA 205534 Straiton, Irene Copland TTC A SA 205671 Walker, Robin Kay TTC A Wa 205535 Straka, Marie Therese Anne TTC A A 205672 Walker, Sandra Audrey TIC A HB 205536 Strang, Norman Reid TTC A S 205675 Wallace, Julia Louise TIC A Wa 205537 Stratford, Pamela May TTC A HB 205676 Wallace, Marion Beatrice TTC A 0 205538 Straubel, Alison Campbell .. TTC A C 205677 Wallace, Mary Dawn TTC A SA 205539 Street, Maureen Sally TTC A T 205678 Wallace, Robert Graham TTC A A 205540 Strong, Christopher Leo TTC A HB 206543 Wallis, Merrilyn Flora Ann TTC A Wa 205541 Stuart, Mawhera Mary TTC A SA 203349 Walsh, Eileen Patricia Mary .. TTC A We 203182 Stubbs, Evan John TTC A A 205682 Walshe, Margaret Ann TTC A N 205543 Sturrock, Elenora Ans TTC A Wa 205684 Warburton, John Arthur 205544 Suggate, Jennifer Mary TTC A C Cuthbert TTC A C 205545 Su1zberger, Rosalind Mary .. TTC A T 205685 Ward, Aileen Judith TTC A A 205547 Summerfield, Helen Elizabeth TTC A C 205686 Ward, Glenda Roslyn .. TTC A N 231840 Sumner, Norma Andre (Mrs) TTC A C 208071 Ward, Loretta Mary TTC A S 205550 Sutton, Elizabeth Anne .. TTC A SA 205687 Ward, Richard Skeffington TTC A A 205552 Sutton, Vicky TTC A We 205689 Warin, Jennifer Pearl TTC A We 205555 Sydney, Carolyn Edith .. TTC A 0 205690 Warnock, Ann Martin TTC A A 205556 Syme, Derek Arthur TTC A C 205691 Warren, Elizabeth Anne TTC A HB 205557 Symington, Carolyn Joy TIC A C 205695 Waterhouse, Lorraine Joan TTC A SA 205558 Szwetko, Irene TTC A We 205697 Waters, Mary Ellen TTC A SA 205562 Tait, Carole Joan .. TTC A HB 205698 Waters, Neil Edward TTC A C 205563 Tamburini, Carlotta Diana TTC A A 205699 Waters, Robert John TTC A We 205565 Tapsell, Ngatai Petronella TTC A M 205700 Watkin, Jocelyn Verna TTC A A 205566 Tarrant, Ian Kenneth .. TTC A A 205701 Watkins, Carolyn Mavis TTC A Wa 205568 Tate, Gabrielle Claire TTC A A 205702 Watkins, Christine Mary TTC A SA 205570 Tawhiti, Muriel May TTC A SA 205703 Watson, Colleen Muriel TTC A C 205571 Taylor, Colin Victor .. TTC A Wa 205704 Watson, Frances Mary TTC A C 205574 Taylor, Dennis Richmond TTC A T 232145 vVatson, Kathleen Howard (Mrs) TIC A SA 205572 Taylor, Derek Bryan TTC A C 205706 Watson, Yvonne Mary TTC A We 205575 Taylor, Glennis Joy TTC A T 205709 Way, Charles Warren TTC A Wa 205580 Taylor, Joan Margaret .. TTC A SA 205710 Webster, Dorothy Ann TTC A SA 206455 Taylor, Margaret Ann TTC A SA 205711 Webster, James Henry TTC A Wa 231873 Taylor, Margaret Joan TTC A HB 205713 Webster, Michael Meredith TIC A A 205582 Taylor, Margareta Hilary TTC A We 205714 Wedding, Peggy Ann TTC A SA 206456 Taylor, Marion Rosalie TTC A SA 205715 Weeds, Garry Keith TTC A We 203220 Taylor, Mark Gerald TTC A C 203383 Weinberg, Gail TTC A T 205583 Taylor, Roberta Esme TTC A We 205716 Weinberg, Sonia Joy TTC A We 1930 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

204662 Healey, John Robert .~ 204669 Henderson, Colin Alexander Name Certificate :8 204714 Hourigan, John ~ 8 204721 Hudson, Suzanne Millicent 204824 Kirby, Anthony David 206544 Weir, Gloria Jean TIC A Wa 204793 Judkins, Bette Grace 205718 Weir, Mary Margaret TTC A C 204872 Leach, Robin David 205721 Wellington, Lois Lynetta TTC A We 206207 Littlewood, Garrick Len 205722 Wells, Judith Gwen TTC A SA 204901 Lousley, Deidre Elizabeth 206502 Wenman, John Duncan TTC A We 204929 McAnergney, Norma Rae 205724 West, Alan Victor Groves TTC A C 204974 McLean, Shona Marion 205725 West, Edith Dawn .. TTC A SA 204990 McMurtrie, Ellen Rose 205726 West, Graeme David TTC A We 204927 MacRae, Donald 205728 Wetherall, Brenda Anne TIC A C 205030 Matthews, Dennis Neil 205729 Wetherilt, Peggy Ann TTC A HB 205050 Michelle, Eda Lexy 205730 Whaanga, Iris Maria TTC A M 202576 Mitchell, David Robert 205731 Whale, Jill Alexandra . . TTC A We 205074 Money, Jessie 205732 Wheeler, Christopher Robin.. TTC A We 205079 Moore, Janice Mary 205734 White, Kenneth Charles TTC A A 205130 Nelson, Beverly Eleanor 205736 White, Noe1ine Margaret TTC A S 206310 Norwell, Ian Chellen 205737 White, Peter Ngakina TTC A A 205159 O'Dea, Terence Patrick 205739 'White, Valerie May TTC A M 205160 O'Halloran, Geraldine Margaret 205740 Whitefield, Sandra Lorraine .. TTC A A 208019 O'Hara, John Bruce 205741 Whitehead, Heather Joyce TTC A Wa 205199 Patton, Elizabeth Helen 205743 Whiteman, Margaret June TTC A C 205219 Pepper, Susan Mary 205748 Whittaker, Nelson Burton TTC A Wa 202790 Phillips, Peter Lawrence 205749 Whittington, Helen Anne TTC A We 205240 Pittams, Charles Cyril 205752 Whitworth, Kevin Stanley TIC A SA 205353 Ross, Grace Elizabeth 205753 Whyte, Heather Margaret TTC A S 205408 Searancke, Ira Moerangi 204360 Wihongi, Ngarui (Mrs) TTC A M 205440 Sheridan, Kay Maureen 231981 Wikaira, Paraki Kingi TIC A C 205453 Simons, Miriam Louise 205757 Wildbore, Albert Charles TTC A C 205506 Stanley, Frances Mary 205759 Wilden, Cyril John . . .. TTC A o 205542 Stuckey, Michael George 204934 Wilkinson, Hui-a-roi Jennifer 205549 Sutherland, Roger Stephen Mary (Mrs) TTC A A 205605 Thompson, Jennifer Margaret 205761 Wilkinson, Marian Helen TTC A We 205639 Tuohy, Erin Silvan Mary 205762 Willcocks, Pamela Anne TTC A SA 205651 Vanags, Guntis 205763 Williams, Derek Bruce TTC A S 205653 Vaughan, Lynda Edith 205765 Williams, Heather Muriel TTC A A 205673 Wall, Lewis Charles 205764 Williams, Helen Joy TTC A C 190692 Walters, Albert Bertrum 205767 Williams, Jacqueline Barr TIC A We 205708 Watt, Margaret Allison 203432 Williams, John Churchill TTC A A 203415 Whyte, William John 205773 Williams, Zoe Mihi TTC A M 205760 Wilkins, Valerie Alma 205775 Williamson, Kevin James . . TTC A SA 205770 Williams, Peter Francis 205776 Williamson, Margaret Anne .. TTC A We 205834 Yates, Richard Gresham 205777 Williamson, Margaret Lorraine TTC A o 205778 Willis, Marjorie .. TTC A o Certificates Not Recommended 205779 Willis, Roger Christian Michael TTC A o 205780 Wills, Murray Harold TTC A Wa 230001 Abel, Barbara Anne (Mrs) 206519 Wilshire, Ross Warren TTC A HB 204102 Beals, Judith Synn 205784 Wilson, Albert Ross TTC A A 204306 Corlet, Julia Melody 205785 Wilson, Cheryl Mavis TTC A A 206120 Haworth, Maryann 205787 Wilson, Diane Joy.. .. TTC A A 205016 Marshall, Bruce John 205790 Wilson, Gordon Elder Harvey TTC A S 205516 Stewart, J olyon Anthony 205793 Wilson, Julia Mary TIC A Wa 205795 Wilson, Margaret Ann TTC A C 205798 Wilson, Margaret Judith TTC A SA LIST 3-POST-PRIMARY 205797 Wilson, Moana Evelyn TTC A S Provisional 206522 Wilson, Sondra June TTC A We Personal 205801 Wilson, Suzanne Jane TTC A T Name Certificate Classifi­ 205803 Wingfield, .Christine TTC A SA cation 205804 Wingfield, Myra Elizabeth TTC A A 205207 Adam, Colleen May (Mrs) Commercial I 205806 Winter, Margaret Leigh TTC A HB 204016 Alston, Robyn Lindsey H/C I 205745 Witham, Barbara Ellen 204037 Apperley, Janice Eileen H/C I Engstrom TTC A T 204062 Austin, Bernice Ann H/C I 205810 Wong, Henry Kenneth TTC A A 204070 Bailey, Janet Patricia H/C I 205812 Wood, Adrienne Mary TTC A C 204073 Bain, Gael Maree Commercial I 203474 Wood, Carol Ann TTC A A 204086 Barnett, Kathleen Anne Commercial I 205813 Wood, Desmond Anthony TTC A C 204096 Batkin, Dianne H/C I 205816 Woodley, Merle Miriam TTC A SA 204167 Beck, Ann Elizabeth H/C I 205817 Woods, Graham Elliott .. TTC A SA 204112 Bell, Barbara Catherine 205613 Woods, Marlene Ellen (Mrs).. TTC A We Pirie H/C I 205818 Woods, Nancy Frances .. TTC A S 204115 Bell, Lillian Joan Commercial I 205819 Woodward, William Donald.. TTC A SA 201159 Bellamy, Barry Norman .. TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I 231162 Worth, Hazel Mary Anne (Mrs) TTC A A 204118 Bennell, Ann Sellors H/C I 205821 Wotherspoon, Ann Patricia TTC A A 204138 Blackledge, Joy Ann H/C I 205825 Wright, Robert John TTC A o 204140 Blackmore, Lesley Violet .. TTC(Maths./Sc.) I 205826 Wyber, Janice Diane' TIC A We 204149 Blomquist, Nola Mary TIC(Maths·/Sc.) I 205828 Wyness, Beverley Margaret TTC A We 204154 Boland, Joan Margaret TTC(Phys.Ed.) I 206533 Wysocki, Loris Elizabeth TTC A Wa 204175 Brake, Norma Eileen H/C I 205633 Yeoman, Enid Lillian TTC A SA 204117 Brand, Alison Susanna H/C I 205836 Young, Judith Anne TTC A S 204190 Brooker, Lorna Yvonne Commercial I 205837 Young, Stuart TTC A SA 204223 Burgham, Helen Mary H/C I 205839 Zinzan, Judith Lesley TTC A A 204225 Burrill, Adrienne Marjorie H/C I 205840 Zwart, Ellis TTC A A 204247 Carter, Lynette May H/C I 201414 Cliff, Elaine Thelma TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I 181288 Cook, William Maurice .. Dip.Tchg. LIST 2-NoT CERTIFICATED (Maths·/Sc.) I 204301 Cooper, Wendy Lorraine H/C I Examination Failures 204338 Crosse, Barbara Janet H/C I 204015 Allott, Verna Jill Elizabeth 204275 Clothier, Jan HIC I 204029 Andrew, Ernest David Bruce 204281 Coles, Shirley May HIC I 178112 Biddle, Lucy Kahui 204349 Cuthbertson, Robin Jean .. HIC I 204137 Black, Jocelyn Lorette 204259 Davis, Joan Mary HIC I 204194 Brown, Catherine Mary 204361 Davis, Pamela May Commercial I 205921 Brownlie, Gael 204402 Drysdale, Christine Douglas HIC I 204271 Clarke, Mary Theresa 204409 Duncan, Marie Joy TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I 204304 Corich, Dianne Mary 204442 Elliott, Valerie May HIC I 204414 Dunlop, Penelope Joan 204444 Emtage, Mary Enid HIC I 204468 Finn, Bernadette Nola 204448 Epps, Linden Blair HIC I 204518 Garner, Robin Georgiana 204472 Fitzwater, Raewyn Elsie TTC(Phys.Ed.) I 204599 Gronn, Robert Kendrick 204478 Florance, Lynne HIC I 204661 Healey, Diane Joy 204485 Ford, Judith Anne HIC I 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1931

Provisional Provisional Persomtl Personal Name Certificate Classifi­ Name Certificate Classifi- cation cation 204488 Forster, June HIC I 205831 Yates, Dianne Fay Commercial I 201729 Francis, Robert Errol TTC(Maths./Sc.) I 205834 Yeoman, John Ernest TTC(Phys./Ed.) 201745 Friend, Josephine Anne TTC(Maths./Sc.) I 204519 Garrett, Iris Ann HIC I 204548 Gollop, Elizabeth Anne TTC(Maths.jSc.) I LIST 4 230685 Gower, Margaret Butler HIC I Examinations Incomplete 204569 Graney, Gillian .. TTC(Maths·ISc.) I 204576 Gray, Alvena Agnes HIC I 230733 Guthrie, Robin Joan .. HIC 204588 Greenwood, Anna Sally Pago TTC(Phys.Ed.) I Certificate Not Recommended 204605 Gunn, Nancy Yvonne TTC(Maths./Sc.) I 205418 Seward, Patricia Anne .. HIC 204608 Halford, J oye Irma TTC(Maths.jSc.) I 189146 Hall, Neil Glenn TTC(Maths./Sc.) I Not Yet Inspected 204619 Hamilton, Lois ., HIC I 204326 Crawford, Carol Mary Maths./Sc. 204658 Haydon, Gladys Annette .. Commercial I 202165 Jones, Naera Helen Maths./Sc. 204663 Heap, Helen Margaret Commercial I 182181 Hendl, David Mackie Dip.Tchg. A. E. CAMPBELL, Director of Education. (Maths./Sc.) I 204682 Hickey, Valerie Jean Commercial I 204686 Hight, Doreen Louisa HIC I 204691 Hill, Mary Elizabeth TTC(Phys.Ed.) I BANKRUPTCY NOTICES 189156 Hudson, Clifford Arthur .. TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I 204723 Hughes, Evelyn Dalwyn .. HIC I 204733 Hurley, Lesley Margaret HIC I In Bankruptcy 232298 Jackman, Rhonda Helen .. HIC I 204783 Jones, Robyn Marie HIC I 204787 Joyce, Jann Raewyn HIC I NOTICE is hereby given that dividends are now payable on 204794 Junck, Elizabeth Aileen .. HIC I all proved c1a1ims in the under-mentioned esJtaites as at 22 204795 Kakau, Ngaroimata November 1963: Marewa HIC I Burt, Donald, of OpOltiki, barman. First and final dividend 204796 Kane, Janet Rowley HIC I of 10d. in the pound. 204821 King, Vinka Frances Commercial I Oampbell, Bi'Hy Shet11Jon, of 101 Esperance Avenue, Tamaki, 204848 Lamont, Patricia Ann HIC I formerly of 697 Mount Eden Road, Mounft Eden, road 204865 Law, Janet Hope HIC I foreman. First and final dividend of 4td. in the pound. 204879 Lennard, Rosalind Susan CampbeU, Margaret Paltricia, of 10'1 Esperance Avenue Constance .. HIC I Tamaki, formerly of 697 Mount Eden RDad, Mount Eden: 204935 McCulloch, Jean Christina HIC I married woman. Flirst and finaJl dividend of 1td. in the 204916 Macdonald, Patricia Anne Commercial I pound. 204942 McElrea, Marlene Edna .. TTC(Phys.Ed.) OODke, William, of Papakura, dra[nlayeT. First and final 206250 McGrath, Robyn Emilie HIC dividend of 1td. in the pound. 204957 McIntyre, Elspeth HIC I Oooper, Ronald Edward Obarles, of 47 OaJ1ri.ope Road, 204978 McLennan, Margaret TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I Devonport, electrician. Second and final dividend of 3td. 192877 McLeod, Marion HIC I in the pound. 202494 Manley, Joan Elizabeth TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I Deegan, John Michael, of 201 Wa"tea Road, Mangere, driver. 205017 Marshall, Julie Patricia HIC Birslt and final dividend of 3td. in the pound. 205037 Mayn, Jennifer Lynne Commercial I Douds, HenTY, care of Broadway Se'l"Vice Stat,ion, New.;. 205061 Milne, Margaret HIC I market, service station attendiant. Seoond dividend of 58. 205066 Missen, Jillian Nita ., TTC(Maths·ISc.) I in the pound. 205068 Mitchell, Briar Elizabeth .. HIC I Freeth, Basil, of 2 Ferguson Avenue, New Lynn, oaterer. 205071 Mogridge, Diane TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I Dividend of 20s. in the pound plus interest. 205076 Moody, Joyce Rosemary HIC Goldlie, Mervyn Ohrri.siI:lopher, formeflly of 12 Lonsdale 205082 Moralee, Brenda Commercial I Avenue, Ellerslri.e, Auckland, but now of 29 Harding 205109 Mulcaster, Angela Diana .. TTC(Maths·/Sc. ) I Avenue, Panmure, Auckland, showman. Dividend of 20s. 205091 Munns, Lenore Ann (Mrs) HIC I in the pound plU's interest. 205204 Payne, Jeanette Valeria .. TTC(Maths./Sc.) I Gordon, Sydney &O'8S, formerly of 136 Grealt South Road, 205203 Payne, Jocelyn Elizabeth .. HIC Otahuhu, now of 135 Newiton: Road, Aucldand, mortio!l." 208023 Pearce, Glenys Ivy HIC I mechanic, fOTffierly garage propriertoT. Birsit and final 205222 Perrott, Elaine Alice HIC I dividend of Std. in the pound. 205245 Popham, Janis Elizabeth .. HIC Harris, Norma Jean, of 249 Jervois R'oad, Herne Bay, feme'­ 205246 Porritt, Donella Mary TTC(Maths·/Sc. ) I sole. First and final dividend of 3s.· 2id. in the· pound. 205258 Preston, Mary Elizabeth .. HIC I Hart, J'Ohn Douglas, of 39 Great North Road, Auckland, 205266 Pryor, Patricia Ann HIC I builder. Firslt dividend of 3s. 3td. in the pound. 202851 Purdie, Janice Margaret .. TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I Hennah, WiHiam Pura, of 206 Main Highway, Bllerslie, 205284 Rawson, Peter Alexander .. TTC(Phys.Ed.) salesman. Supplementary dividend of 9td. in the pound. 205310 Riddell, Janet Celia HIC I Howe, Hope Russell, of Elliot Street, Papakuro, resr1:aurarut 205322 Robertson, Alison Mary .. HIC I p:riotpme~or. 'Jlhird divtiJdend of 1id. in the pound. 205324 Robertson, Carole Edna .. HIC Jenkins, Frank Bcilan, of 67 Domet't Street, Kawerau, 202953 Rosser, Edward Evan TTC(Phys.Ed.) electrician. Second and final dividend of 3td. in the 205359 Roulston, Margaret Ann TTC(Maths./Sc.) I pI'Ound. 205376 Ryan, Barbara Patricia TTC(Phys.Ed.) Karena, P,ihopa, olf 64 Baird's Road, Omhuhu, driver. 205393 Schick, Eileen Fay TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I Supplementary dividend of 35. 4!d. in the pound. 205406 Seager, Patricia Ann TTC(Maths./Sc.) I M'O'orby, Alick lohn, of 78 Madeline Avenue, Sit. Hdlers, 205423 Shallard, Gillian Elsie HIC driver. First dividend of Is. ltd. in the pound. 205442 Sherwood, Raewyn Anne .. Commercial I N'Ottingham, N ev'ille Sei)wyn, of 109 Portage Road, New 226010 Shirley, Denise Mary Commercial I Lynn, mechanic. Birst and final dividend of 9td. in :the 205457 Sjardine, Catherine Cornelia TTC(Maths·/Sc.) I pound. 205496 Spiers, Cynthia Jean HIC I ReLi

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court

CLAUDE VINCENT WELSON, 'care of R. Welson, Target Road, NOTICE is hereby g,iven that diividends as under are now Glenfield, retired farmer, was adjudged bankrupt on 20 payable at my office on all accepted proved cl:ruims: November 1963. Creditors' meeting 'will be held at my office Beri, Neil Peter, of WeiHington, d:rli.ver. Th~rd dividend of 38. on Wednesday, 4 December :1963, at 10.30 a.m. in the pound making in aLl 8s. in the pound. E. C. OARPENTER, Official A;ss'ignee. Bowles, Donald John, of Lower HUItt, dI1a;inage contraator. Fourth Hoor, Dtilwortih BUJilding, Customs Street East, Fourth and final dividend of 3s. Oid, in the pound making Auckland. in aU lOs. Oid. in the pound. Donohue, Platrick Thomas, of Linden, driver. Flirst and final dividend of Is. 2id. in the pound. Elvines and Dovett (Martin Charles Elvines and Gordon In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court Phillip LoveH, trading as), of WeHington, bread vendors. Second and fina;l dividend of 6td. in the pound makring in GEORGE POWELL FOREMAN, of 21 Old QU!arry &oad, Rot'Orua, all 2s. 6td. in the pound. traatJor moohianic, was adjudged bankrupt 'On 19 November Poo, Raymond Kai Ming, of Petone, l'ablorurer. First and 1963. Creldi1Jofls' meeting win be held art the Ooootlhouse, fina[ dividend of Is. lOUd. in the pound. Herring, Francis, of Naenae, driver. First anid final dividend Rortorua, 'On 28 November 1963, at 2 p.m. of 2Qis. in the pound. J. C. QUINLAN, Offioial Assignee. Isa1acs, Cecil WilHam Hector, of ISiland Bay, truck dri.ver. Rotorua. FJrSll: and final dividend of 41\d. in the pound. McEwen, R'Oss MansHl, of Lower Hutt, manager. First and final dividend of 20s. in the pound, plus inrteTes~. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court MUfI1ay, Carl Samuel, of Lower Hutt, fitter. Fii.rrs~ and final dividend of Ud. in the pound. ALFRED JAMES HUSTON, of Lake R'OIfulirti, bandyman, was PhHlip, Edward Frederick, of Upper Huti/: , driver. Second adjudged bankrupt on 18 November 1963. Cred~tors' meet,ing ra11!d final diViidend of 19s. 7td. in the pound, plus interest, WiiU be heM at the Oourithouse, RoitJorua, on 27 November making in an 20's. in the pound. 1%3, rut 2 p.m. Symonds, John Edward, of Wellinglton, butoher. Seoond and J. C. QUINLAN, Official As'signee. final dividend of 7td. in the pound making in all lOs. 7td. Ro[O!r'Ua. in 'tihe pound. Te Moananui, Mi!ck, of Elsdon, surf:aceman. First and final dlvtidend of 1d. in the pound. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court Willison, Neriha Ejan, of Thorndon, telephone operator. First and final dividend .of 2s. J!'d. in the pound. J. I.;IST, Officia:l Assignee. RAY GROUBE, of 6 Seville Crescent, Morrinsville, was adjudged 20 November '1963. bankrupt on 22 November 1963. Creditors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, HamiLton, on Friday, 6 December 1963, at N a.m. H. G. WHYTE, 'Offioial Assignee. Hamilton, 22 November 1963. In Bankruptcy

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court NOTICE is hereby given that dividends are now payable on all pI10ved claims in the under-mentioned esrtalte as art 21 N ovembeT 1963: JOHN VEREKER LLOYD, of 11 Thomas Stre:er!:, Ngaruawahia, bus driver, was adjudged hankrupt on 25 November 1963. Rutherford, Noel Ann, of Dunedin, married woman. First 2s. Or~d1tors' meeltiing win be heM at the Oouooo:u!Se, HamHrton, and final dividend of 5td. in ithe pound. on Moooay, 9 December 1963, art 1:1 a.m. W. R. RIGG, Official Ass['gnee. H. G. WHYTE, Offioial. Assignee. Supreme Court, Dunedin, 21 October 19163. Hamli[il:lon, 25 November 1963.

In Bankruptcy-The Partnership Act 1908 In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court NOTICE is hereby given that an interim dividend of 14s. in tihe pound is paya;hle at my office to ail cred1t'Ors, of the CoLIN ANTHONY GABRIEL WESLEy-JAMES, of 57 Ca[ooormiain paritnersihiip affairs of Geo:rgle WiilMam Oo.odlger anld Sairly Road, Ohrisrtohuroh, retali'leT, was adjudged bankrupt on 25 GOrodger, of M'akuri, tTiading ~n partnersrnp as the Makuri November 1963. Creditors' meeI!:Jing will be held ail: my offi.ce, Hotel. P,rovinciral Cou11!cil Ohamibers, Armagh Stree,t, OhrisltCihurch, J. MILLER, Official Assignee. on Monday, 9 December 1963, at 10.30 a.m. OOlllif!flhou'se, PaimerSiton Nor:tJh, 25 No,vemlber 1963. P. D. OlJA!NCY, Official A:ss[lgnee. Christchurch, 25 NovemJber 1963. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court

ALEC OLIVER PRATT, of Lower Hutt, formerly Foxton, labourer, was adjudged bankrupif: on 21 November 1963. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court Credliltors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, Palmerston North, on Thursday, 5 December 1963, at 1.30 p.m. J. MILLER, Official Assignee. FRANCIS BRUCE LILLICRAPP, of 112 Kana Street, M'aJtaura, driver, was adjudged bankruplt on 20 November 1963. Creditors' pralmerston North, 21 November '1963. meeting wiH be held art the Larw CoU1il:s, Don Street, Inver­ carg1ilrl, on Tuesday, 3 December 1963, a;t 10.30 a.m. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court G. E. MORTIMER, Officiiail Assignee. InvercargliU. NOTICE is hereby given that dividends on an proved and accepted daims are now payable at my office in respect of the following estates: Patrick Joseph Farrell, of Levin, cook. A third dividend LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES of ;} s. in the pound. Ian Gibbon Fisk, 'Of Taonui, company repres.entative. A first and final diViidend of 5td. in the pound. EVIDENCE of the IOlss of oUItsrtlanding duplicate of certtifiCiaite Dennis. Graham Harris, of Palmerston North, s'Oldier. A of title, Violume 78'2, forlio 189 (North Auokland Registry), socond dividend of 4s. in the pound. cOilitaining 28 perches, more or less, siiruated in the Borough Thompson Kimura, of Pa:lmerston North, drover. A first of Mount AllbeI1t, being Lot 2 on Deposlilted Plain 10'507 and and fina'l !dividend of 6td. in the pound. being. pOTt'ion of Allotment 34 of the Parish of Titirangi, in Ian and Roy Rankin, trading as Rankin Brothers, of Levin, the name of Eva Stern Piaykel, of AJucld'and, widow, h'a:vring butchers. A fourth dividend of 2s. in the pound .. been lodged wirth me togeither wifu an applrioaJtion (K.1i18118) Raymond Yates, of R'angioltu, salesman. A second and to issue a new cerltiificarte of tlitle in lieu there'Of, notice is final divid'endof 2d. in the pound making in a'll 1 s. 4td. hereby given of my intemon to' issue such new cerufiaail:e of in the pound. title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Zeitse Zeilsltra, .of Levin, butcher. A third dividend of Is. Gazette oontaining this notice. in the pound. DaJted at the Land Registry Office alt Auckland ,thiis 22nd J. MILLER, Official Assignee. day of November 1963. Courthouse, Palmerston North, 22 November '1963. L. H. MoOLBLLA!ND, DisltriotLand Registrar. 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1933

EVIDENCE of the loss of outsrtaJIlding duplicate of agreemenrt EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of ,the loss 'of outstand­ for sale and purchase, Volume 1884, folio 7 (North Auckland ing dupLicate of certifica'te of t,itle, VoLume 544, folio 45, Registry), containing 26' 5 perches, more or less, b~ing Lot WeHington Registry, in the name of Wik;itor~a Roberts of 24 on Deposited Plan 38658 and being part of Allotment 15, Waikanae, married woman, [or 1 rood 17' 88 perches, I~ore Seotion 12, Suburbs of Auckland, and being part of the land or . less, slituated in BliQlck IX of the Kaitawa Survey District, comprised aJt1d de\scl'ibed in certificate of title, Volume 1579, bemg part of Ngaram W.est LA. Number 78, and being also fO'lio 19 (North Auckland Registry), in the names of A[an Lot 2 on \Pian 14025, andaJpplka'tion 576215 haViing been DaViid Lloyd Roberts, of Auck1and, eleotrioian, Watkin William made to me to issue a new cerllificate of titile in heu thereof, R!ober'ts and BeI1Vha Louise &obents (bolth deceased), having I hereby give notice of my intention to issue suoh new been lodged wtilth me, together wilth an applkation (K.1118,171) certificate of It,iHe on the expiration of 14 days from. the to issue a provisional copy of the agreement for sale and date 'Of the Gazette conta,ining this notice. purchase in liieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my Dated at ithe Land Reglistry Offi,ce, 'WeUington, this 19th intention to issue such provisional copy of the agreement for day of Novemher 1963. sale and purchase on the e~piiratiJOn of 14 days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. 'R. F. HANNAN, Assistant Land Reg'istrar.

Dalted at the Land Registry Office at Auckland th~s 22nd day of November 1963. EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss of ouit­ L. H. McCLELLAND, District Land Registrar. standing duphcate of ceTltificate of title VtO'lume 54 f!olilO 238, WellIngton Registry, in the name ~rf John Pen~an, of Petnne, factory worker, for 14' 4 p~rches, more or less, being Lot.43,. plan 339, an~ part SectlOn 6, HuH Diistrtic,t, and applIcation 576748 haVIng been made to me to issue a new ~ertifi?ate of. t1tle in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my ApPLICATION having been made to me to register a notice mtention to Issue such new ceI1tifioaite of tide OIl ,the expiir!artJion of re-enltry by the Dilworth Trust Bo:ard, the lessor, under of 14 days from the date of the Gazette conminJing thi'S notice. lease 30688, of 34' 6 perches, more or less, be!ing Lot 28 on Dated _ at the Land Regisrtry Office, Wellinglton, this 25th Deposited Plan 48966 of a subdivision of part Clendon's day of November 1963. Grant situated in Block XI, Otahuhu Survey District, and being R. F. HANNAN, Assistant lJa:n'd Registrar. part of the 1and compriise:d and described in certJificate of Nitle, Violume 2047, fo'l'io 64, NOI1th Auckland Reglistry, of whii'ch Viator Harley Pope, of Auckland, leading factory hand, is the registered lessee, I he,reby gIve notice of my intention ADVERTISEMENTS to register su:dh notiice of re-entry on the expiration of one calendar monlth from the date of the Gazette contaJinring this notice unless good cause to the contrary is shown. THE COMPANIES ACf 1955, SECTION 336 (3) Dated at the Land Registry Office, Auckland, thJis 20th day of November 1963. NOTICE ~s hereby given that at the explmtion ~f three months L. H. McOLELLAND, District Land Registrar. from thIS date the names of the lmder-mellltlioned companies will,. urness cause is sho;wn to the contrary, be struck off the RegIster and the companIes be dissolved: The Ideal Loan and Finance Co. Ltd. A. 1919/31. Bowler Enterprises Ltd. A. 1944/88. GiHs Butchery Ltd. A. 1947/169. EVIDENCE of the 10s's of outstanding duplicaJte of cerit,i.ficate P. E. Hatton Ltd. A. 1947/651. of tide, V,ollume 912, foHo 248 (North Auckland Regist,yy), Walkers Hardware Ltd. A. 1949/593. oontaining 2 :mods 36' 7 perches, more or less, slituated in L. A. Cadness Ltd. A. 1953/433. the Kawakawa 'Town District, being Lolts 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, Prestige Reooms (N.Z.) Ltd. A. 1956/402. and 49 on Deeds Pl'an W. 46 and being part of the Te Wharau Fir'St N.Z. Oonsumer Discounts Ltd. A. 1956/1480. Block, in the name of FredeI1iok Arnold Paul, of Kawakawa, T. L. and F. E. O'Brien Ltd. A. 1958/1152. builder, formerly contradtor, having been lodged wi,tlh me Vernon PropeI1t:ies. Ltd. A. 1958/1263. together with an application (K. 118105) to issue a new Auckland Modern Cabinets and Furniture Ltd. A. 1958/1359. ceritificate of tiide in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of Peters' Shoes Ltd. A. 1959/37. my intention to issue such new certificate of title on the Wilson's Mil:. Eden Dairy Ltd. A. 1959/515. expimtlon of 14 days from the da.te of the Gazette conltaining Ted Boole Ltd. A.1960/536. this notice. Doune PriVi3Jte Hotel Ltd. A. 1960/668. HouLihans Foodmarket Ltd. A. 1960/1644. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Auckland, this 22nd day Given under my hand at Auckland thJis 21st day of of November 1963. November 1963. L. H. McCLELLAND, District Land Registrar. F. R. MCBRIDE, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACf '1955, SECI1ION 3i36 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-menJtlioned EVIOENCE having been furnished of the deitermina;tion of the oompan~es have been struck off the Register and the companies l'ight of way created by transfer S. 138989 affecting dissolved: parceiJ. of land contaJiIlling 11 acres 2 r:oods 10 perches, more or less, being part Rangitoto Tuhua 52A No. 1 Block and Carlton Taxis Ltd. A. 195\1/'139. be1ing the residue of the land in certificate of tirtle, Vo'lume A. J. Marter Ltd. A. 1952/678. 12118, folio 24, South Auckliand Registry, in the name of Hogrif EnrteI1prises Ltd. A. 1959/1400. Stuart Alexander Hunter, of Taumarunui, county clerk, and L. M. C. Ltd. A. 1960/1777. applioatibn S. 268401 having been made tQ me tQ nortJify such Given under my hand at Auck1!and thiis 21st day of determinaltion upon the Register, I hereby give notice of my November 1963. intention to notIfy such de,termination at the expiration of F. R. MoBRIDE, .A!s'sistlant Re~isil:tiar of Oompanies. one month from the date of the Gazette contarrning this nortice. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Hamiiton, this 22nd day THE COMPANIES ACT '1955, SECTION 336 (3) of November 1963. W. B. GREIG, Distr1ict Land Registrar. NOTICE is hereby given that ali the eXlpiratJion of tIu-ee months from this date the name of the under-menrtioned company wliH, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be Sll:ruck off the Register and the company dissolved: Rraewyn Gowns L'td. T.1949/16. Given under my hand at New Plymouth Uhlis 20th day of ApPLICATION having been made to me to register a notice November 1963. of re-entry by the Board of Maori Affairs, pursuant tQ section 121, Land Transfer Act 1952, the lesS'or, under lease S.64287, O. T. KELLY, DistI1iot Regist~ar of Companies. of 196 acres 1 rood 2 perches, more or less, being the Ohura Soulth M 20 Secmon 1 and M 20 3 Biocks and being all of the land in certificates of title, VO'lume 430, foi,io 163, and THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) Volume 430, fo~Ji,o 197, South Aucld'and Registry, of whi'oh John Tiiwha, of MalnUllui, farmer, is the registered lessee, I NOTICE is hereby given that art the eJepira,tion of three months hereby give 1lI0itice of my intention to reg~ster such noltice of from this date the name .of the under-mentioned company re-entry on the expiration of one calendar month from the will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the d:ate of the Gaz6ltte conJt1aining this notice un!less go'Od rouse to Register and the oompany be dissolved: the contrary is shown (IS. 272237). Otomhianga Custom Services Ltd. H.N. 1957/365. Dated the 22nd day of November 1963 at the Land Registry Given under my hand at Hamilrton thi.s 19th day of Office, Hamilton. November 1963. W. B. GREIG, Distriot lJand Registrar. R L. RAY, Assistant Regisltrar of Companies. B 1934 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76


NOTICE is heTeby given that the name of the undel"-men1:lioned NOTICE is hereby given tha:t "Raumati Service Station company has been s,truck off the Register and the company Limited" has changed its name t'O' "F. B. Fitzgerald Limi:ted", dissolved: and that the new name was this day entered on my Register Randolph WiO!od Supply Ltd. C.1948 fJ 5. of Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1943/,21. Given under my hand at Christohuroh this 19th day of June Dated at W·eUing:ton this 20th day of November 1963. 1963. 1436 K. L. WElSTMORELAND, for Registrar of Companies. 1409 R. J. MOUAT, AssiSitant Registrar of Companies.


NOTICE is herehy given that the names of the under-mentioned NOTICE is hereby given that "Cargills Bookshotp Limited" has companies have been struck off the Register and the companies changed its name t'O' "Wanganui Agencies Limited", and that disso[voo: the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the' former name. No. W. 1960/285. Ilfracombe PriYaite Hotel Ltd, C. 1949 N43. Maynard and Morgan Ud. C. 1957/28. Dated at WeUington this 20th day of November 1963. Given under my hand at ChriSltcburoh tlhis 22nd day of 1435 K. L. WElSrrMOREILAND, for Registrar of Companies. November 1963. R. J. MOUAT, AssiSitant Registrar of Companiies. ------CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY mE COMIPAfNIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that "Rolbinson & Dalton Limited" has changed its name to "L. R. Dalton Limited", and that NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned the new name was this day entered on my Register of companies have been struck off the Register and the companies Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1959/653. dissolved: Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 1963. M'arSih and Madden Ltd. C. 1950/1249. 1434 K. L. WHSTMOREILAfND, for Registrar of Companies. Orari. Ho['Se Transport lJtd. C. 196>1 F22. Given under my hand at Ohristohrurdh tlhis 22nd diay of November 1963. R. J. MOUAT, AJSls[stant Registrar of Compan~es. CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY

NOTICE is hereby given that "Russ's Service Station Limited" CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY has changed its name to "Reilly & Newey Motors Limited", and that this new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. NOTICE is hereby given that "Hamilton Woodwork Limited" has changed its name to "Buckland Inves'tments Umited", Dated at Nelson this 15th day of November 1963. and that the new name was this day entered on my Regis:ter 1424 K. W. OOBDBN, Assisltant Registrar of Companies. of Companies in pl1ace of the fomer name. Dated at Hamilton this 18th day of October 1963. 1423 R. L. RAY, Assistant Registrar of Companies. CHANGE 'OF NAME 'OF COMP!ANY

OHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Bciandale OoUeries Limited" has changed its name to "House Improvements Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register NOTICE is hereby given that "Rest-a-while Dairy Teaflooms of Oompanies in place of the former name. lJim~ted" has changed its name to "Lightbands Garden CenrtJre Dated at Hokitika this 21st day of November 1963. Limited", and :that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. 1425 C. C. MARCH, Assis'tant Registrar of Companies. No. W. 19611/50.1. Dated at WelHng!ton this day of November 1963. 1430 K. L. WESTMORElAND, for Registrar of Companies. CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY

NOTICE is hereby given that "Empire Milk Bar Limited" OHANGE OF NA:ME OF OOMP:ANY (C.1952/124) has changed iJts name to "HOItel Melville Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my NoTICE is hereby given that "Waikanae Hotels Limited" has Register of Companies in place of the former name. changed its name to "Waikanae Holdings Limited", and that DaJted at ChrJstchurch this 31st day of Ootober 1963. the new name was this day entered on my Register of 1408 R. J. MOUAT, AssiSltanrt Regis~rar of Comparuies. Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1962/32. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. 1439 K. L. WESllMORELAND, for Registrar of Companies. CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY

CHANGE OF NAME OF OOMPIANY NOTICE is hereby given that "OoI1ltax Limited" (C. 195:1/24) has changed its name to "Duplex Fire Alarms (Canteribury) Limited", and that "G. Duggan 196:1 Limited:" (c. 19611/254) NOTICE is hereby given that "MoTris and Ward Limited" has has ohanged its name to "J. W. NioruoNs Limi,ted", and that ohanged its name to "Clyde Engineering (Rotorua) Limited", the new names were thi'S day entereid on my Regislter of and that the new name was this day entered on my Register Companies in place of the fimmer names. of Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1963/596. Darted art Ohrist'church this 251th day of November 1963. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of November 1963. 1448 R. J. MOUAT, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 1438 K. L. WESTMORElJAND, for Registrar of Companies..


NOTICE is hereby given that "Kovno' Limited" has changed its NOTICE is hereby giventhaJt "Railway Hotel (iMosgief) name to "Fraser House Limited", and that the new name Limited" has ohanged its name to "Hotel Ta,ieri Limited", and was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place that the new name was :this day entered· on my Register of of the former name. No. W. 1951/452. Oompanies in pLace of the former name. Dated at Wellington this .20th day of November 1963. Dated at Dunedin this 31st day of Octoiber 19163. 1'437 K;. L. WESTMORELAND, fOI" Registrar of Companies. 1400 C. C. KENNBLlLY, Disi~riot Reg~strar of Companies. 28 NOVEMBER THE 'NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1935


NOTICE is her~by given that "Benmore Hardware and Builders IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Supplies Limited" has changed its name to "Benmore Hard­ Wlare Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of 'Companies in place of the former name. Notice of Resolution for Voluntary Winding Up Dated at Dunedin this 4th day 'of November 1963. IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter of Graham and Clear Ltd. (in liquidation), notice is hereby 1399 C. C. KENNELLY, District Registrar of Companies. given that at an eJetraordinary general meeting of the above­ named company, held on the 14th day of November 1963, the following extrao1'dinary resolution was passed by the company, namely: CHANGE OF NAME OF COMP'ANY "That the company be wound up voluntarily." Dated thls 20th day of November 1963. NOTICE is hereby given that "Home Security Limited" has 1407 S. LAING, Liquidator. changed its name to "Andrew Housing Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. Dated at Invercargill this 20th day of November 1963. 1422 K. O. BAINES, District Registrar of Companies. SUMMIT HOMES LTD.

IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPIANY Notice of Meeting of Creditors NOTICE is hereby given that "Herberts Grocery Limited" has NOTICE is hereby given ,th~t a meeting of the Summit Homes changed its name to "c. W. Herbert Limited", and that the Ltd. will be heM on Thursday, the 12th day of December new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies 1963, at which a resolution for voluntary winding up is to be in place of the former name. proposed, and that a of the creditors of the company Da:ted at Invercargill this 18th day of November 1963. wiH be held, pursuant to section 284 of the Oompanies Act 1955, at the Chamber of Commerce Boardroom, Chamber of 1421 K. O. BAINES, District Registrar of Companies. Commerce 'Building, Chancery Street, Auckland C. 1, on l1hursday, the l2th day of December 1963, at 2 p.m., at which meeting a full statement of the posirtion of the company's affairs together with a list of the creditors and ,the estimated 'SIMPSOlNS SHOE iSJ10RE LID. amount of their claims WIill be laid before the meeting, and at which meeting the cred~tors, in pursuance of section 285 of the said Act, may nominate a person to be the liquidator of IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION the company and, in pursuance of seati.on 286 of the said Act, may appoint a committee of inspection. Notice of Meeting of Creditors Dated at Auckland this 20th day of November 1963. IN the matter of ithe Companies Act 1955 and in the matter 1415 P. R. DEEHAN, Secretary. olf Simpsons Shoe St'ore Ltd., notice is hereby given that by an entry in its minute hook, signed in a'ccordance with section 362 (:1) of the Companies Aot 1955, the above­ named company, on the 20th day of November 1963, passed a reso[ution for voluntary winding up, and that a meeting of the creditors lof the above-named company will accordingly Ai£A!MAC (N.Z.) LTD. be held on Friday, the 29th day of November 1963, at 11 a.m., in the Presbyterian Ohur'ch Hall, Bridge Street, Tokoroa. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Business: 1. Oonsideration .of a statement of the position of the Notice of Final Meeting of Shareholders company's affairs and list of credito'rs, etc. NOTICE is hereby given ,that the final n;reeting of sh'areholders 2. Nomination of liquidator and remunerator. of :this company wiN be h~ld at the offices of Harrison and 3. Appoa.ntment of oommittee of inspection. Margisin, Public Accountants, Second Floor, Achlilles Rouse, 4. Considerartion as to whether the husiness should be Customs Street East, Aucldand, on Friday, 20 December 1963, oarried on or wound up immediately. at 9.30 a.m. Dated this 20th day of November 1963. 1431 C. K. HARRISON, Liqulidator. By order of the Directors: 1401 C. S. LOFT.

PAiPAKURA MINERALS LID. PERFECTION PR'INTING CO. LID. IN, LIQUIDATION IN LIQUIDATION NOTICE is hereby given that an ordiinary general meoong of IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter the company win be held, in accordance with section 291 of of Perfection Printing 00. Ltd., notice is hereby given that by the Companies Act 1955, at the office of the liquidator, 37 A duly signed entry in the minute book of the above-named Rort Street, Auckland C.l, on Tuesday, 10 December 1963, company on the 8th day of November 1963 the foHowing at 4 p.m. o1'dinary resolut[on was passed by the company, namely: Business: "llhat the compiany oannot by reason of ilts liabilities oon­ Presentation of the final aOCOUl1its to the meeting. tinue its business and that i,t is adv~sahle to wind up and that accordingly the company be wound up' voluntarily." 1427 N. M. F. GIBSON, Liquidator.

IN the matter of the Companies A~ 1955 and in the matter of Perfect!ion Printing Co. Ltd. (in LiquidaJti:on), no!tice is hereby given that the undersigned, the liquidator .of Perfection Printing Co. Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily, does PAPAKURtA M;INERALS LTD. hereby fix the 141th day of December 1963 as the day on or bed:1ore which the creditors of the company aTe to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to IN LIQUIDATION prioriity under sedtion 308 of the Companies Act 1955, or to be exoluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, objecting NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of creditors, in accord­ to the distributi'On. ance with section 291 of the Companies Act 1955, will be held at the registered office of the cOill(pany, 37 A Fort Street, Dalted this 20th day of Novembe'r 1963. Auckland C.l, on Tuesday, 10 December 1963, at 4.30 p.m. F. CALVERT, Liquidator. Business: Address of liquidator for service of proofs of debts is P.O. Presentati:on of final accounts to' the meeting. Box 459, I..;ower Hutt, or Room 4, Brunettes Building, Queens Road, Lower Hutt. 1404 1428 N. M. F. GIBSON, LiqUJidator. 1936 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76


IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION A meeting of the creditors of Smith's Grocery Dtd. will be held in the Red CmS's ROioms, 3'l1 w Bastbourne Street, Hastings, on Friday, 29 November 1963, at 2.30 :p.m. IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter llAHLEY AND DAVIS, of BIIookvaile (H.B.) Ltd., notice is hereby given 1h~t by 1398 Puihlic Accountants. duly signed entry in the minute book of the a!horve-named company on the 21st day of November 1963 the following special reSIOtution was passed by the company, namely: "Tlhat this company be wound up voluntarily." Darted 1:!his 22nd day of November 1963. 1429 WILLIAM MARCUS LOiWBNTHAL, liquidator. In the Supreme OOUlt of New Zealand No. 530/63 N onthern District Auckland Registry IN :tJhe matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in Ithe matter GLENGARRY GOWNS LT1D. of Benions Fo'Od Centre Ltd., a duly lincarpoflawd oompany having its registered office al 103 Atklirrson Avenue, TiftiIlang~, Auckland, notice is he,reby given that a petition for the winding up 'Of the above-named company by the Supreme IN LIQUIDATION OO'urt was on, the 20th day of November 1963, presented to' vhe sa~d Oount by Hydra OoJd Storage Co. Ltd., a duly tin­ aorpO'I1ated company having its regisrte,red office at Auckland Notice 01 Meeting and oarrying on business as curers and expo,TIl:ers; and rtlhat IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter Uhe said pe,tition is directed to' be heard befare the OO'Ulit sruttmg of Glengarry Gowns Ltd. (in liquidation), notice is hereby at AucMand on the 13~h day of December 1963, at 10 a.m.; gwen, in pursuance of section 291 of the Companies Ad and any 'creditor or cO'ntributory O'f the said company desirous :/;0 SUipport or opp:ose the mak~ng of an order on the said 1955, that a general meeting of creditors of the above-named , company will be held at the Jaycee Rooms, Perry Street, peti1Jion may appear at the mme of hearing in person or by Masterton, on Wednesday, the IHh day of December, at his counsel for that purpose; and a copy of the petition will 3.30 p.m., at which will be tabled an account of the liquidator's be furnished by the undersigned to any creditor or contri­ acts and dealings and the conduct of the winding up. butO'ry O'f the said company requiring a copy on payment OIf Uhe regulated charge for tJhe same. Further Business fO'r Members: ARTHUR G. QUA:RTLEY, To consider and if thought fit to pass the £oUowing resolu­ So1i:ctit'OT for the Pelbi'1Jioner. tion as an extraordinary resolution, namely: The petitioner's address for service is at the offices af Messrs "That the 'hooks and papers of the company and of the QUlafitley and Anders'On, SolioiJtoflS, Seroond Floor, Hlis Majesty's liquidator shall remain in the custody of the liquidator." Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland. Dated this 20th day of November 1963. NOTE-Any person whO' intends to' appear on the hearing 1432 P. J. EASTWOOD, Liquidator. of the slaid peltiltion must serve on OT send by post, to the a:boi\le named, no~ce in wflirt::ing of his intention SO' ;to do. The norttice must state the name, address, and des!cruprttion of the person or, if a firm, the name, address, and description of the firm, and an ~ddress fiQr service wi.t111in 3 miles of tihe office ROBERTSON'S JOINERY LID. of rUhe Supreme Oourt alt Auckland, and must be signed by the person or firm, or hlis or the!i.T so[lioitor (IT any) and must be served or, :if !p'Oslted, must be sent by posit lin sufficient time to reach the abO've-named petHioner's address IN VOLUNTARY. LIQUIDATION for service not :later than 4 p.m. on the 51th day IOf December 1963. 1414

NO'tlice to CreditO'rs to Prove Debts for Claims IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the mai1Jter O'f Robevtson's Joinery Ltd., notice is hereby given :that the unde[lsligneci,the liquidator of RobeTll:solflJ'S JlomeIIY lJtd., whim is being wound up \Co[untarily, does hereby fix the 13th day lof December 1963 as the day on or before which the In the Supreme Oourlt 'Of New Zealand M. No. 528/63 crediltO'rs of the company are tlo prove their debts: Dr claims Norithern Distr'idt and to esltablish any title they may have to' priority Auck}and Registry under seci1J:ion 308 of the Companies ket 1955, Oir to' be excluded [mm the benefit of any distributiJon made before the debts IN 1lhe matter of ,the Companies Act 1955 and in ;the mat.ter­ a;re proved OIr, as .the cas.e ma¥ be, fmm objecltiing to disitn­ of Valdene Poultry Farm Ud., notice is hereby given iVhat a bulti'on. petition for the winding up of ,the above-named company by the SUipreme Cour:t was, an the 20th dalY of November Dated tJMs 26th daly of November 1963. 1963, pre,sented to' the said Court by V.W. MotO'rs (New M. J. MOREL, Liquidator. Ze~anld) lid., a dilly inooTipomted compMlIY having its Address of Liquidator: He'll Heu Street, TaupO', P.O. Box 74. r~glstered office at Auckland and carrying an business as l]1censed m'Ottor veh~cle dealers; and 1JhaJt rthe said peitlitlion lis 1420 directed to be heard before the Oourt srutting rat AucId:and 'On the J3lth day of December 1963, at 10 a.m.; and any creditor O'r ~ontriburory of Ithe :sa~d company desirous to' support or oppose ilie making of an 'Order on the sa~d petJimon may appear at the :time 'Of Ithe hearing in person .or by htis counsell fOT tJhat pU!I1po~e; and a copy of the pe!ti.:tinnWill he furnlished by C. E. FERGUSON AND CO. LID. the unidersilgned to' anycredlitJor or cont.ributory of !the salid cO'mpany requiring a copy 'On payment 'Of the regulated charge rror :the same. IN RECEIVERSHIP AND LIQUIDATION J. G. JAMIESON, Solioiltor f.or tnePetitioner. Address fur seflVlice: The peit,itioner's soliciitlor is John GriJde'On Jamieson, and the petilti!oner's address fur service is 'at the Notice to Creditors to PrO've Debts or Claims of~ilces of Messrs Turner, Hopkins, :and JamiesO'n, SoJicito["s, IN the maltlter of the Oompanies Act 1955 and C. E. FerguslOn F11rst and Seventh Flours, ,Power Board BuHdiiTIlg, Queen Street, and Co. Ltld. (lin receive'I1shiipand lliquidation), notice is hereby Auckland c.l. given that the unde,rsigned, the liquidator OIf C. E. F,erguslon and 00. Dtd., which is being wound up V1ohmtaTlily, does NOTE---Any person who intends to ClJppear on ,the hearing hereby fix rjjhe 17rtlh day of December 1963 as tJhe day on or O'f ,the S1alid peltiltJi:on must serve on or send by post, to the albove-n'amed, nJooce in writing of his intention sO' Ito do. before wh~;oh cflediJt'Ors of the company are tQ pro,ve their debts or dlaims and to eSitahtish any tlitle ;they may harv-e to The notice musit state the name,address, a:nd desmplt:ion bf priorilty under seiCt!i.on 308 of the Oompanies Act 1955, or to the person or, if a firm, ;the name, address, and descTliption be excluded ftom the benefit of any disitrirbution made before of the firm, and an address for service W1ithin 3 miles of the the debts arepI1aved Dr, as the case may be, f110m objeating office of !the Supreme COU[lt 31t Auckland, and must be signed by Ithe person or film, or his or their s!alicitor (lif any) and to the d~s:trriiJb;U1tion. must be served .or, if posted, must be sent by pO'st in sufficient Dated this 26th day OIf November 1963. time to' ream rthe above-named ipet:i:tioner's address f.or serv~ce J. D. THOMPSON, lJiq'l1lidiaJtJor. n:oit lClJter t!han 4 p.m. on the 12th day of December 1963. P.O. Box H4, NaPier. 1443 1411 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1937

BAY OF rSIJANDS EL'FJCTRIC POWER BOARD by way af special loan under the Lacal Autharilies Laans Act 1956 for the purpose af praViiding off-street parking in RESOLUTION 'MAKING SPECIAL RATE cenltral Takapuna, the Takapuna Oity Cauooil makes a special ra!te af one decimal six eight twa pence (l. 682d.) in the Bay of Islands Electric Power Board Renewal Loan No.4 paund (£) an the mteable value (on the basis of the unim­ (1963), £48,000 pf'Oved value of aU rateable prape.pty in the special rating IN pursuance and in exeroise of the 'Powers vested in it lin raU far the Takapuna central speoial rating area); and that that 'behalf by the Eleotric iPiawer Boards Aot 19,25, the Local such special rate shall be payable yearly an the 1st day of Autharities Laans Act 1956, and amendments and regulati'ans August in eaoh and every year during the currency of tlhe made thereunder respectively, ,and all .other pawers thereunto laan, being a period of twenty-five (25) years, or until the ena;bling it, the Bay af Islands EleotI1ic Power Board resalves laan is funy p3Jid off." as faHows: The abrove reso~u;tian was passed at a meeting of the "That, for the purpose of pr.oviding far repayment of the Takapuna City Cauncil held on the 19th day of Navember principal, interest, and ather charges on a loan of £48,000 1963. autharised 'to be raised thy the Bay IQf Islands Blectric Pawer 1409 B. L BYRNES, Town Clerk. Baard under rflhe aJba;y:e~mentianed enactments in order to' pravide manies for repayment, at maturity, of ,the balance af £48,000 .of the Bay af Islands Electric Pawer Baard Reticukution Extensian, Loan lNa. 9 (1953) £120,OOO--first MOUNT EDEN BOROUGH COUNCIL part £80,000---.;the Bay of Islands Eleci.pic [Power Baard hereby makes and levies a special rate of ane fifth of a penny n af ld.) in the pound (1£1) upan the mtea;ble value ( an RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE the basis of the unimproved value) of raH rateabJe praperty ,in th'e Bay of Islands Eleotric [Power Dist.pict, such special rate to' be an 'annUlaJily rate dur:ing the currency af the Streets Restorat1ion Redemption Loan 1963, £12,000 saJid loan and he payable yearly on the 14th day IQf Navember PURSUANT to' the Laoal Autho'[1ities Doans Act 1956, the in each and every year, be[ng a periad af 15 years, or until Maunt Eden BOflaugh Oauncil hereby resolves as foHlOws: the loan is fully repaid." "Tha!t, far the purpose af praviding the annual charges Dated at Kaikohe this 141th day of N.ovember 1963. an a laan af £12,000 autlha.pisedta be raised by the Mount 1397 E. J. DIXON, Secretary. Eden Boraugh Council under the abave~ment1oned Adt for the purpose af repaying 0'11 IDa;turity paDtian of the Streets Res:toraJtian Laan 1953 which matures on 17 December 1963, the Maunt Eden Baraugh Cauncil hereby makes a spedi:al ra:te RANGITIKEI COUNTY COUNCIL af three decimal five ane twa pence (3. S12d.) in the pound upon the rateable va.'lue (an the bas:is af the annUJal value) RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE af all rateable praperty in the Boraugh af Mount Eden; and th'a't the speoial rate shall be an annual-recurring rate during Renewal Loan No.1 1963 the currency af the laan and be payable on the 1st day of PURSUANT ,to the pf'a'visians of the 'Local Autharities Laans April 1964." Act :1956, the iR'angirtikci County Oaunoil hereby resO'lves as follows: I hereby certify that the abave resolutian was passed at a meeting of the Maunlt Eden Boraugh Cauncil held an 18 "r-hlat, far the 'Purpase 10£ providing .the annual charges on November 1963. a laan of £110,700 autharised :t'O be mised by ~he Rangitikei County Cauncil under the above Aot for the purpose of 1410 W. L HIRST, ~O'Wl1 Olerk. repaying .on matudty tha.t 'paT'Dian of the Bridges Replace'­ ment Loan No.2, 1:9'50, which matures on 1 February 1964, the Rangitikei Caunty lOounc:il hereby makes a speoial mte WA'lKATO COUNTY COUNCIL of decimal point naught three eight five faur faur pence (O·038544d.) in the pound upan the unimpraved value of all ratea;ble property within the Oaunty af Rangitikei; and that RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE such speda'l rate shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency 01£ the ,loan and he payable yearly on 1 April in each and every year during :1Jhe currency af the loan, being Roading Loan 1960, £135,000-Portion £60,000 a 'Per~ad of 15 years, 100r untlil :the laan is fully paid aff." PURSUANT to the La cal Authorities LoansAot 1956, the The aJbove reso,lutian 'Was passed at a meeting af the Waikato Caul1Jty Counoil hereby resa[ves as faUows: R:angitikei Caunty Caundl, held on 14 NaV1ember 1963. "That, for the purpase af praviding the annual oharges 1396 P. R. BOYES, Caunty Olerk. an a laan of £60,000 autharised ;to' be raised by 'the W:aikarta Oaunty Oauncii under the abrove-mentianed Act for the purpase af preparing and sealing main highways, the said AALMERSTON NORTH raITY COUNCIL Waikato County Council hereby makes a special rate af decimal naught seven three three af a penny (O·0733d.) in the RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE pound upron the rateable value of all rateable p.paperty af the whole of Ithe Caunty af WaikaJta; and that the special rate Senior Oitizens' Flats Loan 1963, £15,600 shall be an annua:l-recuT14ing rate during the currency af the IN pursuance and eXeJ.'oise of iuhe powern vested in it in that la'an and be payable yeaflly an the 14th day af August in behailf by the 'Da cal Autharities La!ans :Act 1956 and all ather each and every year during the currenoy of the laan, being parwe'rs i!l ;that rbeJ:aif tbhereunvo enabling it, :the :PraiJmerston a period af 12 years, ar umil the loan is fully pMd aff." North City Canned dath herooy resolve as faHaws: 1412 M. P. GOLDSBRO', County Ole:rk. "That, far the purpose af providing the interest and other ch'arges ona Joan of fiifiteen rt!housand six hundred paunds (!£15,600) autharised to' Ibe rwsed by the IPlalmerston North City Cauncil under ;the albrov:e-mentianed Aot for the purpose WAITOMO ELECTRIC POWER BOARD '~f erecting Ii? senia.r citi~~ns' flats an land in Heretaunga Street and SIX semor CItIzens' flats on land in Church Stree't, tJ:e said Pal~erston N o1.1oh lCity Cauncil hereby makes RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE rand leVIes a speCilal rate of two hundredths of a penny (O·Old.) in the paund (£) upan the rateable value (upon the General Extensi'on Loan 1963 of £50,000 baslis I?f the unimprroved value) of all rateable praperty of the City of Pa)lmerstan Noflth; :and that such special rate PURSUANT tn the Lacal AU'ihor'Lties Laans Act 1956, the shall be an annually recurring special rate during the currency Waitamo Electric Pawer Baard hereby resolves as foHows: af the sra:id loan and he paYaJble yearly on the 1st day af "That, far the purpase of praviding the annual oharges an A.'P~H in. each and. every year Iduring rtihe currency of such a laan of £50,000 authorised to' be mised by the Waitramo loan, bemg a penod af :twel1Jty-ifive (25) years or until Electric Power Baard under the above-mentioned Act for the '1aan is fully paid off." , the purprose af extending and adding to' the existing reviculatian I hereby cert!fy that the abave is a true and carrect capy system and otherwise pra:v;iding for the use of electrical energy af ,the reso[ut:lOn passed by :the IPa:lmers.Von Narth City thraughaut the WaJitoma Electric Power, and far Caunoil IOn ;the 29th day af October 1963. such purpases to do aU or any af suoh matters and things 1395 G. M. RENNIE, Mayor. whioh the Baard is empowered to' dO' by the Elec:tric Power Boards Act 1925 and its amendments, and by all powers and autha1.1ities it, the sa;id Wamomro Electric Pbwer TAKAPUNA CITY COUNCIL Board hereby makes a special rate af seven twenty-fifrths af a penny (7/25d.) in the pound (£) upan the rateable value RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RA1E (an the basis af the unimpraved value) af aU mteable praperty in the Waitama Eleotrio PlOwer Distr~ot; and that Takapuna Central Off-street Parking Loan 1963, £125,000 the special rate shaH be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of the laan and be payable yearly an the 1st day IN pursuance of '~~e powers vested in it in that behalf by the Lacal AuthontIes Loans Act 1956, the Takapuna City of January in each and every year during the currency af the aoun:ci'l resla[ves as fol[aws: laan, being a periad af 20 years, Q:f unti,l the laan is fully paid aff." "That, far the purpos'e af pIlO'Viding the interest and alther oharges on the Takapuna Central Off-sJtreelt Parking Laan 1963, Dated at Te Kuiti this 21slt day af Navember 1963. £125,000, authorised to' be raised by the TakaJpuna City Cauncil 1413 A. G. HARRIS, Seoretary. 1938 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 76

HOROWHBNUA ELECTRIC POWER BOARD moneys flOr supplying and d;istr~bUJting electrical energy through­ out :the Board's diistr~at, the Boa:Dd hereby makes and levies a special rate of 1 /5 of a penny in the porund on the r'aJteabie RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE value (on 'the basis of the unimproved va.tlue) of all raite'abie property in the Tauranga Electric PlOwer DiSltri'at; and thla:t IN pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in i,t in su:ch special fla,te shaN be payahle on the 1st day of December l1h'at behalf by the Local Authorlities Loans Act 1956 and its in eaoh and every year during the currency of such 1'Q1an, amendmeIllts, and of aU orther powers it thereunto enabling, being a period of 15 years, or until ,the 10'an is fully patid off." the Horowhenua Eleotric Bower Board hereby resoJves as We hereby certify tha,t the 3.ibove is a true and correct £o[iows: copy of a reso[ ution passed by the Board on 20 November "That, for the purpose of providing for the repayment 196:3. of the prinoipal, interest, and other charges on the BO'ard's W. J. ROSS,Ohairman. Electric Reticulation Loan No. 14, 1963, of £100,000 1445 J. ,POiLKLNGHOiRNE, Sooreltary. aUithorised to be raised by the HOrlowhenua Blectnc Power Board under the albove-mentioned Aot for the purpose of supplying and distviibuting electrical energy for the benefit LOWER HUTT CITY COUNCIL of the Horowhenua Electric Power Board District and for such purposes ;to do all or any of such maUer'S and things whiidh tihe Board is empowered to do by the Electric Power RESOLUTION TO MAKE SPECIAL RATE BOiards Act 1925 and its amendments, and by aU other plOwers and authoTiLties it enabHng, the Horowhenua Electric P'O'wer Property Acquisition Loan 1963, £45,000 Board hereby makes and levies a special rate of 1/22d. (one twenty-second of a penny) in the pound (£1) upon the THAT, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in iJt in rateable value (on the basis of the capiitral value) of all rate­ that beha:1f by the Local AuthoriLties LOians, Act 1956, the able property in the HorowhenU'a Electric Power Boa,rd LoiWer HUItJt City Council herehy resolves as follows: District; such special rate to 'be an annually recurring rate dur­ "Thalt, for the purpose of proriding the interest and OIther ing the currency of the said loan and be payable yearly on the oharges on a loan of forty-five thousiand pounds (£45,000) 1st day of De:cember in each and every year, being a period aUithoriised .to be raiised by the Dowoc HUitIt Cilty Connc'il under of 20 years, or until the loan is fully repaid". the a:bove-mentioned Act :Dor the purpose of meeting com­ J. R. HARRISON, Treasurer. pensation :l3or pIioperlties to be acquired for civic development and for streets, the salid Lower Hutt aity Councii he1reby Dated this 20th day of November 1963. 1426 makes and levies a special rate of two hundred and seventy ,thousandths of a penny (0·270d.) in the pound (£) on the I1atealble value (on the basis of ,the annml value) of aU BOROUGH OF MILTON rateable property in the Oity of Lo'wer Hutt; and that sum spedial rate shaU be a,n annuaUy recurring I1a,te during the currency of sUJch loan and be incorpornte:d and added to' the RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE oonsoHdatedspecial rate, made pursuant 1'0' the provisions of seat:lion 108A of ,the Munioipal OOrlpo'l1atilOns Am 1954, and be Sewerage Loan 1962, £92,000 payable yearly on O!f about the 1Sit day of August in eac:h and every year during the ourrency of such loan, being a PURSUANT to the Lowl Authorities Loans Act 1956, the period of 25 years, orr untlil such time as the IOlan is paid off." M-ilton Borough CoU!I1dil hereby resolves as rol[olWS: I hereby cerrtifynhalt the above resolution was duly passed "llhat, for the pUflpolses of prov,iding Ithe annual charges at :the meeting of the Lower Hutt OiIty OouIliciJ held on 26 on a loan of ninerty-Itwo thou:sand pounds (£92,000) aulthorised N'O'vember 1963. to be raJised by the MHton Borough Council under the above­ E. C. PERRY, T10rwn Olerk. meilitioned Aat Dor the pUI1pose of ins!taUting a sewage-treatment plant and sewemge reticulation throughout the Borough, the Lower Hutt, 26 November 1963.1446 said M!iruton Borough Council hereby makes a special mte of one shililing and ele'ven pe:nce (lIs. lId.) in the pound (£) upon the mtea!bie value on the basis of the annual wl,[ue of BOROUGH OF MAJNUREWA aU the rateable property in the BOTOUgh. of M,ilton comprising the wbo'le of :the BO!I1Ough OIf Militon; ana thrut: the special I1ate shall be an aooual-recurfling rate during the currency of the NOTICE OF MAKING OF SPECIAL RATE IOian and be palSe of pr!Owding additional ObriSJtdhurch, 21 NlOvember 1963. 1'440 28 NOVEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1939


RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND IN the ma1Jter of secti'On 22 of rthe Public Works Act 1928, Renewal Loan 1963, £24,000 public. notice is hereby giyen thalt the New PlymoUith Oity PURSUANT to the Lo'cal AuthDrities Loans Aot 1956 the ODuncIl proposes to provilde larnd for the purposes of an SDuth Oanterbury Electric Power Board hereby reslO'lv~s as aerodrome and for such pUl1poses requires to take in accord­ f'OI11'Ows: ance w~th the provisi~ns of the above-mention~d Act, all "ThaJt, fOT the purpose of prov,iding the annual charges those pIeces of land slLtuated at Urown Road Bell Hlock in on a 101a~ of twenJty-forur thousand pounds (£24,000) authorised the County of Taranaki, and described in the Schedule her~to to be raIsed by the South Canterbury EleciI1ic Power Board such pieces of land being shown on the plan deposited at under th~ abo'Ve-mentilOned Act fDr the purpose of repaying the office of the said Councii situ:alted in Liardet Streert on matu~:lty that portion of the Eleatridty Development LOian New Plym'Outh, and there Dpen for inspection art aU reasonabl~ 1957 whwh matures on 1 Maroh 1964 the said South Canter­ hours. bury Elect:rlic Rower BO'ard hereby ~akes a special :rate of Every perslOn affedted is required to set forth in writing fifteen thousandths of one penny (0·015d.) in the pound any objection he may wish to make Ito the taking of the (£1) upon the rateable value (being the oapital value) of a'll lands or any of the lanids, not bcing an objeoti'On to the ra~ea:~le property ~t:hin the South Canrt:erbury Electric PlOwer a~0U:I?'t Dr ~y~ent of compensation, and to send the written DIstrIct as defined III the Third Schedule to the Proclama:tion ob]ecltlOn, Wlrthm 40 d:ays from the firs:t publicaJti'On of the darted 23 August 1957 and published in the Gazette on 29 notice, to the staid Counoil ail: its said office. August 1957, at page 1575; a:nd that the spe'Oial rate shaH be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of the I'Oan SCHEDULE and be payable yearly on the 1st day of March in each and DESCRIPTIONS OF LANDS every year during ~e currency of the loan, being a peri'Od 1. Part Section 134, WaJitara West Distfliort (Ulock III Pari­ of eIght years, or unrtH the loan is funy paid off." 1447 !utu Su:vey Distri?t), known as Puketapu A I (balance ~f hmd ill cerltlificate of t1Jtle, Vorlrume 100, foliro 209): A:rea, 8 acres 3 roods. WA!NGANUI CITY COUNCIL 2. Part Secti~n p4, Wa,itara West Distrriot (Block III, Pari­ tultu Survey Dlsitnot), known as Pukelt:apu A. 2 (all land tin NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND certificate of ti:t1e, Volume 100, foliO' 210): Area, 135 acres 1 rood. IN :the matter of the Municipal Corporations Act 1954 and 3. (a) Parts SectilOn 134, Waitara West Dirstriat (:H]jock III the Public Works Act 1928, notice is hereby given that the Parirtutu .Survey: Disttridt) '. kn'Own a:s Pukertapu pam E (paflt Wanganui OiJty Council prop'Oses, under the pmvis!i'Ons of of land III ceruficate of tItle, Volume 17, foi,i'O 65): Area, 3 the above-mentlioned Acts, to execute a ce~tain puh'lic work, acres. namely, ,the acquisirtion of certain land for street and, fm (b) Part Sec1Ji!on 134, Waitara West District, known as the purpose of such puhlic work, the lands described in :the Pukelt'apu B 2 (part of l'and in cerrtifical/:e of tide VolUlffie 17 Sohedule hereto a,re required to' be :t!aken; and notke is hereby foli'O 65) : Area, 13 acres 3 roods 17 perches.' , fur:t;her given that a plan of the land so required to' be taken (c) Parit Puketapu E bounded on the north, wesrt, and is deposlited at [he pubHc office of ItJhe Town Clerk to' the south by Puketapu C 2 and also bounded on the s'Outh by 1 D; said ~ouncil situ~te in ~It. Hil! Street in the City of Wanganui Puketapu C and Puketapu bounded also Dn the east and IS open for lllspect

And notice is hereby fUliuher given tihaJt a plan of ;jjhe land CITY OF CHRISTCHURCH so required is depos,ited in the pub!l.ic office of the Clerk of ifue sa,iid Oouncil situated ait the Oouncil Ohambers, 199 Karangahape Road, Auokland, and is open for in'speotion TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1953 (wiitlh'oUJt fee) by ali persons during mdinary office hours. A11 persons affected by the executlion of the said public Changes to the Ci'ty of Christchurch Operative District wO'flk or by the t'akling of the said land who haNe any objections to the proposal and wishing them to be considered musrt state Scheme-Secn'on One (Zoning) :their objections in writing and send the same, wiithin forty (40) PURSUANT t'O the Town and Country Planning Regulations days from the first puMicaition of this notice, to the County 1960, public nOitice is hereby given thait the under-meTiitioned Olerk art the Oouncil Chambers. ohanges to the district soheme under the Town and Country Planning Act 1953 f'Or'the City of Ohrisrtchurch were appr:oiVioo SCHEDULE by the Oounoi!l by resolurtlion on the 20th dlay of November A. R. P. 1963. 7 0 36 Par,ts Allotments 23 and 24, Parish of Waikomiti, on ~he Council has al8:o resolved that the under-men!tioned D.P. 1669 (part Lot 3, Land Transfer Plan No. changes to the distriot scheme shal[ oome in'tooperation on 51988); co,loured yeHow on plan. the 21s,t day of November 1963. Oopies of the scheme ohanges as approved have been Situated in Block VI, Tiltirtmgi Survey District, in the deposited in the council offices, 1914 Manchester Street,and Land District of North Auckland. in the public library servling the district and may be inspected By order of the Wa~temartJa County Oouncil. without fee, by any person who so requires at any tlime whe~ Dated at Auckland tms 25Th day of November 1963. tJhese places are open to the publk NOTE-The first publication of this notice appeared in SCHEDULE the New Zealand Herald of 27 November 1963. MAP AMENDMENTS 1442 L. L. JONES, County Clerk. No. 16 7 Waner Terrace Pflinters' error: Zoning InJduslt:rIiJal "B". 17 UnrfQrmed port~on 'Of Kennedy Th he ZionedIndusrtrial NEW PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL Cres'cent (n1ow closed) "e". 18 iAn iIlhe land rin the IMocks Zoned Commercial '''B''. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1953 bounded by Durham" Kil­ AlIso to he designated morle, and Oolombo, Streets, 1]or "IOiViic Centre pur­ Oa:rnibflidge 'fe:rmce, and poses". Central Area District Planning Scheme Ghes:ter Stre'et, ex:duding the NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to regulation 32 (8) of land contained in cerrJJificate the Town and Country Planning Regulations 1960, thart by of title, Volume 200, folio decisi'on dated the 18th day of October 1963, the Town' and 230, Canterbury Land Re­ Oountry Planning Appeal Board consented to the applioation 'gistry of the New Plymouth City Oouncil for a departure, under 19 SQuth-eastern oorner of Wal'oo't From Residential "A" section 35 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1953, Street and McGregors Road, ,~o Commercial "A". from the above district scheme. being Lot 10, D.P. 22298. The substance and effect of the consent are to delete from 20 30 Lane Street From Residential "A" the proposed service lane in the area bounded by Courtenay, t'O Indusitrial "B". Currie, DeYlon, and Liardet Streets that parI!: thereQf ooi[(mred C. S. BOWIE, Town Clerk. blue on the pian aJtrtached to the applicMion. The full desoription of the }and is shown in the sa[d Christchurch, 21 November 1963. 1406 application which, tQgether with the plan mentioned therein may be inspected, without fee, aJt any time during offic~ hours at the Town Olerk's office, Liardet Street New PlymouJth. FR:IENDLY SOCIETIES ACT 1909 1402 W. J. CONNOR, Town Clerk. ADVERTISEMENT OF CANCELLING

NEW PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL NO~IC~ is. hereby given that the Regis,trar of Friendly SOCileitles has, pur:s:~l1It to: selcrti:Qn 70 of the Friendly Sotieties Act 1909, by wrIting under his hrand diarted this 25th day of TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1953 November 1963, cancelled the registry of Star of the South Tent, of the New Zealand Central DistdClt, NO'. 86, Indepen­ dent Order of Rechabites Friendly Society (Register No. Central Area District Plannling Scheme N0j71) held alt Dunedin, on the ground that th'e slaJid branch NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant t{) regulation 32 (8) of has ceased to exist. the. rown and Country Planning Regulaltions 1960, that, by declsl10n dal!:ed the 18th day of Octoher 1963, the Town and 1433 V. 11HOM'PISON, Registrar. Oountry P[anrnng kppeal Board c{)nsented to the applioaJtion of Met'al WQrkers Ltd. for a departure, under seclti{)11 35 of the Town and Oounrtry Planning Act 1953, fflom 'the abo~e CONTENTS district scheme for its property in St. AUlbyn Streelt, New Nymourth. PAGE The substance and effeot of the consenit are to permit the company to reoonstruct, alter, or a:dd to' the exiSltJi:ng buildings ADVERTISEMENTS ...... 1933 on the land sh'own on plan 3A submitted witth the applicartion, notwiriliSJtam:Nng that the land is at present zoned residential ApPOINTMENTS, ETC. 1909 The full desrcrip't[on of the land is shown in the said a:piplication which, togelther with the plans mentioned therein, BANKRUPTCY NOTICES 19311 may be. inspected, wi~hourt fee, at any time during office hQurs at the Town Olerk's office, Liardelt Street, New P[ym{)uth. DEFENCE NOTICE '.... , 1909' 1403 W. J. CONNOR, Town Clerk. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES 1932 MISCELLANEOUS- HAVE:LOCK NORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL Corrigendum .. "" 19011 Customs Tariff N O'tice 1914 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1953 Erratum· '...... , 19011 Land Dis!tridts, I.;and Reserved, Revoked, e1tc. 19113 Land Surveyors' EXiamination: Notice 1918 Amendment Havelock North District Scheme Maori Affairs .Nct : Notices ",... ".... ''''', 19116 PURSUANT to the Town and Oounitry Planning Regulratlions Motor Vehicle's (iLicen'sing Fees Exempti'on) Regu- 1960, public notice is hereby given that amendment number lations: Notice """ ".... .,.... ,.. ", 191 '1 Motor Drivers Regulations: NOltices 19'111 one for the HavelQck North District Scheme was appm~ed 1 by ,the Oounoi[ by res'O[ution passed at its meeting held on the Municipal Corporations Act: Notice 1919 16th day of July 1963; no oibjootJilons having been received the New Zealand Geogtaphic Borard Adt: NQtice 1921 amendment is publicly notified. OfficiaJting Ministers rEor 1963 ,,,,,. '191:1 The Council has reso[ved thalt the amendment shaH come Public Works Act: Land Taken, eli'c. '19112 inrto orperaJtlion on the 2nd day of December 1963. RegUlations Act : Notice ,.. 1915 CQpies of the amendment of the scheme have been deposited Reserve Bank Statement 19!15 in the Oouncil's office and in the pubHc lribrary and may be Schedule of Contraots !19114 inspe!ted, without fee, by any person whrQ so requires at any Standards Act: Noltice 1919 time when these ph.:ces are open to the public. Supplementary Teachers' Register 19'23 Transport Act : Notices """ '1911 Darted art HavelO'ck North this 21srt day of November 1963. 1405 P. J. FIELD, Town Olerk. PROCLAMATIONS, ORDERS IN CoUNCIL, AND WARRANTS 1901-08