Sikkim: Melli-Nayabazar
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Social Monitoring Report Project Number: 37143-023 October 2018 Period: January 2018 - June 2018 IND: MFF - North Eastern State Roads Investment Program - Tranche 1 Subproject: Melli-Nayabazar (SK-01) and Nayabazar-Namchi (SK-02 ) Road Sections Submitted by: Project Implementation Unit Roads & Bridges Department, Government of Sikkim This report has been submitted to ADB by Project Implementation Unit Roads & Bridges Department, Government of Sikkim and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND ROADS & BRIDGES DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM North Eastern State Roads Investment Program (NESRIP) funded by MDONER With assistance from ADB vide Loan No.2770-IND Third Social Monitoring Report for the period January, 2018 to June 2018 SOCIAL MONITORING REPORT Prepared and Submitted by: Roads & Bridges Department, Govt. of Sikkim. (PIU) Page 1 of 29 Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Introduction 4-4 1 Background of the Project Road and Scope 4-4 2 Brief Description of Sub-Projects 3 Sub-Project Road- Melli to Nayabazar (SK01) 4-4 3.1 Sub-Project Road- Nayabazar to Namchi (SK02) 4-5 3.2 Resettlement Impacts 7-7 4 Land Acquisition impacts 7-8 4.1 Verification of Community Structures 8-8 4.2 Payment of Compensation 9-9 4.3 Institutional setup 9-10 5 Consultation & Disclosure 10-11 6 Grievance Redress Mechanism 11-11 7 Conclusions & Recommendation 11-11 8 ANNEXURES Annexure -1 Photographs 12-17 Annexure -2 Public Consultation Detail 18-20 Annexure -3 Estimation of damage compensation and fund transfer details 21-26 Annexure -4 Formation of Grievance Redressal Committee 26-29 Page 2 of 29 Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND List of Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank BPL Below Poverty Line DC District Collector DH Displaced Household DP Displaced Person DPR Detailed Project Report EA Executing Agency GOI Government of India GRC Grievance Redressal Committee LA Land Acquisition MDONER Ministry of Development of North East Region NESRIP North Eastern State Roads Investment Program NGO Non-Government Organization NH National Highway PIU Project Implementation Unit PWD Public Works Department R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation RP Resettlement Plan RO Resettlement Officer ROW Right Of Way Page 3 of 29 Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND SOCIAL MONITORING REPORT 1. Introduction 1. The Government of India with the financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank has undertaken the project “Widening, Improvement and upgrading of road section from Melli(km 17.1) to Nayabazar (SK-01) & Nayabazar to Namchi (SK02) in South Sikkim under North Eastern States Roads Investment Program,Tranche-1 vide Loan No.2770-IND. 2. This will lead to easy accessibility of the local people to essential socio-economic and health care services such as education, administrative services and trade centres enhancing quality of life of local people. The project is also to address the institutional capacity building of road sector at the state level to ensure effective and efficient management of the road assets. 3. This report covers a period from January, 2018 to June, 2018. 2. Background of the Project Road 4. The State roads in Sikkim have deteriorated over the years due to heavy rains and floods in some areas, failure of sub-grade and sub-base courses under increasing Traffic load and paucity of maintenance funds and resources for the timely and adequate maintenance of such roads. Development in the State is, therefore, hindered by the low quality of existing transport infrastructure, unreliable services, and largely hilly and rolling terrain besides excessive rainfall and floods in the area resulting in damages to the existing roads. 3. Brief description of Sub-Project Roads 3.1 Sub-Project Road -Melli to Nayabazaar (SK-01) 5. The project road starts from Manpur (Km 17.1) and traverses through hilly terrain throughout and passes through Majitar, Bhari Khola, Chirbiray ,16th Mile and Jorethang villages. This section is an existing state highway measuring 9.500 km in length located at Sikkim, South District. The topography of the project area is hilly. It passes entirely through hillock on one side and river valley (perennial river Rangit) on other side. The land use is completely forest type. It is situated within the Reserved Forest area of Sikkim South Forest Division. The existing condition of the road is motorable with average carriageway width of 4.000 m to 5.000 m. The project area is a high rainfall zone. The soil is poor and unstable which leads to frequent landslides and soil erosion mainly in rainy season. There are no historical places in the project area; however, one temple exists near to existing carriageway. There is no major settlement in between the project road. (Melli is the only town at the start of the project road. There is no encroachment on the road and available ROW is 27 ft either side of the centre of the road and the works shall be carried out only within the available ROW. There has been a change in alignment due to the shifting of bridge located at Bhandi Khola ( Km 21+ 680). The bridge is being shifted to Km 21+369 for improving the geometrics of the stretch. There will no resettlement impact since the stretch falls under the Forest area. Page 4 of 29 Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND 3.2 Sub-Project Road -Nayabazar to Namchi (SK02) 6. The project road starts from Akkar bridge junction at Nayabazar and traverses through hilly terrain throughout and passes through Karfectar, Chisopani, Nandugaon, 9th Mile, 12th mile villages. This section is also an existing state highway measuring 19.700 km in length located at Sikkim, South District. The topography of the project area is hilly and passes though the mostly private lands as well as some reserve forest area of the South Sikkim Forest Division. The existing road has single lane carriageway with average carriageway width of 4.000 m to 5.000 m and formation width of 5.000 m to 6.000 m. The road passes mostly through hilly terrain (about 98 % road length) with moderate to sharp curves. The road has bituminous surface with good riding condition. The earthen shoulders are deteriorated and hill-side drains are damaged. The existing traffic is moderate and likely to go up in near future. There is no major settlement in between the project road. Jorethang (Nayabazar) is the only town at the start of the project road and Namchi at end of project road. There is no encroachment on the road and available ROW is 27 ft either side of the centre of the road and the works shall be carried out only within the available ROW. Therefore no households are affected by the project. Figure 1 show the location map of the subproject roads. Both road sections are proposed for improvement and up gradation to intermediate lane configuration (5.500 m carriageway) with side drains on hill side. Page 5 of 29 Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND Figure 1. Namchi SK-02 km 0.000 to km 19.700 Length 19.700 km Jorethang (Nayabazaar) Revised Horizontal Alignment of SK-01 Sikkim Road Project km 17.100 to km 26.600 SKCW1 Length 9.500 km Total Length of Melli km Project: 29.200 Page 6 of 29 Widening and Strengthening of Melli – Namchi in South Sikkim. SKCW1 SK-01 Manpur Junction to Nayabazaar SK-02 Nayabazaar to Namchi by the R&B Department, Sikkim under MDONER with assistance from ADB Loan No.2770-IND 4. Resettlement Impacts 7. The project road was initially constructed during the era when Sikkim was a Kingdom. Later, ROW was demarcated as 27 feet on either side of the road from the centre of the road. The PIU decided to carry out the widening works within the available ROW. However, during the public hearing conducted at Nandu Gaon, the public stated that though the ROW area for the stretch Nayabazar to Namchi was under the ownership of the Government, they have not been compensated for the land on either side of the road till ROW boundary.