Friends and Foes Term Fdr Address As
Mostly ekmdy toolght and Wed- nesday, probably snow Sairieo te north porUoB, colder Wednesday. MANOHECTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHAKM MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, “JANUARY 4, 1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREEl CENTS JAPS CAPTURE F. D. R. Warns Asrainst "Misuse of Powers of CapitaL” \ THE NATAL CITY FRIENDS AND FOES OF CONFUCIUS TERM FDR ADDRESS By Clnnese; Two Ameri- AS “ CONCILIATORY can Airmen Die In A Plane Crash At Hankow. Som Of Preadeot’s Critic^ Hudson Motor Co. However, Say Tkey W 9 Shanghai, Jan. 4— (A P )—Japa nose Infantry columns today drove Recalls 6,000 Men deep Into the "Holy Land of China Await His Special Mes- —central Shantung province—and reported capture of cities more than sage Od Business Beforii 50 miles south of Tsinan, the al- To Detroit Plants ready occupied provincial capital. (Dome!’ tha Japanese news agen- Makmg CommeDts; cy, In a dispatch to Tokyo said the Detroit, Jan. 4— (A P )—A. B.|, T t has become Increasingly clear Japanese vanguard had captured Barit, president of the Hudson Mo- to us,” Barit said, "that with busl- Chufu, 70 mUes south of Tsinan nesa flowing down as It has been trast Its Tone Fitk Reeei$ tor Car Oo., told a gathering of where Confucius, China’s great recently, we were In position to do newsmen today that hla company sage, was bom In 650 B. C. more than announce a new automo- Speeches Made By A idei (The Japanese Army said It will recall 6,000 men to work with- bile—we could In a way aet the pace would accord ful protection to the in the "next few weeks,” as part of In the matter of putting men and a plan to put “ men and money back tomb of Confucius at Chufu, to the money back to work.
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