Paper prepared for the 2018 ISA Annual Convention, April 4-7, San Francisco Panel FC53: International Organizations in the Digital Age Tweeting to Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War. The UN‘s Identity and Agency Projection in Twitter Very first draft – Please do not cite without author’s permission – Comments are most welcome! Matthias Hofferberth, together with Nery E. Chavez University of Texas at San Antonio Department of Political Science and Geography One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249 matthias.hoff
[email protected] Abstract: Ever since its creation, the role of the United Nations (UN) in world politics has been debated. Different images, ranging from instrument of the powerful to collective agency of and for the weak, have been evoked to describe this unique organization. In addition to conceptual and theoretical work in this regard, the paper contents that it is important to consider images projected by the organization itself as well as by those immediately involved. With more than 540,000 tweets and 10 million followers between the UN official accounts as such, such projections arguably occur through Twitter. Through this medium, the UN and its member states reach a global audience instantaneously and thus portray there respective understandings of the organization. Against this background, drawing on practice and linguistic turn considerations, the paper (1) reconstructs how and which channels of social media the UN uses, (2) considers nature, content, and directions of tweets to reconstruct the image(s) created through Twitter, as well as (3) contributes to the emergence of a new line of UN and IO research which considers new forms of digital communication to collaboratively create and maintain a database on the UN as well as other organizations in regards to their use of social media.