Minutes of a Meeting held on Thursday 14th February 2008 in Newbiggin-on-Lune Public Hall

Present Councillor John Bull (Chairman) Councillors, James Richardson, Hilary Law, Ernest Leach and Caroline Morris. Clerk, Chris Elphick. District Councillor George Boustead

Declarations of Interest Cllr Law declared a personal interest in works on the Scandal Beck project as a director of T A Law Ltd.

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Paul Capstick, Cllr Alison Morriss and County Councillor Tim Stoddard

Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 10th January 2008 had been circulated and were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

Children’s Playgrounds Newbiggin-on-Lune Funding for the completion of the play area has been allocated from Eden District Council’s successful bid to the BIG Lottery fund. A meeting on site had been attended By Doug Huggon and Ian Parker from EDC Leisure Services plus the Chairman and Clerk. The site was assessed as easily accessible, away from highway, level surface and visible from houses. All were considered positive points. Final details which are required by the Lottery, such as the planning condition for archaeological attendance on site, are being addressed.

Ravenstonedale - Scandal Beck Installation of the SMP Action Unit has commenced. Replacements for missing parts are to be ordered.

Nature Area Management A new publication, “Open Green Spaces – Managing for Wildlife” has been prepared by FoLD. It will be helpful in formulating a management plan for the Scandal Beck area

A685 Road Safety Capita has assessed the dangers of the section of the A685 from to Ravenstonedale and made some proposals for improvements at the Ravenstonedale Junctions. The timescale for implementation is not specified.

Finance Accounts for payment Viking Direct £ 65.41 Eden District Council (Election expenses) £ 70.00 Friends of the Lake District (Sub) £ 27.00 C J Elphick (Screwfix – Play exp.) £ 19.51 Resolved that the foregoing four items be approved for payment

Ravenstonedale High Chapel It was reported that a Draft Lease was expected imminently. It had been agreed that Synod would share the cost of a Structural survey report. It may be possible to get grant assistance towards this.

min_02.08.doc Page 049/1 Chairman’s Initials Planning Applications No. 08/0074 SUNROOM EXTENSION Type Full Application Location Intake, Newbiggin-on-Lune Applicant Mr P Ellison Parish Council No objections or observations

Proposal for the replacement of six Residential Care Homes in The Consultation Document was noted. No response from Parish Council.

Greater Influence for Local Councils Consultation paper received from CALC. Chairman to attend a seminar at Newton Rigg on 29th March 2008.

Upper Eden Community Plan The third and final draft of the plan had been received and noted.

Parish Paths Initiative It was reported that, as a result of request in the Newsletter, one potential volunteer inspector had come forward. The footbridge opposite the Chantry (Floody Bridge) was reported as having broken handrails. Clerk to report to PPI Co- ordinator.

Registration of Village Greens 2007 Further consideration was given to the advantages and disadvantages of registration and to any areas in the parish which may benefit from being registered. The recreation and nature area at Scandal Beck is under consideration. This item to be carried forward for further investigation.

Public Participation There were no contributions from members of the public

Correspondence Received CALC – Circular February 2008

Date of next meeting: Thursday 13th March 2008

Signed Chairman Date 13th March 2008

min_02.08.doc Page 049/2 Chairman’s Initials