arXiv:0804.0715v2 [math.NT] 5 Feb 2011 mgnr hfso n fteaoefntoswihaeetr,for entire, are which functions above the of any of shifts imaginary om;teDdkn eafnto fqartcnme field number quadratic of zeta-function Dedekind the ; form L rmtv ucin fdge in 2 degree of functions primitive form modular normalized suitable sntytkoni hsls scmlt o ere2 h usinhsn has question the 2, degree Howeve for k [7],[8]). complete is (see is it line list general. fact, critical this in In the if anwered known on line. yet lie critical not zeros the is of on proportion zeros positive many a infinitely have they that odto 1. Condition oiiepooto fzrsleo h rtclln se[8,[3,[] [20]) [4], [13], [18], example (see for line tions, critical the on lie zeros of proportion positive iia ruetwrsfor works argument similar htti euthsbe xeddb h aeatosut 0 upto authors same the by extended been has result this that aeof case at oml nlgu oteRean-vnMnod oml for formula Mangoldt von - for Riemann holds the zeta-function to analogous formula a fact, 0 degree ucin fdge in 2 degree of functions Question soitdwt rmtv characters primitive with associated real ses oso that show to easy is ( < d < ,χ s, nti otx,Gisnoi 6 trswith starts [6] in Gritsenko context, this In h nw xmlso ere2fntosaepouto w degr two of product are functions 2 degree of examples known The Let 2000 n[0,1]KcoosiadPrliso htteol ucin fd of functions only the that show Perelli and Kaczorowski [10],[11] In h usinhsa ffimtv nwrfraldge ucin an functions 1 degree all for answer affirmative an has question The NTEZRSO UCIN NTESLEGCLASS SELBERG THE IN FUNCTIONS OF ZEROS THE ON ω NRA UHPDYY OYD RNVS RSNNRAJKUMA KRISHNAN SRINIVAS, KOTYADA MUKHOPADHYAY, ANIRBAN 1 Rcnl elan rmPoesrA v´ naproa commu personal a Ivi´c in A. Professor from learnt we (Recently . > d S ) ζ ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject L ucin nteSlegcashv nntl ayzrso t on zeros many infinitely have class Selberg the in functions Abstract. ( 5 eoeteSlegcaso ucin se[2) Let [12]). (see functions of class Selberg the denote s ( / : ,χ s, ,Hry[]soe hti a nifiiyo eo nteciia line critical the on zeros of infinity an has it that showed [9] Hardy ), dfie ae) rmteter fitga ucin ffiieo finite of functions integral of theory the From later). (defined 0 r h imn zeta-function Riemann the are 3 Does 2 when ) h olwn smttcfruahlsas holds formula asymptotic following The F ti rvdta ne oesial odtos h degree the conditions, suitable some under that proved is It ζ di nntl ayzrso h rtclline critical the on zeros many infinitely admit 2 F ( s χ p X ), F a nntl ayzrsi h rtclsrp0 strip critical the in zeros many infinitely has ≤ 1 S x L . se[2) ti hrfr aua oaktefollowing the ask to natural therefore is It [12]). (see and | ( a L ,χ s, j oPoesrSahe atnykwt epregards deep with Pattanayak Swadheen Professor To ( ( χ ,χ s, p 1 ) 2 | ) 1. 2 L r o-rnia.I l hs ae,i sknown is it cases, these all In non-principal. are S .I at o hs ucin ti nw hta that known is it functions these for fact, In ). log f ( ,χ s, hc aif h olwn conditions: following the satisfy which χ hc sete ooopi raMaswave- Maass a or holomorphic either is which Introduction p 14 piay;1M1(secondary). 11M41 (primary); 11E45 n hi mgnr shifts imaginary their and 2 = ;the ); 1 x + ζ ( O s L ,teDirichlet the ), ( -function x F log 1 F , − 2 1 F . . . , x ) L , x eciia line. critical he f F ∞ → N ( s S ∈ soitdwt a with associated ) K L hc r distinct are which -functions < d < L , : ( eafnto of function a be ζ example σ s K + = h Riemann the ( ≤ l known all d s two tytbeen yet ot ,χ ω, i ;adthe and ); onthat nown 1 2 . nthe In 2.) e1func- 1 ee ,sneit since r, σ . ? nication ≤ dr it rder, L R L with ) ( egree .In 1. f ,χ s, ( A . s ), ) 2 ANIRBAN MUKHOPADHYAY, KOTYADA SRINIVAS, KRISHNAN RAJKUMAR where aj (n) are the Dirichlet coefficients of Fj (s), j =1, 2,...,N. Condition 2. For any j, 1 j N, there exists a positive constant c such that ≤ ≤ Fj 1 it 2 1 2it 1+ a (p)p− 2 − + a (p )p− − + >c , | j j · · · | Fj where t is an arbitrary number in the interval [T, 2T + 1], p is an arbitrary prime number and T T > 0,T is a sufficiently large absolute constant. ≥ 0 0 Condition 3. The following asymptotic formula holds as x : → ∞ 2 1 4 a (n) n− = A log x + B + O(log− x), | j | Fj Fj n x X≤ where AFj > 0 and BFj are constants depending only on Fj (s), j =1, 2,...,N. He then assumes the truth of the following conjecture of Selberg: Condition 4. The following asymptotic formula holds as x : → ∞ 1 a(p)a′(p)p− = O(1), p x X≤ where a(n) and a′(n) are the Dirichlet coefficients of two distinct primitive func- tions F and F ′ in . S He then shows that the function given by F N (t)= b Z (t), F j Fj j=1 X has at least T exp(√log log log T ) zeros of odd order in [T, 2T ], where ZFj (t) is defined as in Section 4 and b are real with b =0. j 1 6 An important result in this context is by Bombieri and Hejhal (cf. [2]), which deals with a class of functions L(s) very close to the Selberg class. Roughly speak- ing, their result is as follows. If L1(s), ..., LN (s) satisfy the same functional equa- tion, are orthogonal in the sense of Selberg, satisfy the and a certain weak form of the pair correlation conjecture, then almost all zeros of the linear combination N bjLj (s), j=1 X where bj are real, lie on the critical line σ =1/2 and are simple. Unconditionally, the question seems to be difficult for a general function in of degree d 2. An attempt has been made in this note to answer the questionS for functions≥ of degree 2 under some mild conditions. To state the main theorem we need some preparation. We recall that every F satisfies a functional equation of the type ∈ S Φ(s)= ωΦ(1¯ s), − where r s (1.1) Φ(s)= Q Γ(λj s + µj )F (s)= γ(s)F (s), j=1 Y say, with Q> 0, λ > 0, µ 0 and ω =1. Here f¯(s)= f(¯s). j ℜ j ≥ | | ONTHE ZEROS OF FUNCTIONS INTHE SELBERG CLASS 3

The functional equation can be rewriten as F (s) = ∆ (s)F¯(1 s), F − where γ¯(1 s) ∆ (s)= ω − F γ(s) · We also recall that log F (s) is a with coefficients b(n) satisfying b(n) = 0 unless n = pm, for some prime p and integer m 1. This implies that F has an expansion and hence the Dirichlet≥ coefficients a(n) of F are multiplicative. Multiplicativity of the coefficients is crucial in the proof of our theorem. From now onwards the function F will always be denoted by F (s) = a(n) ∈ S ∞ n=1 ns , s = σ + it with the following data, which are invariants, associated with it (see [12]): the degree d =2 r λ , the ξ-invariant ξ =2 r (µ 1/2) P j=1 j j=1 j − d 2 r 2λj and the conductor q = (2π) Q jP=1 λj . The implied constantsP in the O-terms appearing at various places may depend only on the conductor q. The aim of this note is to establish the followingQ THEOREM. Let F S with d = 2, ξ real and √q irrational and suppose the Dirichlet coefficients ∈a(n) of F satisfy (1.2) a(n) 2 = O(x), | | n x X≤ then F (s) has infinitely many zeros on the critical line s = 1 . ℜ 2 REMARK 1. The condition (1.2) can be derived from Condition 3 by a straight forward application of partial summation. i ξ REMARK 2. The presence of the factor t− ℑ in (2.1) makes it difficult to apply Lemma 1 to evaluate the integral in (4.4). Therefore, we imposed the condition that ξ is real. Moreover, this condition is benign for functions F which are regular at s = 1, as a suitable imaginary shift of F can be made to satisfy this and hence the conclusion of the theorem will hold for F also. REMARK 3. The conditions of the theorem are satisfied for the functions L(s,χ1)L(s,χ2) where χ1 and χ2 are primitive Dirichlet characters to the modulus q1 and q2 respectively provided q1q2 is not a perfect square. The conditions also hold for Lf (s) for a cuspidal modular form f of level N if N is not a perfect square. REMARK 4. The conditions of the theorem are not satisfied for ζ2(s) or L2(s,χ). However, since our proof follows closely Hardy - Littlewood proof ( as given in [19], pp 260–262 ) of Hardy’s theorem for ζ(s), which counts the zeros of odd order on the critical line, these exceptions are to be expected. REMARK 5. The main step in the proof of the theorem is the application of Daboussi and Delange’s result (see Lemma 2 below). It must be pointed out that, although not in , in the case of the Epstein zeta-function associated to certain positive definiteS binary quadratic forms and in the case of the ideal class zeta- functions associated to certain quadratic number fields, the crucial exponential sum estimate (3.5) was derived from the arithmetic information contained in their Dirichlet coefficients and thereby the infinitude of zeros on the critical line was established (see [16] and [3] respectively). 4 ANIRBAN MUKHOPADHYAY, KOTYADA SRINIVAS, KRISHNAN RAJKUMAR

The plan of this note is as follows. In section 2 we shall derive an asymptotic expression for ∆F (s) and state some growth estimates. Section 3 will deal with some exponential lemmas and a lower bound estimate for the first power mean of a Dirichlet series on the critical line. In section 4, we shall prove the theorem.

2. Asymptotic expansion and order estimates The well-known Stirling’s formula for the Γ-function states that in any fixed vertical strip < α σ β < , −∞ ≤ ≤ ∞ 1/2 σ+it 1/2 π t+ π i(σ 1/2) it Γ(σ + it)=(2π) t − e− 2 2 − − (1 + O(1/t)) as t . → ∞ Using this formula along with the functional equation for F (s), we obtain d/2 1 2σ 2it i ξ idt (2.1) ∆F (s)= ω1(Q1t ) − − t− ℑ e (1 + O(1/t)), π i(d/2+ ξ)+i ξ r 2i µj r λj where ω = ωe− 2 ℜ ℑ λ− ℑ , with ω = 1, and Q = Q λ . 1 j=1 j | 1| 1 j=1 j Note that Q = q (2π) d/2. 1 √ − Q Q As d = 2 and ξ = 0 in the present case, we get ℑ 1 2σ 2it 2it (2.2) ∆F (s)= ω1′ (Q1t) − − e (1 + O(1/t)).

π r 2i µj 2 i(1+ξ) − ℑ where ω1′ = ωe− j=1 λj . Thus, we have Q 1/2 σ 1/2+it it (2.3) ∆F− (s)= ω2(Q1t) − e− (1 + O(1/t)), 1/2 where ω = (ω′ )− with ω = 1. 2 1 | 2| Next, we use the following uniform convexity estimates which are easy to verify.

1 σ 1 σ+ǫ O(Q − t ) 0 σ 1 F (s)= 1 − O(tǫ), σ> 1. ≤ ≤  From (2.3) we get

1/2 1/2+ǫ 1/2 O(Q t ) 0 σ 1 (2.4) ∆− (s)F (s)= 1 F 1/2 σ 1/2+ǫ ≤ ≤ ( O(Q1 t − ) 1 < σ 1+ δ ≤

3. Estimates on oscillatory integrals We use the following result from Potter and Titchmarsh [16] on exponential integrals.

LEMMA 1. Let ′ T t it J = tα dt, eβ ZT   where α,β > 0, and 0

We will also use the following result on exponential sums from Daboussi and Delange [5]. LEMMA 2. Let f be a multiplicative arithmetical function satisfying the condition 2 n x f(n) = O(x). Then, for every irrational α, we have ≤ | | (3.5)P f(n)e2πinα = o(x). n x X≤ REMARK 6. We can show that the method of Daboussi and Delange in [5] can 1/2 be worked out more carefully to replace o(x) in (3.5) with O(x(log log x)− ). In fact, under the additional condition that f(p) A for all primes p, Montgomery | |≤ 1 and Vaughan [15] improved the O-estimate to O(x log− x). REMARK 7. For α rational, the estimate (3.5) was established by Daboussi and Delange [5] under the restriction that f(n) 1 and some other conditions. How- ever, in the general case, the Dirichlet| coefficients|≤ of functions in do not satisfy this restriction. S Now we state Theorem 3 of [1] as:

s LEMMA 3. Let B(s)= n∞=1 bnn− be any Dirichlet series satisfying the following conditions: P (i) not all bn’s are zero; (ii) the function can be continued analytically in σ a, t t0, and in this region B(s)= O(( t + 10)A). ≥ | | ≥ | | Then for every ǫ> 0, we have T +H B(σ + it) dt H | | ≫ ZT for all H (log T )ǫ,T T (ǫ), and σ>a. ≥ ≥ 0 REMARK 8. Ramachandra showed (see [17], Chapter II ) that the first power mean of a generalized Dirichlet series satisfying certain conditions can not be too small. Lemma 3 is a particular case of this general theorem, which is quite useful in obtaining lower bounds of the type (4.1), even in short-intervals.

4. Proof of the main theorem We define the function 1/2 ZF (t) = ∆F (1/2+ it)− F (1/2+ it), where ZF (t) is the analogue of Hardy’s function Z(t) in the theory of Riemann’s zeta-function. The functional equation implies that ZF (t) is real for real t. Thus the zeros of F (s) on the critical line correspond to the real zeros of ZF (t).

Suppose now that ZF (t) has no zeros in the interval [T, 2T ] where T T1 > 0,T1 is a sufficiently large absolute constant. ≥ Consider the integral 2T I = ZF (t)dt. ZT 6 ANIRBAN MUKHOPADHYAY, KOTYADA SRINIVAS, KRISHNAN RAJKUMAR

We are going to estimate I from below and above to derive eventually a contra- diction. Since the integrand| | is of constant sign by our assumption, we have 2T I = Z (t) dt. | | | F | ZT The lower bound (4.1) I T | | ≫ follows on taking H = T in Lemma 3. As for the upper bound estimation, we first write the integral I as 1/2+i2T 1/2 (4.2) I = i ∆− (s)F (s)ds. − F Z1/2+iT Next, we move the line of integration to σ = 1+δ, (δ> 0 is a small positive constant less than 1/10) and apply Cauchy’s theorem to the integral

1/2 ∆F− (s)F (s)ds, Z along the rectangle with sides σ =1/2, σ =1+ δ, t = T and t =2T . By Cauchy’s theorem and the estimate (2.4), the integral (4.2) reduces to 2T 1/2 (4.3) ∆F− (1 + δ + it)F (1 + δ + it)dt, ZT with an error O(T 1/2+δ+ǫ)= o(T ) coming from the horizontal lines. Substituting the asymptotic formula (2.3) in (4.3), we see that the expression (4.3) is a constant multiple of 2T ∞ Q1t a(n) 1/2+δ it log( ) (4.4) (Q t) e en 1+ O(1/t) dt. n1+δ 1 n=1 ZT X  The O term in (4.4) is trivially O(T 1/2+δ)= o(T ). − The problem, therefore, reduces to the estimation of the sum it ∞ a(n) 2T Q t (4.5) Q1/2+δ t1/2+δ 1 dt. 1 n1+δ en n=1 T X Z   The integral in (4.5) is evaluated by exponential integral techniques (Lemma 1). First we subdivide the sum in (4.5) into sub-intervals 1 n Q T 1,Q T +1 n 2Q T 1, 2Q T +1 n, ≤ ≤ 1 − 1 ≤ ≤ 1 − 1 ≤ and denote the corresponding sums over these ranges as Σ1, Σ2, Σ3 respectively. Notice that there are atmost 4 integers n from the range of (4.5) which have not been included in the above ranges. As n Q1T (by which we mean Q1T n ǫ ≍ ≪ ≪ Q1T ) for these integers and a(n)= O(n ), their contribution to (4.5) is nǫ O T 1/2+δT = O T 1/2+ǫ = o(T ). n1+δ    ONTHE ZEROS OF FUNCTIONS INTHE SELBERG CLASS 7

The sum Σ1 is estimated by using (3.1) (with T ′ =2T ) to be a(n) (4.6) Σ = O T 1/2+δ | | . 1 n1+δ log(Q T/n)  1  We then further sub-divide the rangeX of (4.6) into two sub-sums as follows 1 n Q T/2,Q T/2

For estimating Σ11, we note that log(Q1T/n) log 2 in this range and hence we get ≥ a(n) Σ = O T 1/2+δ | | = O T 1/2+δ = o(T ). 11 n1+δ  X    For estimating Σ12, we use the inequality log(Q1T/n) (Q1T n)/Q1T , n ǫ ≥ − ≍ Q1T and a(n)= O(n ) and obtain a(n) Q T 1 (4.7) Σ = O T 1/2+δ | | 1 = O T 1/2+ǫ . 12 n1+δ Q T n Q T n  1 −   1 −  Observe that the last sum inX (4.7) is X 1 1 (Q T n)− = (k + f)− = O(log T ), 1 − 1 k

Estimating Σ3 is similar to that of Σ1 except that we use (3.3) instead of (3.1). Hence, we find in a similar manner that Σ3 = o(T ).

The sum Σ2 is estimated by using (3.2) (with T ′ =2T ) to be

in/Q1 a(n) 9/10+δ (4.8) Σ = C a(n)e− + O | | T + 2 n1+δ   X a(n) X + O T 1/2+δ | |E , n1+δ n   1 i π X 1 1 where C = (2π/Q1) 2 e 4 is a constant and En = log− (n/(Q1T ))+log− (2Q1T/n). 1 Using the fact that Q1 = √q(2π)− , we get that the main exponential sum in (4.8) is a constant multiple of

2πin/√q a(n)e− . Q1T +1 n 2Q1T 1 ≤X≤ − By the assumption (1.2) in Theorem 1, the irrationality of √q and Lemma 2, we get this sum to be o(T ). The first O-term in (4.8) is estimated by using n Q T and a(n) = O(nǫ) to ≍ 1 be O(T 9/10+ǫ)= o(T ). The estimation of the second O-term in (4.8) is done in the same way as was 1/2+ǫ done for Σ12 to conclude that it is O((T ) log T )= o(T ). Collecting all the estimates, we have 2T (4.9) ZF (t)dt = o(T ). ZT 8 ANIRBAN MUKHOPADHYAY, KOTYADA SRINIVAS, KRISHNAN RAJKUMAR

Thus from (4.1) and (4.9), we derive a contradiction. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Professor K. Soundararajan for pointing out [15] to us. The authors also wish to thank Professors R. Balasubrama- nian, A. Ivi´cand A. Perelli for their useful suggestions. Finally the authors express their gratitude to the referee for promptly reviewing the manuscript and reverting back with some valuable suggestions.

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Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Tharamani, Chennai 600 113, India E-mail address, Anirban Mukhopadhyay: [email protected] E-mail address, Kotyada Srinivas: [email protected] E-mail address, Krishnan Rajkumar: [email protected]