arXiv:2105.06957v1 [math.NT] 14 May 2021 hoe . a nw rvosyfrteetne ebr class Selberg extended the for previously known was 1.1 Theorem om soitdt ihrlvlcnrec ugop frwhic (for subgroups congruence level higher to associated forms aoyfntos bcsao bouecnegneo iclts Dirchlet of convergence absolute of abscissa functions, matory oolr olw meitl rmtetheorem. the from immediately follows corollary eel endi K9] soitdt ahDrcltseries Dirichlet each to Associated [KP99]. in defined Perelli n lo(tity otisteetne ebr class Selberg extended the contains (strictly) also and oauiayatmrhcrepresentation automorphic unitary a to convergence absolute of abscissa the particular, In oti eylrenme of number large very a contain in iihe eiso degree of series Dirichlet oolr 1.2. Corollary ad`eles over ae rt eern h edrt eto o h rcs defi precise the for 2 Section to reader degree the referring first, paper hoe 1.1. Theorem NTEASLT OVREC FAUTOMORPHIC OF CONVERGENCE ABSOLUTE THE ON h oolr ol pert enwee o the for even new be to appear would corollary The n[a2]w nrdcdacaso iihe series Dirichlet of class a introduced we [Rag20] In e od n phrases. and words Key ned ti nw that known is it Indeed, 2010 h olwn oolr oestecsso raetinterest. greatest of cases the covers corollary following The A # sannngtv elnme t degree its - number real non-negative a is ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject class endclass defined ec of gence Abstract. P where d F n

Corollary 2 of [KP05]). Elements in S# are required to satisfy the analogue of the Generalised Ramanujan Conjecture (GRC) at infinity which is equiva- lent to the Selberg Eigenvalue Conjecture for Maass eigenforms. Since these conjectures are very far from being established, Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2 are not subsumed by the earlier results. In addition, we note that elements of A# may have (a finite number of) poles at arbitrary locations and satisfy a more general functional equation than those of S#. A priori they may have an arbitrary abscissa of absolute convergence, # in contrast to the requirement σa(F ) 1 for elements of S . Many other L-functions are known to belong to A#≤(but are not known to belong to S#). These include the exterior square, symmetric square and tensor product L- functions associated to (unitary) automorphic representations of GLn(AK), where AK denotes the ad`eles over a number field K. The L-functions of half integral weight forms and Siegel modular forms also belong to A#, but in general, do not belong to S#. Theorem 1.1 thus applies to a substantially larger class of examples. The proof of Theorem 1.1 uses a transform introduced by Soundararajan in [Sou05] for the case d = 1 in the context of the Selberg class S, but improves on the relevant stationary phase techniques following the arguments in [BR20]. These allow us to prove an asymptotic formula for the “standard addtive twist”

∞ idαn1/d 1/2+1/2d 1/2+1/2d F (0, α, 1/d) := a e− c T + o(T ) n ∼ 0 T 0 (see equation (7.1)), from which Theorem 1.1 follows easily.− The asymptotic formula for the standard additive twist of elements in S# was proved in [KP05] without any further assumptions. The proof invokes the properties of Fox hypergeometric functions and other complex analytics techniques. While our method is unable to recover this more subtle statement, it does produce a completely different and shorter proof of Theorem 1.1 even for the class S#. In [KP15] it is shown that the conclusion of Theorem 1.1 holds for series which are polynomials in the elements of the Selberg class S. It is likely that the same ideas work for polynomials in the elements of A, the class of series in A# which have an . However, we do not attempt this here.

2. Some basic definitions The class A# was defined in [Rag20] as follows. For s C, we write s = σ + it, where σ, t R. Let F (s) = 0 be a meromorphic function∈ on C. We consider the following∈ conditions on6 F (s). a ∞ n (P1) The function F (s) is given by a n=1 ns with abscissa of absolute convergence σa 1/2. ≥ P On the absolute convergence of automorphic Dirichlet series 3

(P2) There is a polynomial P (s) such that P (s)F (s) extends to an entire function, and such that given any vertical strip σ1 σ σ2, there is some M R such that P (s)F (s) (1 + t)M . ≤ ≤ (P3) There exist∈ a real number Q > ≪0, a complex number ω such that ω = 1, and a function G(s) of the form | | r r′ 1 G(s)= Γ(λjs + µj) Γ(λj′ ′ s + µj′ ′ )− , (2.1) j=1 ′ Y jY=1

where λj,λj′ ′ > 0 are real numbers, µj,µj′ ′ C, and Γ(s) denotes the usual , such that ∈

Φ(s) := QsG(s)F (s)= ωΦ(1 s¯). (2.2) − We will denote by A# the set of (non-zero) meromorphic functions satisfying r r′ (P1)-(P3). We set d =2 λ 2 ′ λ′ ′ . Theorem 2.1 of [Rag20] shows F j=1 j − j =1 j that d does not depend on the choice of the functions G(s) that appear in F P P (2.2). The number dF is called the degree of the function F (s). The set of all A# A# functions F (s) with dF = d will be denoted by d . The class S#∈is defined as the set of series F (s) A# satisfying the con- m ∈ ditions σa 1, P (s)=(s 1) for some m 0, r′ = 0, and µj 0 for all 1 j ≤r, define. As we− have outlined in≥ the introduction, even≥ when we expect≤ ≤ a series F (s) to belong to S#, we can only rarely prove that this is the case, since major conjectures like the GRC at infinity are involved. In addition, there are a large number of examples that belong to A#, but do not belong to S#. Two simple examples to keep in mind are ζ(2s 1/2) and ζ(s +1/2)ζ(s 1/2). − More detailed− rationales for working in A# rather than in S#, or in the class L introduced by A. Booker in [Boo15], may be found in [Rag20] and [BR20].

3. Preliminaries In this section we record a few facts from [BR20] which we will need for our proof. We first fix the following notation. For a complex function f(s) we define f˜(s)= f(¯s). Let z = x + iy, and assume that π + θ < arg(z + it) < π θ for some − 0 − 0 θ0 > 0. From Section 2.2 of [BR20] (see equations (2.1)-(2.4) of that paper), we retrieve ˜ G(1 x it) d d ( 1 x) itd log t iA iB it − − =(Ce− t ) 2 − e− e t e C− (1 + O(1/t)), (3.1) G(x + it) · where r,r′ ′ 2λ ′ ¯ 2λj j A = i((¯µ µ) (µ′ µ′)), C = λj λj′ ′ − , − − − − ′ j,jY=1 4 RAVIRAGHUNATHAN and r r

B = i (¯µ µ ) log λ (µ ′ µ′ ′ ) log λ − j − j j − j′ − j j, j=1 j′=1 ! X X π (µ µ¯)+(µ′ µ¯ ) ((µ µ¯) (µ′ µ¯ )+ d/2) , (3.2) − − − ′ − − − − ′ 2 with r r

µ = µj and µ′ = µj′ ′ . j=1 ′ X jX=1 Note that A R and C > 0. Replacing x + it by x + it + w (w = u + iv) in (3.1), and taking∈ absolute values, we obtain ˜ G(1 x it w) d(x 1/2+u) − − − (1 + t + v )− − . (3.3) G(x + it + w) ≪ | | Additionally, we will need the following lemma from [BR20] which allows us to pass from F (s) to an everywhere convergent Dirichlet series. Lemma 3.1. Let w = u + iv, z = x + iy, p> 0 and d> 0. If F (s) A# is ∈ d holomorphic at s = z + it and 0 <η< 1 x + p σa, we have p − − ∞ a e (n/X) F (z + it)= n − + r (t, X)+ r (t, X), (3.4) nz+it 1 2 n=1 X σa x t /p where r1(t, X) := O(X − e−| | ) is identically zero if F (z) is entire, and

1 w d( 1 +p x η) p+η r2(t, X) := F (z + it + w)X Γ(w/p)dw O(t 2 − − X− ), 2πip u= p+η ≪ Z − (3.5) where u = p + η is a line on which F (z + it + w) is holomorphic. − Remark 3.2. We can apply the lemma above to F˜(s) instead of F (s). This yields p ∞ a e (n/X) F˜(1 z it)= n − +˜r (t, X)+˜r (t, X), (3.6) − − n1 z it 1 2 n=1 − − X wherer ˜i(t, X) satisfies the same estimates as ri(t, X) when x is replaced by 1 x, for i =1, 2. − Remark 3.3. It has been pointed out to me by D. Surya Ramana that the lemma above is valid for 0 <η

4. Soundararajan’s transform A# Suppose that F (s) d , with d 1. For α 1 and T chosen large enough that F (1/2+ it) is holomorphic∈ for≥t T , we≥ define ≥ 1 idt log[ t ] i π H(α, T ) := F (1/2+ it)e eα − 4 dt, (4.1) √α ZKT On the absolute convergence of automorphic Dirichlet series 5 where KT = [2αT, 3αT ]. Soundararajan introduced (a mild variant of) this transform for d = 1 and F S in [Sou05], and we used a similar transform A# ∈ in [BR20] to study d when 1 0),

∞ p 1 an (n/X1) H(α, T )= e− I + R (α,T,X )+ R (α,T,X ), (4.2) √α √n n 1 1 2 1 n=1 X 1 idt log[ t ] i π where Ri(α,T,X1)= ri(t, X1)e eα − 4 dt, for i =1, 2, √α KT

R 1 idt log[ t ] i π I = I (α, T ) := e eαxn − 4 dt, (4.3) n n 2πi ZKT 1/d and xn = n . Using the estimates for r1(t, X1) given above, we see that σa 1/2 αT d+ρ R1(α,T,X1) = O(X1 − e− ). We will be choosing X1 = T for some ρ > 0. The term R1(α,T,X1) will thus have exponential decay in T since α is fixed. Thus we can assume R1(α,T,X1)= O(1). We estimate the term R2(α,T,X1) trivially. Indeed, integrating the abso- lute value of the integrand and using the estimate (3.5), produces d(p+1 η) p+η R2(α,T,X1)= O(T − X1− ).

Since ρ> 0, if p η is chosen large enough, R2(α,T,X1)= O(1). We record this− as a proposition.

d+ρ Proposition 4.1. With notation as above, X1 = T , and for p η chosen large enough, −

Ri(α,T,X1)= O(1). for i =1, 2. It remains to evaluate the sum appearing in (4.2) which we will do in the next section.

5. Estimating the oscillatory integral In

We will require two lemmas for evaluating the oscillatory integrals In that appear in equation (4.2). The first is well known, and can be found in Section 1.2 of Chapter VIII in [Ste93], for instance. It is needed to estimate In when n is relatively small or large compared to T d. Lemma 5.1. Suppose that g(t) is a function of bounded variation on an in- terval K = [a, b] and g(t) M for all t K. For any 1-function f on K, | | ≤ ∈ C if f ′(t) is monotonic and f ′(t) m on K, | | ≥ 1 if(t) 1 g(t)e dt M + g′(t) dt . ≪ m | | | | ZK 1  ZK  d To evaluate the integrals In when n has roughly the size T we need Lemma 3.3 of [BB04]. 6 RAVIRAGHUNATHAN

Lemma 5.2. Suppose that f is a C3-function on an interval K = [a, b] and f ′′(t) = 0 on K. If f ′(c)=0 for some c K, and m > 0 is such that 6 f ′′(c) f ′′(c)∈ f ′′′(t) m for t K c ,c + , then | | ≤ ∈ ∩ − m m hif(c) i if(t) i π e m 1 1 ± 4 e dt = e + O 2 + O + . K f (c) f ′′(c) f ′(a) f ′(b) Z | ′′ | | |  | | | | The in the expression above occurs according to the sign of f ′′(c). ± p We recall that KT = [2αT, 3αT ]. In the notation of the lemmas above,

if(t) In = g(t)e dt, ZK where K = K , g(t) 1 and T ≡ t iπ f(t)= dt log 1 . d − 4 eαn  Proposition 5.3. For n T d and 4T d n < T d+ρ, ≤ ≤ In = O(1). (5.1) If T d

t 2 f ′(t)= d log 1 , f ′′(t)= d/t and f ′′′(t)= d/t . d − αn  d d d+ρ If n T , then f ′(t) d log 2. Similarly, if 4T n < T , f ′(t) ≤ | | ≥ ≤ | | ≥ d log 4/3. Then Lemma 5.1 shows that In = O(1), and (5.1) follows. d d If T 0. Combining equation (5.3) with the estimates in Proposition 4.1, we get the following proposition. On the absolute convergence of automorphic Dirichlet series 7

Proposition 5.4. For any ε> 0, we have

1 d+ρ p 1/d 1 an 1/2d (n/T ) idαn (d+ρ)(σa +ε) H(α, T )= d− 2 n e− e− + O(T − 2 ). √n T d

6. A second estimate for H(α, T ) We now evaluate the transform H(α, T ) in a second way, hewing to Soundarara- jan’s arguments in [Sou05] for d = 1. Applying the functional equation to the integrand, and then using equation (3.1) for F˜(1/2 it), gives − iB ωe 2 d it iA H(α, T )= F˜ (1/2 it)(CQ α )− t [1 + O(1/t)] dt. √α 2 − ZKT Using equation (3.6), we obtain

iB ∞ p ωe an (n/X2) H(α, T )= e− +˜r (t, X )+˜r (t, X ) √α √n 1 2 2 2 ZKT "n=1 # X 1 2 d it iA (n− CQ α )− t [1 + O(1/t)] dt. (6.1) × for X2 > 0. Imitating the arguments used for majorising Ri(α,T,X1) in 2 d it iA Proposition 4.1, the terms R˜i(α,T,X2) = r˜i(t, X2)(CQ α )− t dt yield KT O(1) when estimated trivially, if X = T d+ρ for some ρ > 0, and p η is 2 R chosen large enough. We also have −

r˜ (t, X )O(1/t)dt R˜ (α,T,X )= O(1) i 2 ≪ i 2 ZKT for i =1, 2. We switch the order of summation and integration in the first term of (6.1) to get the expression iB ∞ p ωe an (n/X2) e− J , (6.2) √α √n n n=1 X where 1 2 it iA Jn = (n− CπQ α)− t dt. ZKT 1+ε As before, it is enough to evaluate or estimate this sum when n

Substituting for Jn in (6.2), we obtain (for any ε> 0) iB ∞ d+ρ p 1 ωe an (n/T ) 1+iA (d+ρ)(σa +ε) e− J = κa T + O(T − 2 ) √α √n n m n=1 X d+ρ 1 2 it iA when X2 = T . The sum involving (n− CπQ α)− t O(1/t)dt is domi- KT nated by the sum involving J above. We consolidate the arguments in this n R section as 2 d Proposition 6.1. Suppose that am =0 and α is chosen so that m = CQ α . Then, 6 1 1+iA (d+ρ)(σa +ε) H(α, T )= κamT + O(T − 2 ). (6.3)

7. The proof of Theorem 1.1 We now have all the estimates necessary to prove Theorem 1.1. Equating (5.4) and (6.3) gives us

d+ρ p 1/d 1 1 an 1/2d (n/T ) idαn 1+iA (d+ρ)(σa +ε) n e− e− = κd 2 a T + O(T − 2 ). √ m d d n T

(n/T (d+ρ))p idαn1/d 1 1 1 + 1 an ane− e− 2− κd 2 am T 2 2d . | | ≥ ≥ | | T

References [BB04] E. Bombieri and J. Bourgain. A remark on Bohr’s inequality. Int. Math. Res. Not., (80):4307–4330, 2004. [Boo15] Andrew R. Booker. L-functions as distributions. Math. Ann., 363(1-2):423–454, 2015. [BR20] R Balasubramanian and Ravi Raghunathan. Beyond the extended Selberg class: 1

[Sou05] K. Soundararajan. Degree 1 elements of the Selberg class. Expo. Math., 23(1):65– 70, 2005. [Ste93] Elias M. Stein. Harmonic analysis: real-variable methods, orthogonality, and oscil- latory integrals, volume 43 of Princeton Mathematical Series. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1993. With the assistance of Timothy S. Murphy, Mono- graphs in Harmonic Analysis, III.

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mum- bai, 400076, India Email address: [email protected]