GEL MEMORY FOAM mattress & Power base FROM $1799 Payments Available O.A.C. 3435A Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-5574 STORE HOURS: Monday & Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM Tuesday to Friday 9 AM - 6 PM Volume 75, Number 17 Thursday, May 2, 2019 Free/Gratuit Op LENTUS: CAF assisting with flood relief efforts ™ By Patricia Leboeuf they may ask the CAF for ted requests for federal as- to rise, heavily damaging on Operation LENTUS has The Mattress Depot Petawawa Post help. sistance and on April 25, roadways and properties climbed from 1,600 to 2,200 On April 19, provincial the CAF received a request along their shorelines. troops deployed in the MATTRESS BLOWOUT SALE! authorities in New Bruns- from the Province of Ontar- Since that time, the three provinces. TWIN MATTRESS STARTING AT $99 ™ members, including person- wick and Québec submit- io as waterways continue number of CAF members continued on page three DOUBLES STARTING AT $239 QUEENS STARTING AT $249 nel from 2 Canadian Mech- KING STARTING AT $399 anized Brigade Group, are working around the clock to assist with flood relief efforts in , Quebec and New Brunswick. Operation LENTUS is the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) response to natu- ral disasters in . BRITTANY Provincial and territorial FURNITURE/MATTRESS SPECIALIST authorities are the first to OPEN SUNDAYS 11AM-4PM respond when a major nat- 613-629-5464 10 MATTHEWS AVE. ural disaster occurs, but if WWW.ASHLEYHOMESTORESELECT.CA they become overwhelmed,

(Above) Canadian Armed Forces members from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group based at Gar- rison Petawawa arrived in Constance Bay to assist with flood relief operations during Operation LEN- TUS, on April 27. (Photo by Avr Melissa Gloude, Garrison Imaging Petawawa)

(Left) Soldiers from The Royal Canadian Dragoons and 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment created a sandbag barrier to the rising waters on April 29 to protect Petawawa’s water treatment plant near Black Bear Beach. (Photo by Patricia Leboeuf, Petawawa Post)

1370 PEMBROKE ST. W. (613) 735 - 3147 WWW.BUTLERGM.COM Page 2, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019 COMMUNITY GARDEN PLOTS LOTS DU JARDIN COMMUNAUTAIRE • 4’X8’ Raised bed and 15’x30’ garden plots available on both the north (Pegasus Street) and South (Wolfe Ave) side for military members and their families. To sign up or for more information call 613-687-5511 ext. 2756 or email Nicole.mcgregor@

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NAME LEMAY, SÉBASTIEN & SUSO // NAME FRASER, GERRY // TITLE DOG HANDLER & BOMB SNIFFING DOG // TITLE ACCOUNT MANAGER // Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 3 Op LENTUS: CAF assisting with flood relief ... continued from front page neighbours. 687-5536 during business base of the structure. Petawa- A grassroots Facebook hours or at 1-855-539-7610 wa Boulevard was blocked to Where personnel are work- being done by Ottawa Emer- particularly as the rising Ot- group “Wading for Assis- after hours. Sand to fill sand- traffic between civic addresses ing varies according to priori- gency Services. tawa River surpasses record tance” has been coordinat- bags is available at Risto 3532 and 3584. ties that can change rapidly. “People are losing their water levels. ing local efforts in Renfrew Road, Southshore Drive, The Ministry of Municipal As of publication April homes,” described Capt Ma- “It is important to put County with several hun- Tall Pines Road, the end of Affairs and Housing has made 30, about 1,000 were in On- zurek. “(...) There are homes that in place so that if we dred people offering help Shamess Road, Deer Run the Disaster Recovery Assis- tario in Constance Bay, Wilola, underwater. There are homes need to call in on resources, sandbagging, and donations Trail and Melody Trail. The tance for Ontarians (DRAO) Rockland, Cumberland, and where you can’t even see where we have the ability to ask for of food, potable water, shel- town has ordered another available for those dealing Grand View as well as in vari- the river is supposed to stop.” those resources as a result of ter, babysitting and petsit- 20,000 or so bags to help with flooding in the County ous in the Ot- Yet morale has continued the declaration,” said Sweet. ting. At the Petawawa Civic with the growing need. of Renfrew and City of Pem- tawa Valley. In Quebec, about to be high, he noted; neigh- At presstime Tuesday, the Centre, displaced residents Centennial Park is closed broke. Those eligible can re- 1,000 soldiers have been ren- bours who have lost every- town was monitoring the wa- can obtain potable water and and the Mayor is urging resi- ceive financial help for 90 per dering aid in Gatineau, Mon- thing are still sandbagging ter levels and if need be, can other necessities. dents to stay away from this cent of their eligible expenses treal, Trois Riviere, Quebec to help others who have a call in additional resources The kindness of strang- area as well as from any area for up to $250,000 per appli- City and the Pontiac. In New chance. Volunteers from all including the CAF. Groups ers isn’t new to the area, experiencing flooding. cation with certain limits in Brunswick, 200 soldiers have over have poured in, work- of personnel in uniform have Mayor Sweet noted. “Keep away from fast trav- place. Insurance payments are been working out of Island ing side by side with residents already been sandbagging “People help out a lot in elling water, particularly of the deducted from eligible costs View, Fredericton, Oromocto, and CAF members. crucial buildings such as the this community and this is no Petawawa (River), especially and applications are subject Grand Lake, Gagetown, and “I think that the soldiers water purification plant near exception,” he said. “It is heart- those bridges,” said Sweet. to a $500 deductible, which Grand Bay. are really enjoying getting Black Bear Beach. warming to see a commu- “There is a lot of water going may be waived for those with The 1st Battalion, The to work with Canadians and Many other soldiers, as nity react to their neighbours, down the river. It’s a very, very low-income. The application Royal Canadian Regiment working hand-in-hand,” well as residents of the town, neighbours that they don’t dangerous situation.” deadline is Aug. 27, 2019. For (1 RCR) left on April 25 to said Capt Mazurek. have been volunteering their know, and go out to help.” At 9 a.m. April 30, the more details on this program, offer aid in the National This sentiment has been time, resources and efforts in People requiring sand- bridge was please visit Capital Region, notably reciprocated. the hopes of protecting their bags can contact the Public closed due to severe erosion page/apply-disaster-recov- Constance Bay and the “The outpouring of sup- property and that of their Works Department at 613- along the shoreline and at the ery-assistance. Clarence-Rockland region, port from our civilian neigh- which have seen some of bours in Ottawa has been SEE MORE PHOTOS OF ONGOING FLOOD RELIEF EFFORTS ON PAGES 4 AND 5. the worst devastation. unreal,” he added, pointing They were soon followed out that people have been by members from The Royal supplying snacks and warm Canadian Dragoons (RCD), beverages as well as sharing 2 Military Police Regiment, their tremendous gratitude 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadi- for these men and women. an Horse Artillery (2 RCHA), The length of the deploy- 2 Combat Engineer Regiment ment remains unknown. (2 CER), and 3rd Battalion, “We are completely at The Royal Canadian Regi- the mercy of Mother Nature ment (3 RCR). so we are taking it day by Several units have also day,” said Capt Mazurek. disbursed personnel to help The Town of Petawawa sandbag homes and offer officially declared a state of assistance locally in Valley emergency on April 28 at 4:30 municipalities including the p.m. in anticipation of the Town of Petawawa, White- continuing rising waters and water, and the forecasted upcoming rain. McNab/Braeside. Due to the great potential for “We are being deployed additional flooding, the dec- around the province to laration was made under the where we will have the big- Emergency Management and gest impact,” said Captain Protection Act. (Capt) Dan Mazurek, Public “It’s really because of Affairs Officer for the Imme- the potential of what might diate Response Unit. happen with the runoff and He has confirmed that the rising and over 600 Regular and Reserve things of that nature,” said Force members have been de- Mayor Bob Sweet. “We felt it ployed to work directly on the would be appropriate to put ground, filling sandbags and in place a state of emergency placing them around homes. to deal with the potential cri- The bulk of the work involves sis that may be.” protecting houses from the The concern is that some rising water, while most of of the homes that were unaf- the evacuations in Ottawa are fected in 2017 are now at risk,


May 2 MAY 3 MAY 4 MAY 5 3C 13C 16C 18C RAIN & DRIZZLE periods of rain some sun some sun POP 55% 2C @ NIGHT 2C @ NIGHT 5C @ NIGHT Forecast data updated as of Tuesday, April 30 from Page 4, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019


(Left) Members of 4th Ca- nadian Division unload Managing Editor ...... Bruce Peever sandbags used to assist Assistant Editor ...... Lisa Brazeau Constance Bay residents Graphics/Production ...... Kiera Miller in barricading water dur- Graphics/Production ...... Kathleen Cinq-Mars ing Operation LENTUS on April 29. (Photo by Accounts Clerk ...... Alysa Stafford Master Corporal Donnie Journalist/Photographer...... Patricia Leboeuf McDonald, 4th Canadian Sales Representative ...... Keri Radford Division Headquarters Public Affairs) Circulation: 7,810 4 CDSB Garrison Petawawa, Ontario K8H 2X3 613-687-5511, Ext 5386/6265 Fax: 613-588-6966 Email: [email protected] Publication Mail Agreement Number: 42716018 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Delivered FREE to the Petawawa community. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $56.00 (+ HST) a year in Canada. ABONNEMENT: 56,00$ (+ TVH) par année au Canada Read the Petawawa Post on line at

This publication is issued under the authority of Col L. Lapointe, Commander 4 CDSG/4 CDSB Garrison Petawawa with 7,700 copies published every Thursday. Cette publication est émise sous l’autorité du col L. Lapointe, commandant de la 4 GSDC/4 BSDC Garrison Petawawa et est publiée chaque jeudi. (7700)

Editorial Board Chief Executive Officer - Mr. Nathan Lane Managing Editor - Mr. Bruce Peever Formation Public Affairs Officer - 4 CDSB Garrison Petawawa - Daphny Gebhart-Turcotte Brigade Public Affairs Officer - 2 CMBG - Capt Dan Mazurek Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Commander or the Editorial Board. They are not to be considered an of- ficial expression of the Department of National Defence. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any editorial or advertising material. Furthermore, the Board cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of photos or articles submitted for publication.

Comité de la Rédaction Directeur général - M. Nathan Lane Rédacteur en chef - M. Bruce Peever Conseiller en affaires publiques - Garrison Petawawa - Daphny Gebhart-Turcotte Conseiller en affaires publiques - 2 GBMC, capt Dan Mazurek Les opinions qui y sont exprimées de l’auteur et ne sont pas nécessairement celles du commandant ou du comité de la rédaction. Elles ne doivent pas être considérées comme des expressions officielles du Ministére de la défense nationale. Le comité de la rédaction réserve le droit de rejecter tout matériel publicitaire ou éditorial. De plus, le comité ne peut être tenu responsable de la perte ou dommage aux photos et articles soumis pour publications. Publicité: Les erreurs ou corrections doivent être mentionnées au Rédacteur en chef le lendemain de la premiére parution.

Advertising: Errors or correction must be brought to the attention of the Managing Editor the day after the first insertion. The advertisers agree that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement.

Submission Deadline: Thursday noon to the Editor for the following Thursday edition. Bldg P-106, 613-687-5511. ext. 5386. DWAN (Intranet): +Petawawa Post@ CFB Petawawa WHAT IS A BURIAL VAULT? Email: [email protected]

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Date d’échéance: Le jeudi á 12h 00 au Rédacteur en chef Édifice P-106, 613-687-5511, poste 5386, Courriel (Intranet): +PetawawaPost@CFB Petawawa Email: [email protected]

A division of CF Morale & Welfare Services Une division des Services de bien-être et moral des FC Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 5 Fallen Paratrooper • GARRISON PETAWAWA - TRAINING GROUND OF THE WARRIORS • Memorial Service this Sunday, May 5 GARRISON PETAWAWA - At 11 a.m. on Sunday, May 5, seven paratroopers who drowned in the Ottawa River 51 years ago will be honoured at a special service at the Wegner Point Memorial Cairn near the 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron heliport. Master Warrant Officer Reginald Riddell, Warrant -Offi cer Michael McDonnell, Corporal (Cpl) Bruce Chiswell, Cpl Hugh Fields, Cpl Bob Knight, Cpl Dennis Clements, and Cpl Jim Misener lost their lives in the Ottawa River when a routine night drop ended in tragedy on May 8, 1968. They had all served with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment and the 2 Airborne Signal Troop of 2 Signal Squadron. The service is open to the public. The route to Wegner Point off Passchendaele Road will be well marked. Visitors are asked to arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. Following the service, a reception will be held. For more information about the ceremony, contact Dennis Stow at 613-732-4477, or email dennis_stow@ho-

PDF/X-1a:2003 (Far left) Members of 2 Combat Engineer Regiment (2 CER) assist with flood relief operations in Rockland during Operation LENTUS on April 28. (Photo by Master Corporal Donnie McDonald, 4th Canadian Division Public Affairs)

(Above) Locally, many were out to lend a hand to residents of Petawawa including Matthew Benedet, 8, a student at Valour JK-12 School in Petawawa, who helped sandbag on Victoria Street near River Road on both April 27 and 28 for several hours each day. (Photo by Tyler Benedet) Love the (Top right photo) Centennial Park is closed as the flooding has reached the parking lot. Waterfront areas in neighbouring Pembroke are also closed. (Above right photo) Many homes and cottages on River way from Drive were flooded as the water quickly rose. (Below) Town of Petawawa firefighters help residents get back into their homes so that they can collect essentials. (Photos by Patricia Leboeuf, Petawawa Post) your base to your home base

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2100, rue Drummond Cossette Montréal (Québec) H3G 1X1 08/04/19_14:47 client : VIA Rail Canada Nº V7 Studio 111156951-1 format pap : 100 % @ 300 dpi description : Magazine ( Anglais ) Nº Cossette 111156951 trim — : 5,1” x 5,5” publication : The Petawawa ( En ) Nº VIA 6473-19A safety - - - : — conseillère : Camille D. livraison: 4 avril 2019 bleed — : — infographiste : Eric L. Parution: 18 av., 2 mai, 26 sept visible : — nom fi chier : 56951-1_VIARail_Militaire-2019_ThePetawawaPost-QP_Reduction-En.indd

Check couleur : CMJN Les sorties laser ne refl ètent pas fi dèlement les couleurs telles qu’elles paraîtront List sur le produit fi ni. Cette épreuve est utilisée à des fi ns de mise en page seulement. Page 6, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019 NEW ENERGY TIPS TO HELP YOU SAVE MONEY Submitted by Defence Construction Canada Bear-Proof Garbage Containers for Garrison Petawawa We are back with a sec- GARRISON PETAWAWA – Bears have already been vice’s Bear Awareness Campaign to reduce human-bear con- ond round of energy tips! spotted at Garrison Petawawa as spring slowly emerges! flicts in accordance with Integrated Pest Management prin- This time, the Energy Ef- Garrison Petawawa employees, residents, and users are re- ciples. The program is outlined in Garrison Petawawa’s bear ficiency at Home and at demand hours. The price minded to take the necessary steps to avoid attracting bears. policy that was instituted for units, residents, and users of Work campaign is giving of electricity is lower at By implementing simple prevention measures now, bear is- the Garrison. The policy provides instructions on what must you ideas on how to use night, on the weekends sues this season can be reduced or eliminated. be done to avoid attracting bears and who to contact in the your electronic devices and on statutory holi- One of the best ways to avoid attracting bears is to elimi- event of a bear encounter. Bear Awareness pamphlets are and appliances efficiently: days. This is when the nate bear access to garbage and other food sources. Garrison also available. To obtain copies of the policy or the pamphlet, Reduce Phantom Pow- overall demand in Ontar- Petawawa Environment Services recently purchased bear- contact Environment Services at 613-687-5511 ext. 5960, en- er: Even when they are io is lowest. proof garbage bins that will be installed throughout the Gar- [email protected], or for those on the DWAN, visit the turned off, appliances and Select shorter washing rison this spring. Environment Services intranet webpage. electronic devices con- cycles for the washer and You will see them at Black Bear Beach, Kiska Beach, in Highlights of the bear policy: sume electricity. Plug your dishwasher whenever pos- playgrounds in the Residential Housing Unit areas, and oth- • Ensure red garbage dumpster side-doors are latched at all times; computers, game consoles, sible and avoid half-loads. er locations. They are green metal containers with a “twist • Ensure outdoor common areas are clean and free of gar- decoders, digital record- When purchasing a new and lift” lid. Simply twist the handle towards you and lift up bage and food waste; ers, and screens to a power appliance, choose a model to dispose of your garbage! • Place garbage at the curb on the morning of pick-up day bar that you can turn off that is Energy Star® certi- The bear-proof bin program is a part of Environment Ser- and not the night before; when you leave or go to fied. • Rinse recyclable items before placing them in the recycle bed. Even chargers (phone, Several times a year, bin; tablet, toothbrush) con- vacuum the back of the • Never leave pet food outside; sume electricity when left fridge and clean out your • Remove bird feeders in the spring and summer; plugged in. Think about it! dryer vent duct. Removing • Clean the grease from your BBQ regularly or store your Use your Appliances in and preventing dust accu- BBQ inside your garage or shed (when not in use); and a Smarter Way: When the mulation will reduce wear Providing pharmacy services 30+ years • At the campground, keep your site clean and store food and weather allows it, use the and tear and allow these 613-687-6067 coolers in your trunk. clothesline instead of the appliances to work more 3025 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa If you are experiencing a bear problem, please ensure all dryer. The sun is not only a efficiently. [email protected] attractants have been eliminated. If you are in immediate great dryer, it is also a very Want to learn more? danger as a result of a bear, call the Military Police at 911, lo- efficient stain remover! Visit our website energy- Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm cal 5444, or 613-687-4444 from any outside line. Run your appliances to find other Sat: 9am - 5pm / Sun: 11am - 4pm If you encounter a bear while camping at Black Bear (washers, dryers, dish- energy tips and links to Campground, notify the staff at 613-687-7268, or call the Mili- washer) outside of peak useful websites! WWW.CONWAYSPHARMACY.CA tary Police (lcl 5444) or 911 in an emergency. Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 7

years from purchase. Those may not want to be faced Ask for a price match. might be your safest bet. with the temptation of a In an effort to keep a loyal Shop Smart for Mother’s Day Verify a business. Al- warehouse-sized box of customer base, many stores Come spring, shop- ity. You also want to make updating. Practical gifts though Mom may love chocolate treats. If Mom will price match against pers often ask, “What sure the gift will arrive on are less likely to end up un- a cute boutique that just truly loves chocolate, treat competitors’ ads. There- gift should I get Mom for time if you will be order- opened in the basement or opened, verify the business her to a gourmet piece or fore, if you feel more com- Mother’s Day?” How do ing your gift online. Here attic. before buying a gift card two, but don’t make that fortable at a certain store, people transform the senti- are other ways to shop in a Check expiration dates. from it. An unpredictable your main gift. print out the advertised ments they have for their smart manner. Gift certificates and cards economy has made it even Avoid “final sale” items. price and bring it to your mother into gifts that rep- Do some sleuthing. Play for particular stores or harder for new businesses It can be tempting to pe- favorite store. There’s a resent love and devotion? detective and take invento- services are popular come to succeed, and you don’t ruse the deep-discount rack good chance they will give Buying a Mother’s Day ry of what Mom likes to do Mother’s Day. But it is es- Mom to be stuck with a at Mom’s favorite store you the item for the same gift is no easy task, espe- the most. If you ask your sential to check expiration worthless gift card should when retailers cut prices price. This works particu- cially for those who wait mother what she wants, dates on the certificates the new business not thrive. on items in anticipation of larly well for tech gifts that until the last minute to do she will likely brush off the or find gifts, as there is a If she really likes a particu- a new season. However, typically go on sale in the their shopping. question and tell you noth- good chance Mom will put lar new business, take her these sales may come with days leading up to a holi- Beginning early can ease ing. It is up to you to do off pampering herself and on a shopping spree at the restrictions on returns or day or special event. the pressure of Mother’s the investigative work. Pay you would not want the store instead. exchanges. Unless you There are different ways Day shopping. Research attention to conversations gift to expire before she Skip the chocolate over- know Mom will like what to make shopping for gift options at least a month and see if there is anything has a chance to use it. In load. Flowers and choco- you pick out, avoid the “fi- Mother’s Day gifts a little prior so that you can read she mentions wanting to compliance with the law, lates are traditional Moth- nal sale” racks in favor of easier and guarantee the reviews on products and try or something around chain restaurant gift cards er’s Day gifts. However, items that can be returned best experience for Mom services to guarantee qual- the house that may need don’t expire for at least five calorie-conscious women or exchanged. as well. Page 8, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019 MARIANHILL INC. Long-Term Care and Community Services IS SEEKING NEW BOARD MEMBERS The Marianhill Board is seeking volunteers wishing to apply to the Board of Directors. With the redevelopment project now started and the government’s plans to change healthcare to end hallway medicine, this will be an exciting and rewarding time to be involved in community healthcare! SPRING IS IN THE AIR It is the responsibility of all residents of 3. Flatten and break down blue bin waste so Successful candidates will have: Garrison Petawawa that, in anticipation of it fits in the bin. • Passion for our organization’s vision and mission. spring, we get an early start in maintaining 4. Return bins to your residence ASAP after our residences. As the snow slowly melts the collection. • Ability to analyze information and make policy decisions. garbage left behind by old man winter rears its 5. Do not put out garbage until the evening • Commitment to contribute to the Board as a member of a team. ugly head. In addition, our furry friends have before pick up. • Time to dedicate to Board business. undeniably left their mark over the winter. It 6. Use only black bags for normal garbage. will be to our advantage to get an early start to Reminder: More information and application forms are available at Marianhill, or can be requested mitigate unpleasant sights and smells that ap- Bulk item pickup is the week of 26 to 31 by contacting Linda M. Tracey, Chief Executive Officer via email at [email protected]. pear from the months sitting under the snow. It May 2019. Please do not place bulk items out is not just a case of environmental issues, it is a before Sunday the 26th of May. Take note of A REWARDING VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE! courtesy to our neighbours. the Large Item Collection guide. Our residents in the apartments can also Also take a look at the Environmental get an early start to spring by cleaning up Days for drop off of E-Waste, and Hazardous their allotted garages and ensuring that waste or Special Waste (HSW). is ready for collection in orderly fashion. Follow the guide to ensure a safe yet pro- Residents of the Residential housing ductive Bulk Pickup for 2019 Units, I am certain that once the raking is Please refer to your Town of Petawawa done and the debris is picked up our com- Collection Schedule for information on recy- munity will once again be a place we all can clable practices at be proud of. If you have any questions about what We can all be part of the solution by being residents of the Residential Housing Units Board of Directors proactive and not to look the other way, or wait are responsible for, please refer to your Oc- Back Row: Norma Valiquette, Judy Zilney, for someone to come along and do it for you. cupancy Handbook or the Garrison Admin- Fr. Ken O’Brien, Linda Tracey (CEO), Elizabeth Miron, All Residents of Garrison Petawawa can istrative Instructions or go on line at www. Debbie Hopper. Front Row: Shelley Burchart (Chair), do their part by following these simple steps: Donna Provost (CHSO Designate), Lynn Miller (Vice 1. Ensure that waste is in the correct bin. We all have a responsibility in keeping Chair) and Stacey McDonald. 2. Break down and bundle large cardboard. our environment a clean and safe place to Particularly TV and moving type boxes. live and play. Pro Patria

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613.735.4700 Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 9

CELEBRATING Women in Business

Brimstone & Belladonna Brimstone & Belladonna 162 Pembroke St. W. 613-629-4372 Merchant of Fine Esoteric Goods, Herbs, & Oddities The Mattress Depot

TESSA MALETTE 162 Pembroke St. W. • 613-629-4372 FURNITURE/MATTRESS 10 Matthews Avenue, Pembroke [email protected] SPECIALIST 613-629-5464 • Manifesting Magick in a Mundane World

PEMBROKEPEMBROKE 12001200 PembrokePembroke St.St. W.W. NOELLA STEVENS WestWest EndEnd MallMall Professional Design Consultant 613-732-1476613-732-1476 We are the blind experts PATTI BAILEY Owner Brimstone & Belladonna ments like “Just walking 76 Pembroke St. W. 613-735-0370 celebrates its 9th year in in there brings me to a zen business this May 2019! state”, “The energy is so Located in the Heart of calming and welcoming”, Downtown Pembroke, co- and “This store is amaz- owners Lisa Farr and Re- ing the owners are friendly, gina Pearce opened Brim- kind and care about their Terese Gagné stone & Belladonna on customers”. Master Colourist & May 4th, 2010. Described You can find all spiritual Master Stylist as a Cultural Gift Shop, supplies needed on your Spiritual Centre, & Com- spiritual journey; books, 3319 Petawawa Blvd. munity Meeting Place, a candles, incense, clothing, 613-687-9292 trip to Brimstone & Bella- jewellry, etc. These two Like us on Facebook! donna is an experience in Women see their business and of itself. Their motto more as a service, rather is “Manifesting Magick in than a retail store. “Many a Mundane World”, and it people come in stressed and seems that is exactly what searching, we do what we they are doing. Regina & can to alleviate some of that. Lisa have strived to create They find help here.” We are a space where people can blessed to be appreciated in explore, and feel safe and the Community. “People tell comfortable in who they us weekly, that they are so are. It is best described by glad that we’re here, that’s the many reviews left by why we do it, that’s what their clients, with com- keeps us going.” Page 10, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019 SPORTS, HEALTH & Greater Petawawa Civitan Club PetawawaBINGO Civic Centre RECREATION SUNDAY NIGHTS AT 6:30 P.M. * 52 Special * * Starting at $500 going up to $100 a week * * 1 Set of 8 Flash Games starting at 6:30 p.m. * * Doors open at 5:30 p.m. * License # M649527 2nd Amazing Community Challenge May 11

Make your visit fun? Give you blankets and juice for comfort? Make your comfort their #1 priority?

The Women Walking for Hope are back at it again, raising funds for the Canadian Cancer Society Community Office Wheels of Hope program. They have organized the 2nd Annual Amazing Community Challenge, slated for May 11. From left are Lesley Buckingham, Jeris Chalmers- Wein and Susan Chalmers. (Photo by Patricia Leboeuf, Petawawa Post)

By Patricia Leboeuf between the two municipalities Welcome to Whitetail Golf Club, one of the Petawawa Post and hosted by local businesses THE 18 HOLE 10 and community groups. There finest courses in the ! We The 2nd Annual Amaz- are challenges of the mind as offer an exciting experience matched with ing Community Challenge well as physical challenges, and will have contestants explore none are extreme or impossible friendly staff in our modern, full-service GAME PACKS Petawawa and Pembroke, to complete. clubhouse. Our championship course discovering things they’ve “It’s all about fun,” said never imaged would be here. co-organizer Lesley Buck- offers 18 challenging holes, carved into STARTING AT ONLY Part fundraiser and part ingham, adding that half the the rolling hills of the Ottawa Valley, near game, the May 11 event challenges are new this year. brings new challenges and The challenge is orga- Renfrew and Pembroke. The scenic view new locations to partici- nized by Women Walking from our clubhouse is the perfect spot to pants, all while raising funds for Hope as part of their ros- relax after a great round of golf. Stop in for the Canadian Cancer So- ter of fundraisers they hold $160 ciety Renfrew County Com- throughout the year. Since and enjoy a round today! munity Office Wheels of the group’s inception, mem- “You deserve to play Here” Hope program. bers have raised thousands “We find that this is a real- of dollars for the transpor- ly great way to get the commu- tation service; they hope to nity involved as well as using reach a cumulative $50,000 Whitetail Golf Club local businesses that people with this event. may not have heard of before,” This program is used by 613.628.3774 | 1.800.280.2179 said Jeris Chalmers-Wein, one cancer patients who need a of the organizers. “So it raises ride to Ottawa, Pembroke, 7113 Hwy. 60, Eganville ON. K0J 1T0 awareness of what our com- Renfrew or Kingston for munity might have to offer.” treatment, or other cancer- | Find us on Facebook This year, there are 12 dif- related appointments. ferent challenges spread out continued on next page Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 11 SPORTS, HEALTH & RECREATION Former Petawawa soldier creates inaugural tabletop convention in Ottawa By Patricia Leboeuf very specialized for very small sections of the Petawawa Post communities while this is for the whole com- munity.” Until now, there has never been a large It is huge for an inaugural event and there multi-game system Canadian tabletop gam- are 22 unique events in addition to the casual ing convention. activities held concurrently. To ensure it runs So Major Joe Miedema, Project Direc- smoothly is an army of volunteers who have tor at the Directorate of Land Requirements made it possible, whether by helping with (DLR), set out to create his own event: the the fine details or creating connections with Canadian Tabletop Championship Gaming the different gaming groups. Convention (CTCGC). “It is great to see so many Canadians join It will be held May 3, 4 and 5 at the Ride- in together this year,” said Miedema. au Curling Club in downtown Ottawa. “These people are amazing,” he added. This three-day event will welcome fami- “I couldn’t ask for a better group.” lies, casual and professional gamers under Participants will be coming from all over HEROES one roof. It will showcase some of the more Canada and parts of the United States to take complex tabletop games such as Warhammer part, and there is already demand for it to be 40k, Magic: The Gathering and Star Wars X- held next year. For many tabletop gamers, Wing as well as some hobby games for kids. this convention is a dream come true and MAY 31 | 7 - 10 PM It will have some official championships, but over 220 people have pre-registered. will also include vendors, cosplayers, work- “It makes me both very excited and hum- shops, panellists and seminars, social events bled,” said Miedema. “ The vision was bold to and much more. begin with. And we were happy just delivering “There are a very widespread styles on part of that vision, but we are all there.” within the tabletop community,” said Miede- Part of their commitment is to give back ma, adding he ensured there is something for to the community. Are you a military family member that has every interest. From the General Admission tickets, $5 “This is not for one specific game,” he will be going to Wounded Warriors, and al- kept the home fires burning while your loved one added. “It’s for all tabletop games.” ready they have reached $1,100. A donation was away during the last high-readiness season? Creating the CTCGC helped foster his will also be made to the Children’s Hospital love of tabletop games, something he has had of (CHEO). Both are chari- for a long time. Even when posted in Petawa- ties close to his heart; he has served 17 years wa, he would spend many hours at the local with the Canadian Armed Forces and used The PMFRC would like to recognize you for all hobby shop, gaming with his friends. CHEO for his children. That love did not fade when he moved to “I couldn’t think of any better charities that you do. Ottawa but rather transformed into a desire than that,” said Miedema. to create a nation-wide convention. General admission is $5 and kids under “I’m not trying to take away from what 12 are free. There are additional costs to par- other organizers have already done,” said ticipate in some of the events. Join us for a special evening featuring guest Miedema. “They certainly blazed a path for For more information, please email info@ some awesome events, but many of them are or visit speakers, awards, refreshments - and a special gift for our honourees. Road safety reminder to cyclists, motorists PEMBROKE – With that all cyclists wear helmets under the Highway Traffic Do you have a funny or heart-warming story warmer weather on the at all times. Cyclists are also Act for improper opening of way and more cyclists tak- reminded to be aware of lo- a vehicle door (driver or pas- about your last deployment? Share it with us for a ing to the streets, the Upper cal bylaws regarding riding senger), is $365 if convicted. Ottawa Valley Detachment on the sidewalk as this may Upper Ottawa Valley chance to win one of five special awards. of the Ontario Provincial not be permitted in your mu- OPP officers will be visible Police (OPP) is reminding nicipality. with proactive patrols and cyclists that they must stay Motorists also have a role enforcement to ensure all alert and follow the rules of to play in cycling safety. road users stay alert and stay Is there a Heart & Home Hero that you would like the road. • Drivers must leave a safe at all times. to recognize? Sign them up today, and we will Cyclists are required to minimum of one-metre dis- For further information share the road with other tance when passing a cyclist. related to cycling laws and send them an invitation to this special evening. vehicles. Bicycles should al- The penalty, if convicted un- safety, please visit the fol- ways ride with traffic, stay der the Highway Traffic Act, lowing link: http://www. as far right as possible and is a fine of $110. use hand signals to alert oth- • Dooring- The penalty ty/bicycle-safety.shtml ers to your intended actions. Your bicycle should have a 2nd Amazing Community ... continued from previous page sounding device attached This event is limited to 100 honourees - and their guests - so sign up and if you are riding at night It is recommended, but not necessary, that teams be proper lighting is required. composed of four members. Participants should also bring today. For more information about how to register, and share your The most important a change of clothes in case they get wet and sturdy shoes. It story, visit our website. piece of safety equipment costs $25 per person. you need is an approved The Amazing Community Challenge kicks off at the Jubi- and properly fitted helmet. lee Lodge Marina, Garrison Petawawa, at 8 a.m. The law requires everyone More details can be found on their Facebook page, www. under the age of 18 to wear or by calling or tex- a helmet but for safety rea- ting Lesley Buckingham at 613-633-1465 or Susan Chalmers sons, the OPP recommends at 613-635-2527. Page 12, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019 owner of Fleurish Floral Designs and Gifts will make a or call 613-735-6821 ext. 1501. All proceeds to presentation about her store and will demonstrate a proj- benefit The Boys and Girls Club of Pembroke to support ect using flowers. initiatives in local youth sports.

THURSDAY MAY 16TH, 2019 SATURDAY MAY 25TH, 2019 happening UPPER OTTAWA VALLEY GENEALOGICAL GROUP will be SPRING LUNCHEON, CRAFTS & BAKE SALE at the Petawawa holding their Annual General Meeting at 7 p.m. in their Presbyterian Church, 24 Ethel St. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Good will For Notices of Club Meetings, Bazaars, Fun Fairs, Fundraisers, and other charitable, free events happening in the community. Word Limit: 50 Words/Event library at 222 Dickson St. (corner of Maple). The Guest offering. Wheelchair accessible. Come and enjoy. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR NOTICE TO: The Petawawa Post Building P-106. Speaker will be Sylvia Whitmore. Everyone Welcome. E-mail: [email protected] or call 613-687-5511 ext 5386 or visit PLANT SALE at the Petawawa Heritage Village. Come for For events happening at later dates not listed here, please visit our website. SATURDAY MAY 18TH, 2019 the plants, stay for the breakfast. ANNUAL PLANT SALE at the Petawawa Civic Centre from 8 SATURDAY MAY 4TH, 2019 Renfrew St. Pembroke. At 11:30 a.m., join us for soup, a.m. - 12 p.m. Beautiful plants at reasonable prices. SATURDAY MAY 25TH, 2019 KILLALOE INDOOR WINTER FARMERS MARKET from 10 quiche, salad, fruit, & muffins. Limited number of tick- KIBBLE & BIDS “RAISE THE WOOF” COMEDY NIGHT & a.m. - 2 p.m. 18 Lake St. Killaloe. Crafts, bread, meat, ets, everyone welcome, games of your choice, elevator SUNDAY MAY 19TH, 2019 AUCTION at the Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal home preserves and other items. Everyone welcome. available. LOBSTERFEST at the Petawawa Legion. Choice of 2 lob- Centre, 115 Woodcrest Drive, Pembroke from 6 to 10 ster, 1 steak & 1 lobster or just steak. Tickets available at pm. What could be better than an evening full of belly MICROCHIP CLINIC at Renfrew Animal Hospital from 9 SATURDAY MAY 11TH, 2019 the bar, open to all. laughs, great eats, AWESOME Silent Auction finds, and a.m. - 12 p.m. Have peace of mind by microchipping your BIG SPRING CLEANUP clothing drive event from 11 a.m. LIVE auction ACTION? Join us in giving our resident pet! Simple, painless and a lifetime of worry free ID. Visit - 3 p.m. at the Pembroke Mall. Accepting gently used FRIDAY MAY 24TH, 2019 animals a voice by giving a little bid of your time and for details. Call 613-635- clothing, shoes, and bed sheets of all sizes. Prizes to be JIM SLOAN MEMORIAL BALL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT at support! TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE at our animal cen- 7508 today to reserve your pet’s spot. won for garbage bags of clothing donated. Pem Ice II (PACC) May 24-26. Kids and adult divisions, tre AND ONLINE at 4-on-4 plus goalies. To register, email recreation@pem- Calendar?id=103841&view=Detail ALL SAINTS’ ANGLICAN CHURCH RUMMAGE & BAKE DANCE at the Petawawa Legion featuring the John Priebe SALE at 1173 Victoria Street, Petawawa from 9 am to Band from 8 p.m. to midnight. Late lunch and spot danc- noon. Bake table, White Elephant, book table, clothing es. Open to all, age of majority event. and, back by popular demand, “J&L’s CLOSET.” SECOND ANNUAL AMAZING COMMUNITY CHALLENGE: CANEX PLAZA CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE HOURS: CAREFOR’S 21ST ANNUAL CHARITY AUCTION at the Best New challenges, new locations and lots more fun! Contact Monday 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON Western Hotel & Conference Centre. Cocktail Hour & Silent Lesley Buckingham at 613-633-1465 or Susan Chalmers Tuesday 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Auction viewing at 4:30 p.m, Catered Dinner served at 5:30 at 613-635-2527 for your team registration form and help Wednesday 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. p.m and Live Auction with Molly McGuire at 6:30 p.m. Pro- raise money for Wheels of Home Renfrew County! Space is & 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. 613-687-4673 ceeds support Carefor’s Life Enrichment Fund. Tickets avail- limited so get your team registered today! Thursday 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. able at or 613-732-9993. Friday 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. SUNDAY MAY 12TH, 2019 SUNDAY MAY 5TH, 2019 MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH at the Killaloe Lions Hall, 18 CHIROPRACTIC CARE BREAKFAST at the Petawawa Legion from 9:30 a.m. - 1 Lake St. from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, p.m. Eggs, bacon or sausage, home fries, beans, toast, baked beans, juice, tea and coffee. Dr. Denis Mahoney, D.C. IS FOR ALL AGES Dr. Melanie Theilmann D.C. juice and tea/coffee. Everyone welcome. MONDAY MAY 13TH, 2019 Orthotics, Biomechanics, Posture Checks, Gait Analysis THURSDAY MAY 9TH, 2019 PETAWAWA HORTICULTURAL MEETING in the fundrais- BRUNCH CARD PARTY at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 68 ing lounge of the Petawawa Civic Centre. Amy Robinson, SCRIVER WELDING FABRICATING & MACHINING THE ONLY • STAINLESS STEEL & ALUMINUM THING WE • CUSTOM STEEL FABRICATION CAN’T WELD IS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIRS BUSINESS A BROKEN • MACHINING • OILFIELD HEART AND • CONSTRUCTION THE CRACK LARRY SCRIVER OF DAWN 613-281-0903 LIKE us on [email protected] DIRECTORY 79 SCHULTZ RD. PEMBROKE


3197A Petawawa Blvd. 2889 Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa, Ontario K8H 1X9 Petawawa, Ontario SAFETY CHECKS COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE (613) 687-5566 TOWING AVAILABLE John & Linda Arsenault Tel: 613-687-4986 Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 13

Featured110 Ch. Perrault Listing 310 acre farm with a new two storey modern home with 4 bed- $550,000 rooms and 3 bathrooms built in 2009. This totally pesticide-free farm has 80 Aacres of tillable sandy loam garden soil with both superb quantity and quality of fresh Sheenboro water, this land will produce the best crops that can be grown in the Pontiac.There are good barns for storage, woodland and trails 5 minutes to the Ottawa River. Detached garage, close to the highway, golf course, park, schools and more. MLS 9399263

MARK RYAN Broker 613-614-7150 Via Capitale Outaouais

1639 BLACK BAY Petawawa Open-concept main floor with laun- dry area and access to large outdoor deck in a full fenced, private back- yard. Three over-sized bedrooms and NADIA PARDY, BROKER bathroom plus ensuite with a soaker 613.401.2308 tub upstairs. Downstairs family room, office/4th bedroom, access to an at- WWW.MAKEMYMOVE.CA tached garage with storage space. Newer appliances and a new propane 58 HIGHLAND PARK DR., PETAWAWA $310,000 | MLS# 1147696 furnace installed in 2015.

$349,000 MLS 1148352 This 4 bdrm, 4 bath features beautiful land- $334,900 / MLS 1147905 scaping throughout entire property, fully Spacious 3+1 bdrm, 3 bath bright open fenced backyard with walkout patio. Updated Bilingual Service concept home with custom stairs, maple kitchen with marble counter tops & teak cup- kitchen, and fantastic deck with gazebo. boards. Massive attached 2 car garage.

382 CH. DU LAC-MCCONNELL, RAPIDES-DES-JOACHIMS, QC $349,900 MLS 12784596 Stunning hand-crafted timber frame four season YOUR cottage located on McConnell Lake in Swisha, Rapides des Joachims, QC. Open concept with custom 1279 B-LINE ROAD, PEMBROKE built kitchen and granite countertop. Custom oak AD flooring with a lower level SOLD walkout basement. { HERE { Contact Keri at the Petawawa Post to see how $239,900 MLS 1148610 MARK RYAN, Broker you could get the Feature Listing of the Week! Country living in this updated, open concept Via Capital Outaouais 2bdrm, 1 bath bungalow! Updates include custom white kitchen, new bathroom, flooring, 613-614-7150 insulation, windows and doors. 613 - 633 - 7381 Page 14, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019



To advertise, call 613-687-5511 x 5386 or EDUCATION INFORMATION visit Spring Leaf & Yard Waste Collection

SESSIONS th th NOTICE Weeks of May 6 & May 20 (Note Collection Day changes due to Victoria Day) NOTICE ON YOUR COLLECTION DAY St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

of Petawawa Cemetery Briefings include: St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Petawawa has submitted • Material must be in open top, NOW AT LCC, by-laws to the Registrar of the Funeral Burial and Cremation reusable containers, cardboard Services Act, 2002. Any interested parties may contact Robert Bldg L-106 PSO, Kramer at 613-687-4887 for information, or to make copies. By- boxes or paper yard waste bags.

laws or amendments may be reviewed or copied at 35 Country • Lane, Petawawa. RCDSB Adult High Bundled branches: Individual These by-laws are subject to the approval of the Registrar, Funeral, School, branches must be no more than Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002. Telephone: Bereavement 2” (5cm) in diameter or 4 ft (1.2 Authority of Ontario 647-483-2645 or 1-844-493-6356. Willis College, Algonquin College, m) in length. Bundles must not SERVICES HUNTING SUPPLY and VAC exceed 2 ft (0.6 m) in diameter.

Picture Framing Petawawa. Raffle Draws daily at Perkins • Leaf and Yard Waste in plastic Quality basic framing with wood or Guns & Ammo. Rifles, handguns, metal frames. Photos, certificates, crossbows, and accessories. bags WILL NOT be collected. childhood keepsakes, needlework, Prizes and cost varies each day. Ft. Nipissing etc. No obligation estimates. Call 613-735-6690 for details. Flexible hours. Call Beverley at University (7 May) 613-687-2753.

We'd like to know if you're receiving your copy of the Petawawa Post. Call 613-687-5511 ext 5386/6265, email petawawapost@, or send us a message on Facebook (Petawawa Post). Let us know how we're doing.

EVENTS PROPERTY FOR SALE Perth Gun, Hunting and Sportsman Show. ONE DAY ONLY, Saturday, Community Recreation Department May 4, 2019, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Perth PROPERTY FOR SALE Arena, 2 Beckwith Street East, Perth. Admission $6, Youths under 14 free The following property is offered for sale by tender under the direction of Harrison CONTRACT FOR SERVICES with Adult. Over 150 tables of guns, Pensa LLP (“Selling Agent”). hunting, military items, fishing and The Community Recreation Department invites submissions more. *We Support our Military Real Property: Troops 2 for 1 Admission with Military of proposals for the following CONTRACT FOR SERVICES ID* For info call 613-794-3474 Location: (PIN 57120-0151) Northwest Half of Lot 17, Concession 3 save and ex- for the PETAWAWA PREDATORS SWIM CLUB (PPSC) cept Part 1, Plan 49R-16353 and (PIN 57182-0014) Part Lot 20, Concession 2 as PLEASE NOTE: Any errors in Petawawa, Ontario. PPSC is a non-profit recreational and or omissions must be in R395795 (Parcel 5), Geographic Township of Stafford, Township of Laurentian brought to the attention of Valley, Renfrew County. competitive swim club with approximately 75 swimmers aged the Managing Editor within 6-17, with some competing at regional, provincial and national one week of publication Description: PIN 57120-0151 101 acres (no buildings) 76 acres cultivated tile ([email protected]) (clay loam) 25 acres wood lot PIN 57182-0014 132 acres cultivated tile (clay loam). levels. The swim season runs September to July. The Contract for Services will include the management, supervision and MOVIES Qualifications: Property shall be sold on a strict “as-is” basis. Offerors are respon- remuneration of coaching staff. sible to conduct their own due diligence. Acreage is approximate. The highest offer De Troyes Cinema or any offer may not necessarily be accepted. Required Pre-qualification: Business Registration number Conditions: All offers must: Applicants for qualification will be accepted for tendering NOW 1. be received by the Selling Agent no later than 3 pm on May 16, 2019 2. be submitted on a prescribed form obtained from the Selling Agent purposes until 1200 on May 31st, 2019 PLAYING 3. be accompanied by a deposit of not less than $10,000.00 (certified funds) Requests for detailed tender package or general enquiries 4. have a closing date on or before May 30, 2019 AVENGERS: are to be submitted electronically or in person to the Unaccepted offer deposits will be returned. Accepted offer deposit will be forfeited following address: ENDGAME if the sale is not completed on the terms and within the time specified. (PG) Harrison Pensa LLP Community Recreation Department Friday May 3rd Attn: Tom Robson 1578 Wolfe ave at 7:30 PM 450 Talbot St., P.O. Box 3237 Building W-112 London, ON, N6A 4K3 *Movies subject Petawawa, On to change without notice Tel: (519) 661-6766 A division of CF Morale & Welfare Services Une division des Services de bien-être et moral des FC 51 FESTUBERT BLVD. Fax: (519) 667-3362 K8H 2X3 613-687-5826 [email protected] SWIM CLUB Email: [email protected] Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019, Page 15 Area Community Churches GARRISON PETAWAWA CHAPELS ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH - 1173 Victoria Street, 613-687-2218. The Reverend Gillian Hoyer. Sunday Service 11:15 & Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Let us help you find a spiritual CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 567 Melton Street, Pembroke. Pastors Richard Agnew & Paul DeGraaf. home where you belong. We Worship Service and Sunday School @ 9 and 11 am, 613-735-5293, Garrison Petawawa Chaplains CALVIN UNITED CHURCH - 276 Church St., Pembroke; Accessible to all; 613-732-8763, calvin@ hope our Garrison Chapels Rev. Tiina Cote, Sunday Worship & School 10 am Phone 613-687-5511 + Ext. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH - 516 Airport Rd at Doran, Petawawa. Phone 613-687-6971. Rev are your community of CHAPLAINS Padre Humberto Lopes 5536 Bill Stanfel. Sunday Divine Service 9:30 am. Sunday School and Bible Study September through choice. At the Garrison (PROTESTANT) Padre Moley Mangana 5433 June 10:45 am. Website: Email [email protected]. Padre Mike Allen Padre Robert Schweyer 5433 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTERDAY SAINTS - Civic Centre Road & Laurentian Drive, Chapels we foster Sunday (4 CDSG Snr Chaplain) 6105 Padre Matthew Squires 8455 613-687-2237 Worship, the Sacraments, Padre Judson Bridgewater 7396 Padre Ray Smith 7761 DEEP RIVER COMMUNITY CHURCH - Deep River Road. Sunday service 10:15 a.m. (Kids Padre Michelet Dormeus Padre In Seob Won 5750 Church) email: [email protected] Christian Education and Padre David Egers 3310 FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH - Pastor Carl Morgan, 182 MacKay St., Pembroke, 613-735-1584 (cor- School participation. Padre David Gallas 6498 CHAPLAINS ner of Pembroke St. W. & MacKay St. beside cenotaph; parking behind town hall) Sun. 10 a.m., 11 Padre Troy Irwin (ROMAN CATHOLIC) a.m. & 6 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi Chapel (RC) (2 CMBG Snr Chaplain) 7078 Padre Maria Codina 3310 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH - Avon Road, Deep River, 613-584-4090, Sunday Service 10 am, Chapelle St. François d’Assise (CR) Padre Earl Klotz 5208 Padre Francis Krusinsky 6402 Rev Randy Liedtke. Padre Matthew Lucas Padre Alex Varga FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - 210 Mary St. Pembroke, 613-735-0866, Rev. (Padre, retired) Wayne 4 CDSG Garrison Petawawa, ON K8H 2X3 Sollows, CD, Pastor; Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m., (Q-104) 613 - 687-5511 ext. 5434 Emergency Chaplain 5611 FIRST EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY CHURCH - 39 Shalom St. Pembroke, ON. K8A 6W8. Sun- FAX: 613-588-7524 day worship celebration 10:30 a.m. Tel: 613-735-5391. MASS/MESSE che de baptêmes FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 257 Pembroke St. West, Phone 613-732-8214. Rev. John Messe dominicale 09:30 A.M MARRIAGE - Six months (6) notice is required. St. George’s Chapel (P) Vaudry. Sunday School. All are welcome! Elevator access. Sunday English Mass 11:00 A.M A Marriage Preparation Course is mandatory. 4 CDSG Garrison Petawawa, ON K8H 2X3 GREENWOOD UNITED CHURCH - 1655 Greenwood Road, RR#2 Pembroke. Summer hours starting 01 July until MARIAGE - Nous demandons six (6) mois (Q-104) 613 - 687-5511 ext. 5434 HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH - 68 Renfrew St. Pembroke 613-732-4658. The Reverend September 30th: 10:00 A.M. (Bilingual Mass) d’avis. Un cours de preparation au marriage FAX: 613-588-7524 Matthew J. Brown Holy Eucharist Wed. at 10 am, Sunday at 8 am and 10 am. Sunday School 10 All sacraments are offered to military members, est obligatoire. am Sunday. From July 1 through Labour Day weekend, Sunday service and Sunday School WORSHIP SERVICES are at 9 am. military status civilians and government SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION - St. Francis Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m. MOUNT ZION UNITED CHURCH - Corner of B-Line Rd. & Petawawa Blvd., Everyone Welcome - employees under military contract. of Assisi Chapel offers sacramental prepara- Sunday School Classes (Children 4-12 years old) Worship & Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Toddler Prg available. Church Office 613-732-0149. ­­­­ CONFESSION - before Mass or by appointment tion. To register for the program, contact the Nursery for toddlers 3 and under NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH - 2777 Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-1804. Sunday Worship Ser- CONFESSION - avant la messe ou par Administrative Office ext. 5434 Quiet (Nursing) Room with sound blend of contemporary and traditional worship. vice 10 a.m. All are welcome! rendez-vous PREPARATION AUX SACRAMENTS - St OUR LADY OF SORROWS - 11 Mohns Ave. 613-687-4764. Weekend Masses: Sat. 5 p.m., BAPTISM - the last Sunday of each month Francois d’Assise offrent la preparation aux WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS AND DEDICATIONS Sun. 10 a.m. Check our website - for Sunday Bulletin for on-going Baptismal Preparation - Thursday prior sacraments, si vous voulex vous inscrire At least three months notice to your unit chaplain is requried for all services. programs for all ages. Baptism Sunday veuillez contacter le bureau administratif des The Marriage Preparation Courses required for weddings in a CAF Chapel are PEMBROKE BIBLE CHAPEL: 11558 Round Lake Road near B-Line. Family Bible Hour & Sunday BAPTEME - Célébrer le dernier Dimanche de aumoniers ext. 5434 provided twice a year. School 11 AM. Handicapped accessible, all welcome. chaque mois Faith Community Coordinator Padre PEMBROKE PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE - 34 Jordan Ave. Pembroke (corner Hwy. 41 & 17). Sun- Cours de baptême - jeudi precedent le diman- Francis Krusinsky X6402 Faith Community Coordinator: Padre Moley Mangana X5433 day Worship 10:30 a.m. (kids church & nursery). Programs for all ages. Phone: 613-732-9721 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: PPT (Pembroke Pentecostal Tabernacle). PETAWAWA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Rev James Kim. 24 Ethel St. 613-687-4052 (Church) St. George’s and St. Francis of Assisi chapels are open Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 and 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sunday Service 11 a.m. Sunday School available. The Chaplains’ Administrative office is located in Building Q-104 (RC Chapel). PINE RIDGE FAMILY CHURCH - Christian & Missionary Alliance, 27 Brumm Road, Pembroke, 613-735-1241. Service 10 a.m. For after hours assistance, dial the Duty Centre 687-5511/5611 and they will reach the Duty Chaplain. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH - 250 Quarry Road, Pembroke, Rev. Ana Beck. Sun. wor- ship 10:30 a.m. 613-638-7476 - located behind Cassidy’s Transfer & Storage Ltd. ST ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH - 40 Joseph St, , Susan deHaan DLM. Worship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Everyone welcome, 613-589-2312. NEWS FROM THE SILVER THREADS SENIORS CLUB ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH - 80 Glendale Ave, Deep River,613-584-4131 Rev. Francois Trottier, Sunday services are at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. with Sunday School during the 10 a.m. service. By Barbara E Bailey, President ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCMS) - 357 Miller Street Pembroke (cor- ner of Miller & Doran Sts) 613-735-6332 Rev. Stephen Alles & Rev. This week has been a time of overflowing rivers and water- nity and those in other areas that are sandbagging their proper- Kevin Klein (occasional). Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. Divine Worship- 10 a.m. ways. We pray for all of the people affected in our own commu- ties. Hopefully, next week we will get some better weather so ST JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH - 605 Black Bay Rd. Petawawa, Rev. Albert Romkema, Office 613- 687-6187, Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Social Hour 11 a.m. Email: pazsjohns@ the water will recede. See us on Facebook, We warmly welcome all visitors. Thursday evening Friendship Dinner was well attended ST LUKE’S ANGLICAN CHURCH (ANIC) - Rev. Tim Parent 613-735-4210; Sunday Worship 8 & 10am (Children’s Church & Nursery), Informal Prayer & Praise 9:15am - All Welcome. Meeting at and as always, the meat loaf beef stew was delicious. We want 307 Julien St., Pembroke. 613-735-5000 to thank Pastor Albert and his congregation for a beautiful and ST TIMOTHY’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCIC) - 503 Alfred St., Pem- generous idea for the people in the community. Their hard broke-613-732-2992, Rev. Bruce W. Thompson, worship service and Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Email: [email protected]. A warm welcome awaits you. work really paid off, and many of us are looking forward to an- THE SALVATION ARMY - 484 Pembroke St. W. 613-735-5601. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. other session of these Dinners. TRAILHEAD BAPTIST CHURCH - Pastor Tim Roddick, weekly worship services and children’s programs, Sunday mornings 10:30 am at Valour School (19 Leeder Lane, Petawawa). A growing I had an email from Jenna Walsh from the Centennial Family church for growing families. 3583 PETAWAWA BLVD. • 613-687-2504 Health Centre and she is ready to start another session of Fitnesss WESLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH - 210 Renfrew St. Pembroke. Rev. Kevin Wilson. 613-732- 2488. Morning worship and children’s church at 10:30 a.m. with nursery provided. Pre-service cof- Join us this Sunday, May 5 for our delicious made for you on Tuesday mornings. I will send out the exact dates when we fee time at 9:30 a.m. For more information call or email [email protected] breakfast from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Eggs made to order, bacon or have it all organized. These fitness sessions are for anyone who WESLEY UNITED CHURCH - 275 Pembroke St. E (at William) 613-735-6132, 10 a.m. morning wants to keep the old body in shape and the mind going. worship service. Sunday School for children during the church service. sausage, home fries, toast, beans, juice and tea/coffee. Every- ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCIC) - 454 Miller St., Pembroke, 613-732-8792, one welcome so bring the family. Our hall is fully accessible. The tickets for the Western Dinner/Dance on Thursday, May Pastor Paul Roellchen-Pfohl. Worship Times – Saturday 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9, are selling well and if you haven’t got your tickets yet, come – 10 a.m. with Sunday school for the children followed by coffee and fellowship. We extend a warm On Saturday, May 11 is our next dance at the branch. welcome to all who join us in worship. From 8 p.m. to midnight-ish, the John Priebe band will into the office and purchase them as soon as possible. There will ZION EVANGELICAL UNITED CHURCH – 368 Miller St., Pembroke, 613-732-9493 zionunited- be playing for your partying pleasure. There will be spot be lots of good food, prepared by Schmidt’s. The music is by [email protected] Sunday Worship 10:30, with Sunday School for children. Coffee Hour and Bob and Bob and we have a door prize, 50/50 and raffle. fellowship following. Bible Study on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Hansen, dances and a late lunch. Small cover charge but open to all Website: All welcome! We will be having a luncheon on Thursday, May 16, from 12 age of majority. p.m. to 2 p.m., and the food will be chicken, rice pilaf, Caesar Have you picked up your tickets for Lobsterfest on May salad and an assortment of dessert along with tea and coffee. 19 yet? Tickets are on sale at the bar and your choice of two The cost is $15 for and a smaller fee for children. Grab a friend lobster or one steak and one lobster or just steak. Meal will and come out for a scrumptous lunch prepared by Schmidt’s. include mussle cocktail hour starting at 5 p.m. and dinner I found some old Exercise Books in the filing cabinet this will follow at 6 p.m. Cut off will be May 14 at the latest, so week and low and behold they contain the minutes from 1980 to Murphy pick them up soon. Open to all so bring your friends. 1993. The Club started out in the old Fire Hall on Victoria Street, FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL Our thoughts are with those who are affected by the (now demolished). They were given the building free from the high water. It is devastating to lose so much but we hope Village of Petawawa as it was known in those days. They had 58 John Huff, Sandra Huff, Gene Murphy everyone remains safe. members and a bank balance of $1,000. They shared the build- Caring For Our Community Since 1963 Did you know that if you are a veteran, Legion member ing with the Girl Guides. They were very involved in the Town or not, that you or your kids can apply for a Legion bursary? and the many organizations during that time frame. Cards was Serving the unique traditional requirements Applications can be printed from the Royal Canadian Legion the big activity, although they entertained the Legion, Seniors Ontario Command website under ‘Forms’. With the cost of Housing, and were involved in Civic Centre Days. The Seniors of the military and their families. Specializing school who could not use an extra $750 to help out? were instrumental in the process of a huge grant from Lotto for in repatriation and military protocols. Don’t forget our Friday Fish and Chips continue from the building of the present building at 1163 Victoria Street along with the Lions Club. 296 Isabella Street, Pembroke 4:30 - 6 p.m. and we also do chicken wings and chicken strips. Open to all so bring the family. Join us for lunch on The winners of the Friday evening Euchre games were: E-Mail: [email protected] Wednesday as well from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. for a different Gabe Tosello, Peter Throop and Rose Throop, Carol Myers, John Collier and Ed Brindle. Come out for cards on Mondays at 1 Website: soup and sandwiches every week. p.m. and Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. along with Friday evening. Check out our facebook page at Petawawa Royal Ca- Don’t forget Bingo on Tuesdays at 1 p.m., we have a Jackpot and 613-735-5711 nadian Legion Br 517 or at some delicious eats. Page 16, Petawawa Post, May 2, 2019 HUSQVARNA 525LK 34.6 cc - 2 hp • 12.8 lbs (5.8 kg) • trimmer attachment included • Smart Start® GETGET AA engine allows for simple starting in all situations $429.99 HEADHEAD STARTSTART 967 68 81-02 ONON SPRINGSPRING EXTRA ACCESSORIES EDGER.537 19 69-01 $139.99 POLE SAW.537 18 33-25 $249.99 CLEANUP!CLEANUP! 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