
2w93w9 2w9 (2wS> SjwS'.SwS) 3m9 2wfi>SwSQAS Sw-S) 3


Established 1880. ^^- Price Is. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY 1 S © 6 - ^ V

The King of all Non-Intoxicants. ^ :i- ^ TON^UR! THE NEW TEMPERANCE BEVERAGE.

' TONBUR" PALE ALE AND STOUT Are perfect Aids to Digestion. Recommended by the Medical Faculty. ASK FOR IT TILE^YOU GET IT. If If Clydesdale Brewery, Road, J j. ¥ '¥ CUNNINGHAM & CO., ROTHESAY, s AGENTS.'i-- ^O^^C^^^^^(^)^^^^0(g^2^^^0^^0^^0^^^iS^^^^^(^^S^f^)Sg^®^ >? X 1^ (;. y

IN THE of the present day, when all is Hurry, Worry and Flurry, RACEforLIFE a great deal depends upon a healthy condition of the Nervous System. The

''t:Z"^'S-'' neryetofine . is a powerful BRAIN and JN £ E. V E Strenjjthener. [^ E R VETO NINE '^ a Positive Cure tor Nervous Affections, Nervous Exhaustion, Debility, Depression, Hysteria, Loss of Memory, Sleeplessness, Paralysis, Indigestion, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, &c. All Nerve Pains, Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatisna, Lumbago, Gout, and Sciatica Permanently Cured vs^ith NERVETONINE. Bottles, 1/9, 2/9 and 4/6, post free. See THOMPSON'S GUIDE to HEALTH, Free. ECZEMA and all Skin Affections, Pimples, Itching, Irrita- tion, Black Specks and MmIs Blotches on the Skin, T«n, Freckles, Abscesses, Tumours, St)es on the Eyelids, Boils, Chapped Hands, Ulcers, Bad Legs, and Unhealthy tiores of every kind Quickly Cured with Thompsons' •^^ Hygenic SKIN CREAM. The youngest child can use this Marvellous SKIN CREAM. Bottles Is lid each. Postage, Id. Bottles, 1/1|, 2/3, 3/9, & 7/6. Postage, 3d.

'^-" M. F. THOMPSON, HomcBopathic Chemist, 17 GORDON STREET. GLASQOW. Sole Depot for LAKOLA, Preparations PO^WDER CHOCO- LATE, and ESSENCE. Is and 2s each. Postage, 2d. WEST'EfiD WINE and GlJOGEHY

13 Argyle Street.


A Full Line of the Finest Wines and Spirits always in Stock, and being bought in the Best Markets, they are confidently recommended for Excellence of Quality. The Whiskies are Old, and well matured in fresh Sherry casks. J. A. URQUHART.

jic3^iQr)^s Bute Blej^d OF


1 Mm street, tottiesag. .A.GrEnsrC"2" FOTl THE ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COY. Established 1824. Capital, £5,000,000. Funds in Hand over £4,000,000. HRE AND LIFE BUSINESS.

For Prospectuses, &c. , apply to JOHN THOMSON, Royal Bank of Scotland, Rothesay, Agent.

SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. IF I I^ E .A. DSr ID XiIIFE- Established 1824. Capital, £6,000,000. Invested Funds, £4,344,700 Distinguished for prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. Prospectuses and every information from JOHN T. WILSON, Town Clerk.

LIFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND, Founded 1838. For Life Assurance and Annuities. FUNDS IN HAND, £4,258,90 3. SPECIAL REDUCED RATES OF PREMIUM. For Prospectuses and other information apply to JOHN T. WILSON, Town Clerk.

ACCOUNTANT AND HOUSE-AGENT, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, 3 TOWER STREET, ROTHESAY. o. Auction Sales conducted in Town and Country. Furniture stored. Valuations effected, and Insurance Claims adjusted on every description of Property—Heritable and Movable—on reasonable terms. M:I M£ JPBSLATERS. 5 Columshill Street, Rothesay.

Architect and Surveyor, 10 Tower Street, Rothesay.

iMity^' PLASTERER AND CEMENT WORKER, 40 Mill Street, Rothesay.


Joiner, Glazier, and Funeral Undertaker, 5J East Princes Street, Rothesay

House— :?fi Mill Street. m BREAD AND PASTRY BAKER, 7 East Princes Street, Rothesay.

Patent Malt Brown Bread, liishly recommended by many of the Leading Physicians.

Organist of New Rothesay Parish Church. Lessons given in Pianoforte, Singing, Organ, Harmonium, &c. Terms may be had at Woodfield, 2 Brighton Terrace.


Workshop, 3 WEST CASTLE STREET, Eothesay ; House, 2 King Street. Repairs, &c., punctually attended to. Removals contracted for. Furniture stored. Carpets laid. LACHLAN FERGUSON & SON, Joiners, Glaziers, Cabinetmakers, Funeral Undertakers, and House Agents,

15 Bridge Street, I{othesay.

^pj 1 i ^^ Ag) FLORIST and SEEDSMAN, Chapelhill and Ballochgoy Nurseries, Roihesay. o

SPECIALITIES : Beans, Beet, Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Leek, Parsley, and Parsnip. French and African Marigolds, Mignonette, Pansies, Violas, &c., &c. Inspection Invited. Catalogues post free on application.

m^R^Wmi BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, MUSICSELLER, NEWSAGENT & LIBRARIAN, 11 Victoria Street, Rothesay. o Purses, Pocket Books, Bibles, Testaments, Psalm and Hynm Books, &c., &c., Miscellaneous Variety of Articles, Suitable for Souvenir and Birthday Presents. Valentine's (of Dundee) and Wilson's (of Aberdeen) Far Famed Photos, of Scottish Scenery. Fancy, Commercial, and General Stationery of the Best Quality and at the Lowest Prices. Newspapers, Magazines, and Periodicals delivered on arrival.

Establuhed 18U6.

Purveyors, Cooks, and Confectioners, Tea Rooms, 63 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Light Luncheons, Soups, &c. Finest Quality of Bridescakes can be made and richly ornamented on the shortest notice. Marriage, Dinner, and Supper Parties, Pic-Nics, &c., purveyed for with the utmost Promptitude. Chocolates, Sweetmeats, and Ices of the Finest Quality. All Kinds of Table Plant—Cutlery, Silver, Crystal, Napery, &c.—to be had on hire. ,


M'S411W:1 >^ d®Sc JOINERS & FUNERAL UNDERTAKERS, 50 HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY. sm. ©laiisFii^i list411411 7 Bridge Street, Rothesay. o BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, TEAS. SUPPERS.

,S®S^i w;4Tliai¥ H®1Imm^ 37 Argyle Street, Rothesay.

Parties Boarded by the Day or Week. 5s per Day, 30s per Week.

PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 55 High Street, Rothesay. Paints, Oils, and Colours. MIS li4i4P14¥» HOSIER AND LADIES' OUTFITTER, 85 Montague Street, Rothesay. All KiiKls of Hosiery made to Order. Speciality— Liunbago Belt. WI1134M 10WM4S, JOINER & FUNERAL UNDERTAKER, 1 West Castle Street, Rothesay.

Jobbinijs Piinctuallv attended to. House— Wimbleton Cottage, 1 1111 W41 I C03SrTI?,.^CT0I^, LOCHFYNE STEAMBOAT OFFICE, ROTHESAY PIER.

Furniture and otlier Goods carefully RemoA'ed. Partie.s RemoAdng can depend upon every care and attention being given to tlieir orders. D. THOMPSON

55 Victoria Street, Rothesay.

THOMPSON'S GOODS admittedly combine Ea«e with Elegance, Lightness with Durability, and thorough protection from Damp. He attends personally to the Bespoke Trade gets ; his Lasts made by the Best Makers ; and in all cases guarantees a Perfect Fit, irrespective of Peculiar Foot Formation.

Every Novelti/ in the Trade l-ept in Sfocl\ 07- procured on the shortest notice,



Newest Styles. Perfect Fit Guaranteed


Almost all Local Fire Insurance Agents are Agents for this Company, and will place insurances with it.

Office- Secretary— lb Castle Street, Kothesay. A. D. MACBETH.


Best Prices always realised. Prompt Settlements.

Rose Bank, 29 Argyle Street, Rotpiesay. AUCTION ROOMS—STORE LANE.

Largest Posting Edablishrdent in Bute.

Head Office—M'MILLAN'S TEMPERA^X•E HOTEL, 7 Watergate, Rothesay. Cr.A^UVCES 3yn'3S^ILL^^3Sr'S New Fouiin-Haiul CO^^CHES Leave GuiLDFOKD Square for KILCHATTAN BAY Daily. Fare for the Rouml, 28. Four-iii-Hand Coaches, Laiuhins, Waggonettes, and Polo Carts (witli or witliouf drivers), can be had for Pic-Nic Parties at Lowest Charges. Telejihone No 44. Aioarded lU, '2, id and -Ird Prizes at tlie Bute Catttt Skov, Two Years in succession, for Best Horse.

Established 1S60.

Upholsterer, Windoio-Blind, and Beddlnr/ Manufacturer., 2 Dean Food Place. Rothesay. Jobbing Worl< attended to with Care, Despatch and Economy. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT.




A Good Second-Class Hotel. Superior Liquors. Orders attended to. \


Extra Large Stock of Eeady-Mades. i^°flead-Quarters for all Kinds of Coast Shoes.


81 MONTAGUE STREET, Where you will get a Choice Variety of Fresh Goods (at Glasgow Prices).

A Daily Sitppb/ of Very Fine Fresh and Powdered Butter and Country Eggs. A Trial Order Solicited. Delivery by "Van Daliy. ANDREW M. MILLAR, (Successor to Robert M*Gee), Family Grocer and Wine Merchant, 1 Argyle Street (g^Z%) Eothesay. o Orders called for and promptly delivered by Van.

m §py)*rel«s)' 't Clothing and Yachting Outfitter,

HOSIKH, GSiOVISe, &c., 10 Gallowgate, Rothesay. m:i8s m'connell.

ll, W Ml 4 23 Montague Street, Eothesay.

The NEWEST and MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS, comprising Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, Wools, Furnishings, &c., &c.

C.A.STLE3 B^^K;EIi"5r.

^^^ Family Bread, Biscuit & Pastry Baker 17 HIGH ST. and 17 ARGYLE ST., Rothesay. o Hot Pies Every Saturday Evening. Marriage and Birthday Cakes made to Order. Confections, Montgomerie' s Patent Extract of Malt Bread. MACKINLATS

oil! POST OFFICE DulIllliS,


J fill


BOOKBINDING in all its Branches.

A SPLENDID VARIETY OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF SCOTTISH SCENERY. BUTE ARMS HOTEL, OPPOSITE THE PIER, >0 r-> rp Y_Y I7X Q A ^y^ o THIS Establishment is situated in front of the Pier, where Steamers arrive and depart ahnost every half-hour, and affords Magnificent Views of the Bay, Loch Striven, and the Kyles of Bute.

Tourists by the '* Columba," " lona," or " Lord of the Isles " will find the Bute Arms one of the most comfortable resting places on the West Coast of Scotland, and being under the direct superintendence of the Proprietor, Visitors may depend on every attention.

Sanitary arrangements entirely new throughout the house.

Table D'Hote, 6-30 p.m. B I H. 31. I .A. li ID T.A.BIL.E. Golf Course within short Distance. ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor.



See Time- Tables,

CARRIAGE HIRING & POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES joiisrEiR .i^nsriD -A-i^chitect, 33 Watergate, I^othesay,

TEA & COFFEE MERCHANT, & GENERAL GROCER, 10 West Princes Street, Rothesay-

Family Bread, Biscuit, and Pastry Baker, 1 Gallowgate, Rothesay. Quality our Leading Feature. Goods Delivered by Van,

3 Bishop Street, Rothesay. Opposite the Post Office. Orders punctually attended to.

1? Rothesay, Port-Bannatyne, and Glasgow Carrier,

Glasgow Offices : 87 Argyle Street, and 84 Virginia Street. Rothesay : 3 Argyle Street, and 41 Montague Street.

Pokt-Bannatyne : Post Office.

ARGYLE ARMS HOTEL r?fJj;S^^')> 27 W^ATERGATE, ROTHESAY. {Directly Opposite Steaniboat Pier.) Breakfasts, Luncheons, Dinners and Teas. Well-aired Bkds. Wmes, Spirits, Beer, Brandies, &c.. of finest qualities. Family Orders carefully attended to

City of Glasgow Life Insurance Company. Royal Insurance Company, Scottish Life and Accident Insurance Company. f. gsPBWflRSF, flgenfe, iDlybesbale Bank. Rothesay.

THOMAS NAPIEE, Furnishing Ironmonger, Plumber, Gasfitter, and Bellhanger, 68 Montague Street, Rothesay. Joiners' and Plasterers' Tools. Paraffin, Colza and other Oils, Chimneys, &c. Close Ranges, Grates, Fenders and Fire-Ii-ons of every descriiition. Estimates Given. ROTHESAY- THE ROYAL HOTEL, (TWO MINUTES' WALK FROM PIER.)

THIS NEW HOTEL has been Opened by Mr KELLY (late of the Victoria), and was specially built for a First-Class Establishment.

The Rooms are large and airy, and are most comfortably furnished throughout on a modern style.

The Public Rooms consist of Spacious Coffee, Ladies', Drawing, Reading, and Writing, Billiard, and Smoking Rooms, all facing the Sea. The Private Sitting", and many of the Single and Double Bed Rooms, have a commanding view of the Bay and surrounding scenery.


Table D'Hote at 7. Parties Boarded by the Week or Month.

Guildford Sq. & Victoria St, J^othesay. Established 1826. Sole Proprietors of the BOUQUET, the Queen of Perfumes, &c. _ __o HICKS & SON'S Oatmeal Soap, made specially to suit the Waters of Bute, invaluable for giving a Clear Complexion. Also Cold Cream and Oatmeal Soap prepared ex- pressly for Infants' use. This Soap will not dry or irritate the most sensitive of Skins : no Soap could be made from choicer materials.


Jf ^j^^ °'5Uf %^ "^ ^^ ^ ^^'' u ^^ JOtf J^v 'JM.^ "Jl* Ms/^ ^0>b w Sculptor, Builder, and Agent for Fire Clay Goods, TOWNHEAD COTTAGE, ROTHESAY, Is prepared to Execute Monuments of every description in Marble, Granite and Freestone. Designs and Estimates supplied on application at the House or Yard, which are im- mediately behind the Churchyard. All kinds of Jobbings in connection with the above work carefully and promptly attended to. Joiner, C a r t w r i g h t, & c, John Street, Rothesay. Telephone No. 14.

BLACKSMITH,A? ^ 1 John Street, Rothesay. o HORSE-SHOEING and GENERAL SMITH WORK. Telejphone No. 14-

L ^ ]Nd[ O N T'S


Specialities, the West-End Trousers, 15s 6d. Two Pairs, 30s. EstaUished 1850.


Wines and Spirits. Bass', Allsopp's, and Guinness' Stout. AT CRAIGMORE PIER, ROTHESAY.

Overlooking Royal Northern Regatta Coiirse, and Convenient for Clyde Excursion Steamers. Golf Course, Tennis Courts, and Bowling Green adjoining.

"""''''iZ^^ttT'"'" D. Wilson, Proprietor.

GROCER, me. QE»d fpirit IflerefiaHt,


il^lr JAs,' JC :.X':P\ ) » =:ilSV9 ^V?3& ^ti, Jt3 '^J^^Jlh\^MS^ Wine and Spirit Merchant, GUILDFORD SQUARE, ROTHESAY.

Wines and Spirits. Bass', Allsopp's, and Guinness' Stout. Finest Old Brandies.


Breakfasts. Dinners, Teas, 8d, lOd, Is, and Upwards.

WATCH & GLOCKMAKER, JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, 3 High Street, Rothesay (Opposite West Quay Head.) All Repairs Done on the Premises. Choice Assortment of Watches, Jewellery, Clocks, Wedding Rings, &c. *./ If %jf^ A Ju Ju A M, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 19 East Priwces Street. Rothesay.

Orders called for and promptly delivered by Van.

BUTE STEAM LAUNDRY, Ladeside Steeet, Rothesay.


(La-Te of Paisley.)

Goods called for and delivered by Van.


Established 1S51.

Millinery, Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, (xloves. Laces, Ties, Scarfs, Velvets, Collars, Cuffs, Wools, Underclothing, &c., &c. i^° AGENT FOR P. & P. CAMPBELL, DYERS, PERTH. ^^


All kinds of Toilet Articles and Patent Medicines in Stock. Carbolic Tooth Wash, for preserving- the Teeth and Gums, Is per hot- PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS and DARK ROOM. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. Family Bread Biscuit & Pastry Balder 23 Gallowgate, Rothesay.


Splendid Outlook from Sitting Room Windows.

M. U -^As^[

M^aaM, Jewsiiei m DptiGiag, 8 Albert Place, Opposite the Harbour. o Fjugagenmnt Rings. Wedding Presents. j

f*l Fa^viily Groger&Wine Merchant

6 and 8 High Street, Guildford Square,

Preserved Salmon, Lobster, Oysters. Liebig's Extract of Meat, &c. Sauces, Ketchup, Pickles. Currie Powder, French Capers, &c. F. H. SQUAIR,

5 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

Established 1863. Telephone No. 25,



75 Victoria Street, Rothesay^ Agent for Bkll's Dye Works, Paisley.


THE CENTRAL, Parties in want of DRAPERY GOODS should Call at MILLERS CENTRAL DRAPERY WAREHOUSE, 48 Montague Street, Rothesay.

ALEXANDER R. PEACOCK, Registered Plumber, Gasfitter and Zinc Worker, 23 HIGH STREET and 53 AKDBEG ROAD, ROTHESAY. Branch from 133 Great Western Road, Glasgow. House—Adelaide Place, Mountstuart Rd.. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Bell-Hangicg, Pumps, Rhones, Ridges, &c.

Tlie Ceafiti'al Mouie and Foreij°M Goods Store, 65 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. THOMAS THOMSON, China Merchant, Furnishing Ironmonger, Watchmaker, Jeioeller and Optician^ Fishing Tackle. Perambulators and Mail Carts on hire by hour, day, or longer. Terms on application. PLUMBER, GASFITTER, and ZINC ^WORKER, 3 Bridge Street, Rothesay.

16 High Street, Rothesay.

Open Daily from 11 to 1 o'clock, and on Saturday Evenings from 7 to 9.

LEATHER MERCHANT, 2 Dean Hood Place, Rothesay. Boot Top and Shoe Furnishings.


13 Watergate (MoNt/Gufs^TREKT,) Rothesay. Fresh Stock of Home-Fed Beef & Mutton always on hand. Orders punctually attended to.

102 Montague Street, and 1 Dean Hood Place, Rothesay.

French and English Millinery, Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, & Shetland Goods Warehouse.

Grain, Seed, Hay, and Straw Merchant, 5 & 7 West Castle Street, Rothesay. Finest East Country Seed Oats. Bute and Ayrshire Ryegrass Seed. Clover Seeds and Turnip Seeds of the Various Sorts in their Season. Special Grain and Root Manures (Highest Analysis), my own manufacturer.

Comfort for the Feet can be had by Purchasing your

4 GALLOW^GATE, ROTHESAY. Boots and Shoes Made to Measure. Repairs Promptly Executed by Practical Workmen. Phenomenal Value in Tan and Canvas Boots and Shoes of Every Description Large Selection of Maybole and Keltic Boots aad Shoes kept in Stock. Insi)ection Invited

Try us when others fail. "Watch Repairing a speciality. Unequalled Method by

WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, 4^ GALLQ-WGATE, ROTHESAY. Splendid Selection of Watches" Clocks, Jewellery, and Electro-Plate. Cheapest and Best in Rothesay. V7I^IG-I3:T and 003S^TI^.A.0T0:R, 34 Columshill Street, Rothesay.


Stationer, Tobacconist, Toys, and Fancy Goods, 5 Montague Street, Rothesay.

I, Mo84111'M, Tea and Coffee Merchant & General Grocer, 96 Montague Street, Rothesay.


Terms Cash. 78 Montague Street, Rothesay. lilllf F4flli®l^

Yard, 10 Bridge-End St. House, 24 Argyle St.

SHIPPING and FAMILY BUTCHER, 19 Gallowgate, Rothesay. Corn'd Beef and Pickled Tongues, Salted Rounds, Pork, &c.

J- ls/L'^JS:x:RTD'irj Successor to mMiMMll'fllll, 77 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Umbrellas, Combs, Brushes, Toys, Fancy Goods, and Other Useful Articles. Umhrellas Made, Covered, and .Bcpaired.

[^i4HSIi IIWAI, CARPENTER, BOATBUILDER, &c., 14 Watergate, and Mill St., Rothesay. Oars Spars. Oils, Varnishes, &c., on hand. Paraffin Coke kept in Stock. Best White Waste and Colza Oil. Repairs Promptly and Cheaply Executed. DAVID LAWSON,

20 E. Princes St., and 87 Montague St., ROTHES A_Y.

General Draper, Clothier, &c.,

59 & 61 Montague Street, Eothesay.

Stock ahvays Large^ Neio, Fresh aud Fashionable.


Jamili Wt\l ,p, m\\\ itr spirit Ijcrdtani

51 Montague Street, Eothesay.

Established 1839.

"^^JwyiVs^y \iiii> Upholsterer, Cabinet-Maker, and Bedding Manufacturer, NEW HALL buildings, ROTHESAY.

Workshops : Store Lane and 17 East Prikces Street.

Workmanship Guaranteed, and all Orders punctually attended to. Picture Framing in all its Branches. mi 27 Victoria St. (Opposite Band Stand), Rothesay. o

POULTERER and GREENGROCER, 12 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

Orders Punctually attended to.

Drapers, Clothiers, and General Outfitters, 39 Victoria Street, Rothesay. (Opposite the Band Stand. l®lllf 11©WS> IRONMONGER and HARD^WARE MERCHANT, Next Door to Norman Stewart Institute. 43 MontagUe Street.

63 Montague Street, Rothesay All Kinds of Work Estimated for.

13 SS' m TOB.A.C003SriST, (Opposite the A. B. Stewart Statue) 83 VictoHa Street, Rothesay. Large Assortment of British & Foreign Cigars and Cigarettes, Loewe & Co.'s and bbb Pipes. Walkmg Sticks, Pouches and Tobacconists Sundries in Great Variety.

Agent for Messrs W. & A. Gilbey's Wines and Spirits. FAMILY GROCER and "WINE MERCHANT 62 Montague St. To^^S^fJSlSJ Rothesay. Orders Called for and Goods Promptly m Delivered. WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, 55 Montague Street, Rothesay.

B^?n^R?.+w™''*^*,^''**'^^^^"P^"^*ithe^l^ove workshop, thanks his numerous friendsfri atten- Time and Tide Tables, Steamboat Excursions, Where to Stay, and Hints to Visitors, SEE


To be had Everywhere.



For 1 896-97.


Public Officials, Society Officers,


Price— One SliiMn^r^'ir^^T-^ /



7U\70\7u\7O<^7D\ /Ov 7u\ 7U\/U\/U\/0 v /u\ /U\ ^^-"^


We have much ^pleasure in placing another issue of our handbook before an appreciative public. With a continuance of the generosity of Advertisers, we will again issue our publication annually. For obvious reasons, the importance of this county demands a thoroughly up-to-date Directory.

SoTYie of the more isolated districts have not full lists, but we are prepared to supply that want on receiving adequate encouragement.

The Householders^ names are arranged in Streets this issue— ct method which m^any desire.

Our best thanks are due to all who give us their patronage and assistance.


Rothesay, June, 1896. —


The following alterations came to hand after the sheets were

printed :

North Bute Parish. —John M. Lamont has been appointed Parish

Councillor ; and Charles Thomson, blacksmith, member of Bute County Committee, in room of the late Archibald Lamont.

Rothesay. —During the months of July and August, the Free Parish, West Free, and U. P. Churches, alter their afternoon services from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Other alterations (unimportant) came to hand too late. We desire to give effect to every change, but notification must be given promptly.

Our information is taken from official sources, and it will be noticed that the numbers of the houses in such places as Wimbleton and Elysium are not given separately, but as they are known officially,

i.e, portions of Mountstuart Road.

The partition of Victoria, Montague, High, Mill, and other Streets, is, as will be apparent, due to the division of the county town into wards. — ;


Part L— Officials.

Assessments ; Public Officials ; Population ; Rental, Fiars Prices, Lawyers Militia and Volunteer Officers ; Clergymen ; Bankers ; ; Joint-Stock Public Companies Teachers ; Office-Bearers of Communica- Benefit and other Societies ; Fast Days ; Fairs ;

: tions ; Postal Arrangements, .^c.

COUNTY OF BUTE, 1 ISLE OF BUTE, 7 Parish and Burgh of Rothesay, ... 9

Parish OF North Bute, ...... • 22

Parish OF , ...... 24

THE CUMBRAES, ...... 26 Burgh of Millport, ...... 28


Parish of Kilbride, ... .- ... 30

Parish of Kilmory, ...... 32

Part II.—Householders.


Rothesay, No. 1 Ward, ...... 33 No. 2 37 No. 3 42 No. 4 51 No. 5 58 No. 6 64

North Bute—North End Ward, ...... 65

,, Cummermenoch Ward, ... 71 Kingarth—Mountstuart Ward, ...... 72 ... ,, Kilchattan Bay Ward, 74

Part III.—Business Lists.

Rothesay, ...... 77

North Bute, ...... 85

Kingarth, ...... 87

Cumbrae, ...... 88

:je^ j^TiT I-



The County of Bute comprises the seven islands in the

Firth of Clyde, viz.: Bute, the most populous ; Arran, the largest ; the Great and Little Cumbraes, off the Ayrshire

Coast; Holy Isle and Pladda, off Arran ; and Inchmarnock, off Bute.

The total Area of the County (land and water, exclusive of tidal water) is 140,307 acres, of which 53,423 are mountain and heath lands used for grazing. There are about 25,605 acres under allkinds of crops bare fallow and grass, which is a gradual inroad on the mountain heath, and hitherto unculti- vated land. There are about 1450 agricultural horses, 6000 cattle, 50,000 sheep, and 900 pigs in the County.

The principal Industries are agriculture, horticulture, and fishing. The islands possess great and varied natural attractions, and are in the front rank of watering-places.

The Population in 1891 was 18,404—8,211 males and 10,193 females. There were 4,232 families, 4,001 houses 17,346 rooms, 4'35 persons to the family, i '06 families to each house, 4*60 persons to each house, 84 persons to the square mile, 7*6 acres to each person, and 206 yards as the approximate distance between person and person. 29 persons spoke Gaelic only. 1 c County oj OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Rental. Parish. 1895-96 King-arth, £10,085 17 6 North Bute, £14,005 12 Tramways, 408 14,413 12 Cumbrae, 18,960 3 11 Kilbride (Arran), 12,279 9 7

Kilmory ,, 13,072 11 Oi

£68,811 14 Rothesay (including <£582 for Tramways), 62,063 12 2

Grand Total, ... £130,875 6 _2

Fiars Prices. 1894. 1895. Barley, per quarter, ... £1 3 1 £1 H Oats, ... 17 9 16 9| Beans, ... 1 8 n Oatmeal, ... 14 H 13 n Assessments. Owners. Occupiers. On the County— General Valuation of Lands, Registration of Voters, Lunacy, Police, and General Pur- poses, ...... at per £ 6-25d 1-OOd On the Burgh of Rothesay—Registra- tion of Voters, 20d On the Bute District—-Roads, etc.. i.,d 4id Public Health, id id

Port-Bannatyne Drainage, , lid lid Kilchattan Bay Drainage, lid lid Kilchattan Bay Water Supply, Ud Bid On the Arran District—Roads, etc., 6d 6d On the Cumbrae District— Roads, etc Id Id

Lieutenancy. —Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. Deputy-Lieutenants—Ex-Provost

Mackirdy, Rothesay ; ex-Provost Sharp, Rothesay, Duncan

MacRae, Karnes Castle Lamont, Knockdhu ; Thomas ; James

Russell of Ascog ; Patrick James Crichton Stuart; A. L. F

Robertson-Fullarton ; and the Provost of Rothesay for the time being. Clerk, Adam D. Macbeth, Rothesay. -

County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

I Member of Parliament. —Lord Advocate, Andrew iGrahamI Murray, Q.C. (Conservative). Votes polled, 1892, 1,466. The unsuccessful candidate, R. E. Monteith Smith (Gladstonian), polled 1,013. The present Parliament- ary constituency is 3,284.

Sheriff Court.— Bute is joined with Renfrew. The Court meets at Rothesay on Thursday forenoon at 1 1 o'clock.

Circuit Small Debt Courts meet quarterly : At Brodick, Arran, on the third Wednesdays in March, June, and

November, and about the end of September ; and at Mill- port, Cumbrae, in March and September. Sheriff, John

Cheyne, B.A., advocate. Sheriff-Substitute, T. J. Martin, M.A., advocate. Hon. Sheriff-Substitutes, Archibald Mac- kirdy, Rothesay, and Dr Jamieson, Brodick. Clerk, Thomas W. Alexander. Clerks-Depute — Rothesay, Chas. Ross;

Lamlash, Wm. Munro ; Millport, James Ross. Procurator- Fiscal, R. D. Macmillan. Depute Procurator-Fiscal, Daniel Miller. Nautical Assessors, for Bute, Wm. Ersklne, Partlck-

hill, Glasgow ; Captain John D. Clink, Greenock ; and Capt. John Young", Irvine. Sheriff Officer, Alexander Campbell, Rothesay. Keeper of Court House and Bar Officer, Mathew Waters.

The Circuit Court for Buteshire meets six times a year in Glasgow. Argfyll and Bute Militia.— Portion of Scottish Divi- sion Royal Artillery. —Meets annually for Drill at Campbeltown. Hon. Colonel, S. M. Eddlngton. Lieutenant

Colonel J. Younger. Instructor of Artillery, Captain J. H. Nichol, Hon. Major. Adjutant, Captahi G. M. Campbell,

R.M.A. Quarter-Master, E. J. Murray, R.A. Artillery Volunteers —Southern Division Royal Artillery. — ist Rothesay.-— Lieut. -Colonel Commandant, Fred. Campbell, V.D., Hon. Colonel. Lieut.

Col. J. Windsor Stuart, Hon. Colonel. Major, H. Macfarlane. Adjutant, W. Arthy, Captain, R.A. Chaplains, Rev. J. F. Macpherson, B.D., Greenock; and Rev. F. Matthews, Rothe-

say. Surgeon-Lieutenants, J. D. and J. W. W. Penney. Companies 8th and i2TH, Rothesay. —Captain, Adam D. Macbeth. Lieutenants, Dan. Cunningham, Jas. Stewart, R. D. Macmillan, and Andrev/ M. M'KInlay. Drill In- County of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute, structor, Sergeant-Major Angus M 'Lean, R.A. Bandmaster John M'Nab. Company qth, Millport. — Captain, W. Smith. Lieut. R. D. Macleod Robertson. Drill Instructor, Compan);; Sergeant-Major Abel Burden. 1st (Renfrewshire) Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise's Argryll and Sutherland Highlanders.— Hon. Colonel, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart., V.D. Adjutant, Captain Dudley S. Stewart. Instructor of Musketry, Capt. and Hon. Major John M'Isaac, V.D. Chaplain, Rev. A. N. Sutherland.

I Company (Bute). —Captain and Hon. Major, John T. Wilson, V.D. Lieutenants, Malcolm Buchanan and James Carse. Drill Instructor, Colour-Sergeant Alexander Allan.

Pipe-Major, J. Murdoch. Justices of the Peace. —Isle of Bute. — Provost Milloy; ex-Provosts Mackirdy, Orkney, Sharp, Thomson, and

M'Millan ; ex-Bailies Martin, Walker, and Burness ; John Mackirdy, J. W. Stuart, D. M. Taylor, Dugald M'Corkindale and John Mackinlay, postmaster, Rothesay ; Thomas Russell and William Spencer, Ascog ; Duncan MacRae, Kames Castle Duncan, Bannatyne Mains Sir ; James ; Charles

Dalrymple, New Hailes ; Frederick Pitman, Edinburgh ; and H. G. F. Newall, St Andrews.

Island of Arran. —Patrick Murray, Brodick ; John

Spiers, Bennecarrigan ; Donald M'Allister, Millfield ; John

Morton, Machrie ; William Tod, Glenree ; Dr Jamieson,

Brodick ; John W^allace, Glenkill, Lamlash ; James Allan,

Balnacoole James M'Kinnon, Catacol ; Wm. Ferguson, ;

Lagg ; Arch. Kelso, Lochranza ; Alex. M'Bride, Shiskine ;

Wm. M'Kinnon, Balmichael ; and James Auldjo Jamieson, W.S., Commissioner for the Duke of Hamilton, Whitehouse, Lamlash.

Cumbrae.^—^James Ross, banker ; William Barclay, William Allan, John Cunningham, William Paterson, Alex. Smart, and Duncan M'Dougall, Ballochmartin, Millport.

Ex-Offidis.--Th.Q Sheriff and Sheriff-Substitute ; the

Provost, Bailies and Dean of Guild of Rothesay ; the Baron

Bailie of Mountstuart ; the Chief Magistrate of Millport ; the Chairmen of District Committees, and of the Parish Councils. 4 —

County oj OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Clerk, Thomas W. Alexander. Procurator-Fiscal, R. D. Vlacmillan. Inspector of Weights and Measures, James ^'Nab. Quarter Sessions held on the first Tuesdays of March, Vlay and August, and last Tuesday of October. Courts of Petty Sessions, at Rothesay, as required. County Licensing" Committee.—Provost Milloy, ex- Provosts Mackirdy, Sharp, Thomson, and M'Millan, ex-

Bailies Walker, Burness ; and John Mackirdy, Rothesay ;

William Spencer, Ascog ; Patrick Murray, Brodick ; William

Tod, Glenree, Arran ; and William Allan, Millport. County CounciL— Convener, John Windsor Stuart, Rothesay. Vice-Convener, Patrick Murray, Brodick.

Elected Members : Brodick—Patrick Murray. Corrie Duncan Kerr, Lochranza. Cumbrae—Duncan M'Dougall, Ballochmartin. Cummermenoch—Charles Duncan, Little — Kilmory. Dougarie ^John Morton, Machrie ; Kilchattan Bay—John Cumming. Lamlash—John Bannatyne. Loch- ranza— Archibald M'Millan. Millport (East)~Alex. Brown,

Kames ; West—John M'Gown, M.D. Mountstuart—J. Windsor Stuart. Northend—M. R. Gray Buchanan, Ettrick- dale. Port-Bannatyne—^James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains. Shedog. —William Tod, Glenree. Southend— John Jamieson, Kildonan. Whiting Bay— James M'Kinnon, Knockankelly. Appointed by Town Council of Rothesay—Provost Milloy, Bailie Aitchison, Treasurer Fisher, and Councillor M'Millan. Representatives to County Council Association —Messrs Stuart and Murray. County Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, John T. Wilson,

Rothesay. Clerks and Treasurers of District Committees : Bute —John T. Wilson. Arran—W. A. Mackenzie, Brodick. Cumbrae—Wm. Hunter, Millport. County Medical Officer, Dr Thomas Rutherford, Shiskine, Arran. County Sanitary Inspector, William Dunlop Brown, Rothesay. Valuation Assessor and Assessor under the Lands Valuation Act, Hugh Duncan, LL.B., 175 West George Street, Glasgow. Auditor, Robert Paterson, C.A., Glasgow. Inspector of Weights and Measures, James M*Nab, Rothesay. Veterinary Inspector, William Moodie, M.R.C.V.S., Rothesay. Agricultural Analyst, John W. Biggart, Greenock. Technical Lecturer, James L. Duncan, B.Sc. 5 County oj OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

County Eoad Board.— J. Windsor vStuart (chairman), James Duncan, Charles Duncan, John Camming, and M. R. Gray Buchanan, Bute. Patrick Murray, Alister M'Millan, John Morton, John Ferguson, and Duncan Kerr, Arran. Alex. Brown and Duncan M'Dougall, Cumbrae.

Collectors. —North Bute, Archd. Brown ; Kingarth,

Wm. L. Thomson ; Cumbrae, Wm. Hunter; Rilmory, P.

M'Kenzie ; Kilbride, John B. Sweet. Surveyors. —Bute, Wm. M'Intyre; Arran, Peter Jenkins,

Lamlash ; Cumbrae, Wm. Hunter. Standing Joint Committee.— Sheriff Martin (chair- man). County Councillors Charles Duncan, James M'Kinnon, John Morton, John Bannatyne, William Tod, Duncan M'Dougall, and Alexander Brown; Commissioners of Supply —^Thomas Russell, Patrick Murray, John Windsor Stuart, James Duncan, and John Cumming; the Provost of Rothesay, and the Chief Magistrate of Millport. Ex-Officio, Sheriff Cheyne, or, in his absence, Sheriff Martin. Chief Constable, John Mackay. Valuation Committee. — John Bannatyne, Alister M'Millan, John Morton, William Tod, James Duncan, M. R. G. Buchanan, Charles Duncan, John Cumming, Alex. Brown, Dr M'Gown, and Duncan M'Dougall.

District Lunacy Board.—J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay (chairman). Provost Milloy and Councillors M'Millan and Livingstone, Rothesay Bannatyne Mains ; James Duncan, ;

M. R. Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale ; and Dr M'Gown, Millport. Clerk, John T. Wilson, Rothesay. Property and Income Tax Commissioners.— Sir

Charles Dalrymple, Bart., M.P. ; Provost Milloy, ex-Provosts Mackirdy, Orkney, Sharp, Thomson, and M'Millan, and Mr

John Cruickshanks, Rothesay ; and Thomas Russell of Ascog. Clerk and Assessor, W. C. W. Maddever, Rothesay. Surveyor, Alexander M'Dougall, Greenock. Collector, T. H. Taylor, Greenock. Commissioners of Supply.—Convener, Thos. Russell. Clerk, John T, Wilson, Rothesay. County Police.-—Chief Constable, John Mackay, Rothesay. 6 Coiiniv oj OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

Prison Visiting Committee.—John Gumming and ^. R. G. Buchanan. Stamps. —-Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Gollector of Legacy and Succession Duties, John Thomson, Royal Bank, Rothesay.

I Excise.—Supervisor, Patrick O'Grady, Bowling. Officer, Wm. Hume, Rothesay. Fishery. —Office, 15 Bishop Street, Rothesay. Officer, John Skinner. Bute Insurance Company, Limited.— Ghairman, ex- Provost M'Millan. Secretary and Treasurer, A. D. Macbeth, Rothesay. Political Associations. —Buteshire Liberal Associa- tion, established 1879— President, George Shiells. Secretary and Treasurer, A. M. Burnie. Buteshire Conservative Association, established 1880. —President, Provost Miiloy. Secretary, Bailie M'Intosh. Treasurer, Arch. Montgomerie. Buteshire Wine, Spirit and Beer Trade Association. —-President, James Heaton. Secretary, Alex. Campbell. Treasurer, A. Brewster. Buteshire Football Association, established 1878.— President, Donald Macfie. Secretary, George Crawford.

Bute County Cricket Club.— President, J. W. Stuart. Vice-president, Provost Miiloy. Secretary and treasurer, W. H. M'Dowall. Captain, Captain Arth}^ Lloyd's Agent. — John Orkney, Orcadia.

(For District OJlcials see District ListsJ. ISLE OF BUTE Is 16 miles long, with an average breadth of four miles. It is rocky in the north and south but fertile in the intervening districts. The climate is milder and more equable that on the mainland and islands ; and the place is, in consequence, a favourite health resort. Through the kindness of the Marquess of Bute, numerous beautiful roads and walks have 7 Isle of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute, been added in recent years for the benefit of residents and visitors, and all around the botanist, geologist, florist, photo- grapher, and the otherwise scientific or inquisitive may roam at their sweet wills. Good views are obtained from its eminences, and permission to fish in the streams and lochs may be procured. The island is rich in historical relics. The antiquarian will find food for reflection in Druidicial remains, ruins of old chapels, castles, vitrified and other forts, &c. Lord of the Manor.—John Patrick Crichton Stuart, Marquess of Bute, K.T., Mountstuart House. Factor on Bute Estate, John Windsor Stuart, Rothesay. Baron Bailie of Mountstuart, Fred. Pitman, W.S., Edinburgh. Bute Farmers' Society. —Hon. President, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. President, Alex. M'Farlane, Meikle, Kilchat- tan. Vice-President, Malcolm Buchanan. Hon. Secretary, T. W. Alexander. Hon. Treasurer, James Fisher. Bute National Rose and Horticultural Society.— Hon. President, the Marquess of Bute, K.T. President, the Provost of Rothesay. Secretary, Archd. Boyd. Archaeological and Physical Society of Bute.— Museum, Chapelhill. Hon. President, the Marquess of Bute K.T. Secretary, A. D. Macbeth. Treasurer, Bailie M'Intosh. Meteorologist, James Kay, Barone Cottage. The annual report shows the mildness and equability of the climate of Bute. Royal Northern Yacht Club. —Club House, Argyle Street (West Bay) —Commodore, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart. Hon. Secretary, T. F. Donald, 104 West George Street, Glasgow. Clubmaster, Wm. Burton. Regatta, nth and 13th July. Bute Auxiliary to the National Bible Society of Scotland. — President, Rev. Samuel Crabb. Secretary, Rev. Wm. Galbraith. Treasurer, A. M. Burnie. Bute Sabbath School Union— Meets monthly in Castle Street Hall. President, Rev. Wm. Galbraith. Vice- presidents, James Stewart and George Shiells. Secretaries, George Crawford and Miss Jessie C. Smith. Bute Women's Temperance Prayer Union.—Meets in the Norman Stewart Institute eveiy Thursday afternoon at 8 Isle of OFFICIALS, &c. Bute.

3.30. President, Mrs Mansfield. Treasurer, MissM'Lellan. Secretary, Miss Tliomson. Bute Ornithological and Canine Society.—President, Bailie Aitchison. Treasurer, Thomas Falconer. Coast Guard.—^Three men at Rothesay. Head-Quarters, Bishop Street. Bute Golf Club. —Links, Kingarth. President, John Windsor Stuart. Secretary, Rev. John Saunders.

Bute Homing: Pigeon Society.— Instituted 1895. Presi- dent, J. Rae. Secretary and Treasurer, A. M'Tavish. Race Secretaries, Rae and M'Tavish. •

PARISH OF ROTHESAY. Rothesay, the capital of Buteshire, was originally a village in connection with the Casile. It became a place of considerable importance in fishing, coopering, and cotton spinning and weaving", and now it is noted as the most popular summer resort in Scotland. The Castle was built at different times, but is believed to have been begun about 1098 by the Norwegians. On 12th January, 1400, the town was created a royal burgh by Robert III, and in 1584 its privileges were confirmed and extended by James VI. It contains 10,000 mhabitants and has never lacked enterprise. The first cotton mill in Scotland was opened here. The manufacturing industries, however, have gravitated to more convenient and large commercial centres, but the public spirit of its inhabitants has remained, and found scope in developing and making known its attractions, and it is now famous as a first-class watering-place. During "the season" art is enlisted to supplement nature, and the esplanades and shores teem with delighted holiday-makers, quiet strolls are had further afield, and entertainments of all kinds are provided for the delectation of its visitors. The first Aquarium in Scotland, and large adjoining pleasure grounds, are favourite rendezvous for grave and gay all day and evening, the Brescian Family give high-class costume concerts in the Public Halls (known during the season as "The Palace") ; and besides the natural facilities for bathing, through the 9 J

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. kothesay. g'eneroslty of a worthy son, complete swimming" baths have been provided. Rothesay is 40 miles south-west from Glasgow, and four steamboat routes, with railway connection, vie with each other in keeping up a most complete com- munication. There are numerous daily excursions by steamers to the surrounding coasts, and by vehicles through- out the island, so that those who like retirement rather than gaiety can have their tastes gratified also. The old Castle has been preserved and kept in order by the hereditary keeper, the Marquess of Bute. His Lordship's residence at Mountstuart is the most costly private residence in the world. Besides walks and drives, and steamboat sailings, there are fleets of small boats, golf links, bowling greens, tennis courts, and billiard saloons —in short, there is no lack of opportunities for recreation. Hotels, hydropathics (Rothesay, here again, took the lead in pioneering these popular establishments in Scotland), boarding-houses, and private dwellings oifer ample and comfortable accommodation at reasonable rates to all comers. Last year the landward portion of the parish of Rothesay was amalgamated with North Bute, so that henceforth, for secular purposes, the boundary of the parish will be the same as that of the burgh. Duke of Rothesay— H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. (For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace and County Boards see County Lists. Heritors' Committee. —Ex-Provosts Mackirdy, Orkney, and Sharp, John Windsor Stuart, John Cruickshanks, John Duncan, and Provost of Rothesay. Clerk, A. D. Macbeth. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths.— Hector Mackinnon, Victoria Street. Session Clerk. —John Kidd, Bishop Street.

Population.— In 1871, 7,760; 1881, 8,291 ; 1891, 9,034. Constituencies. — Parliamentary, 1,514; Municipal, 2,234 (1,415 males and 819 females). Valuation.— 1895-96, £62,063 12s 2d.

— : Rate, 7d per Assessments. Parochial Poor £ ;

School Rate, 4jd ; Cemetery, -|d-—equally divided between landlord and tenant. 10 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. llothesay,

: BuRGHAL — General, 7|d per £ ; Roads and Bridges, Public Health, Public Parks, Lunacy, Valuation of Lands, and Municipal Registration, is 3d : one-half of this is io|d is retainable by the occupier from the landlord. On proprietors only—Land Tax and Registration of Births, etc., \d] County Voters Registration, '2od. Water, lod per £. Gas, 3s gd per 1000 cubic feet.

Town CounclL — Meets on second Monday of every month. Provost, Lachlan Milloy. Bailies, Thomas Aitchison, Wm. M'Intosh and George Livingstone. Dean of Guild, James M 'Bride. Treasurer, James Fisher. Council- lors, Malcolm Buchanan, Robert Burness, David F. Dalziel, Charles Thomas Hicks, John G, Johnston, Adam Dick Macbeth, Hector Mackinnon, Donald M'Millan, Bryce Martin, Robert Craig Miller, Francis H. Squair, and James A. Walker.

Parish Council. —Ex-Provosts Mackirdy (chairman). Sharp, Thomson and M'Millan, Malcolm Buchanan, Michael Cuthbertson, John Duncan (coal merchant), James Heaton, Wm. M. Leckie, Hector Mackinnon, George Shiells, John Windsor Stuart, and Daniel Thomson. Inspector of Poor and Collector, John Kidd. Medical Officer, Dr Lawson.

Wards.—-The burgh was, in 1886, divided into wards for municipal purposes. For the divisions see Householders Lists.

No. I —Valuation, £8,526 6s lod. Representatives: Town Council— Messrs Johnston, Martin, and Dalziel. Parish Council—Ex-Provost Thomson and Mr Shiells.

2 No. —Valuation, £8,282 i6s. Representatives : Town Council— Treasurer Fisher, and Messrs Squair and Walker. Parish Council—Messrs Buchanan and Leckie.

No. 3 —Valuation, £10,277 ^^s 6d. Representatives : Town Council—Provost Milloy, Bailie Aitchison, and Mr Miller. Parish Council— Messrs Duncan, Heaton, and Thompson,

No. 4—^ Valuation, £10,859 17s. Representatives : Town Council —Bailie Livingstone, and Messrs Hicks and Buchanan. Parish Council—Messrs Mackinnon and Stuart, 11 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

No. 5—Valuation, £9,548 4s. Representatives : Town Council — Ex-Provost M'Millan, and Messrs Burness and Mackinnon. Parish Council—Ex-Provost M'Millan and Mr Cuthbertson.

No. 6—Valuation, ,£13,986 15s lod. Representatives : Town Council— Bailie M'Intosh, Dean of Guild M'Bride, and Mr Macbeth. Parish Council—Ex-Provosts Mackirdy and Sharp. Burgh Officials. —Town Clerk and Legal Assessor, John T. Wilson. Depute Clerk, James Carse. Procurator- Fiscal, Robert D. Macmillan. Collector of Rates and Valuation Assessor, James C. Sinclair. Sanitary Inspector, Master of Works, and Water Manager, John Morrison. Gas Manager, John Ballantyne. Chief Constable, Wm. Mackay. Inspector under the Food and Drugs Act, Matthew Waters.

Analysts, J. W. & W. L. Biggart, Greenock. Sheriff Officer, Alex. Campbell. Inspector of Weights and Measures, James M'Nab. Town Weigher, John Cochran. Town Crier, Robert Brown. Auditor, William Hardie, C.A.,

Greenock. Medical Officer, Andrew J. Hall, M.A., M.D. Harbour Trust. —^The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council, along with the following four gentlemen elected by the shipowners, viz.: — Captains M 'Crone and John William- son, and Messrs John Duncan and Neil Blue.

Officials. —Clerk, John T. Wilson. Collector, James C. Sinclair. Harbour Master, Captain Robert Macfie. Master of Works, John Morrison. Dean of Guild Court.—Dean of Guild M'Bride (chair- man), Provost Milloy, Messrs M'Millan, Miller, and Squair. Committees. —Burgh Lands—Mr Burness (convener). Bailie Livingstone (sub-convener). Dean of Guild M'Bride, Treasurer Fisher, Messrs Dalziel, Miller, Squair, and Walker. Gas— Bailie Aitchison (convener). Bailie Livingstone (sub-convener). Bailie M'Intosh, Messrs Burness, Buchanan, Miller, Squair, and Dalziel. Water—Mr M'Millan (convener), Mr Martin (sub-con- vener). Treasurer Fisher, Messrs Macbeth, Johnston, Buch- anan, and Mackinnon. 12 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Finance—Treasurer Fisher (convener), Provost Milloy sub-convener), Bailies Aitchison, Mcintosh, and Livingstone, Messrs Mackinnon, Martin, Macbeth, Miller, and Walker. Bills— Messrs Mackinnon (convener), Squair (sub-con- vener), Martin, M'Millan, Macbeth, and Hicks. Police—The Provost (convener), Bailie Aitchison (sub- convener), Messrs Macbeth, Johnston, Mackinnon, Hicks, Miller, and Dalziel. Public Health—Mr Walker (convener), Dean of Guild M*BrIde (sub-convener), Bailie Aitchison, Messrs Martin, Miller, M'Millan, Johnston, and Squair. Roads and Streets — Bailie M'Intosh (convener), Mr Macbeth (sub-convener). Provost Milloy, Messrs Walker, Johnston, Dalziel, M'Millan, and Hicks. Harbour—The Provost (convener), John Duncan, (sub- convener), Captains M 'Crone, and Williamson, Messrs M'Millan, Burness, Squair, and Buchanan. Local Government—The Prov^ost, Junior Bailie, D. McMillan, and J. A. Walker. Prison Visiting—Bryce Martin. Accounts— Harbour Trust and Town Council. Representative Elder— Lieut. Joseph Henry Robinson. Norman Stewart Institute— Provost Milloy, Bailies Aitchison, M'Intosh, and J. A. Walker. Representatives to County Council— Provost Milloy, Bailie Aitchison, Treasurer Fisher, and D. McMillan. Licensing Committee.— Provost Milloy, ex-Provosts Mackirdy, Sharp and Thomson, and Bailies Hicks and M'Intosh. School Board. — Ex-Provost Thomson, (chairman), Bailie Aitchison, ex-Bailie Walker, Rev. Dugald M'Cormick, Wm. Hunter, Robert A. Mackinlay and Robert M 'Bride. Clerk and Treasurer, John T. Wilson. Officer, Ed. M'Nab. Churches.—Parish, High Street (Hours of worship, ii a.m. and 2 p.m.)— Minister, Rev. James King Hewison, M.A. Assistant, Rev. J. C. Walker, M.A. Session- Cleik, John Kidd. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, James Stewart. Conductor of Psalmody, James M 'Arthur. Officer, Wm. Cunningham. 13 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

New Parish, Argyle Street (Hours of worship, ii a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) —Rev. James Brady Meek. Session-Clerk, Archibald Morrison. Clerk and Treasurer, James C. Sinclair. Seat-Letter, John A. Urquhart. Organist, and Superinten- dent of Sabbath School, Arthur S. Christie. Officer, Robert Brown, Chapelhill Road. Established Gaelic, Russell Street (Hours of worship, Gaelic at 1 1 a.m. and English at 2 p.m.) —Rev. Donald Mackay. Precentor (Gaelic) D. Mackechnie, and (English) A. Maitland. Treasurer, D. Perston. Officer, James Kirkland. St BPendan'S Craigmore (Hours of worship, 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m.)—Served from Parish Church. Free Parish, Castle Street (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.) — Rev. Andrew N. Sutherland, M.A. Missionary,

Rev. John Hunter. Session Clerk, J. R. Thomson. Clerk to Deacons' Court, John M'Kay. Treasurer, A. M. Burnie. Seat-Letters, James Cunningham and Donald Buchanan. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, John M'Kay and Andrew Holmes. Precentor, Peter A. M 'Arthur. Officer, Alex. Jack, Castle Street. West Free, Argyle Street (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.) — Rev. Robert Forgan, M.A., B.D. Session Clerk, Hector Mackinnon. Clerk to Deacons' Court, Arch. Mackirdy. Treasurer, Peter Stewart. Seat-Letter, John Mackinlay. Superintendent of Sabbath School, George Shiells. Precentor, Edward M'Tavish. Officers, Robert Duncan, and Robert Paterson, Argyle Street. Free Gaelic, Chapelhill (Hours of worship, Gaelic at 11 a.m. and English at 2 p.m.)— Rev. Dugald M'Cormick. Session Clerk, Dugald Gillies. Clerk to Deacons' Court, Daniel Ferguson. Superintendent of Sabbath School, E. M'Nab. Precentors, Dugald Gillies (Gaelic) and Edward M'Nab (English). Officer, Duncan Dewar, High Street. Free Presbyterian, West End Hall, Bridge Street (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.), (6.30 Gaelic) — Rev. Alexander M. Bannatyne. Sittings, free. High Street Mission, in connection with the Free Parish (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.)—Rev. John Hunter, missionary. 14 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Ladeside Mission, in connection with West Free (Hours of worship, 6.30 p.m.) Convener, Hector Mackinnon. Sabbath School at 5 p.m. Superintendent, Edward M'Tavish. Tower Street Mission, in connection with Chapelhill Gaelic (English services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) United Presbyterian, Bridge-end Street (Hours of worship, II a.m. and 2 p.m.) — Rev. William Galbraith. Session Clerk, Alex. M'Nab. Chairman of Managers, Wm. Lauder. Clerk, William Cuthbertson. Treasurer, John Thomson. Seat-Letter, James M 'Crone. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. William Galbraith. Harmoniumist, George Dryden. Officer, Alex. Miller, Ballochgoy Terrace. Craigmore U.P., CHchton Road (Hours of worship 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.)— Rev. James Cameron, M.A., B.D. Session Clerk, Andrew Sclanders. President of Managers, David Robertson, Clerk, Wm. M'Intosh. Harmoniumist, Wm. M'Intosh. Officer, Donald Lamont. Baptist, Ardbeg Road (Hours of worship 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.)-— Rev. Samuel Crabb. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. S. Crabb. Treasurer, Charles Muir. Har- moniumist, Miss Binnie. Officer, Hugh M'Lean, King Street. St Paul's Episcopal, Victoria Street (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and on Fasts and Festivals at 11.30.)— Rev. F. Matthews. Mission Hall, High Street. Prayer meetings in the Protestant Churches on Wednes- day evenings. St. Andrew's Roman Catholic, Columshill Street (Hours of worship, 9, 12 and 7. Mass on holy days at 9 and

12 ; on week days at 9. Instruction and benediction on Thursday evenings.) — Rev. John M'Elmail. Assistant, Rev. Wilfred Gettins. Organist, Alice McCarthy.

There is a chapel at Mountstuart served from Rothesay. Mass generally on Sundays and holy days at 10 a.m. The Orphanage, Bellevue, Barone Road. Salvation Army, Barracks, Music Hall, Watergate. Christian Brethren meet in the Gospel Hall, Victoria

Street on Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 2 and 7 p.m. ; and also in Hall, Bridge Street, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and on Thurs- days at 8 p.m. 15 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

The Faith 'Mission (head-quarters for the West of Scotland) meets in Hall, Store Lane. Writers. —Thomas W. Alexander, N.P., Castle Street. James Carse, Castle Street. Donald Grant, Castlehill Street. Adam D. Macbeth, N.P., Castle Street. John Mackirdy, Bank of Scotland. Robert D. Macmillan, Watergate. W. C. W. Maddever, Bishop Street. John T. Wilson, N.P., Castle Street.

Medical Practitioners—Andrew j. Hall, M.A., M.D., Battery Place. J. N. Marshall, M.D., Battery Place. Dugald Mitchell, M.D., Battery Place. D. J. Penney, M.B., CM., Battery Place. J. W. Watkin Penney, M.B., CM., Ardbeg. James B. Lawson, M.D., Battery Place. Wm. Philp, L.R.CS.E., Glenburn. Daniel Reid, L.R.CS.E. and L.M., East Princes Street. William Stewart, RLD., West Bay. Medical Electrician and Masseur, James Coates, Ph.D., F.A.S., Glenbeg, Ardbeg. Veterinary Surgeons. —Wm. Moodie, M.R.C.V.S., Watergate. Wm. MacConnell, M.R.C.V.S., i8 Castle St.

Bank Agents.—Bank of Scotland, Guildford Square : John Mackirdy.

Royal Bank, Victoria Street : John T. Wilson and John Thomson.

Clydesdale Bank, Guildford Square : Peter Stewart.

Bute Savings Bank, High Street : John Mackirdy, treasurer ; William Brown, actuary. Post Office Savings Bank, Bishop Street: John Mackinlay. Publications. — The Buiema?i (Liberal) Id weekly, pub- lished every Saturday morning by W. A. Wilson, Castle Street. Rothesay Chronicle (Conservative), id weekly, published every Saturday morning by Harvey & Co., Watergate. Rothesay Express (Independent) id weekly, published every Wednesday morning by M. Mackenzie, Montague Street.

Bute County Directory ^ is annually, published in June by Higgle & Co., Bridge Street. 16 ^

Bufghof OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

ABC Coast Guide, Tune Tablfs, Diary and House-Letting Register, id monthly, published by Higgle & Co.

Guide to Rothesay and the Island of Bute, id annually, pub- lished at the beginning of the season by W. A. Wilson. Rothesay Academy Magazine, id monthly, printed by Harvey & Co. Tourists' Guide, gratis, published at the beginning of the season by Daniel Miller, County Buildings. The Clyde Frogra?nme, id weekly, during summer months, printed by Harvey & Co. Educational Institutions.—Rothesay Academy and

Thomson Institute : Rector and Classical Master, William Mackay, M.A. Mathematical Master, J. G. Burgess, M.A. Assistant Classical, C. W. Thomson, M.A. English, Charles Mackie, M.A., G. Pirie, and Andrew Mitchell. Drawing, W. Yuill. Pianoforte, Arthur S. Christie. Singing, James M'Arthur. Shorthand, George Higgle. Infant Department, Misses Brown, Nellson, and M'Intosh. Drill Instructor and Janitor, Sergeant John Smith.

Public School : Headmaster, John M'Kay, F.E.I.S. Esplin, Masters, Harry J. G. Ross, M.A., W. T. John Bethune, and Thomas W. Doggart. Drawing, Walter Yuill. Singing, James M 'Arthur. Mistresses, Janet Taylor, Mary MTntosh, Mrs Macmillan, Helen Stewart, Catherine M'Donald, Barbara Grant and Annie Douglas. Sewing, Anna Clark. Cookery, Sarah Graham. Drill-Instructor, Colour-Sergeant Allan. Janitor, Edward M'Nab.

St. Andrew's R. C. School : Mistress, Sister Dunstone. Tramways Co. (Limited)—Chairman, James Lindsay, Edinburgh. Secretary, John R. Thomson. Solicitor, John Mackirdy. Manager, Archibald Robertson. Craigfrnore Pier Co. —Chairman, John R. Thomson. Secretary, William MTntosh. Piermaster, Archd. Turner. Robertson Stewart Hospital, Townhead.— Medical Officer, Dr Hall. Matron, Eliza Smith. Non-Infectious Hospital, Union Street.— Estabhshed and maintained for medical and surgical treatment of persons suffering from injuries or non-infectious diseases. — Hon. President, Marquess of Bute. Chairman of Committee of 17 D Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

Management, Sheriff Martin. Secretary, A. D. Macbeth. Treasurer, Peter Stewart. Matron, Jane Sommerville. Morman Stewart Institute, Montague Street, erected by former townsmen (who remembered their native place while prospering abroad) at a cost of about £10,000, for the benefit of working men and women. Chairman of Board of Management, Provost Milloy. Secretary and Treasurer, A. D. Macbeth. Janitor, Thomas Campbell. Free and Accepted Masons.— Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll and the Isles. —P.G.M., Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, of New Hailes, M.P. D.P.G.M., Henry Gerard Fenton Newall, St Andrews. S.P.G.M., J. P. B. Robertson, Lord-Justice General. P.G.S.W., James Heaton, Rothesay. P.G.J.W., James M'Naughton, Inveraray. Treasurer, Donald C. Murray, Rothesay. Secretary^ Andrew Clark, Rothesay. Lodge *' Rothesay St John," No. 292. —Meets in Lodge Room, High Street, on last Monday of every month, from September till April.—R.W.M.., Colin M'Lellan. Secretary, Hugh S. Kerr. Treasurer, Angus Robertson. Tyler, Robert Liddle. "St Blane's " Royal Arch Chapter, No. 163— ist Principal Z., James Heaton. 2nd Principal H., D. C. Murray. 3rd Principal J., Rev. J. B. Meek, Scribe E., James Wilson. Scribe N., Hugh Black. Ancient Order of Foresters. —Rothesay, Bute, and Argyll District. —Meets half-yearly for business (last Fri- day in April and last Friday in October) in Foresters' Hall, Castle Street, Rothesay. —D.C.R., John Fletcher, Lochgilp- head. D.S., J. A. Leckie, Rothesay. D.T., James Stew^art, Rothesay. Court "Bute," No. 5630. —Meets in the Foresters' Hall every alternate Wednesday. —C.R., Joseph Wilson. Treas., Duncan Blair. Secy., Alex. Lamont. Medical Officer, Dr D. J. Penney. Sanctuary Bute, No. 5630, Ancient Order of Shep- herds. —^Meets in the Foresters' Hall every second Monday at 8 p.m. —Pastor, John Morrison. Treas., Duncan Blair. Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity). — "Lord Bute" Lodge, No. 2091. —Meets every alternate 18 —

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Boihesay.

Wednesday in the Lesser Good Templar Hall. —W. Master, Malcolm Bowie. Secretary, James Anderson. Treasurer, Robert M'Leish. Scottish Typographical Association — Rothesay Branch. —President, D. S. Dewar. Secy, and Treas., John M'Gilvary. Loyal Orange Society. —Rothesay Lodge, No. 345. Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on the first Wednesday evening of every month. —R.W.M., D. Beattie. League of the Cross. — "Sacred Heart" Branch. Meets in Victoria Hall, Store Lane. —Spiritual Director, Rev. John M'Elmail. Treas., Chas. M'Auley. Secy., P. M'lver. Sons of Temperance — "Rothesay's Effort" Division, No. 467. — President, Donald Buchanan. Secretary, Gavin Fleming, jun. Collector, John Simpson. Independent Order of Good Templars.— District Lodge of Bute and Cowal, No. 13. —D.C.T., Thomas Falconer. D.S., Miss Merrilees, Dunoon. D.S.J.L., Thomas M'Dougall. "George Stephenson" Lodge, No. 122. —Meets in Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. —Chief Templar, Alex. M'Nab. L.D., Duncan Dewar. R. Secy., Thomas Falconer. Treas., Miss Falconer. "Rothesay's Freedom" Lodge, No. 228. —Meets in Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Thursdays at 8 p.m. Chief Templar, William Keith. R. Secy., David Stewart. L.D., Duncan M'Lean. "Hope of Bute" Juvenile Lodge, No. 252. —Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Saturdays at 6 p.m. —Superintendent, Edward M'Nab. "Freedom's Hope" Juvenile Lodge, No. 135. —Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower Street, on Thursdays at 7 p.m. — Superintendent, Neil Bannatyne. Hig-h Street Total Abstinence Society.— Meets in Mission Hall, High Street, on Fridays at 8 p.m. President, Archibald M. Burnie. Secretaries, Harry Smith and Robert Young. Treasurer, James Duncan. Gospel Temperance Meeting. —Meets in Mission Hall, Tower Street, on Saturdays at 8 p.m. Chairman, Rev. D. M'Cormick.

19 . Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay,

Independent Order of Kechabites. — '' Hope of Bute" Tent, No. 2325. — President, James Duncan. Secretary, T. Falconer. Literary Association. — Meets in Norman Stewart Institute on Tuesday evenings from October till March. President, Hugh Kerr. Secretary, Joseph Diver. Treasurer, William Thomson. Youn^ Women's Christian Association.— Meets in Free Parish Church Hall, Castle Street, on Sabbath mornings and Thursday evenings. — President, Mrs Colville. Secretary, Miss Law, Ardbeg. Rural Branch Secretary, Miss Bell, Bishop Terrace. Junior Branch meets on Tuesday evenings. Political Associations. —Rothesay Liberal Associa- tion, inaugurated 1882. — President, George Shiells. Secy., Joseph D. Wilson. Treasurer, Hector Mackinnon. Irish National League. — "Thomas Sexton" Branch.— Meets in the Victoria Hall, Store Lane, on alternate Monday evenings. ^— President, Daniel Corrigan. Secretary, John Breslin. Bute Burns Club. — President, Alexander Campbell. Secretary George Higgle. Treasurer, James Fisher. Swimming Club.-— President, Councillor Squair. Vice- President, M. M'Grory. Secretary, L. Milloy, jun. Treasurer, Hamilton. J. Blair. Swimming- master, George Boys' and Girls' Relig-ious Society.—Meets in the Public School, High Street, and Victoria Hall, Store Lane, every Sabbath at 11 a.m. Supported by voluntary contribu- tions. — President, William Hunter. Secretary, Thomas M'Dougall. Treasurer, John Dodds.

Dorcas Society. — President, Mrs J. Windsor Stuart. Treasurer, Miss Macleod Clerk. .Secretary, Choral Society. —Under the joint management of James M 'Arthur and Arthur S. Christie. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.—

Headquarters, 4 West Castle Street. ^—-Superintendent, James Watson. Cycle Club.—Pesident, A. M. M'Kinlay. Dramatic Clubs. — Catholic. — President, John Slaven. Treasurer, Patrick M'lver. Secretary, Joseph Quigley.

. 20 —

Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Rothesay. —Superintendent, Alex. Allan. Secretary, William M'Neill. Golf Club. —Course, Westland. Captain, A. Graham Murray, M.P. Secretary, Donald Munro. Treasurer, John Mackirdy.

Curling Club.— President, J. Windsor Stuart. Treasurer, M. Waters. Secretary, J. R. Thomson. Bowling' Club.— Green, Ballochgoy. President, David Stewart. Secretary and Treasurer, Bailie MTntosh.

Football Clubs.—St. Blank's (estabhshed 1872). President, C. M'Auley. Secretary and Treasurer, Bute Rangers (1875). —Secretary, Daniel Bowie. Royal Victoria (1891).^—President, D. Lamont. Treas., J. M'Millan. Secretary, T. Locke. Draughts Club.— President, David Stewart. Secretary, Thomas Falconer. Treasurer, Thomas Campbell.

Fast Days.—Thursdays before the first Sabbath in May and third in October. Fairs.-—Thursday before 27th May (hiring), third Wed- nesday and Thursday in July, Brux Day (horse), Thursday before 23rd November (hiring), and Tuesday before Kilbarchan December Fair (ho<'se), [The first Wednesday in May and last Wednesday in October used to be the dates of fairs, and are still published in some reference books, but they are obsolete.] Postal Arrangements.— Post Office, Bishop Street. Postmaster, Despatches. Box closes. Parcels Post. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greenock, Dunoon, 6. ,30 a.m. 8 p.m. Local, Port-Bannatyne, Ascog, Kiugartb, ^^"^ ''•? ^ >=" / \^^^ o'^*^' '^ ' <=> '\ 8.30 a.m. 8.25 a.m. Colintraive, Tighnabvuaich, Tarbert, Ard- rishaig and the West, 10.0 a.m. 10.0 a.m. Edinburgh, Glasgow, &c. (Local in Sum.) 10.30 a.m. 10.20 a.m. Local, 12. .30 p.m. Edinburgh, Glasgow, &c. (Eng. Ltd. Mail) 2. 10 p.m. 2.0 p.m. Innellan, Kirn, Dunoon, Greenock, &c., 3.10 p.m. 3.10 p.m. Greenock, Glasgow, English, &c. (up spec.) 4.30 p.m. 4.25 p.m. Local, Port-Bannatyne, Ascog, Kingarth, and Kilchattau Bay, 6.0 p.m. 5.50 p.m. •Extra Despatch during Summer, 6.0 p.m. Saturdays only, 8,20 p.m, 21 BuroJiof OFFICIALS, &c. Rothesay.

Deliveries from Glasgow, Edinburgh and all parts, about 9.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Deliveries in June, July, August and September, at 8. 15, 9, 11 a.m., and i and 6*30 p.m. Pillar Letter Boxes at Orcadia, Craigmore Pier, Ferguson Place, Mountstuart Road, Port-Bannatyne Pier, Ornatus Terrace, Craiglea, Argyle Place, Mountpleasant, Barone Road, Ballochgoy, Rothesay Pier, Straad, and Kerrycroy. Money Orders issued and paid daily from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Savings Bank. —Deposits received from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. in Summer. Postal Orders issued and paid from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m., and in Summer till 9 p.m. Telegraph Office open on week days from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. (Open in June, July, August and September till 9 p.m.) Sundays from 9 till 10 a.m. Messages can be sent at later hours by paying extra. Ardbeg Road (T.S.O.) — Despatches to suit Rothesay. Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business. Craigmore Pier. — Despatches to suit Rothesay arrange- ments. Telegraph 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business. No Sunday attendance. AscoG. —Deliveries and Despatches to suit Rothesay arrangements. Telegrams from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Sunday attendance 9 a.m. till 10 a.m. Communications. — Steamers to Wemyss Bay, Gourock, Greenock, Glasgow, and intermediate ports, and through the Kyles several times a day. In Summer, steamers ply regularly to Arran, Inveraray and Helensburgh, and irregularly to all the surrounding ports. Tramway cars run to Port-Bannatyne, and Omnibuses to Mountstuart and Kilchattan Bay daily. PARISH OF NORTH BUTE.

Port-Bannatyne, the principal village in this parish. Is two and a-half miles from Rothesay, with which it is connected by tramway. It agreeably blends fishing with house-letting.

{For Courts and Court OJficials, Justices of the Peace, and County

Boards f see County Lists.) 22 Parish oj OFFICIALS, &c. North Bute.

Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Archibald Brown.

Churches. —North Bute Parish (Hours of worship : Crockanrae, 1.30 p.m.; St. Ninlan's, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) —Minister, Rev. Peter Dewar, M.A, Session Clerk, Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. P. Dewar. Pre- centor, George Welsh. Harmoniumist, Miss M. White. Church Officer, Alex. Morrison, Lome Place. North Bute Free Church, Port-Bannatyne (Hours of worship, II a.m. and i p.m. in winter, and 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in summer). —Minister, Rev. John Dunlop. Session Clerk and Chairman of Deacons Court, Rev. John Dunlop. Clerk of Deacons' Court, David Baird. Superintendent of Sabbath School, A. Johnston. Precentor, David Baird. Church Officer, James Lusk.

Parish Council. — David Baird, Gladstone Place ; Wil- Stonefield. liam Dickie, Cranslagvourity ; John Halliday, Malcom, Edinbeg; James M'Alister, Meikle Kilmory ; James Charles Thomson, blacksmith; and Clerk, Archd. Brown.

J. Stuart, Rothesay (chairman) School Board.— W. ; I. Peter Dewar, M.A. M'Alister, Miss Buchan ; Rev. ; James

Meikle Kilmory; and . Clerk and Treasurer, John R. Thomson, Rothesay. Officer, James Wilson, Port-Bannatyne. Schools. —Port-Bannatyne Public, Peter White, master;

Miss Craighead, assistant ; Miss White, pupil teacher. Ballianlay, James Duncan, master. KiLDAVANNAN, Miss Kay, mistress. Physician. —Dr Watkin Penney, Prospect House. Kamesburgh Gas Light Company.— Chairman. James Duncan. Secretary, W. C. W. Maddever, Rothesay. Collector, W. Redfern. Kyles of Bute Hydropathic Establishment —Chair- man, ex-Bailie Dickson, Glasgow. Secretary, D. Hill Jack, Glasgow. Manager, Archibald Menzies. Medical Adviser, Dr Hall, Rothesay. A.O.F. —Court "North Bute," 6216.— Meets in the old Free Church Schoolroom every alternate Tuesday at 8 p.m. •^3 )

Parish of OFFICIALS^ &c. North Bute.

—Chief Ranger, D. Campbell. Secretary, Archd. Brownj, Treasurer, James Wilson.

LO.G.T.—Lodge "North Bute," No. 649.—Meets i; the old Free Church Schoolroom on Mondays at 8 p.m. '' Port-Bannatyne Lifeboat" Juvenile Lodge, No. 50, —Meets in the old Free Church Schoolroom on Mondays aj 7 p.m. Superintendent, F. D. Dalziel.

Fresh Air Home, Stewarthail, in connection with th( Glasgow Poor Children's Fresh Air Fortnight Scheme, Visitors admitted except on Sabbaths and Fridays. Matron,^

Miss Hart. Convener and Secretary, Alexander M 'Keith, i Howard Street, Glasgow.

Fast Days.—Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and third in October. Postal Arrangements.— Sub-Postmistress, Miss M. M'Cunn, Port-Bannatyne. —Despatches to all parts, via Rothesay, at 9-50 a.m., 1-25, 3-25 (5-25, extra in summer), and 7-55 p.m. Deliveries from all parts, via Rothesay, about (In June, July, August and September, 10 a.m.) ; 12 noon and7-30p.m. In winter at 10 a.m. and 7-30 p.m. Telegrams received and despatched from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank business. No attendance on Sundays. '


This parish is rich in ecclesiastical history. The Irish- Bishop St Cattan landed here in the year 439. The growing village of Kilchattan Bay, about seven miles from Rothesay, has regular connections by steamer and 'bus. {For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace and County Boards^ see County Lists. j Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths.—W. L. Thomson.

Churches.— Kingarth Parish (Hour of worship, 12 o'clock noon). —Minister Rev. John Saunders, M.A., B.D. Session Clerk and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev. J. Saunders. Precentor, William Orr. Church Officers-

John Reid. ,

U \ ^ —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kifigarih. KiNGARTH Free Church, Ascog (Hours of Worship, 11-15 a.m. and 6-30 p.m.) — Minister Emeritus, Rev. Robt. Williamson, D.D., Elgin. Colleague, and Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. William Winter. Organist, Miss Annie Turner. Church Officer, James Stewart, Kerrycroy. South Kingarth Free Church, Kilchattan Bay (Hours of worship, 12 noon and 6-30 p.m.) — Minister and Session Superin- Clerk, Rev. Benjamin J. Davidson, M.A., B.D. tendent of Sabbath Schools, J. Hinshaw. Precentor, Wm. Morrison. Church Officer, Adam Deans. Parish Council. —MounUtuart Ward—J. Windsor Stuart, Hugh Duncan and Alexander Macfarlane. Kilchattan Bay Ward—John Cumming (chairman), David Crawford, John Galbraith and William Morrison.

J. Stuart, Rothesay (chairman) School Board. — W. ; John Cumming, Kilchattan Bay; Alexander M'Farlane,

Meikle Kilchattan; John Martin, Kerrymenoch ; and Rev. John Saunders. Clerk and Treasurer, John T. Wilson, Rothesay. Officer, D. Ferguson, Kilchattan Butt. Schools. —Kingarth Public—William L. Thomson, master. Miss Catherine M'Ouistan, mistress. Birgidale Public. ^Duncan C. Stewart, master. Kerrycroy Public. —William Fulton, master. Convent. — "St. Margaret's Home," Mountstuart. Supported by Lady Bute. Matron, Miss Macra. Kilchattan Bay Pier Company (Limited.)— Chairman, John Cumming. Secretary and Treasurer, William L. Thomson. Piermaster, J. Muir. Kilchattan Bay Band of Hope.—Meets in Free Church Hall, on Fridays, at 6-30 p.m. Public Library, Kerrycroy. —William Fulton. LO.G.T., Mountstuart.— Meets on Fridays, at 8.— J. G. Geddes, superintendent of juveniles. Postal ArranRrementS. —Kingarth Sub-Postmaster, D. M'FiE, joiner. Kilchattan Bay Sub-Postmistress, Janet Currie. Box closes at 7 a.m. and 2-10 p.m. Despatches to all parts via Rothesay about 7 a.m. and 2-15 p.m. Deliveries from all parts via Rothesay about 11-30 a.m. and 8-15 p.m. Telegrams from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. till 10 a.m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank business. —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kivgarth.

Fast Days. —Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and third in October. FaiP. —Thursday before Largs Fair. PARISH OF CUMBRAE. The Parish of Cumbrae comprises the islands of Great 3.nd Little Cumbrae off the Ayrshire Coast. The Burgh of Millport, on the larger isle, is a popular watering-place. The larger isle is about 12 miles in circumference, with a well- made road round it. Cumbrae affords good scope for the botanist ; and in the opinion of scientists, Millport is admir- ably adapted for a marine station, and efforts are being made to proceed with the erection of a permanent building.

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see Co^mty Listsj. Constituencies. — Parliamentary, 519. Municipal, over 700.

Assessments. —Poor, 2|d per <£. School, 4d. Lord of the Manor.— Marquess of Bute, K.T. Factor, J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay. Parish CounciL —J. C. Sharpe, J. P. (chairman), ex- Provost Brown, John Cunningham, J. P.; John Thorn, John M'Kirdy, Daniel M'Laren, and Thomas Thorn. Inspector of Poor, James Ross. Collector, William Hunter. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths. —^Jas. Ross. Churches. —Parish (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) —Minister, Rev. Archibald Grierson, M.A. Session- Clerk, James Wallace. Free (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m.) Minister, Rev. Alexander Walker, M.A. United Presbyterian (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m.) — Rev. James Frame, M.A., B.D. Scottish Episcopal Cathedral of Argyll and the

Isles. — Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, Right Rev. J. R. A. Chinnery Haldane, D.D., Ballychulish. Visitor, the Bishop. Provost, Very Rev. Canon T. I. Ball. Canons—Very Rev.

Dean Mapleton; Rev. J. A. Ewing, M.A. ; Rev. H. Brown, M.A.; and Rev. J. R. Dakers. Honorary Canons— Rev. G. 26 —

Tarish of OFFICIALS, &c. Ciimhrae.

C. White. M.A.; Rev. Hon. H. Douglas, M.A.; Rev. W. Bright, D.D.; Rev. H. Meynell, M.A.; Rev. H. M'Coll,

T.C.G. ; Rev. Arthur John M'Lean, M.A. Services— Sundays, H.C., 8.30 a.m. (except first in month); Even, and Sermon, 6 p.m. Holy days, H.C., 8.30 a.m.; Matins 10 a.m.; Even. 7 p.m. Week Days, H.C., 8.30 a.m.; Matins, 10 a.m., Even. 3 p.m. (S. O. Surp. Choir). Organist, James (jordon. St. Andrew's (Hours of Sunday Services, 11 a.m. Incumbent, Rev. Thomas I. Ball. Baptist (Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.) Pastor, Rev. James Black, M.A., A.T.S.

Sheriff Small-Debt Courts.— Held in March and Sep- tember. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, James Ross. Cumbrae School Board. —Rev. James Frame (chair- man), Rev. Archibald Grierson, Duncan M'Dougall, W. T. Train, and Allan Spiers. Clerk and treasurer, James Ross, Union Bank.

Schools. —Clmbrae Public. — Headmaster, A. C. Steven, F.E.I.S. Mistress, Infant and Industrial, A. G. L. Beckett, Certif, Second Master, James Robertson, Certif., and Lend. Univ. Assistants, R. T. Pollock, W. S. Lowe, Elizabeth Houston, and Isabella Taylor. Drill Instructor, Sergt. -Major Burdon, R.A. College. —James Gordon, master. Physicians. —John M'Gown, M.D. Hugh Sinclair, L.F.P.S.G. J. Craig-MacGown, Jun., L.R.C.S.E. Bank.—Union.^—Stuart Street. James Ross, agent. Law Ag'entS. — Stevenson & Mackinlay. Masonic. —Lodge ''Kelburne," No. 459. —Meets on the first Friday of each month in the Masonic Hall, Crawford Street, at 8 p.m.—R.W.M., Thos. Sommerville, Royal George Hotel. P.M., }as. Allan. Secretary, Daniel Blair. Treas., A. G. M'Farlane. Cumbrae Branch of Buteshire Liberal Association. —Hon. President, William Crawford. President, Bailie Jas. Allan. Secretary, T. Sommerville, Royal George Hotel. Unionist Club. —Hon. President, A. Graham Murray, Q.C., M.P. Presidents, Provost William Allan and William Martin. Secretary, R. Pollock. 27 ,

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Ciimhmc.

Cumbrae Bowling* Club. — President, Thomas Russell. Treasurer, James Ross. Secretary, J. Train. Curling Club. — President, William Crawford. Secretary and Treasurer, William Macfarlane.

Cumbrae Golf Club.—Captain J. Windsor Stuart. Vice-Captain, J. G. Whammond. Joint-Secretaries, W. Barclay and J. C. Sharpe. Treasurer, James Ross. Football Club. —Cumbrae Rangers (1892). — Ground,, West Bay. Hon. President, William Martin. Secretary, W. M. Ramsa}^ Captain, William Templeton. Draughts Club. —Hon. President, A. Graham Murray, Q.C., M.P. President, Dr J. Craig-MacGown. Vice- Presidents, Bailie A. G. M'Farlane and James Ross. Women's Guild.—Meets in Church Hall on Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m. —Secretary, Miss Harley. Treasurer, Miss Goldie. BURGH OF MILLPORT. Population of Burgh in 1891, 1662.

Assessments.— Police, loM ; General Improvement,

2|d ; Special Sewers, id to 6d. Corporation.-—Senior Magistrate, William Allan. Junior Magistrates, Andrew G. M'Farlane and James Allan. Com- missioners, William Crawford, John Mackay, John Cunning- ham, Thomas Duncan, John Taylor and William JNIacfarlane. Officials. — Clerk, Robert Wood. Treasurer, Jam.es Ross. Procurator Fiscal, William Macklnlay. Collector, William Hunter. Medical Officer, Dr M'Gown, sen. Inspector of Nuisances and Burgh Surveyor, Edw^ard Quinn. Gas Lig'ht Co. — Chairman, William Allan. Secretary, William Hunter. Collector, James Wallace. Manager of Works, Hugh Reid. Pier and Harbour Co.— Chairman, Dr M'Gown. Secretary and Treasurer, William Allan. Harbourmaster, Alexander Cameron. Keppel Pier Co., Limited.— Chairman, Alexander Brown. Secretary and Treasurer, William Hunter. Lessee of Pier, David M'Kay. 28 Burgh of OFFICIALS, &c. Millport.

Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Association— President, William Barclay. Secretary, A. G. Macfarlane. Treasurer, James Ross. Co-Operative Society, Limited. — President, Thomas Reid. Secretary, R. Caldwell. Treasurer, James Graham.

Millport Trades' Association.— President, J. Cunning- ham, J. p. Secretary, Bailie A. G. Macfarlane. Penny Savings Bank.— Trustees — William Martin,

Freeland (chairman) ; Rev. James Frame (secretary), Rev.

Archd. Grierson, J. C. Sharpe, Bailie A. G. Macfarlane and A. C. Steven. Reading Eoom. — President, Bailie A. G. Macfarlane. Hon. Secretary, A. C. Steven. Treasurer James Ross. Holidays. — First Thursdays after 15th April and 15th October. Post Office. —Postmistress, Miss M. Cunningham. Arrivals and despatches twice daily in winter and thrice daily in summer. Communications. — Steamers sail daily to Glasgow, Greenock, Wemyss Bay and Fairlie during summer months. Daily to Wemyss Bay all the year round. ISLE OF ARRAN. This island, the largest in the group, is famous for the grandeur of its scenery and the variety of its geological deposits. Its highest mountain, Goatfell, is of three distinct formations, and is an epitome of the geology of the world. The loneliness and solemnity of its mountains and glens impress the visitor with wonder that such scenes can be enjoyed "so near and yet so far" "far from the madding crowd." The island is divided into two parishes— Kilbride on the east and Kilmory on the west. There is not yet proper house accommodation for all the summer visitors, so that strangers contemplating a sojourn in this picturesque spot had better secure, by correspondence, quarters in advance.

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace and County Botrds set County Lists.)

Population in 1881, 4,762 ; in 1891, 4,927. Parliamentary Constituency, 712'. 29 Tsleof OFFICIALS, &c. Arran.

For Valuation and Assessments see page 2. Lady of the Manor.—Lady Mary, only daughter of the late William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton, i2th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c. Factor on Estate. — Patrick Murray, Strabane, Brodick. Sheriff Court held once a quarter at Brodick. Sheriff- Clerk-Depute, William Munro, 24 Hamilton Terrace, Lamlash.

Arran Farmers' Society.—Annual exhibition of live stock in August, and of roots, etc., in December. Vice- President, John Auldjo Jamieson, W.S., Whitehouse, Lamlash. Secretary and Treasurer, William Tod, Glenree. Coast Guard Stations.—Lamlash- -Chief Officer, R. Lympaney. Kildonan and Lloyd's Signal Station— Officer, George Leaf. Lifeboat Station.—Kildonan— Coxwain, D. M'Kinnon. County CounciL —Arran District Committee.— Patrick Murray, Brodick (chairman) ; Duncan Kerr, Corrie ; John Morton, Dougarie ; John Bannatyne, Lamlash ; Alister M'MillAn, Lochranza; WiUiam Tod, Shedog; John Jamieson, Southend; and James M'Kinnon, Whiting Bay. Elected by Kilbride Parochial Board, John Wallace. Elected by Kilmory Parochial Board, William Cook. Clerk and Treasurer, W. A. Mackenzie, Brodick. Collectors, John T. Wilson, Rothesay; John B. Sweet,

Lamlash ; and Peter Mackenzie, Shiskine. Medical Officer, Thomas Rutherford, M.B., CM., Shiskine. Road Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector, Peter Jenkins, Lamlash. Arran Conservative Association.-President, James

Auldjo Jamieson, W.S. ; Chairman, Patrick, Murray,

Strabane ; Secretary, Thomas Reid, Schoolhouse. PARISH OF KILBRIDE. Churches. —Established. Brodick. — Rev. Malcolm M'Lean, M.A., B.D. Kilbride.—Rev. Peter Robertson, M.A. Corrie. —William Muirhead, M.A. Whiting Bay. — Rev. Robert Wilson. Free. — Brodick. —Rev. J. K. Cameron, M.A. Whiting Bay, —Rev. Angus Stewart. 30 —

Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kilbride. Congregational. —Sannox. —Allan M'Dougall.

School Board. — Patrick Murray, Strabane (chairman) ;

Robert Hamilton, Brodick ; Rev. Angus Stewart, Whiting Bay; John Bannatyne, and Neil Fullarton, M.B., CM., Lamlash. Clerk and Treasurer, John B. Sweet, Lamlash. Schools. —CORRIE. —Duke of Hamilton's—William Hay. Brodick. —Duke of Hamilton's—Thomas Reid. Lamlash—Andrew Davidson. Whiting Bay—Peter Downie. Parish Councii. — Corrie Ward. —Alexander M'Millan and Rev. William Muirhead. Brodick Ward. —Robert Hamil- ton, Patrick Murray (chairman), and Rev. Malcolm M'Lean. Lamlash Ward. —John Wallace and John W. Inglis. Whiting Bay Ward. —James Hamilton and John M'Kelvie. Inspector, John R. Thomson. Collector, John B. Sweet. Medical Officer, John A. Jamieson, M.D. Doctors.—Neil Fullarton, M.B., CM., Lamlash; John A. Jamieson, M.D., and Robert Jamieson, M.B., CM., Brodick. Bank of Scotland. —John B. Sweet, agent, Lamlash.

Brodick Branch open on Tuesdays ; in Summer, Fridays additional. Registrars of Births, etc. —Brodick. —Thomas Reid. Lamlash. —John R. Thomson. Post Offices. — Brodick. — Ernest Ribbeck. Corrie. —Jane Douglas. King's Cross. —Alexander Cook. Lamlash.—Thomas M'Neish. Whiting Bay. —Ar. M'Millan. Piermasters. — Brodick. — Robert Hamilton. Lamlash. —James Hodge. Masonic — " St. Molio's" Lodge, No. 774, Lamlash, R.W.M., Captain John M'Millan. Secy., Robert M'Millan. Lamlash Golf Club. — Captain, William Robertson. Secy., Andrew Davidson. Treas., John B. Sweet. Lamlash Curling* Club.— President Wm. Tod, Glenree. Secy, and Treas., John Bannatyne, Lamlash. Lamlash Lawn Tennis Club.— Secretary, D. M'Kelvie. Fast Days. — First Thursdays in May and November. Fairs. —Brodick. — First Tuesday after 20th June. 31 Parish of OFFICIALS, &c. Kilbride,

Lamlash. —Friday before Irvine May Fair [first Tuesday], and Wednesday before October Falkirk Tryst [second Tuesday]. PARISH OF KILMORY. Churches. — Established. —High Kilmory. —Rev. D. Black. Lochranza.—Rev. Dugald M'Eachran, M.A., B.D. SmsKiNE.— Rev. John M'Lean, M.A. Free. — Kilmory. — KiLDONAN. —Rev. William M'Millan. Lochranza. —Rev. James Johnstone. Shiskine.— Rev. J. W. M'Dougall. Catacol. —Rev. John Kennedy. School Board. —Alexander M 'Bride, Shedog- (chairman), Rev. James Allan, John Brown, John Kennedy, Donald | McAllister, Angus M'Kenzie, and John Spiers. Clerk and Treasurer, Peter M'Kenzie, Shiskine. Schools. —DouGARiE Public —Neil Downie. Drimlabarra—J. D. M'Kin- Penrioch— Flora J. Cameron. non Shiskine—Robert T. Irvine. Kilmory— Robert Whiteford. Slidderie —John A. Cook. Lochranza—Arch. M'Allister. Doctor. —Thomas Rutherford, M.B., CM., Shiskine. Parish Council. —Lochranza Ward—Robert Anderson and Alister M'Millan. Dougarie Ward—^James Allan, jun., Angus M'Allister, and Matthew M'Allister. Shedog Ward— John M'Kinnon (chairman), and Donald Stewart. SoiUhend ^^^^_William Cook and Donald M 'Donald. Inspector, John R. Thomson, Collector, Peter M'Kenzie, Medical Officer, Thomas Rutherford, M.B., CM. Post Offices. —Kilmory—James Cook. Lochranza—Robert Kerr. Pirnmill—Chas. Robertson. Shiskine—Alex. M 'Bride. Registrar of Births, etc —Kilmory— Robt. Whiteford. Arch. M'Allister. Shiskine R. T. Irvine. Lochranza— | — Masonic. — "St. Bride's," No. 784, Lochranza— R.W.M., Robt. Kerr, jun. Secy., Robert W. Grant. Piermaster.—Lochranza—Robert Kerr. I=.A.E,T II. HOUSEHOLDERS.


FSrst Ward-

9 John M'Allister IVlarine place. John Hamilton 32 Mrs Christina W. Morison 8 James King, engineer 31 William J. Millar, civil engineer 7 Miss Christina Binnie Blackwood, painter 29 Andrew Robert Paul, glass blower 28 Miss Margaret C. Sinclair Miss Ann Fyfe G. Rowan, heritor 30 James 6 Elizabeth M'Kirdy Jeannie 'Galium 27 Miss M Mrs Helen Dietrichsen Robert Ellison, wine merchant 26 5 Alex. M 'Bride Crawford, gardener Allan, ironmonger 25 Arthur 4 John Gold Morrison, wine merchant 24 Matthew 3 Archibald Baxter, shipmaster Porter, contractor 22 John 2 Misses Jessie Johnston Archibald Weir 21 John Glen, painter 20 Agnes Hamilton 19 Misses Isabella and Jessie Granger Wyndham road. 18 Walter M.'Gee, engineer 17 Miss Agnes Fairley James M'Aulay, cooper Miss Margaret M'Kinnon Archibald M'Nicol, seaman Miss Mary Thomson Duncan Leitch, boat builder 16 Charles Wallace, slater Miss Elizabeth Leitch 15 Miss Catherine Robertson Alexander Barr 15^ Miso Margaret Kinnaird John Rorke, spirit dealer Miss Jane Paterson Duncan Currie, joiner 14 Misses Catherine K. and Barbara Miss Ellis Steel R. C. Stewart Miss Isabella Macdougall 13 Mrs Margaret Lynch Andrew Bain, gentleman 12 Donald M'Gregor, teacher William M'Fadyen, designer Miss Agnes Kerr Allan Macdougall 11 Charles M'Kinnon, boilermaker William Macfarlane, clerk 10 Rev. Adam C. Thomson Alexander Duff 33 7^/ Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Mrs Mary Stewart 93 Mrs Helen S. Gilmour John Kinor, farmer William Wills William F. Russell, gentleman 91 Francis Oatman, slate merchant Robert Wilson, writer 87 James Allan Peter Fin lay, grocer Archibald Campbell, joiner Mrs Helen Brownlie Miss Isabella Shaw Miss Isabella Falconer 89 Gavin Stewart Mrs Margaret Elder Arthur C. Dunn Charles Thomson, manufacturer 85 Gavin Stewart, house factor John Barrie, plumber 81 James Connel, farmer Miss Robina Miller 79 Mrs Ann Taylor Miss Agnes Leich 74 Miss Isabella Hannay John C. Smith, merchant Robert Brown, vanman John Fyfe, carpenter John Davidson Peter Finlay, grocer Marion M 'Arthur Thomas Gardener Wyndham park. 74 Duncan Currie, gardener Miss Janet Russell Miss M. Forrest Mr Louden 72 Mrs Marion Baird Mr Barr 70 Mrs Marion Baird Mr Steven Miss Lyle Miss Oswald Miss Agnes Bell Mr Burt John Klif Miss M'Cluckie Mrs Jeannie Robertson Malcolm M'Millan, quarrier Ardmory road, Jas. Finnic, heritor Archibald M 'Arthur, gardener John M'Intosh, gentleman 77 A. M'B. Crawford, commission Miss Margaret S. Finnic agent Rev. Samuel Crabb 75 William A. M'Neil, physician Andrew M' William, heritor Hugh M 'Bride, labourer Mrs Jessie B. Donaldson Alex. Forrest, earthenware dealer Mrs Catherine Cameron Alexander M'Cabe, grocer Jas. Howitt, gardener 71^ Mrs Mary Blair Miss Mary Gillies Mrs Agnes M'Laren Mrs Helen E. Finlayson Mrs Susan Thomson James Goold, draper John M'Intyre, gardener James M, Kippen, heritor 71 Mrs Susan Thomson Jas. Clyde Love, glass manufacturer 69 Alexander Paterson, ham curer 65 Mrs Mary Webster Ardbeg road. John R. Johnston, blacksmith Mrs R. Gillan 63 John Auld, engineer Alexander Wright, gasfitter 61 Murdoch Mackenzie Mrs Annie Russell 61 John Spence, bathman W. Sutherland, spirit merch.int 59 James M'Barnet, engineer Misses Margt. R. and Jessie Dugald Dallas Wright 57 Mrs James Coates Alistair M'Intyre, shipmaster John Gray, gardener Mrs Henrietta Reid Henry Dallachy, bank agent John Fyfe, carpenter Mrs Mary Millan Peter Finlay, grocer 54 Misses M 'Alpine & Scott Misses Wright Councillor John G. Johnston Jas. Carlton, gardener 55 John W. Watkin Penney, physician ist Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

53 Mrs M. Henderson 29 Miss Elizabeth Thomson 52 Mrs Catherine Manson 28 Misses Eliza and Mary Allan W. F. Gillies, teacher of dancing 27 Mrs Margaret Fyfe Charles M'Auley, gardener 26 Alexander Wright, teacher David F. Menzies, insurance agent 25 Miss Agnes C. Macdonald Alex. F. Peacock, plumber 24 Miss Helen Stewart 50 William Rankin, clerk 23 Misses Margt., Cath., Charlotte 49 William Rank in e and Elizabeth Neilson 48 William Rankine Annie Buchanan 47 Mrs Margaret Clelland Mrs Elizabeth S. Gillies 46 Archibald Ewing, mill manager 22 Councillor Bryce Martin Mrs Elizabeth Lament Misses Mgt. and Mary A. Thomson Mrs Jane Duncan Annie Campbell or Marshall Mrs Margaret Whyte Misses Agnes and Marjory Duncan 45 John M'Naughton 21 Andw. Spreull, veterinary surgeon John H. Pettigrew, house factor 20 Mrs Margaret M 'Fie David Watt, accountant 19 Miss Elizabeth Inglis Miss Grace M'Aulay 18 Mrs Charles Stewart 43 John C. M'Coll, engineer 16 David Ferrier, grocer Euphemia Dickson 14 Sheriff Orr's trustees Duncan M'Intosh, tobacconist 13 Miss Mary Ann Aidelaide Lowe Alexander Clacher, Joiner 12 Misses Eliza and Mary C. M'Bride Robert Tees, clerk Mrs Jane Scott James Riddell, draper Baptist Church— Rev. Samuel Crabb Robt. A. M'Dougall, wire v^orker lOi Miss Christina M'Coll Mrs Smith Mrs Janet Grainger Donald Currie, grocer Elizabeth M'Glashan Male, M'Kechnie, manufacturer 10 Marion M 'Donald Lawrens W. Felden, physician 9 Hugh Boag, seaman Mrs Elizabeth M'Inall 8^ Mrs Janet Barr Duncan Chisholm, gardener Miss Mary Lawrie 42 Mrs Mary Robertson 8 Miss Charlotte Aitken 41 John White, steward 7 Robert Graham seaman Mrs Cecilia Murray 6| Mrs Jane Hutton Mrs Elizabeth Faulds James Park, bleacher 40 Robert Clow, florist Miss Annie M'Lean 39 Robert Clow Miss Jane Branks 38 Peter Dunbar, artist John Sprowl, joiner 37 Mrs Elizabeth Gillies, and Misses Mrs Agnes Ronald Mary and Margt. Gillies John Spreull, physician 35 James G. Ritchie 6 Miss Jessie Bingham 34 Mrs Margaret M'Kaffie 5 Mrs Mary Brown 33 Misses Christina, Jane and Jessie 4 John Nicolson, commission agent Goold 3 Misses Marion, Grace, and Eliza 32 Mrs Maud Thomson Williamson Mrs Jane Brown 2 Miss Agnes Chalmers Miss Betsy M'Kelvie 1 Mrs Kate Montgomerie William Munn, heritor James M'Kelvie, farmer 31 William Currie, grocer Skeoch Wood. 30 Donald Currie, grocer 29 Misses Margt. and Agnes Young New Parish Manse—Rev. J. B. Meek James Munro, baker Bathing Places John Sprowl, lessee 35 1st Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Westwood. M'Nab's Brae. James Henderson, architect 2 J. C. Sinclair, burgh chamberlain Mrs Jane Brongh 4 Alexander Keith, joiner Mrs Elizabeth M'Kenzie Joseph Shand, painter M'Kinlay Street William B. Hossack, engineer Margaret M 'Clear Mrs Catherine Shand. John Buchanan Mrs Mary and Miss Jessie Mitchell Argyle Place. Miss Elizabeth Brown Argyle Terrace. — Alexander, tailor Alexander Crawford, engineer Charles Paterson, steamboat agent Mrs Christina Mearns William Mungall Miss Agnes M 'In tyre 21 David M'Nair, shipmaster Neil Brown, house agent 20 Mrs Agnes Sharp Mrs M'Lea William Murdoch, engineer Misses Jane Rankine and Agnes 18 Alexander M'Gilp, jeweller Scott Miss Margaret Campbell Peter Graham, potter Miss Margaret Bain James Hart, tenter Mrs Catherine M'Gaw Eben Russell M'Millian. purser 16 William Burton, club master John R. Thomson, architect 14 Mrs Agnes H. Paton Miss Ann M'Millan 13 Mrs M Reid James Munro, coalmaster Thos. Morrison, sanitary inspector Donald Munro, grocer Mrs Agnes H. Paton West Free Manse—Rev. Robert 12J James Miller, manufacturer Forgan Misses Jessie D. and A^. Rankin 29 Mrs Margaret Crawford 12 Mrs Jessie D. Rankin William Morton, insurance agent 11 Archibald Black, engineer John Barr, tenter 10 Mrs Christina M'Millan Mrs Ann Thorne 9 Mrs Christina M'Millan 27 Donald Campbell, gardener 6^ James Fisher, photographer 25 John Duncan, joiner 6 Miss Georgina Cotes 23 John Duncan, joiner 5J Mrs Robertson 17 James M'Intosh, gentleman Elizabeth Henreich 13 John Stark, painter Mrs Ann Turn bull 11 Miss Janet Sharp Mrs Sarah Gillespie 9 Mrs Mary Lyle John Fisher, photographer 7 Daniel M'Kinlay, tobacconist 8 Misses Janet S. M 'Alpine and 5 Miss Jessie M'Kinlay Mary W. Scott 3 Miss Mary SheriflP 7 Dugald M'A. Black, grocer Colin Campbell, heritor 5 Colin Campbell, heritor John N. Snodgrass, gentleman Landward Miss Margaret Snodgrass Westland Farm—Jn. Currie, farmer 4 Mrs Margarec Whitecross Ardbeg Farm—John and Alexander 3 Mrs Mary M' William Currie, farmers 2 Ebenezer Stewart, cork cutter Gartnakeilly Farm—Jn. M'Pherson, 1 Misses Helen and Mary Brown farmer

36 —

2nd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay. Second Ward.

Argyle terrace 27 Mrs Caldwell Hugh Ferrier, engineer Mrs Ann Brown Mrs Jane Crossan Mrs Theresa Donald Argyle street George Gray, blacksmith 49 Mrs Janet Stewart Mrs Jessie Ritchie 48 Major M'Isaac Robert Little, grocer 47 Robert Murray, painter John C. Sharp, draper William Brash, joiner James Brewster, spirit dealer Alexander Currie, draper Miss Elizabeth M. Ross Mrs Marion M'Kinlay F. W. Warren 46 Mrs Christina Campbell John A. M'Lachlan, law clerk Miss Isabella Brisland Mrs Mary Arrol 45 Robert M'Gowan, seaman Miss Jessie Faulds 44 Miss Marion M'Kinnon Donald M'Don aid, shopman Alexander Neilson, upholsterer John Mathewson, tailor Mrs Catherine Baxter Mrs Mary Kenned}'^ Mrs Janet Moodie 26 Captain Moore Gilchrist William M'Gowan 25 Miss Jessie Lawson Miss Catherine Moodie Robert Struthers, engineer Mrs Catherine Campbell John T. Weaver, gentleman Royal Nothern Yacht Club House Mrs Catherine Brown —Wm. Burton, keeper Miss Jane Craig Queen's Hotel—Donald M'Pherson Miss Helen Wallace 40 Andrew Y. Silver, tobacconist James M'Gowan, painter 39 Mrs Sophia Orr Mrs Jane Vance 38 Neil M'Callum, compositor West Free Church—Rev. R. Forgan 37 Waverley Temperance Hotel 24 Robert Paterson, slater Mrs Paton Miss Margaret Wilson 36 Miss Janet Scott Robert Duncan, shoemaker 35 Misses Jessie Thompson Miss Jane M'Neil Charles Sweet, photographer William Halliday, engineer 34 Miss Jessie M'Cormack 23 Fergus & M'Kim, photographers, Hugh Thompson, letter carrier and also at Greenock Miss Mary Balmer Mrs Jane Spence 33 John M'Kim, photographer Isabella Black 32 Miss Catherine Duncan 22 Miss Isabella Black 31 Peter Simpson, joiner 21 Mrs Barbara M'Taggart 30 Mrs Kate Welsh Mrs Janet Buchannan 29 Mrs Elizabeth Chisholm Miss Kate Buchannan Daniel Ferguson, auctioneer 20 Hugh Cameron, farmer Miss Elizabeth M'Ewen Mrs Elizabeth Harvey William Poole, moulder Miss Mary M'Dougall Matthew Paterson, drysalter John Thomas Harvey, heritor Alexander Eadie^ shopman 19 James M'Laren, joiner 28 William Brownlie, flesher David Ferrier, grocer Miss Elizabeth Jessamine Mrs Ann Ferrier Walter Robertson, shopman 18 William Gemmell, joiner Mrs Margaret M'Nicol Andrew Richmond, wire worker 37 2nd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

18 Mrs Janet G. Finlayson Mrs Jane Nicolson Miss Mary Richmond William M'Gill, stationer Miss Helen M'Laren Mrs Helen Somerville Robert Stewart, engineer John Duncan, baker 17 Charles Muir, baker 16 John Stark, painter Spring-fleld 14 Adamson & Son, photographers John Cunningham, aerated water manufacturer Ghapeihill road Matthew Scott, glazier John Paterson, draper 2 M'Burnie Mr John A. Urquhart, grocer Mrs Mary M'Kenzie Mrs Catherine Brown Miss Mary Hart Miss Elizabeth J. Wilson Robert M'Kinlay, shoemaker John C. Harvey, printer 4 Daniel Cunningham, plumber Miss Catherine Ferguson Robert M'Kinlay, shoemaker Chapelhill Nursery—George Stuart Culevin Arch. Jamieson, Nursery— Adamson & Son, photographers florist 1 Robert Brown, town crier Academy poad Argyle street Rothesay Academy and Thomson In- stitute—W. Mackay, rector 13 John A. Urquhart, grocer Miss Helen S. Brownlie 12 John A. Urquhart, grocer William Thorburn, fishmonger James Scott, spirit dealer Rev. Dugald M'Cormack Janet & Mary M'Fie, dressmakers Mrs Mary Stewart and Mrs C. Edgar Mrs Catherine Morton, grocer Charles Sweet, photographer William Taylor, seaman George Halliday, wood merchant Dun. Livingston, insurance agent Chapelhill Archaeological and Physical Miss Jessie Muir Society's Museum—Mrs Tickell, 10 Miss Eliza Fulton, stationer curator 9 Jamieson & Son, fruiterers Chapelhill House—Mrs Mary Wilson 8 Arch. Jamieson, florist Misses Eliz. & Mary Cunningham, York terrace dressmakers Chapelhill Free Gaelic Church—Rev. James Newton Dugald M'Cormack Isabella Welch William Lamberton, grocer Jessie Leckie Episcopal Parsonage—Rev. Frank 7 MrsB. M'Millan, ladies' repository Matthews 6 Hugh Black, baker Miss Jessie Miller 5 John Adam Miss Farquharson Robert Laidlaw, hosier W. M. Millar grocer Mrs Rae, boathirer Geddes 0. Cameron, hairdresser Mrs Ann Coupar Mrs Cannon Thomas Muir John Currie, baker Kir Building's Mrs Jane Alexander Sergt. John Smith, janitor. Academy 4 Alexander Crichton, restaurateur Archibald Steel, blacksmith 3 Angus Robertson, upholster John M'Lean, clerk 2 Robert M'Gee, grocer Mrs Ann Ferrier Mrs Isabella Wilson Robert Gardiner, joiner Miss Joan Gillan James Nicol, engineer James Graham, engineer William M'Kelvie, carpenter 1 Andrew M. Miller, grocer 8 2nd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay,

2 Mrs Jane M'Gregor Gallowgatf 4 John Eraser, watchmaker 33 A. Duncan, stationer 6 Mrs Nisbet 31 Miss Jane M'Fie Mrs Rachel Denoon Charles Duncan, chandler 8 Mrs Isabella Taylor Miss Sarah Gilhrist 10 Robert T. Taylor, flesher Adam Graham, waiter 12 Mrs Agnes Dickie, grocer 29 Mrs Brown, restaurateur Mrs Ann Weir 27 Hugh M'Phee, spirit merchant JamesHamilton, plumber 25 Mrs M' Queen William M'Mahon, clerk Malcolm Brown, gentleman 14 Mrs Mary Wilson Alexander Wilson, bootmaker 14i Bridge Street Hall tenter John Brown, 16 J. Adamson & Son, photographers Mrs Mary Ann Neville Mr Howie, manager David Brown, flesher 18 Colin Campbell, carter 23 Miss Jessie Whyte, grocer Miss Euphemia Gray 21^ John Lamont, jun., baker Archibald M'Intyre, carpenter 21 John Lamont, sen., baker 20 Miss Margt. M'Lea, dressmaker Miss Jessie Whyte 22 George Higgie, publisher 19 Jardine Black, ironmonger George Stuart, florist 17^ John Gibson, flesher Misses Mary and Janet M'Lea 17 Mrs Mai-y Ferguson ABC Guide and Bute County Daniel Miller, printer Directory office—G. Higgie, John M'Geachy manager John Cameron 24 Mrs Jean Sharp 15 Archibald Lamont, tailor Mrs Jean M'Lean 13 Robert M'Leish, porter Mrs Theresa Donald Mrs Moore Malcolm M'Lean, police constable Edward M'Cormick, mason Mrs Flora Wilson William Smellie, engineer Mrs Campbell, mangle keeper Robert Currie, labourer 26 Miss Grace M'Intyre Peter Connel, shoemaker Alexander Blue, vanman Archibald Lamont, tailor 28 Angus M'Innes, labourer George Watson, tailor Robert Rodger, mason James Kirby, baker Mrs Janet Weir 11 James Burns, spirit dealer 30 John M'Kirdy, blacksmith 9 Donald Bvichanan, baker 32 John M'Kirdy, blacksmith Mrs Elizabeth Findlay William Morrison, labourer John Campbell, engineer Mrs Christina M'lntjn^e James M'Kinnon, plasterer 34 Daniel Shaw, blacksmith Dugald Black, clerk Mrs Kerr 7 James Gillespie, restaurateur 36 Peter Hyndman, labourer Miss Jeannie M'Lean Mrs Matilda M'Lachlan Alexander M'Lean, carter Mrs Agnes M'Galium 5 Francis H. Squair, flesher Thomas Harvey, vandriver 1 Peter Grant, baker Thomas Douglas, baker 38 Miss Louisa C. R. Macdonell Bridge street 40 James M. Muir, boarding-house 2 James Taylor, plumber keeper Mrs Janet Duncan 37 John Allan, jun., coachman Misses Margaret and Mary Weir Archibald Galbraith, seaman Mrs Margaret Morton William M'Nair, grocer Mrs Janet Hunter? James Whyte, wireworker 39 —

2nd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay,

35 Mrs Catherine Black, laundress 5 James Lockhart, plumber Mrs Jessie Campbell Dugald Templeton, engineer Robert Kelly, grocer James Barr David Hucks, dyer Magnus Williamson, tailor Neil Hill, seaman Andrew Connell, engineer Mrs Mary M'Lean 3 Daniel Cunningham, plumber Neil Smith, gardener West End Hall William Jeffrey, fancy box maker Free Presbyterian Church—Rev. Alexander Ferguson, tailor Alex. Bannatyne John M'Pherson, fisherman William Mortimer, grocer Bridgend street Valentine Plant, ironmonger 2 James A. Walker, grocer Walter M'Kindrick, boatman 4 Mrs Christina Kerr, spirit dealer William Dawson, tailor 6 United Presbyterian Church Alexander Anderson Rev. William Galbraith Mrs Mary Gallocher Andrew Dodds & Son, joiners Isabella Black Robert Paterson, slater's yard 33 James Derby, painter 12 Rbt. Watson, contractor's stables William M'Haffie, ironmonger 14 John Gillies, labourer Malcolm Bowie, baker Angus M'Leod, stoker 31 William M. Leckie, slater Robert T. M 'Naught, clerk 29 do. do. Thomas M'Kirdy, clerk 27 Bryce M'Millan, joiner Miss Flora M'Lean Miss Jessie Gilchrist Mrs Catherine Gillan Hugh M'Kinnon, plasterer 16 Andrew Dunlop Miss Janet Donaldson 18 Mrs Catherine M'Kirdy Henry M. Smith, insurance agent 20 Frederick M'Lean, flesher 25 John Duncan, joiner Miss Helen Davidson 23 James Cunningham, grocer Francis Logan, tinsmith 19 Treasurer James Fisher Daniel M'Lean, flesher 17 James Smith, baker Joseph Wilson, stationer 15 Harry Leitch, steward Alexander Duncan Mrs Margt. M 'Alpine, milliner Colin Schroeder, seaman Matthew P. Russell, grocer Mrs Janet Livingston Mrs Elizabeth Winslow William Greig, stoker A. Graham, boots, Victoria Hotel 22 John Burnet, clerk Thomas Thorburn, fisherman John Clark, joiner John Ferguson, joiner Thomas Boyle, clerk 13 Miss Jessie Ferguson Colin Robertson, spirit dealer 11 Miss Miller Mrs Sophia Webster Hillhouse road Miss Margaret Duncan 2 Mrs Elizabeth Scott Alex. Waterston, chief engineer Alexander M'Adam, gardener Mrs Christina Kerr, spirit dealer John Miller, slater John D. Cuthbertson, piano tuner Benjamin T. Thomson, slater Miss Margaret Mabon James Logan, mill manager Miss Barbara Menzies Duncan Smith, baker 7 James Gillespie, restaurateur 4 Mrs Margaret M'Kinnon 5 Mrs Mary Burnie Malcolm Miller, purveyor Thomas M 'Howatt, mill manager Armiger Nicolson, letter carrier Miss Catherine Brown Archibald Morrison, plumber Miss Jane M 'Donald William Dow, blacksmith Duncan , flesher Angus Douglas, clerk 40 2iid Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay,

6 Mrs Wilhelmina Lightbody 17 411an M'Lean, riveter Archibald Cunningham, joiner 18 Duncan M'Millan, fisherman John Bayne, clerk 19 Robert M'Gowan, cab driver John Ashcroft, mechanic Hugh Richmond, giocer Miss Mary Bayne 20 William M 'Galium, fisherman James M'Auslan, cook James Millay, labourer 8 Mrs Arch. M'Kechnie 21 John M'Pherson, car driver John Gemmell, seaman Mrs David Crawford Mrs Mary Napier 22 Mrs Mary Walker John Haig, blacksinith Ronald M'Millan, ex-constable James Bell, tinsmith 23 David M'Intosh, engine fitter Robert M'Lay, engineer 24 Mrs Ann Whyte Alexander Thomson 25 Patrick Garrity, labourer William Gilfillan, painter William Russell, carter 10 Mrs Archibald M'Kechnie 26 James Gillies, labourer 14 John M'Glashan, seaman Andrew M'Intosh, grease maker 16 Misses Elizabeth and Mary M'Fie 27 James Gibson, joiner ilrs Mary Greer Duncan M'Donald, pensioner Malcolm Lyon, shopman 28 Wm. Gait, iron moulder Archibald Turner, seaman Hugh Wilkie, seaman William Baxter, police sergeant 29 Mrs Margaret Hutchison Mrs Ann Falconer 30 Mrs Margaret Smith Robert Johnston, blacksmith Stafa place 31 John Kennedy, miner Mrs M'Kechnie, grocer John Hamilton, moulder 1 John M'Kinnon, seaman 32 Miss Henrietta Smith 2 Peter M'Call, labourer John M'Kenzie, sawyer 3 John Stewart, labourer 33 James Mackellar, seaman 4 Mrs Mar-y Ann Linden John Mann, pensioner Duncan Currie, seaman 34 William B. M'Donald, engineer 5 Alexander Stirratt, labourer John Fulton, painter Thomas Reynolds, seaman 35 Daniel Barrowman, stoker 6 William Hunter, builder Peter Billsland, upholsterer 7 Archibald Hunter, mason 36 Daniel Kelly, shipwright Mrs Mary Simpson John Stark, packing box maker 8 Alexander Murray, baker 37 John Johnstone, tinsmith M's Montgomery, dressmaker Robert Johnstone, tinsmith 9 John Robertson, engineer 10 Malcolm Bowie, baker Alma terrace 11 Duncan Lamont, joiner Peter Jackson, cook James Patrick, porter Robert Stewart, grain merchant 12 Miss Isabella Andeison Donald M 'Arthur, draper Josiah Brittain, japanner 13 Miss Annie M'Farlane Inkerman terrace Andrew Tonner, laveror Mrs Isabella M'Whirter 14 Mrs Mary M'Kechnie Mrs William Stewart Alex. Hendry, packing box maker Mrs Mary Garvey Thomas M 'Galium, blacksmith Daniel Gillies, teacher 15 Mrs Agnes Downie Misses Mary and Anne Stewart Robert Barrowman, moulder Alexander Crichton, restaurateur 16 John Bathgate, flesher Mrs Margaret M'Phail Havelock terrace 17 Mrs Euphemia Black John M'Callum 41 jrd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Mrs Agnes M 'Alpine John A. Montgomerie, bank agent John Adamson, photographer William Eadie, teacher Mrs Cecilia Phillips Alexander Miller, joiner Dugald McDonald, traveller Daniel M'Taggart, tailor John Walker, dairyman Mrs Agnes Fairlie Gavin Lawson, draper Miss Magdeline Moodie James Yeats, tailor Lilyoal^ terrace Bowling Green John Gardener, barber Miss Isabella M 'Arthur Westlaqd road Miss Isabella Paterson Robert Rennie, fruiterer Mrs Ann Baillie Dr Hall John Acton, druggist John Anderson, baker Mrs C. Burleigh John Heron Edward Banner, moulder Archibald S. Maclea Balloc[\goy terrace Larkhall Farm—John M'Millan Knockanreoch Farm John M'Millan William Taylor, commission agent —

Third Ward.

Oallowgate 9 Angus Murdoch, shoemaker 11 Angus Murdoch, shoemaker 22 Henry Bruce, spirit dealer David Logan, cattle dealer 18 Agnes Paton Miss Miss Mary Lugton Alexander Stewart, tailor Mrs Agnes Laidlaw 16 Mrs Helen Laird, confectioner John Murdoch plumber 14 William Watson, clerk Mrs Agnes Henry Robert Boyd, poulterer 13 Mrs M'Luskie Miss Jane Wilson 15 Dugald M'Lachlan, seaman Mrs Catherine Anderson John Anderson, shoemaker 12 John Patience, leather merchant Edward M'Lean, carter 10 Angus Spiers, tailor and clothier A. Muir, carter 8 Henry Bruce, spirit merchant Peter Grant, baker Mrs Elizabeth M'Farlane 17 Duncan Cameron, coal dealer's Angus Spiers, tailor and clothier yard Mrs Ann Paton James Hyndman, slater's yard 6 Miss Mary Nisbet, confectioner 19 James Malcolm, labourer 4 Alexander M'Beath, watchmaker James Gumming, porter 2 Jane Laing, shoemaker Campbell M'Lachlan, porter Dugald M'Dougall, baker Bridgend street Nathaniel Lament, labourer 1 Robert M'Alpine, flesher Mrs Mary Weir Mrs May M'Alpine 21 Angus Robertson, upholsterer Mrs Cox John Lyle, builder's store D. Seton Dewar, foreman printer 23 Hamish M'Lean, porter John Adams, cabinet maker John Sinclair, seaman 3 and 5 Samuel Millar, spirit mer- James Anderson, compositor chant Daniel M'Lachlan, stoker 7 Billiard Saloon—John Lawrie George Rae 42 -

jrdWardof HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay,

25 David Logan, grocer 6 Archibald Buchanan, flesher 27 Miss Jane M'Farlane Mrs Boyle Mrs Catherine Lusk, laundress William B. Jamieson, druggist R. Watt Mrs Jane Eadie Mrs Margaret Walker Archibald M'Kinlay, aerated water Mrs Helen Burton manufacturer Duncan Cameron, boilermaker 8 Mrs Sarah Stewart William M' Mill an, porter Mrs Isabella, Scott Alexander Blue 10 Hugh Cosgrove, carter Mrs Bridget Cassidj Duncan Dewar, seaman John Nicolson, joiner Hillhouse road Mrs Agnes Carson 1 William Nugent, gardener 12 Mrs Sarah Aitchison Mrs Annie Black John Ross Daniel Bowie, closer Robert Fyfe Mrs Isabella Gray 14 Daniel M'Lachlan, grocer Mrs Catherine Mather 16 Daniel M'Lachlan, grocer Mrs Robina Murray- John Campbell, janitor Mrs Elizabeth Price Miss Margaret Shaw John Halbert, grocer Misses B. and I. Harold 3 Joseph Cardell, engine driver John Bennet, traveller 5 Michael Minihan, mason 20 Daniel M'Mielan James Campbell, flesher John Gillies, engineer John Crawford, carpenter 22 John Cuthbertson, teacher John M'Lellan, ironworker Mrs Janet Dobbie Daniel M'Alpine, painter Archibald M'Nicol, seaman William Ross, brass finisher Daniel M'Neill, traveller 7 Joseph Shand, coach painter Mrs Lily Hope 9 Neil Morrison, gardener Mrs Beil Alexander Galbraith, seaman Thomas Taylor, joiner 11 Miss Margaret Taylor Miss Janet Stewart John Brodie, carpenter 24 Mrs Mary Campbell — M'Kechnie 26 Mrs Jessie Kerr James Ferguson, hardware dealer Miss Catherine M'Donald Hillhouse Nursery—James M'Kin- 28 Mrs Mary M'Lean non, gardener Miss Isabella Sharp Elm bank House—Provost Milloy Mrs Alexander Robertson, grain dealer Glenhead Miss Margaret M'Alister John Haig 30 Mrs Mary Millen Archibald M'Lachlan, grocer 32 Patrick Neary, boilermaker Miss Margaret Murray Robert Mitchell, assurance agent Mrs Elizabeth Price 36 Archibald Taylor, blacksmith Andrew Forson, hatter William Kirkhope William Stirling, piano tuner Alma terrace. Daniel M' Bride Robert Craig Miller, draper John Bennett Mrs Mary Miller Thomas Falconer, clerk Miss Margaret Brooks Golumsf\ill street Mrs Helen Smith 2 John Halbert, grocer, 38 James M'Farlane, joiner 4 John Shakespeare, grocer Dugald M'Lachlan, seaman John Reid, gasfitter Archibald Black 43 —

jrd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesvy.

38 James Storer, painter 19 James Wright, tenter James Miller, slater 17 Mrs Catherine Carlin Mrs Catherine Smith 15 Robert Stewart, grain dealer's Archibald Campbell barn Alexander Howie, fruiterer 11 Daniel Duncan, plasterer 40 Robert Liddle Samuel Thompson, bootmaker 42 John Smith, fishmonger Charles and Allan Kerr 44 Hugh Black, baker Mrs Kay 31 Mrs Catherine Boyle Alexander Duncan, plasterer Misses Fiances and Catheiine Mrs Christina M'Arthur Leitch Miss Euphemia Allan Captain Robert M 'Crone, junior Mrs Elizabeth M'Dougall Neil Leitch, gardener Miss Flora M'Millan Archibald Taylor, brushmaker John Gilchrist, teacher Charles Boyle, steward John Mackay, boatman John Maxwell, boilermaker Henry Gumming, painter George Garry, druggist Burgh of Rothesay yard

Patrick Neary, boilermaker James Miller

^rd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

2 Bernard Ward, tailor Tower street Joseph Quigley, printer 4 Daniel M. Taylor, wine merchant 8 William Tyre, slater Victoria street Mrs Isabella Morton James Robertson, joiner 39 Joseph Paterson, draper Janet Napier 41 Mrs Elizabeth Ritchie Mrs Miss Elizabeth Wilson Mrs Isabella Gardiner Mrs Joanna Evans Alexander Paterson, compositor Miss Miller Mrs Mary M'Lachlan Anderson, tenter 43 Peter Leith, druggist William M'Kinlay, architect 45 David Wilson, tobacconist 10 Andrew Templar Hall and Chapelhill 47 Andrew Holmes, grocer 14 Good Free Gaelic Church Mission 51 Geddes 0. Cameron, hairdresser 55 Daniel Thompson, bootmaker Hall Alexander M'Kinnon, steamboat 57 Victoria Hotel—John Brown 59 Victoria Bar agent M'Kinnon, serated water 63 Misses M 'Alpine & Scott, con- Duncan fectioners manufacturer 65 Archibald Morrison, milliner 16 Andrew Dodds, joiner Mrs Annie Middleton l^ing street William Stewart, engineer Mrs Jane Cowie 1 Andrew Dodds & Son, joiners Andrew Hunter, blacksmith 2 Robert Christie, steward Miss Ann Angus Mrs Margaret Craig 67 Archibald Morrison, milliner Kenneth M'Kay, police constable 69 Miss Christina M 'Arthur, draper Mrs Couper 71 Archibald Cameron, seaman Alexander Anderson, cabinet Angus Robertson, upholsterer maker Alexander Cunningham, plumber 3 Mrs Jane Perry John Lang, spirit dealer James Lockhart, pensioner Robert Walker John M'Leish, gardener William M'Millan, traveller Archibald Morrison, barber 72 Mrs Margaret and Misses Mar- George Black, flesher garet and Marion Service, Andrew Dunlop, manufacturer fruiterers 4 Hugh M'Lean, porter 73 Mrs Mary Little John Logan, mason Mrs Mary Fisher and Miss Mar- David Small, engineer garet Fisher Mrs Elizabeth M'Neil Mrs Janet M'Queen Miss Elizabeth Frew 75 Mrs Margaret Graham and Miss Archibald Duncan, potato mer- Annie Graham, ladies' out- chant fitters 6 William Faulds, carting contractor 77 James M'Kirdy, toy dealer Bute Laundry—James Robertson St Paul's Episcopal Church—Rev. Archibald M'Ewan, coal dealer Frank Matthews William Dixon, Ltd., coal masters 81 Misses M'Cord, confectioners 12 John M'Naughton, labourer 83 Andrew Y. Silver, tobacconist Archibald Campbell, carter 85 Robert Lyle M'Kirdy, druggist Mrs Elizabeth Highgate 87 Osborne Temperance Hotel Miss Janet Gordon

William M'Culloch William Dixon, Ltd. , coal masters 89 Albion Restaurant—John M'Cord, 14 James Morrell, basket maker purveyor John M'Lachlan, labourer 47 jrd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay,

14 William M'Fadyen, gardener 18 William M'Millan, cab owner Francis Bell, labourer J. C. Jamieson, plasterer William Rippie, labourer 20 William M'Millan, cab owner Daniel M'Leish, labourer Malcolm M'Fie, labourer 15 William M'Fadyen, gardener Charles Buchanan, stoker 16 William Robertson, joiner Daniel M'Lachlan, mason Robert C. Duncan, gardener Thomas Bradley, shoemaker Dugald Gillies, joiner Hugh Derby, slater Alexander Blue, joiner 22 Duncan Currie, upholsterer Charles Bland, shopman Daniel Corrigan, labourer 17 William Lamberton, grocer Frederick M'Donald, seaman Elizabeth Stewart West Gastle street Mrs Buchanan William Bowman, joiner Bernard M'Cormick, labourer Archibald Campbell, seaman Mrs Jane Nethercote Martin Innes, pawnbroker Dugald M'Gilivray, labourer Daniel M'Kechnie, gardener John Robertson Alexander Wright William Kean, mason Mrs Margaret Hassock Allan M'Gilp, labourer James Watson Thomas M'Ginlay, labourer George M'Farlane 24 Mrs Maltman, grocer Mrs M'Glashan 26 William Henry, grocer M. &G. Innes, pawnbrokers 28 Hugh M'Cairney, labourer James Fisher, grain merchant Angus Kennedy, labourer Samuel M'Dermott, labourer Mill street Miss Elizabeth M'Farlane 2 James Bell, jun., porter Mrs Mary M'Dermott James Gallocher, labourer Robert M'Donald, stoker Duncan M'Dougall, cabman Charles Burns, labourer Patrick Freel, labourer John M'Cormack, mason 4 Mrs Catherine Brown Mrs Mary Ann Bell Mrs Janet Campbell Mrs Julia Spellacy Ranken Harper, labourer 30 Thomas Aitchison, grocer Mrs Donald 32 Samuel Mitchell, grocer James Thoms, mechanic James Mack, blacksmith Daniel Cumming, painter Duncan C. Russell, plumber James M'Fie, fisherman John M'Lean, fisherman 6 Mrs Margaret Morton Archibald M'Lachlan, carpenter 8 James M'Donald, labourer Alexander Steadman, boilermaker John M'Intyre, carpenter Murdoch M'Lean, labourer Mrs Margaret Lennox Mrs Catherine Walker Mrs Margaret Henderson Malcolm M'Millan, shoemaker Thomas Crichton, labourer Michael Keenan, painter Miss Ann M'Taggart 34 John M'Kay, gardener 10 Miss Isabella M'Lachlan Colin Campbell, ploughman Mrs Mary M'Kenzie Miss Jessie M'Lean

12 Daniel Cumming, shoemaker Robert Reid, draper . 14 Alexander Perry, grocer 36 James Connell, carter 16 Robert Morrison, joiner John Shaw, carter Alexander Brown, joiner John T. Kelly, stationer 18 Alexander Weir, coal dealer Mrs Agnes M'Millan James M'Kirdy, blacksmith 38 Mrs Catherine Weir James Mains, hawker John Ferguson, tailor 48 jrd Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

1 .38 Mrs Allan M'Millan Daniel Keith, plasterer Mrs Mary Nisbet Miss Agnes Johnston 46 Peter Muir, 'bus driver William Heaton, gardener Miss Mtiir, dressmaker Thomas Jack, contractor Baroqe road Miss Georgina Cotes 1 Thomas T. Woods, miller James H. Martin, draper 3 Bailie Aitchison Mrs Marion Young Barone road David J. Morris, baker 31 Mrs Margaiet Service John M'Cord, builder Alexander Service, gardener John Ballantyne, gas manager 33 Mrs Catherine Pentland Thomas Murray, joiner 35 Hugh Johnstone, joinar John Morrison, town surveyor 37 James M'Nab, tinsmith CorneilusM'Galagley, pawnbroker 39 James M'Aulay Joseph Paterson, draper Walter Swan, woodman Archibald Ewing, reporter 41 Miss Christina M'Callum John C. Callan, grocer 43 Mrs Mary M'Couechie Miss AliceM'Carthy, musicteacher 45 James Thompson, bootmaker Brandane terrace 47 James M'Crone, shipmaster 1 Rev. Walter Dixon Swan 53 John Sinclair, joiner 2 Michael M'Grory, spirit dealer William Stewart 3 Misses Barbara and Jessie 59 Mrs Elizabeth Anderson M 'Donald Miss Jessie Fisher 4 Robert A. Mackinlay, stationer Robert Gemmell, engineer 5 Miss Mackay 63 Mrs Annie Duncan 6 John Paterson, draper Mrs Livingston 7 Gavin Fleming, jun. gardener 65 Mrs Margaret Nisbet , 8 William M'Millan, flesher Robert Gemmell, engineer 9 Gavin Fleming, sen., gardener 67 Mrs Mary Thompson 10 Mrs Robert M'Donald 69 Mrs Barbara Leiper 11 Misses Hannay 71 William P. Gillespie, dentist 73 William Cunningham, painter Gowanfield teprace 75 William M'Taggart, engineer David Stewart, bootmaker 77 Mrs Agnes Dry burgh John Craig Stewart, grocer 79 William Archibald, engineer John M'Cord, builder 81 Andrew Black, clerk John Wiight, lesidenter 83 James Heaton, spirit dealer Alexander Lister, florist Little Barone Farm— Gilbert & Peter Miss Jeannie Breckenridge Stuart Colin M'Lellan, stewa-d Meadow Bank Nursery —Alex. Lister Miss Sarah Lament Bellevue Catholic Orphanage Alexander Cunningham, clerk Mis Elspeth Taylor John street Fiancis H. Squair, flesher 2 William Cunningham, labourer Andrew Holmes, grocer John Robson Miss Jessie M'Neil John M'Coll, carter John Mitchell, seaman Mrs Ann Forrest M;s Isabella Holmes Charles M'Kellar, plasterer Samuel Miller, spii it merchant John M'Kay, boatman Malcolm M'lntyie, labourer Joseph Irvine, labourer Archibald M'Aithur, carter Dominick M'Garity, labourer Mrs Catherine M'Pherson William M'Kelvie, labourer 49 CTEWART & QO

JV\illGPS and Senepal JWepchants, ROTHESAY.




COMPOUNDED HIGH-CLASS MANURES. IRISH LIME SHELLS. Cargoes Contracted for with Builders, Plasterers,

I and Farmers.

Supplies always in Store, or Shipped per Steamer when wanted.

Addresses— Corn Mill, Mill Street; Store, Store Lane 4th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

2 Alexander Peiry, giocer Alexander M'Millan, boatman 6 M s Douprall John Scott, boatman John M'Quistan, plasterer John Stewa-t, boatman 5 James M'Bride, joiner M' s Jane Stewart Robert M'Biide, blacksmith Mrs Wilson 11 M'S Robertison, g;ain dealer Mrs Mary Wright John Robertson, labou er IV|'AI lister's court Samuel Rippie, laboure James Goodfellow, gardener Philip Quigley, laboure'* John Goodfellow, gardener Dau.C. Murray, painter's workshop Mrs Ann Ma tin

Fourth Ward.

17 Thomas M'Nab, tinsmith Montague street Mrs Margaret Findlay

65 Thomas Thomson, ironmonger ' William M'Kay, labourer 61 Thomas M'Guire, fisherman James Provan, printer James Yates, tailor 15 Thomas M'Nab, tinsmith 59 James M'Crone, draper 13 William Thomson, draper 57 Archibald M'Lachlan, grocer 11 Andrew Duncan 55 John Black, cabman Arthur R. Lang, coachpainter John Duncan, watchmaker William Campbell Angus Robertson, upholsterer Express Office—M. Mackenzie, Frederick Howse, boatman printer John Docherty, boatman 9 Miss Isabella Cameron Charles Allan, boatman Miss Mary Burns 51 Malcolm Buchanan, grocer Robert Marshall 49 Bryce Ferguson, stationer George Smith, calenderer 47 Archibald Murray, carrier 5 Mrs Margaret Lyle, stationer Miss Elizabeth M'Lellan 3 and 1 Eagle Inn—Wm. Bain bridge 45 Lachlan Milloy, ironmonger 62 Mrs Catherine Morton, grocer 43 Robert Brown, ironmonger 60 Archibald Lamont, hatter 41 Daniel M'Gilp, flesher 58 William Perston, carrier 39 Norman Stewart Institute —Thos. Mrs Grace Hamilton Campbell, janitor Miss Isabella Haldane 37 Norman Stewart Institute -And. Mrs Elizabeth Scott Clark, restaurateur 56 Mrs Mary Scott, cook 31 A. Brown & Son, drapers 54 David Ferrier, ham curer 29 Mrs Rebecca Hogg, tobacconist 52a Hugh M'Culloch, stationer 27 Mrs Rebecca Hogg, tobacconist 52 Hugh M'Culloch, stationer 25 Mrs Rebecca Hogg, tobacconist James Hyndman, slater Miss Grace Duncan William Johnston, flesher Robina Robertson Alexander Perston, carrier Mrs Agnes Montgomerie Hugh M'Coll, painter 23 Miss Christina M'Connell, ladies' James Johnston, mason and childien's outfitter 50 Alexander Duncan & Son, tailors

21 David Jackson, cook 48 Miller & Co. , drapers 19 William C. Muir, draper 46 John Nisbet, carriage hirer 17 Robert Kerr, cabman Mrs Esther Ormsby Francis Dewar, carpanter Duncan M'Lachlan, labourer William Manson, stoker Alexander Gillies, carpenter

51 ,.; :CA>7> — —

4th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay. 46 Mrs Kerr John M'Fie, tailor Guildford square 44 James Marshall, tobacconist Bute Arms Hotel—Robert Smith 42 Simon Collier & Sons, boot manu- Bank of Scotland—John M'Kirdy facturers James D. Tannock, spirit merchant 40 Robert Rennie, fruiterer Livingstonia Temperance Hotel 38 Robert Rennie, fruiterer James Robertson 36 Mrs Jane Railton, milliner C. L. Wright, jun., stationer 32 Hugh M'Coll, painter Peter Stewart, banker 30 Isaac Scott, china merchant Clydesdale Bank—P. Stewart, agent 28 Thomas Faulds, iron founder Robert Halby, draper Victoria street John Petrie, cook 1 Geo. Hicks & Son, chemists and Quintin B. M'Lellan, blacksmith druggists 26 Charles M'Kay, tailor 3 James Barton, spirit dealer 20 J. Gray & Co., boot manufacturers 3i Mrs Mary Gardener 18 Mrs Agnes Logan Mrs Jessie White Mari^aret Caldwell James Matthew.^on, shopman 16 Thomas Wallace, grocer Gavin Walker, baker 14 James Tannock, spirit merchant Mrs Margaret Quin 10 Miss Isabella Thomson John Quin 8 Bank of Scotland 5 Mrs Margaret Price Miss Betsy M'Kinlay James M'Lean, police constable George G. Deans, waiter 7 James Heaton, spirit merchant Miss Isabella Thomson 9 Gospel Hall—Colin Campbell Daniel M'Bride, joiner Neil M'Donald, seamen Miss Janet Gumming M. Pearlman & Co. photographers , Mrs Mary Miller 11 Hector M'Kinnon, stationer Miss Jessie Brown 13 Hector M'Kinnon, registrar Rev. Alexander Crossar Mrs Margaret Ballard Miss Annie Rush Miss Mary Kelly 6 John M'Kinnon, grocer M. Pearlman & Co., photographers 4 Bute Arms Hotel 15 Mrs Agnes Duncan, confectioner 17 Wilson & Co., fruiterers Quay 19 Bute Conserv^ative Association Caledonian Railway Company—Chas. Telephone Exchange Paterson Archibald M'Intyre, carpenter G. & S. W. Railway Company —Hugh John Shaw, porter Sloan 21 J. M'Kinlay, bookseller, statione-, N. B. Railway Company—George newsagent, and libra' ian Stevenson 23 Mrs Mary Ann Miller David Macbrayne's steamers— Robert Mrs Jane Railton Watson Mrs Margaret M'Cormick Buchanan &, Williamson's steamers Mrs Jessie C. M'Intyre x\rch. Meikle 25 Alexander Rankin, draper Lord of the Isles' office—Adam Boyd 27 Donald Buchanan, restaurateur Hill & Co.'s office 29 James Robertson, laundryman Harbour Office—Robert M'Fie, har- P. D. Wright bourmaster Neil Blue, seaman Charles Boyle, confectioner 31 John Paterson, milliner Neil Brown, house agent 33 Andrew Dobbie, tailor Robert Stewart, newsagent Neil Kerr, builder Porters' Room Miss Isabella Miller 52 4th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

33 Agnes M'Culloch 21 Miss Elizabeth M'Taggart 35 John Smith, fishmonger Robert Paterson, carter 37 Royal Bank of Scotland—John Mrs Mary Campbell Thomson, agent David Campbell, boatman Samuel Page, flesher Tower street Peter Gillies, labourer 1 John Thomson, banker Archibald Currie, boatman 3 Alexander Campbell, auctioneer Miss Janet M'Coll 5 D. M. Taylor, wine merchant Charles Crawford, boatman 7 Daniel Thompson, bootmaker 23 Mrs Isabella Colville, grocer Miss Margaret Thompson 25 Mrs Isabella Colville, grocer Mrs John Campbell Mrs Christina Dalgleish Alexander Campbell, auctioneer 27 Hugh Black, baker 29 John C. Jamieson, plasterer Mill street David M'Nicol 1 Mrs Elizabeth Cochrane Alexander M'Nab, joiner Da\id Swanston, engineer Mrs Elizabeth M'Neil Lachlaii M'Lachlan, labourer 31 Matthew Scott, cook Alexander M'Neil, labourer 33 Archibald Shaw, flesher Mary M'Lachlan 35 Archibald Shaw, flesher Mrs Catherine Cunningham 37 Malcolm M'Lean, carter William O'Neil William Spencer, gentleman 3 John Cameron, fisherman Hugh M'Kinnon, plasterer Mrs Mary Graham Archibald Walker, blacksmith Robert Lightbody Duncan M'Intyre, carpenter Martin Walker, ploughman Stewart & Co., millers Robert Fouls, mason John Harvey, gardener 5 Mary Graham, grocer Calfward —Rbt. Whiteford, game- Mrs Christina Brown watcher John M'Taggart, labourer Barone Cottage—James Kay, for- John M 'Galium, labourer ester 9 Mrs Helen Marsh John M'Callum, labourer Union street Charles Marsh, painter Non-Infectious Hospital John Currie James Buchanan, net manu- 11 Daniel Canning, shoemaker facturer Bernard O'Docherty, shoemaker George Halliday, wood merchant Allan M'Kechnie, stoker Andrew Kerr, carter 13 Alexander Brown, grocer 7 Joseph Maitland, grocer John M'Cord, builder's yard John Campbell, seaman 17 Mrs Helen M'Kirdy Mrs Mary Clark 19 Miss Janet Burns Peter Grant, baker James A. M'Kirdy, blacksmith James Mather, net maker John M'Donald, labourer Mrs Catherine Cameron Mrs John Robertson Walter Cameron, fisherman James M'Pherson 5 Mrs M'Lean Mrs Margaret Gallacher 3 Allan M'Lean, blacksmith Miss Ann Beaton John Thorburn, fishmonger Mrs Margaret M'Kay Miss Mary Hutchison Thomas Wallace, labourer Mrs Elizabeth M'Gilp Mrs Elizabeth Allan 1 James Goldie, grocer 21 Mrs M. Dunlop Archibald M'Nicol, mate " Ben- " Thomas M'ColI, blacksmith more 53 .fth Wardof HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

1 Hugh M'Phee, spirit merchant 20 Robert Muir John Olen, pilot Peter Ritchie, pensioner Mrs Henderson, nurse 18 Mrs Catherine Jackson George Brewster, tailor Adam Boyd, carter Mrs Thomson Russell street Robert Bone, builder 1 Cooperage —Peter Barr John Thomson, seaman 3 Courtyard and stables Mrs Helen M'Lellan Established Gaelic Church—Rev. Alexander Keith, joiner Donald M'Kay Arthur R. Lang, painter 17 James Docherty, labourer — Tweedley, mason James M 'Donald, porter David Beattie, dykebuilder Stuart street Mrs Margaret Currie Peter Baxter 1 Edward M'Tavish, tinsmith Robert Fyfe John Allison 19 William M'Lachlan, labourer 3 William Anderson, joiner Mrs Caroline Curtis Mrs Ann M'lllaith Margaret Young Peter M 'Gavin, mason Alexander Livingston, grocer Mrs Jane Faulds Archibald M'Kay, labourer William Morrison, carter Andrew Carsewell, seaman 13 Mrs Catherine Buchanan Mrs Catherine M'Farlane John Baxter, pensioner 21 Peter M'Bride, labourer 15 John Ferguson, spirit dealer Alexander Crawford, coal dealer 17 Mrs Ann Mitchell Miss Margaret Anderson 19 Thomas Johnston, mason Miss Agnes Kelly Thomas M'Millan, labourer Miss Mary Brooks J. Maitland John M'Tavish, seaman Hugh M' Galium, seaman James A. Kennedy, inspector Miss Agnes Agnew John Love, patternmaker 21 Mrs Sim 28 J. M'C. Callan, draper 26 Richard Miller Castlel\iii street William Stuart, pensioner James Brewster, spirit merchant Charles Collins, seaman Donald Grant, writer Montgomery Cunningham, painter Mrs Christina W^ilkie Miss Agnes Maltman William L. Tyre, slater 24 Magnus Thomson, seaman Miss Mary Martin William Dry burn, carter Miss Christina Wright Edward Boyle William Clubb John M'Farlane, cabman 20 Malcolm Buchanan, grocer William Kean 18 John Robertson, spirit dealer Mrs Hall 16 Mrs Catherine Campbell 22 Matthew Scott, cook John Beattie, tailor Peter Burgoyne, seaman Mrs Elizabeth M'Lean — Turner, cabman John Robertson, spirit dealer Joseph Gourlay, steward 14 George Livingstone, saddler Miss M. Davidson 2 Miss Galbraith James Armstrong Thomas T. Wilson, church otficer 20 (icorge Oliphant, shoemaker Miss Margaret Dykes Duncan Simpson, insurance agent Miss Catherine M'Donald Thomas Springett, dealer Mrs Flora M'Intyre Mrs Mary M'Alpine Archibald Morton 54 —

^th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

High street John T. Wilson, town clerk Thomas W. Alexander, sheriff clerk 3 Alexander M'Gilp, watchmaker R. D. M'Millan, procurator fiscal Russell Thomson, architect 5 John W. Dunlop Brown, County sanitary Black, baker 7 Hugh inspector 9 James Taylor Peter M'Nair High street D. S. Murray Mrs Jane M'Lean 149 John'Pendreigh, labourer Mrs Catherine Dewar 11 Mrs J. Craig Stewart, grocer Duncati ^'^ eir, labourer 13 Alexander Lister, florist James Fleming, labourer 15 Mrs Helen Clark John Blue, gardener William Robertson Foley House John Windsor Mrs Catherine M'Lean — Stuart, factor, Bute Estate Alexander Beaton, labourer 161 James Baxter, carter Mrs Kennedy John M'Gee, labourer Mrs Scott Mrs Sarah Cunningham Charles Muir, baker 17 163 David Wilson, accountant 19 John Moodie, blacksmith Moodie & Wallace, cabowners (Eden place) — M'Lachlan, mason Mrs Margaret Wallace John Burgoyne, boatman Mrs Mary M'Kirdy Peter Wilson, locksmith 169 Miss Janet Duncan Miss Helen M'Kin^ay Mrs Isabella Somerville Mrs Agnes CNeill Robert Morrison, wright Thomas Cardell, shopman Mrs Margaret M'Intosh 21 William C. Miller, flesher James Wells, gardener 23 Alexander R. Peacock, plumber Mrs Mary Wallace 25 Mrs Grace Ferguson, spirit dealer 171 Robert M'Lachlan 27 John Ferguson, spirit dealer Mrs Margaret Kerr Mrs Mortimer Mrs Elizabeth M'Gregor Robert Whiteford, photographer David Kirkwood, cartwright Jane David William Moffatt, accountant Mrs Helen Yuile Robert Bannatyne, burgh worker 29 Robert Burness, saddler Colin Wilson, gardener 31 John Morrison, master of works Bush—Dobbie & Co., florists 33 Burgh Police Office — William M'Kay, chief constable Townhead Daniel Morrison, police ser- Parish Church—Rev. J. King geant Hewison, M.A. 35 County Office—John T. Wilson, Mrs Catherine Baxter clerk and treasurer Mossman & Sons, sculptors 37 County Constabulary Office—John George Shiells, gardener M'Kay, chief constable Mrs Margaret Lyle Burgh Collector's Office —James C. John Lyle, builder and sculptor Sinclair, chamberlain Robertson Stewart Hospital Town Clerk's Office—John T. Wilson IV|eadowGap Alex. Mathewson, ploughman Castle street Robert Brown, teacher Public Buildings Dugald Murdoch Sheriff and Burgh Court Room John Gillies, labourer Council Chambers Duncan Black, labourer 55 —

4tJi Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay

Mrs Potts 80 John Blair, painter Matthew Robertson Mrs Catherine Drummond Daniel M'Gee, labourer 78 Mrs Bell Miss Janet M'Dougall Miss Janet Young Crossbej^ Farm—Robert Currie Thomas Rutherford, seaman Ashfield —Mary Kerr Miss Charlotte M'Intyre Braeside—John M'Laren, nur- Miss Catherine M'Lean seryman Colin M'Intyre, stoker James M'Millan, cabowner's High street stables Public Park 76 Mrs Elizabeth Skimming 106 Michael Cuthbertson, florist Miss Annie M'Lean Mrs Martha Lyle Patrick Brady, labourer 104 John M'Lean, labourer John Duncan, labourer Miss Mary Ann M'Fie 74 Hugh Friell, labourer Public Park Nurserj' Miss Margaret Gibson Michael Cuthbertson, florist Mrs Mary M'Lean Corporation New Gas Works 72 Hugh Friell, grocer 98 Mrs Annie Gilchrist 66 John Neillay, hawker Thomas M'Kenzie, baker 64 Michael Annan, labourer Edward Green, woodman Duncan M'Gillivray, cabman John Gilchrist, mason William M'Aulay, gardener Thomas Allan, mason James Steven, dealer Walter Anderson, tenter Duncan Gillies, labourer Daniel Brown, closer John Shields, labourer Mrs Paul William Rippie, jun., labourer 96 Georpje Halliday, wood merchant Mrs Taylor 94 James Stewart, gardener Colin M'Phail, carter William Cameron, stationer John M'Millan, jun., labourer James Forfar, grocer Mrs Kirby Miss Squair William Perston, carrier Mrs Gardiner 62 Miss Catherine M'Farlane 92 James Forfar, grocer James Faulds, carter 90 Colin Wilson, florist James Morton 88 Public School— John M'Kay, 60 John M'Murchie, gardener F.E.I.S., headmaster Mrs Agnes Brooks Edward M'Nab, janitor John M'Kenzie, blacksmith 86 Robert Young, porter Miss Isabella M 'Donald John Docherty, gatekeeper Mrs Sarah Barr Mrs Mary M'Allister John M'Lean, farm servant Miss Catherine Ferguson 58 Maurice Slaven, gardener James Menzies, joiner Walter Brown, cabman 84 Mrs Stark John M'Naughton, labourer 82 John Stark, blacksmith 56 James M'Millan, cabowner's William John Trivett, shoemaker stables Alexander M'Pherson, labourer 54 Mrs Eleanor Melrose William Locke, engineer Mrs Martha Lyle Mrs Margaret Campbell 52 Mrs Martha Lyle Godfrey Schiiller, shopman 50 John and Donald M 'Galium, 80 John Crichton, seaman joiners Mrs Mary Morton 48 William B. M'Millan, bill poster Miss Elizabeth Clark and advertising agent Mrs Mary Hendry 46 Mrs Margaret Rutherford 56 —

Sth Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay, Miss Mary Ann Dougan William Moodie, V.S. James Menzies 22 Mrs Stewart, fish dealer Hugh Richmond, hawker William Livingston, mason Mrs Taylor Walter Brown, 'bus driver William Morrison, carter James Jeffrey, seaman 44 Alexander Miller, chimneysweeper James Lyons, mason 42 John M 'Galium Isaac Goodwin, mason 40 Hugh O'Neil, fishmonger Angus M'Lean, seaman 38 Daniel M'Gilp, flesher Mrs Agnes Campbell Rothesay Castle 24 Robin a Oliver 22 Mrs Agnes O'Neill, fishmonger 26 James M'Kendrich, fisherman 20 Robert Brown, spirit dealer Peter Barr, fishmonger 16 Miss Annie M'Lea, dressmaker James Drummond, cabman Bute Savings Bank — William Archibald Bell, mason Brown, accountant Robert Kinnaird, gardener James Carmichael, grocer iShs M'Lady Mrs Jane M' Arthur 30 Procurator Fiscal's Office -R. D. Mrs M'Gregor Macmillan 12 John Petrie, restaurateur 6 Samuel Mitchell, grocer Mount Pleasant road 4 M'Kinlay's Temperance Hotel Robert Elder, engineer Mrs M'Kinlay John Duncan, coal merchant 2 George Hicks & Son, druggists Landward Watergate Barone farm—John M'Kay Duncan Mac- 8 Mrs Catherine Duncan, spiritdealer Kerrycruisoch farm— farlane 10 Duncan Cameron, coal dealer James Thorburn, fisherman Barnauld —R. M'Dougall, sen., Rbt. M'Dougall, jun. James A. Leckie, slater Gateside Baxter, carter 12 Francis Dewar, carpenter —James Meikle Grenach Dug. Cowan, farmer 14 W. Bainbridge, spirit merchant's — Little Peter and Daniel stores Grenach— M' Galium, farmers 16 Chronicle Office—Harvey & Co. Lochend and Lochly Misses 'Far- 18 Mrs Lily Slaven, fish dealer — M lane 20 Moodie & Wallace, carriage hirers

Fifth Ward 61 Mrs Heaslit High street 65 Belinda Boyes 45 John William Trivett, shoemaker Helen Mulholland 47 John Cruickshanks, plumber 67- Dugald A. M'Fie, painter George Martin, insurance superin- 71 Dobbie & Co., seedgrowers, florists tendent to the Queen, and at Orping- Andrew M. M'Kinlay, architect ton, Kent 49 J. Cruickshanks & Son, plumbers 75 Dobbie & Go's gardens 51 Robert M 'In tyre, coachman 53 Bute Estate Office—J. Windsor Croft lane Stuart, factor Volunteeer Drill Hall 55 Miss Mary M'Intyre Quintin B. M'Lellan, blacksmith 61 Mrs Agnes Purvis 2 Catherine M 'Millan Sth Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Mrs Helen Elliott 103 Miss Jane M. M'Taggart Mrs Jane M'Kellar James M'Taggart Neil Black, labourer Andrew Barr, mechanic 4 John Bracelan, mason Miss Eliza Robertson James Hamilton, labourer Mrs Robertson Thomas Glen, boatman Thomas Orr Peter Glen, boatman Free Parish Mission Church Mrs Mary Jeffrey 105 Mrs Fordyce, grocer Andrew M'Kie, printer 107 Samuel Harvey, dykebuilder 109 David Kirkwood, cartwright street High 113 Duncan M'Nicol, seaman 77 Thomas Mason, grocer Dempster Rice, stoker 79 Patrick M'lvor, labourer John Bell, labourer Alexander M'Millan, carter John Begbie, seaman David Wallace, carter Duncan M'Nicol, cabowner Mrs Mary M'Connell William C. Miller, flesher 81 William Locke, baker Andrew B. Baird, blacksmith 83 John Weir, grardener 115 Mrs Ann M'Kirdy Mrs Margaret Fordyce 117 James Curran, mason William Locke, baker 119 John M'Kenzie, turner Mrs Violet Morrison David M'Kee, storekeeper Mi^s Mary Ann Inverarity Thomas Blackshaw, ropespinner 85 Mrs Mary Turner John M'Kinnon, stevedore 87 Miss Christina Turner 121 Matthew M'Cormick^ mason Dougald Leitch, labourer Hugh Crawford Miss Jane Short Alexander Scott, mason Mrs Ann M'Killop Daniel Canning, shoemaker Robert M'Lachlan, labourer Mrs Jane Rippie 89 Miss Mary Ann Hyndman Neil Lament, gardener 91 Alexander Ferguson, dyer Robert M. Neilson, engraver 93 Duncan M'Lean, blacksmith Elizabeth Robertson John M'Ewan, labourer Archibald Shaw Peter Nimmo, baker Charles M'Aulay, gardener Mrs Bridget Hart Charles M'Gowan. labourer Alexander Leitch, labourer Peter M'llroy, mason Neil O'Neill, shoemaker Duncan M'Lean William Morris, fisherman Malcolm M'Lellan, labourer Thomas M'Alpine, labourer 123 Mrs Euphemia Sillars 95 Margaret Fordyce, grocer Mrs Millar 97 Moodie & Wallace's yard William Wilson, shoemaker 101 St Paul's Mission Hall William Sim, fisherman Masonic Lodge 125 Mrs Elizabeth Row 103 William Smith, draper Thomas M'llmoil, labourer Miss Margaret Currie James Phillips, labourer Daniel Weir John Docherty, gardener Robert Britton, engineer Mrs Mary M'Millan Mrs Scullion Peter Yell, postman Alexander N. Smith William M'Tagger t, labourer Richard Campbell, iron turner John M'Millan, lather Mrs Morgan Richard Jago James Steele Hugh Campbell, labourer Michael M'Aulay, labourer William Wilson, fisher)nan Mrs Martha M'Cormick Mrs Moon 58 Sth Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay. 125 John Brown, gardener 16 Thomas L. M 'Alpine, engineer Andrew Rippie, labourer James F. Wallace, dancing master 127 Mrs Christina M'Intyre Mrs Margaret Lynch Hugh Boyle, contractor 34 William A. Wilson, printer Hugh M'Dougall, labourer 32 James Forfar, grocer 129 Misses Eliz. and Mary Anderson 30 Stephen Jones, gardener 131 James Forfar, grocer 20 Misses Jane C. and Bessie Living- 133 Lachlan M'Lean stone Thos. Cunningham, engine driver 12 Duncan Crawford, flesher James Dewar Charles M'Farlane, draper Ewii\g Sprowl, labourer Mrs Jessie Grant Paul M'llmoil, labourer James Heron, commission agent James M'Kinnon John Paterson, lithographer 135 Andrew Hyndman, painter William Tauns Mrs Elizabeth Harvey Samuel Irvine Mrs Agnes Allan 6 Sergeant Alexander Allan, rifle Neil M'lver, quarryman drill instructor Samuel Harvey 4 Mrs Ann Rankine Miss Agnes Paterson Minister's brae Miss Jeanie Weir Alexander Ferguson, dyer John M'Nab, tinsmith James M'Kinnon, gardener Arch. Meikle, steamboat agent Miss Agnes Marshall James Marshall, tailor George Neilson, seaman 2 Miss Mary M' Lachlan Robert Harvey, tailor James Blair, mason 3 William Lugton, seaman 25 Donald M'Kinnon, mason John B. Harvey, seaman 23 George B. Laidlaw, spirit dealer Mrs Annie Scott James Thorburn Mrs Janet Gumming Thomas Haig, grain dealer Neil M'Leod, mason Charles M'Kay, tailor Mrs Janet Creitch James D. K. Love, flesher 5 Margaret Fyfe Peter Campbell, steward Edward M'Tavish, tinsmith 21 William C. Miller Mrs Mary Bruce George Geddes, tailor John Forrest, warehouseman Archibald Lament, tailor Elizabeth Scott James M'Fie, seaman Mrs Fanny Dunning William Freeland, gardener The Manse, Rev. J. King Hewison Jessie Kirkwood 19 William Stewart, painter Mount Pleasant road 15 Jas. Buchanan, net manufacturer 18 Mrs Catherine Duncan 17 John Walker, cook Mrs Jane Mason 13 Robert Watson, steamboat agent Duncan Stewart 7 William and Archibald Brown Robert Weir, mason Daniel M. Taylor, wine merchant James Wallace, cabowner James Gallowaj^, spirit dealer Miss Elizabeth Lawson Mayfield—William B. M'Millan, Archibald M'Lellan, seaman manager, Matthew M'Millan, Mrs Mary Reid. West Coast billposter, 48 16 Duncan Blair, joiner High street John C. Crawford, shopman Miss Emma Cuthbert Robert Brown, spirit dealer Rev. Donald M'Kay Mrs Elizabeth Wardrop Mrs Catherine C. Yule James M'Nicol, seaman William Black, carter 59 Sth Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

7 Matthew Waters 18 Mrs John M'Millan Miss Jane Thomson Mrs Margaret M' Queen John M'Fie, boatman Serpentine road 16 John Campbell, seaman James Stewart, painter Archibald Duncan, tailor James M 'Crone, draper Mrs Ann Angus Mrs Mary M'Intosh Miss Annie M'Callum Mrs Elizabeth Hodgson Mrs Catherine Lee, ladies' nurse William Thomson, draper Miss Jessie M'Nab James Jack Miss Jane Austin Mrs Mary M'Intosh 14 Mrs Ann Blair Free Parish Manse—Rev. Andrew N. 12 Dugald H. Macfie, painter Sutherland Mrs Mary Ann M'Lean Misses Ann and Flora M'Kenzie Alexander Galbi-aith George Boyd, retired excise officer David Perston, printer Hugh Anderson, gardener Butonan Office—W. A. Wilson, Robert Heaton, spirit dealer printer Mrs Margaret Rankine 8 John Stevenson, spirit dealer David Rankine, gardener 6 John Stevenson, spirit dealer Mrs Margaret M'Callum Peter Glen, seaman Alexander Drennan, mason Daniel Black, cattle dealer James Bamsay, heritor Charles Spearing, pensioner Donald Lament, hosier 6 Robert M'Lachlan, gardener Walter W. Ballard, hosier Mrs Christina M'Cann Alexander Lamont, carpenter 4 Archibald Black, grocer Andrew Wilson, gardener Mrs Annie Green William Thomson, gardener Dugald M'A. Black, grocer 2 Dugald M'A. Black, grocer Bishop terrace 23 Mrs Franz Henserrell 1 Thos. W. Alexander, sheriff clerk 21 Mrs John Elliott 2 Jn. Mackinlay, retired postmaster 19 Mrs Catherine Grant 3 Miss Margaret Moi-rison Thomas Derby, painter 4 Miss Isabella Buchanan Malcolm M'Kinnon, steward William M'Fadyen, gardener Alexander Crawford, cabman 5 Peter Leith, druggist Charles Burns, musician George Innes, pawnbroker William Thomkinson William Pinkerton Matthew Murray Edward Bell 17 James Heron, commission agent U.P. Manse—Rev. Wm. Galbraith 15 Adam D. Macbeth, writer Archibald and John M'Kirdy Neil Jamieson, woodman Mrs Paterson Castle street James Brown, grocer 28 William Harvey, steward John Carswell, seaman Mrs Elizabeth M'Call John M'Nab, joiner Andrew Carswell, seaman 13 Dan, Watson & Sons, blacksmiths Mrs Ann Simpson 11 John Hunter, mason Miss Ann F. M'Kirdy 9 John Johnstone, shoemaker Miss Agnes Cunningham Miss Catherine Johnstone 20 Free Parish Church—Rev. Andrew 7 George Dryden, teacher of music N. Sutherland 5 John Blue, seaman Free Parish Church Hall—Alex. George Steele, painter Jack, church officer Mrs Elizabeth Lusk 18 Mrs Barbara Law William Blue, sailmaker ^^th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

5 Mrs Margaret Ferguson West Princes street 3 Miss Janet M'Lean 26 Arthur Swanston, grocer Watergate 24 Miss Jane M'Neill 22 W. & J. Stewart, painters 45 Miss Harriet Scott 20 Donald M'Farlane, seaman 43 Richard Fulton, shoemaker John Jamieson, baker 41 Lachlan Campbell, carter Mrs Catherine Neilson John M'Fadyen, laboui-er John Campbell Miss Agnes Thomson Lachlan Cameron, plumber Archibald Bell, labourer Jane Duncan Daniel Duncan, porter 18 John Thorburn, fishmonger William Edgar, bottler John Gardiner, Mrs M 'Lachlan 16 hairdresser 14 Misses Mai-garet 39 Robert Kinnaird, grocer & Jessie Rankine, milliners and 37 Robert Kinnaird, contractor dressmakers 12 William R. Black, 35 Peter Barr, fishcurer shopman Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton 33 Robert Morrison, wright Misses Margt, and 31 R. Tannahill, coal merchant Jessie Rankine Miss Jessie Black Salvation Army Bari-acks Argyle Arms Hotel—John Turner Chas. Stewart, reed manufacturer Duncan Whyte, gardener 25 George B. Laidlaw, spirit dealer 10 James Hunter, 23 Miss Jane M'Fadzean, grocer grocer 8 Miss Elizabeth 19 Jas, Campbell, earthenware dealer Jamieson, fruiterer 6 Hector Robertson, 17 James Campbell carrier Miss Jane 15 Mrs Elizabeth Sweeney Jamieson 4 James Sweeney, 13 George Black, flesh er shoemaker 2 James M'Millan, 11 Mrs Margaret Dunlop carriage hirer James Sweenie, cook 9 James Sweenie, cook Store lane 7 Temperance Hotel—Jas. M'Millan 2 W. & J. Stewart, painters 3 Lome Hotel—Charles Lyle Mrs Annie Boag 1 James G. Muir, baker 6 John Slaven, chimney sweeper James Sweeney, shoemaker Albert place 8 Mrs Smith 15 Robert Stewart, tobacconist Thomas Kilpatrick, painter 13 William Brownlie, flesher Peter Thomson, fisherman 12 Misses Elizabeth & Isabella Harold, Mrs M'Lellan stationers James Neil, labourer 11 James Carswell, seaman Mrs Jane M'Kellar William Murray, carrier 12 George B. Laidlaw's store Mrs Sarah Smith 14 Walter M'Kendrick, fisherman James Stirton, joiner James M'Kendrick, fisherman James Kennedy, seaman 16 Mrs Elizabeth M'Fadzean Henry Crindle, cabowner William Duncan, tailor 10 Donald M'Arthur, draper Miss Jane Service 9 Misses Rankin Mrs Isabella Collins 8 Hugh Lauder, jeweller 21 Archibald M'Millan, carter 7 Robert Lauder, ladies' outfitter George Rankin, fisherman 6 Miss Edith Herbert Mrs Catherine Archer 5 Donald Munro, grocer Mrs Helen M'Clure 4 Royal Hotel—John L. Kelly Argyle Arms Hotel—John Turner, 3 and 2 A. Brown & Sons, drapers hotelkeeper I Miss Lilly, china dealer 15 Stewart & Co. , grain merchants 61 Sth Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

15 Victoria Hall—League of the Cross 40 Andrew Mitchell, boilermaker Literary Hall—Daniel Ferguson, Mrs Hill auctioneer Charles Docherty James M'Millan, 'bus proprietor Charles Walker, barber Hall—Faith Mission 42 Malcolm M'Fie, labourer Ninian Duncan, potato merchant 37 James M 'Arthur, music teacher 35 Parish Council Office—John Kidd, Bishop street inspector and collector 4 Arthur Swanston, grocer Parish Church Hall 6 Mrs Margaret Wright 27i Arch. M'Kinlay, bottler's stable Hugh Beith, fiesher 27 Mrs Helen M'Lellan New Post Office Mrs Janet Maitland 20 Thomas Morrison, joiner Miss Grace M'Allister Misses Joan and Jane Clark James Cashmore, draper Mrs Margaret M'Lachlan 25 Hugh Thomson, joiner John M'Callum, shopman 23 John M'Kirdy, contractor Alexander Stewart, grocer 19 Robert Whyte, shoemaker John Rankin, fisherman 17 Robert Shields, spirit merchant 22 Alexander Stewart, grocer 15 Mrs Janet M'Dougall 24 Francis Montgomerie, spirit dealer Hugh Kerr, tailor Ninian Duncan, grain dealer John S. Black, seaman John Kerr, joiner Mrs Catherine Mather John Whyte, steward Robert Paterson, upholsterer 26 William M 'Fie, joiner Mrs Gibson 28 Mrs Jessie M'Connell John Halbert, mason 30 William M'Intosh, accountant Coast Guard Service—three men John Clark, bottler 13 John Smith, joiner George Paterson, aerated water Miss Margaret M'Lean manufacturer Donald M'Millan, house agent John Smith joiner's workshop 11 Mrs Margaret Walker 34 James Laidlaw, plasterer Arthur Swanston, grocer John Clark, bottler 9 Duncan Bell, shipmaster 36 William C. W. Maddever, writer, 7 Mrs Elizabeth Blue insurance agent, clerk to the Mrs Christina Crawford Commissioners of Property John Thomson, seaman and Income Tax, etc. Mrs Ann Balderston James Laidlaw, plasterer Miss Mary Crawford Miss Isabella Fletcher Arthur Swanston, grocer Donald M'Fie, tailor Miss Agnes M 'Alpine 38 Miss Bethia Flannighan Mrs Agnes Henderson James Paterson, compositor Miss Margaret Lillie John Bannerman, compositor Thomas M'Neil, cabman John M'Kirdy, contractor Nathaniel Nugent, tailor Archibald Smith, carter Miss Isabella M'Kirdy Miss Catherine M'Callum 5 Hugh M'Kirdy, cabowner Miss Margaret Fulton James Hunter, grocer John Green, joiner 3 Mrs Christina Crawford, fiesher 38i John M'Kirdy, contractor 40 Arch. M'Kendry, policeman East Princes street Mrs Jane Stewart 1 Misses Jane & Mgt. Montgomery, James Glen, fisherman dairy keepers Mrs Margaret Whyte 2 Alexander Lament, joiner Peter Roy, seaman 3 Robert Shields, spirit dealer 62 6th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay:

4 Miss Helen M'Lellan, confectioner 16 Robert Paterson, upholsterer 5 Samuel Irvine, bootmaker 17 Robert Paterson, upholsterer Charles Hill, labourer 5J Miss Mary Ann Duncan Miss Helen Harkness James Lane, gentleman Samuel Irvine, bootmaker Archibald Clark, seaman Alexander M'Nab, joiner Miss Margaret Lennox 6 James A. Walker, grocer Robert Bruce, warehouseman 7 David Robertson, baker Andrew Mitchell 8 Robert Paterson, spirit dealer Mrs Annie M'Rae John Knox, boathirer Alexander Stoddart, boatman Mrs Catherine Moodie James D. Donnachie, spirit dealer Mrs Hamilton Mrs Janet Duncan 9 Robert Paterson, spirit dealer James Barton, spirit dealer 10 John Robertson, baker William Deans, carpenter 11 John Robertson, baker Cunningham & Co. , aerated water Miss Elizabeth IJart manufacturer John M'Lellan, coachman Public Halls—James Fisher, factor Archibald M'Ewen, seaman 17^ Peter M'Nair, stationer George Hamilton, bathman 18 Mrs Cowden, confectioner 12 Robert Heaton, spirit merchant 19 John M'C. Callan, grocer 13 William Duncan, druggist 20 David Lawson, baker

14 William Lyle, druggist 21 Charles Sweet, photographer . Mrs Margaret Baxter Mrs Janet Baird Bishop terrace brae Mrs Janet Unverzaght Robert Brown, ironmonger Mrs Jane Park Mrs Margaret Brown Miss Annie M'Farlane Miss Jane Dalziel 14| Charles Boyle, confectioner Mrs Janet Glen 15 John Walker, cook

Sixth Ward Mrs Margaret Hunter Bishop terrace brae 27 Miss Margaret Heron John and Alexander Martin, cab- 28 Mrs Margaret Graham owners Miss Annie F. Graham Mrs Elizabeth Reisberg Walter D. Pepper, lithographer James Maxwell, confectioner Robert M. R. Pepper, clerk Mrs Isabella Miller East Pri rices street Mrs Jessie M'Connell 22 William Black, carter James Kirkwood, cnurch officer 23 James Maxwell, confectioner Misses Mary and Sarah Stewart 24 Mrs Isabel M'Innes Mrs Dale Miss Jane Lambie Miss Catherine Graham Mrs Catherine M'Connechy Andrew Holmes, grocer Neil Nicolson, seaman 30 John Lament, fisherman Miss Mary M'CoU Mrs Margaret Hunter 25 Dr Daniel Reid Miss Maryann Duncan 26 Mrs Mary M'Lellan Robert Graham, seaman Miss M'Kirdy Miss Mary M'Kirdy 27 Miss Mary Cameron Miss Jane Dalziell 63 6th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay,

31 Alexander Buchanan, fanner Mouqtstuart road Miss Margaret Heron Miss Agnes Herbert 1 Mrs Craig 2 Miss Mary M'Fie 3 Miss Ann M'Kechnie Battery place 4 Miss Janet Orkney la Miss Christina M'Ara 6 Councillor James A. Walker 1 William Duncan, druggist Mrs Margaret Maddever 2 James B. Lawson, M.D. Glenburn Hydropathic—Dr Philp, 2a Mrs Hannah Bell surgeon 3 Dr David J. Penny Adelaide House 4 Captain Robert M'Fie, harbour Adelaide place master Mrs Jane Blackstock 5 Mrs Isabella Meiklejohn Faith Mission 6 Miss Marion Douglas D. Murray, boots N. 7 Dr John Marshall Alexander JR,. Peacock, plumber 8 Mrs Janet M'Murchy Mrs Ann Brydone 9 J. C. Sinclair 10 Miss Annie Wilson Mour^tstuart road Miss Janet Whitson 9 Mrs Ann Wallace 11 Miss Marianne Dodd 10 Mrs Fraser 12 Miss Ann Mary Brown Misses Victoria & Maud Whitfield 13 Andrew Johnston Hall, M. A., M.D. John Williamson 14 John M'Ewan, seaman Andrew Sclanders Mrs Janet M'Millan Mrs Henrichs 15 Mrs Margaret Liddell 10 Duncan M'Callum, retired inn- 16 Thomas Thomson, ironmonger keeper 17 Mits Elizabeth Johnston 10a Mrs M'Andrew Miss 18 Gray Alexander 11 Miss Mary Kelly 19 Mitchell Dr 12 Mrs Catherine Miller 20 Thomas M'Nab, tinsmith 13 Mrs Elizabeth Duncan 21 William M'Leod 14 Mrs Margaret M'Donald 22 John Skinner, fishery officer 15 John Kidd, inspector of poor Miss Grace M'Kinlay 16^ Miss Amelia Gribben Miss Elizabeth Birnie 16 Daniel Pope Robert Burness, saddler 17 David Robertson, baker 23 Robert Burness, saddler 18 William Moodie, V.S. 24 Mrs Mary M'Kirdy 25 Matthew Swan, clerk (Wimbleton) 26 Dr David J. Penney 19 William Bowman, joiner 27 Mi-s Penney William Mackay, rector, Academy 28 Jardine Black, ironmonger 20 Alex. Sinclair 29 John M'Kirdy, banker 21 Miss Janet W. Muir 30 John M'Kirdy, manufacturer 22 Campbell L. Wright, jun., Royal Aquarium, William M'Leod stationer Stewart Swimming Baths —Geo. 23 Mrs Sophia Hill Hamilton, lessee 24 James Hunter, grocer Glenburn Cottage—Mrs Jenkins 25 Mrs Forbes Maryfield—Robert Sharp 26 John Orkney Fairfield—Mrs John Adamson 27 Robert Richardson, gentleman Miss Jane M 'Arthur 28 Mrs Elizabeth Yuill Glenburn Hydropathic—Andrew 29 James Crawford, builder Philp Miss Mary D. Speirs 64 —

6th Wardof HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

30 Miss Galbraith 66 Mrs Margaret Brodie 31 Miss Mary Smith Mineral VVell -Malcolm Miller, purveyor Ferg-usou place 3 Mrs Margaret Cameron Well park road 5 William Galloway, manufacturer John Murdoch, gentleman Miss Christina Stewart Peter Donaghy, dealer 6 Mrs Margaret Lament Andrew M'Pherson, gardener St. Brendan's Parish Church- Rev, J. K. Hewison Graigr;more road

(Elysium) 1 Mrs Marion Galbraith 32 John M'Lay, plumber Mrs Rebecca Begg 33 Mrs Agnes Anderson Misses Elizabeth and Agnes 34 Rev. Thomas Carsewell Mitchell 35 Alexander R. Wright, gentleman Miss Margaret Hodge 37 Mrs Anderson Miss Mary B. Blair 4 Blair, tape maxiufacturer 38 Miss A. i^. Bichford James 39 Miss Elizabetli M. Harriett 5 Miss Jane M'Kinnon 41 Mrs Margaret K. Hunter 6 Robert Downie, drj'salter 42 Invergarry — Councillor Malcolm 7 Archibald Adam, gentleman Buchanan 13 James Miller, farmer 43 Mrs Annie Y. Hunter 14 Dugald M'Corkindale, ironfounder 44 Norman M'Leod Thomson, con- 15 Mrs Esther Neilson fectioner 16 Mrs Rebecca H. M'Nab 45 Miss Jessie Goodwin 17 Mrs Elizabeth Wallace 46 Misses Agnes and Jessie Russell 18 Samuel Thompson, bootmaker 47 Miss M. Findlay 19 George Caldwell, gentleman 48 Miss Eh'zabeth Lyon 20 John T. Wilson, town clerk 49 Sergeant-Major George Madden 21 Miss Margaret M'Alister 50 Alexander M 'Donald, shipmaster 22 Mrs Stuart M 'In tosh 51 Mrs Agnes M'Arly 25 Miss Jessie and Georgina Reid 52 Mrs Helen Kay 27 William Hutchison, gentleman 53 Mrs Jane Duncan Orcadia 54 John Barrie, physician Bowling Green and Tennis Courts 1 Miss Robina M. Allan Malcolm Miller, manager 2 Miss Marion Mitchell CraigmorePier, Archibald Turner, 3 John E. Wilson piermaster Alexander P. Wilson, shipbroker 55 Mrs John L. M'Kinlay 4 Miss Helen A. Turn bull 56 Miss Jane Watson 5 Mrs Mary A. Malcolm 57 Mrs Ann Bryden 6 John Guthrie, artist 58 Mrs Joan P. Rankine 59 Mrs Elizabeth Anderson Ascog 60 Miss Margaret B. M 'Donald David K. Angus, physician Robin a Reid John Blair, jun., manufacturer James C. Webster, merchant Mrs Martha Boyd Miss Margaret Colquhoun Dugald M'Corkindale, physician 61 Sheriflf Martin Rev. Dr Hutchison 62 John Richard Fairbairn, traveller William Robertson, gardener 63 Rev. Alexander M. Bannatyne High Bogany — Hugh Simpson's heirs 64 Miss Elizabeth M 'In tyre Ardencraig 65 Mrs Annie Ewing Mrs Isabella Jackson ,

6th Ward of HOUSEHOLDERS. Rothesay.

Cralgmore 45 Miss Marion Brown Hig^l 44 Captain M'Lean Catherine Mrs Kemp 43 Captain Ritchie Alexander Innes, gjardener 42 Joseph F. Robinson, engineer Miss Marg'areb Stirling 41 Mrs Mary C. Glass Margaret Peacock 40 Miss Maria S. Rowbotham and Dean of Guild M' Bride Mrs Mary E. Weston George Donaldson, accountant 39 Charles T. Hicks, druggist Rev. James Cameron, U.P. Church 38 Mrs Jane M'Lean Margaret M'Lean Mrs 37 Hichard M'Kenzie, shipmaster Tor Castle James Dobbie, seedsman — 34 Miss Margaret Hodge Miss M, Bain 33 Mrs Jeanie and Mary Hamilton Miss Jane Allan 32 Bailie Mlntosh Misses Agnes J. Le Neve and 31 George S. Stark Margaret M. Mylne 30 Misses Margaret, Eliza, and Chris- John Dowie, gardener tina M'Dowall Jonathan Roe, engiiieer 29 William Dickson Mrs Margaret Hethrington 28 Mrs Elizabeth Fulton Mrs Elizabeth Laird 27 Miss Jessie Blair East Burgh Lands 26 Misses Eliz. and Isabella Harold John M'Kay, chief constable 25 Richard Burns, ship rigger Mrs Elizabeth Busby 24 Arthur S. Christie, music teacher Mrs Jane Taylor 23 Firwood—-William Cuthertson, of Archibald M'Gilvray, gardener Dobbie & Co. , seed merchants Thomas M. Birnie, fiesher 22 William Pettigrew, confectioner John Hamilton 21 Mrs Annie M'Intosh John Crozier 20 Miss Dunbar William Clark and Mary Kirkland 19 Arch. M. Burnie, of Dobbie & Co. Mi s Sarah Fyfe seed merchants George Garry, chemist 18 Miss Margaret Gemmell U.P. Church—Rev. Jas. Cameron East Lands Road 15 Donald C. Murray, painter John Murray, heritor 14 John Cameron, gentleman Mrs Christina Clelland 13 Miss Alison M'Vey 12 .James Archibald Petrie, shipping Griohton road agent 59 George M'Lean 11 John Bryan Cecilia Millen 7 Colin Black Turner, yachtsman 58 Mrs Elizabeth Goudielock 6 Miss Jane C. M'Donald Mr Allan 5 Mrs Helen Herbert 57 Thomas Muirhead, gentleman 4 Donald M'Millan 56 Wm. Miller Leckie, slater 3 Arthur Swanston, grocer 55 Mrs Elizabeth and Agnes Mitchell 2 Sarah A. Thomson 54 Mrs Elizabeth Neilson 1 Hugh Lauder, jeweller 53 Peter Hamilton Mrs M 'Arthur 51 George Miller, shipmaster Robert Mackenzie, bathman William C, W. Maddever Thomas Gibson, gardener 50 Mrs Mary M'Call Archibald M'Donald 49 Craigmore Pension —D. Wilson, hotelkeeper East Burgh Lands 57 John M'Kay, gentleman William J. Telford, farmer Mr Murdoch Craigmore Golf Course 46 Mrs Blackwood Parish of North Bute HOUSEHOLDERS. North End Ward. NORTH BUTE PARISH.


Kames Castle—Duncan MacRae Ettrick Bay—James Stoddart, restaura- Lod^e—Malcolm M Kinnoa teer Cottage— James M'Adam, gardener Lower Ettrick—Robert Macfie, farmer Edinbec: Farm— Mrs Elizabeth Malcora Kilbride—Mrs Janet Stevenson, farmer Hilton—James P. Malcom and Gilbert Auchavoulig— Dug. M'Donald, farmer Malcom, farmers Glenmore—Andrew M'Intyre, farmer Duncan Campbell, shepherd Upper Ettrick —Wm. Hunter, farmer Hugh Morton, ploughman Ettrick Smithy—John Smith Edinraore—Jn Meldrum, game watcher West St Colmac—Hu. Johnston, farmer Sawmill —Mrs Jane Halliday South St Colmac—Mrs Cath. Simpson Ettrickdale — Michael Bowand Gray East St Colmac—Mrs Margt, Carsewell Buchanan North Bute Manse—Rev. Peter Dewar Tighentudor—Archibald Wallace, game North Bute Parish Church (Crock-an- watcher rae)—Rev. Peter Dewar Shipbuilding yard—John Fyfe Boathouse—Dune. M'Intyre, carpenter Ardmaleish — Mrs Eliz. Stevenscn and James Stevenson, farmers Dugald Clark, ploughman Port-Bannatyne. Stuck—Arch. and John Lamont, farmers Cuilnashamreg— Alex. M'Lean, fencer Pointliouse Crescent. Wm. M'Donald, woodman Mrs Janet Cowan Miss Jean Buchanan Mrs Elizabeth Farquhar Shalunt — Mrs Mary M'Nair and Neil Miss Jeaniiie M'Keau Dougan, farmers D. Alexander, purser Rhubodach —John Duncan, farmer Mrs Mdry Finlayson Cottage—John Kirk Alex. Ferrier, commercial traveller Kilmichael — John, Peter and Colin Miss Fannie Hill M'Callum, farmers John M'Farlane, residenter Peter M'Intyre, shepherd J.hn M-Gregor, M. D. Miss Ann Cameron William Grierson, shipmaster Glecknabae—Bryce Martin, farmer Thomas Graham, residenter Lenniehall and Lechtan Butt— Heirs of Miss Robertson John Lamont Mrs M'Nicol Kildavannan and Scarrel-Mrs Elizabeth Mrs Elizabeth M'Doaald M'Intyre Miss Annie Wilson Kildavannan—Miss Kay, schoolmistress Allan M-Dougall Mrs M'Phail Wra. Coulter, hotel keeper James Leitch, ploughman Miss Eliza Solfleat Wm. Stewart, ploughman Miss Margaret Lillie Thomas Duncan, fencer Mrs Hart James Buchanan, net manufacturer Mrs Gourlay Drumachloy—James Lyon, farmer John Hutton Shields 65 o —


Parish of North Bute HOUSEHOLDERS. North End Ward.

Mrs Elizabeth Hunter . Robert Pinkerton, plumber William Walker Roselea Villa— Arthur Wiseman, tenter James Brodie, baker Miss Margaret Forson Alpine Villa—A. C. Thomson, stationer Port-Bannatyne Road. Miss Annie Anderson Allt-an-righ—James Adams George Burt, coalmaster Blythswood— Mrs Chalmers Norwood—Wm. H. Ellis Sardinia Place. Miss Burns Mrs Ann Stewart Isa Park— William Marshall, joiner Mrs Elizabeth M'Lachlan Miss Ann Stewart James Jack, secretary Company's offices Eothesay Tramway Robert Meiklejones, house factor Robertson, manager Archibald John Forrest, engineer Pointhouse William M'Gregor — Wm. M 'Lucas, eagineer David Lyon Thomas M'Millan. gardener Eilyer House—Mrs Alice Newall Pier Terrace. Omaha House—Arch. Smith John M'Fie, joiner Rulliecheddan—Malcolm Weir Mrs Annie Campbell Wm. M'Gregor, gardener John Wesley Semple, clothier Hugh Black—keeper of golf course James Jack Cockburn, traveller Gortons and Ardmore— James & Andrew Alexander Sim, schoolmaster Ritchie, farmers Margaret Rodger Doon Bank—Mrs James M'llwraith Miss Elizabeth Stewart Pier. Fir Cliff— Miss Lamont Duncan Currie, piermaster Ettrick Bank—Miss Annie C. TurnbuU Mrs Elizabeth M'Dermid Victoria Place. Kaines Bank— Rbrt. Johnston, engineer Alex. Stewart, police sergeant Wm. Bell, marine engineer James Wilson, jun., quarrymaster Mrs Marion Baird, grocer Mrs Mary Cameron Mrs Jessie Hutchison or Dawson Miss Margaret Hunter Mrs Yuille W. M'George, clerk Miss Mary Miller Shore Road. Mrs Margaret M"Kay St Ninian's Church —Rev. Peter Dewar Wm. Dunshie, dealer Karnes Cottage— Miss C. C. Hamilton John Paterson, engineer Stella Maris—Thomas Mackenzie, anti- Robert Aitken, stationer quarian Miss Jane Lawson, confectioner Stoneiield —Mrs Mary Brownlie Mrs Elizabeth M'Leod John Halliday David Crawford, carriage hirer Tigh-an-traigh—Miss Isabella Eraser Wm. Christie, blacksmith Mrs Brown Wm. Watson, music seller Ardenlea—Mrs Isabella Brown Edward Hyndman, fisherman Alex. Kirdwood, baker James Ferguson, spirit merchant Clifton—J. Milne Arch. Currie, carriage driver Miss Cecilia Marshall Mrs Janet Lyon Strone View—Misses Agnes and Jessie Mrs Elizabeth Douglas Love Mrs Jane Fisher ArdlaraontVilla —Miss Margaret Young David Thomson, blacksmith Charles K. Korner, merchant George Hope, plumber Ardgowan Villa—Mrs Newall John T. Y. Mackay, seaman 66 y Parish of North Bute HOUSEHOLDERS. North Eiid Ward.

Andrew Lawson, grocer Dalrymple Lyle, house factor 'erj Do., do. Mrs Barbara Brown Miss Jane Lawson, confectioner Dugald M'Glashan, yachtsman *t|iJohn Chalmers, joiner Ellen Waters Free Church and manse — Rev. John John T. Pollock, teacher Dunlop Ewen Matthewson, painter John Cunningham, farmer Lamont Place. Duncan Halliday, grocer Miss Jemima Cruden Elizabeth Murray, dressmaker Misses Eliza and Mary M'Nab Mrs Barbara Brown Archibald Lamont John Donald, spirit merchant George Welsh, baker James M'Kellar, ploughman Robert Hamilton, contractor George Bruce, fisherman Miss Bethia Beith Mrs Margaret Gillan Post Office—Miss Mary M'Cunn, news Oakhank. agent George Welsh, restaurateur George Loch, coal merchant Mrs Wilson Miss Marion Thomson Peter Leith, druggist Arch. M'Vicar, yachtsman Hugh Black, baker Mrs Janet C. Mackie Coubrough Duncan Currie, ironmonger Mrs Miss Janet C. Morrison Wm. H. Redfern, bootmaker Shore Street. James Alexander, boat builder Richard Sanderson Miss Sarah Alexander, confectioner Anchor Tavern—Mrs Eliz. Gregorson D. M'Phee Mrs Ann Muir Stewards Lane. Carswell, farmer Miss Jessie Redfern Mrs Margt. Hall David Baird, shoemaker Foresters' Drill Hall Miss Margt. Ferguson, grocer Volunteer John S. M'Andrew John Dunbar, tobacconist Quay Street. Duncan Black, gardener Mrs Agnes M'Innes James Little John M'Taggait John Miss Sarah Campbell James Shearer, yachtsman Miss Jeannie M'Intosh John M'Fadyen, farm servant James Pollock, traveller Matthew Shearer James Lamont, fisherman Shore Street. Royal Hotel—W. C. M'Millan Mrs Margaret Weir Crown Hotel^— Miss Jeannie Crawford John Leitch, fisherman Mrs Brown, baker Mrs Agnes Currie Coll Lamont, fiesher Alex. Stevenson, engineer James Loch, yachtsman John Lockhart, tinsmith Mrs Harriet Loch David Orr, engineer James Alexander, boathirer David Meldruin, fisherman John M'Kechnie, woodmerchant Wm. M'Cann, yachtsman Dugald Blue, tailor Shore Street. Wm. Baird, clerk Mrs Cath. M'Glashan Wra. Boden, tailor 67 Parish of North Bute HOUSEHOLDERS. North End Ward.

Govandale Place. Wm. Harvie, engineer Daniel Baxter, traveller Peter White, schoolmaster Mrs Janet Smith School House—Peter White Mrs Annie Plowkly The Rest—Wm. Miller, confectioner Mrs Jemima Hyndman Arch. Malcom, carpenter Mrs Margt. Roxburgh, grocer Mrs Pattison Castle Street. Alex. Walker, manufacturer John M'Phail, draper Wm. Milne, clerk Peter Wright, ironmonger James Warnock, contractor George Halliday. merchant John White, traveller Mrs Eliza Halliday James Parian e, earthenware merchant Mrs Mary M'Intyre John Waddell, boilermaker John Hyndman, fisherman Alex Orme, salesman John Currie, mason Israel Carson, warper James Alexander, boathirer Mrs Elizabeth Fraser Mrs Jane fialliday Mrs Agnes Murray- James M'Lachlan, joiner John Livingston John Smith, car driver David Leithhead, upholsterer James M'Lean Robert Gray, watchman James Brunton, missionary Mrs Ellen Waters James Blackwood, blacksmith Robert Burns, yachtsman Jeremiah Farrell, draper Petar M-Phail, roadman James Thomson, joiner John M'Phail, plougnman George Murray, plasterer David Gault James Prentice, ship steward Mrs Margt Hastie Margt. M'Bride Peter Gibb, shoemaker Dugald M'Diarraid, labourer Duucan Livingston, fisherman Isabella Bow, machinist Miss Mary M' Donald Glenlee. Gilbert M'Kirdy, carter Duncan Bell, yachtsman Dugald Murray, fisherman Duncan Halliday, grocer John Macfie, joiner John Maitland. plumber Miss Margt. Craighead, teacher Lorne Place. Malcolm M'Phail, yachtsman James Leitch, yachtsman Arch. Hogarth, yachtsman Duncan Campbell, joiner Angus Murray, fisherman Albion Place. Alex. Morrison, woodman Arch. Galloway, civil engineer Mrs Mary Gray Miss Jessie Redfern John Campbell, brass founder Aubrey Acton, chemist Wm. Wyllie, oil merchant D. M'Intosh, engineer Thomas Thomson James Smith, blacksmith Mrs Catherine Robertson Malcolm M'Phail, yachtsman David Crawford's stables Miss Mary Brown Robert Smith, plumber Alex. Brown, residenter James Hyndman, coal merchant Mrs Miry Brown Mrs Janet M'Cunn James Hogarth, fisherman Charles Thomson, smith Mrs Mary M'Lean Do., do. W. H. Malcolm, engineer Mrs Janet Thomson John Hogarth, seaman Wm. Rodger, shepherd Miss Agnes Wark Gabriel Cochrane, spirit merchant 68 North End Ward. Parish of North Bide HOUSEHOLDERS.

Ferguson, boatman Salshury Place, Duncan, John Sutherland, fisherman Fohn M'Arthur, woodmaa jreorge Reid, traveller Place. Duncan Livingston, fisherman Hafton Daniel M'Intyre, labourer Miss Cath. Miller Neil Keith, woodman Miss Mary Howat Ronald M'Donald Miss Margt. Ferguson John N. Smith, engineer Mrs Catherine Taylor Alex. Campbell Alex. R. Harper Miss Susan M'Lellan, grocer John Leitch, carter Miss Ann Lusk Neil Campbell, labourer James Lusk, joiner James Jeffrey, fisherman Dugald Murray, fisherman Arch. Miller, carriage hirer Mrs Helen Hamilton Miss Murray Miss Sarah Holmes David Meldrum, seaman Miss Elizabeth Black Wm. Murdoch, engineer Matthew Gray Edward Hyndman, fisherman Mrs Milne Wm. Morrison, grocer Mrs Elizabeth Black Miss Christina Clydesdale Robert Hardie Miss Elizabeth Ferguson Mrs Jessie Secular David Thomson, blacksmith Miss Catherine M'Nicol Robert Wilson Mrs Mary Malcolm John Chisholm, painter John M'Nicol, fisherman Miss Agnes M'Millan Gladstone Place. George Loch, coal merchant Mrs M'Corquodale Wm. H. Malcom, engineer Ulva Place. Archibald Malcom, joiner Howat, yachtsman Hugh Mrs Jane Kerr Matthew Thomson, coachman R. S. Martin Peter M'Phail, roadman Mrs C. Campbell Rosehery Place. Mrs Janet Adam Lewis H. Freeland Duncan Halliday, grocer Mrs Brock John M'Fie, joiner Robert Burns, shipmaster John M'Gillvray, mason

- Lamont, agent Dugald M'Ewan, plumber James Mrs Richmond Cumming Dugald Meiklejohn, fisherman Thomas Bell lona Place. Ebenezer Place. C. H. M'Naught, draper L. Cunningham James H. Stirling, dancing master James Currie Alex. Sutherland, boatman Miss Jane Alexander, yachtsman Duncan Currie, carriage hirer John Isabella Drummond John M 'Farlane Mrs registrar and inspector Alex, Greenlaw, seaman Archibald Brown, Peter M'Intyre of poor Henry M'Culloch, analyst James Finlay, iron turner John Cook, carpenter Mrs Emily Eisher Springwell Place. James Taylor, stationer Robert Neil, baker Daniel Campbell, engineer Robert B. Blackwood, joiner 69 Parish of North Bute HOUSEHOLDERS. North End Ward.

David Lyon, builder Miss Christina Brown John Hogarth, mason Wm. Brackenridge, car driver Alex. Wotherspoon, merchant Lewis E. Mackie, house factor Miss Ferguson Miss Eliza Farquhar Swanstonhill, Hydropathic Establish- ment—Arch. Menzies, manager Kingston Place. George Crome, gardener Misses Flora and Jessie M'Lachlan Gilbert Stalker, yachtsman Bannatyne Mams Road. Miss Rachel Gibson John Currie, builder William Rodger, saddler George Fleming, jeweller William Wright, blacksmith Bannatyne Mains — James Duncan, John Christie, chemist farmer

70 Parish of North Bute HOUSEHOLDERS. Ciimmsrmenoch Ward. CUMMERMENOCH WARD.

Cranslagraory — Heirs of Robert and St Ninian's Point — James Hogarth, Alex. Morrison fisherman Acholter —Wra. and John Crawford, Straad— James M'Dougall, fisherman farmers Alex. M'Dougall, fisherman South St Colmac — Mrs Simpson, John M'Kellar, fisherman farmer Alex. M'Kirdy, shoemaker David Frame, grieve Peter Hyndman, fisherman Ettrick Bay— Wm. Miller, confectioner Charles M'Lean, roadman Cranslagloan and Glenbuie — Lachlan Robert Service, cattleman M'Lean, farmer Daniel Sharp, ploughman Cranslagvourtie — William P. Dickie, Mrs Mare:t. Johnston farmer Robert M'Kirdy, blacksmith Largivrechtan — John and John T, Kilwhinleck —-Robert Duncan, farmer M'Connechy, farmers Quogach — Heirs of Daniel Gillies Andrew Paterson, dairyman Greenan and Relivourkie — Heirs of Jas. Dunalunt — Daniel, Arch, and Alex. Paton M'Jntyre. farmer Greenan Mill —James Robertson, miller Wm. Murray, ploughman Milton—Wm. Morrison, farmer Alex. M'Lean, ploughman Stewarthall —Daniel M'Intyre, farmer Upper Ardroscadale — J. C. Stewart, Auchenteerie — Alexander Montgomery, Duncan M'Farlane, and Mrs Agnes farmer M'Farlane, farmer Meikle Kilmory — James M'AIister, Peter White, bower farmer Ballycaul—Hugh M'Fie, farmer Donald White, shepherd Balliaulay School—James Duncan Kerryfern—Kobt. Hyndman, labourer Ballianlay—Peter M'Intyre, sen., and Baramore—Mrs M'Gregor Arch, and Poter M'Intyre, jun., Little Kilmory—Charles Duncan, farmer farmerr John M'Dougall, ploughman Duncan M'Phail, shoempker Mechnoch—Thomas Muir, farmer Daniel Thomson, roadman Ardscalpsie—Peter and Robt. M'Bride, Peter Hyndman, plouehman farmers Nether Ardroscadale—Mrs Mary Stew- Quein and Scalpsie—^Neil J. M'Killop, art, and Alex, and Robert Stewart, farmer farmers Woodend—Daniel Duncan, farmers Ballycurrie—John M'Fie. farmer Auchiemore—Alex. M'Kellar, shepherd Ballycurrie Shore— Walter M'Dougall, Barone Park—John M'Kay, farmer fisherman Wm. Frame, ploughman Robert M'Arthur, fisherman Thomas Potts, shepherd Wm. M'Dougall, fisherman Craigberock— Arch. Morrison, farmer Thomas M'Arthur, fisherman Ladehouse — Heirs of John Jamieson Alex. M'Kirdy, shoemaker Alex. Mathieson. ploughman John Mactie, labourer

Inchmarnock. Mid Park— Charles Macfie, farmer South Park—James and Arch. Robert- son, farmers North Park—James Macfie, farmer Parish of Kingarth HOUSEHOLDERS. Mountstuart Ward.



Mid Ascog-Robert and John M'Alister, Birgidale Knock—James L. Duncan, farmers B. Sc, farmer Duncan Crawford, ploughman Birgidale Ciieff — James, Arch, and Wm. M'Arthur. ploughman John Robertson, farmers Duncan Murdoch, ploughman Ambrisbeg—Mrs Barbara Boag South Kerrycroy--Mrs Hannay Stewart, Alex. Stewart, blacksmith farmer Duncan Lamont, mole catcher Kerrjcruisoch — Duncan and William Birgidale School —Duncan C. Stewart M'Farlane, farmers Ambrisbeg—Heirs of John Jamieson Scoulag Moor—Thos. M'Kirdy, fencer Ardnahoe— David Ferguson, farmer John M'Kinlay Gallachan—Thomas Scott, farmer Hector M'Donald, roadman Keirymenoch—John Martin, farmer Dickson's Dam-Miss Margt. M'Kinlay, Nether Stravannan — James Martin, farmers farmer Kingarth Moor—John Scott Boag Upper Stravannan—Robert Black, road- Drumreoch—John M'Dougall, farmer man Birgidale Butt — James Muir, plough- Langalbuinoch—Heirs of Thos, Baillie man Cottage—Dugald M'Innes James Linden, hedger Langalchorad—Hugh and Ninian Dun- John Speirs, ploughman can, farmers Miss Jane M' Donald Kerry lamont Home Farm—Marquess of James Logan, game watcher Bute Culevin and Meikle Kilchattan — Alex. Kerrylamont^—Peter Fisher, hedger M'Farlane, farmer James Fisher, hedger Gossan—James M'Fie, hedger Wm. M'Intyre, grieve Piperhall — Duncan Bell, jun., mason John Deans, ploughman Mrs Mary MCabe Daniel Keith, carter Arch. Ferguson, labourer Alex. M'Kellar, shepherd Daniel Wallace, gamekeeper Newfarra— Wm. Johnston, labourer Wm. Lamont, labourer David Rose, carter Neil Ferguson, labourer Robert Middleton, watchman James Lamont, mole catcher Andrew Lamont, joiner Mrs Mary M'Lean Upper Scoulag—Dvd. M'Kinnon, carter Robert Jamieson, labourer Arch. M'Taggart. carter Kilchattan Butt — Rodden Middleton, Barefield—Duncan Keith, carter dyke builder James Middleton, ploughman Mrs Jane Black Brvichag — Arch. M'Kay, farmer Bryce Bannatyne, joiner Mountstuart House—The Marquess of Alex. M'Fie, fencer Bute. K.T. Duncan Ferguson, labourer North Lodge — Thomas M'Kirdy, Barnauld — Robert M'Dougall, sen., labourer Robert M'Dougall, jun., and Dun- James Shields, gardener can M'Dougall, farmers Miss Jane Blair 72 — —

Parish of Kingarth HOUSEHOLDERS. Mowntstuart Ward.

East Lodge—Wm. Crisp, buttler South Park—Wm. Spencer, ironmaster Heath Lodge—Donald M'Gregor, la- Wm. Lorraine, gardener bourer Balmory— Robert Laidlaw, engineer Patrick Toole, labourer Robert Thomson, gardener Richard Jaret, valet John Michell, coachman Windsor Cottage— Mrs Jane Black Ascog Hall—Mrs Fanny Stewart Stephen Lane, coachman John Lindsay, coachman New Villa— John Burridge, labourer Blair Lodge—James Gillies, coachman Malcolm M'Leod, ploughman Mrs Janet Dunlop John Wilson, gamekeeper Neil Jamieson, labourer Hugh Murchie, baker John Geddes, gardener Wm. l>ocherty, labourer Ardascog—Mrs Mary Macbeth Hugh Wilson, gamekeeper Ascog Free Church— Rev. Wm. Winter South Lodge— Wm. Hovvley Hallman Ascog Farm—Hugh M-Lean, farmer Wm. Smith, ploughman Ascog House—Thomas Russell. Deputy Daniel M'Farlane, joiner Lieutenant 'Windsor Cottage — Alex. Johnston, North Lodge—Wm. Thomson, gardener joiner South Lodge—D. Stewart, labourer Michael Heron, gardener Post Office-Jessie Crighton, postmistress Kerrycroy—Schoolhouse, Wm. Fulton Smithy John Cowie, woodman Dugald M'Intrye, gardener Angus Shaw, labourer Mrs M'Lean Robert M'Fie, gardener Ascog Banks— Misses Hamilton Daniel Black, joiner John Donaldson, gardener Daniel M'Fie, labourer Fresh Air Fortnight Home James Stewart, joioer St Anne's Lodge— Mrs Henn Miss Mary Baunatyne Alex. Lamb, gardener John Black, labourer Millbank—Mrs Janet Smith

73 Parish of Khiijarth HOUSEHOLDERS. KUchattan Bay War(i. KILCHATTAN BAY WARD.

Kerrytonlia—Daniel Geramel, farmer Wm. Burns, blacksmith Wm. Kennedy, ploughman Mrs Beattie Malcolm Smith, cattleman Hugh Gill, labourer Tilework—Thomas Gilmour, tilemaker Wm. M'Allister, lal^ourer Cottage—Robert Steel, sen. Robert Duncan, labourer Robert Steel, jun. George Strathern, labourer Artillery Drill Hall Wm. Stuart, woodman Little Kilchattaa—Robert and Thomas Hugh Ferguson, labourer Crawford, farmers Dugald M'Intyre, labourer Manse—Rev. John Saunders, B.D. Alex. J. M'Donald, rabbit catcher Gatehouse—Mrs Catherine Currie Fergus S. M'Fie Mrs Corneilius Ward Mrs Margt. Williams Largizean and Stonefield— Arch. Martin, James M'Kirdy, joiner farmer Mrs Catherine Clark Lubas—John and Daniel Macfie, farnjers Wm. Sutheiland, wine merchant Plan and Kelspoke— David & Haddow James Meiklejobn Hastings, farmers Police Station —N. Fisher Quogach— Arch. Murray, farmer South Garrochty — David & Haddow St Blane's Hotel—David K. Kelly Hastmgs, farmers Wm. Morrison, builder Dunagoil—Mrs Janet Weir, farmer Temperance Hotel —Misses Martin Kelspoke—Mrs Ferguson, farmer Pier—James Muir Duncan Bell, sen. Mrs D Thomson Kilchattan Mill—Mrs Isa. Meiklejobn David Thomson, jun.. engineer Daniel M'Fie, joiner Miss Isabella Bird Mrs Bell John Gumming, builder Malcolm Bell, mason David Bird Robert Dean, woodman Thomas Gilmour. tilemaker Mrs Margt. Hendry Arch. Hendry, plumber KiNGARTH. James Duncan Parish Church—Rev. J. Saunders, B.D. John Inglip, draper Hotel—David Crawford, hotel-keeper George Mann, draper James Gill, blacksmith Beechland — Scboolhouse— Wm L. Thomson Alex. Weir, baker Robert Macfie, joiner Christopher Leckie, flesher Mrs Jessie Waddell Kilchattan Bay. Robert Liddle, flesher Wm. M'Millan, boatman David Caddenhead, glass stainer Wm. Duncan, shoemaker Currie's Land — Mrs Murray, dress- Robert J. Duncan, labourer maker Alex. Brown, roadman Mrs Greig John M'Dougall, labourer Miss Flora Brodie Moses Martin, engineer John Orr, joiner Miss Jean Blue Allan Campbell, warehouseman James Jamiesou, fisherman Mrs Forrest Miss Janet Fullerton Firlea— Robert Mackie, seaman Miss Janet M-Millan Charles Mackay, tailor Thomas Huttou, labourer Miss Jane M'Kay 74 Parish of Klngarth HOUSEHOLDERS. Kilcliattan Bay Ward.

Free Church and manse—Rev. Benjamin Donald Glen, fisherman Jamieson Davidson, B.D. Mrs Mary Boag or Macfie Post Office Buildings — Miss Janey Miss Mary Currie Currie, postmistress and newsagent Daniel M'Fie, seaman Thomas Johnston Wm. M'AUister, coal merchant Miss Janet Currie Robert M'Kill, painter Rosina Place—George Baillie, butcher Angus M'AUister, 'bus driver Wm. Henderson, shoemaker William Aitken Miss Margt. Morrison John Galbraith, carpenter William Pattie Duncan Bell, baker John Bell, retired blacksmith Mrs Roy Alex. Weir, baker Mrs Mary M'Kenzie Miss Jane Bell Garden G. Greig, compositor Mrs Janet Beith Miss Catherine M'Farlane Wm. Kelly Allan Glen, sen., tailor Adam Dean, rabbit catcher Mrs Catherine Day 'Mrs Elizabeth Glen Miss Mary M'Dougall Miss Jeannie Hamilton Thomas Rogerson. wool merchant Mrs Mary Miller Miss Barnett Wm. M'Laren, engraver Donald M'Niveu D. M'Callura, boathirer John Smith, tailor James Little—ploughman George S. Anderson, compositor Gilroy Cottage—Catherine Walker Lilybank—James Hinshaw, tileworker John M'Dougall, fisherman Mrs Janet Wyllie Rowan Tree Cottage—Robert Morrison, J. M'Intosh, tailor fisherman St Blane's Terrace—John Reid, post- Christina Morrison man Mrs Margt. Stewart Woodside—John Cumming, builder John Morrison Miss Elizabeth Reid Govandale —Wm. Orr, tailor John L. Campbell, traveller John M'Fadyen Paterson, japanner John Gow, clerk William R. Thomson Miss Ann Scott Wm. Simpson, glass merchant John Strang, potato merchant Wm. Henderson, shoemaker Robert Kelso, seaman

James M'Dougall, jun , engineer Cliffside—Mrs Baird Mrs West John Marshall, ironfounder Glenarch—John Galbraith, grocer Mrs Wm. Campbell, spirit merchant Mrs Margt. Manson Andrew Lochhead, clerk John Dykes, commercial traveller Mrs Kelso Mrs R. R. Perry Mrs Ann Brown Mrs Mary Barr Hugh Cameron Albert Place—Miss Jessie Campbell, John Wilson, grocer ironmanger Andrew M'Geashan, surveyor Arch. M'Fie. grocer Mrs Annie Ewing Daniel M'Fie, carriage hirer John Duncan, seaman Robert Miekle, engraver Mrs Margt. Stewart Hugh M'Callum, shipmaster Mrs Bella M-P. Duncan Miss Isabella Kelso, draper Mrs M'Coll Sprinirwell — Miss Janet Duncan Miss Catherine Johnstone wood Mrs Jessie , James Fisher, 'bus driver Beech — Graham James Anderson, warehouseman




Branch, Cemetery Gate, Rothesay.

J^> TAfifiAfithh, Successor to John Duncan,


Hopes, by strict attention to Business, to merit a continuance of tlie favours so long en joyed by his predecessor. Best Wishaw House Coal supplied loose in carts, or in bags. ADAM B O YD, OFFICE ON PIER. HOUSE -18 RUSSELL ST., ROTHESAY.

General Contractor ; Furnititre and other Goods Carefully Removed. D. C. MXJRR^AY, HOUSE & COACH PAINTER, DECORATOR & GLAZIER, 86 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY,

Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes and Whiting, Wholesale and Retail. IP^A^I^T III.



Scott, 63 Victoria st Accountants. M 'Alpine & Robertson, David, 7 E. Princes st Campbell, Alex , 3 Tower st Robertson, John, 11 E. Princes st M'liitosli, Will., Bishop st Smith, James, Montague st

Sterment, J. , High st Miller, Daniel, County Buildings Walker, John, 15 E. Princes st

Crated Water Manufacturers Basket Maker. Cunningham Sf Co., New Halls Morrell. James, Mill st M' Kinky. A.. Columshill st Paterson, George, Bishop st Billiard Saloon. Lawrie, John, Gallowgate Architects. Morrison, Kobert, Watergate Bill]poster. Tower st M'Kinlay, Andrew M.,10 M'Millan, Wm. B 48 High st Thomson, John R., 5 High st Blacksmiths. Auctioneers, Baird Andrew, 113 High st Campbell, Alex., 3 Tower st Moodie, John, High st Ferguson, Daniel, 29 Argyle st M'Bride, Robert, John st M'Lellan, Quiiitin, Croft lane Bakers. Shaw, Daniel, 99 High st Black. Hugh, 5 and 6 Argyle st, Walker, Archibald (and heating 7 High street, and — Mill st engineer, Mill st Buchanan, Donald, 9 Gallowgate Watson & Son, Castle st Grant, Peter, 1 Gallowgate Lamont, John, jn., 19 Gallowgate Boarding Houses. The Hotels, and Lawson, David, 86 Montague st Ivy Bank, Bridge sfc—J. Muir and East Princes st 6 Elysium, Mountstuart rd Morris, David I., Montague st Muir, Charles, 17 High st and 17 Argyle st 77 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay.

Kerr, Neil, 33 Victoria st Boat Builders. Lyle, John, Townhead Dewar, Francis, 14 Watergate M'Cord, John, Russell st Jardine, Robert, 11 King st

Boat Hirers. 'Bus Proprietors. Martin, J. & A. , Bishop ter brae Black, D. M'A., West Bay Calder, Thomas. Aigyle st Moodie ^ Wallace, 1 6 Watergate Fyfe, John, Ardbeg M'Kirdy, Hugh, Bishop st Gillespie, James, Argyle st M'Milian, James, Store lane Jardiue, Robert, Mountstuart rd Knox, John, Albert pi Leitch, Dn., Mountstuai't rd Butchers. M 'Donald, Fred., Albert pi M'Farlane, Geo., Esplanade Black, George, 13 Watergate M'Nair, D., West Bay Brownlie, Wra., Albert pi Price, Mrs. Esplanade Rae, Mrs, Mountstuart rd Crawford, Mrs, 3 Bishop st Scullion, P., Esplanade Gibson, John, 19 Gallowgate Shields, John, Esplanade Stoddart, Alex., Esplanade Johnstone, Mrs, 11 W. Princes st James, Albert place Taylor, Love, J. D. K., Dean Hood pi Millar, Wm. C., 21 High st Booksellers, Stationers and M'Alpine, Robert, 115 Montague st Newsagents. M'Gilp, Daniel, 38 High sfc Duncan, A., 33 Gallowgate M'Lachlan, Mrs L., Montague st M'Milian, Wm., Montague st Ferguson, Bryce, 49 Montague st Shaw, Arch., Mill st Harold, Misses E.t^-I., 12 Albert pi Squair, F. H., 5 Gallowgate Hogg, Mrs, Montague st M'CuUoch, H. P., Montague st Mackinlay, John, 21 Victoria st Carriage Hirers. Mackinnon, Hector, 11 Victoria st The 'Bus Proprietors and M'Nair, Peter, E. Princes st M'CoU, John, Ladeside Fulton, 3kliss A., 10 Argyle st M'Lean, Thomas, 3 Union st Lyle, Mrs John, 5 Montague st M'Milian, John, jun. , High st M'Milian, Wm., Mill st Wright, jun., Guildford sq C. L., M'Nicol, Duncan, High st Nisbet, John, 46 Montague st Boot and Shoemakers. and 5 Bridge st Collier, S. & Sons, Montague st Shaw, John, Bridge-end st Dick. 11. & J., 105 Montague st Gray. J. & Son, Montague st Princes st Irvine, Samuel, E. Makers. Laing, James, 4 Gallowgate Cabinet M'Kinlay, Robert, Chapelhill rd Anderson, Alex., West Castle st Sweeney, James, W. Princes st Dodds, A. & Son, Bridge-end st Thompson, Daniel, 55 Victoria st Duncan, John, 25 Bridge st Thompson, James, 94 Montague st Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st Thomson, Miss, Montague st Smith, John, 13 Bishop st Trivet, W. J., High st Weir, Dugald, 71 Montague st Carriers. — Builders. EoTHESAY and Glasgow Bone, R., Russell st Hendry, Jas., 72 Montague st AVilliani, Hunter, Win , Stafta pi Murray, Montague st 78 —

Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rolliesay.

M'Gilp, Daniel, 41 Montague st Glen, Thomas, Broadcroft Perston, William, 58 Montague st, Dixon, Wm., Limited, 13 Kingst and 53 Dunlop st and 65 W. Howard st, T^A-nSriT^^IIILL. Watergate Glasgow Glasgow & Ayr Coal Depot, Bishop st Rothesay, Port-Bannatyne & Mount- M'Ewan, Arch., King st STUART M'Kirdy, John, 38 Bishop st Shaw, John, Bridge-end st RoTHFSAY and Kilchattan— Confectioners. Matliieson, Alex., Meadowcap Blue, Miss Janet, Montague st Boyle, Chas., Pier & E. Princes st Garters. Duncan, Mrs R. M., 15 Victoria st Boyd, Adam, Pier and Russell st Guilliani, Leijioldo, Montague st Cosgi'ove, Hugh, Columshill st Johnston, Mrs, 99 Montague st

Faulds, W. & J. , King st Laird, Mrs, Gallowgate Murray & Meikle, Quay Maxwell, James. E. Princes st M'Kirdy, Jolin, 38 Bishop st M'Allister, Miss, 5 W Princes st M'Lean.P., Mill st M 'Alpine & Scott, 63 Victoria st M'Millan, Arch., Store lane M'Cord, John, Victoria & Montague sts M'Millan, James, High st M'Lellan, Miss H.. E. Princes st Watson, Robert, Quay Nisbet, Miss, Gallowgate White, J., 25 Gallowgate, — Agent Cartwrights. for Cooper ^ Co.'s Teas Kirkwood, David, 111 High st Shand, Joseph, Argyle st Morrison, Robert, Watergate Coopers. M'Bride, James, John st M. & G. Innes, 101 Montague st Chemists and Druggists. ^ Cycle Builder and Repairer. Duncan, Win,, 13 E. Princes st M'Lellan, Q. B., Croft lane—'cy- Hicks, Geo. ^ Son, 1 Victoria st cling taught Jamieson, W. B., 64 Montague st Leith Peter, 43 Victoria st., and Dairy Keepers. Port-Bannatyne Bell, Miss, Watergate Cameron, Miss, Montague st M'Kii'dy, John, Victoria st Jamieson, Miss, W. Princes st Johnston, Mrs, 99 Montague st China and Earthenware Montgomery, Miss. E. Princes st Dealers. Murray, Alex., Dean Hood pi Campbell, James, 19 Watergate Lillie, Miss Albert pi Dentist. Scott, Isaac, Montague st Brown, Thos. M., L.D.S., 3^ Vic- Thomson, Thos., 65 Montague st toria st Chimney Sweepers. Drapers. The Slaters and Brown, A. ^ Son, 31 and 33 Mon-

Hyndman, James, 52 Montague st tague st ; also 1 and 2 Albert pi Miller, Alexander, 44 High st Callan, J. M'C, Russell st Hendersfju, Mrs, Dean Hood \A Hill, Georf^e, Montague st Coal Merchants. Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st Black, John S., Bislu'p st Cameron, Duncan, Bridge-end st Lyle, Mrs, 52 High st 79 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay.

Miller ^ Co., 48 Montague st Fishmongers. Muir, Wm. C, 19 Montague st M'Kendrick, J., Watergate M'Arthur, Donald, Albert pi M'Quistan, Mrs, Montague st M'Aulay, Mrs, 85 Montague st O'Neil, Mrs, 22 High st O'Neil, Wm., High st M'Crone, James, 59 Montague st Slaven, Mrs Henry. Watergate Paterson ^' Sons, 39 Victoria st Smith John, 35 Victoria st Sharp, Alex., 79 Montague st Thomson, J., Dean Hood pi Thorburn, John, 18 W. Princes st Thomson, Wm., 13 Montague st Wright, Mrs, Montague st Florists, Nurserymen, Seeds- Dvessinahers. men & Market Gardeners. Barr. Miss, Ardbeg rd Anderson, Hugh, Serpentine rd Brown, Miss, Columshill st Campbell, D., Argyle ter Cunningham, Misses. Argyle st Chisholm, Duncan, Ardbea; Dodds, Misess, 75 Montague st Clow. Robert, 39 and 40 Ardbeg Fletcher. Miss, Bishop st Cuthbertson,M., Public Park Nur- Mountpleasant rd. Forfar, Miss. sery, High st Haunay, Misses, Montague st Dobbie Co., Seed Growers and Jeffrey, Miss, Broadcroft lane Sf Johnston, Miss, Columshill st Florists to the Queen, Spring- Miss es, 1 2 Argyle st Macfie, field, High St., and at Orping Bridge st M'Lea, Miss Margt., 20 ton, Kent High st M'Lea, Misses, Fleming, Gavin, Barone rd Middleton, Miss, Victoria st Hill. John, Ballochgoy st (at Barone rd) Muir, Miss, Mill Jaraieson, Arch., Culavine Nursery Nisbet, Mrs, 46 Montague st Paterson, Mrs, Dean Hood pi Chapelhill rd Rankine, Misses, W. Princes st Jamieson, Wm., Serpentine rd Shaw, Miss, Columshill st Lister, Alex.,Meadowbank, Barone Stewart, Mrs, Argyle st rd Weir, Miss, Mountpleasant rd M'Pherson, Andrew, Craigmore M'Kinnon, James, Gowanfield, nursery Dyer and Gleaner. Shielis, George, Townhead Ferguson Alex., 91 High st Stuart, George, Chapelhill Nur- sery, Argyle st and Bridge st Fai niers. Wilson, Colin, Eden pi, High st Ardbeg- ... Alex. Currie ... Mrs Stuart Barone Fruiterers and Greengrocers. Bogany ... John G. Simpson Argyle st Crossbeg.. Robert Currie Jamieson, A., & Son. 9 John M'Pherson M'Intyre, G., Montague st Gartnakeilly M'Lelian, Miss H., E. Princes st Knockanreoch & Mrs, 14 Gallowgate . Patience, M'Millan Larkhall John Rankin, Misses, Albert pi Little Grenach... P.&D.M'Callum Rennie, R., Montague st Lochend and Service, Misses, Montague st Lochly Misses Macfarlane Slaven, John, Store lane Meikle Grenach- Dug-ald Cowan White, Miss J., 25 Gallowgate Westland John Currie Wilson & Co., Victoria st Windyhall T. H. Harvey Furniture Brokers. Fish C liver. Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st Barr, Peter, 35 Watergate 80 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay. Walker, James A., 2 Bridge-end st Funeral Undertakers. and 6 East Princes st (yee Joiners.) Wallace, Thomas, 1 4 Montague st General Merchant. Williams, Thos., 106 Montague st James, 20 Bishop sfc Coutts, Hatters. Glaziers. Lamont, Arch ., Montague st RanJiin, Alex., 25 Victoria st Murray, D. C, 86 Montague st (See also Joiners.) Hairdressers. Grocers. Cameron, G. O., 51 Victoria st (Licensed marked "1." Gardiner, J., W. Princes st ZAitcliisoii, Thomas, 30 Mill st Morrison, Arch., 90 Montague st iBaird, Mrs, Ardbeg ZBlack, D. M'A., Castle st ZBuchannan, M., 51 Montague st Hotel and Innkeepers. ZCallan, J. M'C, 19 E. Princes st Bainbridge Wm., (Eagle), 1 Mon- Colville, Mrs, 25 Mill st tague st Connell, Mrs, Bishop st Brown, John, (Victoria), 57 Vic- Cunningham, Jas. , 81 Montague st toria st Carrie, T). , Ardbeg rd ^Dickie, Mrs, Montague st Kelly, John L., (Royal), Albert pi Findlay, Mrs Watergate Lyle, Charles (Lome), Guildford sq Finlay, Peter, Wyndham rd Win., (Osborne), 87 Ferrier, David, Montague st M'CuUoch, Fordyce, Mrs, 103 HIrIi st Victoria st Forfor, J., 90b and 131 High st M'Kinlay, Mrs, 4 High st Graham, Mrs, Mill st Watergate and W. Princes st Halbert, Mrs, Hillhouse rd M'Millan, Jas., (Queen's), Argyle st Holmes, Andrew, Victoria st M'Pherson, D., Argyle Hunter, James, 10 W. Princes st Paton, Mrs, ( Waverley), — Johnston, Mrs, 99 Montague st st ZLamberton, Wm., King st Smith, Robt., (Bute Arms), Guild- Logan, David. Bridge-end st ford sq Mason, Thomas, — High st Melrose, Mi-s, Stuart st Turner, John, (Argyle), 27 Water- ZMillar, Andrew M., 1 Argyle st gate /Mitchell, Samuel, 6 High st Wilson, D., (Pension), Craigmore Moore, Mrs, High st ZMorton, Hugh, 62 Montague st House Agents and Factors. Munro, D., 5 Albert pi Brown, Neil, Pier M'Callum, Neil, 96 Montague st Campbell, A., Tower st M'Farlane, Mrs, 129 High st M'Kechuie, Mrs, Hillhouse rd Fisher, James, W. Castle st M'Kinnon, John, Montague st Miller, D.. County buildings M'Lachlan, Arch., Montague st Macbeth, Adam D., Castle st ZM'Lachlan, D., 16 Columshill st Maddever, W. C. W., 36 Bishop st M'Lean, Miss, Castle st M'Millan, John, Watergate M'Intosh, Wm., 30 Bishop st ZPerry, Alex., 14 Mill st M'Millan, D., (and Valuator), 13 Bishop st Sharp, Miss, Ladeside Thomson, John R., 5 High st Stewart, Alex., Bishop st Turner, Arch., Craigmore pier /Stewart, Mrs J. C, 13 High st Wilson, John T., High st iSwanston, Arthur, W. Princes st 81 H Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay.

Insurance Agents. Ferguson L. Sf Son, 15 Bridge st Keith, Alex., Russell st Alexander, T. W,, Castle st Lauder Wm., Brotherston, Andrew, 17 E. Princes st 34 Columshill st Bnrnie, A., Higli st Morrison Robert, 35 Watergate Cameron, James, •22 Russell st M' Bride James, John st Campbell, Alex., Tower st Grant. Donald, W. Castle st M-Callum ^' Son, 50 High st Griffiths. John, Barone road M'Nab Alex., 51 E. Princes st Harvey, John C, Clironide office Smith John, 13 Hicks, Charles, 1 Victoria st Bishop st Hio-uie, George, 22 Bridge st Laundry Keepers. Tnnes, M. & G., Montague st Blair, Mrs A., 61 Ardbeg rd st Kidd, John, 31 Bishop , Johnston, Miss Agnes, 25 Barone rd Liddle. Robert, Colunishill st Robertson James, Lamont, Hector. E. Princes st Ladeside l^ivingstone, Duncan, Argyle st Macbeth, Adam D., 15 Castle st Ladies and Childrens Maddever, W. C. W., 36 Bishop st Outfitters. Alartin, Ge

Thomson, John, lloyal Bank Stewart tf- Co., Store Lane Turner, Archibald, Craigmore pier M'Kirdy John 38 Bishop st Wil.son, John T., Castle st Wilson, Robert, High st Librarians. Harold, Misses E. & I., Albert pi Ironmongers. Mackinlay John, 21 Victoria st Black Jardine, 19 Gallowgate Mackinnon Hector, 11 Victoria st Brown Hobert, 43 Montague st Norman Stewart Institute. Montague st Gardner, Mrs, 93 Montague st Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st Millers. Na[)ier Thomas, 68 Montague st Robertson, James, Greenan mill Stewart Co., Milioy L., 47 Montague st Sf — Mill st M'Nab, Thomas, Montague st Thomson Thomas, 65 Montague st Milliners. Dodds Misses, 75 Montague st Joiners. Elder, Mrs, 102 Montague'st Bowman William, 1 W. Castle st Morrison Mrs, 67 Victoria st M'Alpine, Mrs, Bridge Dewar Duncan, 83 Montague st st Paierson J., 31 Victoria st Dodds, A. & Son, Bridge-end st Rankine, Misses, W. Princes st Duncan, John, 25 Bridge st Railton, Mrs, Montague st 82 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay.

13 Montague st Thomson, Wm., Porters. Wright, Mrs, Montague st No. 1—Daniel Duncan, 41 Watergate 2—James Patrick, 2 Staffa pi Neivspaper Correspondents S 3—James M'Donald, Russell st 4—James Gumming, Bridge end st Advertising Agents. 5—Campbell, M'Lachlan, Bridge-end st Ladeside Ewin"- A., Buteman office 6—Dugald M'Murchie, 7—M'Leish, Robert, 13 Gallowgate • Harvey J. C, Chronicle office S_Young, Robert, 82 High st Hugh, 4 King st Geo., Directory and 9—M'Lean, Higgle ABC 10—Shaw John, 19 Victoria st Guide office 11—M'Kellar, Duncan, Moatague st 12—Keith, John, 105 High st Mackenzie M. , Express office Mackinnon, H., 11 Victoria st Postinen.

Bray, E. , 3 King st Net Manufacturer. Blue, John, High st Buchanan, James, Union st Blue, P., High st Collias, C. A., Russell st Painters. Ellis, W. H.. Norwood M'Lellan, M., High st Lang, Arthur R., Russell st M' Arthur, E., W, Princes st Murray, D. C, 86 Montague st M'Farlane, R., High st M'Coll Hugh, 32 Montague st M'Millan, Daniel, Colurashill st M'Fie Dugald H., 35 High st Nicholson, Armiger, Hillhouse rd Shand, Joseph, Hillhouse rd Reid, John, Kilchattan Bay Stark J., 16 Argyle st Thompson, Hugh. Argyle st Stewart W. & J., — W Princes st Yell, Peter, 125 High st

Patunbroker. Poulterers. Innes, George, W. Castle st Patience Mrs, 14 Gallowgate Smith John, 35 Victoria st PJiotographers. Adamson & Son. Chapelhill rd Printers and Publishers. c^ M'Kim, 32 Aigyle st, Fergus Harvey Sz Co., Chronicle office, and 36 West Blackball st, Watergate Greenock Higgle ^ Co., Directory and ABC Palace Studio, Dean Hood pi office, Bridge st Pearlman, M. & Co., 9 Victoria st Guide 22 Sweet, Charles, E. Princes st Mackenzie M., Express Office, 11 Montague st Plasterers. Wilson W. A., Buteman office, Duncan, Matthew, Ladeside Castle st Jamieson, John, Mill st M'Kinnon, Hugh, Mill st Restaurateurs. M'Quistan, John, John st Boyle, Charles, Pier Brown, Mrs, 29 Gallowgate Plnmhers. Buchanan Donald, 27 Victoria st Cruickshanks John, 47 High st Crichton, Alex., Argyle st Cunningham Daniel. 3 Bridge st Faukls, Mrs, Stuart st Gillespie James, 7 Bridge st Peacock A R., 23 High st Herbert, Miss Edith, Albert pi 83 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay.

Jackson, David, Montague st Heaton, Robert, E Princes st Johnston, Thomas, 82 Montague st Kerr, Mrs, Bridge-end st Muir James, Guildford sq Laidlaw George B., 25 Watergate John, Victoria and Montague sts M'Cord, Miller Samuel, Bridge-end st Miss, W. Princes st M'Allister, Montgomerie, Francis, W. Princes st M'Alpine S) Scott. 63 Victoria st M'Grory, M., Montague st Norman Stewart Institute Montague M'Phee, Hugh, 27 Gallowgate st Paterson Robt., 9 E. Princes st Petrie, J., Montague st Robertson, John, Castlehill st Scott, Matthew, Mill st Shields, Robert, E. Princes st Stevenson, John Castle st Scott, Matthew, 56 Montague st Sweeney, Mrs, Watergate Tannock James, Guildford sq Walker John, HE. Princes st Taylor, D. M., Tower st

Saddlers. Steamboat Agents. Boyd, Adam, 18 Russell st st Burness Robert, 29 High Meikle, Arch., Moitntpleasant Livingstone George, Castlehill st M'Kinnou, Alex. , Tower st Paterson, Charles, Argyle st Sloan, Hugh, E. Princes st Scid]jtors. Stevenson George, Gowanfield pi Lyle John, Townhead Watson Robt., Mountpleasant rd Mossman, Wm. & Co., Townhead Tailors and Clotiders. Slaters. Brown A. & Son, 31 Montague st Hyndman James, 52 Montague st Dobbie, Andrew, Victoria st Duncan & Son, 48 Montague st Miller Jas. 4' Sons, Columshill st M'Crone James, 59 Montague st Leckie Wm. M,, Bridge st M'Kay Charles, 25 Montague st Paterson Kobert, 16 Argyle st Marshall, James, Mountpleasant Miller & Co., 46 Montague st Seed and Potato Merchants Lament Arch., 15 Gallowgate and Manure Agents. Paterson & Sons, 39 Victoria st Crawford, A. M 'B., Ardbeg rd Rankin Alex., 25 Victoria st Duncan Arch., King st Speirs Angus, 10 Gallowgate Ninian, Store lane Duncan Stewart Alex., 18 Gallowgate Fisher James, W. Castle st Watson George, 13 Gallowgate Heron James, Mountpleasant rd Montague st Robertson Mrs, John st Yates, James, Stewart 4' Co., Store lane Teachers. Spirit Merchants. See also Official List. Music. The Hotel and Innkeepers and Christie Arthur S., Crichton rd Barton James, 3 Victoria st Brewster, James, Tower st Dryden George, Castle st Brown, Robert High st M'Arthtir, James, Bishop st Bruce Henry, 20 Gallowgate Shorthand. Burns, James, Gallowgate Higgle George, 22 Bridge st Duncan Mrs A., 8 Watergate Swimming. Ferguson Mrs Grace, 25 High st Ferguson, John, Stuart st Hamilton George, Stewart baths Heaton James, 7 Victoria st 84 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. Rothesay.

Silver Andrew Y., 83 Victoria st Tinsmiths Thomson Thos., 65 Montague st Love J. Iv., 66 Montague st M'Nal), John, E. Princes st M'Nab, Thomas, 15 Montague st Umbrella Makers. M'Tavish, Bdw., Castle st M'Kirdy James, 77 Victoria st Thomson Thos 65 Montague st Silver Andrew Y., 83 Victoria st Tobacconists. Upholsterers. Hogg, Mrs, Montague st Lyle Mrs, 5 Montague st Anderson Alex., W. Castle st Marshall, James, Montagi;e st Innes, M. & G., 101 Blontague st Montague st M'CuUoeh, H. P., Mitchell Thomas^ Dean Hood pi M'Intosh Duncan, 104 Montague Paterson Robert, E. Princes st st Robertson Angus, 3 Argyle st M'Gilp Alex., 3 High st Silver Andrew Y., S3 Victoria st WatchmaJiers and Jeiuellers. Stewart & Co., Albert pi Duncan John, 55 Montague st Wilson D., Victoria st Fraser, John, Ladeside st Lauder Hugh, 8 Albert Toy and Fancy Goods Dealers. pi M'Gilp Alexander, 3 High st Black Jardine, 21 Gallowgate Gardner. Mrs, Montague st M'Beath, Alex., 4J Gallowgate Hannah, Misses, Montague st Thomson, Thos., ^b Montague st Hogg, Mrs, Montague st Lyle Mrs, 5 Montague st Wood Merchant. M'Kirdy James, 77 Victoria st Halliday, George, Sawmill, Union st


M'Intyre, Daniel Bcikers. Shearer, Matthew Brown Mrs, Front Street Sands AVilliam, Old Quay head Black Hugh, Shore st Wilson James, Front st

Blacksmitlis. Butcher. Smith,' John, Ettrick Lamont, H. Thomson, C, Port-Bannatyne Carriage Hirers, Boat Builders. Crawford Dd,, Shore Street, Fyfe, John & Charles, Ardmaleish point West Currie, Duncan Malcolm Arch., Shore st, West Hyndman, James ]\Iiller, Arch. Boat Hirers. Alexander James, Shore st Carters. Brown, Arch., Port-Bannatyne Currie, Duncan Hyndman, James Malcolm Arch., Front st 85 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. North Bute.

Kildavannan ... Mrs M'Intyre Chimney Siveeper. Kilmichael M'Callum Shearer, Matthew Bros. Largivrechtan ... John M'Connechy Coal Merchants. Lenniehall John Lamont Carrie, Duncan Little Kilmory ... Charles Duncan Hyndman, James Mechnoch Thomas Muir Loch George, Back st Meikle Kilmory.. James M'Alister Milton Wm. Morrison Confectioners, ^t. Nether Ardroscadale, Mrs Stewart Alexander Miss, Shore st North Ettrick ... Robert Macfie Quogach ... Mrs Gillies Redfern Miss, Shore st Quein and Scalpsie, J. M'Killop Ferguson Miss, Shore st Rhubodach ... John Duncan Rullecheddan ... W. M'Gregor Dressmakers. Scarrel Mrs J. M'Intyre Hunter, Miss, Govandale pi Shalunt Neil Dougan Lamont & Paton, Gladstone pi South St Colmac Mrs Murray, Liza, Front st Simpson M'Cunn, Miss, Back st Stewarthall D. M'Intyre M'Lachlan, Miss, Back st Stuck Arch. Lamont Wilson, Misses, Oakbank Upper Ardroscadale, R.& J. Stewart Upper Ettrick ... Mrs Hunter Druggist. West St Colmac. Hugh Johnston Leith, Peter, Shore st Grocers. Fai'mers. Alexander, Miss, Shore st ... 'Donald Auchavoulaig D. M Black, Eliz. , Castle st Auchiemore Daniel Duncan Ferguson, Miss, Shore st Acholter... John Crawford Halliday John Ardscalpsie Robert M'Bride Lawson, Andrew, Victoria pi Ardmaleish Mrs Stevenson Loch, James, Crown buildings M'Lellan, Miss, Auchenteerie ... Alex. Montgomerie Castle st Ballanlay.. Peter M'lntyre Roxburgh, Mrs M., Govandale pi Ballycaul.. Hugh Macfie Bannatyne Mains James Duncan Hotel and Innkeepers. Barone Park ... John M'Kay Crawford, Miss, Crown Craigberoch Arch. Morrison M'Millan, W. C, Royal Donald Jhn., Cranslagloan ... Lachlan M'Lean Port-Bannatyne Inn Cranslagmory ... Alex. Robertson Gregorson Mrs E,, Anchor Tavern Cranslagvourity. Wm. P. Dickie Drumachloy James Lyon Ironmongers. * Dunallan Daniel M'Intyre Currie, Duncan, Front st

East St Colmac Mrs Carswell Loch cj- Co., Shore st Edinbeg... Mrs G. Malcom Eskechraggan ... Thomas Barr Joiners. Glecknabae Bryce Martin Currie, Duncan, Shore st Glenmore Andrew M'Intyre Lusk James, Back st Gortans ... J. & A. Ritchie Malcom, Arch., Shore st, "West Greenan... Miss Paton M'Fie, John, Castle st. West Inchmarnock— ... Macfie Mid Park Charles Newsagent, Stationer, ^c. North Park ... James Macfie M'Cunn, Miss, Post Office South Park ... Arch. Robertson Kilbride Mrs Stevenson 86 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. North BuU.

Restaurateur. Tailor. George Welsh, Shore st Boden William, Shore st

Shoemakers. Baird, David, Front st Redfern, Wm., Shore st Hasting, Govandale


Baker. Draper and Outfitter. Currie Miss, Kilchattan Bay Kelso Miss Isa., Kilchattan Bay

Blacksmith. Dressmakers. Bell, James, Millhole Stewart, Miss Jessie, Kerrycroy Gill, James, Kingarth Kelso, Misses, Kilchattan Bay Stewart, Alex., Ambrisbeg Williams, Mrs „ ^ Johnstone, Misses ,, Boat Hirer. Farmers. M 'Galium, Arch., Kilchattan Bay M'Callum, Dugald, „ Ambrisbeg" ... Mrs Boag Ambrismore ... J. Jamieson Builder. Ardnahoe ... Mrs Ferg-uson Bay- Bell, Duncan, jun., Kilchattan Barefield.. ... Marquess of Bute Bell, Duncan, sen., ,, Barnauld.. M'Dougall Robt. Gumming, John, ,. Birgidale Crieff, Robertson Sons Morrison, Wm., *, J & M'Fie, Fergus, ,, Birgidale Knock, Js. L.Duncan, B.Sc. Bruchag. Arch M'Kay Butcher. Culevine... Alex. M'Farlane Weir, George, Kilchattan Bay Dixon's Dam ... Miss M'Kinlay Drumreoch John M'Dougall Carriage Hirers. Dunagoil.. Mrs Janet Weir M'Fie, Arch., Post Office, Kingarth Gallachan Thomas Scott Keid, John, Kilchattan Bay Kerrycroy Mrs Stewart Moodie ^-Wallace, Kilchattan Bay Kerrycruisoch ... Dun. M'Farlane M'Millan James. Kilchattan Bay Kerrylamont ... Marquess of Bute Kerrymenoch ... John Martin Carters. Kerrytonlia D. Gemmill Ferguson, John, Kilchattan Bay Langalbuinoch... Hugh Baillie M'Fie, Arch., Podt Office, Kingarth Langalchorad ... Hugh Duncan M'Fie, D., Kilchattan Bay Little Kilchattan Robert Crawford Lubas John Macfie Coal Dealers. Meikle Kilchattan, A. Macfarlane Deans, Adam, Kilchattan Bay Mid-Ascog ... R. & M'Ahster M'Dougall, John, J. ,, Nether Stravannan, James Martin M'Fie, Daniel, ,, Plan D.&H. Hastings Confectioners and Restaurateurs. Qnochag.. ... Arch. Murray Muir, James, Kilchattan Pier South Garrochty. D. & H.Hastings Weir, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay 87 Parish of BUSINESS LISr. Kingarth.

Gumming, John, Kilcliattan Bay Grocers. Lament, A., ,, M,Fie, Daniel, Currie Miss, Kilchattan Bay ,, M'Fie, Kobert, „ Galbraith John, Kilchattan Bay Jamieson, Miss, Kerrycroy Slioemakers. M'Lellan, A., ,, Henderson, Wm., Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, Arch., Kilchattan Bay Duncan, Wm., ,, Hotel Keepers. Stationer and Neivsagent. David, Crawford Kingarth Currie Miss, Kilchattan Bay Kelly, David K., (St Blane's), Kilchattan Bay Tailors. Martin Miss, Kilchattan Bay M'Intosh, John, Kilchattan Bay Orr William, Kilchattan Bay Joiners. Bannatyne, Bryce, Kilchattan Butts


Bakers. Boot and Shoemakers. Allan, Wm., 9 Glasgow st Anderson, James, 23 Kelburn st Baillie & Co., Mrs James, 8 Quayhead Dunan, Wm. , 7 Guildford 'st John, 9 Guild- Little, DaA'id, 7 Stuart st Cunningliam, Millport Co-Operative Soc, Ltd., 13 Cardiff st ford st Speirs, Allan, 28 Stuart st Builders. Crawford, Wm., Garnock villa Taylor, James, jun., M'Graw, John, 7 Barend st Shearer, John, Churchhill st Blacksmiths. Crawford, John, Vulcan forge, Mountstuart pi Butchei's. Crawford st Fullarton, Arch., 1 Allan, James, 25 Glasgow st Somerville, Wm., Glasgow st M'Farlane, Wm. & T., 19 Guildford st, and and 5 Stuart st

Templeton, Wm. , 20 Stuart st Boat Builders. View house. West Cameron, J. & P., Sea Bay Carriage Hirers. Mauchline, Colin, 54 George st Bartholomew, Wm., Kendal Bank FergiTson, Mrs, 6 Miller st Boat Hirers. Hill, John, Ivy Cottage, East Bay Hunter, Alex., Glasgow st Lumsden, J., Barend st Hunter, Neil, Clyde st M'CoU, H., Barend ,st Mauchline, Colin, Barend st M'Kay, D., Keppel Pier Porterfield, Wm., Quayhead M'Kirdy, J. & J., Nether Kirkton Wallace, Charles, Glasgow st M'Nicol, W., Cardiff st Wallace, W. B., Strathwherry, Glasgow st Cari'ier. Booksellers, Stationers, cV Newsagents. SteAvart, Alex., Miller st Cunningham, Miss, Post Office, Guildford st Stewart, Mrs J., 15 Glasgow st & 13 Stuart st

88 Parish of BUSINESS LIST. CiLiiibrae.

Chemists and Druggists. Farmers. M'Gown, Dr John, 4i Guildford st Baillie, Thomas, Upper Kirkton Sinclair, Dr Hugh, 37 Stuart st Barbour, John, Ballikillet Brown, Alex., Kames Mill Coal Dealers. Crawford, James, Feggitoch Allan, R., Elmbank Finnie, James, Mid Kirkton Cameron, Daniel, Stuart st Hall, John, Boggie Co-Operative Society M'Dougall, Duncan, Ballochmartin Kerr, Walter, 9 Clyde st M'Graw, Wm., 6 Barend st M'Kirdy, John, Nether Kirkton Robertson, Robert, Breakough Confectioners. Thom, John, Portyre Bell, Miss, 2 Quayhead

Blair, B. C. , 39^ Glasgow st Fishmongers. Miller st Bononie, Peter, 7 Kerr John, 8 Crichton st Boyd, Miss, 4 Stuart st Kerr Walter, 9 Cardiff st Alex., Crawford st Kerr, Miss, 17 Cardiff st Houston Wilson Neil, 40 Glasgow st M'David, AVm., 31 Stuart st Reid, C, IS Guildford st Fruiterers. Stewart, Mary, Stuart st Baillie John. 14 Glasgow st Taylor, John, 11 Kelburne st BoydM., 4 Stuart st Blair Eliz. C, 39i Glasgow st Contractors. JIackenzie M. & A., 14 Stuart st IS Guildford st Biruie, James, George st Reid Catherine, Guildford st Hill, John, Mossbank Cottage Rowatt, John, 4 Shields, T., 2 Barend st Grocers. Dining and Tea Room Keepers. (Licensed marked " I.") Crawford, Wm., 12 Guildford st Allan Wm., 9 Glasgow st Baillie M'Kay, D., Keppel pier John, 14 Glasgow st Cardiff st Robertson, Arch., 15 Stuart st Co-Operative Society, 13 Hunter Charles, Stuart st Lyall Arthur, 23 Glasgow st Drapers. st Malcolm Andrew C , Ij Guildford Black Miss Jean G., IS Stuart st Macfarlane, J., 9 Kelburne st Campbell Arch., 44 Glasgow st M'Connechy, J.,30 Glasgow st Co-Operative Society, 13 Cai-diff st st Crawford Catherine, 3 Guildford st M'Kay John T., 15 Guildford Kerr C. & M., 22 Stuart st M'Kean M & H., 15 Clyde st M'Intyre Mrs, 41 Glasgow st M'Nicol Wm., 27 Cardiff st 12 Cardiff st Sharp C. & J., 25 Cardiff st M'Naughton Janet, Thomson Mrs John, 10 Guildford st ^Murray, John, 31 Glasgow st Wilson Annie, 37 Glasgow st Stewart Mary, 13 Stuart st Wood 3Irs Catherine, 38 Stuart st Taylor, James, 38 Glasgow st T-arner Mrs E., 22 Miller st Dressmakers. Wallace James, 9 Quayhead Allan Misses Isa. & Margt., 7 Glasgow st Cami:)bell Arch., 41 Glasgow st Hairdresser. Murdoch Miss, IBarend st Muir Robert, 21 Cardiff st M'Fie M. & J., 27 Stuart st Sharp C. & J., 25 Cardiff st Somerville, Miss, Vulcan cottage Hotel Keepers. Wilson Annie. 37 GlasgoAV st Cameron Daniel, (Temperance), 9 Stuart st King John Y., (Cumbrae), 12 Stuart st Earthenware Dealers. Frew, James (Kelburne Arms) Kerr C. & M., 22 Stuart st Stuart st Walker Wm., 40 Stuart st Wilson Annie, 37 Glasgow st Graham, Mrs (Sommerville Temperance), 10 Stuart st 89 Parish of BTJSINESS LIST. Cumhrae.

Sommerville, Thomas (Royal Hastie, Wm., 13 Guildford st Stewart Alex., 19 Barend st George), Quayhead Photographer. Insurance Agents. ^ Alexander David, 11 Cardiff st Allan James, Glasgow st Allan Wm., Glasgow st Plasterers. Cunningham John Telford & Sterling, 1 Crawford st Hunter Wm., 39 Stuart st Thorn Wm., Glasgow st Malcolm Andrew C, U Guildford st M'Farlane Andrew G.,"42 Stuart st Rae John, Cardiff st Plumbers. Ross James, Union Bank M'David Wm., Crawford st Wallace, James, Kilmichael house Munn, J., Glasgow st

Joiners, Slaters. Baillle John, 14 Glasgow st Donaldson Wm., Miller st Duncan Thomas, Kameston rd Seaton John, Clyde st Gillies Geo., Barend st Hunter Andrew, Miller st Spirit Merchants. M'Laren Daniel, Howard st The Licensed Hotel Keepers Taj'lor John, 15 Barend st and M'Kean Wm., 1 Glasgow' st Murray John, 33 Glasgow st Laundresses. Paterson, James, 28 Glasgow st Allan Miss, Clyde st Train Wm., 3 Cardiff st M'Intyre Mrs, Cardiff st M'Vane Mrs, Guildford st Steamboat Agents. Thorn Mrs, Glasgow st Alian Arch., Harbour Stewart, Alex., Harbour Libraries. M'Kay, D., Keppel Pier Reading Room, Howard st Stewart, Mrs J,, Glasgow st Tailors and Clothiers. Crawford Finian, 3 Guildford st Milliners. Easou Robert, 40 Stuart st Baxter, Mrs L., Glasgow st Hunter, Robert, 12 Stuart st Crawford Miss, 3 Guildford st Hunter Miss, Glasgow st Tinsmiths. Sharp Miss, 13 Cardiff st Munn James, Glasgow st M'David, Wm., Crawford st Newspaper Correspondents. Cameron Arch., Stuart st Tobacconist. Pollock James, Public school Murray Edith, 8 Stuart st Steven, A. C, Public school

NurserTjmen. Toy Dealers. M'Kean Margt,, Clyde st Brown Alex., Viewlield nursery Stewart Janet, 14 Stuart st M'Lachlan W., Kirkton gardens Thomson Agnes, 3 Stuart st Queate Andrew, Ferry rd Hastie W. M,, Guildford st Reid John, Bute ter Rowat J., Glebe nursery Weaver. Painte7\^. Wallace C, 39 Glasgow st Hastie, Geo., Masonic Build- Watchmaker and Jeweller. ings, Crawford st.; house, M'Farlane, A. G., 42 Stuart st 5 Cardiff street


Grocer, Bread, Biscuit* Pastry Baker POST OFFICE,

Yx Y Y r\ Y_Y 2L yr^n^ A >V'X Q A. V^

Pi m.9 mk m M M t§ St BLANE'S hotel, KILOHATTAN BAY.

Kingarth Hotel—David Crawford. Refreshment Rooms, Pier—J. Muir, Piermaster. Tailor and Clothier—WiUiam Orr, (lovandale.


SOMMERVILLE TEMPEMNCE HOTEL, 10 Stuart Street, Millport.

Established 1851, Comforta^)le. Moderate Charges. Mrs graham, Proprietrix.

Fancy Goods Repository—Mrs Kean, 19 Clyde Street. Grocer and Confectioner—Mrs Ed. Turner, 22 Miller St. nin HUUSE CR^iaiMORE.AGENT & PIERMASTER,

fg) COACH PAINTER, Russell Street, Rothesay.

PLASTERER & CEMENT WORKER, 29 Mill Street, Rothesay, mm jw A\ j^ X % A/ V xj xjr j^) ^ ^-xj j^ eJoiners, Cabinetmakers, & Funeral Undertakers, Bridge-end Street, Rothesay. Glazing, Picture Framing, &c, (House- Tower Cottage, Tower Street.)

GRAIN & POTATO MERCHANT, King Street & West Castle St., Rothesay. Telegraphic Address, " NANCUD," Rothesay.

Established kO Years. OOZSTTIR^^CTOiRS:, 6 King Street, Rothesay. Orders punctually attended to.


-A._ CT-A-DVCIESOl^ «Sz; SO IT, Seedsmex, Florists and Fruitkrers, im ¥

Chapelhill Road (First Opening West of Shop), Open to Visitors.

Rothesay and Glasgow Carrier, 53 DuNLOP Street, and 65 West Howard Street, Glasgow ; and 58 Montague Street, Rothesay.

Parcels received from and forwarded to all i)arts of the World. ;



Family Grocer and Provision Merchant, 131 and 92 HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY.

(Corner of BRIDGE STREET), May be had for Soirees, Marriages, and Public Meetings. Accommodates about 4OO. Apply to A. Nicholson, 6 Hillhouse Road, Rothesay, or Mr James Park, Harlech Villa, Dunoon.

ROTHESAY and GLASGOW CARRIER, Turner's Court, 87 Argyle Street, and 84 Virginia Street, Glasgow. House—41 Montague Street, Rothesay. Orders received at 3 High Street, and 3 Argyle Street, Rothesay and at Post Office, Port-Bannatyne.

General Smith, Mechanic, 'Cycle Builder, and Official • Repairer to C. T. C, Ckoft Lane, off High St, Rothesay.

'Cj'cles, Mail Carts, &c., of Every Description. Pneumatic Bicycles, by Best Makers, for Sale and on Hire. 'Cycling Thoroiighly Taught by Experienced Teaclier. All Kinds of Smith and Mechanic Work Carefully and Promptly Executed.


Builders' Clerk—Thomas Falconer, 36 Columshill Street. Chimney Sweeper—Alex. Miller(s^j«^«^««^^jt'J), 44 High Street. China Merchant—James Campbell, 19 Watergate. Coalraasters— William Dixon, Limited, 13 King Street. Drapery and Remnants—Mrs Lyle, 52 High Street. Dressmaker-Miss Muir, Corner Mill Street and Barone Rd. Dress and Mantle Makers—Misses Macfie, 11 Argyle Street. Family Grocer—Peter Finlay, Wyndham Road, Ardbeg. Orders punctually attended to. FAMILY GROCER," WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT. —Daniel M'Lachlan. 18 Columshill Street. Flesher—J. D. K. Love, 3 Dean Hood Place. Grain Merchant-Ninian Duncan, Store Lane, off Guildford Square. Seedsman and Florist—George Stuart. Chapelhill Road. Toy Dealer—Jardine Black, 21 Gallow^ate. Watchmaker— John Eraser. 4 Bridge Street.


Baker—Mrs Brown, Front Street. Boat Hirer—WilHam Sands, Old Quay bead. Boat Hirer and Carpenter— Jas. Alexander, Shore Street. Boat Hirer and Contractor—James Wilson, Victoria Place. Coal Merchant—George Loch, Back Street. Confectioner—^liss Redfern. Shore Street. Fruiterer and Confectioner—Miss Alexander Shore St Grocer—^liss Ferguscm. Shore Street. Grocer—Duncan Halliday, Sliore Street. Groceries and Provisions— Mrs Roxburgh. Govandale PL Ironmonger and Ship Chandler-Loch & Co.. Shore Street. Port-Bannatyne Inn and Hotel—John Donald. Restaurateur—George Welsh, Shore Street Tailor and Clotliier— AVilliam Bodden, Sliore Street. Port-BaHtgne


EttricK Bag.

HIS WAGONETTES and BRAKES RUN DAILY during the SEASON between PORT-BANNATYNE and ETTRICK BAY, starting- (weather favourable) from Tramway Terminus about ever}' 15 minutes, commencing^ 10 a.m.

Fare each Way, 40 ; Return, 70.

Parties ot not less than Four may arrange tor drives to RHUBODACH, KILMICHAEL, St NINIAN'S BAY (COCKLE SHORE), or Round by BARONE ROAD, ROTHESAY, at is 6d per head, Return. o Large AVagonette, with Pair Horses, to carry 15. Char-a-Banc to carry about 24. New Wagonette to carry about 10. o Orders left with Mr Crawford, at the Crown Hotel, the Stance, or at the House opposite. WORTH READING! HINKSMAN'S Reliever

For Asthma, Bronchitis, Shortness op Breath, &c. o One Shilling per Box. o Guaranteed as prompt and effectual as the most expensive remedies.

Cornhill Terrace, Coast Guard Station, Leith, 28th Nov., 1894. Elie, Fife, Dec. 31st, 1894. Be kind enough to send Please forward a Tin of your Three Tins of Asthma Believer. I Asthma Believer. I find it a most may say how pleased I am with it, valuable relief for shortness of it is such a comfort to have it, and breath. is the means of giving me many a night's rest.

Part of a letter received by a lady Cave St., Hull, Oct., 15th, 1894. Please in London from her friend in Brid- send another Tin of port. your Asthma Reliever. My wife has found it very beneficial for Chronic Bridport, Dorset, Nov. 5, 1894. Bronchitis, and desires me to tell Have you ever tried Hinhs- you that she would not be without marCs Asthma ReUever '^ It is it for the world. exactly what it professes to be. It relieves Mr Keid more than any- Dingwall, Aug. 17, 1893, thing he has ever tried, and though Please send me as soon as he has been using it fully four years possible Six Dozen Believer. It has (more, I think), it does not seem to been a great success here since I intro- lose its powers. He has recom- duced it. Many of my customers tell mended it to so many, all of whom me they could not sleep if they had say it is most comforting. not a tin in the house.

The above are simply specimens of letters we are continually receiving from Customers, and are quite unsolicited.


May be procured from any Chemist. — — —



The Bute County Directory, published by Mr George Higgle, is neatly date. got up, and the information given is accurate and up to Rothesay Express, June 26, 1895.

The Bute County Directory, compiled by Mr George Higgie, is now of useful local issued for the season. It contains a great deal and information, in addition to the lists of householders, traders, Is, will serve all the officials. The Directory, which is published at Higgie purposes of such a work, and the warning given by Mr shopkeepers against unscrupulous directory canvassers should make know. and others careful about encouraging those whom they do not Rothesay Chronicle, July 6, 1895.

Bute County Directory.—Mr George Higgie, Rothesay, has issued a new edition of this useful compilation. It has been carefully whole corrected up to date, and contains full business lists for the this work, island of Bute. Mr Higgie has had long experience in with the result that he has produced a very serviceable and reliable Directory. Ohan Telegraph, July 12, 1895.

The Bute County Directory, published by Higgie & Co., Rothesay, issued by out- is, in constrast with some of the so-called directories, relating to siders, a credit to the local Press. OlTicial information house- the county and its two burghs, classified lists ot tiadesmen, holders, Sec, and other information, make up a useful compendium

for all doing business within our bounds. The Buteman, July 20, 1895. WORTH READING! HINKSMAN'S Asthma Reliever For Asthma, Bronchitis, Shortness of Breath, &c. One Shilling per Box. o - Guaranteed as prompt and effectual as the most expensive remedies.

Cornhill Terrace, Coast Guard Station, Leith, 28th Nov., 1894. Elie, Fife, Dec. 31st, 1894. Be kind enough to send Please forward a Tin of your Three Tins of Asthma Reliefer. I Asthma Believer. I find it a most may say how pleased I am with it, valuable relief for shortness of it is such a comfort to have it, and breath. is the means of giving me many a night's rest.

St., Oct., 15th, Part of a letter received by a lady Cave Hull, 1894. Please send another in London from her friend in Brid- Tin of port. your Asthma Believer . My wife has found it very beneficial for Chronic Dorset, Nov. 1894. Bridport, 5, Bronchitis, and desires me to tell Have you ever tried Hinks- you that she would not be without man's Asthma Reliever ? It is it for the world. exactly what it professes to be. It relieves Mr Reid more than any- Dingwall, Aug. 17, 1893. thing he has ever tried^ and though Please send me as soon as he has been using it fully four years possible Six Dozen Reliever. It has (more, I think), it does not seem to been a great success here since I intro- lose its powers. He has recom- duced it. Many of my customers tell mended it to so many, all of whom me they could not sleep if they had say it is most comforting. not a tin in the house.

The above are simply specimens of letters we are continually receiving from Customers, and are quite unsolicited.


May be procured from any Chemist. Edahlished, 1872.

SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, 22 Bridge Street, Rothesay.


(Shorthand Writer, Reporter, and Certificated Teacher of Phonography),


Prospectuses on application. >4^ r


ROTHESAY^ EXPRESS, Published Every Wednesday Morning.

(Established 1877),


The Largest Circulation of any Local Paper on the West Coast.


done in the Best Style, and on the Shortest Notice.

M . M ^ C K E K Z I E , Printer an6 Publisher, 11 MONTAGUE STREET, IR. O T H E S ^^-y. (Successor to Donald M'Millan), Joiner, Cabinetmaker, and Funeral Undertaker,

13 BISHOP STREET, ROTHESAY. mmm mmmmMMMmmB, Plumber, Gasfitter and Zinc Worker 39a High Street, Rothesay. o Wash-Hand Basins, Plunge, Spray, and Shower Baths Fitted up for Hot or CoM WatPr. Drain, Soil, and Waste Pipes Testkd.

Pianoforte and Singing School, 7 CASTLE STREET. ROTHESAY.

TEJ-^OHIEIR OIF* DVCTJSIO, o Candidates Prepared for the various Examinations. Terras on apphcation

^Sj^tej. '«;S>^^s> ^5S> ^sss' ^s© TAI LOR and CLOTHI ER, 13 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

Tweed Suits from 45s; Trousers from 12s Gd ; Worsted Corded Suits from

£2 15s ; Fanry Trouveriiitis from 15s (Jd. House— 21 Columshill Strket r ^ JUl KAi JOINER and BUILDER, Castle Street (West End),

k <^ K\ X Ox XX ^( ly^A X I X X y x_xx

Cartwright Work and Glazing promptly executed. :FTTnsrE]i^.A.iL "DrDsriDEi?,T.A.K:zDsrG-. Venetian Blinds Re-Taped and Corded.

Trial Solicited. Estimates Given. HOUSE—PIERHEAD TERRACE.

Boat-Builder, Cartwright, Joiner, Glazier and Funeral Undertaker,

« tip fW^'IfiS Q.'Tl X) ^W>%'iS^ m m wm^'^pMW^ %WMWM^ Port-f ANNATYNE.

Boats hauled up and Stored for the Winter Months, and Fitted-Out for " the Season." w Family Bread, Biscuit & Pastry Baker FOOT OF CHURCH HILL, MILLPORT.

s: o T !=» I E s, Parties will receive every information as to where they can be accommodated with Furnished or Unfurnished Houses.


-F>x:EMEi, :]vciii.l:e»oi^T- o The Popular Hotel for Tourists and Commercial Gentlemen. The Proprietor's long Experience in catering for the Public is a guarantee that Visitors can rely on getting every Home Comfort. Best Position in Town. Golf Course most convenient to Hotel and Steamers. Please address telegrams and letters to " Sommerville, Hotel, Millport." THOMAS SOMMERVILLE, Proprietor.

&. WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, SILVERSMITH & OPTICIAN, 42 STUART STREET, MILLPORT. o Large Stock of Golf Clubs by Best Makers. Clubs Repaired on the Premises.

u^j^Hlf w^-^^' ^ »

BreaJ, Blscoit, Pastii Balei Moictliier, IVIILLPORT.82 Guildford Street,

Hot Pies Every Saturday Evening. Wedding Cakes. Dishes Baked and Covered. Published Monthly. Price One Penny. THE ABC


To })e had of all Newsagents, Booksellers, and Bookstalls.


HIGGIE & CO., Publishers, Glasgow and Rothesay.

Opinions oi the Press.

" It is a handy and useful one."—Greenock Telegraph. "Is admirably adapted to supply a felt ^vant."—Paisley Gazette. " A big enough pennyworth."—Za?-j/s and Millport Weekly News. " It is admirably arranged and printed, and the puzzle is how it can be produced at f penny."—06«n Telegraph. " feature A of the season. A great convenience to all visitors."—Eo//tesa?/ Express. " Messrs Higgle have made a plucky attenqit to supplv a decided want. . . Wt are sure the publication will come into public favour."—faisit;;/ Express. " Contains most valuable informatioM."-2Joi/(Cs«?/ Chronicle. " It will recommend itself to people in this district, who may liave tlieir houses adv, tised in it with excellent chances of success."— ^2/)- Advertiser.


Made from the Indian Dabl oi- Lentil, Awarded Four Gold Medals.

TT is absolutely the lightest and most nourishing -L Food for all seasons of the yea'\ FOR THE NURSERY, --^Maclean's Revalenta has in many cases saved the lives of infants suffering from weakness in the digestive organs. It forms a palatable Food for the Children's Supper. FOR THE SICKROOM.—Dr Stevenson Macadam \Vrites that Maclean's Revalenta will be found especially beneficial to Invalids during convalescence. FOR THE BREAKFAST TABLE.—Maclean's Revalenta is an excellent substitute for oatmeal porridge, which to some constitutions is too heating. FOR ATHLETES. — The bone'' and muscle-forming properties of Maclean's Revalenta make it an invaluable addition to the diet of Athletes. FOR' INDIGESTION of all kinds, it is simply a perfect cure. Thousands live on it, MACLEAN'S REVALENTA is put up in Mb Tins, Is; 2-lb Tins, lis; G^-lb Tins, 6s,


^"Obtainable from all First-Class Gfocers, or direct from the Sole Wholesale Aqents, MACFARLANE & SANDERSON, 186 West Regent Street, Glasgow.

N.B. —All small Orders sent to us must be accompanied by remittance, including carriage.