Bute County Directory For
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\.4 "VISIT (b THE m OLD CURIOSITY FOR SHOP I Bilii-A-BRAC. FUBSITURE,^ ASD HOUSE PLEMSHIl # OF EVERY DESCRllTION. w flanos, Perambulators, & Invalid Chairs FOR SALE OR HIRE AT 101 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. l»«l.iM.M|/UM»/'»,M»<'l(n»«lriMi'»l/V'wM,Mw<I,Mk/'l.««w'WMi^<»<'h«k/MiMi^L(«li«l*MiMi7'»(M»MwM,«U'l,n»/»l,'fk;«».'(y'l<'«i'l^ Established 1880. Price One Shilling. ilj TE C REI l^OJT 1 e o © - o WHERE AND HOW TO SPEND THE HOLIDAYS. '* Bonnie Scotland's Resorts," 2d Annually. Specifying the Attractions of Hundreds of Besorts. I " The A B O^oast Guide," m Id Monthly. Routes, Resorts, Runs, Excursions, Fares, &c. HIGGIE & CO., PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY. mw9m&rmi^mmm9mmmm (, UBRARV ^ Established 1872. -^ ^ School of % tShopthandt ^ AND -^ «*TYPE WRITING^ 41^ 22 Bpidg-e Street, ^i^ ^ Rothesay. J^ ^ GEORGE^IGGIE, jj X (SHORTHAND WRITER, ^ ^ REPORTER, and 31 ^ CERTIFICATED TEAOHER), "^ ^ and Assistants. ^ ^ ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, and ^ -4^ ADVANCED CLASSES. ^ ^^' ., Prospectuses on Application. ^^ Bute County Directory Advertisements. WEST END iine ami GroGBrg UlarefiouBB, 13 ARGYLE STREET, ROTHESAY. WINES, SPIRITS, AND MALT LIQUORS. A Full Line of the Finest Wines and Spirits always in Stock, and being boug"ht in the Best Markets, they are con- fidently recommended for Excellence of Quality. The Whiskies are Old, and well matured in fresh Sherry Casks. J. A. URQUHART. Heaton's Bute Blend OF The Finest of Scotland's Produce. 7 Oicfopio Stpeef, Botbesoy. Bute County Directory Advertisements. THE a 21 VICTORIA STREET, Old POST OFFICE Buildings. JOHN MACKINLAY, LiBrarian, Boof?.seller, (Stationer, anS r^exosa^ent ARTISTS' MATERIAL. FANCY GOODS. BOOKBINDING in all its Branches. 16 Beautiful COLOTYPE VIEWS OF ROTHESAY, Bound in Scarlet Cloth, 6d. PKoto^rapfxs of <§>cottisK Scenery. Bute County Directory Advertisements. James M*Bpide, JOINER, CARTWRIGHT,&c. JOHN STREET, SOTHESAY. Telephone No 14. Robept M'Bride, ^t T^ .A. G XS. O A^ X rC ZZ, 1 JOHN STREET, ROTHESAY. HORSE-SHOEING and GENERAL SMITH WORK. Telephone No. 14. Dunean M'Intosh, TOBACCONIST, STATIONER, M FANCY BOODS MERCHANT, MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. John Cpuickshanks, PLUMBER, &ASF1TTER, and ZINC-fORKER, 39a HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY. Wash-Hand Basins, Plunge, Spray, and Shower Baths Fitted up for Hot or Cold Water. Drain, Soil, and Waste Pipes Tested. Bute County Directory Advertisements. EtTJOHA.ISr-A.]>a''Sl (Of river STEAMERS) HOTEL VICTORIA ON THE ESPLANADE, Opposite the Gardens and Band Pavilion. o SPACIOUS BILLIARD ROOM. TWO BURROUGHS & WATTS TABLES. o SPLENDID BAR IN CONNECTION WITH HOTEL. D. THOMPSON, 55 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. THOMPSON'S GOODS admittedly combine Ease with Elegance, Lightness with Durability, and Thorough Protection from Damp. He attends personally to the Bespoke Trade gets his ; Lasts made by the Best Makers ; and in all cases guarantees a Perfect Fit, irrespective of Peculiar Foot Formation. Every Kovelty in the Trade kept in Stock, or procured on the Shortest Notice. D. THOMPSON, Bootmaker, 55 VICTORIA SRTEET. Miss H. THOMPSON, 9 Gallowgate. Rothesay. All the Latest Novelties in Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Veils and Ribbons. Bute County Directory Advertisements A . L a m o n t, TAILOR & CLOTHIER, 15 GALLOWGATE, ROTHESAY. David Lawson, Famili] Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker, 20 East Princes St., and 87 Montague St., ROTHESAY. James M*Cpone, GENERAL DRAPER, CLOTHIER, &e., 59 & 61 Montague Street, Rothesay. STOCK ALWAYS LARGE, NEW, FRESH & FASHIONABLE. Bainbridg'e, EAGLE HOTEL, 1 Montague Street, Rothesay. .A. Croocl. eecoixca.-01a.ss Hotol. Superior Liquors. Orders Attended to. | Bute County Directory Advertisements. John Smith, (Successor to Donald M'Millan,) JOINER, CABINETMAKER, and FUNERAL UNDERTAKER, 13 Bishop Street, Rothesay. Miss M'Connell, LADIES' OUTFITTER, 23 Montague Street, Rothesay. The Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, comprising Ladies' and jChildren's Underclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, Wools, Furnishings, &c. Established 50 Years. Dug*ald Weip, BOOT & SHOEinVC^^I^Em, 71 Montague Street, Rothesay. ^Extra Large Stock of Ready-Mades. ^"Head -Quarters for all Kinds of Coast Shoes. Established 1839. Malcolm Buchanan, (Successor to John Black,) FAM I LY GROCER, TEA, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 51 Montague Street, Rothesay. — Bute County Directory Advertisements. MACKINLAY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, FRONTING THE PIER, ROTHESAY. Splendid Outlook from Sitting Room Windows. Bute Steam Laundry, LADESIDE STREET ROTHESAY. (Late of Paisley.) Goods called for and Delivered by Van. Hugh Lauder, Jeinellei, matcliniaker, ^i Optician, 8 Albert Place, Opposite the Harbour. o ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING PRESENTS. | JSootolx lE^eToT^lo JoAT^T-ollory • FOR DYSPEPSIA AND ALL LIYER COMPLAINTS TAKE Jamieson's Special Dandelion and Camomile Pills. ]Mamxfactured from Finest Drugs by himself on his own premises. li doz., 7d ; 3 doz,. Is. Carriage paid on Is worth and upwards. Read this : Millbrae, Laiigside, Glasgow, 8th March, 1898. Dr Dobie has much pleasure in bearing testimony to the benefits derived from Jauiiesou's Dandelion Pills You are at litaei-ty to print my testimonial, and hope it may be the means of leading others to try the pills. They were a Godsend to me, Last j'ear I suffered dreadfully from dyspepsia. Being in Rothesay in the summer, and hearing of Mr .lamiesou's Stomach Pills, 1 called and got a box of tliem. They did me a power of good. Whenever I feel out of sorts, a pill daily for three or four days puts me all right. Several friends to whom I recommended them have also derived gi-eat benefit.—JOHN DOBIE, D.D., Shamrock Street U.P. Church. Cachets for headaches and other ailments. These can be taken with water without tasting; the drugs. The New Pepfume " Moorland Heather Blossom.*" Is 6d and 2s 6d carriage paid. Photog-paphic Materials of all kinds kept in Stock. Dark Room on the Premises—Free to Amateurs. Patent Medicines at Glasgo^v Prices. W. B. JAMIESON, Chemist and Dpug-g-ist, 64 Montag^ue Stpeet.^ Bute County Directory Advertisements. Ang-us Speips, CLOTHING AND YACHTING OUTFITFER, HOSIER, GLOVER, 10 Gallowgate, Rothesay. John Lamont, FAMILY BREAD, BISCUIT & PASTRY BAKER, 23 Gallowgate, Rothesay. GOODS DELIVERED TO PORT BANNATYNE DAILY. BUY YOUR TEAS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at CUNNINGHA M'S 81 Montague Street, Rothesay, and Car Terminus, Port-Bannatyne, Where you will get a Choice Variety of Fresh Goods at CTlasgow Prices. A Daily Supply of Very Fine Fresh and Povdered Butter and Country Egp's, A Trial Order Solicited. Goods Delivered by Van Daily. NOMAN STEWART INSTITUTE Montague Street, Rothesay. Breakfasts. Dinners, Teas, 8d, lod, is, and Upwards. CITY OF GLASGOW LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. SCOTTISH LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY. PETER STEWART, Agent, Clydesdale Bank, Rothesay. Bute County Directory Advertisements. J. M^C. Callan, FAMILY GROCER, TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT MERCHANT^ 19 East Princes Street, Rothesay. Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered by Van. Geopg'e Stuapt, F-R.H.S., FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN, Chapelhill Nursery, and New Nursery, Westland Road, near Museum. Catalogues with Prices of his Choice Garden Seeds and Plants, Post Free on Application. Inspection and Correspondence Invited. Charles Muip, Famili] fiiead, Biscuit, anil Pastry Bakei, 17 ARGYLE ST., and 17 HIGH ST., ROTHESAY. Montgomerie's Patent Extract of Malt Bread, as used in the Queen's Household. Hot Pies Every Saturday- Evening. Marriage and Birthday Cakes Made to Order. Confections. Robert Paterson, UPHOLSTERER, CABINET-MAKER, and BEDDING MANUFACTURER, New Hall Buildings, Rothesay. Workshops : Store Lane and 17 East Princes St. Workmanship Guaranteed, and all Orders Punctually Attended to. Picture Framing in all its Branches Bute County Directory Advertisements. SAMUEL THOMPSON, Hatter and Outfitter, 60 Montague Street, Rothesay. N. M*CALLUM, Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer, 96 Montague Street, Rothesay. W^ILLIAM LAUDER, Wright and Contractor, Ladeside Street, Rothesay. ROBERT PATERSON,SLATER, Yard, 10 Bridge-End Street. House, 24 Argyle Street, GEORGE HILL, Hosier and Furnisher, 78 Montague Street, Rothesay. Terms Cash. THE CENTRAL. Parties in want of DRAPEKY GOODS sliould Call at Miller's Central Drapery Warehouse, 48 Montag-ue Street, Rothesay. ROBERT BROVTN, Ironmonger and Hardware Merchant, 43 Montag-ue Street, Rothesay. (Next door to Norman Stewart Institute.) .JD. COOK, (Successor to Mrs Service), Fruiterer and Confectioner, 72 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Family Orders Punctually attended to. Bute County Directory Advertisements Living'stonia Temperanee Hotel, GUILDFORD SQUARE, ROTHESAY. James Robertson, Proprietor. Misses J. & M. Dodds, MILLINERS, 15 Argyle Street, Rothesay. Thomas Aitehison, FAMILY G80CEB, TEA, WIM AXD SPIRIT MERCHANT, 30 Mill Street, Rothesay. J. M'Callum & Son, JOINERS & FUNERAL UNDERTAKERS, 50 Hig-h Street, Rothesay. J. Millep & Sons, SLATERS, 5 Columshill Street, Rothesay.. Mrs Patience, POULTERER and GREENGROCER, 12 GalloAVg-ate, Rothesay. Orders Punctually attended to. D. BlaiP & Son, (SiiecAssorsto Lacldan Ferg^imn d- son), JOINERS, GLAZIERS, CABINETMAKERS, FUIERAL UNDERTAKERS, and CARTWRIGHTS, 15 Bridge Street, Rothesay. MPS Boppow^man, TOBACCONIST and FANCY GOODS MERCHANT, New Hall Building's, Rothesay. Leather Goods, Cigar Cases, Pipes and Wallcing Sticks, in Endless Variety at Moderate Prices. Speciality, f> Cigars Jor Is Bute County Directory AovERTrsEMENTS. DONALD BUCHANAN, 27 Victoria Street (SrsuLd!) Hothesay. Breakfasts. Dinners. Teas. JAMES HUNTER, Tea and Coffee Merchant