
Winery 'Vinogradi Nuić' (' Nuic') is located in southwestern part of Herzegovina, in village Crnopod, settled between Međugorje and Ljubuški, where is most common cultivation of indigenous varieties Žilavka and Blatina. Vineyards are laying on the area of 35 hectares, perfect for cultivation of grapevine, thanks to:

 Rocky red soil ( Karst and Terra Rossa )  Altitude ( 140 meters )  Exposure ( southwestern )  Mild winter and sunny summers


History of 'Vinogradi Nuic' begins in 2004, when extremley beutiful location Orlovac has been cultivated. Hardworking hands give themselves to the rocky red soil, and on surface of 7 hectares they have planted over 30 000 vines. Along with the indigenous varieties Žilavka and Blatina, there also has been planted Bena and Krkošija, then Trnjak, , and Plavac Mali.

In early 2008, we have come on the market with three different : Žilavka, Blatina and Blatina Barrique. That same year with the 'Trencor' trencher is cultivated location Dugolaze, laying halfway between village Crnopod and Međugorje. Location is situated in the valley surrounded by the enchanting hills, and through those hills wind passes by, drying out karst limestone, decreasing a need for pesticides. Before cultivation, this location was karst plateau covered with typical Herzegovinian vegetation of which we can mention rose hip, brambles, heather, sage, immortelle, juniper. Today, you can find aromatic notes of those plants in our wines.

In 2009, on the location Dugolaze was planted 7 hectares, and in 2010, another 28 hectares of vines were planted. Along with the existing varieties, for the first time there were planted red varieties , , , Touriga Nacional, and white Pošip from Korčula, .


'Vinogradi Nuić' are designed as a project which is based on two essential beliefs:

 Production of highquality , which respects complex ecosystem and represent ideal habitat for natural farming practices.  Achieving superior quality wines with proven methods using modern technology Our goal is to follow nature and her laws, and to allow them to show us their full potential, without disrupting her balance and exploiting the soil.

Vineyards and

There is, with reason, word Vinogradi ( Vineyards ) in front of the name Nuić, not winery nor the cellars. Vineyards, because it has all begun with them, because all effort has been given to them, and because the vineyards are those that will give back, to the man, most abundantly, and man will be, to the , most gratefully.

Vineyards have been raised by painstakingly domestication of Herzegovnian 'angry karst'. It is created crushed layer of dry, snow white karst limestone, which is specific by leakage of excess water in deeper soil layers, while the heat is absorbed and reflected in the vines, assisting them in maturation. Thus creating a unique substrat that complement of that position.

Climate of this area is mediterranean with mild and rainy winters, and hot, relatively arid summers. During the vine vegetation falls less amount of total rainfall, humidity is also small, and temperatures are relatively high. It is known that to achieve high quality of grapes, temperature sum must be from 3200 ˚C to 4000 ˚C. While, in region Mostarsko vinogorje, where our vineyards are situated, temperature sum amount is 4152 ˚C, showing us how excellent conditions for growing vines are in Herzegovina.

In our vineyards, great importance is given to green , where the unripe clusters are cut off in the summer to relieve vine of excessive grapes and to channel more of the plant's strength and nutrients to the remaining bunches in order to achieve better quality. So that remaining grapes, in its full maturity, weighs a kilo and a half.

Except indigenous varieties: Blatina, Trnjak, Žilavka, Bena, Krkošija, and from Korčula: Plavac Mali and Pošip, we have introduced varieties, such as: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Touriga Nacional, Syrah, Alicante Bouschet.

The winery is located in the Crnopod, and in the year 2013th it has started with work. Winery capacity is 600 000 liters, which is built partly underground, but mostly overground type. Still, under construction is tasting room, and restaurant that will have a traditional Herzegovinian menu.

Hand-picked grapes from our vineyards, is delivered in winery as soon as possible, and then we have additional selection of finest grapes in cellar. Where fermentation is carried out using natural yeasts in stainless steel tanks, in order to preserve the primary varietal aromas. Some wines mature in wooden casks of French , in perfect conditions of humidity and temperature, protected from unfavorable external influences.