Bittorrent - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia File:///H:/Bittorrent.Htm
BitTorrent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia file:///H:/BitTorrent.htm BitTorrent From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the protocol. For the client, see BitTorrent client. BitTorrent is the name of a peer-to-peer (P2P) file Internet protocol suite distribution protocol, and is the name of a free Layer Protocols software implementation of that protocol. The protocol was originally designed and created by Application DNS, TLS/SSL, The BitTorrent logo programmer Bram Cohen, and is now maintained TFTP, FTP, HTTP, IMAP, IRC, NNTP, by BitTorrent Inc. BitTorrent is designed to POP3, SIP, SMTP, distribute large amounts of data widely without SNMP, SSH, incurring the corresponding consumption in costly TELNET, server and bandwidth resources. CacheLogic BitTorrent, RTP, suggests that BitTorrent traffic accounts for ~35% rlogin, … [1] of all traffic on the Internet, while other sources Transport TCP, UDP, DCCP, are skeptical.[2] SCTP, IL, RUDP, … Network IP (IPv4, IPv6), The original BitTorrent client was written in ICMP, IGMP, ARP, Python. Its source code, as of version 4.0, has been RARP, … released under the BitTorrent Open Source Data link Ethernet, Wi-Fi, License, which is a modified version of the Jabber Token ring, PPP, Open Source License. There are numerous SLIP, FDDI, ATM, compatible clients, written in a variety of DTM, Frame Relay, programming languages, and running on a variety SMDS, … of computing platforms. BitTorrent clients are programs which implement the BitTorrent protocol. Each BitTorrent client is capable
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