Off the Tracks Volume 2
INDEX Index abdominal surgery later life, 144 Bayard Holmes and, 813–16, 839, 850 lawsuits against, 136–41 focal infection theory and, 809, 810, other women who came forward, 140 813, 815, 830, 834, 839 personality, 130, 144 Abduction: Human Encounters with “macho-istic” and masochistic, Aliens (Mack), 621 138–39 finances, 619, 621 master of manipulation and in the media, 619–20, 623, 626, 630 rationalization, 136–38 reviews and criticisms of, 620–23, protracted litigation, 140–42 625–26, 629–31 transgressions, 130, 132–34, 142, 144 revised edition, 629–30 victims, 135–36, 140, 142 (see also See also Mack, John Bates, Carolyn M.) Abduction Study Conference, 614–15 abreaction, 525–27 Abell, John M. (“Dr. X”), 129–30, 139 abstinence, Freud on, 15, 72–73 aftermath, 134–35 Abuse of Trust: The Career of Dr. James beyond rehabilitation, 141–42 Tyhurst (Hyde), 149, 229–35, 238, boundary violations and other ethics 240–42, 244, 245, 256 violations, 130–38, 140, 144 inaccuracies in, 230, 231, 238, 250 Carolyn Bates’ captivity with, 156 academic freedom, 627, 628 Carolyn Bates’ portrait of, 131, 132, Acocella, Joan, 669 136 Adler, Alfred, 513 Carolyn Bates sexually abused by, 130, Ahmad, Mary Anne, 572 132–38, 153 Alexander, Franz, 365, 387, 391, 404 Carolyn Bates’ therapy with, 130, analysands, 338, 433 (see also Zilboorg, 132–34 Gregory) termination, 134–35 background and overview, 386 compared with Dr. A, 146–47 Bertram Lewin and, 398 description of, 132 characterizations of, 338, 387, 397 identity of, 129–30, 144, 146–47 1069 OFF THE TRACKS VOLUME 2 Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute and, mental health of persons with, 607–8 337, 338, 386–87 parallels with demons of the Middle David Levy and, 387, 394–95, 397, Ages, 631–32 401, 403, 404, 407–9, 411, 413 psychoanalysis and, 625, 629 Karl Menninger and, 402, 404, 420 reasons so many people believed, 638 letter to NY Psychoanalytic Society Whitley Strieber and Communion, Board of Directors, 401, 402, 406 602–3 Lionel Blitzsten and, 338 See also Mack, John Mr.
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