, , & Joint Parish Councils Email: [email protected] Website: www.jpcehow.btck.co.uk 14th July 2020

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Eathorpe, Hunningham, Offchurch & Wappenbury Joint Parish Councils being held on 21st July 2020 at 7:30pm, via Zoom. Login details will be provided. Members of the public are able to attend by contacting the Clerk on the email below. If you are unable to attend, please forward your apologies to [email protected]

J L Chatterton Jane Chatterton Clerk & RFO Members of the public and press are welcome to attend A G E N D A

1. Apologies: To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence

2. Declarations of Interest: (a) Councillors are reminded of the need to keep their Register of Interests form up to date (b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in agenda items and their nature (c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interest in items on the agenda and their nature (d) Written requests for the council to grant a dispensation (s33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be lodged with the clerk in advance of the meeting

3. Councillor Co-option Recommendation: Co-opt new Parish Councillor (Eathorpe)

4. Minutes To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th June 2020

5. Matters Arising Matters arising for items NOT listed as agenda items

6. Public participation: To adjourn to allow public participation. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting and the Parish Council cannot pass a resolution on matters raised during public participation that are not on the agenda. Residents are invited to give their views and raise questions to the Parish Council. Please keep to two minutes or less to make your point. If you wish items to be on the agenda you may raise them with a Councilor or the Clerk at least a week before each meeting, or for the next agenda during Public Participation.

7. Councillor’s reports and items for future Agenda To receive reports from District Councillor; Councillor Leigh-Hunt, and County Councillor; Councillor Redford

8. Correspondence To receive and note correspondence

9. Planning To consider any Planning Applications since the last meeting between 15/06/2020 and 21/06/2020 Nothing to report between 22/06/2020 and 28/06/2020 9.1 Appl. No: W/20/0912/TCA App. Type: Trees in CA The Nest, Welsh Road, Offchurch, Lime - Remove to ground level between 29/06/2020 and 05/07/2020 9.2 Appl. No: W/20/0985/TCA App. Type: Trees in CA 1 Park Cottages, Main Street, Eathorpe 1 x Silver Birch - Fell

Between 06/07/2020 and 12/07/2020 Nothing to report

10. Highways Recommendation: Receive and note any highways reports

11. Police Matters Recommendation: Receive and note any police matters

12. Finance 12.1 to approve payments: -

20.06.20 E16 J Chatterton Salary June DPA 20.06.20 E17 HMRC June Tax £75.20 20.06.20 E18 Louise Best Internal Audit £130.00 20.06.20 E19 St Johns Church Grant application £200.00 20.06.20 E20 DS Wagstaff Invoice 3996 £252.00 20.06.20 E21 J Chatterton Office Allowance £20.00 30.06.20 E22 WALC Invoice 20139 £15.00 30.06.20 E23 WALC Invoice 19859 £15.00 14.07.20 E24 J Chatterton July Salary DPA 14.07.20 E25 HMRC July Tax £75.20 14.07.20 E26 TH Hardwoods Strimming back of riverbanks located in Eathorpe. £520.00 Trimming of hedges roadside. Strimming/clearing of grass roadside. Crown lift multiple willow trees in order to strim. All Green waste collected and taken away from site. 14.07.20 E27 DS Wagstaff Invoice 4015 Offchurch playing field 2 visits. £507.00 Eathorpe playing field 2 visits. Cutting perimeter hedge at Offchurch. Waste removal

12.2 Bank Reconciliation 30th June 2020 Recommendation: Receive and approve the bank reconciliation up to 30th June 2020

12.3 Quarterly Report up to 30th June 2020 Recommendation: Receive and approve the quarterly report up to 30th June 2020

13. Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-20 Recommendation: Completion of documentation

14. Playground Update Recommendation: Discussion

15. HS2 Recommendation: Receive an update

16. Councillor’s reports and items for future agenda Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information (this is for matters which have come up after the agenda is published) or action, not included elsewhere on the agenda, and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making

17. Next Meeting To confirm the next meeting will take place on 15th September 2020 (meeting will be held via Zoom).