
Systematic (2000), 25(3): pp. 479–494 ᭧ Copyright 2000 by the American Society of Taxonomists

Molecular Systematics of Tribe Cariceae Based on Two DNA Regions: ndhF and trnL -intergenic Spacer

ALAN C. YEN1 and RICHARD G. OLMSTEAD Department of Botany, Box 355325, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-5325 1Present Address: The Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Communicating Editor: Jeff H. Rettig

ABSTRACT. A phylogenetic analysis of Cyperaceae tribe Cariceae was conducted using chloroplast DNA sequences from the ndhF and trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. Twenty nine taxa within Cariceae, four outgroup genera, and approximately 3,000 bp of cpDNA were included in the study. Our analysis reveals a monophyletic Cariceae with 100% bootstrap support. Within Cariceae, the South African Schoenoxiphium forms a clade that is sister to the rest of the tribe. Our results indicate that genus is paraphyletic with respect to , Cymophyllus, and . Cymophyllus and Uncinia are nested within an assemblage containing Kobresia, Cymophyllus, and several unispicate Carex species. At the subgeneric level within Carex, only Carex subgenus Vignea appears monophyletic. Several well supported clades were iden- tified within the Cariceae, including the Schoenoxiphium clade, Uncinia clade, Carex subgenus Indocarex/Carex clade, and subgenus Vignea clade; however, relationships among some clades are only moderately supported. Interpretation of the phylogenetic patterns and an account of past phylogenetic hypotheses with respect to the new data are provided.

The sedge tribe Cariceae, with over 2,000 species southern and Madagascar (Kukkonen 1986). worldwide, is the largest tribe in the family Cyper- The monotypic Cymophyllus (Ker-Gawler) Kartesz & aceae. Five genera, including the large genus Carex Gandhi occurs in the southeastern United States. L., generally are included in this tribe. Several evo- in Carex, Uncinia, and Cymophyllus have lutionary schemes have been proposed for Carex one-flowered, unisexual spikelets with closed peri- and related genera based on inflorescence mor- gynia, whereas plants in Kobresia and Schoenoxi- phology and cytology (Ku¨ kenthal 1909; Heilborn phium usually have several-flowered, bisexual 1924; Kreczetovicz 1936; Nelmes 1952; Savile and spikelets with open perigynia. In addition, Uncinia Calder 1953; Koyama 1961, 1962; Smith and Faulk- species are characterized by having a hook-like ner 1976; Kern and Nooteboom 1979; Reznicek structure, formed by the extension of the rachilla 1990); however, there is substantial disagreement and a , that extends beyond the opening of the among various authors. perigynium. Kobresia has straight, terete rachillae, Members of tribe Cariceae are characterized by whereas Schoenoxiphium has straight, but flattened, having monoecious flowers and a sac-like structure rachillae. In both Kobresia and Schoenoxiphium, the termed a perigynium, that subtends the gynoeci- rachillae sometimes are well developed and bear um. Inflorescence morphology, the degree of clo- male flowers. Rachillae in Carex are of various sure of the perigynium, and the morphology of the forms including a reduced -like structure, a rachilla, are the key characters used in delimiting straight type, or a bent structure that is morpholog- genera. Carex L. (2,000 species) is found in all tem- ically similar to those in Uncinia (Snell 1936; Rez- perate regions of the world as well as montane ar- nicek 1990). eas in the tropics (Nelmes 1951). Kobresia Willd. (50 Because generic delimitation within Cariceae is species), is widely distributed at high altitudes in based largely on the morphology of the inflores- the Himalayas, China, and central Asia, with a few cence structure, blurring of the generic boundaries species found in the high mountains of Europe and becomes a problem for some taxa having morpho- North America (Dahlgren et al. 1985). Uncinia Pers. logical characters that are interpreted as interme- (50 species), is found widely in highlands of Central diate. Clarke (1908) placed a few species of Schoe- and , , , and noxiphium in Carex. Ivanova (1939) transferred sev- oceanic islands throughout the Southern hemi- eral Carex species to Kobresia. Kern (1958) consid- sphere (Kukkonen 1967). Schoenoxiphium Nees (17 ered the recognition of Kobresia and Schoenoxiphium species), is found in mountains in eastern and as two genera to be artificial. Koyama (1961)

479 480 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 merged Uncinia with Carex, and Schoenoxiphium related to Kobresia or Schoenoxiphium than they are with Kobresia. to Carex. Savile and Calder (1953), in their studies At the subgeneric level in Carex, the present clas- of smut fungi that infect Carex, suggested that Carex sification largely follows the system of Ku¨ kenthal is a natural group. Smith and Faulkner (1976) sug- (1909), who organized Carex into four subgenera gested that Kobresia and Schoenoxiphium are the based on inflorescence structure. Recognition of most primitive genera of the Cariceae and pro- subgenera within Carex is based entirely on phe- posed an evolutionary link between Schoenoxiphium, netic similarity in the inflorescence structure and Kobresia, and Carex subgenus Indocarex. Reznicek probably does not reflect phylogenetic relation- (1990) suggested that Uncinia and Carex may not be ships. Subgenus Primocarex Ku¨ kenth. (60 species), closely related, and disputed the importance of the characterized by a single terminal inflorescence, rachilla as a systematic character. generally is considered to be artificial (Kreczetovicz Reznicek (1990) presented the most recent hy- 1936; Nelmes 1952; Smith and Faulkner 1976; Rez- potheses on the of Carex, which he con- nicek 1990). To reduce confusion, instead of using sidered to be derived from Schoenoxiphium-orKo- the designation ‘‘subgenus Primocarex,’’ we refer to bresia-like ancestors. He suggested that the most these taxa simply as ‘‘unispicate species’’ in this pa- primitive subgenus in Carex is subgenus Vignea, per. Subgenus Vignea (P. Beauv.) Nees (400 to 500 which he considered to contain the most complex species), is characterized by having bisexual spikes inflorescence structures in the genus, and that sub- and two stigmas, and generally is considered a nat- genus Carex could have evolved through a reduc- ural group (Reznicek 1990), although this hypoth- tion in inflorescence structure and branching. How- esis has not been verified cladistically. Subgenus ever, Reznicek (1990) considered the origin and Carex ( ϭ Eucarex Coss. et Germ.) (1,400 species), is evolution of subgenus Indocarex to be unclear. He a morphologically diverse group characterized by regarded the unispicate species to be polyphyletic having a cladoprophyll (a tubular or utriculiform and derived by reduction in inflorescence complex- structure found at the base of the inflorescence) and ity on multiple occasions from the other three sub- usually unisexual spikes with flowers having two genera and possibly from other genera in the Car- or three stigmas. It is unclear from the taxonomic iceae (Nelmes 1952). Reznicek’s (1990) views on the literature whether subgenus Carex is a natural evolution and the phylogenetic position of Carex group or what the phylogenetic relationships be- subgenus Vignea were quite different from those of tween it and the other subgenera may be. Subgenus most authors, who generally consider subgenus In- Indocarex Baill. (100 mostly tropical species), is char- docarex to be most primitive and subgenus Vignea acterized by the presence of a cladoprophyll and to be derived (Ku¨ kenthal 1909; Kreczetovicz 1936; highly branched, bisexual spikes with tristigmatic Nelmes 1952; Savile and Calder 1953; Koyama 1961; flowers, and is considered the most primitive sub- Kern and Nooteboom 1979). genus in Carex by many (Kreczetovicz 1936; Nelmes Molecular data can provide an evaluation of clas- 1952; Koyama 1962; Smith and Faulkner 1976; Kern sifications based on morphological characters, the and Nooteboom 1979), but not all authors (Ku¨ken- interpretation of which have led to confusing and thal 1909; Reznicek 1990). contradictory hypotheses of the phylogenetic rela- Many hypotheses on the evolution of Carex and tionships in the Cariceae. Because of the reduced Cariceae have been proposed. Heilborn (1924) pro- floral structures, the uniform vegetative morphol- duced the first ‘‘phylogenetic ’’ of the genus ogy, and traits unique to the Cariceae (e.g., peri- based largely on numbers. Ku¨ kenthal gynium), polarization of characters based on out- (1909) and Heilborn (1924) considered the unispi- group comparison is difficult (Crins 1990; Bruhl cate species and species with low chromosome 1995). Recent phylogenetic studies based on mor- numbers to be primitive in the genus. However, phology (Goetghebeur 1986; Bruhl 1995; Simpson Kreczetovicz (1936) suggested that unispicate spe- 1995) and molecular data (Plunkett 1995; Muasya et cies are derived from other subgenera within Carex al. 1998) on Cyperaceae and Cyperales (sensu through the reduction in inflorescence complexity. Dalghren et al. 1985) indicate a monophyletic Cy- Kreczetovicz (1936) also suggested that some un- peraceae and tribe Cariceae sensu Ku¨ kenthal and ispicate species may have had their origins outside suggest possible sister groups of tribe Cariceae, in- the genus. Nelmes (1952) elaborated on the hypoth- cluding tribes Trilepideae (Bruhl 1995), Scirpeae esis that Carex may be polyphyletic by suggesting (Muasya et al. 1998), or Sclerieae (Goetghebeur that many unispicate species may be more closely 1986). At present, only a few phylogenetic analyses 2000] YEN & OLMSTEAD: MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF CARICEAE 481 have been conducted on Carex, none of which pro- pling efforts were aimed to include multiple species vide a broad evolutionary framework for the whole within each genus in the Cariceae and multiple spe- genus (Crins and Ball 1988; Crins 1990; Starr and cies within each subgenus in Carex in to rep- Ford 1995; Starr et al. 1997; Waterway et al. 1997). resent a wide range of morphological and geo- Molecular techniques are useful in studying tax- graphic diversity. onomically complex groups because they offer DNA Isolation and Sequencing. Fresh , sil- many systematic characters independent of mor- ica gel dried leaves, and samples were phology, thereby enabling us to conduct large scale used in DNA isolation (Doyle and Doyle 1987). comparative studies that are necessary to recon- Double stranded PCR reaction mix for ndhF con- struct the phylogenetic history of these groups. The sisted of 10mM Tris-HCl, pH. 8.3, 50mM KCl, 3mM chloroplast gene ndhF has been shown to have a MgCl2, 2.5mM dNTP, 0.0125 units of Taq polymer- higher rate of base substitution than rbcL, making ase, 0.05 mM of each primer, and 1–5 ml total DNA it suitable for studies at the generic level and above template in a 50 ml reaction volume. Primers used (Olmstead and Sweere 1994; Clark et al. 1995; Bohs for ndhF amplification and sequencing largely were and Olmstead 1997; Terry et al. 1997). For studies described in Olmstead and Sweere (1994) with the at the generic level and below, the non-coding re- following modifications to facilitate amplification gion of the chloroplast DNA offers great potential. and sequencing in Cyperaceae. New and modified Thirty-two percent of the rice chloroplast and 42% primers include: 274Fa (CTTACCTCAATTATGT of the maize chloroplast consist of non-cod- TAACACTCAT), 972Ra (GCTAGTATAATGTAAC ing DNA (Maier et al. 1995). These non-coding re- CCAATTGAGAC), and 1006F (ATTGGTTCGTC gions often are flanked by coding regions that have TCGAACTGC). Depending on taxon, double conserved sequences, which can be used to design stranded ndhF amplification was achieved either in PCR primers. These non-coding regions of the chlo- one step (274Fa-3Ј) or two steps (5Ј-1318R, 1006F or roplast DNA exhibit a higher level of sequence var- 1318-3Ј). The reaction profile for ndhF amplification iation among closely related species than the cod- involves: 92ЊC for one minute; 45ЊC for one minute; ing region, therefore making them more useful at 72ЊC for one minute for 40 cycles, followed by final lower taxonomic levels (Gielly and Taberlet 1994). extension at 72ЊC for seven minutes. PCR reaction The and intergenic spacers in the cpDNA mix for the chloroplast non-coding region consisted vary in length and substitution rates (Clegg et al. of 10mM Tris-HCl, pH. 8.3, 50mM KCl, 3mM 1994; van Ham et al. 1994; Jordan et al. 1996; Kel- MgCl2, 1.25mM dNTP, 0.0125 units of Taq poly- chner and Clark 1997). Insertions and deletions are merase, 0.05 mM of each primer (Taberlet et al. common in the non-coding regions of the chloro- 1991), and 0.5–1 ml total DNA template in a 50 ml plast DNA and may result from molecular mecha- nisms such as slipped-strand misparing (Takaiwa reaction volume. The reaction profile for the non- Њ and Sugiura 1982), intra-molecular recombination coding region amplification involves: 94 C for one (Ogihara et al. 1988; Palmer 1991), and stem-loop minute; 50ЊC for one minute; 72ЊC for one minute formation (Sears et al. 1996). for 35 cycles. Double stranded PCR products were The cpDNA region bound by trnL 5Ј exon and cleaned using Qiaquick PCR Purification Kit (Qia- trnF first was used in phylogenetic analyses by Ta- gen Inc., Chatworth, CA) and quantified by spec- berlet et al. (1991). Since then, the trnL intron region trophotometry. DNA sequencing was accomplished and the intergenic spacer between trnL and trnF using the cycle sequencing method for both strands have been used in several studies (Gielly et al. 1996; using the ABI PRISM Dye Terminator Cycle Se- Gielly and Taberlet 1994; van Ham et al. 1994). quencing Ready Reaction Kit with AmpliTaq DNA We have three objectives in this study: (1) to as- Polymerase, FS (Perkin Elmer, Foster City, CA) and sess the monophyly of major lineages at the generic analyzed on an ABI 377 automated sequencer. DNA and subgeneric levels in Cariceae, (2) to identify sequences were assembled using Sequencher ver- monophyletic groups within Cariceae and examine sion 3.0 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI). their phylogenetic relationships, and (3) to evaluate Data Analysis. Sequence alignment was done the utility of traditional characters for delimiting by eye for ndhF and by using ClustalW (Thompson monophyletic groups and for classification. et al. 1994) and subsequently adjusted by eye for the intron-intergenic spacer region. Due to the MATERIALS AND METHODS many insertions and deletions in the intron-inter- Sampling. Twenty nine taxa in the Cariceae and genic region and the difficulties in aligning large four outgroup taxa were sampled (Table 1). Sam- data matrices, sequence alignment was done in 482 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 ndhF trnL-F number GenBank accession AF163451 AF164928 AF163453 AF164934 AF191806 AF191814 AF163442 AF164927 AF163446 AF164925 AF163454 AF164942 AF191807 AF191815 AF163455 AF164941 AF191808 AF191816 AF191809 AF191817 AF191810 AF191818 AF163447 AF164926 AF163443 AF164940 AF191811 AF191819 AF163444 AF164939 AF163450 AF164929 . Location of voucher 19892590 19851401 WTU WTU WTU MICH WTU WTU cultivated RBGE WTU cultivated RBGE MICH K WTU WTU MICH WTU WTU 0133 USA, Yen 0132 Source Reznicek s.n. stead s.n. 0094 stead s.n. 0087 0126 96-0715PL Taiwan, Yen 0078 Ontario, Canada, A.A. Sabah, Malaysia, Yen 0073 Texas, USA. R.G. Olm- Nepal Washington, USA, Yen Scotland , A.A. Reznicek s.n. Kenya, A. Muasya 1051 Colorado, Virginia, USA, R.G. Olm- Mexico, A.A. Reznicek s.n. Washington, USA, Yen Washington, USA, Yen Washington, USA, K. Glew Colorado, USA, Yen K.E.G. Ku ming, Edinburgh, Gothenburg Expedit 1. Section Polystachyae Phyllostachyae Unciniaeformis Muehlenbergianae Polystachyae Elongatae Physoglochin Fecundae Indicae Filifoliae Lupulinae Indicae Atratae Callistachys Obtusatae Rupestres ¨ kenthal (1909). Subgenus Indocarex Carex Primocarex Vignea Indocarex Vignea Primocarex Carex Indocarex Primocarex Carex Indocarex Carex Primocarex Primocarex Primocarex Taxon L.H. Bailey Muhl. Steud. Kunze Boott ¨ C.A. Meyer Boott Schw. Prescott Holm All. Lilj. Nees in Wight L. Boott Carey 1. Species included in this study. Sectional designation follows Ku ABLE T Carex Carex cephalophora Cariceae Carex baccans Carex backii Carex capillacea Carex composita Carex deweyana Carex donnell-smithii Carex echinochloe Carex dioica Carex elynoides Carex grayi Carex humboltiana Carex mertensii Carex nigricans Carex rupestris Carex obtusata 2000] YEN & OLMSTEAD: MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF CARICEAE 483 ndhF trnL-F number GenBank accession AF164931 AF163463 AF164950 AF163464 AF164951 AF163465 AF164949 AF163466 AF164933 AF163467 AF164931 AF163470 AF164954 AF163471 AF191822 AF163472 AF164953 AF163469 AF164952 AF163456 AF164930 AF163457 AF164945 AF163458 AF164944 AF163460 AF164947 AF163462 AF164948 AF191820 AF191821 Location of voucher NU NU NU CHR WTU WTU WTU WTU WTU WTU E E E COLO WTUWTU AF191812 AF191813 1287 794 1 1 USA, Weber & USA, R. G. Source 95-051 Valdiviensis 0190 0185 0195 0085 Cooper 1803 0128 Olmstead 95-25 Parks s.n. , K Millam, s.n. WTU AF163468 S. Africa, J. Browning 689 S. Africa, J. Browning 699 S. Africa, J. Browning 704 New Zealand, S. Wagstaff , Hortus Botanicus Washington, USA, Yen Washington, USA, Yen Washington, USA, Yen Washington, USA, Yen Sikkim, ESIK 751 China, K.E.G. Colorado, Washington, USA, Yen Colorado, North Carolina, USA, D. China, K.E.G. Primocarex Scirpinae Vignea Ovales Mackenzie Taxon ¨kenth. ¨kenth. (L.) Britt. Hochst. Ku L. C. A. Mey. (Ker-Gawler) Kartesz & Gandhi (Wahl) C. B. Clarke Presl Boott C. B. Clarke (Cav.) Pers. scula (Nee) Boeck. (L. fil.) Ku Michx. C.B. Clarke L. H. Bailey ystachion eana chamissonis gilis ammiei 1. Continued. ABLE T Outgroups Eriophorum Eriophorum pol Schoenoxiphium ludwigii Uncinia filiformis Uncinia phleoides Carex scirpoidea Dulichium arundinaceum Scripus microcarpus Schoenoxiphium filiforme Schoenoxiphium burkei Carex xerantica Other genera Cymophyllus fraserianus Kobresia fra Kobresia g Kobresia royl Kobresia simpliciu 484 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 three steps. First, taxa within the Cariceae and cluded from South America, Hawaii, and New Zea- those from outside the tribe were aligned separate- land; for Kobresia, samples were included from the ly and those alignments were adjusted by eye. Sec- Himalayas and North America, and for Schoenoxi- ond, selected taxa from both inside and outside the phium, samples were included from South Africa. Cariceae were aligned with ClustalW and align- For Carex, all four subgenera were included, with ment adjusted by eye. The final alignment was more sampling of unispicate species and subgenus based on all three alignments and reflects our best Indocarex, the two groups of taxa whose systematic estimate of the positional . positions have been controversial to researchers. ndhF and trnL intron-intergenic spacer data were Because the clades containing subgenera Vignea analyzed using PAUP* (version 4.0d60 courtesy of and Carex/Indocarex are strongly supported, these David Swofford). Both parsimony and maximum taxa were not sampled exhaustively in this study. likelihood analyses were conducted. Regions of am- The addition of more taxa would result in many biguous alignment were excluded from analyses. short branches in this particular part of the tree, but Short regions of sequence at the beginning and the probably would have no effect on the phylogenetic end of both ndhF and trnL intron and trnL-trnF in- structure at deeper levels. tergenic spacer were excluded from analyses be- Sequences from 33 taxa included in this study cause not all sequencing reactions yielded full (Table 1) provided a total aligned length of 2168 bp length fragments. Gaps were introduced in the for ndhF and 1223 bp for trnL intron and trnL-trnF alignment in order to optimize positional homolo- intergenic spacer. Four gaps were introduced in the gy. ndhF alignment to account for unique sequences The Incongruence Length Difference (ILD) Test found in five taxa. Forty-two gaps, ranging from (Farris et al. 1995, as implemented in PAUP*) was one to thirty bases long, were introduced into the used to examine potential conflicts in the phylo- trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. Fifteen genetic signals between ndhF and intron-intergenic parsimony informative gaps were included in the spacer data. For the test, 100 replicates were con- analyses as two-state characters. ducted, each with ten random-order-entry heuristic Results of the ILD Test (Farris et al. 1995) showed searches. that the ndhF dataset and the intron-intergenic spac- For parsimony analyses, one hundred heuristic er dataset were not significantly different from ran- searches with random sequence addition were con- dom partitions of the data (p ϭ 0.53). Therefore, we ducted with all characters weighted equally with combined the two datasets in subsequent analyses. TBR swapping and MULPARS in effect. To assess In the combined dataset, 615 sites were variable, relative group support, one hundred bootstrap (Fel- of which, 308 sites were parsimony informative. senstein 1985) replications were conducted. For Parsimony analyses resulted in six most parsimo- each bootstrap replicate, ten heuristic searches with nious of 885 steps (CI ϭ 0.652 for informative random sequence addition were conducted. characters). The strict consensus of the six trees is For maximum likelihood analyses, a substitution shown in Fig. 1. Maximum likelihood analyses model where all base transformations are equally yielded one tree of maximum likelihood (ϪlnL ϭ likely and a discrete gamma distribution (Yang 9390.4936). The overall topology of the maximum 1994) with three rate classes to account for rate het- likelihood tree (Fig. 2) is similar to that of the par- erogeneity were used. Five heuristic searches with simony strict consensus tree (Fig. 1). Differences be- random sequence addition were conducted with tween the maximum likelihood tree and the parsi- MULPARS turned off. The tree with the maximum mony strict consensus tree are restricted to inter- likelihood was retained to represent the best esti- specific relationships within major lineages and in mate of phylogenetic patterns. areas with weak bootstrap support and short branch lengths. RESULTS We identified several well supported lineages at the generic and subgeneric levels within the tribe Sampling was designed to include all the genera Cariceae and the genus Carex. At the generic level, recognized in the tribe and much of the morpho- our analyses reveal a monophyletic tribe Cariceae logical and geographic variation (Table 1). For Un- which is supported by 100% bootstrap value, given cinia (ca. 50 spp.), Kobresia (ca. 50 spp.), and Schoe- the outgroup sampling (Fig. 1). Within Cariceae, the noxiphium (17 spp.), at least three species of each South African genus Schoenoxiphium forms a clade genus were included. For Uncinia, samples were in- (100% bootstrap support) and is sister to to the rest 2000] YEN & OLMSTEAD: MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF CARICEAE 485

FIG. 1. Strict consensus of six most parsimonious trees. Tree length ϭ 885; consistency index, excluding autapo- morphic characters ϭ 0.652. Bootstrap values are above the branches. Clades identified in this study are indicated by brackets to the right. Subgeneric designation follows Ku¨kenthal (1909). 486 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25

FIG. 2. Maximum likelihood tree drawn with proportional branch lengths. Subgeneric designation follows Ku¨kenthal (1909). 2000] YEN & OLMSTEAD: MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF CARICEAE 487 of the tribe which is moderately supported as a than the most parsimonious trees in a Kishino-Has- monophyletic group (43% bootstrap support). The egawa test (p ϭ 0.02). The second constraint anal- remainder of Cariceae forms two clades in the max- ysis resulted in nine trees that are three steps lon- imum likelihood tree (Fig. 2) and three clades plus ger, but are not significantly different from the six Kobresia fragilis in the parsimony strict consensus most parsimonious trees. tree (Fig. 1). Both analyses reveal that Carex is par- At the subgeneric level, all subgenera, except sub- aphyletic with respect to Kobresia, Cymophyllus, and genus Vignea, appear polyphyletic. Carex backii Uncinia. We designated the clade containing Carex, (subgenus Carex) is nested within the assemblage Kobresia, Uncinia, and Cymophyllus as Carex sensu containing Uncinia, Cymophyllus, and several unis- lato. Uncinia forms a derived clade (100% bootstrap picate Carex species. Carex backii and associated taxa support) within a paraphyletic assemblage of Cy- form a clade that is supported with a moderate mophyllus, several unispicate species of Carex, and bootstrap value (52%) in the parsimony strict con- Carex backii. Kobresia forms a basal paraphyletic sensus tree. Carex subgenera Indocarex and Carex grade in the clade that includes Carex backii, some (excluding C. backii and including C. scirpoidea) form unispicate Carex species, Uncinia, and Cymophyllus a clade (100% bootstrap support) sister to subgenus in the maximum likelihood tree, and occupies an Vignea (including C. dioica, 100% bootstrap sup- unresolved position in the parsimony strict consen- port). However, the monophyletic grouping of the sus tree. two clades is only moderately supported (32% To investigate further the phylogenetic position bootstrap support). of Kobresia in Carex s.l., we examined all six most parsimonious trees and the maximum likelihood DISCUSSION tree for congruence. In three of the most parsimo- nious trees (Fig. 3A), Kobresia is paraphyletic to the In this study a phylogenetic reconstruction of Cy- clade containing Carex subgenera Carex, Indocarex, peraceae tribe Cariceae using DNA sequences is and Vignea, but only with 8% bootstrap support. In presented. This study represents a first estimate of the other three most parsimonious trees (Fig. 3B), phylogenetic relationships for tribe Cariceae. Al- Kobresia is paraphyletic to the clade containing Cy- though our sampling included only 29 taxa from a mophyllus, Uncinia, several unispicate Carex species, tribe with over 2,000 species, we attempted to in- and Carex backii, with 32% bootstrap support. The clude much of the morphological and geographical likelihood score for trees supporting the basal po- diversity of this tribe, especially at the generic level. sition of Kobresia to C. backii, unispicate Carex spe- Additional studies based on the phylogenetic cies, Uncinia, and Cymophyllus (-lnL ϭ 9393.5657) is framework established here are currently under- slightly lower than that for trees supporting the way. Because patterns of phylogenetic relationships basal position of Kobresia to subgenera Vignea, Car- may change with additional sampling, some of our ex, and Indocarex (-lnL ϭ 9392.5470). However, the systematic conclusions may be modified as more two tree topologies are not significantly different in data become available. a Kishino-Hasegawa test (p ϭ 0.92) (Kishino and Our analyses reveal a monophyletic tribe Cari- Hasegawa 1989). ceae, a finding consistent with other recent cladistic To investigate the hypothesized basal position of analyses of Cyperaceae, based on morphology Schoenoxiphium and Kobresia in the tribe Cariceae (Goetghebeur 1986; Bruhl 1995; Simpson 1995), and (Reznicek 1990; Kern 1958; Koyama 1961), we per- on DNA sequence data (Plunkett et al. 1995; Mu- formed two types of constraint analyses using the asya et al. 1998). Several morphological and ana- same heuristic search procedure as the uncon- tomical characters are common to all members of strained searches. In the first constrained search, the Cariceae, including the monoecious flower, the we divided the Cariceae into two sisters clades, one perigynium, and possessing a non-radiate form of of which comprised Kobresia and Schoenoxiphium, chlorenchyma cells in the mesophyll (Metcalfe the other comprised the remaining genera in the 1971). Other genera, such as Scleria Bergius and Bis- tribe. In the second constraint search, we only con- boeckelera Kunze, usually placed in the tribe Scler- strained Carex, Uncinia, and Cymophyllus to be ieae Kunth ex Fenzl. (Metcalfe 1971), have been sug- monophyletic, thereby allowing Kobresia and Schoe- gested to belong to the tribe Cariceae on the bases noxiphium to form a paraphyletic grade. The first of inflorescence morphology and the terminal po- constraint analysis resulted in two most parsimo- sition of the female flowers on the spikelet (Koyama nious trees five steps longer and significantly worse 1961). Although we did not include these genera in 488 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25

FIG. 3. A. strict consensus of three of the most parsimonious trees showing the position of Kobresia basal to Carex subgenera Carex, Indocarex, and Vignea. B. strict consensus of three of the most parsimonious trees showing the position of Kobresia basal to Uncinia, Cymophyllus, and Carex subgenus Primocarex. Bootstrap values denote the support for each topology at the first node leading to the clade containing Kobresia. 2000] YEN & OLMSTEAD: MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF CARICEAE 489 our study, recent studies have suggested that these many Schoenoxiphium species have well developed taxa do not belong in the tribe Cariceae (Goetghe- rachillae bearing terminal male flowers, some spe- beur 1986; Bruhl 1995; Muasya et al. 1998). cies, such as S. filiforme Ku¨ k., have very reduced Phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Cari- rachillae and perigynia that are similar to those ceae have been postulated chiefly through studies found in some Kobresia species (Kern 1958). We in- of the inflorescence structure. An open perigynium cluded S. filiforme in our study, the results of which subtending the achene and a well developed rach- support a clear phylogenetic separation between illa bearing male flowers have been considered to Kobresia and Schoenoxiphium. Although Kobresia and be primitive, whereas a closed perigynium with ru- Schoenoxiphium are morphologically similar, the dimentary rachilla or the absence of rachilla, have similarity is due mainly to the possession of ple- been considered to be advanced (Nelmes 1952). For siomorphic traits, such as the rachillae and the open these reasons, the inflorescence morphology found perigynium. Therefore, the recognition of Kobresia in Schoenoxiphium, which contains many species and Schoenoxiphium as one taxon would result in a with open perigynium and well developed rachil- paraphyletic taxon based on plesiomorphic charac- lae, has been considered to represent the most ters. primitive form that may have given rise to inflo- Although the position of Kobresia within Carex s.l. rescence types seen in other genera within the Car- is unresolved in the parsimony strict consensus iceae, through a process of reduction in inflores- tree, in the maximum likelihood tree Kobresia came cence complexity (Ku¨ kenthal 1909; Smith and out basal to a Carex-Uncinia-Cymophyllus assem- Faulkner 1976; Timonen 1985, 1989, 1993). The po- blage. Because our analyses provide ambiguous sition of Schoenoxiphium sister to the rest of the tribe placement of Kobresia (within Carex s.l. (Figs. 1, 2, Cariceae found in our analyses provide support for 3A, 3B), discussions on the evolution of this genus this prevailing view. In addition, results from this should be regarded as an attempt at reconciling the study shows that Schoenoxiphium is not related available data and a more definitive statement of closely to Carex subgenus Indocarex, as has been phylogenetic relationships must wait until addi- suggested by Smith and Faulkner (1976) and tional data are available. The key character in the Haines and Lye (1983). discussion of the evolutionary position of Kobresia Our data indicate that Kobresia may not be as and Carex has been the inflorescence and perigynial closely related to Schoenoxiphium (Kern 1958; Koy- morphology (Ku¨ kenthal 1909; Nelmes 1952; Timo- ama 1961) as to other taxa within the Cariceae nen 1998). Kobresia has been considered generally to (Figs. 1, 2). In none of the unconstrained analyses be more primitive than Carex due to the presence did we observe Schoenoxiphium and Kobresia to come of multiflowered spikelets and open perigynia. Our out together. Constrained searches forcing Kobresia analyses show that Kobresia is basal within Carex s.l. and Schoenoxiphium to be monophyletic resulted in (Figs. 2, 3B). trees that are significantly worse than the most par- In a study of the smut fungi (genus Anthracoidea) simonious trees. Constrained searches where Schoe- that infect members of Cariceae and by considering noxiphium and Kobresia were paraphyletic to the re- the cytological data of Heilborn (1924), Kukkonen mainder of the Cariceae resulted in trees that are (1963) hypothesized two putative lines of evolution longer and have lower likelihood than the uncon- from Kobresia to Carex. One line led to subgenus strained results, although the differences are not Vignea through some unispicate species of Carex, significant in the Kishino-Hasegawa test. While not and the other led to subgenus Carex. Although Ko- indicating strong support, the bootstrap value sup- bresia is found to be basal to Carex subgenera Carex, porting Carex s.l. (43%) is much higher than that Vignea, and Indocarex in three of the most parsi- supporting the exclusion of Kobresia from it (Ͻ5%). monious trees (Fig. 3A), the bootstrap support for Although Ku¨ kenthal (1909) recognized Schoenox- this grouping is weak (8%). We did not observe the iphium and Kobresia as two distinct genera on the two separate lines of evolution as proposed by Kuk- basis of rachilla morphology and for phytogeo- konen (1963). In addition, because most of the un- graphic reasons, others have considered this sepa- ispicate Carex included in this study were found ration to be artificial (Kern 1958; Koyama 1962). outside the subgenus Vignea clade, it seems that the Koyama (1961) formalized his hypothesis by merg- link between these species and subgenus Vignea, as ing Schoenoxiphium with Kobresia. Several authors suggested by Kukkonen (1963), may require re- (Nelmes 1952; Kern 1958; Smith and Faulkner 1976; evaluation. Gordon-Gray 1995) have pointed out that although Alternatively, our finding of Kobresia in a position 490 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 basal to some members of unispicate Carex species illae are present in a large number of both unispi- and the polyphyly of the unispicate Carex as a lin- cate and multispicate Carex taxa and that many spe- eage in three of the most parsimonious trees (Fig. cies which had been considered to lack rachillae ac- 3B) and the maximum likelihood tree (Fig. 2), are tually have them. Taxa that have been considered consistent with Nelmes’ (1952) hypothesis that to lack rachillae often have poorly developed rach- some unispicate Carex species may be more closely illae that are aborted early in the ontogeny of the related to Kobresia and Uncinia than they are to mul- inflorescence (Schultz-Motel 1959; Timonen 1993 tispicate species of Carex. Nelmes (1952) considered and refs. within). As with the homology issue, the unispicate Carex lacking rachillae to be descen- Schultze-Motel (1959) showed that the rachillae in dants from multispicate species, and those with Carex are likely to be homologous with those found rachillae derived from other genera such as Uncinia, in Kobresia. Additional studies by Timonen (1985, Kobresia, or Schoenoxiphium. Although Reznicek 1989, 1993) and Kukkonen and Timonen (1979) in- (1990) suggested that the unispicate Carex taxa are dicated that the rachillae found in Carex, Uncinia, relictual and derived from independent reductions Kobresia, and Schoenoxiphium, are likely to be ‘‘fun- from multispicate Carex ancestors, our analyses damentally similar.’’ suggest that some reduction events leading to un- Our analyses provide evidence for polyphyly of ispicate Carex species may have occurred before the subgenus Carex as well as unispicate taxa as a lin- divergence of subgenera in Carex and even genera eage (subgenus Primocarex sensu Ku¨ kenthal). The in the Cariceae. Additional sampling of Kobresia and phylogenetic position of C. backii (subgenus Carex, unispicate and other ‘reduced’ Carex (Starr et al. section Phyllostachyae)andC. elynoides (subgenus 1997) species may provide a more complete picture Primocarex, section Filifoliae) within the Uncinia-Cy- of the phylogenetic relationships between Kobresia mophyllus-unispicate Carex assemblage is similar to and Carex. recent findings based on nuclear ITS data (Starr et The discovery of an evolutionarily derived Unci- al. 1997). nia is contrary to most hypotheses on the evolution The heterogeneity of the unispicate Carex taxa of Cariceae, in which Uncinia, with its well devel- was first suggested by Kreczetovicz (1936). Al- oped and hook-shaped rachillae, has been thought though Ku¨ kenthal (1909) recognized unispicate to be more primitive than Carex (Ku¨kenthal 1909; taxa as a subgenus, ensuing workers have generally Kreczetovicz 1936; Nelmes 1952; Koyama 1961). considered the recognition of unispicate taxa as a Savile and Calder (1953) and Smith and Faulkner subgenus to be artificial. Past efforts to study the (1976) hypothesized that because the hook-shaped phylogenetic relationships of unispicate species rachillae in Uncinia are unique structures aiding tended to focus on the character of the rachilla. Be- dispersal, Uncinia may be a highly specialized cause it has been shown that the rachilla is wide- and derived group. spread throughout Carex and has little phylogenetic Nelmes’ (1952) hypothesis that the unispicate utility (Snell 1936; Reznicek 1990), a more effective Carex species lacking rachillae are derived from approach would involve delimiting the phylogenet- within Carex with more complex morphology is ic positions of species within Carex s.l. based on consistent with that postulated by Kreczetovicz data other than rachilla morphology, followed by a (1936), who regarded the unispicate taxa as derived reassessment of the subgeneric level classification. from multispicate species, most of which had been This is a project that we currently are undertaking. thought to lack rachillae. In order to explain the Our findings of Carex dioica and C. scirpoidea sep- presence of the rachilla, a putatively primitive trait, arate from the other unispicate species are consis- in what he considered to be the most derived taxa, tent with recent thinking on the evolutionary rela- but rarely in the more primitive (multispicate) taxa, tionships of these taxa. Carex dioica has similar Kreczetovicz (1936) hypothesized that the rachillae chromosome morphology (Heilborn 1924) to, and found in some unispicate taxa may not be homol- has been shown to hybridize in nature with, mem- ogous to the rachillae found in Kobresia or Uncinia. bers of the section Heleonastes in subgenus Vignea Our data showed that most unispicate Carex are (Toivonen 1981). In addition, data from infection by likely to be closely related to Kobresia, most of which thesmutgenusCintractia also suggest a close re- have well developed rachilla axes. Rachillae found lationship between C. dioica and subgenus Vignea in unispicate Carex may represent simply undevel- (Savile and Calder 1953). In recent taxonomic treat- oped axes (Timonen 1998). Anatomical studies ments, C. dioica usually is placed in subgenus Vig- (Snell 1936; Reznicek 1990) have shown that rach- nea (Mackenzie 1931; Kreczetovicz 1936; Chater 2000] YEN & OLMSTEAD: MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS OF CARICEAE 491

1980). Carex scirpoidea has been considered to be veal differences in the branching order for taxa in more closely related to subgenus Carex based on the assemblage containing Uncinia, Cymophyllus, cytological evidence (Heilborn 1924), as well as and several unispicate Carex taxa. Although this morphological evidence such as the absence of the clade is moderately supported by a 52% bootstrap, rachilla, and occasional production of multiple fe- the phylogenetic relationships for taxa within it are male spikes (Nelmes 1952; Cronquist 1977). We ob- not identical between the two types of analyses. served three insertion/deletions in C. scirpoidea that Further down the tree we also observed differences are shared by all members of subgenus Carex in the in grouping between the maximum likelihood and trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. parsimony analyses. Although we identified several We provide evidence for a sister relationship be- moderately to well supported lineages in the Car- tween the Carex subgenus Vignea clade and the sub- iceae such as clades containing Indocarex-Carex, Vig- genera Carex and Indocarex clade. Our finding of a nea, and Uncinia-Cymophyllus-unispicate Carex, the monophyletic Carex subgenus Vignea is consistent phylogenetic relationships among these lineages with the mainstream belief that this is a homoge- are supported by low bootstrap values and few neous, natural subgenus. Members of subgenus synapomorphic characters. Therefore, our data do Vignea lack the cladoprophyll and are characterized not provide strong support for the interpretation of by sessile, bisexual spikelets, and two stigmas (Rez- relationships among these lineages. The short in- nicek 1990). However, our data do not support the ternal branches and long terminal branches in our hypothesis that subgenus Vignea is derived with re- trees may be artifacts of sampling where sampling spect to subgenera Carex or Indocarex (summarized at the tips of the tree is too sparse to break up the in Reznicek 1990), nor do they support the hypoth- long terminal branches. This is probably due to esis that subgenus Vignea is ancestral to the other sampling at the generic and subgeneric levels to subgenera (Reznicek 1990). cover the taxonomic diversity at these levels, in- In our analyses the monophyly of Carex subgen- stead of focusing the sampling on closely related era Carex (excl. C. backii)andIndocarex together are species. If these recognized groups represent an- well supported; however, limited sampling makes cient divisions within the genus, then a scheme to this conclusion tentative at this point. It is possible sample them representatively would be expected to that some species traditionally placed in subgenus yield a non-random distribution of branch lengths Carex may turn out not to belong to the subgenus with short internal and long terminal branches. The Carex/Indocarex clade. This is most likely for the weak internal support and short branches within ‘highly reduced’ taxa such as those in Carex section each major clade could indicate a need for more Phyllostachyae (Starr et al. 1997). Both subgenera data. Further sampling of progressively more close- Carex and Indocarex contain the cladoprophyll, ly related species and the addition of more data which is a tubular or utriculiform structure found may help improve future phylogenetic inference. at the base of the inflorescence (Koyama 1962; Kuk- In this study, the utility of ndhF and trnL se- konen 1994). Some members of the two subgenera quence data in providing a phylogenetic hypothesis also have similar inflorescence branching patterns for a Carex and related genera is demonstrated. Car- and perigynial characteristics (Nelmes 1951; Ohwi ex is paraphyletic with Uncinia, Cymophyllus, and 1936; Koyama 1957, 1962). Ohwi (1936) and Koya- possibly Kobresia all derived from within it. Several ma (1962), in their classifications of Asian Carex well supported lineages within Carex are identified, species, recognized only two subgenera within Car- interpretation of the phylogenetic patterns is pro- ex: subgenus Carex that includes subgenus Indocarex vided, and an account of past phylogenetic hypoth- and most of the unispicate species, and subgenus eses with respect to the new data is offered. This Vignea. Although Reznicek (1990) did not think study provides a good framework for further in- there was ‘‘compelling evidence’’ to disperse sub- vestigation on the phylogenetic history and mech- genus Indocarex into the various sections in subge- anisms of diversification in this complex genus. nus Carex, our data support Raymond’s (1959) sug- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The authors thank Henry Noltie gestion that Carex subgenus Indocarex is a hetero- (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh), Anton Reznicek (Uni- geneous assemblage. The classification schemes of versity of Michigan), John Beaman (Royal Botanical Gar- Ohwi (1936) and Koyama (1962) may be a better den, Kew), Jane Browning (Natal University, South Africa), depiction of the phylogenetic relationships in for Kerry Ford and Steven Wagstaff (Landcare Research Ltd., the subgenus Carex/Indocarex clade. New Zealand), Marcia Waterway (McGill University, Can- Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses re- ada), Sarah Gage (International Kuril Islands Project, Uni- 492 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [Volume 25 versity of Washington), Katie Glew (University of Wash- procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf . ington), Kendra Millam (University of Wisconsin, Madi- Phytohcemical Bulletin 19:11–15. son), Abraham Muasya (Royal Botanic Garden, Kew), and FARRIS,J.S.,M.KA¨ LLERSJO¨ ,A.G.KLUGE, and C. BULT. David Parks (Camellia Forest Nursery, North Carolina), for 1995. Testing significance of incrongruence. Cladistics providing plant material and research advice. We would 10: 315–319. also like to thank the administrative authorities of Halea- FELSENSTEIN, J. 1985. Confidence limits on phylogenies: an kala National Park, Hawaii, Sabah Parks Department, Ma- approach using the bootstrap. Evolution 39: 783–791. laysia, Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan, Washington GIELLY,L.,andP.TABERLET. 1994. 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