Wetland Tourism: USA – the Everglades National Park

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Wetland Tourism: USA – the Everglades National Park A Ramsar Case Study on Tourism and Wetlands Wetland Tourism: USA – The Everglades National Park USA, The Everglades National Park, Mangroves © National Park Service Photo, Rodney Cammauf The Greater Everglades Ecosystem Recognizing the importance of this ecosystem, the is a vital part of the economy of the state of state and federal governments have established Florida in the USA, as it is the primary source for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan all water needs to a large part of the southern part (CERP) to address the decline of the ecosystem’s of the state. The ecosystem covers overall health. The Plan outlines the world’s approximately18,000 square miles (4.6 million largest wetland restoration project ever hectares) and encompasses a broad range of land undertaken. It includes more than 60 elements uses, including agriculture, recreation, and will require more than 30 years to construct conservation, retail, industrial, conservation, at an estimated cost of USD 10.9 billion, and was residential, and general community needs. The authorized by the US Congress in 2000. Each year Everglades National Park covers approximately the state and federal government must prioritize 2,400 sq. mi. (622,000 ha) and is located at the projects within CERP and request funding to keep southern end of this vast ecosystem. the program on track. Given tightening budgets and competing priorities, this is an annual challenge. The Ramsar Secretariat selected 14 case studies for a publication on wetlands and sustainable tourism, to be launched at the 11th Conference of Parties, July 2012. www.ramsar.org/tourism 1 A Ramsar Case Study on Tourism and Wetlands Managing the water flows in the fish dieoffs and other problems. Clearly managing ecosystem is extremely complex as it is a this system can include difficult trade-offs. compartmentalized system put in place in the 1940s to provide flood protection, water supply, CERP provides a framework and guide to restore, and limited environmental benefits. That protect and preserve the water resources of compartmentalized system currently makes it central and southern Florida, including the difficult to provide the right amount of water, of Everglades. The goal of CERP is to create a the right quality, to the right place at the right sustainable south Florida by restoring the time. For example, increasing the flows into the ecosystem, ensuring clean and reliable water Everglades National Park has been inhibited due supplies, and providing flood protection. The to a highway in the way, acting like a dam, and to majority of the new water captured and stored the absence of infrastructure in place to store will be devoted to environmental restoration, volumes of rainwater effectively and then deliver reviving a dying ecosystem. The remaining new it to areas of the system that may need it during water will benefit cities and farmers by enhancing droughts. Currently, managing the water regime water supplies for the south Florida economy. The on the wider Everglades ecosystem involves plan has major environmental as well as economic maintaining Lake Okeechobee at a specific level benefits, including provision of flood protection that may require sending pulses of fresh water and maintenance of the region, and Everglades into the estuaries along the coast, which causes National Park, as important attractions for domestic and international tourists. USA – The Everglades, American Crocodile USA - The Everglades, Cypress and Great Egret © National Park Service Photos, Rodney Cammauf Tourism is a major part of south Florida’s The Everglades National Park is the largest economy, and the Everglades contributes subtropical wilderness reserve that has been significantly to this. A National Park Service (NPS) designated on the North American continent. It report shows that 915,538 visitors in 2010 spent contains a vast mix of subtropical upland and USD 135,494,000 in Everglades National Park and marine ecosystems that are characteristic of the in communities near the park.. That spending Greater Everglades ecosystem and which include supported 1,956 jobs in the local area. One freshwater marshes, tropical hardwoods, rock element of the CERP is a Master Recreation Plan pinelands, extensive mangroves and seagrass that is designed to provide recreation ecosystems that support world-class fisheries. Its opportunities that are compatible with the relatively unaltered mangrove forest belt stretches restoration purposes of the project. between Florida Bay to Flamingo and Everglades City, and is one of the longest remaining in the western hemisphere. The Park includes sites of The Ramsar Secretariat selected 14 case studies for a publication on wetlands and sustainable tourism, to be launched at the 11th Conference of Parties, July 2012. www.ramsar.org/tourism 2 A Ramsar Case Study on Tourism and Wetlands cultural importance (Calusa Shell mounds in the Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Gulf Coast), natural beauty and diversity (Anhinga American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus), and Bald Trail), and historical importance (Nike Missile eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and it provides Base). important habitat for more than 400 bird species, as well as being a major corridor for migratory The Park also supports more than 20 federal- and bird populations. The Multi-Species Recovery 70 state-listed rare, threatened and endangered Plan, developed by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife species, including Green, Ridley, Hawksbill and Service, provides a comprehensive strategy for Leatherback turtles, the Everglades snail kite, the addressing habitat needs of the 68 endangered Wood stork, West Indian manatee (Trichechus species in the area, and it is integrated with the manatus), Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi), CERP. USA, The Everglades, “After the Storm” photo by Brian Call, © National Park Service The Park is at the southern tip of this huge The Park’s nearly one million visitors each year system and has experienced negative impacts come to enjoy tourism activities that include from being located downstream from several huge wildlife viewing, especially birdwatching, hiking, metropolitan and agricultural areas. Less than kayaking, and sightseeing tours by boat and tram. 50% of the Everglades which existed prior to Some recreational fishing is also allowed subject drainage attempts remain intact today. to park regulations. The Park’s tourism facilities Populations of wading birds dwindled 90% from include 156 miles of trails (including canoe trails), their original numbers between the 1940s and five elevated boardwalk trails, two campgrounds 2000s, but are now increasing. As well as threats providing a total of 400 camping spaces and a from water quality and pollution due to urban further 48 designated backcountry campsites that encroachment, the Park also faces threats from are accessible by boat, five visitor centres and two invasive non-native species with adverse impacts environmental education camps. on key habitats and native species in the Everglades. These threats remain serious, but will The visitor centres and campsites are run by the be significantly reduced through the projects that park management, while the Park contracts with form part of the CERP. tour operators for boat tours and equipment rentals and shops. Significant restrictions are in The Ramsar Secretariat selected 14 case studies for a publication on wetlands and sustainable tourism, to be launched at the 11th Conference of Parties, July 2012. www.ramsar.org/tourism 3 A Ramsar Case Study on Tourism and Wetlands place for all facilities in the Park in order to paddlers exploring the park’s vast backcountry, maintain its wilderness character and balance these boat trips account for the majority of the visitor use with the conservation of cultural and Gulf Coast’s 110,000 annual visits. District-wide environmental resources. ranger, maintenance, and interpretive operations are also located here. The average visitor group size ranges from 2.4 to 3.1 people (average 2.7 people), and the average Conservation education is an important part of length of stay in the local region on overnight trips the Park’s work. A standard Park brochure is is 3.5 nights. On a visitor group trip basis, average available in several languages free of charge to spending in 2008 was $84 for visitors from the park visitors, and it includes the message: local region, USD 107 for non-local visitors on day “Freshwater flowing into the park is engineered. trips, USD 117 for visitors camping inside the With the help of pumps, floodgates, and retention park, USD 654 for visitors camping outside the ponds along the park’s boundary, the Everglades park, and USD 1,108 for visitors staying in motels is presently on life support, alive but diminished.” or lodges outside the park. In 2002, an estimated The Coe Visitor Center addresses resources, 14% of all park visitors were international, though visitor activities, and management issues park- the figure has been estimated to be as high as 38% wide. These same topics are addressed in a more in prior years. localized way at Flamingo, Royal Palm, Shark Valley and Gulf Coast visitor centres and at trail The main tourism activities in the heads and observation points throughout the Park are operated by three businesses that have Park. leased concessions. These operators provide a range of accommodation, including houseboats; a Each year, the Park sponsors curriculum-based marina, boat and canoe rentals; bicycle rentals; programs and visits, in cooperation with local and naturalist-guided sightseeing tours by boat public schools, that reach about 12,000 students and tram. The Park benefits from the revenues it (10-12 years old). Programs involve direct receives from these leases to tourism businesses interaction with rangers and teachers for 1-day to and from entrance fees charged to visitors. Seven 3-day overnight visits. The Park maintains two day passes cost USD 10.00 for a private vehicle or environmental education camps to support this USD 5.00 for pedestrians and cyclists, and annual program.
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