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California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Volume^, Number SO 'h Wednesday, April 3,1974 Eight Pages Today Buses stop on campus With the ever-strengthening students Inc. has subsidised the between the men's physical grasp that energy and pollution reduced student faro, education building and the H P, problems have on modern According to the Telegram- Davidson Music Center. Tribune, the Mass .Tran­ Poekst-sissd seheduios, sportation Committee nonolitared showing the routes and listiiw praoilea! and Inexpensive the needs of the elderly, thooo ttmss of oseh stop, will bn withwweowo ^w^vlew ssiwwhiww inflames ^wnt^usend wsomi^^wsswatiidenle avatlsblo at the information •an Luis Obtapp joined the turn befori arriving at the routes, desks In ths administration.1 la maos transit Me week when ■chidullin ind a# Mm h u m . build ins end the Union.Man. Thsf; blue end' white mlntbukes All newof ewe^ethe ^ew^ege^eatoM bfee^^w the ww^^w now nrwctwhue may also be MM nt____ various_ C an daeorating its streets ■yitom, Including those pa banks, retail buMnsaa, city halt, morning oampus, ore idontiflod by In­ mobile homo parks, utility* 'OM-wsy fares Sre H <" terna UcmI blue and white bus company offtees and the ■igna and wlU hove ben oh as , hsvt bmn Initiated for ihidonUi City anginter Dave Romero in the form of discount tobona, toid the Telegram-Tribune that Bus system, available at the information w^wp a ninl-vdiioltistews00 v ^w^sw^^^e would wse^w b(m weat Desk of the University Union for any intoraoetton along the route If tutoi 40 cents spieoo. people . flag B them B down, or I If a fit a w-n ig top J - ■ The now bus system, supported passongsr wished to disembark S A L & S ( n Q f l by All President John Holley, is priorSMilaas Stoa arrivalo m Mu o I at ad a one m « oof f i the l . divided into two routes. Each of designated stops, fb i suoosss of ths AH subsUgf the 11-passenger buses will take Ths buses will run from 7 a.m. of ths Ian Lula Obispo bus system an hour to oomplote its route; to 7 p.m. Monday through and the need for a oomprshsnstvo •terefore each slop will bo passed Saturday and until 10 p.m. on tutoring program on campus will onoo an hour. Thursdays. Smoking and pots t» discussed mxt Wednesday at Pour campus slops will serve will bo prohibited, with the ex­ an Informal meeting of tbo Oal Poly. ooption of guide dogs. Student Affairs CouiteU. The new service is presently Both buses, manufactured In During Winter Quarter, SAG only a pilot program, with s view Buena Park, wars converted voted to alioeata 11,000 from prior toward the future of providing a from gasoline burning engines to year's savings in order to HAJtan permanent system for residents. natural gas In Santa Barbara. puchsso bus token at die regular OIMI lATIR-AAaot Foofebell't rival. ttudmti will moat The city of gan Luis has sub­ Urinewwaa^p this -fuel, wwv| wavsir wwaawmwpvpollution hp is ■ cent cost. Ths takem would IMaiy be shucking their dlmaa into the new city buses In an sidised this initial step In order te virtually non-existent, and the then bo sold la students for » ^tsmptte save gas and money. One-way tares ere M cents but gain more Information about the vohielas will run e lea nor, more reduced rata of 10 cents. bn cwd tokens may be purchased at the Information Desk of desirability and feasibility of efficiently and require loss Ism s, All- lbs University Uhlan. such s plan. The Associated maintenance, ties of the B juit* |U |« nkfMMI m | | | u ^ M | SaSWStw | ^BUr^VS. Vp Be wat^w^BS at the UU lino on At map on pngs l, servos Information desk have boon the Johnson Ava. end Broad St. “fantastic,“ Ho sold, that 1.009 Crowd-pleasing concert areas. It will have Poly slope tefcena purchased by the All an ioeatad on the east side of Orand Friday wore sold out by a pm " by IU « HELaiNO smooth and expressive both included the latest version of AvI. just south of Vista Oraado Monday. Ho added that an ad- cooked a physically and vocally. “You Art the Sunshine of My and in parsing lot E-lf in front of dittonal 1,000 token* have been crowd-pleasing pissa Monday Drummer David Oaribaldl life" over committed to vinyl. the Agrieultural Engineering purchased by the All, and that dgbt, delivering a popularly holds together a rhythm sootion Of course preceding Ul# buiidhw, approximately half have bam ssBsddsr chance to “get down" also consisting of Bront lyars on oonoort were the Pint Annual Route two, shown as a solid line sold already b tbs bet and stuffed Men's Oym. congas and Pranois Rocoo on the map, eorvos the lower Other items that may bo Armed with material that bags Cal Poly Paper Airplane Prattle on bam. Ouitarlst Bruce Championships, oourtasv of the Hi guers It. and Laguna Like dtoeueeod Include the need far Ike treatment, and bringing it off Con to b oonflned Is rhythm areas, it will stop on oampus an dressing facilities for woman h * fhk srofeeeional musicianship Ethnic Programming Board, playing most of the time but his which was only trying to tali the the west aids of College Ave,, just tbo Men's Oym and possible gussrsd with a pinch of visual d m d i­ occasional lends are clean and iMuyaufwowu dkemSurn ui#4|| a kammbiA ahshawn^M^concert Lnertama south of the Business Ad­ stykag, Oakland's gift te the lay confident, if not of virtuoso ministration and Education Ana bund took the tugs In front will be May • featuring El quality. Chlrann, Dr. ll I) d as amicus audience sod gsvs Cold Blood is a band suffering Hal they hod. Fortunately, they from sovorsl problems, the bwe plenty to offer. foremost of which is having to Posturing c trademark horn heck the Janlinaaoue noeturinoi Mod, the group's formula has of load singer Lydia Penao, who If saw bsooma familiar, with ■coma to betiovo that Janis IsstiU bwythlng revolving around one alive In her body. Although she • tbs two canters; the tight hoc an adequate rook and blues • the instrumental section or voice, trios too hard and is BBMhqor ' too formulated to bo crediblo, gbe for-lovo voles. This throws her hair around her in a I gw emotional base# fer swirl, puncher her flat IMS Ms “ Tower of Power sir, and throttles thehnsMMSMniid, mike swing tbo group to but she's i diiboMlt iftd a people'! bond of theatrical, Ui -Jbb by Mostly identifying with periodic unbuttonlngf of her blouse wore top obvious and they coma off well, calculated to add anything to lbs the barn men doing oo- show. Moke and throws. First The group's instrumental lyor 's formula is an old one, consisting ng and silver suit of building a single riff te a voonl •jm t eneugh flesh to keep rlimaN and then repealing li Into •ysi on the stage, coni­ the ground. On “Down to the fer Williams' rathor Bono," wpoeially, they prove presence that holds themselves tight sad competent, 1 b plscuuThe.'-**.—'• r**“ *^14 their.arrangements and anew fey juoh ihowaod 1 flow comae through on the material' lack the imagination fOWf to*^>4bw or af ‘••d-slnger “ ““* material, whore ho and power to make thorn Solidly ILmnny a m n u lAililwmiewim«mi otaM tptftyiew lfli m Ake »rw InfanaaimOV in*mm *wBr tumid tnsrlEwo with fft "tight funk" ky on the high, short enjoyable, Fortunately, they did ♦huslosm wHh which his group ptayad tact Instrumental section and Ml llama' smooth Otherwise, Williams is avoid their balled catalog, which Monday night In the AAm's Oym Townr of IU M I IliUI I IISB| I ^ « rrr*.m* F.S. Fitzgerald is back

hy DBNNIB McLfeLLAN lure of "the green light at tho vnd Iba tradition of thoaa mid 0«ii»ii> if Daley's dock" la turning into partita Tba possiliiliiiv* arc The Population Institute of leaders researching iuu When P. goott Pltagerald died VVttMhiiipiim DC. la offering in- statute*, drafting model bills and In Hollywood In 1140, he was s the reality of peonbacks for all andlOM P, Scott Pttsgeraid waa not Mrimhip granta of up to 9000 for seeking administrative reform* broken man. Roaohlag more atudenta Intoraated In doing aft an far a bottle than a pen, tha Last weak New York heated tha above nailing hla atoriaa to the The Washington staff of tM Golden Boy of the SOth Century Mar-studded premiere af "Tha movies Although ha may not aomothing about tha prnblama of Population Institute will provide literature had lost hla luster and Oreat Oatsby,1' In spile of mixed have boon partlaularly plaaaad population growth and tha on* interns with resoaroh matariak, vironmental taauee of thoir elate. waa on the dark abysmal side of reactions from the critics, tha with thia cinematic tranalation of ideaa from other Interna and Paradlae. movie, according to Newsweek, hla literary masterpiece, ha Tha intern program will run general guidance. At the time af hla death, net Iws already been guaranteed 111 aartalnly would have enjoyed the from feptember, 1974 to May, million In advanood booking. financial ramunarationa: It aould At tbs end of the progim each even the groatnaaa of "The Orest 1971. Tha deadline for application Intern will be required to writs i Oatsby” waa bringing In needed Tho Aim’s main attraction, of have paid off hla dobta and af* ie April M, forded Mm a trip to the french report outlining the major lasuo reyaltiea. The leal generation of jourso, la Its two stars. Not since Studonta Involved in tha intern studied, suggest steps te aehiovs the Jau Age seemed far removed MOM hold Its two-year search for Riviera whore porhapo ha could program will be working directly workable approaohes and Bom the depression and war-torn an aetrass to play gearlett. Anlah Ma novel about eueooao In with atate logialalora, ad* provide information an tbs world of the IN*. * O'Hara in "Gone With tha Wind" Hollywood minlatratora and community AI a a | | tkopA to g polities! climate rotated la Iks WOW| RVVVvVfp Hrnie *• ■ has there bean such ooneern aver , Issues, revival of tntorost In the works of tho eapttng of a movie. P, Beott Pltagerald and tha The Institute wtH use gw Although readers af tha novel ■Frisco trip nears reports for their targar prepaau den era ha helped areata, Due may have different visions of tho part to the current atate of Thursday la tha laat day ticketa Mlaaion It recta The bua leaves to Increase understanding aai •olden due, Mta farrow aa Daley action In the population Acid a rnostalgia,that ora between world and tha much-tadfcmand Robert may bo purahaaad for aoata on hare Saturday morning at seven ware has taken on a romantic, the Oroyhound charter to San a.m. from tho Oym and returns both tho atate and national level, technicolor' hue> Rodford aa Oatsby are a com­ franetaoo. far III par parson bination that spall box office at sin p.m Sunday, Arrangements for aoidmk ft's (rente that It's Hollywead- students, faculty and thoir Aooordlng to Barnlea credit are decided between gw success, families can ipvnd a weekend in Pltagsrald'a last atop in hU at­ Loughran, trip organlaor, several student and hla faculty advlar. tempt to get back on top-that la The movie is turning out te ha a tha City. The price of tha ticket promoter's dream-come-true end buaos may make tho Journey If The program outline la flaalWe taatang tha Pltagerald parade; a oovara tha round trip bua faro and la adding millions more rtlrscfl) overnight aaoomodatiana reserve Uona warrant. But late and alternative approaches te gw parade that’s beading straight to buyen may run "a alight risk of rteoaroh of population policy will tho bank. and indirectly—to tho Oatsby gponsored by the School of oof fare In ardor te promote tho oaneellation" due to an unfilled ha considered. Pltagerald projects are In Communieatlva Arta and bua. i- Jenuerv ABC Him, PlfllMIKrtParamount hasbaa Ifllllltldinitiated Man Humanidea the trip la sahedulod All application forms sag abundance In January ABC , Tickets may ha purohaaed at inquires should be sent lei Tlw presentedS thjthe twoh. n hourh«T ”F, ‘T goott butt ambitious campaign to "Oat* far April • and 7 and allows time sbylae" America, tho University Union information Population Institute, Inters Pltagareldild and thtthe LaatLast ofaf lh#the flnwm . for travellers to taka In dsak. far details oontaet Dr. In tho tradition of Mickey jjnuseume, art gaUortee, theatres, Program, 110 Maryland Avenue, Bellas."’• TharoThere artare aliaalso l» **»• tradttton of Mickey Loughran at her offtoe, MS-1971, N.K., Washington, D.C., MO* plana for#r filmfUm vontonaversions afof fit*Pit* Mouse Meuse watehoewatohaa and Davy osnoorts, or the other slghta of agarald'a’a unflniahodunfinished novoinovel about Oroakott eoonakiaeeonskln aapa,capo, thetho Ian franalsao. Hollywoodnd "The Laat Tycoon”Tycoon" public la beingboin| delugeddalupod with To help ticket purchasers plan and the recantrecent .biographybiography of hla Oatsby-retaiedOatsby-rata led products. TharaThera their visit, a pamphlet will bo la the Oatsby look-Oatsby gvan whan tickets are bought, It .Lv But It's Paramount Picture's swear and white Daisy nmeots ^ sdustta ta ‘jg e Oreat OMs* m and hairstyles; Teflon ■, in B» K has a kno af etaaoic, while pets 4 awd pans in "the tradWtan af the •M i Osatai" am IdtoWVs 5taijT m w ni lOig' its, m iita ssasai a Letters Make vote count Editor i tho extent of each candidate'! It will beootna evident ta moat eampaign and not on the atudanta at Cal Poly that our leadership abilities of these prtosnt All offloors will bo poUtioian* stopping down and wo will ontar In light of ovorytMni I hava our annual All elections In tho said, t urps all atudanta hare at months ahead. Gal Poly to vela and ta make II In thnoe tlmaa of corruption In count. Make an lntalll|a«l our national aovernment. doooIs dactlifMI hagaX mm. arc taklni another look *t polltlao formanoaa and ability of the In lotwral. Who roally wins an tumtHdaiot ta oops with proMani ctoetionT which might arise. Also, who has Tho |uy who spends more the support of student gursw money on an election? mont? Who dfoi • AC luppto? 11m guy who la boot looking? Which candidate aaa gat tnlngi The |uy who has spent tho moot done to help you? Umi campaigning1 I alnamoiy hope the studmiti Or the guy that la moat hare don't take thia a to tto qualified? lightly. Baaroto your privilege In order ta attend Cal Poly, M vom ana mans It count. mart i k x 0 | u i | | oMMudsaeam avarvm w w» ^ ihitMevvii^evvw t oooimwwmuat nev ^eeean rA ^ w ll a lomtorw inn wtu procMOii to of to . Thia money |oda ta tik ^ |im | support the All aotlvttto which benefit all the atudanta at this Tutoring... aahaol. Do you Ilka concerts? Da you Ilka ta aaa movies at 71 cents (oonUm^d from page 1) a shat? Da you really appreciate Tutoring will too be diamond Ml the work that a aatot ww da la at rmaam this aaofirm! ^rw aaa^o^miWw^^oMcttou U^pat tha •dor to bring you thane evanta? quarter Hanaa said that acme tom of pressure will have M be DoM^tidnkdMt Conmda plaaad an t o atohrtrtralto it I mM Jab la lu b b M i f v Juat shoulder ito responsibility. a handful carry the wMgbt? Why Tutariag ahould ba a service of waa there auab • bad turnout at t o adminiitralto, ha said, the lACwarhahop? 1 think that H ia your duty ta help thaao pacpU in choaeing goad student EdborU Poiky im raam id offlca^^a, u t u n to tho oditor about anv Mpio are walaama, Letters at Cal Po!T voted In the All should ba typed and muat ba atottoc last Spring In meat Signed. Bring latter* M Graphic ejections paopia are swayed ta Arta t o and put them in t o Studenu may adlter'i mailbox.______display work vote one way or the other due ta Kudmn who oroatad projects I* tho Da Vinci course afforod lait iprlng may hava thalr prajaat* placed oa public display, According to Dr. funlalaua Dundcn, aiioclata Daan of raamiialaahva Arta and Humanities, the projecta will be town la the Architecture Exhibition area. However, Baton laid that atudenta who wmt thair work displayed muat h»lp nova the projects from Tnaya Louafe to the exhibition to. Tbi projects will be trane- toed on Wadnaaday, April S, towaon l:lo and liM p.m ■btonta who want to hava their •to displayed ahould meet ai ftaaya Lounge at that tune. Vet benefits topic of talk Itato and federal government toaflta available to vatarana bo diacuaeed by John Enos, •to y vataran a service officer kflan Luis Obiapo, Thursday at u • m In Owmash Auditorium _Tha talk, apanaarad by ths Cal jjjl' Veterans Club, will include tefddsd benefits that would bo toiiabla to vats under pending JjJjjfto and funda currently

■•oa(< a former Cal Paly JUfto and retired Marine, «tociy with the Veterans Mmlalsliation regional office in Jto togaiea and the California o? Vatarana Affair, alacrameate Tha ptoiic is invited to attend ^•toaion is free. -II I, KM

Go Camping Outingi CommittM Km two (antMtio advonturM for you thla wookond to opon tha iprtng aeaaon If you ar# Interested in i*ck- packing, thor* will bo a trip to galmon Crook, a boautiful plaoo amlat tho morning fog and dark wjldornoM only an hour away from horo. Hits trip la ovon suitable for tho boglnnora, Thora will bo an advanood aplunklng expedition for tho more ex­ perienced cavoperaon. Thla will bo hold at Loot loldler'a Cave In Nequoia National Park. Both trlpa will loavo on frlday evening and will return on Bunday afternoon. The food for the entire week-end la only 13 75 Information for either trip can bo obtained at the "Eacape Routo" In U.U. 104. klgn-upa are being taken at the Union Information Dock. r' ACU—I Host Committee* Tho Association of College ming. Hundred* of atudenta from Union, International Hoat Nevada, Hawaii, and California Committee will be meeting thla will be attending theaa Ifcursday evening at T pm. in workatopi^^^^^^^^^ U.U. III. Tho Committee will bo ooncoraod with lodging, moata, TOGETHER tranaportatlon, rogiatrationa, entertainment, concerto, and Again partiee. Horo la your opportunity The annual art faculty and ataff EUGENE PRINDONOFF— PIANIST to gain aome experience In ahow of painting, drawing, hooting a conference, The con­ aculpturo, coramiea, allvar, Mr. Eugene Pridonoff, member of the faoulty of ference la a aorlea a workahopa furniture, and photography will Artsona Slate University, will give a piano roottal In ranging in the areaa of atudent bo on diapiay until April tho loth, the oomfort of the Cal Poly Theatre thiskaturday, Albert Brooks union* and activities program­ In U.U. Ill (tho Calorie). April Ith. HI* past performances have been with the Now York Philharmonic, piua many chamber or­ Albert Brooks, who established chestras as well aa a recital pianist. On a recant the famous School for |Pottery 4 Purchase Award Competition; tour of Central America, Pridonoff waa acclaimed Comedians as advertised ia fine Art* Committee like to announce a competition of pottery. Tho as, "the finest pianist to perform in Central Esquire will be speaking ia objective ia to onoourage technical excellence In fine oontomporary America since Arthur Rubinstein." Chumash Auditorium on craft*, to develop an appreciation for oroativo atatemonti and to Hia recital performance at Cal Poly will certainly Tuesday, April 11. Brooks, who provide a ahowplace, with award*, honor*, and aalaa opportunity for display the virtuosity and style demanded of a used to appear on stage with Nell aortoua craftamon. The limit of throe piece* may be entered in the oonoert pianist Pridonoff'* program will Include Diamond, Iq one of the brightest form of elides and are to be mailed with an entry rorm and foe to compositions by Moiart, Chopin,. Brahma, young comedians around. People Potteryiv.Art Department, California Polytechnic gtato University, Sohubort, Henri Dutllloux, and for all you have seen his sany antics several by April I. An entry fee of U prt pleco la needed. The award will be to Beethoven fanatics, tho famous "Appasionata" times on "Ths Dean Martin the amount of WOO and MO for honorable mention, More information Sonata In P. minor. Thla difficult work, with shades •tow" and on Johnny Carson's may ba obtained by calling 54S-5044 or 540-1471. of the fifth Symphony In It, contrasts rapid ar­ "Tonight Show", Hs has ap­ peggios with thunderous Beethoven chorda, for an peared in the Trubador leal New Members Welcome evening of fine ClaMloal piano, the fine Arta summer as well as having an Committee welcomes ail to attend, album, "Comedy Minus One." Looking far aomothing new te deT 01 ve the gpeclal Event* Com- Come and boar an evening of WjJWba try. Vow'll meet aome btteraatlag oharaotera and have aome «Saturday, April • •ducatim, insanity, and tens sf liOO p.m, ' . ran.A woimrarai A -1 — *— 1—- ™ia few Bventa apeneora Coffee Henga en Sunday ntgkls during each Cel Poly Theatre v • dinner aa well ao aome different program* like Hypnotist Lew Merab Students: It Inter en this quarter. Do you have aome ideas for programs you like to Oenerel: W •so on thla oampusT Come and tell Ua about thorn. Or if you play an instrument or have an unusual talent to offer (like juggling maybe?), the committee oan audition you at moat any mooting, And speaking of meetings, gpeclal Events meets in UU II5-D on Monday nights at 5

Workshop Sign-ups Tonight Now's the time for sll you people to get out and start creating In thi Crafts Center quarterly workshops, The atgn-upa and demonatraUoni for these classes will be held tonight at «:N p.m, Try and come earl] for the Sign-ups, or sfee yep might miss out. Hie workshops are k«p m * 9 # m * *< •* *• f»*4upf»iu

center wttt be open en the next dsy, April 4th, ai it a o m v Q tS cenilnue te return* Its regular heurs. These are from il neon to II p.m on Monday through laturday, and I p.m. to tlp.m. on Sunday. We encourage everyone to come out and visit your Student Unloi ^ f t Osnter and pwtape you'll find something tor someone) in ther Oils Iniirwv fotf $ Now I* the lime to prepare for the Poly Royal Craft tales. This wll . give you an opportunity to sell your protects, ivm Help offered Women’s identity Bogart to star by students on tax forms will be discussed in UCSB class * ~4 A workshop for women only oan find a certain and substantial The Volunteer Inoome Tax will be held this Saturday mor­ Identity. It's til for you, Bogart fans: A IMO'i and l»4Q'|-toughr Aaalatanoe (VITA) will again be ning In the University Union, guidad axourtlon Into American oourageoua. yet alwaya with a at the University Union Muatang room no. popular cultural "The Films of aenaltlve core," Lounga, 1 to s p,m„ Monday The focal point of the workshop Humphrey Bogart: an Historical Olaaa meetings for the one and through Friday to assist people in will be "A Woman’s identity” • Ketroipective , a Unlveralty of a half unit oourae la acheduled for filling out Inoome tax forma, The Workshop will start with an California at Banta Barbara throe Thuredaye and one Friday, informal brunch with special Extension court* Inatruoted by 1:10to 10p.m. at Ian Lula Oblapo VITA is made up of I? Cal Poly senior business administration types of broad, fruits, coffee and Dr. John Bnotalnger, will begin Junior High Ichool, 1T1I Fixl|ni taa. The brunoh will begin at 10 April U In Ian Lula Oblapo. majors enrolled |n either Btreet. Applloatlona may be businees administration 400 or a.m. and admission ia free. The olaaa centers around obtained by calling 141*1441. motion picture art forma whloh 410, specially trained to handle A speaker, Mrs. Elaine Stad* reflect and mold Amerlcap Photo conteat Federal and Itate Inoome tax man, will apeak on a woman's Ideas, Three of Bogart'a moat Any student with a camera can fbrma, role In a changing society. Mrs. Intereatlng fUma, "The African enter thia year'a Poly Royal For additional Information, Stedman believes that today’s Queen", "Treaaure of the llerra photography oontoat. oall Harold R. Millar, Aasooiate women "often .mask their Madre" and "Key Largo" will be Photo ontranta can be either Doan of the lohool of Ruaineas humanity." vlowed and dlacuaaed, according black and white or color, and and Social Science*, at 140*1704. She will explore how a woman to Dr. Bnotalnger. muat reflect in aome way thia ••The influence that a man like year'a featlvity theme, "41 Yeara Bogart had on mtlllona of and Getting Better". Rulee and Americana can never be totally prooedurea for entering will calculated," aaya Dr. Bnetatnger, appear In the Friday edition of aaaiatant profooaor of hiatory Muatang Daily. The oonteet ia hare. "He waa a aymbol of the aponaored by Sigma Delta Chi.

* 9

rWfV* I pi " Pompidou, 62, Archie displaying artwork dies in Paris * » Radd beltoveo the Mini Art •Tm trying to get back into Hadd uxee to uo pwuww PARIS (UPI) - Georges HisHb love of nature and children photographs la pencil and Gallery la a fantastic opportunity Pompidou, who Inherited from doing more drawings now," la theths main theme of WovenItovan oharooat. Ha alio has two tor students to show their work Gen. Charlie ds Oaulie the lladd’a photography and ax plained Radd. ‘Tm hoping ths watoroolor seasoapas on display without the pressure of com­ prabdanay of prance and a Rndd'e photography end ahanos to display the onas I have * frowtnfi on display this week at kla Lhm a t nature. petition. ds tormina don to recreate the frawings on display this week at will give ma the push I na*d." the Mini Art Oallery Oallery in in the pory of Prenoe, died Tgaaday of an ^ r* -* ~ ~ * ailment. He wee bookatort,bookstore ,. _ “Oeenana••Oeenens hnve hnve always alwaya fascinated me," explained Radd, ParPOr many months Pompidou's Pompidou's fascinated me, explained » IttAlthhuMi hadh*/hM bttn n of Oi ooooininnmSm tdtft "and“and moot meat of of my my photographsphotoprepha areare 4 aunoota token at Morro Pay, Pronohmon.Prenehmen. HoH e himooifhlmeelf had the Ian franciaoo Bay aam r i , and daoiarad,M a n d , however,howcvar, “My"My healthIwaMt isIt Uroka." Originally from , my affair” laa Praaclieo, Radd ueap UnofflcUnofficially,Unbffiiiallv lily, rrePraaohFrench n o h »•"phogrtphy M §n outlet Wd from “•* the Ombssmon attributed the puf- phography aa an outlet from the gneia of Pompidou’s ~ fsos to huatie hustle endand btiaUebustle of the city.dty. oortiaoM which ho took to roiiovo .“When••Whan I feeltool down, I go Inful orthritli, Othors, somewhere peaoefulpeaceful and shoot wovor, spooulatod that ha piotureapictures of things I leva," stated C■UiWOQ dt^ms^nirOm *muiupiv * * wanamhtoMgtabrnyviwni, the aeoond year - Architecture a disea as of the bent marrow. student, “If I'm too busy to gatget Gkrttoane b a loo tied tor this out, or it's raining, I can just look at photographs to gotgat in theths mood A brief flash over the french I enjoyenjoy." " news agency ticker it ItN p m. Radd'slladd'a loveiovo of children,ohlldron, todled him UN pm. PUT eatdi “M. Pom- to photographing them Inin theiitheir pMoil i§ d ttd M own environment at playgroundsplaygroundi Radio atalieaa immediately and parksparka about tourfour yeanyears agoago. interrupted their regular MoatMost of thsthe photogrpphsphotographs oron programming and broke Into displaydtoplay wore taken within ttothe mournful music. paatyoar.past year An oommnnique two minutes later eenflrmed the TheThs ponoil and watareoiars «on news, lipped by Prof. Jean display werewart done by RadiItadd ..Vlfiudou, pnsidsntlsl physician, about five yean ago when bewa tbs medical buUetia aaidi sixteen, He hasn't dpna snj * • wings or paintings since tba ZrtTi!"1* Urns because hb school keepi —I ------■- - a a j— ly .l u A yllvu Id S m nun map, > ,t NATURI LOVIR-dtoven Radd, an ar- w iw ■ TTlIi mNM §T urn rwlnl ^TT VHIIm y In JfW No affleiai aauaa if death was Ula aha sms i kwn aualuafi AMfbSMMd halm tmmadiaitoy given. chHactura malar, will display photographs, DMM Wfl. “ I ifKm r m tV O IV IO m \X W lQ n i l oencii and charcoal drawl nos and^anad■nu water-uwiiii m d g d .* lava of tftlMron and nature, Netters on streak Warner takes sixth-place O • \ 11 , *' - with eight straight Revenge ie sweet—end Rodger quarter foil tranafsrrsd to Poly. pound grspplsr (Ud not wrestle Warner is one person who can •ooauH of NCAA raid, foe l Ms halt, p i , < s , i: WARNING TO ALL TBNNB Hly will be entaring the round- foatify to that, grapplon bad to alt out a pardon As for Warnor, Mltoboook HAMS: la oa tha look out far a robin tournament aa tba league Tha Junior wrestler plaoed of tba foaagn. Going Into tho bsiievss that tlm Junior ihotdd'vs fovoritaa but atrong Gal State sixth in Division I of dm NCAA Ooilegp Division finals. Warnor bean In tho finals. Wanmr will be poly that h it boon sucking hit Nortbrldgo and Cal State tmmh*•' mHiTwiifi iu t lli iiifiu fln n mnammAmmBcormi Asveona M A m J , had a record of 144 , Hs wet three hock pant year but dm sams chewing up a nd spitting out many Rakoraflold squads aland aa In the College (Division ID finals, straight Ui tlm quartmJInals but , sanMtbaaald for Laland. After a t lamia Mam In • predictable mifor obatlcles an tba chant* Bit the story sf Warner's finish waa Dinned by Luckenbnunh In Ana wroatUng oarisr, Laland laabtan. Tha ala man, rocket plonablp road. fo tlm Division I competition lies dm fliinta, finished with a ehampfouNdp'Ol awtogtng. baU firing banal w m Oancb Bd Jorgensen aays bla fo the wrestlers he faoed. Coach Vaughan Hitohoook foil iso-pounds In Division 11 but waa last aaan bended far Urn CCAA foam la vow balanced tbla your Wuner defeated Luokenhaugb that Wanmr and other wreatlers unable fo make It In dm round robin tournament with a and,Ida pllyoro are amdoualy of Bloom a bun in tha conaoiation on dm to ta may bava bad a Uni vanity leva!. hmvry gfoam In tta eye •waiting tho CCAA competition match by a Martseere of 144. In dm Iho psychological fotdawaloldown aftor Per Hitohoook Warner's finish mInf * Hwyiiwii nalaat MukiBAMMrvixviwii mmm•rv Division II ohsmpienahipohnmoionahiD match plaolng placing liyIW Ddmm Division II fteala.finals. la Dtvldloa t represents Ia Kr Ma i MM i b a l |k^%» but ho reaifoeo what la ahead of v li| | »V II W i thorn? "Prom hero on out tha WarnorWarner waawas Mdefeated n M fayby dm ThaTim PWyPjbly mentor pointed to tbaDm something oomplitily BMtofgBl irt i Mllml tmnit thnil 11 thi ymn uyrgaildP foot that'.Wanmr, Knith Laland than what tlm oonoh sxpsotsd nl m m | kaun rmtiiu k it nail mimkt ■stag fo going la be tough." N i l woo^m iiw t w mono ^ ^ p o Tha quarter vacation waa foot The Mustang wrestler vtn- and Cliff Natch all bad gaala al dm beginning of dm seassa. The atralfbt match vietortoe In aa that for tho nettore aa tha> dfonted himself in another match g^n^wa^ooagsulaolns qpsUr tbam o vNCAA v s ^ m s c , Osllma OMdh fTiUfd dda foam only many trtaa tbla aaaaon muffed bath Nevada Laa Vogaa whan ha declaimed lam Jams of Division ' flnala. Whan tba strong M compared to Urn. super Tha dafondlnc conference mdSm Pronofooe State 04 , Portland Slam. Warnor wan a wroatlhyi bad aoblavid tbla, Paly foams sf tlm pact. obampa will bn tnktni dtla naw Tho roohafoaon are lad by a •arrow »4 daolofon fo ovan dm wplilifo Ml to hooch, tlm bard ant a* icuatann sraonlan set tannla monatar la Northridgo ^ COUMI ^ | | | g record between the two work «f dm aaaaon waa fortiftod, mil waahand to begin tha tyret one-two punch la dm aadaa, Dan wroatiara Kariiar in tha aaaaon Lalaad had piaoad first la tba ttiB iMim ohimplonshlp oi thi round of loagua play, Tba > OoDagd Division flnala but did nol O^nin fin§|§ Hitohoook btlltYtt and Pete Lambert are dm tomb- i L a t IN t b a m a a a tla M m b a kma§ g a a a Mustangs bava won tha crown bant af the foam m they toad the - men pfocc In Urn University UNIV is I n ® W W B I I U w W r P N lw throaotd of tha loot lour yoaro WpoMbe fouler It waa a short Divisfo^r, fo the Division I finals bad sat a d each time have gam aa a soaam, starting only In January. Mlfofofosh anld that dm oom< aiah goals, it's Dosalbfo that dm Wanmr bad hasn a student at tba petition foat Laland faaad wai papplars oould'vs m m away Kickers meet (continued ea page I) University of Oklahoma for ana sot suDorlor and that tM ISO for open play A meatlni for anyone In­ terested in Intramural aooeor this quarter will bo boM toaiant al V:N In room 111 of the Noah Gym according to aeoeor oaaob Dave Hamer Tennis::: No rest for the spikers sets record The Poly aplkera literally rnn icontinued trim page T> by ROM (CRT DRUMMOND The Mustangs first travdad to over visiting UC Irvine Ibat The rcct of Um Minting attack The Muatang trackman ran Santa Barbara to matoh skills in pole vault I la rounded out by Tom McMahon right through the quarter break with othar track power-toama In Saturday aa the local apoedatera scored more points In a du\l Muatang auptr pole vauitor, a Junior who la third on the Poly aa coach Steve Slmmona and hla tha Eaatar Ralaya. Poly grabbed Davor Hamer, brake hit own tcnnla ladder, Jim Martin, alao a young aplkera traveled to various a fifth place In the competition track meet than ever before at out of a fiald of 14 teams but this university, The Mustangs National Coltoglato Athletic Junior, aanlor Ron Dcnovl and competition, achieving verloqs Association polo vault record Tom Bum. results. unfortunattly fall four ulacaa tallied up 111 points while Irvine behind conference rival Cal Itaia could only scrape up a miserable, with a Jump of H '-IV at tho Northrldga who topped the moot. moot of champions at UC Irvins I last month. The home aplkera may havt *Thaday was made for Muatang lost tha msot to Northrldga but track aa everyone excelled while Hamer's record setting vault they denied the Matadora thalr crushing the visitors. Poly won IT7 waa made on a "soft pole" at- partonal specialty, tha 440 yard out of the N events and swept thee cording to traok coach atom ralaya. In a trua dual d the top spota In eight events. Nine* Slmmona. sprinters the Mustangs ran right Muatang trackmen Ml seasonII beau and four Mt lifetime marks.i, Hamer, a senior from Santo with tha Matador apoedatera up Mtler Erie Olsen ran the bMti Barbara, la by far tha beat pda to tha wira whirs Joe Prince ) vauitor Poly haa owned and leaned a Mt quicker Into the tape race of hla life m the dlatanoe man ran to a 4:11.1 first place,, proved It by earning himself the to olalm the Muatang win and the ) NCAA championship hla current fastest tlm# in (ha nation Dave Marlow alad had a lifetime I sophomore year. Ha waa atoa In the 440 at 41.1. beat in that race grabbing a third plaoe at 4:11.1. tha first college division vauitor lupar-vaultar Dave Hamtr > ever to dear the IT foot mark. was trua to hla championship Kent Taylor took the hammer fbrm ai ho aaaily olaarad il'l" to by the tail, wound up and let her He to a remarkable eil-eraugl act a meat record for the relays rip for a lifetime beet aI 111 feet1 atheists wbe not only vaults but Nhot putter Lamar Andaman and Jqhn Beaten docked a 9:1111 dec runs As hurdles. He took a tossed the leed M feet, good for far a Ufa beet In the two mde. first place last Weak against second piece, Muatang trackers lead the1 Irvine to Ibt iN yard high har- The Musunga let records fly as nation In five events up to thia1 dtos and hol

  • 1*, a new NCAA college points. Meet held on tha local turf. recoil Claneey Edwards, Mr, Dave waa tha toad off man an i tha 1171441-yard relay team that Ulstanos pounders Bill Hart, Sprint, holds the beat national Umea In the loo and MO yardj wont a sound breaking 40,7 which John Maust, Richard Baraaa and i waa mod enough for third In the Emil MagaUanos gut*rd out the races docking l.l andli 8 respectively. Eric Otsenia 1:11.1J NCAA oolitic championships beat distance medley time in : and seventh In the NCAA Mustang history at 10:S4.& Tha In tno no leads the land and the 41,1 of the 440 relay Is tops,___ university meet. trend waa than act aa Joe Prince, Kerry Oold, Russ Grimes and Ctoncey Edwards dug In hard and and sprinted their way to a Mustang Classifieds record setting 1:17 In the IN yard ralaya. AnnnunmmnnH ______IwvJdM Tha aprint msdtoy thought they strata, amvttumo iiic im n is would set a record also and IINOUI MATCMIt i.v Mamed up to turn In a school beet jrAaca^irwa of 1:11.1. - . H j f W U - . IMV'W Any wah h g ftw MMM and uhiSii iKali mark m II Canal laaMMM. Camatl Vik at pbana l4*.4P0f, ••ATTINTieuiM knp'IV iNaMaa* nwani i«fe Maxiiy sIMMB S IMWIfWis l NMllt : With , W*. Sul m i la Mama, I mI um Waul* nuft M ti aim. bibwmiiwiI m m m a £ j ^ V w £ £ i k I at iMNna, and ipMity wMMwt yaw '■ fisffiiffir iiik i M * 3-'*5 v a . .M B h i , aiMn BASIC (CUBA COOtSI t, P*aa ^eMhtra tvM M«t* wtoM yaw •i»H W*4n» 7SS Tk aTTSo In M, Ml, Pi'WM naw bvinp wkani I. Ku, mw.tfc, labai png «M VMI Can lay) tlwa iniliwtM* Slava Mianan parti wawanty m all Tv I imw* al 444>4IM. AIm aitiina an ad- NMMMM Mpalfl »• wfltMn Mil vanaad dlvtny iawiM.______" w ip lltlo M jjia Wantad. Twiai lai Sm iiiiim III Hw k a w i . ^ k • u*ad wa«a Call Nwl

    t V llliA r'ie si . AwMialla. lyiapa, Amailia, Alma liwdanii all p*a- £ . r , w a m a m & Mian* and auwaaliant V'X) m I mun manmly, taaaniM paid, avaHim*. N i l * wUo J^O^Sa. Ml liM i Mad*ia Ca.

    Wanlad, I haiM liallai landam ail*. ijw ktakM Mil Saw I44 04si______f ______Trovel______

    knaylai kaaklnfi all aiillnti. u s ir ano 1,11 u*,° mco»8Am tiudtnl 10 i Hailal iniVi, Cm lima t HtVV THSIUS MT MONTlVlV »iO t * t x a „ Vuii Mil ■< kaawllfwl MauMftd ly*. CiwIm i and lawn avtiywAaiti fiaval ...iwiania k baak, lundl Ml paakaaai acunar - ,a "ir !Bl •ivailabla, PaitaMl aiianlMn «lvan la amww laiuiiy and iiwdani fiauat IwiOITANI INTISCIUS fOSIAll '•fwiiina fiawa liavtl. UllratTaan, hiinwesw ifMM* VMH, Tall uf yawi Via-wa'll Mil yaw awnt wop# lai Mvi,n» • wMd h i naihinf CalTDava al MS ISIS and M> f*< Sal*. I t n lum»wdt StHf.

    - " " 1 """ ITISIO COMPONINT DUCOUNT m ‘“ ’ i J lainily aunty. toll 10 4 lai. ,1 Sin, h Magda w»i weT tw|>»' H" '1*♦* JM anl j m m Wait jn«, •’wbllwnllh ••mail lailia »nd MblM " * ™ lv M4*MSS 'Mrtwn aeMMM*| pitmrt llaMllm **•* I HI OaaaMiia Bilva und man >44 Jtm iv.

    5£ e » i S CniirmnnTti'llW E SM »«t* i W h ..l. ______Housing______

    » X ' a s w w - - i p l E •nd dnm«0r ______luy m V Mil Mutiana ClaulNaV* *aa>me**eMMMHaaaiMnaMMMMHaaBMwaMaiMBgJfgf.lIS.tt4.1Br M'