A ro b ltf t i • California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Volume^, Number SO 'h Wednesday, April 3,1974 Eight Pages Today Buses stop on campus With the ever-strengthening students Inc. has subsidised the between the men's physical grasp that energy and pollution reduced student faro, education building and the H P, problems have on modern According to the Telegram- Davidson Music Center. Tribune, the Mass .Tran­ Poekst-sissd seheduios, sportation Committee nonolitared showing the routes and listiiw praoilea! and Inexpensive the needs of the elderly, thooo ttmss of oseh stop, will bn withwweowo ^w^vlew ssiwwhiwwinflames ^wnt^usend wsomi^^wsswatiidenle avatlsblo at the information •an Luis Obtapp joined the turn befori arriving at the routes, desks In ths administration.1 la maos transit Me week when ■chidullin ind a# Mm h u m . build ins end the Union.Man. Thsf; blue end' white mlntbukes All newof ewe^ethe ^ew^ege^eatoM bfee^^w theww^^w now nrwctwhue may also be MM nt____ various_ C an daeorating its streets ■yitom, Including those pa banks, retail buMnsaa, city halt, morning oampus, ore idontiflod by In­ mobile homo parks, utility* 'OM-wsy fares Sre H <" terna UcmI blue and white bus company offtees and the ■igna and wlU hove ben oh as , hsvt bmn Initiated for ihidonUi City anginter Dave Romero in the form of discount tobona, toid the Telegram-Tribune that Bus system, available at the information w^wp a ninl-vdiioltistews00 v ^w^sw^^^e wouldwse^w b(m weat Desk of the University Union for any intoraoetton along the route If tutoi 40 cents spieoo. people .flag Bthem Bdown, orI If a fit a w-n ig topJ - ■ The now bus system, supported passongsr wished to disembark S A L & S ( n Q f l by All President John Holley, is priorSMilaas Stoa arrivalo m Mu o I atad aone m « oof f ithe l . divided into two routes. Each of designated stops, fb i suoosss of ths AH subsUgf the 11-passenger buses will take Ths buses will run from 7 a.m. of ths Ian Lula Obispo bus system an hour to oomplote its route; to 7 p.m. Monday through and the need for a oomprshsnstvo •terefore each slop will bo passed Saturday and until 10 p.m. on tutoring program on campus will onoo an hour. Thursdays. Smoking and pots t» discussed mxt Wednesday at Pour campus slops will serve will bo prohibited, with the ex­ an Informal meeting of tbo Oal Poly. ooption of guide dogs. Student Affairs CouiteU. The new service is presently Both buses, manufactured In During Winter Quarter, SAG only a pilot program, with s view Buena Park, wars converted voted to alioeata 11,000 from prior toward the future of providing a from gasoline burning engines to year's savings in order to HAJtan permanent system for residents. natural gas In Santa Barbara. puchsso bus token at die regular OIMI lATIR-AAaot Foofebell't rival. ttudmti will moat The city of gan Luis has sub­ Urinewwaa^p this -fuel, wwv| wavsir wwaawmwpvpollution hpis ■ cent cost. Ths takem would IMaiy be shucking their dlmaa into the new city buses In an sidised this initial step In order te virtually non-existent, and the then bo sold la students for » ^tsmptte save gas and money. One-way tares ere M cents but gain more Information about the vohielas will run e lea nor, more reduced rata of 10 cents. bn cwd tokens may be purchased at the Information Desk of desirability and feasibility of efficiently and require loss Ism s, All- lbs University Uhlan. such s plan. The Associated maintenance, ties of the B juit* |U |« nkfMMI m | | | u ^ M | SaSWStw | ^BUr^VS. Vp Be wat^w^BS at the UU lino on At map on pngs l, servos Information desk have boon the Johnson Ava. end Broad St. “fantastic,“ Ho sold, that 1.009 Crowd-pleasing concert areas. It will have Poly slope tefcena purchased by the All an ioeatad on the east side of Orand Friday wore sold out by a pm " by IU « HELaiNO smooth and expressive both included the latest version of AvI. just south of Vista Oraado Monday. Ho added that an ad- Tower of Power cooked a physically and vocally. “You Art the Sunshine of My and in parsing lot E-lf in front of dittonal 1,000 token* have been crowd-pleasing pissa Monday Drummer David Oaribaldl life" over committed to vinyl. the Agrieultural Engineering purchased by the All, and that dgbt, delivering a popularly holds together a rhythm sootion Of course preceding Ul# buiidhw, approximately half have bam ssBsddsr chance to “get down" also consisting of Bront lyars on oonoort were the Pint Annual Route two, shown as a solid line sold already b tbs bet and stuffed Men's Oym. congas and Pranois Rocoo on the map, eorvos the lower Other items that may bo Armed with material that bags Cal Poly Paper Airplane Prattle on bam. Ouitarlst Bruce Championships, oourtasv of the Hi guers It. and Laguna Like dtoeueeod Include the need far Ike treatment, and bringing it off Con to b oonflned Is rhythm areas, it will stop on oampus an dressing facilities for woman h * fhk srofeeeional musicianship Ethnic Programming Board, playing most of the time but his which was only trying to tali the the west aids of College Ave,, just tbo Men's Oym and possible gussrsd with a pinch of visual d m d i­ occasional lends are clean and iMuyaufwowu dkemSurn ui#4|| a kammbiA ahshawn^M^concert Lnertama south of the Business Ad­ stykag, Oakland's gift te the lay confident, if not of virtuoso ministration and Education Ana bund took the tugs In front will be May • featuring El quality. Chlrann, Dr. ll I) d as amicus audience sod gsvs Cold Blood is a band suffering Hal they hod. Fortunately, they from sovorsl problems, the bwe plenty to offer. foremost of which is having to Posturing c trademark horn heck the Janlinaaoue noeturinoi Mod, the group's formula has of load singer Lydia Penao, who If saw bsooma familiar, with ■coma to betiovo that Janis IsstiU bwythlng revolving around one alive In her body. Although she • tbs two canters; the tight funk hoc an adequate rook and blues • the instrumental section or voice, trios too hard and is BBMhqor Lenny Williams' too formulated to bo crediblo, gbe for-lovo voles. This throws her hair around her in a I gw emotional base# fer swirl, puncher her flat IMS Ms “ Tower of Power sir, and throttles thehnsMMSMniid, mike swing tbo group to but she's i diiboMlt iftd a people'! bond of theatrical, Ui -Jbb by Mostly identifying with periodic unbuttonlngf of her blouse wore top obvious and they coma off well, calculated to add anything to lbs the barn men doing oo- show. Moke and throws. First The group's instrumental lyor Lenny Pickett's formula is an old one, consisting ng and silver suit of building a single riff te a voonl •jm t eneugh flesh to keep rlimaN and then repealing li Into •ysi on the stage, coni­ the ground. On “Down to the fer Williams' rathor Bono," wpoeially, they prove presence that holds themselves tight sad competent, 1 b plscuuThe.'-**.—'• r**“ *^14 their.arrangements and anew fey juoh ihowaod 1 flow comae through on the material' lack the imagination fOWf to*^>4bw or af ‘••d-slnger “ ““* material, whore ho and power to make thorn Solidly ILmnny a m n u lAililwmiewim«mi otaM tptftyiew lfli m Ake»rw imOVInfanaa in*mm *wBr tumid tnsrlEwo with fft "tight funk" ky on the high, short enjoyable, Fortunately, they did ♦huslosm wHh which his group ptayad tact Instrumental section and Ml llama' smooth Otherwise, Williams is avoid their balled catalog, which Monday night In the AAm's Oym Townr of IU M I IliUI I IISB| I ^ « rrr*.m* F.S. Fitzgerald is back hy DBNNIB McLfeLLAN lure of "the green light at tho vnd Iba tradition of thoaa mid 0«ii»ii> if Daley's dock" la turning into partita Tba possiliiliiiv* arc The Population Institute of leaders researching iuu When P. goott Pltagerald died VVttMhiiipiim DC. la offering in- statute*, drafting model bills and In Hollywood In 1140, he was s the reality of peonbacks for all andlOM P, Scott Pttsgeraid waa not Mrimhip granta of up to 9000 for seeking administrative reform* broken man. Roaohlag more atudenta Intoraated In doing aft an far a bottle than a pen, tha Last weak New York heated tha above nailing hla atoriaa to the The Washington staff of tM Golden Boy of the SOth Century Mar-studded premiere af "Tha movies Although ha may not aomothing about tha prnblama of Population Institute will provide literature had lost hla luster and Oreat Oatsby,1' In spile of mixed have boon partlaularly plaaaad population growth and tha on* interns with resoaroh matariak, vironmental taauee of thoir elate. waa on the dark abysmal side of reactions from the critics, tha with thia cinematic tranalation of ideaa from other Interna and Paradlae. movie, according to Newsweek, hla literary masterpiece, ha Tha intern program will run general guidance. At the time af hla death, net Iws already been guaranteed 111 aartalnly would have enjoyed the from feptember, 1974 to May, million In advanood booking. financial ramunarationa: It aould At tbs end of the progim each even the groatnaaa of "The Orest 1971. Tha deadline for application Intern will be required to writs i Oatsby” waa bringing In needed Tho Aim’s main attraction, of have paid off hla dobta and af* ie April M, forded Mm a trip to the french report outlining the major lasuo reyaltiea.
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