PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES (48) 3 Lodge Road, Sutton, Surrey, by J
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 6TH DECEMBER 1963 9991 (30) Land on E. side of New Barn Lane, Alton, LOST CERTIFICATES Hants, by Cotton Housing Limited. It is proposed to issue new Certificates in place of (31) Regal Cinema, Newbury, Berks, by Pearl Assur- those described below which are stated by the owners ance Company Limited. to have been lost. Anyone possessing the missing (32) " Blackthorns", and land at rear, Stansfield certificates or objecting to the issue of new ones Road, Thundersley, Essex, by A. Guest of that should at once notify " H.M. Land Registry, Lin- address. coln's Inn Fields, London W.C.2 ". <33) 150 Monega Road, Forest Gate, London E.7, by R. O. Afilaka, 9 Charnock Road, Lower 1. Freehold Title BD9840—42 Chalton Heights, Clapton, London E.5. Chalton, Bedfordshire. (34) IA Melbourne Road and 48 Aubrey Road, Land Certificate To Messrs. Wai tons, 35 and 37 Walthamstow, London E.I7, by Arnco Invest- King Street, Luton, Beds. ments Limited. 2. Freehold Title SX27375—1 Woodlands Close, (35) " Laurel Hill ", " The Lodge ", and land at rear Rustington, Sussex. of " Cliveden", Shenfield Road, Brentwood, Land Certificate To Messrs. W. A. G. Davidson Essex, by L. G. Holden, 59 Westbury Road, & Co., 221 High Street, Acton, London W.3. Brentwood. 3. Freehold Title P78357—16 and 26 Vines Avenue (36) Land on N. side Queens Road, Southminster, and 2 Oakfield Road, London N.3. Essex, by A. W. Hardy and Company Limited. Land Certificate To Messrs. Clark Son & Sinnatt, (37) 31 Hall Road, Leyton, London E.10, by the 131 Victoria Street, London S.W.I.
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