Lake Union Herald "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" Am a Debtor to All Men." VOL
Lake Union Herald "Am I my brother's keeper?" am a debtor to all men." VOL. XXII BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930 NO. 26 GOD'S LOVE brought new courage and life to- the members, as We can only see a little of the ocean well as to those who identified themselves with the A few miles distance from the rocky shore ; cause of God. The voice of Jesus is still speaking But out there—beyond, beyond our eyes' horizon, to the hearts of the people in a quiet, but very There's more—there's more! effective way. The Master is anxiously waiting• to We can only see a little of God's loving— bestow upon the sin-sick soul rest and peace. A few rich treasures from His mighty store; We appreciate very, much the united efforts of But out there—beyond, beyond our eyes' horizon, the laity, in connection with the workers, in saving There's more—there's more! —The Christian Index souls for the kingdom. As a result of these faithful and untiring labors, 299 were baptized into the WISCONSIN CONFERENCE precious faith. As workers, we are very anxious to OFFICE ADDRESS. P. 0. BOX 513. MADISON. WISCONSIN witness a steady growth in our thenibership ; and PRESIDENT. E. H. OSWALD therefore we solicit the prayers of our brethren and ••••••••••••....................*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. sisters. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Finances To the conference committee, workers, delegates, Our finances show a marked improvement. Two and brethren and sisters of the Wisconsin- Confer- years ago the united conference was burdened with ence assembled, Greeting: an .indebtedness of $114,000.