Appendix 3 Full List of Decisions , Item 2. PDF 2 MB
Appendix 3 Performance Review Sub-Committee Application Random application 4 - Location Decision 3P - Proposal Valid Date PS Development Code Expiry Date Decision Issued Date Officer Name Admin Officer Reference number Application for approval of details reserved by Wellgate Farm Housing Development Collier conditions 11 (Schedule of Landscape AOD - Application for approval of details x 17/00826/CDN 1 Row Road, Chadwell Heath, Barking And Condition(s) Fully Discharged Maintenance), 25 (Drainage Strategy) and 26 05/07/2017 30/08/2017 22/12/2020 Harry Moorhouse reserved by condition Dagenham, (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) in respect of planning permission 11/01015/FUL. .Demolition of existing medical centre and erection of seven-storey building comprising replacement ground and first floor medical King Edwards Medical Centre, 1 King Edwards centre (Class E(medical centre), Class E to 17/02151/FUL 2 Approved Subject To Legal Agreement 03/01/2018 Q01. MAJOR Dwellings 04/04/2018 28/01/2021 Grace Liu Road, Barking, Barking And Dagenham, IG11 7TB ground floor (to house a pharmacy) and 24 flats to upper (second to sixth) floors with provision of 12 under-croft parking spaces and ancillary facilities. Demolition of existing Crown House building and phased redevelopment of the site to provide 396 residential units and 430 sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (facilitating A1, A2, A3, Crown House, 6 Cambridge Road, Barking, B1, D1 and D2 uses) within two buildings (a part 18/01972/FUL 3 Approved Subject To Legal Agreement 16/11/2018 Q06. MAJOR All other major developments 15/02/2019 10/07/2020 Adele Lawrence Barking And Dagenham, IG11 8HQ 9, 10, 16, 20 storey building and a part 10, 25, 29 storey building) with basements, associated highway works, servicing facilities, cycle parking, disabled car parking and public realm improvements.
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