Composite Materials Suitable for Magnetic and Electronic Shielding As Well As for Permanent Magnets

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Composite Materials Suitable for Magnetic and Electronic Shielding As Well As for Permanent Magnets Patentamt 0 344 838 J)JEuropaisches European Patent Office © Publication number: A2 Office europeen des brevets 0 EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION 1/08 © Application number: 89201307.9 © Int. Cl.4: H05K 9/00 , H01F , 1/113 H01F 1/09 , H01F @ Date of filing: 22.05.89 © Priority: 03.06.88 GB 8813120 © Applicant: SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. © Date of publication of application: Carel van Bylandtlaan 30 06.12.89 Bulletin 89/49 NL-2596 HR Den Haag(NL) © Designated Contracting States: © Inventor: Alsem, Wilfred Hendrik Henri DE FR GB IT NL Westervoortsedijk 67D NL-6827 AT Arnhem(NL) Inventor: Rensen, Cornells Westervoortsedijk 67D NL-6827 AT Amhem(NL) Inventor: Van Houten, Theodorus Johannes Dr. van Zeelandstraat 1 NL-2265 BD Leidschendam(NL) © Representative: Aalbers, Onno et al P.O. Box 302 NL-2501 CH The Hague(NL) © Composite materials suitable for magnetic and electronic shielding as well as for permanent magnets. © Composite material comprising a metal matrix in which the metal is a non-ferri- or a non-ferro-mag- netic, electroconducting alloy and a particulate ferri- or ferro-magnetic filler. The composite material may be used as magnetic and/or electronic shielding ma- terial as well as for the manufacturing of permanent ^| magnets. 00 CO CO ^, CO 0. Xerox Copy Centre I EP 0 344 838 A2 2 COMPOSITE MATERIALS SUITABLE FOR MAGNETIC AND ELECTRONIC SHIELDING AS WELL AS FOR PERMANENT MAGNETS The present invention relates to composite ma- suitable to shield magnetic fields as coming from terials. These composite materials are suitable for permanent magnets or transformers. Metals which use as magnetic and electronic shielding materials can be used, for instance iron, nickel, cobalt or as well as for the manufacturing of permanent alloys thereof, as discussed before, however, are magnets. The composite materials of the present 5 not always suitable. Other types of materials which invention comprise a continuous metal matrix in can be used for electronic shielding are thermosets which filler particles are embedded. or thermoplastics which are made conductive by Due to recent developments in the electronic the addition of fillers such as carbon black or industry there is a growing demand for materials metallic fibres. For such plastics the resistance is having magnetic and electronic shielding proper- w usually in the range of 102 to 10"' ohm-cm. The ties. Materials having ferri- or ferro-magnetic prop- shielding effectiveness is hence lower by a factor erties, for instance ferrites and iron, nickel, cobalt of about 102 to 104 . Further, magnetic fields are and alloys thereof, can be used for magnetic, i.e. not shielded by these materials. static magnetic or low frequent electromagnetic, Materials for shielding magnetic fields, i.e. stat- shielding. Materials having electroconductive prop- 75 ic or low frequent electromagnetic fields arising erties, for instance metals and alloys, can be used from permanent magnets or transformers, must for electronic, i.e. high frequent electromagnetic, have a high relative magnetic permeability in order shielding. Materials having both ferri- or ferro-mag- to deflect the field from the device which has to be netic properties and electroconductive properties, shielded. Suitable materials are materials having for instance iron, nickel, cobalt and alloys thereof, 20 ferro- or ferri-magnetic properties and preferably can be used for magnetic and electronic shielding exhibiting a high initial permeability such as iron, simultaneously. Usually, however, the application of nickel, cobalt and alloys thereof and ferrites, e.g. iron, nickel, cobalt or alloys thereof has one or spinel, garnet and hexagonal ferrites. Ferrites, how- more disadvantages, for instance the difficulties to ever, cannot be shaped by deformation processes deform the material, the high density, the high 25 such as extrusion, rolling or forging. Further, in corrosivity and the fact that the material cannot be view of the poor electroconductive properties, fer- soldered or brazed. In this respect reference is rites cannot be used for electronic shielding. made to U.S. patent 4,647,714, relating to a com- The present invention, now, relates to a com- posite sheet material for magnetic and electronic posite material suitable for magnetic and electronic shielding. 30 shielding, comprising a metal matrix in which the It is observed that shielding materials may be metal is a non-ferri- or a non-ferro-magnetic, elec- used for shielding sensible parts as electronic part troconducting metal or alloy and a particulate ferri- or components and/or magnetic recording media or ferro-magnetic filler. The composite materials against electronic and magnetic sources, as well as can be used for magnetic and/or electronic shield- shielding the electronic and magnetic fields gen- 35 ing as well as for the manufacturing of permanent erated by the shielded parts itselves, such as elec- magnets. tronic parts or components, wires and/or power The composite materials according to the devices, and thus protecting other sensible parts present invention have good magnetic and elec- against deleterious effects. tronic shielding properties due to the presence of a It is known that materials having electroconduc- 40 continuous electroconducting metal matrix and the tive properties can be used for shielding of elec- presence in the matrix of particulates having ferri- tronic (i.e. electromagnetic) high frequent fields by or ferro-magnetic properties. absorbing the electromagnetic energy in the shield- It is remarked that the terms ferri- and ferro- ing material and changing it to thermal energy. magnetism relate to the magnetic properties of a Conventional metals and alloys, usually having a 45 material. All materials that are magnetised by a resistance in the order of magnitude of 10-s to magnetic field are magnetic materials. Magnetism 10-5 ohm-cm, may be applied. The minimum re- is classified according to the nature of the mag- quired thickness for effective absorption depends netic response, i.e. diamagnetism, paramagnetism, on the frequency of the radiation. Using a thickness ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimag- of 0.01 mm radiation of frequencies of 1 GHz and 50 netism, metamagnetism, parasitic ferromagnetism higher are absorbed, while using a thickness of 0.5 and mictomagnetism (spin glass). Many of the met- mm radiation of frequencies of 1 Mhz and higher als are diamagnetic. Some metals, e.g. the plati- are absorbed. Because many metals do not have num and palladium metals, have paramagnetic ferro- or ferri-magnetic properties, they are not properties. The alkali metals, copper, silver and 2 5 EP 0 344 838 A2 gold show paramagnetic as well as diamagnetic have a thickness between 0.01 and 5 mm, preter- oroperties. Iron, nickel, cobalt and alloys thereof, as ably between 0.01 and 3 mm. well as many of the rare-earth elements are fer- The amount of particulate ferro- or ferri-mag- -omagnetic. When these materials are placed in a netic filler in the composite material is suitably magnetic field the permanent magnetic moments of 5 between 25 and 90% by volume, preferably be- the atom or ions are aligned as a result of a strong tween 30 and 80%, more preferably between 40 positive interaction among neighbouring atoms or and 65%. ions and the material exhibits a spontaneous mag- When using for instance zinc, aluminium, mag- netisation. In the case where the permanent mag- nesium, copper, titanium or alloys thereof as the netic moments are aligned antiparallel as a result 70 metal component, the composite materials are gen- of strong negative interaction a zero net magnetism erally highly corrosion resistant, can be soldered may result (antiferromagnetism, e.g. chromium, and/or brazed, and may have a relatively low den- manganese), or, in compounds containing two or sity, as for instance required in aerospace applica- more kinds of atoms or ions with different values of tions. The composite materials can be shaped by magnetic moment a net magnetism results 75 extrusion, rolling and/or forging. (ferrimagnetism, e.g. ferrites). The size of the particulate ferro- or ferri-mag- In the composite material according to the in- netic filler is suitably between 1 and 1000 urn, vention the metal is suitably chosen from zinc, more preferably between 1 and 250 urn, more aluminium, magnesium, copper, titanium or an al- preferably between 1 and 100 urn. loy thereof. Zinc and aluminium, optionally contain- 20 The composite materials according to the ing some minor amounts of other metals, are pre- present invention may be prepared by thoroughly ferred. Zinc is especially preferred. mixing the individual components, followed by In the composite material according to the in- compressing, extrusion, rolling etc. Another method vention the particulate ferromagnetic filler is suit- to prepare the composite material is by spray- ably chosen from iron, nickel, cobalt, one or more 25 deposition of a molten slurry of liquid metal and suitable rear-earth elements or an alloy thereof. filler particles. When prepared by spray-deposition Preferably the filler is chosen from iron, nickel, the thickness of the layer is preferably between cobalt or an alloy thereof. Suitable examples are 0.01 and 0.2 mm. iron, alloys (e.g. FeSia), nickel-iron alloys (e.g. Beside application as magnetic and electronic Ni75CusCu2Fei8), iron-nickel-cobalt alloys (e.g. 30 shielding materials, another application of the com- Nii+C02tAI8Cu,Fe4.i), CuNiFe, CuNiCo, AgMnAI, posite material according to the present invention CoSm and NdFeB. In the composite material ac- is the manufacturing of permanent magnets, espe- cording to the invention the particulate ferrimag- cially where the shape of the magnet has to be netic filler is suitably a ferrite, preferably a ferrite accomplished by means of deformation processes. chosen from the classes of spinel, garnet and hex- 35 For application in permanent magnets the ferri- or agonal ferrites. Spinel ferrites are a class of ferrites ferro-magnetive fillers preferably have a high induc- having the general composition AB2O4.
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