Lake a Look REV

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Lake a Look REV - 2 ------MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Aug. 10. 1987 Review: '42ncl Street’ Junk cars: New law hasn*t stemmed tide / page 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643- makes a fine evening TOWN OP MANCHBSTER INVITATION TO BID at Coachjight / page 11 OENBRAL SERVICES OFFICE Sox blast: Horn plays beautiful music / p a ge 15 41 CENTER STREET The Manchesttr Public MANCHESTER, CT 84848 Schools solicit* bids for PAV­ b u s in e s s & SERVICE DIRECTORY ING CENTRAL OFFICE ter INVITATION TO RID th* 1987-1988 school year. Sealed bids will b* rscsivsd Notlca It haraby glvan that the Town of Monchattar, until AUG UST 19, 1987, 2:00 mSCEUMIEOUS Sarvleaa Daoortmant, 41 Cantar Straat, P.M., at which time they will CHUCME RHSCEUANEOUS 04040, will rtcalva laolad Otnarol b# publicly optntd. The right SERVICES SERVICES oftle# of th# DIraeter of Oanarol I* reserved to rsiset any and CLYDE Soelembar 1 ,1»I7, of all bid*. Spsclflcotlons and CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. N e e o ouallty chid core? which lima taay wMI ba publicly optnad ond read aloud for Md form* may b* secured at Coll lianniM "R“ Us the contiructlon of th* Business Office, 45 North ROUTE 83, VERNON Inc., at 333-7457. Askfor C U P E N T R V A m W K E S TR EE SERVICE* RLOERLY NOUSINO, NORTH RLM STRRRT School Street, Manchester, 70 Ford Orsnede 2 dr. , *2896 Bucket, truck ft chipper. CUSANO UW N Connecticut. S u i a n n n . __________ RBI0DEUN8 SERVICES according to Drawing* and Spacificatlons praparad by 83 Regel LTD Coups OompM* hom* l•a•lra and la- Stump removal. Free SERVICE •6895. of Utorodc twins to *■"'5*®'* and Budlong, P,C, Archltactura and 83 Skylark 4*. modallng. Ws apadallia fti bttti- estimates. Special Cewm rdal, resMiaMal Planning, and dascrlbod In genaral at; •4989 ® core ter voor child In rooma and kHehtna. SmaH aoala conakfaratlon for elderly 34 Cemtro lawns are ser spadaRyi LROAL NOTICE •8496 mv home. Martin cemmaielal work. Raglalarad, In- and handicapped. 2yi'L®".r?*®'‘''.!!®®‘‘ ir®"*® SulNInot contaimno 34 34 Celebrity 4 *. w* •7495 School District. 047- auiad, ralacanest. CaNfsraFRCEaallaials. y " '!! *t®raoa tacllltla* totaling anrhfstrr HrralJi 15,000 lauar# faet of floor area; slob At the reoular meeting of th* 84 Skyhewk 4 <k. w» •5996 • 4 S 4 H 8 647-7SS3 646-407S <®"® kulldlng hot full botamanl): wood Bolton Planning Commis­ 84 Old* Cler* 4 *. •7495 Manchester A City o( Villacje Charm itud/drytrall/vlnyl ildlno wollt and partition*; wood sion on 23 July, 1986, attar a •'■""'•no,-ojphalt ihinol* root; oltctrical hearing on 16 July, 1986, ap­ 88 Merc. M*n)uU4Sr. •7695 _ D A Y C A R E FIREPLACE. Remodel- TYPING Service. We 21 riiS--«®nt''®l» ond h*ot; proval wo* given for th* re- 88 Chev. Ceprlo* 4 <k. •8496 Homo has openings for full Ing ond chimney re- plumblne; *lt* d*v*lopm*nt Including grading, subdl vision of lot 3A, port of a 88 Escort H'beck •6195 offer word processing, lon^coplng, paving and utllltl**; and off-*lt* dm * loddlors 2M to 5. Sovan building. The 1977 subdivision of th* Strong 88 Cemaro aiut •9195 FL00MN8 pnonw dtetottone local drolnog* and water utility **rvlc**. property, fronting on Brandy w a rs Hoonsad. first aid eartl- possibllfles are end­ 86 Dodge Oeyton* •11.495 30 Cents tlad. Mother of ta>o. Fenced pick up and delivery. Contract Documtnt* may b* exomlntd at; Street and School Rood, to less. After 6pm week­ We ore notary public creot* 0 new lot for James 88 Century 4 *. •10,299 In back yard. days, 643-8209. Frozltr, Lomion ft Budlong, P.C. Mlnicuccl. Approval of th* FLOORS and have legal expe- 29 Connacticut Boulavard 88 Cavelier 4 *. •8396 Let us do your Hardwood moo for filing was contingent 646-0262 rfence. Call 563-8187. E n t Hartford, Conntcticut 04100 upon correction of some 87 Spectrum 4 sr. •8495 floorsi We will remove the EDWARD TOTH and technical detail*. On 31 July 87 Chevett* a sr. •5496 fumitura from the working Town of MonchMter th* mop with oil corrsctlons Central Servic** Offic* Homart plans CUMIMB area at no extra charge. Free EXCAVATING properly mod* wot pre­ 8 7 2 -9 1 1 1 estimates. IS yard aalMoadlng temper wKh VINYL IS FINAL 41 C*nt*r Street sented, and signed os ap­ Mancheiter, Connecticut 04040 SERVIGE8 oparalor lor him. Chaapatt way See why vinyl tiding hts the ad- proved. S49-2348 to move dirt vantage. Free Eatimates. Call ®'®<*e''» may tecur* copies of th* R. E. GORTON, Buyer meets seller In W E will dean your house oropoead Contract documant* from th# office of thu CHAIRMAN Classified ... and It's Director of Central Sarvlce* so you will hoye more 875-8056 SIDING PLUS at happy meeting for both. lime to do those Impor­ Town of Moncheetar its own appeal MBCELLiUlEeUS 643-2711. tant things. We otter 643-1198 41 Cantar Street SERVICES Moncheeter, Connecticut 06040 some Interesting ex­ CORRIVEAU LAWN tras. Call 646-0108 ter on th* following batli; free estimate. SERVICE ODD lobs. Trucking. '' J'?® ®®®l®* ®t th® Plan* ond Specifications may be ob- Quality grooming at 2" ®’’,®tt®'' Auouet 7, 1917, upon payment of DELIVERING Home repairs. You S1M.00 deposit per set, refundable. If both cool** or* of bond luling Rich form loam, 5 yards, affordable piicesl name It, we do It. Free *® T®'en of Manchester, postpaid. In to- Sove money on cleaning 875 plus tax. Sand, gravel, ra te tsrm Ans ■ fuuriNsuKto estimates. Insured. 643- tlsfortory condition within ten (10) calendar day* of- 0304. opening. Contract documents will be PTOduds by using ammo­ and decorative stone. Call 646-9716 mailed to prospective bidder* upon reouest and re­ nia, diluted to the strength ceipt of 0 check tor $10.00 per set mod* payable to the By Andrew Yurkovtky bonds are issued. 643-9504 Town of Manchester which will not be refunded. recommended on the bot­ LANDFORMS. Londs- Herald Reporter. "We feel that the court’s conclu­ tle, for washing walls and YOU CAN eniov extra coplng and tree ser­ 2. Additional copies of th* Plan* and Soeclflcotlone may sion that the term ‘legislative body’ be obtained upon payment of $150.00 per set, non-re- 87 LEBARON COUPE I windows. Bring extra mo­ vacation money by ex­ vice. Specializing In The Homart Development Ckirp. includes not only the town Board of ney Into yOur home by fundobl*. Stk. #1382, FIN D IN G A cosh buyer changing Idle Items In roll rood ties, brick of Chicago, developer of the pro­ Directors, but the entire electorate sdling no-longer-needed 3. No partial sets will be Issued. for sportino goods equip- your home for cosh ... patios, decks, etc. Popular P_kg. Auto, posed Mall at Buckland Hills, will is totally without judicial or statu­ Itwns with a low-cost od In menf Is easy when you with on ad In classified. t**® amount of five oercent (5%) of th* bote Complete tree take Md will be reaulred to accompany bide. irS v 5 * '‘ •***■’ *■?* appeal the court decision barring tory support," the Hom art state­ Classified. 643-2711. advertise In classified. Call 643-3711 to place your down, shaping, prun- od. Ina aco-oc*m The Town of Manchester Is on sguol opportunity employer, the town of Manchester from ment said. “ The decision raises and requires an offlrmotlv* action policy tor oil of If* Con­ issuing $13 million in tax-increment uncertainties of a very simple and tractor* and Vendors os o condition of doing business with the Town, as per Federal Order 11J46. By slenlng th* Propo­ bonds to finance improvements clear statutory framework and sal Shen for tWs bid, oil vendors and contractors ogre* to around the mall site. tends to frustrate the very purpose this condition of doing business with th* Town and should the The town announced last Tues­ of the statute." Town choose to audit their compliance, the vendor agrees to CARS CARS CARS CARS cooperate fully. day that it plans to appeal Superior The state statute in question FOR SALE Hanld photo by Matzkin FOR SALE OD ODFOR SALE ODFOR SALE TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Court Judge John P. Maloney’s outlines the procedure for munici­ ROBERT B. WEISS, GENERAL MANAGER This buffaio hasn’t roamed afar, but two others belonging been issued an injunction requiring him to keep his decHsion. That appeal was filed palities tc issue tax-increment DODGE Von 1978. New PLYM OUTH Gold Duster HONDA 80 Accord. 4 Friday in the state Appellate Court bonds. point, good running 1974. 8400 or best otter. FIAT 78 Spider. Gray. to Bolton cattle owner George Negro have, resulting in buffalo and cows from wandering off his West Street door, olr, 5 speed, 1 Very good condition. New 1987 Plymouth Reliant in Hartford. Homart officials are concerned condition. Coll 9-6, 649-6662. A n ytim e! owner, excellent condi­ TOWN OP MANCHBSTRR, CONNECTICUT the deaths of the beasts after being hit by cars. Negro has farm. In a statement released today, about the possible effect a referen­ 81500, 646-6051. No rust, rides nice. tion. $2300. 646-5803. N O TICE OP ‘L E ’ 4 D o o r Homart announced that it plans to dum would have on an appeal, and MERCURY Bobcat 1976. I New tires, clutch, and ADOPTION OP ORDINANCE brakes. Rust proofed. file its own appeal, separate from company attorneys are looking into 1976 DODGE Aspen. Good Running condition. NOVA , Red 1970. 2 door. '2 pccordonc# with th* provisions of Chapter 3, Sections I stk.
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