OH CANADA! Our Home And CanadianInventive Inventors, ILandnventions! and Firsts! By Professor Mark Rector What they are saying about "OH CANADA! OurHome and Inventive Land!" "Professor Rector is a passionate technology expert! His writing style brings a warmth and emotion to the subject and breathes life into accomplishments of so many who have contributed to our land" - Professor Jeremy H. Brooks "A GREAT READ! Every Canadian should have a copy! I bought a dozen to give away as gifts and everyone loves them! They learned so much!" - Bob Jameson President Canadian Instrumetation Services "GREAT BOOK! Makes you even prouder to be Canadian!" - Pam Calvert Board of Directors Juno Beach Centre "READ THIS BOOK! You will be proud to be Canadian. More valuable than many dissertations!" - Professor Jordan Dimitrov "Prof. Rector is always an inspiration!!! " - Mo Sarafraz Amazon Compliance Engineer 2 OH CANADA! Our Home and Inventive Land! Canadian Inventors, Inventions and Firsts! By Professor Mark Rector 3 © Fourth Printing Jan 2021 Copyright Mark Rector 2018 Printed by Marquis Books Website: http://www.professormarkrector.com Author Contact:
[email protected] Published and distributed by Esprit Day Core Books Halton Hills, Ont.
[email protected] 289-499-8066 The author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was accurate and correct at the time of publication. The author and publisher do not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or disruption caused by errors or omissions. No companies, persons, entities or organizations existing or defunct have endorsed or approved any part of this text and no approval or endorsement should be implied or understood.