ZABBIX Manual V1.4

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ZABBIX Manual V1.4 Release 012 ZABBIX Manual v1.4 Review and Approval Name Signature Date For ZABBIX SIA: No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of ZABBIX SIA Copyright 2006 ZABBIX SIA, REGISTERED IN LATVIA NO: LV40003738045 ZABBIX Manual v1.4 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1.ABOUT....................................................................................................................17 1.1.Revision History...........................................................................................................17 1.2.Conventions..................................................................................................................17 1.3.Distribution list.............................................................................................................17 1.4.Overview of ZABBIX.....................................................................................................18 1.4.1.What is ZABBIX? ............................................................................................18 1.4.2.What does ZABBIX offer? ..............................................................................18 1.4.3.Why use ZABBIX? ..........................................................................................19 1.4.4.Users of ZABBIX .............................................................................................19 1.5.Goals and Principles....................................................................................................19 1.5.1.Main Goals and Principles of ZABBIX Development .......................................19 1.5.2.Main principles of ZABBIX development..........................................................19 1.6.Use of ZABBIX..............................................................................................................20 1.6.1.Distributed monitoring......................................................................................20 1.6.2.Auto-discovery.................................................................................................20 1.6.3.Pro-active monitoring.......................................................................................20 1.6.4.Monitoring of WEB applications.......................................................................20 1.6.5.Performance monitoring .................................................................................20 1.6.6.Alerting users ..................................................................................................20 1.6.7.Monitoring of log files ......................................................................................20 1.6.8.Integrity Checking ...........................................................................................21 1.6.9.Logging services .............................................................................................21 1.6.10.Capacity planning .........................................................................................21 1.6.11.Assuring and monitoring of SLA ...................................................................21 1.6.12.High level view of IT resources and services ................................................21 1.6.13.Other .............................................................................................................22 2.ZABBIX 1.4..............................................................................................................23 2.1.What’s new in 1.4.........................................................................................................23 2.1.1.Auto-discovery.................................................................................................23 Copyright 2007 ZABBIX SIA Page 2 of 204 ZABBIX Manual v1.4 2.1.2.Distributed monitoring......................................................................................23 2.1.3.WEB monitoring...............................................................................................23 2.1.4.Installation Wizard...........................................................................................23 2.1.5.Support of new database engines...................................................................23 2.1.6.WEB interface improvements..........................................................................23 2.1.7.New notification methods.................................................................................24 2.1.8.Many-to-many template linkage.......................................................................24 2.1.9.Database watchdog.........................................................................................24 2.1.10.XML data import/export..................................................................................24 2.1.11.Windows Vista Support..................................................................................24 2.1.12.More flexible actions......................................................................................24 2.1.13.Server-side external checks...........................................................................24 2.1.14.New user permission schema........................................................................24 2.1.15.Hysteresis support.........................................................................................24 2.1.16.Slide show support.........................................................................................25 2.1.17.ZABBIX server can spread the workload across several servers...................25 2.1.18.Other improvements......................................................................................25 same code for UNIX and Windows agents..........................................25 communication protocol......................................................................25 maximum size of background images........................................25 default templates................................................................................25 refresh intervals.............................................................................25 graphs...........................................................................................25 flexible log rotation.............................................................................25 of static linkage.............................................................................25 selection for graphs.........................................................................26 filtering on agent side.........................................................................26 configuration script....................................................................26 sender to read configuration parameter from agent’s configuration file.............................................................................................................................26 of macros in remote commands..................................................26 configuration parameters..................................................................26 will support integer type...................................................................26 icon can be assigned to hosts having ‘unknown’ status.......................26 2.2.What’s no longer supported........................................................................................26 actions and notifications...............................................................26 loader was replaces by XML Data Import/Export..................................26 permissions on per-element level.........................................................27 2.3.Installation and Upgrade Notes...................................................................................27 2.3.1.Installation........................................................................................................27 2.3.2.Version compatibility........................................................................................27 2.3.3.Upgrade procedure..........................................................................................27 Copyright 2007 ZABBIX SIA Page 3 of 204 ZABBIX Manual v1.4 ZABBIX server......................................................................................27 existing ZABBIX database...............................................................27 configuration files, PHP files and ZABBIX binaries..........................27 new server binaries.............................................................................27 Server configuration parameters......................................................28 database........................................................................................28 new ZABBIX GUI................................................................................28 new ZABBIX binaries...........................................................................28 2.4.Commercial support.....................................................................................................28
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