Debtor's Name. Address. Description. Court. No. Date of Order. Nature of Order made.

Dudson, Samuel The Old General Inn, Radford-road, Hyson Green, Licensed Victualler, Joiner, 20 June 22, .1886 ... Discharge suspended for eight months. (Separate Estate) Nottingham and Builder, trading with of 1885 Bankrupt to be discharged as from the Charles Henry Parrish, as 22nd day of February, 1887 Dudson and Parrish Parrish, Charles Henry 71, Duke-street, New Basford, Nottingham Joiner and Builder, trading Nottingham 20 June 22, 1886 ... Discharge suspended for eight months. (Separate Estate) with Samuel Dudson, as of 1885 Bankrupt to be discharged as from the H Dudson and Parrish 22nd day of February, 1887 H Jackson, John Henry 26, Chesterfield-street and Market-place, both in Potato and Fruit Salesman Nottingham 12 June 22, 1886 ... Discharge suspended for nine months. Bank- w Nottingham and Greengrocer of 1886 ' rupt to be discharged as from the 22nd day of March, 1887 Harrison, Edwin James 1, Outgang-lane, Radford, Nottingham Baker Nottingham 31 June 22, 1886 ... Discharge suspended for three months. I , of 1884 Bankrupt to be discharged as from the 22nd o day of September, 1886 o Taylor, Samuel Church- walk, Newark, Late Publican Nottingham 77 June 22, 1886 ... Discharge granted subject to following con- of 1885 dition : — Bankrupt to pay to Official Re- , ceiver within six months a sum sufficient to pay to creditors 2s. 6cl. in the pound Ward, William Edwin... 18, Birkin-aveuue, Hyson Green, and 17, Cooper's Lace Manufacturer Nottingham 81 June 22, 1886 ... Discharge suspended for six months. Bank- Factory, Roden-street, , both in Not- of 1885 rupt to be discharged as from the 22nd day HI tingham . day of December, 1886 Mellodew, Thomas Besom Hill Brick and Tile Works, Ripponden-road, Brick and Tile Manufac- Oldham 10 July 13, 1886 ... Discharge refused ° Oldhain, Lancashire turer of 1885 Wrigley, Samuel (trading as 7, Shaw-road, Oldham, Lancashire, formerly Shore No occupation, formerly Oldham 13 July 13, 1886 ... Discharge refused Samuel Wrigley and Co.) Mill, Bottom-o'-th'-Moor, Oldham Cotton Spinner of 1886 Haines, Sarah Ann 5, Glen Fern-gardens, Bournemouth, Hants Widow and Lodging House Poolo 23 June 21, 1886 ... Discharge granted Keeper of 1885 Hart, William Alfred Late 32, 33, and 34, Fleet-street, 38, Lower -Union- Hardwareman and Fur- Poole 1 June 21, 1886 ... Discharge suspended for six months. Bank- CO street, Pendennis, Cockington, Pretoria, St. Luke's- nishing Warehouseman of 1886 rupt to be discharged as from the 21st day 00 park, all in Torquay, 58, Queen-street, Newton of December, 1886 Abbot, Universal Stores, Fore-street, Tiverton, all in Devonshire, Great Dustpan, Old Christchurch- road, 8, Roumellia-terrace, Boscombe, G, llegent's- terrace, Hemsfield, Lansdowne-road, and 3, Pine- avenue, Westbourne, all in Bournemouth, Hamp- shire, and Universal Stores, Bridgwater, Somer- .. setshire, now trading at and having for the • greater part of the past six months resided at the Universal Stores, 88, Commercial-road, Bourne- mouth