L'adieu a La Vie, 130 Alice in Wonderland, 33 Amiel's Journal, 33
Index Abbott, Lyman, 16 Bauls,46 Achebe, Chinua, 141 Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury, 11 L'Adieu ala Vie, 130 Beerbohm, Max, 18 African writers, 143 Bengal, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28, 51, 84, 88, Ajanta Cave paintings, 8, 113 100, 110, 145 Agriculture, 96 Bengal Academy, 145 Ahmedabad, 30 Bengal partition, 17 AJfano, Franco, 123 Bengal Renaissance, 50, 51, 52, 54 AJhambra Theatre, London, 123, Bengali language, 1, 8, 13, 27, 29, 35, 127 36,42,142 Alice in Wonderland, 33 Bengali literature, 3, 8, 9, 11, 14,29, Amiel's Journal, 33 33,35,36,37,38,39,42,114 Amritsar massacre, 128 Benjamin, Walter, 109 see also Jalianwalla Bagh Beowulf, 35 massacre, Berg,AJban, 131, 132, 133 Andersen, Hans Christian, 30 Berhampore Gessore), 27 Andrews, C. F., 63, 96, 99 Berlin, 133 Anderson, James Drummond, 8 Berlin Exhibition of Tagore's art, The Arabian Nights, 30, 79, 122 108 Argentina, 97 Bhanaphul (Wild Flower), 52 Aristotle, 38 Bhanusinha (pen-name of Aronson,AJex,l04 Rabindranath Tagore), 27 Art deco, 110 Bhiirati (Bengali journal), 31, 52 Art nouveau, 110 Bharatvasher Itihasha Dhara (A Vision The Artist, 115 of India's History), 58, 59 Asian languages, 142 Bhartrhari, 124 Asian literature, 143 Bhiisa Katha, 42 Asian Review, 20 Bhattacharya, Upendranath, 43 The Athenaeum (journal), 6, 17 Bidou, Henri, 106, 107 Attenborough, Richard, 153 Birdwood, Sir George, 7, 8 Aurobindo Ghose, 50 Birmingham Exhibition of Tagore's Art, 106 Bach, J. S., 106 Bisarjan (Sacrifice), 143 Baines, William, 127 see also Sacrifice Balak (Bengali journal), 31, 32 Blake, William, 6 Balej,
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