District Census Handbook, Sehore, Part I & II
CBl!SUS OF INDIA, 1951. BHOPAL STATE CENSUS·, 1951 SEHORE- Distriot Census Handbook Part I & 11 By RANG LAL, B. A., , Census Commissioner, Madhra-Bharat & Bhopal. PRINTED AX THE GqVERNMENT PRESS, BHOPAL. 1955 CONTENTS SF~CTION-I DISTRICT-I TABLES Pago No. A-GE~EBAL POPULATION TABLES A..I Are'lo, Houses and Population. 1 A-II' V.riation in Popula.tion during Fifty Years .,. 2 A·III Town. and Villages classified by Population 3 A·IV Towns olassiJied by population with variation .... 4 A-V Towns arranged tierritl)rially with popula.tion by Livelihood Classes IS E Summary figures by Tehails and Tracts .•• 6 B·I EOONOMIC TABLES . B·I Livelihood' class.s and sub· classes 8 B~Il Secondary means of Livelihood 10 B·I11 Employers, Employees and independent workers in. indui3tries and se'r\l'ices by Divisions . and Sub Divi.ion. ••• 18 C-SMA.LL SCALE INDUSTRIES TABLES SECTION-U TABLE-II Employment in Textil. Estiablishment 39 III Employment in Non.Textile Es'abli.hment 40 RURAL STATISTIC~ (1) List of Di~placed persona by villages (2) Primary Census Abltraolis ..• ... Tehsil. :- 'll ) Budni .... 48 (2) Berasia 54 (3\ Ashta 66 (4) Nasrullahganj 76 (5) Sehore 82 '. (6) Huzur .;'. 92 (7) Ichha'War 102 SEC T ION-III URBAN STATIS'rICS (I) List of Displaced persons by wards ... 108 (2) Primary OeDsus Abstraots ... 110 TowDe:- Ashlia 11:1 Sehore. 113 Huzur 114 Diitrio' Index of NOD-Agricultural Ocoupation 110 TABLE'A-I \ Area, Houses and Population The &rea figures shown in cOhltnn 2 of t.his Table are those supplied by the l'eb~ilR while the area I!Il,own in ilialios agaioe& lihe district has beeD lIupplied by the Surveyor General, India.
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