Mount Diablo State Park Road and Trail Management Plan Final Plan March 2016 California State Parks Bay Area District Mount Diablo State Park California State Parks Mission The mission of the California Department of Parks and Recreation is to provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high quality outdoor recreation. Jerry Brown Governor Mount Diablo State Park Purpose Statement John Laird The purpose of Mount Diablo State Park is to make available Secretary to the people for their inspiration, enlightenment, and Natural Resources enjoyment, in essentially natural condition, the outstanding Agency scenic features including the summit peaks and surrounding landscape; the outstanding natural values including geology and plant and animal life; the significant historical and Lisa Mangat archeological resources; and the scientific values therein. Director California State Parks The department shall define and execute a program of management to perpetuate the unit's declared values, and provide recreational facilities and interpretation that make these values available in a manner consistent with their perpetuation. © 2016 California State Parks. All rights reserved. Printed in Sacramento, California. For more information or additional copies, contact: California State Parks Attention: Alexandra Stehl Facilities Management Division PO Box 942896 California State Parks does not discriminate against people with disabilities. To Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 use the California Relay Service with TTY, call (888) 877-5378 or 711, or without TTY, call (888) 877-5379. This publication is available in alternate formats by Website: contacting the Statewide Trails Section at
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