Intensive Care Med (1990) 16 [Suppl 3]:$243-$247 Intensive Care Springer-Verlag 1990

Treatment of sepsis in an intensive care unit

C.C. Smith Department of Medicine, Royal Infirmaryand The InfectionUnit, City , Aberdeen, Scotland

Abstract. The management of severe bacterial sepsis is an have a significantly higher mortality than do younger pa- integral part of intensive care medicine. Early and appro- tients [1]. This largely reflects an increased incidence of priate treatment with antimicrobials positively affects cardiovascular or pulmonary disease and major nutri- mortality and significantly reduces the time spent in both tional problems. The condition of the patient prior to ad- intensive care and the hospital. Drug choice is usually mission greatly influences the outcome following inten- made on a "best guess" basis and instituted prior to re- sive care management. Protracted shock with disseminat- ceipt of appropriate blood, sputum, urine or drainage ed intravascular coagulation (DIC) and renal failure with culture results. Bactericidal drugs should be given in com- acidaemia and hypoxaemia are associated with a high bination, delivered by intravenous bolus and directed to- mortality or protracted stay in ITU if they survive. Early wards broad cover of all likely pathogens. Aminoglyco- intervention is accompanied by an improved prognosis side/ureidopenicillin combinations are synergistic and [2, 3]. widely used - often combined with metronidazole. Once the patient is admitted to intensive care the risk Aminoglycoside toxicity can be reduced by giving the of developing nosocomial infection there will progressive- drug once daily (OD) rather than by traditional multiple ly increase the longer the patient remains in that environ- daily dosing (MDD) and by measuring peak and trough ment [4]. Oropharyngeal colonisation with potential serum levels. Efficacy is increased by attention to the (usually aerobic Gram-negative enteric derived) patho- peak serum level/MIC ratio which determines the re- gens is followed in a significant proportion of patients by sponse to treatment. Several newer agents have been more the development of pneumonia [5]. This may be compli- recently introduced. These drugs include ceftazidime, im- cated by bacteraemia and septic shock. These events are ipenem/cilastatin, the quinolones and clavulanic ac- particularly common in patients who require protracted id/semisynthetic penicillin combinations. Other newer ventilation (IPPV) [6]. Infection is therefore an impor- drugs currently under evaluation include aztreonam, tant limiting factor in the success of treatment delivered teicoplanin, the penems and carbapenems. in intensive care units and a frequent cause of the pa- tient's demise. For this reason early instigation of "best Key words: Severe infection - ITU setting - "best guess" intravenous bolus antimicrobial chemotherapy is guess" choice - Bactericidal antimicrobials - Combi- widely implemented [7]. Bactericidal drugs are delivered nations vs. monotherapy - Prevention of nosocomial in combination - and generally involve an aminoglyco- infection side with a ureidopenicillin - often combined with metronidazole. Antifungal and antiviral chemotherapy is occasionally also necessary, for example in immunocom- promised patients with systemic Candidiasis or CMV Infection is not infrequently the precipitant of admission pneumonia. to an intensive care unit from both the community and Newer drugs are coming forward for potential use in other services within the hospital. Septicaemic shock is intensive care, notably those which are broad-spectrum or most appropriately dealt with by the multidisciplinary safer than established antimicrobial~s. Ceftazidime [8] team approach in that environment. Most patients come and imipenem/cilastatin [9] have proved especially useful to intensive care after surgery - usually after major ab- following investigation and have been used as dominal and notably colorectal surgery. Others are ad- monotherapy. Other drugs currently under evaluation in- mitted following trauma or cardiopulmonary resuscita- clude aztreonam [10], the quinolones [11], penems and tion. All age groups are represented in intensive care - carbapenems. Aztreonam needs to be combined with an but the elderly with background disease and septic shock antimicrobial directed against Gram-positive pathogens $244 C.C. Smith: Treatment of severe sepsis because of its narrow Gram-negative spectrum of activity The patients in ITU [12]. Vancomycin remains a useful and widely employed drug while teicoplanin [13] is currently being assessed as A wide range of infections may precipitate septic shock a possible replacement for vancomycin and for potential and necessitate admission to an intensive care unit. Those use in "methicillin resistant" S. aureus (MRSA) infec- infections which are community-acquired include pneu- tions - which may become a problem in ITU's. Fluclox- monia caused by S. pneumoniae (notably type 3) and Kl. acillin, clavulanic acid/semisynthetic penicillin combina- pneumoniae with septicaemia, L. pneumophilia infection tions and several newer cephalosporins are used or are be- or post-influenzal S. aureus pneumonia in addition to ing evaluated in ITU's. The potential future usage of streptococcal and meningococcal infections with DIC. these drugs will be briefly developed in this overview of In-hospital transfer to the ITU is frequent after Gram- contemporary management of sepsis in intensive care. negative septicaemia - notably that due to E. coli, B. proteus, Enterobacter spp. or Ps. aeruginosa, especially when arising in elderly or compromised patients. Once patients have been admitted to the ITU environ- Diagnosis of sepsis ment they become liable to the development of secondary nosocomial infection [22], especially if they are being Early clinical diagnosis of "the sepsis syndrome" [3] and ventilated and their ITU stay exceeds four days. Most of rapid institution of appropriate antimicrobial and sup- the patients admitted have had recent surgery - notably portive treatment has long been known to significantly abdominal surgery, especially for colorectal disease, influence outcome [2]. The mortality from bacteraemia gastroduodenal or hepatobiliary problems, or major - both Gram-negative and Gram-positive, remains unac- trauma, and performed as an emergency with minimal ceptably high at over 20% in spite of the ready availabili- pre-operative preparation. These patients have a particu- ty of a wide range of effective drugs and access to inten- larly high incidence of Gram-negative and polymicrobial sive care in most major . If shock supervenes the sepsis and can only be appropriately managed in an ITU mortality rises to over 50~ [14]. It is therefore crucial setting. The likelihood of developing nosocomial pneu- that the clinical recognition of "the sepsis syndrome" be mia increases the longer the patient is there and receiving followed by early administration of bactericidal an- ventilation. These secondary infections may indeed lead timicrobials and appropriate supportive therapy to posi- to their demise. Preventive ploys are therefore being wide- tively influence progression of the condition [7]. The ly investigated and implemented to address this problem, longer the patient is bacteraemic or in shock the worse the most effective of which is selective decontamination the outcome. Development of the adult respiratory dis- of the gut [23], sometimes combined with parenterat an- tress syndrome (ARDS) necessitating ventilation is asso- timicrobial chemotherapy [24]. ciated with an increased stay in ITU and the potential for development of nosocomial infection - notably Gram- Established drugs negative pneumonia [15]. Long intravascular lines, in- dwelling bladder catheters and abdominal or thoracic The aminogIycosides are time-tested bactericidal an- drains further increase the potential for secondary infec- timicrobials which continue to occupy a central role in tion, often with "multi-resistant" Gram-negative bacteria the treatment of patients with severe bacterial infection and staphylococci [16, 171. Septicaemia, hypovolaemia, [25]. There are, however, gaps in their spectrum of activi- hypoxaemia, acidaemia and DIC with renal failure cre- ty (B. fragilis, Strep. pyogenes for example) and they ates problems with drug handling, especially if the pa- therefore are used as part of combination therapy. The tient is oliguric or receiving haemodialysis. This is espe- potential for nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity is consider- cially important with aminoglycoside therapy [18, 19]. able and the safety margin between efficacy and toxicity The potential for deleterious drug-induced sequelae is narrow [26]. Wide variation occurs in the half life of the obvious and, without regular measurement of peak and aminoglycosides in elderly patients, those with renal dys- trough levels, underdosing may result with significant de- function and even there where is apparently normal renal crease in the likelihood of successful treatment [20]. function [26, 27]. In some of these latter patients the half Objective bacteriological diagnosis should be at- life may be as long as 6-8 h. Regular monitoring of se- tempted in all patients prior to instigation of treatment rum peak and trough levels is therefore mandatory [28, by the taking of appropriate pre-treatment source cul- 291. The peak serum level should be taken one hour after tures in addition to aerobic and anaerobic blood cultures IV dosing and the trough immediately prior to the next [21]. Close liaison with a clinical microbiologist is crucial dose. The peak level for gentamicin should be in the if sepsis patients are to be successfully managed in inten- range 6-10 mg/1 and that for netilmicin in the range sive care, as elsewhere. This can be particularly helpful in 12-15 mg/1. Trough levels should not exceed 1.5 to differentiating colonisation from actual infection - no- 2 mg/1 and 2 to 3 mg/1 respectively. Initial dosage for tably in the diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia in its gentamicin should be 2.5-5mg/kg and netilmicin early stages or in assessing the clinical relevance of fungal 5-7.5 mg/kg daily. Hidden costs clearly exist in the labo- isolates. The chest X-ray and white cell count may, for ex- ratory measurement of the serum levels and the cost for ample, both be normal in seriously ill patients with clini- measuring netilmicin is greater than that for gentamicin. cal pneumonia - and fever may have connotations other It has long been established that high peak serum than sepsis, notably drug hypersensitivity. levels are crucial for successful therapy, and the ratio of C.C. Smith: Treatment of severe sepsis S245 peak level to MIC (of the causative bacteria) largely Ceftazidime, a third-generation parenteral cephalo- determines outcome of therapy [29]. Low dosing from sporin with broad-spectrum activity - notably against fear of inducing toxicity may lead to treatment failure Ps. aeruginosa and "multi-resistant" Gram-negative op- [29, 30]. portunistic and nosocomial pathogens, does not provide Netilmicin is generally regarded as less intrinsically anti-anaerobic cover. The MIC against S. aureus is high nephrotoxic than gentamicin, but gentamicin remains (MIC 2- 8 mg/1) but the drug has been widely researched widely used. Once daily (OD) dosing with gentamicin and in patients with severe sepsis, where it has proved effica- netilmicin is regarded as equally effective but less hazard- cious as monotherapy [8]. It has also been successfully ous than conventional multiple daily (MDD) dosing and employed as monotherapy in the ITU setting [32, 33]. this therapeutic ploy is now being increasingly used [31]. Side effects are few and the drug can be safely combined To provide comprehensive broad-spectrum cover amino- with metronidazole, flucloxacillin or aminoglycosides. It glycosides are combined with semi-synthetic penicillins is not nephrotoxic and side effects are few. Bleeding does

- notably amoxicillin and piperacillin. Metronidazole is not occur with the drug and pseudomembranous colitis added to provide anti-anaerobic cover and flucloxacillin and overgrowth syndromes are uncommon. In-treatment where there is S. aureus infection. These combinations resistance can develop, notably to Enterobacter spp. The are widely employed in intensive care and usually prove low protein binding of the drug makes for excellent tissue efficacious. Gentamicin-resistant strains of the penetration and ceftazidime in a dose of 2 g t. i. d. is re- nosocomial opportunistic Gram-negative bacteria have garded as an important tool in the treatment of severe in- appeared, however, but are generally sensitive to fections in hospitalised patients [7]. netilmicin or amikacin. Gentamicin is removed by Imipenem/Cilastatin, a parenteral carbapenem, has haemodialysis and the drug should be given post-dialysis high activity against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in a dose of 1.5-2 mg/kg body weight with close moni- [9]. The drug is widely distributed in the body after ad- toring of serum level. Patients with hepatic disease are ministration and it is therefore well suited for potential particularly prone to develop gentamicin nephrotoxicity. use in ITU. The drug shows high stability to beta-lacta- Drug interactions need to be borne in mind - notably mases and binding to all the penicillin-binding proteins with diuretics, and aminoglycosides should never be mix- (PBP's) but with great affinity for PB2 and 1, the ed with other antimicrobials but always given individual- transpeptidases implicated in elongation of the bacterial ly. Hypersensitivity reactions are uncommon but neuro- cell walls. The drug is venotoxic and nausea is a common muscular blockade and neurological sequelae occasional- problem, often with vomiting. Slowing of the IV infusion ly arise. may reduce this side effect. The drug can cause diar- The semi-synthetic penicillins are widely used in in- rhoea, and development of in-treatment resistance has tensive care - usually as part of combination therapy been described with Ps. aeruginosa. Neutropenia may oc- with aminoglycosides [32]. Ampicillin, amoxicillin, caisonally arise but hypersensitivity reactions are uncom- piperacillin and flncloxacillin are most commonly pre- mon although they may arise in penicillin-allergic pa- scribed. Piperacillin gives cover against Ps. aeruginosa tients. Confusion or seizures are well described - usually and B. fragilis while flucloxacillin provides additional on a background of neurological disease or renal insuffi- cover against S. aureus infection. When given with an ciency. The drug is not nephrotoxic but in patients with aminoglycoside these drug combinations generally prove renal failure the dose should be reduced, indeed by 50% successful in treating severe sepsis in compromised or where the GFR is less than 30 ml/min. The drug has been neutropenic patients in addition to those in intensive care. successfully used as monotherapy in the management of Amoxicillin is being preferred to ampicillin because of its serious infection, including infections in ITU in doses of low protein binding and infrequent induction of hyper- 2g i.v.t.i.d. [9, 34]. sensitivity reactions, overgrowth syndromes and pseudo- The clavulanate/beta-lactam antibiotics have been de- membranous colitis. Many strains of E. coli are, however, veloped to combat destruction by the beta-lactamase en- now resistant to amoxicillin. The drug is, nevertheless, zymes - notably of Gram-negative bacteria, the main used in the combinations with aminoglycosides to pro- reason for development of bacterial resistance to this vide cover against Strep. pyogenes, Strep. pneumoniae group of drugs [35]. Clavulanate is a potent inhibitor of and the Strep. viridans together with Strep. faeealis [32]. many plasma-mediated beta-lactamases of Gram-nega- Cephalosporins are widely used in the management tive bacteria, including the widely distributed TEM-type of severe sepsis because of their broad-spectrum of activi- enzymes [36]. ty and safety profile. Cefuroxime and cefotaxime may be Amoxicillin/clavulanate is widely used in it parenteral combined with aminoglycosides or metronidazole but are form to treat serious infections, but is seldom used in the seldom used alone except when directed against a singte ITU setting. Ticarcillin/clavulanate has been developed sensitive isolate [32]. Cefoxitin, a cephamycin, provides to give broad antibacterial cover, including activity some anti-anaerobic cover, is relatively stable to beta-lac- against B. fragilis, and has proved effective and safe as tamases and is active against ampicillin-resistant col- monotherapy in the treatment of severe abdominal-de- iforms, but the drug has not found broad favour in Eu- rived infection. rope. The newer cephalosporins are not nephrotoxic but The antistaphylococcal agents employed in 1TU in- their half life is stretched by renal dysfunction. Hypersen- clude Flucloxacillin, Clindamycin and Fucidin. The for- sitivity and haemolysis are relatively uncommon but a mer can be safely combined with gentamicin or cef- bleeding diathesis does sometimes arise during treatment. tazidime and gives excellent cover. Although tightly pro- S246 C.C. Smith: Treatment of severe sepsis tein bound, i.v. flucloxacillin achieves prolonged and high vous system, of which the most serious is convulsions. serum and tissue levels which can enhanced by concur- There is a potential drug interaction with theophylline. rent administration of probenecid. The drug is predomi- Ciprofloxacin is effective in treating CAPD-associated nantly employed in the treatment of S. aureus infection. peritonitis and systemic Salmonellosis but has to date not Clindamycin is effective against B. fragilis in addition to been widely used in managing infections in ITU [Ill. S. aureus infection, but is prone to induce Cl. diffieile-as- Teicoplanin, a new glycopeptide antibiotic related to sociated colitis. Fucidin is active against S. aureus - in- vancomycin, is eliminated more slowly, is better tolerated cluding beta-lactamase producing strains and is relatively and more potent than vancomycin. Its efficacy against non-toxic save for its venotoxicity. It is safe in penicillin- Gram-positive infections is proven and the drug is likely allergic patients and can be given for prolonged periods to find a place in the management of severe Gram-posi- where there is no hepatic disease. tive sepsis including that in neutropenics, and especially Vaneomyein is highly effective against Gram-positive in penicillin-allergic patients [13]. cocci, notably S. aureus, S. epidermidis, Strep. pyogenes, Cefmetazole, a new parenteral cephamycin, has been S. pneumoniae and the Strep. viridans. It is venotoxic and fully investigated and proved to be similar to cefoxitin but must be given by slow IV infusion because of flushing effective at lower doses and with less frequent administra- ("the red man syndrome"). Fast IV infusion may also in- tion than cefoxitin. Prolongation of the prothrombin duce hypotension. The drug should therefore be given by time has been described and the drug has been shown to slow infusion over 1 hr. Given orally vancomycin is non- be ineffective against Ps. aeruginosa infection [40]. absorbable and is the most effective therapy for Cl. dif- Meropenem, a new carbapenem with broad-spectrum fieile-associated pseudomembranous colitis. Its current activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative patho- use in ITU is mainly in the management of long-line-as- gens - including anaerobes, is active against Ps. aerugi- sociated S. epMermidis and S. aureus infection and in nosa~ Early studies suggest that the drug is likely to prove Gram-positive infections in penicillin-allergic patients. a safe and effective addition to the armamentarium for Benzylpenicillin is still widely and safely used in the management of severe infection. It is currently being fur- management of pneumococcal, meningococcal and ther investigated and may find a place in ITU therapy of streptococcal infections in ITU, and occasionally for se- sepsis patients [41]. Other penems are also "on the way" vere gonococcal septicaemia with DIC and multi-organ - including FCE 22101, which may prove useful in treat- disease. It is also widely combined with flucloxacillin for ing MRSA infections. the treatment of mixed Gram-positive sepsis for penicil- Aztreonam, a monobactam beta-tactam with narrow lin-sensitive organisms. Gram-negative activity, is effective and safe - notably in penicillin and cephalosporin-allergic patients, in "best guess" treatment the drug has to be combined with an ap- New antimicrobials propriate antimicrobial directed against Gram-positive In treating fungal sepsis, amphotericin B has long been bacteria. It has no activity against B. fragilis but has been the mainstay of therapy. Its potential for toxicity and effectively combined with vancomycin, clindamycin and need for protracted therapy has Ied to the development of gentamicin in treatment [12]. Fluconazole [37]. This drug can be administered i.v. as FIeroxaein, a newly developed trifluorinated quino- well as orally, is highly protein bound but excreted un- lone, is currently under investigation. It has broad-spec- changed in urine. It has proven to be a safe and effective trum activity, including activity against Ps. aeruginosa drug for treating Candida albicans infection and may be and S. aureus. The drug has a long half life (10 h) and given in large doses for several days with minimal side ef- needs to be administered with caution in patients with re- fects [38]. nal dysfunction. This may limit its application to therapy Acyclovir, an acyclic purine nucleoside of guanine, is in the ITU setting, but other quinotones are under cur- a valuable antiviral agent against the herpes virus infec- rent investigation which may prove useful. tions. It can be safely given i.v. and is effective against se- vere H. simplex and varicella H. zoster infections, which occasionally arise in compromised patients in ITU. Discussion Ganciclovir, given by IV infusion, is proving useful in Antimicrobial treatment in ITU patients generally has to treating severe CMV infections in immunocompromised be instigated on a "best guess" basis without objective patients. Its main toxicity is pancytopenia due to bone microbiological help. Drug hypersensitivity patterns, re- marrow depression - which especially arises if the drug nal dysfunction, DIC, acidaemia, hypoxaemia, previous is used in combination with AZT or co-trimoxazole. The administration of antimicrobials, known drug hypersen- drug is otherwise relatively safe [391. sitivity phenomena, possible drug interactions and The 4-fluoroquinolones, notably Ciprofloxacin, have known previous interactions have all to be considered in been well investigated in a range of serious infections. making the drug choice. This also must take into account This drug is active against Gram-positive and Gram-neg- known sensitivity patterns and the presence or otherwise ative bacteria, including Ps. aeruginosa and has been of "multi-resistant" bacteria or MRSA in the hospital shown to have excellent antibacterial activity, phar- and ITU. Polymicrobial sepsis may also occur. macokinefic profile and clinical efficacy. In-treatment de- Combinations of antimicrobials are given and gener- velopment of resistance, notably to Ps. aeruginosa, is not ally include an aminoglycoside with a penicillin plus uncommon. The major side effects are on the central ner- metronidazole if anaerobes are deemed to be present. C.C. Smith: Treatment of severe sepsis $247

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