British Players Win at Seabright- -Leonard Injures Hand; Tendier Bout Off Richards and Johnston Score '7T or>/^T^nnT TQ Parader Wins Matches in I A>¿a ¦Al ."VOrantland Riceh Champion Fractures Thumb America Ties Straight Sets w~ «DP* v»/±-0 LjIVÍ .e Race (Copyright, 1921, Xew York Tribune On His Partner With Britain Tilden and Washburn De¬ Inc.) Sparring MuasIl-'Returns An Old Refrain ^ïood Odds In fault; Yoshell Double Stirling "To the Lightweight K i u g Will Yacht Race From glory that ivas Greece Bouts Hereabouts Victor ; Women Advance Golf Campaign And the that iras Take* North Be Unable to Box for grandeur Rome." Gelding Creek Failure to Win Fifth Race "jtyfISS Aleia Stirling, the American FOE. HaiH'Heap From Ten Lee the Next Six Weeks TO-NIGHT Costs By Fred Hawthorne women's golf who "Cobb entered the American Armory A. A. (Jenrwwy City!.Mike Ü. S. Chance for champion, League in 1905. Speaker in 1908. Yet and Pav» Backers 10 to 1 Gibbons vs. Jeff Smith. 12 round* SEABRIGHT, N. J., Aug. 8..A ma¬ was b«eaten in the the Six - Meter recently English both are still up arcur.d .400." By Jack Lawrence «¿iMfnsboro A. ( ..Paul Jour»«»« »a. Trophy of the highest ranking men and and Scotch title meet, arrived Al Reich, IM run lulo. jority yes¬ lort and delivered .I>ou Bo- irom.n :n the country began terday from abroad. Out an By W. J. Macbeth crisp wallop, grasU v». 12 COWE?, Isle of 8 players along ancient track, against the well fortified head of Jack 1'fiiUy Krugr. rounds. Wight. Aug. (By the fir«* round matches to-day in the She asserted that she was rOGA, N\ Y., Aug. S..Despite The Associated Press).- In the sfx- given Where fate taken its fickle spin. Toland, dislocated and fractured the WEDNESDAY annual classic of the courts, the in¬ a royal welcom« by the British ''¦¦ fact that scratchings almost Boxingf Hrome A. A..Johnn* l>undce meter class yacht race Bailed golf¬ Greece and Rome have drifted back metacarpal bone of Leonard's vs. Cliao-ley White. to-day, vitation tournament on the ancient ers and afforded every ( ¡d the card here this afternoon Benny Midget Youjig Montreal ve the fifth .': the i-iternational series be¬ opportunity As the Bush has called them in. right hand afternoon and Smith. Johnny Buff v**. *"h:trley turf of the Seabright Lawn to bring home the cap. the spur', furnished the natrons of the yesterday l.cdou-, Marty Croa» vs. Paul HovU- tween British and American boats, each So, amid the caused an indefinite of 10 rounds each. arj Cricket Club. As to her immediate plans, Mlas hit-and-miss, Saratoga Raring Association was of postponement team scored 18 points. This makes th.- We now the lightweight champion's ad¬ THT7BSDAT The women's draw was particularly Stirling said she was undecided. shift the battlecry unusually hig Finishes in widely score for th« five races sailed 97 for vertised battle with .Jamaica S. C..Tommy ts with Mrs. Molla Bnirstedt Mal- She will remain To the that is Tris three of the races were close and the Lew Tendier, Pete V» 10 Stapleton Great Britain and 72 strong, in New York for a glory seheduied for in Phila¬ ¡lliüMs. rounds for America, and national it on I ? Friday night Broadway K. A.Marty Sommera -a. it is lory, champion; Mrs. Marion time, the guest of Long Island And the grandeur that is Ty. p the specu- delphia. Su, lor Joe Daly, 12 rounds. considered that the chances of the American team to win Zinderstiin Jessup, runner-up; Mi_3 friends, before she returned to her ; Monday rhe metacarpal bone -is the fragile FBIDAY hopeless. tne cup are Mary K. Browne and Mrs. Sut- home in the South. member which first gained world¬ lllli May Greece once hit .ASi, wide Infantry.Johuny Haye-« vg Kid The order of the finish was of ('reek a prominence when it was dislo¬ Iiucon, 12 rounds. to-day tc- Bandy, California, former out Handicap, on«- cated in the hand of Palace of Polly («British), Grebe and Fheila Rome poled .49-1. mile for 1 (Jeorges Car- Joy.Dave Rosenberr », champions; Miss Eleanor Gos.«*, Miss all season, but to-day he showed im¬ ; ntier against the jaw of .Tack Tommy McAleer. 12 rounds (American). Vic Mon- Each one knew the winnh score '. Demp- tauk « A Edith Sigourney, Miss Leslie Bancroft provement as he charged the net to g ie, was won Bey, heavyweight champion of the Jean ¡Brit¬ smash and to In the on ish and Genie ( A m trican i. and Mr?. Benjamin E. Cole, of Boston; volley. mighty jubilee. by S. A ,, ng world, July 2. in Boyle's Thirty There were Parader, Acres. Th« ri.ce w>« Milled in a whoie- Miss Phyllis Walsh, Florida thirty-two women enter¬ Once they knew the bliss th ¡outsider f the f which Jersey Jeff Smith süil good, champion; ing in the other event, and in each cas« buoyant Not since Britt's well to Put bre< better Miss Helen Connecticut the Linked unto the purse Jimmy known of the start, the order GiHeaudeau, favorites were victorious in th< Batting Eye; to ''ulna bone'' was pr to the of the crossing * and Miss first round of carry silks in of the mark tie-holder, Martha Bayard, play. Mrs. Bundy de Knew the glory that is Tris this'eve ...--. im fistic world has a part of a lighter's "Phantom- Gibbous being -tori*. feated Miss Edith at 6-0 t, being Inchcape, offensive and defensive G« nie. Fiya, Sheila, Mor.tauk and national indoor junior champion, as Handy 6-2, And Sinclair a make-up been showing more speed and the grandeur that is Ty. Harry paid thrust into so Grebe, it was a beat to windward ;,. the most prominent. power in hei it which prominent a place as the To Test the first stroking than she unfortunately mar-;, and Grebe, which a has done since sh< went ¦' metacarpal bone is is Holcombe Ward, former national came East. ng The condition of the to-day. To-night line, weatherly boat, worked from last Mrs. Mai One avd all fade from the track, ¦¦- 9 i deep ;: mud from Sparring Partner Unhurt place into second singles and doubles champion, and lory, repeating her whirl frame. the he ra position, beir.g less wind of last Men and en ¡gbt before, In a trifling boxing bout with To¬ than a minute a^r,-- James C. Auchlncloss, old Yale athlete. play week, when she woi nations.through the fight.. forced t [ild reth to with- Middleweight Contenders to ;>.. th« who are had the Metropolitan at Gier land, incidentally a boxer from the British bou. :rn. running jhe tournament, championship Hold their brief span in the game Poe, Light same from which the Clash at Chib : Dun¬ On the planned every detail with such care Cove, vanquished Miss Helen Tooker city southpaw Jersey first round the order wa ¦. that the entire of Greenwich, a score of 6-1. As into the hateau Lew Tendier hails, Leonard swung dee Polly. round of women's by 6-1, they pass night. an-; Lo a 10 leclined the issue. Seeks Tendier Huit Grebe, Flya, Victoria, Sheila. singles and the first and second Tiie national titleholder rap heavily with his right. The hand was Montauk, Jean and tier..?. to appear: But before they come to this, Ten Lee at rounds in the men's were com¬ trained the minute and full of Sets Pace aimed Toland's jaw. The absolute Grebe juát failed ¡,i w.-ather Polly singles Mrs. spirit Mike Gibbons, who on pleted before sundown, there She, Bundy and Mrs. Jessup are ii Sow, before their fame must die. This ift Pan li r, .--. Dart- .unimportance attached U, whether it has Loen confin- the second ro'ind. and was beaten by being the >rtg moat of .. sixteen survivors in each event. top half of the draw. One of thi that mo« ;. .it out. landed or not probably had som his lato fistic doings -to aighteen s< other American latter two Here's.the glory is Tris do with the fact 'hat it New British .will go out to-morrow, fo Whei irter brought York City and environs, wil] em- boftba Lmpro m th<- Players Survive meet in the And the grandeur that is ¦-. a thud seccmd circ An added they second round. Mrs Ty. Ten 1 fr« nc and heavy against Toland's bark on another of his from fifth attraction of the étage come¬ - Jessup overwhelmed I.Irs. William Près I i runav it above the port back | to third and Moni fifth place. ment this year is the presence of the ton .: -. Accord : to campaign to-mght in Genie was British isles Davis to-day by 6-0, 6-0. The Long Route f three lengths Toland's statements Jersey City. last throug rave. Cup team, consist¬ Miss Browne, recovere, -h w tl. later, t hot wa s not sev«re Mike «s scheduled tu meet Jeff of Captain Maxwell Ma¬ from her apparently Smith. ing Woosnam, indisposition of two week The great go the long route. "Pop" Anson lasted i f her a rtmoor diseommunicate him from of Bayonne, in a jor F. , 0. G. N. Turn- ago, twenty-three years. tl twelve-round bout Friar Rock B. defeated Mrs. Car! Hitchins" by Hans and aghts of dinner. He was not even at the Armory A. A. Colt Brings bull, J. Gilbert and T. Wallis My¬ score of 6.1, 6.1, The Cy Young twenty-two, Wagner Nap Lajoie twenty. Mathew- trailed ved from an on :i m the Mexican cham upright position, the toughest opponent on ers, eminent English tennis critic. pion's chop strokes heid no terrors fo son ruled for sixteen years, while Walter Johnson is in the midst of his ain props. After the of Priée at All except Myers, who was unfortunate Miss delivery Gibbons decided to Highest Spa Browne, who took the ball on th fourteenth season. Cobb and all their th. low, however, Leonard admitted return to the ring. The Bayonne mid¬ SARATOGA N V A ie high¬ enough to meet in at Speaker, considering manifold ..... volley every opportunity and sent te was licked for the first time in dleweight is clever and possesses much est pnce thus far broi his opening match, came through the back at qualifications, stand as the two outfielders of all care« year- of sharp angles, while overhea greatest time. littli star-spangled ring experience, but the St. Paui ales here day play successfully. she combined severity and accuracy. And Cobb is in his seventeenth of Kummer, who was on -fen Lee, rhe lightweight ehampion of rhe will receive a year major league with . ¡Phantom probably the tained Lo**.e, playing wonderfully steady service, ;;is mount and the .] quit right off the bat and a verdict. to-night for a dark bay colt, by and accurate from Miss Goss Plays Well in his fourteenth. public Gibbons had two easy game back-court, de¬ Speaker --.-. to the next call was sent out for Friar Rock.Swan ,.¦ feated Waiter Merrill former Miss Eleanor Goss deep going hurry Dr. Solo- encounters last week when he defeated .Sur>r being Hall, played impres The old game has always known one or more veterans .ail. let 1 'arader, who Rottenberg, of 38 West, L19th Augie Ratner and Gus Platti. ,$10,000. Thp pur Middle States champion, by a score of sively in defeating Miss Sara Atha, o great between j R. A. and tside, creep up and he Rottenberg has been In case of victory Mike will take on the colt fi.0, 6.3. Woosnam, whose is Seabright, by a score of 6.0. "Xing" Kelly Ty Cobb. ¦- ly, game have 6.0, b; ik j ou '.he physical welfi some of the smaller fry until Bryan hea based more on the style of our high never seen that tall West Side gii When Cobb and have closed out their show isted ng -. L« before and Pan men her so Speaker where the enough family Benny Downej Johnny Wilson settle the Santa R ranking than that oí any of the hitting shots clearly and forct !¦ Dartmoor a mean and her shadows have gathered between them and the box scores ting ing mitl die we ight s up remacy. brought a total of an other visitors, defeated tall Hugh Kel- fully, footwork has undergon of the day, what, was a close bottl« 1: knev Gibbons will then ask for $58,250, average a score decided ery meta¬ a chance a in ad of $o\«U0, a very leher by of 7.5, 6.4. Gilbert improvement. She should b youngsters of the present crop will take their places as veneral r lins lehind Dart- carpal e Leonard first the loser and all hands the meas¬ minute family. against finally The yearlings sold were th<- surprised by taking dangerous every she is in th still worth Thumb in agains: of chiefly ure' of our veteran, Sam Hardy, the tournament. inspection? Plaster Cast get Friar Rock and of Diaguise, th«- sets a1: Mrs. Cole ron Dr. called for Friar Rock youngste. going 5.7, 6.4, 6.3. Gilbert's by a wide margi Sialer, Hornsby, Young, Kelly, Ruth? Will any of these still be stars Rottenberg ice, and Now that the Leonurd-Tendler botit better T came ia a blending of back-court an from Miss Marie Lamarche, one of th ten from now? nny's dressing room app is prices. -t. fig moderate net. and is local the years With n a few minutes the officially postponed, chief interest ure of the i von distinguished by players, sets going at 6.> ice rought centers on the Drome's card H. T. by extreme C).0. The .... and Boxing Griffin for a chi accuracy. Boston star's powerful fon is swelling th© d to-morrow and on lly, bj went Speed and Distance i to evening especially Friar Rock Pin Turnbuli three set3 in defeat¬ hand drives and her far greater e: her und Benny his office, the lightweight tussle between Johnny ing Henry S, Parker, cf Cedarhurst, by perience told heavily against Miss Li ft going 1er tys, il was ,1 ic ered that and A highly esteemed contributor, G. V. R., rises to state that we are ii Dundee Charley White. The 135- -e of 7 .5, _ 6, 6 -4. The big marche. acarpal bone again in will into the in American who is modelled on The out of focus in that distance is a matter of w< pounders step ring Tennis Britisher, the her¬ summaries: suggesting speed and g the third bout of a line-up of four Players culean proportions of Joe Beckett, is Seabright Invitât ¦¦ ngles fflr or mass and momentum, applied to the object. plaster t was ¡ iced on the m- ten-roui the winner will prob- Victors Over not so foot as some or oui M. Johnston« ird thumb a Canadians a n R we ., . j with d, according ably get a chance against the cham- youn^ters, but he is a great finisher C»] V «r: Vital. 8 -6 Per« The point made was that power in hitting a ba-.eball, golf g, .:¦.:¦ : ts made Dr. Rotten- NIAGARA 1,. Ky. n ifeated Elon [I Hooker. 7 Re? ig dis pion when the latter is ready to return and his unfailing steadiness James M : lavles d< or tennis ball was a matter of at the moment the writer last night, the won finallj feat« «J All« n largely speed of n as t re straight- to ring. victor for im Lowrey, 2.ß, 6- I. 11 --rJ Dean Math, remain there for at least two weeks. for a defeated T. ir. on the part of the weapon employed. it for '.-¦ Fator Dundee has been clamoring Rtchards defeated Myers by a score Banks Jr., «.4. 4.6, «. U end of that time it may be but now Philip Vandeventer won from a n d chance against Leonard, that day. : ¦4, all ¿>f Vincent's strokes Davis Willis The rebuttal is offered that it isn't so much speed as ;r is a matti r but another one of is by default; 3 Howard .. Benny injured Johnny may gamble- ng well in the set. lr feated Voshell d rths. Cap«: replace it. Dr. E. W. opening Bernon S. Prentice 6.2, 6.>; cf timing, or the correct flick of the wrists at the r :. irass in the his cha ainst Tendier. H i;: the second session, Myers, who hac Brooks Penno jr. defeated J,«hv B. Ho' proper ; int. tiring stated that at least weeks must it i " r t ie iowever, that Tendier the ard. 6.1, ii.0; Major Arthur Yenck This is true. But the best : for ; before Leonard can even of Buffalo, studying youthful marvel': ¦¦.. '¦ undoubtedly probably definition of cor: c n i 1er bout before meet¬ at the start, n ',v im T. Tilden 2,1 bv defau did much better E. Williams lefea ! Ludlow timing is "maximum speed at the moment of It is training. Leonani. cievent»--. Vu impact." this flick f "It will be ing Han W3, while Richards was fi.2, i S. 6.3; Robert Kins months before Leonard x îd to take matters easily, defeated Joseph I. Werner, 6.2, G. the wrists at the right moment that drives a bat, golf club or tennis racket will b» able to appear in the Gee, F d Triple Farm's Penrose was ring Marty Cross and Paul Doyle will Johnston Has Tussle Dwight Davis feated Harold Qo to its as the ball is hit. There is a again,'' said Bunny's last shall, 6.1, : 9 6.2; A. H. Chapín top speed just big difference between ma Ie 1 Ji hn Sanford's physician open to-morrow night's show at the Cineir.: a am def°at,»,1 P. i night. Mc M. Johnston, the formel Edwn Lamed, -4. 9 of hands and i ¦.:.. .i fol Drome at 8 o'clock. .... Second run speed speed of implement. Boxing Johnny national ti( -, a Howard Kln.sey .- was Buff Ledoux are sched¬ : bad bit of i Karl Fischer, 6.3, Both can it and Charley Ottawa, 6 4.6, 10.8; Bûn u hands and club work at only moderate until for next bout and r ands in defeating Cap Levy « 6.2, 7. speed Penrose all Postponement to Cost uled the aft< Robert G, Van Vliet, at 8.6 Richards lei "crashing sector of the arc" is reached, where the last whirl or flick rac< ind the Dundee-White affair. Young .Mont¬ >i 2. The fi.0, 6.4; O. <'. S Martin Out: army man, starting with < Turnbull defeal does the trick. then The Promoters real and Midget Smith will enter the -*on on the defensiv« Hir'y 3. Parke ':. --n. 6 ...'. err $15.000 ring. rushed the net, well an« -, 7 lo to beat ( PHILADELPHIA, Aug. S. Herman perved an Mat 1 defeated M a ind Robert ly and held his own in the driv '., 6.2; Howard \ ted Phi Answering Why piac Gunnis, pro» ges, it was evident ¦'..¦ i I i .1 H Penno I another Leonard-Tendl r b« >ul. w artner of ( always defeated Ma "If Richards and Jones are -ich is be held in P il Georges eoursn that "Little Bill" was no ö.2, 6.3 Rob Bobby wonders ai tennis and -, itrun to he adelphia Na- ". 'ht will make another bow Kins, ;- .¦ ted E W a 6 Li ag ie B ill Pai letting £ out, but Van Vliet' 6.0 .¦ .' why haven't they ever won a national an : fans hereabout-, n rl mam lr.« , Governor Edward -t i to off lome 2, Mrs. Mai '/. J ip del .¦ Lev idler was in he midst of bring F h then II. L. did not defend his crown. ' . iw and State ; »¦! Mrs U'll Doherty S ra to^a "E p trie* rai n ng act viti« il quarters n Jersey, Republican oîleys, and one.-» he starte M .-. with th< air a? :, -J ., Ka" Ouimet and Johnson were N ¦'.. when informed Leon- pool batteries 6 !> lucky enough to win ;n I le ear v mco, of « - working Van Vlie Hooker, Vil Edward V. Lyi .- .-.-,-, F .-..:'. for iak" two ...,-,,..,Mr? .\, of their careers. i, anl ¦-...,- to game-. But they were exceptions. the ch name nd that of 1 B...... T. Tilden 2d. world' -> ch im an Martha R; But if Richards and Jones fail ,;'- i Watson M. N'eu to gather in scepter before B ii Washburn, 0: -V an lia conditioi k, were forced t "... are twenty-two wo have tripped over an easy gue And twenty-two 3 superintendent in fear of .,.-.. .i B. goin imarcru .' 0, B- young enough, even in this topsy-turvy a;r-. ind .< ¦¦ Willis E. Davis, of Califomh I, fea -¦..: Miss ¦-.¦ interview e- i a tram connection and arrive M Phyllis M alsh E. Colorado said thai luthorized to ' feated "¦ Captures Yankees Trail ai too .a*--1 *o play ¡n the « n ;- for the an ,....¦ | ... speak party. LON1 S. Howard Voshell tw .-. Since there isn't quite room enough on the thr ne r played Misa J i V atea N middleweight 85,000 Trotting Stake rst defeating Bernon ,' Young, 6.1, 8 "¡-- U Ion Gllloud« both and Wilson to sit down at one RANDALL, - India's Downey and .-ame time a .' NORTH Ohio, Team Arrives \lrn, I! S Davis, .V the in kingly 'url Aug. Cup ce, many time champion of th 6.3, 6.2; .ton Par of A India's Davis am ar- Margaret G '.'." M- Car' attitude, the only solution is for both to off or i, ;. IS5 : W Cup local c!ub, by a score of 6.2, 6.1 remaining get give w and then Mrs Robert Leroy defen to York yesti rday en route vanquishing Philip Vandf Mrs Bdwai an, 6.1, 6 again decide officially and definitely which roya! spine shall rest aga o dr m by to ChicagOj where it meets the Japan¬ venter, champion of New Jei ted Mrs. Car! V. HU the Walter w( th ese team on 18. 1 - plush. «55,1 August sey, by score of 6 -4, 6.4. Voshe Second round. g;Of ¦: ¦. th« .' iture eluded «apt lin Jacob L. S. A. A. n Miss Gosa defeated > Deane, anywhere r.f-ar top fon Walsh. 6.0, to-day's Grand Circuit rogram here. Mohammed Sleem. re f For even Shakespeare knew enough of the i. was K lolora lo': ( stake vic- tight game to suggest y :¦- six starts th a -"<"¦ He "If two men a ride horse one must ride behind." Since outsiders horned '.'-.. ur tn1 eas ly n straight into heats. R a c i n s? Summaries the picture there's nothing left but to shoot the scene over again. SARATOGA RACETRACK, AUGUST 8.WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK. HEAVY Jack Johnson ïs Barred Marksmen in Practice By Jersey Boxing Laws For Interna?, snal-^hoo! ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 8..Jack LYONS, Fr ine 1 2:li ice, -i. Time, Johnson will not be permitted to don a ca and other marksi THE PLAIN DEALER ' Rice .¦: in on the r RSE ...;.;:-: he i pair of boxing gloves in New Jersey practicing ;. M H« The commission an in paratory to the three . 1 1 ro Jersey gave Rro« lur 2 2 1 stance of its support of New York tiona! rifle shooting n Egan S 2 Barnes It«) ,'.oth: 'an. 6 a : >. -/ ;' laws when it to allow boxing refused vola -I 4 6 ;¦ -iTi '/jpi- .102 er the former to engage in a Burail «ff, Esc Eliza 1 in. Greal Cal »r- no champion Britl on, Selka and -. Uhlan Broofe B»:'i Campbell three-round exhibition with Willie * sta rted. ni T 12 3 _Wrv 105 12 ta 13 t> -.. Jackson at Atlantic City to-day. The ne «rwwî tii.l ijíror left ih«! remit la «Imitit. I-ucky FUid closed rei fasl New York commission previously .- ttnS/Hy Brlganaa -_.*i * ï<^y! rav:'j barred Johnson licence-« '' by limiting its 678 '' '' ''*' mu** Ü"*« T^ani ol'l and upward; para» $1,200. Ono mile to men under year": r>f Get thirty-eight age. the Truth I -

-, You sense Sea'-r» »t »i r-i!y -.«n: gallop! .. Cape l*n:_r ru a jwl race »wlft (iouch proved length and shape; the cuticle unbroken, will these superiorities for your .*** ' Gougler Appointed -.i., ;»_t ^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^__ EASTON, Ta., Aug. 8.- Another for¬ self. In the the smoc *"'' .''~" *** '¦".">'. !*OETH 'TU-TEK HANDICAP: fa» 'fan» v»r old«: pura*, $1 the surface of the nails velvet smooth. easy throttling down, 6S0 .'- mer of athlete ..¦ iff .-'*.-. good »on handily; piare '.!-lr:'ig Tin», 1:42 1 Univeraitj Pittsburgh quick the silence which cloaks tl ' has been to the fortunes pickup, 5 ¡am ¦¦.!/.¦ O-w-.» «"'ipt./ii engaged shape Of course : -, P flaco. 8h. of the Lafayette C liege football your personal taste guides the work splendid power. 4 For 11.< years Lafayette '¦ S Ï» of the women ¦4 l« has been brought to the front through attentive, highly proficient young But these are not all. All the way through, ¦¦¦ ' 3H ; 'r. UJ« 4 4 4 4 I the effort of who see to this important branch of our service. Chalmers is unmatched value in toe I/- an Fi : Ici, bot! Inventory Sale! Entire Stock market. -.¦."..! ep going ill furlong gr diron stars. Announcement has been Or Autor, '! upward; r*««-!», On« Sutherland and Seidel at Pittsburgh T1MK PAÏ1IKX1S .ARlU.NdKI), ments and individual nail brushes are used. " Ktart t>r*t. wi ilrlrlng pi* H v..-- b ;: No No can tell how " suc¬ So Notes! Mortguire««! I'ubllrtt.v! little it costs for t back in 1916, has been Bigned to :..¦.¦ you them, daily cor«! Seidel as assistant coach. Cmirli ;Cacllilm«». $2R0 n operation and for I'eckanl Twin Uoa lei IVerlea monthly repairs. ¦., *>I &> s» r«."-n.- :i I'lei .¦. .¦¦¦ ..-..' llunahui (1.1 2* 2' 2!l. I'/* 2'-» «cotl ...... >: 4 2 GIBBONS RINGSIDE & ;.-.¦<. Telephone any Chalmers owner. Telephone ".*.'-. «« SiU|i <¦. :;. N »wert * 7 fl .'3»" Umomtlne, I*" I; u J*"-" 11 11...-. us ..ft/-i: ill < '¦' ¦¦. BOX SEATS fiirr .ftr,.,». -«m-. now that you want to know how the '" good g 12 15 Best Locations. Touring, $1.-1)0 up; H I * Chalmers is. ^^^. SMITH Hefl''* * «-' ¦.. <:|i»r. ,,_ be ,, ,-* ..¦¦..¦ MAXWELL - "' JACOB'S u _"¦ .,-* » r)-t-* Ha «" the DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION **t .»»,, DUNDEE .. / Tic'.trt Office. :. 1308 Corner " '- BROADWAY, 59th Street '-'¦ - < 682 WK rot .. Normandie n,,tc!, !<.), 1 THE KNICKERBOCKER .,... X~S. Wlfifi«r. h t \/f Wink Broom IJ Uwuj a- ik.ii« si- .. \ The Wor'.ci TELEPHONE CIRCLE 3330 WHITE Trl. USD.Fitaror ¡.arfest ¡Harbtr Shop.Now Ntarini. Qmpielioi Bronx Branch: »-»¦ H ,.«. "tfxw I'laire. Kli 178lh STREET AND GRAND CONCOURSE I* f rt Op TEN CARLOADS^ OF TIRES B TE! ro*.M020R*t w-AtOOSP-ASTOSIA BIT-I. I l :t P»r;!»i*YlVAXlA Tremont 401 ', I TO-MOF/tvOW NíGHT Optn till 10 p m Op«a nu a p m. t1,!! ; tn Telephone ill ¦ I', ¦« 7 Opea p. B0XIN6.0R0MÎA.A. !A\L.¿rA*.. We Save Yoi: 40% \o 60-Tc MK "lOTLDIITO HOUSON T_Sil'rT*L Hunsr.n tfi-kihai BLno OPEN EVENINGS Ilfj '¦'.i *10 Will Hnv $.10 Worth «if l.r.-,. 'lu Hr«»il-v,T ¦« Chur-h St. < TBN ROUND nOTJTS m & TfL .loliiKiv t". Mimrlrv Wh't«, BUtUHKQ LOHOACaE BUItDITTO at'D«ON TKHSflîlAt BLDO M/«^«,.» /.. 111 DonâM IM Broid«,y :*'l Oí 81 SO jo«* Hrn Aiaoroee .lolinny ISufT m. * liurley î ,¦,!,,,,.. New 35x5 Tires.$12.50 to $30 B*'*T-.«t _.iirc» S«. < i Op«n '.111 Upa» [rkh l M i i Vanna Montrent »» Mlttget Sinllli KjjeoHent Ooporl p. % ¡:r ,'-r Marty OrOM »«. I'aiil I>oy|p j;*i¡_trlm«*ni ftatrrtreítino uni! AlUid "-Vrette I! i 'm»ri T k«bl «t «II «fi-n'ln* an,I nlfl,i« o( Club, Jandor! Automobile Co. IlT»fttm'/-/lJtoH« Motel Pci'U'iltanla Il* MrAtM l';'im 101. <;«l,:i«/ Th«» BWf,, 4«tli «i. CH l ALM ir.. »n,l Ifwi» Tnl »11 llryarit A«1«n 12 4 11 Kwtoa r.,*Kt r,*i «"». «:j to u*1 '*" .'*' 'U Mw, >«-» ERS * «i» tu*»'«»¿id« a«añ tif It «i . i*»« w» «HkM %i «,,ii Vark. I 17*214723 near 55th St. w **l i« ««.«>>»» ':*»*<*_*r iH»d '«u well In t»e «M»* Broadway,