Barrhead South Master Plan - June 2015

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Barrhead South Master Plan - June 2015 East Renfrewshire LDP Local Development Plan LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Supplementary Planning Guidance: Barrhead South Master Plan - June 2015 Planning Property and Regeneration Barrhead South SPG This Document Was prepared by Geddes Consulting on behalf of: East Renfrewshire Council, Avant Homes, Miller Homes and Wallace Land. Geddes Consulting | The Quadrant | 17 Bernard Street | Leith | Edinburgh | EH6 6PW [t] 0131 553 3639 [e] [email protected] [w] Contents Introduction 7 1. Design Principles 11 2. Masterplanning Guidance 47 BARRHEAD SOUTH | SPG 6 Site Location INTRODUCTION Introduction Barrhead South Strategic Development Opportunity Each of these SDOs will be subject to Supplementary The Local Development Plan reflects the need to (Barrhead South) is located within the defined M77 Planning Guidance (SPG). Individual approaches achieve a sustainable pattern of development, as set corridor (Policy M2 of the Local Development Plan) have been promoted by the Council through each of out under Strategic Policy 1: Development Strategy. which includes Dams to Darnley Country Park. its SPG to deliver the master planning requirements in each of these SDOs. Major areas for change have been identified to deliver This site is a fundamental part of the Council’s the Council’s long term vision and development M77 Strategic Development Opportunity where the This SPG provides information to assist the delivery strategy with development and delivery controlled Council supports planned growth at the M77 as of a coherent masterplan in Barrhead South and is through a master planning approach as set out defined on the Proposals Map in accordance with the next stage in the masterplanning process for under Policy M1: Master Plans. This SPG forms part Policy M1 and Policies M2.1 and M2.2 of the Local Barrhead South. of a suite of complimentary master plans. Development Plan. This SPG sets out the masterplanning principles The SPG has been subject to consultation with Barrhead South is one of three Strategic Development which should be followed at the more detailed design key stakeholders and agencies such as SNH, Opportunities (SDOs) promoted by the Council in its stage which will follow at the stage of securing SEPA, Scottish Water, Glasgow Clyde Valley Green Local Development Plan planning permission. Network, and others. The Council has already approved a Development This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) has It has also involved discussions with the service Framework (January 2014) for Barrhead South. This been prepared under Section 22 of the Town and departments in East Renfrewshire Council. sets out the development principles for Barrhead Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended South (Policy M2.2) including the provision of a new by the Planning etc. Scotland Act 2006 and forms Rail Station and links between Barrhead and the part of the Proposed Local Development Plan. Dams to Darnley Country Park. Other master plans have been approved for the other two SDOs. 7 BARRHEAD SOUTH | SPG 8 Aerial Photograph of Barrhead South INTRODUCTION The masterplanning guidance in this SPG Design solutions are illustrated to show examples of Consequently, the Development Framework has complements and applies the Supplementary appropriate treatment taking account of the known been updated to reflect the more detailed information Planning Guidance: Masterplanning and Roads technical requirements. available from these assessments as well as this to the specifics of the site, its surroundings and SPG. requirements at Barrhead South. This SPG is the outcome of a comprehensive technical appraisal undertaken for the site. It includes This updated Development Framework has been This SPG provides a comprehensive set of illustrative the following assessments: used to illustrate the design solutions in this SPG. guidance about specifications and their application across the site for the following topics: • Topographical Survey; As well as the Council, the following members of the • Flood Risk Assessment; project team have helped prepare this SPG: • Land Use and Built Form • Ground Investigation Study; • Delivering the Access Arrangements • Ecological Assessment; Geddes Consulting Masterplanning, • Delivering the Movement Hierarchy • Strategic Transport Assessment; Landscape Appraisal and • Sustainable Transport within this Movement • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment; Greenspace Infrastructure Hierarchy • Drainage Impact Assessment; T Lawrie & Partners Engineering • Integrating with our Neighbours in Barrhead • Water Impact Assessment Atkins Transport • Ensuring Landscape Fit with the surrounding GUARD Cultural Heritage Landscape These assessments are available for reference in JDC Ecology • Delivering the Green Space Infrastructure the Barrhead South Technical Appraisal Report. KAYA Consulting Flood Risk Assessment • Greenspace Links within Barrhead • Providing Play in the Green Network These assessments have updated the preliminary Its preparation is a collaboration between East • Incorporating Sustainable Urban Drainage work done to help prepare the Development Renfrewshire Council, Avant Homes, Miller Homes, Systems Framework for Barrhead South. and Wallace Land Investment and Management • Design Guidance (Wallace Land) who have land interests within the • Management and Maintenance site allocated as Barrhead South. These principles and guidance will ensure that areas within Barrhead South can be developed independently in the knowledge that connections can be made; specifications will be common and the desired infrastructure requirements across Barrhead South will be fully integrated. View from Springfield Road looking north over Miller Homes site. 9 10 1 Design Principles 1.1 Principles 1.2 Land Use and Built Form 1.3 Sustainable Transport 1.4 Access 1.5 Movement Hierarchy 1.6 Engineering and Infrastructure 1.7 Sustainable Urban Drainage System 1.8 Greenspace Strategy 1.9 Greenspace for People 1.10 Landscape Fit 1.11 Biodiversity 1.12 Development Framework 1 11 BARRHEAD SOUTH | SPG 12 Indicative Development Framework DESIGN PRINCIPLES | Principles 1.1 Principles The approach being taken to deliver Barrhead South provides a strong foundation for the delivery of sustainable growth in Barrhead. The site’s design principles are based on the vision and proposals established in the Barrhead South Development Framework. The principles established in planning guidance at both national and local levels underpins these proposals. Informing these principles is the detailed analysis of the physical characteristics of the site and its context. Details of this further information can be found in the supporting Technical Appraisal Report. The design principles described in the following sections, are as follows: • Land Use and Built Form • Access • Sustainable Transport • Movement Hierarchy • Engineering and Infrastructure • Sustainable Urban Drainage System • Greenspace Strategy • Greenspace for People • Landscape Fit • Biodiversity • Development Framework An example of new homes and streets 13 BARRHEAD SOUTH | SPG 14 Illustrative Land Use DESIGN PRINCIPLES | Land Use and Built Form 1.2 Land Use and Built Form Residential development forms the majority of the Local Distinctiveness The use of a consistent pallet of materials and land use in Barrhead South. Consideration of the connections between the finishes is advocated by this SPG to ensure visual existing and proposed urban form identifies the continuity throughout Barrhead South. The proposals for Barrhead South reflect a residential routes and spaces required to establish a distinctive character along with opportunities for the creation of sense of place. In creating distinctive places, a variety of design a greenspace network including play facilities. responses will be welcome particularly in the The proposed urban form provides local detailing and design of new homes in due course. Additional land uses supporting a new community distinctiveness through the creation of new at Barrhead South include the potential for a new neighbourhoods within a strong greenspace network. The design guidance in this SPG is not prescriptive Rail Station with associated parking, live-work units, and allows considerable flexibility in the range of and community facilities. The proposed locations are The new homes will come forward in a phased design responses to create distinctive places. illustrated on the plan opposite. approach delivered by a range of house builders. Potential to Encourage Sustainable Social The location of the land uses across Barrhead South The new neighbourhoods created in this process and Economic Activity respond to the opportunities and constraints which will be distinctive in their design character whilst The establishment of the new Rail Station provides influence the site. maintaining an underlying consistency through the the greatest opportunity to generate the potential for guidance provided in this SPG. further economic activity in Barrhead South as well Proposals will accord with Designing Places and as being a hub for future social activity. Designing Streets. Visual Quality The urban form incorporates measures to provide The potential for a local shop at Springfield Road is Designing Streets describes the need for the creation the necessary visual quality. also recognised. of a positive sense of place which encompasses a number of aspects. The definition of neighbourhoods, spaces and their Social and economic activity is supported by a uses will have
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