Emtree Terms Changed in January 2018

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Emtree Terms Changed in January 2018 Emtree Terms Changed in January 2018 Emtree Terms Added and Changed (January 2018) This is an overview of new terms added and changes made in the first Emtree release in 2018. Overall, Emtree shows a net growth of 1,308 preferred terms (250 drug terms and 1,058 non-drug terms) compared with the previous version released in September 2017. In total Emtree now counts 79,984 preferred terms. Because the terms added include replacements for existing preferred terms (which become synonyms of the new terms) as well as completely new concepts, the number of terms added exceeds the net growth in Emtree. Other changes could include the merging of two or more existing preferred terms into a single concept. The terms added and changed are summarized below and specified in detail on the following pages. Emtree Terms Added in January 2018 1,397 new terms (including 88 replacement terms and promoted synonyms) have been added to Emtree as preferred terms in version January 2018 (compared to September 2017): 295 drug terms (terms assigned to the Chemicals and Drugs facet). 1,102 non-drug terms (terms not assigned as Chemicals and Drugs). The new terms (including the replacement terms and the promoted synonyms) are listed as Terms Added on the following pages. Note that many of these terms will have been indexed prior to 2018 (typically as candidate terms), sometimes for several years, before they were added to Emtree. Emtree Terms Changed in January 2018 88 terms (46 drug terms and 42 non-drug terms) from Emtree September 2017 have been replaced by 85 different terms in January 2018 (45 drug terms and 40 non-drug terms). Of these, 78 terms (43 drug terms and 35 non-drug terms) are new (e.g. new generic names for drug chemical names) and have been assigned creation date 2018; the remaining 7 replacement terms (2 drug terms and 5 non-drug terms) were already present in Emtree. No drug terms were replaced by a non-drug term, 1 non-drug term was replaced by a drug term. No preferred terms were deleted. Changes are presented in alphabetical order of the new terms. Emtree Terms Added in January 2018 2 Drug terms [5,10,15,20 tetrakis(4 carboxyphenyl) 21h,23h calcium chloride plus dextrose plus lactic acid porphine]manganese(iii) chloride plus magnesium chloride plus sodium AAA protein bicarbonate plus sodium chloride ABC transporter D1 calcium chloride plus lactic acid plus magnesium ABC transporter subfamily A chloride plus sodium bicarbonate plus sodium ABC transporter subfamily B chloride ABC transporter subfamily D calcium chloride plus magnesium chloride plus adafosbuvir lactic acid plus potassium chloride plus adarigiline sodium bicarbonate plus sodium chloride plus adavivint sodium phosphate adavosertib calcium chloride plus magnesium chloride plus ADP ribosyl cyclase potassium chloride plus sodium bicarbonate ADP ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP ribose hydrolase 1 plus sodium chloride plus sodium phosphate aldo keto reductase calcium plus colecalciferol aldo keto reductase family 1 member B10 camidanlumab aldo keto reductase family 1 member C2 camidanlumab tesirine aldo keto reductase family 1 member C3 canerpaturev alirinetide capivasertib alobresib cell adhesion molecule 1 angiopoietin related protein cell free nucleic acid angiopoietin related protein 4 channelrhodopsin anoctamin circulating microRNA anoctamin 1 circulating tumor DNA antiacidosis agent cobicistat plus darunavir plus emtricitabine plus antihypokalemic agent tenofovir alafenamide antineoplastic monoclonal antibody contezolid antroquinonol contezolid acefosamil apolipoprotein L cyclosporine apolipoprotein L1 daikenchuto arfolitixorin damistimagene matitucel asivatrep danvatirsen atabecestat darvadstrocel atidortoxumab davamotecan pegadexamer avapritinib decitabine plus tetrahydrouridine aversive agent deleted in azoospermia protein 1 B cell lymphoma/leukemia 10 delgocitinib bacteriocin factor demplatin pegraglumer baculoviral IAP repeat containing protein 3 deoxynucleoside triphosphate bb 301 triphosphohydrolase SAMHD1 beinaglutide desidustat bemarituzumab desmetramadol bemcentinib dextrose plus lactic acid plus magnesium chloride benzalkonium chloride plus chlorhexidine plus potassium chloride plus sodium digluconate bicarbonate plus sodium chloride berdazimer sodium difamilast berlimatoxumab disks large homolog 1 bestrophin disks large homolog 4 birtamimab DNA (cytosine 5) methyltransferase 1 bone marrow stromal antigen 2 DNA mismatch repair protein MSH2 C-C motif chemokine 18 DNA repair protein XRCC1 calcium chloride plus dextrose plus lactic acid double strand break repair protein MRE11 plus magnesium chloride plus potassium dual oxidase chloride plus sodium bicarbonate plus sodium efepoetin alfa chloride eflenograstim alfa elenbecestat Emtree Terms Added in January 2018 3 elsulfavirine lenabasum emiplacel letrozole plus ribociclib enarodustat leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor enistimgene setitucel subfamily B member 1 enterotoxin receptor leukocyte surface antigen CD53 environmental marker lifirafenib exebacase lipopolysaccharide receptor F box/WD repeat containing protein 7 lonapegsomatropin fatty acid binding protein 3 loncastuximab fenebrutinib loncastuximab tesirine fidanacogene elaparvovec lotamilast fimepinostat loxicodegol firibastat lumasiran flotetuzumab magnesium chloride plus potassium chloride plus fluticasone furoate plus umeclidinium plus sodium bicarbonate plus sodium chloride plus vilanterol sodium phosphate foliglurax marstacimab food ingredient mavelertinib forkhead box protein L2 MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus protein fulacimstat metallocene garvagliptin milademetan glecaprevir plus pibrentasvir minesapride Glycyrrhiza glabra root miralimogene ensolisbac Glycyrrhiza uralensis root mosunetuzumab glycyrrhizae radix mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma goshajinkigan translocation protein 1 gosuranemab multidrug resistance associated protein guanine nucleotide exchange C9orf72 nadofaragene firadenovec heat shock transcription factor nalotimagene carmaleucel heat stable enterotoxin receptor agonist nangibotide hemolysin factor nectin heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 netrin receptor histone acetyltransferase KAT5 netrin receptor DCC hmed ides nsc500 homeobox protein Meis1 nucleolysin TIA 1 isoform p40 homeobox protein Nkx 2.1 olinciguat hyaluronate synthetase olorofim ianalumab onasemnogene abeparvovec iberdomide oncolytic reovirus iladatuzumab opaganib iladatuzumab vedotin opigolix imlifidase opiranserin immunological antineoplastic agent opolimogene capmilisbac in 3012 oxalate decarboxylase inhibitor of growth protein 1 P type ATPase Kampo medicine (drug) pamiparib katanin parsaclisib Kiss1 receptor partner and localizer of BRCA2 Krev interaction trapped protein 1 pavinetant Lac factor pegerythropoietin lactic acid plus magnesium chloride plus sodium pegzilarginase bicarbonate plus sodium chloride pemlimogene merolisbac ladiratuzumab peroxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor ladiratuzumab vedotin peroxisomal targeting signal 2 receptor lanacogene vosiparvovec peroxisome biogenesis factor 2 lazertinib petesicatib leflutrozole phytochemical Emtree Terms Added in January 2018 4 pixatimod talacotuzumab platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 target of rapamycin complex subunit LST8 platelet-rich fibrin tasadenoturev plocabulin tasipimidine poly ADP ribose binding protein tbx 1400 polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate hydrogel telacebec potassium bicarbonate plus potassium citrate tesirine prasinezumab Thy 1 membrane glycoprotein pre B cell leukemia transcription factor 1 tigolaner protein CBFA2T1 tilsotolimod protein kinase Mer timrepigene emparvovec ralaniten tiragolumab rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR tirvalimogene teraplasmid Ras related protein Rab 27A tislelizumab raspberry leaf extract tralesinidase alfa receptor for activated C kinase transactinide receptor type tyrosine protein phosphatase C transcription factor 4 redasemtide transcription intermediary factor 1 beta reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide transcriptional activator GLI3 phosphate oxidase 5 transcriptional regulator ATRX regulatory associated protein of mTOR triose sugar alcohol relatlimab tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member relmapirazin 12 remlarsen tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily renapersen member 12A retinal specific ATP binding cassette transporter tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily RhoC guanine nucleotide binding protein member 6 riamilovir tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily rice bran oil member 8 rikkunshito tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily rovazolac member 9 SAP90/PSD95 associated protein ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase 7 seliforant ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase CYLD serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type umbralisib serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 5 uproleselan serine protease HTRA1 vactosertib serine/threonine protein kinase WNK1 valziflocept setrusumab vatinoxan short chain dehydrogenase/reductase vecabrutinib short stature homeobox protein virulence plasmid sialomucin core protein 24 vorasidenib sirtratumab votrisiran sirtratumab vedotin WW domain containing oxidoreductase sofosbuvir plus velpatasvir plus voxilaprevir yokukansan spartalizumab zanubrutinib spherox zenocutuzumab sphingosine kinase inhibitor zinc finger and BTB domain containing protein 16 strobilurin zinc finger E box binding homeobox 2 sultimotide alfa zinc finger protein GLI2 T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 zinc transporter 8 T lymphoma invasion and metastasis inducing zolbetuximab protein 1 Emtree
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