TRAINING ROOM Outfield, Baserunning, By Ken Bolek, Director, IMG Academy program To progress as a baseball player, you need to establish proper fundamentals. Start with these drills to hone the basics, and you’ll be on the path to success.

Wheel drill (outfi elders) Purpose: The ability to track down balls in the gap requires more than just speed. Elite outfi elders know that the fi rst step they take to a ball is critical to whether or not they will make the . This drill will help you take the proper fi rst step in any direction. Setup: Place eight cones evenly separated in a circle, each 10 feet apart from the player in the middle, with the coach outside the circle with a ball. The outfi elder sets himself in the “ready” position – head up, back straight, knees fl exed, weight on the balls of his feet. Drill: The coach motions with a ball to a cone or yell a specifi c cone. The player focuses on the fi rst step in that direction, but takes two or three more to complete the motion. If the direction is to the front or sides, the proper fi rst step is a crossover. When the lead foot lands, it should be pointed directly at the cone, with the trail- ing foot pivoting. When taking the fi rst step, think of a vertical line going from the ground up through the lead knee. The chest should be in front of the line for proper stride length. If the direction is to the back, the fi rst step is a drop step. Always drop step to the glove side, where you have more extension for your shoulder and arm on balls straight over you. Note: The coach can either throw the ball up and behind the player (player uses drop step) or roll it on the ground in front (player uses cross-over step).

Page 80 • • Reading a pitcher (base runners) Purpose: Just like successful , the best base stealers rely on their eyes as much as their legs. By keying on certain habits of pitchers, a runner can often get an idea of whether a pitcher is planning on going to the plate or attempt a . Setup: During drills and intrasquad scrimmages, put small pieces of tape on the back of the pitcher’s left shoulder, knee and heel (opposite for left-handers) on which runners can focus. Drill: The runner should focus on small parts of a pitcher (hence the tape), not the pitcher’s whole body, and start analyzing the pitcher from the ground up. If it’s a right-handed pitcher throwing from the stretch, look for small movements like lifting his left heel first, bending his left knee first or moving his left shoulder slightly. Other hints as to where the pitcher is going include lifting his chin or going home after a certain number of looks to first. Sometimes finding a pitcher’s tendencies can take a number of pitches. For left-handed pitchers, look at the kick foot. If a left-hander swings his kick foot past the back edge of the pitching rubber, he is required to to the bat- ter (unless he is throwing to second base). You can also look for the upside-down “V” formed between the pitcher’s legs during his motion. If you can see the “V”, he can still go to first. Once the “V” closes, he must go home. Many base stealers are comfortable keying off the back shoulder by watching the position of the back shoulder as the pitching hand is separating from the glove. If the shoulder remains on plane to the plate, he will go to the plate. If the shoulder moves, he will go to the first base.

Baseball The Magazine Issue 4, 2012 • Page 81 7-Ball Drill (hitters) Purpose: Demonstrate For more awareness and solidify in-and-out zone information on the integrity. Setup: Place seven touching IMG Academy across the front edge of home plate to baseball program’s establish the entire width of strike zone, with a coach throwing from behind a boarding school or pitching screen. camps available Drill: The batter takes full batting or soft- toss practice. After each pitch, he has to year-round, contact call out the number where the pitch was baseball@ located (e.g. 1 for the ball on the farthest or inside of the plate, 7 for the ball on the farthest outside edge). 800-872-6425.

Pivot Drill (hitters) Purpose: Utilize proper rear leg pivot during core rotation to maximize power potential. Setup: Place a rectangular object (block of wood, cardboard box, etc.) about the height of an ankle along the batter’s rear foot. Drill: The batter takes full batting or soft-toss practice. As the batter swings and pivots the back foot, the object should re- main stationary. No part of the back foot should be touching the object during the swing or follow through.

Mirror Drill (hitters) Purpose: Visually establish basic body and bat angles in stance and after stride. This is an advanced drill that requires a batter to al- ready know proper stance and swing mechanics. Setup: Position a batter at the plate with a full-body mirror in front and to the side. The mirror should have horizontal and vertical reference lines to help with alignment. Drill: The batter should get into his stance and use Back Toss Drill (hitters) both mirrors to ensure the Purpose: Eliminate body drift for improved swing proper angles. With the plane and power. mirrors, the correct angles Setup: The batter establishes a normal stance can be seen, as angles while a teammate or coach positions themselves cannot be felt. The batter behind the plate. should establish a stance Drill: The coach/teammate tosses balls at vari- and take a stride, all while ous points – high and low, inside and outside – of watching individual body the strike zone. The batter keeps full concentra- parts like the feet, knees, tion on the ball during load and stride and drives hips, shoulders, arms and the ball with a normal swing. The batter should hands to ensure correct remain aware to stay back during the swing and positioning. not to “drift” forward with hips and/or upper body.

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