Florence-Darlington Stormwater Consortium Minutes

December 2, 2010 10:00 a.m. City of Hartsville Planning Offices

The City of Hartsville, although not an MS4 partner, graciously invited the Consortium to their offices for a briefing on the Rain Garden that is being constructed with 319 Grant funds. Hartsville City Planning members were guests of the Consortium for the meeting. Thanks to the City of Hartsville Planning Office for providing lunch.

The meeting convened at approximately 10:07 a.m. with an introduction of members and guests. In attendance were: Alvin Ard, Drew Griffin, Dana Hamilton, Dan Hill, Amanda Ley, Chris Moats, Amanda Pope, Doug Reimold, Julie Ritz, Benjie Smith, Geoff Smith, Forrest Whittington, Terasa Young, Harvey Daniel, Meredith Murphy, Drake Loflin, Kevin Gray, James Clemons, and Stephen Wild. The purpose of this meeting was to learn about the Rain Garden and plan educational activities for the upcoming Spring season.

City of Hartsville Rain Garden James Clemons and Stephen Wild of the City of Hartsville, along with Geoff Smith of BP Barber, presented the Rain Garden design and implementation. The Rain Garden is located in the empty lot between the Planning Offices and the Police Department. The design includes kiosks, a bench, and various plans and tress, both native and imported. The Garden is not designed as a pass-through and the outfall was redesigned slightly to direct water flow to the stormwater system. Presently, the City has broken ground, and they expect a completion date of before the first of 2011. The 319 Grant requires a 60/40 match, and Hartsville’s match consisted of (largely) in-kind match through time and equipment.

Meredith Murphy, the 319 Grant Coordinator for DHEC-BOW, stated that the last grant cycle allowed both Demonstration Projects, such as the Rain Garden, and Watershed Based Plans, such as replacing failing septic systems. Unfortunately, the new grant cycle will only allow Watershed Based Plans. Hartsville was able to receive the Grant funding because they were not yet an SMS4. The individual Consortium members can apply for the new grant cycle only if the project area is not in an SMS4.

Harvey Daniel with DHEC – BOW stated that he is working on a TMDL for Sparrow Swamp in Darlington County. He estimated the drainage of the watershed to be about 87 square miles. Drew Griffin (Florence City) asked if there could be an opportunity for the City of Florence (all SMS4) and Darlington County (the Sparrow Swamp area being out of the SMS4) to partner to decrease the loads in the City. Doug Reimold (Darlington County) responded positively. After a question from a consortium partner, Geoff reported that the projected removal efficiency (on paper) for the Rain Garden would be approximately 75%, but that in reality it may be as high as 85-90%. Terasa asked to be included in the public notice email list, and she would then forward on to Consortium partners.

Drew asked Meredith if the 319 Grant Funds were spread among the requesting entities or if it were more competitive in nature, to which Meredith responded it was competitive. She stated that a TMDL or impairment on the water body could possibly help the requestor, but that the process was still competitive.

Consortium Activity Updates

Terasa reminded everyone to please report their activities for this permit cycle. She stated it was easier to compile the reporting on a monthly basis than at the end of the reporting cycle.

Terasa reported that there has been some problem getting the monthly article in the Morning News on the first Sunday of the month as scheduled but there has been at least one article per month both in print and online. She has also done many local radio talk shows, as well as TV talk shows. The Consortium has had a presence at the following community events: Fall Plant and Flower Show (PD State Farmers Market), SC Water Resources Conference (Columbia), Pecan Festival (Florence City), Eastern Carolina Ag Fair, Fall Frenzy (Lynches River County Park), and Williams Middle and Johnsonville Elementary Schools (Florence County), and the Sweet Potato Festival (Darlington), as well as the Science Council Conference (Myrtle Beach). These were just the highlights. If the Consortium members want a copy of the excel spread sheet that has what has been reported, let Terasa Young know and she will export and email.

The City of Florence reported that their Pet Waste Ordinance program is underway. They have revisited many other ordinances because of it. They advised anyone looking into this ordinance to think it through carefully because of the ramifications, especially in administering the ordinance.

City of Florence gave out 500 dog biscuits at the Pecan Festival, as well as printed material.

Questions were asked about the types of printed material and their effectiveness, and it was suggested that coloring book style information be given to parents of children for their children or children who come in with their parents. Terasa will look into this idea.

A PSA about Pet Waste is currently airing on WIBZ, WDXY, and WWHM in Sumter & on WFRK, WOLH, and WSIM in Florence. The PSA mentions both the FDSC and Sumter Stormater Solutions. Terasa is overseeing the redo of the voiceover for the Fish commercial to include the Sumter Consortium and then Miller Communication will run it as well.

New pet brochures are ready to go to local Vet offices, and Consortium members approved the list as complete. Terasa will distribute.

Terasa shared the pet adoption surveys, and Stephen from the City of Hartsville suggested they also go to Vet offices, as well. Terasa stated a quick revision of the card would work and took the suggestion under advisement.

Terasa reported that both Nucor and Vulcraft companies are looking into marking the storm drains on their properties. Terasa will provide GPS equipment if necessary for map purposes. Alvin from City of Florence suggested that camper parking areas (as in Malls, etc.) are hotspots and should be considered for marking, as well. He reported that he had inventoried 408 areas for marking. Drew reported that all subdivisions being constructed are required to mark storm drains. It was suggested that Eagle Scouts, School Groups, etc. that wanted to get involved could do Door Hangers and storm drain marking. Geoff mentioned that it is important to coordinate the volunteer effort with the MS4s so they have an inventory of what has been done since that will be required as part of another MCM.

Upcoming Educational Opportunity Events

Terasa reported she and Dara Park (Clemson Research and Education Center) are putting together a speaker series on the Environmentally Friendly Landscaping (Carolina Yards and Neighborhoods Program). Upstate Forever has held several speaker series and shared information with Terasa.

The series would run monthly from February – November. Terasa is working with the Florence Library to see if the first Thursday from 7-8 p.m. is consistently available. If not, an alternate day would be the second Thursday of the month. The target audience is homeowners and the general public. Stephen Wild of the City of Hartsville suggested offering recertification credits for both Private and Commercial Pesticide Applicators if possible. Terasa will look into this.

Dan of Kalmia Gardens reported that the 4H2O camps will be the 22-24 of June. Terasa stated she is hosting 4H2O at the Pee Dee Research and Education Center July 11-15. Dan offered as many as 8 canoes for the PDREC camp (6 is easy, but 2 more can be obtained, if needed). Terasa will contact Dan if arrangements with Wildlife Action do not work out.

Terasa reminded the Consortium of the email regarding IDDE and hotline links. Consortium members please contact Terasa to establish the links.

Terasa mentioned the possibility of hosting consortium events for World Water Day (WWD) is in March and Earth Day (ED) is in April (both are 22nd). She thought perhaps a coloring contest would be appropriate for WWD and asked the group for input. Kalmia Gardens has sponsored a coloring contest in the past. The art work generated has been displayed at their Earth Day event. In the past, Sonic Restaurant has donated ice cream gift certificates which Dan has given to teachers to give to students. It was suggested that because of other Consortium member’s past experiences with the school districts, that schools be given as much notification as possible. The contest could potentially be included as part of school lessons provided it was approved by the district(s).

Terasa mentioned hosting a larger event for Earth Day based on the Forestry Commission’s Wood Magic event. For more information on Wood Magic see http://www.state.sc.us/forest/woodmagic.htm The event could target 5th or 7th graders and be held at the Florence SWIM. This event would feature stations set up around the SWIM that students would visit on a rotating basis and time allotted will include a snack and lunch, as well as possible crafts. Terasa stated she would help staffing this event, as each “station” would need to be staffed for the event. The City of Florence indicated Terasa should contact them and let them know what is needed. She will also contact other consortium members as more details of the event are developed.

Carolina Clear has a statewide Facebook page. The Consortium liked the idea and approved presence on Facebook. The concept of a monthly newsletter was discussed, but Consortium members felt that it would be too time-consuming and simply posting information on the “Wall” would suffice. If needed later, a newsletter could be developed and maintained on a quarterly basis (Thanks, Drake. That was a good compromise).

There is an LID webinar workshop on December 9 from 1-3. CE credits will be available, as an “end-of-presentation” link can be established to print forms. The City of Florence will host this workshop from the Barnes Street Activity Center.

Two Rain Barrel Workshops were discussed: One in April to coincide with events at Kalmia Gardens on April 9th and one on May 7th to be held at the Barnes Street Activity Center.

An idea for a pervious surface workshop was presented. The Consortium thought it was a good idea and suggested a target audience of contractors, architects, landscape architects, and landscapers. Recertification credits for various groups will be investigated. Late spring, with a suggested month of May, is the target time period. Consortium members please get an invitation list to Terasa. Terasa will bring suggested dates to the next meeting.

Terasa inquired about an organized HHM disposal day. The City of Florence had done one several years ago which was successful (but not inexpensive). Ideas for advertising materials include printed sponges, refrigerator magnets and a slide-rule style information piece about how to dispose of these materials. Some solutions include partnering with local restaurants and exempting churches. HHM will be discussed at the next Consortium meeting.

New Permit Cycle beginning March 2011

Individual Notice of Intents (NOIs) will be due by January 14, 2011. Geoff reported that the NOI is expected to be out tomorrow (12/3) and the draft permit possible the week beginning December 6. Geoff will contact each SMS4 to work on the NOI. SMS4s please schedule your time with Geoff asap.

Geoff stated that the NOI will need to express target pollutants for the entire consortium. The Consortium will meet again January 5th to identify the pollutants which will be addressed by the consortium. Some suggestions were Pet Waste, Fats, Oils and Grease, PHFs, and litter/yard debris. Consortium members are to come to the next meeting prepared to decide the pollutants and target audiences for the consortium.

Geoff reported that the 5-year budget for this cycle (with a minimum of 3 years activities) needs to include BMP and monitoring, capital improvements to deal with s/w issues, monitoring, staff, and equipment. The only testing that will be necessary within the SMS4s is for TMDL areas. Other areas of the counties outside of the MS4 can be done with 319 Grant Funds. Thus, if the SMS4 is considering a S/W utility, thinking of the peripheral issues is important, as well. He encouraged each SMS4 to think through each of these issues when preparing their budgets.

Geoff pointed out that the new permit cycle has stricter regulations for “statistically valid” information. So, keeping good records with location and numbers is going to be important. Inventorying inlets, storm drain systems, catch basins, etc. and exact location with GPS equipment will be important. Drew reported that this also helps the Community Rating System for the Floodplain Management.

Drew reported that they were revisiting Stormwater issues in their Comp plans, including maintenance. This revisit is causing a revision to about 60% of the Zoning Ordinances.

Next meeting was set for Wednesday, January 5th, 10:00 a.m. at the Florence County Extension Office in Florence (S. Irby St. site).

Meeting adjourned approximately 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Ritz